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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alien Places in Late Soviet Science Fiction : The "Unexpected Encounters" of Arkady and Boris Strugatsky as Novels and Films

Cederlöf, Henriette January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation deals with how science fiction reflects the shift in cultural paradigms that occurred in the Soviet Union between the 1960s and the 1970s. Interest was displaced from the rational to the irrational, from a scientific-technologically oriented optimism about the future to art, religion, philosophy and metaphysics. Concomitant with this shift in interests was a shift from the future to an elsewhere or, reformulated in exclusively spatial terms, from utopia to heterotopia. The dissertation consists of an analysis of three novels by the Strugatsky brothers (Arkady, 1925-1991 and Boris 1933-2012): Inspector Glebsky’s Puzzle (Otel’ U pogibšego al’pinista, 1970), The Kid (Malyš, 1971) and Roadside Picnic (Piknik na obočine, 1972) and two films Dead Mountaineer’s Hotel (Hukkunud alpinisti hotell/ Otel’ U pogibšego al’pinista, Kromanov, 1979) and Stalker (Tarkovsky, 1980).  The three novels, allegedly treatments of the theme of contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence, were intended to be published in one volume with the title Unexpected Encounters. The films are based on two of the novels. In the novels an earlier Marxist utopia has given way to a considerably more ambiguous heterotopia, largely envisioned as versions of the West. An indication of how the authors here seem to look back towards history rather than forward towards the future is to be found in the persistent strain of literary Gothic that runs through the novels. This particular trait resurfaces in the films as well.  The films reflect how tendencies only discernable in the novels have developed throughout the decade, such as the budding Soviet consumer culture and the religious sensibilities of the artistic community.

The Paris Declaration - A Paradigm Shift At All Levels? : Swedish Non-Governmental Organisations' Roles in Development Aid Policy

Palmgren, Anna, Lundberg, Åsa January 2009 (has links)
In order to make development aid more efficient, a large number of donors, including Sweden, signed the so called Paris Declaration in 2005. The Declaration gives the partner countries more responsibility for their own development and aims to make he development aid provided by donor countries more measurable. It has been referred to as a paradigm shift within this policy area due to its far‐reaching goals. The Declaration has consequences for all actors in the development aid community, and this thesis aims at outlining and analyzing the effects of the Declaration on the Swedish non‐governmental organisations which hold a frame agreement with the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA). As an increasing part of evelopment aid is being channelled through NGOs and they hold an important role in the area, they are interesting subjects of study. The analysis is conducted from a society‐centred governance perspective, which focuses on how different actors in society shape public policy. The perspective hallenges the view on the state as dominating unilaterally and takes into account the diversity of actors involved in policy‐making, such as NGOs. The result of the study is, among other things, that the character of the relationships and interactions between Swedish NGOs and SIDA varies, and can be described as either a more traditional hierarchical model or co‐governing. Furthermore, the Paris Declaration is perceived by the NGOs as being a step in the right direction rather than a paradigm shift at all level. / För att göra utvecklingsbistånd effektivare, undertecknade ett stort antal givare, däribland Sverige, den så kallade Parisdeklarationen 2005. Deklarationen ger samarbetsländerna ett större ansvar för sin egen utveckling och syftar till att göra biståndet från givarländerna mer mätbart. Man har kallat detta ett paradigmskifte inom området på grund av sina långtgående mål. Deklarationen har konsekvenser för alla aktörer inom området utvecklingsbistånd, och denna uppsats syftar till att beskriva och analysera de effekter som deklarationen har på de svenska icke‐statliga organisationer som har ett ramavtal med SIDA. Eftersom en allt större del av utvecklingsbiståndet kanaliseras genom enskilda organisationer och de innehar en viktig roll i området, är de intressanta att studera. Analysen görs utifrån ett samhällsorienterat governance perspektiv som fokuserar på hur olika aktörer i samhället utformar den offentliga politiken. Perspektivet utmaningar uppfattningen om att staten ensidigt dominerar och tar hänsyn till mångfalden av aktörer i det politiska beslutsfattandet, till exempel icke‐statliga organisationer. Resultaten av undersökningen är bland annat att karaktären av de relationer och interaktioner mellan svenska icke‐statliga organisationer och SIDA varierar, och kan beskrivas som traditionellt hierarkisk, eller samarbetsbaserad (co‐governing). Vidare uppfattas Parisdeklarationen av icke‐statliga organisationer som ett steg i rätt riktning, snarare än ett paradigmskifte på alla nivåer.

