Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cartner iolence"" "subject:"cartner ciolence""
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Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter och attityder vid omvårdnad av personer som utsatts för våld i nära relationer : En litteraturöversikt / Nurses experiences and attitudes in the care of people who have been subjected to violence in close relationships : A literature reviewNilsson, Rebecca, Sundequist, Alexandra January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Våld i nära relationer är ett stort samhällsproblem och en granskning har visat att en tredjedel av alla kvinnor som varit i ett förhållande någon gång har utsatts för fysiskt, psykiskt eller sexuellt våld av sin partner. Sjuksköterskan är bland de första som möter offer för våld i nära relationer då de söker vård och det är därför viktigt att sjuksköterskan har de rätta kunskaperna. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt var att belysa sjuksköterskors erfarenheter och attityder vid omvårdnad av patienter som utsatts för våld i nära relationer. Metod: En litteraturöversikt baserad på 14 vetenskapliga artiklar av både kvantitativ och kvalitativ ansats. Artiklarna har systematiskt sökts via två databaser inriktade på omvårdnadsforskning som finns tillgängliga vid Högskolan Dalarna. Resultat: Fyra huvudteman har identifierades: Erfarenheter i olika vårdsammanhang, Attityder beroende på sammanhang, Kunskaper i förhållande till klinisk erfarenhet och Hinder och möjligheter för att erbjuda hjälp. Dessa huvudteman har därefter delats upp i ett antal underrubriker som resultatet presenteras utifrån. Sjuksköterskorna upplevde att det var svårt att upprätthålla en professionell hållning till offren och i många fall hade de även en negativ attityd och skuldbelade patienterna. Det största hindret som många sjuksköterskor upplevde var tidsbristen och de flesta ansåg sig även behöva mer kunskap inom området. Slutsats: Det är viktigt att sjuksköterskan har kunskap kring bemötande av personer som utsatts för våld i nära relationer, upprätthåller en professionell hållning och åsidosätter sina egna fördomar och åsikter. / Background: Intimate partner violence is a major problem in society and a study showed that a third of all women who have been in a relationship at some point has been subjected to physical, psychological or sexual violence by their partner. The nurse is among the first to meet victims of intimate partner violence when they seek care and it`s therefore important that the nurse possesses the right knowledge. Aim: The aim with this literature review was to illuminate nurses' experiences and attitudes when caring for patients who have been subjected to intimate partner violence. Method: A literature review based on 14 scientific articles of both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The articles have been systematically searched through two databases focused on nursing research, available at Högskolan Dalarna. Results: Four main themes have been identified: Experiences in various healthcare contexts, Attitudes depending on context, Knowledge in relation to clinical experience and Obstacles and opportunities to offer help. These main themes have then been split up into several subheadings in the results. The nurses experienced difficulties maintaining a professional attitude towards the victims, and in many cases, they had a negative attitude and blamed the patients. The biggest obstacle nurses experienced was the lack of time and most of them felt that they needed more knowledge in the area. Conclusion: It is important that the nurse has knowledge of caring for people who have been subjected to intimate partner violence, maintains a professional attitude and disregards their own prejudices and opinions.
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Kvinnors upplevelser av bemötandet från vårdpersonal efter våld i nära relation : En litteraturöversikt / Women’s experiences of treatment from health personnel after intimate partner violence : A literature reviewBerglund, Anna, Fält, Kristina January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Våld i nära relation innefattar psykiskt, fysiskt och sexuellt våld som förekommer mellan individer i nära relation till varandra. Det är ett folkhälsoproblem som leder till försämrad hälsa för de utsatta. Kvinnor som utsätts för våld kommer ofta i kontakt med vården på grund av skador våldet medför men vårdpersonal upplever att de har bristande kunskap om problematiken. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa kvinnors upplevelser av bemötandet från vårdpersonal efter våld i nära relation som utövats av en manlig partner. Metod: En litteraturöversikt har genomförts. Tio kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar hämtade från databaserna PubMed och CINAHL Complete har använts som grund till resultatet. Resultat: Fem teman framkom i resultatet. Tveksamhet inför att söka vård, Att få frågan av vårdpersonal, Attityder och bemötande från vårdpersonal, Brist på avskildhet och tid och Att bli bekräftad, hörd och tagen på allvar. Diskussion: Resultatets övergripande fynd om betydelsen av att vårdpersonal frågar om våld i nära relation, tidsbrist inom vården och personcentrerad vård diskuteras. Diskussionen förs i relation till litteraturöversiktens bakgrund, annan relevant forskning, författarnas egna reflektioner och Katie Erikssons perspektiv på lidande och sjuksköterskans förhållningssätt mot den lidande människan. / Background: Intimate partner violence includes psychological, physical and sexual violence that occur between individuals in close relation to each other. It is a public health problem that deteriorates health for the vulnerable. Women who are exposed to violence often come into contact with the health care system because of the damage sustained, but health personnel feel that they have insufficient knowledge in the matter. Aim: The aim was to illuminate how the women exposed to intimate partner violence by a male partner experienced treatment of the health personnel. Method: A literature review has been carried out. Ten qualitative scientific articles taken from the database PubMed and CINAHL Complete have been used as a basis for the result. Results: Five themes appeared in the result. Doubts for seeking care, To receive questions from healthcare staff, Attitudes and treatment from healthcare staff, Lack of privacy and time and Being affirmed, heard and taken seriously. Discussion: The overall findings of the result about the importance of healthcare professionals asking whether violence in close relationship, time shortage in healthcare and person –centered care discussed. The discussion is conducted in relation to background of the literature review, other relevant researches, the author’s own reflections and Katie Eriksson’s perspective on suffering and the nurse’s attitude towards the suffering person.
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Att våga fråga och kunna vårda : Sjuksköterskors upplevelser i mötet med våldsutsatta kvinnor / To have the courage to ask and the ability to careRisser, Susanne, Willberg, Maria January 2019 (has links)
Våld i nära relationer är ett globalt folkhälsoproblem. Våldsutsatta kvinnor söker sig till ett flertal instanser inom hälso- och sjukvården för att få stöd och hjälp med de symptom som är en följd av våldet. Som en konsekvens är hälso- och sjukvården den samhällsinstans som når flest våldsutsatta kvinnor. Tyvärr visar forskning att hälso- och sjukvården inte lyckas ge våldsutsatta kvinnor den vård de behöver. Många av kvinnorna upplever brister i mötet med hälso- och sjukvården vilket kan innebära att lidandet förstärks. Syftet med studien var att belysa sjuksköterskans upplevelse av att möta våldsutsatta kvinnor. Studien är en analys av kvalitativa artiklar som grundar sig på Fribergs analysmodell. Nio kvalitativa artiklar har granskats för att identifiera sjuksköterskors upplevelser. Resultatet visar att sjuksköterskors upplevelse av de organisatoriska förutsättningarna, de känslomässiga rädslorna och det egna förhållningssättet kan försvåra mötet med våldsutsatta kvinnor. Omständigheterna bidrar till att sjuksköterskor undviker att fråga om våld eller inte ger rätt omvårdnad. Grundläggande kunskap och förståelse för våldets mekanismer är viktigt för sjuksköterskans förhållningssätt i mötet med kvinnorna. Stöd och trygghet som arbetsplatsen erbjuder har betydelse för att sjuksköterskor skall känna sig både fysiskt och känslomässigt trygga att möta och vårda våldsutsatta kvinnor.