Är covid-19 en katalysator för ett paradigmskifte gällande distansarbete? : En jämförande kvantitativ surveyundersökning mellan chefers och medarbetares vilja till digitalt distansarbete / Is COVID-19 a catalyst for a paradigm shift in teleworking? : A comparative quantitative survey between managers' and employees' willingness to telework

Looström, Axel, Alouch, William January 2021 (has links)
Denna kvantitativa surveyundersökning ämnar studera chefers och medarbetares vilja att arbetadigitalt på distans. Är någon av grupperna särskilt drivande till digitalt distansarbete och vadinnebär det för framtiden efter att covid-19-pandemin är över? Vilja operationaliseras genomWicks (2002) samt Shareena och Shahid (2020) och består av prognostiserad prestation,självrapporterade personlighetsdrag samt hemmets förenlighet med distansarbete. Utifråndessa studier skapades ett teoretiskt ramverk vilket mynnade ut i tolv hypoteser. Via enwebbenkät samlades 323 st. respondentsvar in, varav 295 st. användes i dataanalysen sombestod av oberoende t-test (hypotesprövning), envägs-ANOVA (variansanalys) samt multipellinjär regressionsanalys. De övergripande resultaten från studien kan sammanfattas på följandesätt: En person med hög vilja att arbeta digitalt på distans är generellt en medarbetare, äldre än35 år, med hemmavarande barn som arbetar i en digital bransch. En person med låg vilja attarbeta digitalt på distans är generellt en chef, yngre än 35 år, utan hemmavarande barn somarbetar i en icke-digitaliserad bransch. Studien fann även att hög frihet och variation är enviktig faktor för att en anställd ska vilja arbeta digitalt på distans. Resultatet från studienindikerar en kraftig ökning av distansarbete i framtiden för både chefer och medarbetarejämfört med situationen före pandemin. Studien indikerar att covid-19 är en katalysator för ettparadigmskifte gällande distansarbete. / This quantitative survey aims to study managers and employee’s willingness to telework. Isany of the groups particularly driven by digital teleworking and what does it entail for the futureafter the COVID-19 pandemic is over? Willingness is operationalized through Wicks (2002)and Shareena and Shahid (2020) and consists of predicted performance, self-reportedpersonality traits and the home's compatibility with telework. Based on these studies, atheoretical framework was created, which resulted in twelve hypotheses. Through a websurvey, 323 respondents were collected, of which 295 were used in the data analysis whichconsisted of independent t-test (hypothesis testing), one-way ANOVA (analysis of variance)and multiple linear regression analysis. The overall results from the study can be summarizedas follows: A person with a high willingness to telework is generally an employee, older than35 years, with children at home who work in a digital industry. A person with a low willingnessto telework is generally a manager, younger than 35 years, without children at home who workin a non-digitized industry. The study also found that high freedom and variety is an importantfactor for an employee to want to work remotely. The results from the study indicate a sharpincrease in telework in the future for both managers and employees compared to the situationbefore the pandemic. The study thus indicates that COVID-19 is a catalyst for a paradigm shiftregarding telework.

Quality management for a new paradigm : How design thinking and a human centred culture can meet increased complexity

Nyberg, Karin January 2021 (has links)
I denna fallstudie har SeventyOne Consulting analyserats som ett exempel på en organisation som verkar under det kommande paradigmet inom kvalitetsutvecklingen. Studien kopplar samman teori från kvalitetfältet med design thinking, paradigmteori och teori om människocentrerad företagskultur. Syftet var att bidra med kunskap gällande vilken roll design thinking och människocentrerad företagskultur kan spela i ett kommande paradigm inom kvalitetsutveckling. Frågeställningarna var: 1. Hur kan det kommande paradigmet i kvalitetsutveckling förstås? 2. Vilken roll kan design thinking och en människocentrerad företagskultur spela i det kommande paradigmet? Metoden inkluderade semi-deltagande observationer av organisationen, icke-deltagande observationer av arbetet med kunder, intervjuer med företagets medlemmar samt dokumentationsanalys. Studien har huvudsakligen genomförts online. Dess resultat har organiserats i den metaforiska och hypotetiska analysmodellen bröllopstårtan, vilken illustrerar hur en människocentrerad företagskultur baserad på psykologisk trygghet, Teal-principer och glädje utgör grunden för att hantera kunders komplexa problem utifrån de metodologiska strategierna relatera och samskapa, eklektisk metod och ett design thinking mindset. Design kapabilitet har analyserats som förmågan att sammankoppla och arbeta utifrån flera olika kunskapstraditioner samtidigt, samt integrera företagskulturer utifrån en människocentrerad bas. Människocentrerad kultur har därmed förståtts som en förutsättning för att kunna möta komplexiteten och innovationskraven som präglar det nya paradigmet, medan design thinking förståtts som en potentiellt användbar metod, förutsatt att design kapabilitet utvecklats. / In this case study, SeventyOne Consulting was analysed as an example of an organisation operating under the coming paradigm in quality management. The study connected theory from quality management, design thinking, paradigm theory and human-centred culture theory. The purpose was to contribute with knowledge concerning what role design thinking and a human-centred culture can play in the coming paradigm of quality management. The research questions were: 1. How can the coming paradigm of Quality Management be understood? 2. Which roles can design thinking and a human-centred culture play in the coming paradigm? The method included semi-participatory observations of the organisation, non-participatory observations with its customers, interviews with its members and document analysis. The study has mainly been performed online. Its result were organised into the metaphorical and hypothetical analytic model of the wedding cake, illustrating how a human-centred culture based on psychological safety, Teal principles and happiness gives the foundation for handling customers’ complex problems through the methodological strategies relate and co-create, eclectic methodology and a design thinking mindset. Design capability was analysed as the ability to connect and work simultaneously with different kinds of knowledge and integrating cultures, while also coming from a human-centredness. Human-centred cultures were thereby understood as an important prerequisite for being able to meet the complexity and innovative demands of a new paradigm, while design thinking was understood as a potentially suitable method, provided that design-capability has been developed. / <p>2021-06-06</p>