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Intersections Between Violence and Health Promotion Among Indigenous Women Living in CanadaWilliams, Julie 07 May 2019 (has links)
Violence against Indigenous women is a major public health concern worldwide and Canada is no exception. Multiple forms of violence inform the broader context of violence against Indigenous women. Nurses are likely to encounter Indigenous women in a variety of settings, but evidence suggests that nurses may lack understandings of violence. This thesis explored the following question: How does extant qualitative research conducted in Canada, contribute to understanding the health and wellbeing of First Nations, Métis and Inuit (Indigenous) women who have experienced violence? During the development of this thesis, significant gaps were highlighted including underrepresentation of Inuit women in the literature, limited focus on health promotion, and lack of methodological approaches to systematic reviews that were participatory and inclusive of the community. Therefore, a secondary aim of this thesis was to privilege perspectives of Inuit women and their communities, by developing a study protocol for a collaborative and community centered approach to reviewing and assessing the extant literature. A configurative and inductive approach based on thematic synthesis was used to systematically search, retrieve, analyze and synthesize extant literature. Post-colonial feminist theory and intersectionality were used as theoretical lenses to emphasize intersections between multiple forms of violence and locate the problem within the broader context of colonization and oppression. Sixteen studies were included in this review, fifteen qualitative and one mixed methods study. Four themes with subthemes emerged based on analysis and synthesis of findings in the included studies: 1) ruptured connections between family and home, 2) that emptiness… my spirit being removed, 3) seeking help and feeling unheard, and 4) a core no one can touch. These themes represent interconnected pathways that influenced health among Indigenous women, and have implications for healthy public policy, clinical practice, and nursing education.
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Making the invisible visible : a grounded theory study of female adult trauma survivors reconstructing reality with supportive othersKossurok, Anke January 2018 (has links)
Violence against women and children is a pervasive challenge across the globe. Research has shown that survivors of interpersonal violence, such as child maltreatment and intimate partner violence, may develop a complex form of post-traumatic stress disorder accompanied by, for example, difficulties in regulating emotions and relating to others. Additional mental health and social problems contribute to survivors' long-term impairment. Therefore, it is imperative that we understand the key elements and processes that facilitate trauma recovery. The majority of research places survivors as individuals at the core of understanding trauma and recovery, which makes it an intrapsychic problem focused on, for example, the individual's cognitive bias, maladaptive interpersonal behaviour, or emotion dysregulation which need repairing, rather than considering appropriately the role of context, external factors and social processes. Thus, trauma recovery may be more complicated. The current study explored key elements and processes of trauma recovery in female adult survivors with a focus on emotional and interpersonal skills, within the narratives of individuals constructing their own recovery within an interpersonal context. Fifteen female adult survivors were recruited from a statutory clinical service and a third-sector community project. Participants were interviewed individually, and data were analysed qualitatively using grounded theory. The study constructed a framework of four key components. Women survivors initially disengaged from feelings, other people and themselves (1), gradually made hidden experiences visible (2) and examined these (3), and eventually reconstructed their reality (4). Although not always a linear process, this framework revealed a transition from self-guided to supported self-management. Women survivors sought out relationships, were impacted by relationships, and these relationships changed the way survivors responded. Thus, female trauma survivors reconstructed abuse, trauma and identity through various supportive others. Similarly, female survivors reframed emotional and interpersonal difficulties and gradually managed these through relationships. Future research as well as theories, practices and policies need to consider the multifaceted and relational nature of interpersonal trauma recovery. Guidelines and practices, for instance, could include community-focused strategies that provide a larger network of support to survivors and, thus, would offer multiple opportunities to experience positive interactions. Equally, mandatory training of health care staff about interpersonal violence and subsequent trauma as well as training in relating positively to survivors would make a real difference.
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"Spindeln i nätet" : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan i relationsvåldsärendenBernvid, Caroline, Oksanen, Pauline January 2018 (has links)
Men's violence against women is a serious violation of human rights. Women are far more likely to experience violent acts or abuse by someone close to them rather than by strangers. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a complex problem and victims are often in need of support by social services as well as by other professionals. The aim of this study is to examine how social service employees perceive the cooperation with other professionals within the area of IPV. The study is based on six qualitative interviews with 10 social service employees, working with IPV, from a selection of districts and municipalities within Stockholm County. Our results were analyzed by using Axelsson and Bihari Axelsson’s (2013) theories of cooperation. The results show that cooperation is seen as a highly valued and inevitable part of social work within the area of IPV and the responsibility for managing IPV cases are often left to the social service employees to be handled alone. Meanwhile, the social service employees describe insufficient time and not enough staff as evident restrictions for successful cooperation with other professionals. In conclusion, IPV needs to be prioritized on all levels within the organization to improve the possibilities for cooperation.