A New Paradigm : A Designer’s Quest for Material Reuse and Upcycling

Svahn, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
In a time of growing consciousness around sustainability and an early paradigm shift when it comes to circular systems for furniture and interiors, as an aspiring designer, I need and must adapt accordingly within my field and creative practice. In this project, I have worked with the immense material waste that is going on, especially focusing on furniture and interiors, within the public and private sectors as well as in office environments, where this is a big issue. Guided by the United Nations Global Goal No 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production, I have experimented with, to me, new ideas for systems that deal with the upcycling and repurposing of “old” and/or discarded pieces of furniture and the material they are made from. To see what I can make of it to prolong the lifecycle and give the material a new purpose, function, and value. In my process I have acted both as an interior architect and a furniture designer but also as a sculptor and craftsman since the predetermined “waste” material I have worked with demanded a reversed design process than what a “normal” one would look like for a commercial project.    The result is a series of new furniture designed and made from waste material, revisioned by me through a mix of art and design, to see how I as a designer of furniture and interiors can develop and find my path in this and to help formulate the new design paradigm and aesthetics for future circular and sustainable furniture and interior solutions that is underway.

Otrampad väg : Att kompetensförsörja en cyberdomän

Jansson, Urban, Nilsson, Alexander January 2022 (has links)
Vi har studerat cyberdomänen i perspektivet från en officer och vad denne förväntas kunna om och implementera ur cyberdomänen på sitt system. Studien är genomförd med fokus mot förståelse för utmaningen och komplexiteten som kommer av att integrera civilt dominerad verksamhet i en militär organisation. Vi har antagit en induktiv ansats med kvalitativ metod genom intervjuer och litteraturstudier. Under tiden som studien genomfördes skedde den ryska invasionen av Ukraina, vilket gav ytterligare bidrag till den empiriska delen av studien när cyberområdet hamnade än mer i fokus. Utgångspunkten för analysen har varit tidigare professionsforskning med fokus på officersprofessionen samt forskning som beskriver cyberområdet och dess komplexitet. Analysen är baserad på de kategorier som framkommit i den data som insamlats. Vid studiens slutförande framkommer behovet av att samtliga blivande, och till viss del nuvarande, officerare erhåller en förståelse för cyberdomänens möjlighet till påverkan på eget system. För att möta områdets komplexitet och kunna utbilda inom behöver styrdokument och utbildningsunderlag utvecklas parallellt. Författarna uppfattar att det militära systemet genomgår en teknikutveckling i vilken cyberdomänens framväxt gör sig mer påträngande för varje dag som går. Stora förändringar som får påverkan på stridsfältet har skett tidigare genom historien och kommer med stor sannolikhet även ske i framtiden, vilket organisationen behöver förhålla sig till. / We have studied the cyber domain in the perspective of an officer and what an officer is expected to know about and implement from the cyber domain on current technical systems. The study is conducted with a focus on understanding the challenge and complexity that comes from integrating civilian-dominated activities into a military organization. We have adopted an inductive approach with qualitative methods through interviews and literature studies. During the course of the study, the Russian invasion of Ukraine took place, which made further contributions to the empirical part of the study when the cyber field came into even more focus. The starting point for the analysis has been previous professional research with a focus on the officer profession as well as research that describes the cyber field and its complexity. The analysis is based on the categories that emerged in the data collected. Upon completion of the study, the need arises for all forthcoming, and to some extent present, officers to gain an understanding of the cyber domain's ability to influence current technical systems. In order to meet the complexity of the area and be able to handle education, regulatory documents and training documents need to be developed in parallel. The authors perceive the armed forces is undergoing a technological and organizational military reform in which the emergence of the cyber domain is becoming more intrusive with each passing day. Technological advancements have taken place earlier in history and will in all probability also take place in the future, which the organization needs to relate to.