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A vivência do aleitamento materno em um contexto de situação de violência por parceiro íntimo e a rede de suporte social / The experience of breastfeeding in a context of intimate partner violence (IPV) and the social support networkBaraldi, Nayara Girardi 14 August 2017 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender o significado que mulheres em situação de VPI atribuem à sua experiência de amamentar e à rede de suporte social. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, que teve como referenciais teóricos a Dominação Masculina e o Poder Simbólico, de Pierre Bourdieu, e a Rede de Suporte Social, de Sluzki; em relação à metodologia, os dados foram tratados por meio do Método da Interpretação dos Sentidos. Participaram do estudo 21 puérperas, que se encontravam em situação de VPI em uma das fases do ciclo gravídico-puerperal e que tinham, no mínimo, 180 dias de pós-parto. Foi obtida, por meio de entrevista, a condição sociodemográfica, econômica, familiar e da VPI. E as questões norteadoras sobre a experiência de amamentar e da VPI deram origem aos dados qualitativos. Pautou-se a estruturação da rede através da construção do Diagrama de Escolta Social. As participantes tinham entre 17 e 23 anos, apresentavam tempo de estudo médio de 9.9 anos, e 12 participantes consideraram que o companheiro controlava sua vida. Quanto à VPI na gestação, 9 participantes sofreram algum tipo de violência, enquanto que, no período puerperal, esse número subiu para 19. Sobre o AM, apenas uma seguiu em AM exclusivo até o sexto mês. Em relação à estrutura da rede, a menor contou com 3 membros, e a maior, com 10. Os relatos obtidos originaram três categorias temáticas: \"Percepção da violência no contexto de vida da mulher\", \"A violência por parceiro íntimo e as repercussões no aleitamento materno e na criança\" e a \"A estrutura e o contexto da rede de suporte social interpessoal e institucional frente à amamentação e a violência por parceiro íntimo\". Na primeira categoria, visualizou-se o ciclo da violência, a qual repercutia em sentimentos de vergonha e inferioridade, assim como em transtornos psicológicos nessas participantes. Houve manutenção da violência simbólica e a expectativa da transformação do parceiro. Os enfrentamentos frente à VPI estiveram atrelados à vontade de afastar o filho desta violência, à busca de melhores condições econômicas, assim como à denúncia do agressor. Na segunda categoria, evidenciou-se a desmotivação em amamentar devido às brigas. Relataram-se reflexos sobre a criança, como choro, dificuldades no sono e afastamento do pai. Frente ao manejo do AM, perceberam-se as dificuldades iniciais e a falta de compreensão por parte do parceiro. Na última categoria, observou-se que a rede de suporte interpessoal era composta mais por elementos femininos e que já tinham experiência com o ciclo gravídico puerperal, enquanto o companheiro foi pouco citado. Percebeu-se que a rede interpessoal era mais acessada pela participante do que a institucional, e isso ocorreu devido à falta de vinculação e à fragmentação do cuidado, que exigia da participante uma peregrinação entre os serviços institucionais, causada pela ausência de uma rede fortalecida. Diante dos achados, propõe-se maior visualização da temática no meio acadêmico, no âmbito da saúde e também no meio relacional dessas mulheres, a fim de auxiliar, fortalecer e agir para um cuidado integral, possibilitando-lhes que rompam o ciclo da VPI e consigam estabelecer melhores índices de AM / This study aimed to understand the meaning that women in IPV situation attribute to their experience of breastfeeding and to the social support network. It is a qualitative study, whose theoretical references were Male Dominance and Symbolic Power, by Pierre Bourdieu, and the Social Support Network, by Sluzki. Regarding to the methodology, data were worked using the Method of Sense Interpretation. The participants of the study were twenty-one postpartum women in IPV situation during one of the phases of the pregnancy-puerperal cycle and who had at least 180 days postpartum. The sociodemographic, economic, family and IPV conditions were obtained through interviews. The qualitative data emerged from the guiding questions about the experience of breastfeeding and the IPV. The structuring of the network was guided by the construction of the Social Escort Diagram. Participants were between 17 and 23 years old with 9.9 