Evidensbaserat socialt arbete : Från idé till praktik / Evidence-based social work : From idea to practice

Svanevie, Kajsa January 2011 (has links)
As an innovation Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is designed as a tool for clinical problem solving. According to its theory of use EBP will bring a difference for policy makers, for professionals, for researchers and for service users. One question to be asked is whether EBP actually leads to the radical social change it is designed to accomplish. The aim of the study is to describe and analyse the outcome of the effort to establish EBP, with a focus on the case of social work in Sweden. The research questions are: What is EBP? Why are efforts made to establish EBP? What is the outcome of the EBP project? How can the outcome of the EBP project be explained? The case study was conducted on a critical realistic meta-theoretical ground with a focus on explanation of social change with an explicit actor-structure perspective. Methodologically, a narrative synthesis of studies was made. As a complement primary data were collected to fill empirical gaps. The state of things was described before and after the EBP-initiatives. Several helping theories – Kuhn’s theory of paradigm, program theory, neo-institutional theory and theory of diffusion – were used to analyse the empirically mapped outcome of the EBP project. The results show that the import of the original model of Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) to social work is a part of a wider social movement in the helping and educational professions. The new model has influenced social work as a discipline, as a field of practice and as a field of policy. There are examples of full-scale implementations of EBP, although EBP has not reached a general status as daily practice. Some obstacles remain. The gradual adaption of EBP corresponds to criteria hold by Kuhn for a paradigm shift. Acceptance of the model has contributed to change the structure and function of social systems. At an organizational level, this change means on-going institutionalization. The innovation is influencing the way institutional actors conduct their work. Although the structural conditions have been optimal, the EBP-model has been debated with heat. The EBP-debate and policy-driven infrastructural efforts have brought a more in-depth examination of the model. So-called coercive, normative, and regulative isomorphisms were used to change organizations. The degree of institutionalization depended on the individuals and the organizations willingness and preparedness to change, to understand, and to put the model into practice. When actors used a less strict version of the original EBP model, the pace of cultural and institutional change slowed down.

Evidensbaserat socialt arbete : Från idé till praktik / Evidence-based social work : From idea to practice

Svanevie, Kajsa January 2011 (has links)
As an innovation Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is designed as a tool for clinical problem solving. According to its theory of use EBP will bring a difference for policy makers, for professionals, for researchers and for service users. One question to be asked is whether EBP actually leads to the radical social change it is designed to accomplish. The aim of the study is to describe and analyse the outcome of the effort to establish EBP, with a focus on the case of social work in Sweden. The research questions are: What is EBP? Why are efforts made to establish EBP? What is the outcome of the EBP project? How can the outcome of the EBP project be explained? The case study was conducted on a critical realistic meta-theoretical ground with a focus on explanation of social change with an explicit actor-structure perspective. Methodologically, a narrative synthesis of studies was made. As a complement primary data were collected to fill empirical gaps. The state of things was described before and after the EBP-initiatives. Several helping theories – Kuhn’s theory of paradigm, program theory, neo-institutional theory and theory of diffusion – were used to analyse the empirically mapped outcome of the EBP project. The results show that the import of the original model of Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) to social work is a part of a wider social movement in the helping and educational professions. The new model has influenced social work as a discipline, as a field of practice and as a field of policy. There are examples of full-scale implementations of EBP, although EBP has not reached a general status as daily practice. Some obstacles remain. The gradual adaption of EBP corresponds to criteria hold by Kuhn for a paradigm shift. Acceptance of the model has contributed to change the structure and function of social systems. At an organizational level, this change means on-going institutionalization. The innovation is influencing the way institutional actors conduct their work. Although the structural conditions have been optimal, the EBP-model has been debated with heat. The EBP-debate and policy-driven infrastructural efforts have brought a more in-depth examination of the model. So-called coercive, normative, and regulative isomorphisms were used to change organizations. The degree of institutionalization depended on the individuals and the organizations willingness and preparedness to change, to understand, and to put the model into practice. When actors used a less strict version of the original EBP model, the pace of cultural and institutional change slowed down.

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