years of study on average; 12 participants considered that the partner controlled their life. Regarding IPV during pregnancy, 9 participants suffered some type of violence while, in the puerperal period, this number increased to 19. About breastfeeding, only one had exclusive breastfeeding for six months. Regarding the structure of the network, the smallest had three members and the biggest had ten. The reports obtained originated three thematic categories: \"Perception of violence in the context of the woman\'s life\", \"Intimate partner violence and the repercussions on breastfeeding and on the child\", and \"The structure and context of the interpersonal and institutional social support network in the face of breastfeeding and intimate partner violence.\" In the first category the cycle of violence was visualized, which had repercussions on feelings of shame and inferiority as well as psychological disorders. Symbolic violence was maintained and there was expectation of partner\'s change. The confrontation related to IPV was linked to the desire to remove the child from this violence, the search for better economic conditions as well as the accusation of the aggressor. In the second category, the lack of motivation in breastfeeding due to fights was evidenced. Reactions of the child such as crying, difficulties in sleep and estrangement from the father were reported. Considering the management of breastfeeding, it was noticed the initial difficulties and the lack of understanding from the partner. In the last category, it was observed that the interpersonal support network was more composed of female elements that had experience with the puerperal gravid cycle, while the partner was less mentioned. It was also noticed that the interpersonal network was more accessed by the participant than the institutional network, and this was due to the lack of connection and fragmentation of the care, which required the participant to go to different institutional services caused by the lack of a strong network. In view of the findings, it is proposed a greater focus on this theme in the academic environment and in the relational environment of these women, in order to assist, strengthen and act for a comprehensive care, enabling them to break the cycle of IPV and achieve better breastfeeding rates
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Kvinnors upplevelser av att leva i en relation präglad av våld : En studie baserad på självbiografier / Women’s experiences of living in a relationship characterized by violence : A study based on autobiographiesLarsson, Camilla, Andersson, Emelie January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Våld i nära relationer drabbar främst kvinnor. Normaliseringsprocessen får kvinnan att anpassa sig efter mannen, detta medför isolering, känslor av skam och värdelöshet vilket resulterar i ett lidande. Sjuksköterskans ansvar är att möta och lindra lidande genom ett förhållningssätt som bygger på respekt och empati. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa kvinnors upplevelser av våld i nära relationer. Metod: En kvalitativ metod valdes och en kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes för att analysera sex självbiografier. Resultat: I resultatet framkom nio kategorier med tre teman; Anpassning, Att leva under hot och Att kontrollera situationen. Slutsats: Genom kvinnors upplevelser kan sjuksköterskan få ökad kunskap angående våld i nära relationer. Förståelse för vikten av att ställa frågan angående våld och ett respektfullt bemötande var avgörande för att tillit ska skapas. / Background: Violence in close relationships mainly affects women. The normalization process causes the woman to adapt to the man, this results in isolation, feelings of shame and worthlessness which results in suffering. The nurse's responsibility is to meet and alleviate suffering through an approach that is based on respect and empathy. Purpose: The aim was to highlight women's experiences of intimate partner violence. Method: A qualitative method was chosen and a qualitative content analysis was used to analyze six autobiographies. Result: In the result, nine categories with three themes emerged; Adaptation, Living under threat and To control the situation. Conclusion: Through women's experiences, the nurse can gain more knowledge about intimate partner violence. Understanding the importance of asking the question about violence and a respectful manner was crucial to creating trust.
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TRADITIONAL MASCULINITY & ADVERTISING IMAGE APPROVALKailing, Danielle W, Cantrell, Peggy, PhD 01 May 2014 (has links)
This project investigates the relationship between adherence to traditional masculinity and approval of selected advertising images. Because traditional masculinity includes characteristics supportive of aggression and dominance; I hypothesize that an increase in adherence to traditional masculinity will correlate with approval of the violence found in some print advertisements. Participants include 259 men who completed an anonymous, online, survey. Adherence to masculinity is measured using the Male Role Norm Inventory-Revised (MRNI-R) (Levant, et. al, 2007). Each picture is scored on a 5-point Likert Scale. As hypothesized, an increase in total MRNI-R score, is significantly correlated with an increase in the approval of the depiction of women, men and male/female interactions, with (r=.340, a=0.01) (r=.244, a=0.01) (r=.360, a=0.01), respectively. The results indicate that men reporting adherence to traditional masculinity also see violence in advertising positively. Future research should further examine marketing and its relationship with gender role acquisition, and violence in intimate partners.
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Från privat angelägenhet till global ohälsa : Våldsutsatta kvinnors upplevelse av bemötanden från personal inom öppen hälso och sjukvårdRosvall, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tidigare studier har påvisat att vårdpersonal inte besitter tillräcklig kunskap i ämnet, och bortser från våldets konsekvenser för kvinnors hälsa. Dåligt bemötande och ointresserad attityd får kvinnorna att isolera sig mer och inte vill berätta om våldet. Syfte: Syftet är att belysa hur våldsutsatta kvinnor upplever bemötande från personal inom den öppna hälso och sjukvården Metod: Allmän litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Fyra teman framkom efter innehållsanalysen. Kvinnors farhågor, hinder genom vårdpersonal, positiva egenskaper från vårdpersonal och kommunikation. Kvinnors farhågor beskriver att kvinnorna hade liten tilltro till hjälp, var rädda för att inte bli tagna på allvar. Negativa attityder från vårdpersonal sågs som förminskning av kvinnorna, tidsbrist samt personalens okunskap kring dilemman, som kunde uppstå för kvinnorna vid separation. Positiva attityder från vårdpersonal kunde bestå i en god relation till personalen, att kvinnorna blev trodda i berättelsen, personalens empatiska förmåga. Det som var viktigt inom kommunikationen var att personal lyssnade, visade viljan att vilja hjälpa och var närvarande även i den icke-verbala kommunikationen. Slutsats: Litteraturöversikten visar att det fortsatt finns problem inom primärvården gällande att bemöta och hjälpa denna patientgrupp. Framsteg genom 2000 talet är att fler inom vården har förbättrat bemötandet och kvinnorna vågar berätta om det finns en tillitsfull relation till vårdgivaren. Fortsatt forskning inom området anses nödvändigt för att belysa vad kvinnor önskar i mötet med primärvård, likaså behövs ytterligare utbildning till personal inom primärvård. / Background: Previous studies have shown that healthcare professionals do not have sufficient knowledge of the subject and ignore the consequences of violence on women's health. Poor and uninterested attitudes cause women to isolate themselves and not disclose violence. Purpose: The purpose is to elucidate how women exposed of intimate partner violence experience the treatment in open healthcare. Method: Literature review with qualitative content analysis. Results: Four themes emerged after the content analysis. Women's fears, barriers from healthcare professionals, positive attitudes from healthcare professionals and communication. The women's fears describe that women had little faith in receiving help and were afraid of not be taken seriously. Negative attitudes were experience of diminution, lack of time and healthcare professional‟s ignorance of the dilemma that could arise, for women during separation. Positive attitudes were a good relationship between professionals and patients, the women were believed in their story, the empathic ability of the professionals. Important in communication was that healthcare professionals listened, wanted to help, and were present in the non-verbal communication. Conclusion: The literature review shows that there are still problems in primary care regarding responding and helping this patient group. Progress through the 2000s is that more healthcare professionals have improved their attitudes and women choose disclosure if there is a trusting relationship with the caregiver. Continued research and increased knowledge from healthcare professionals is necessary in order to understand what women expect from primary care.
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