Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cartner iolence"" "subject:"cartner ciolence""
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Att fråga kvinnor om våld i nära relationer : En litteraturstudieLarsson, Sofia, Ahlström, Märta January 2014 (has links)
Background: Domestic violence is a major social problem both nationally and internationally. Around the world 35% of the women say that they have experienced physical and/or sexual violence. In most cases it is the woman's partner who subjected her to violence. Every year, 12,000 -14,000 women in Sweden seek medical help as a result of injury incurred of domestic violence. The healthcare in Sweden has a responsibility when it comes to detecting, treating and documenting, but also to prevent violence and its consequences. Aim: To examine the extent to which nurses and midwives asking women about domestic violence, barriers for asking the question and making visible steps to increase the ability to ask the question. Method: A literature review, were included articles reviewed and quality determined. Articles results were then analyzed and presented in three main themes and related sub-categories. Main results: The literature review is based on 13 pieces of scientific articles from Sweden, USA, England, Northern Ireland, Belgium, Turkey, Israel and Canada. Of the analyzed results three main themes were derived, "To question," "Obstacle" and "Opportunities". Both nurses and midwives underestimate the prevalence of domestic violence and only 50% of nurses and midwives routinely ask the question of domestic violence. However, it is common that the question is asked at times when suspicion of violence is at hand. Obstacles to not ask the question describe as lack of time, lack of knowledge and training, lack of privacy and present partners. Opportunities for routine screening of domestic violence are described to be further education and knowledge, clear policies and procedures from employers. Conclusion: The literature study results show that both nurses and midwives need to be better at routinely ask about domestic violence. This is due to more cases of violence against women coming to light and enable more people to have the opportunity to support and help. It also suggests that the greatest obstacles to ask the question are lack of knowledge, training, time and privacy. By giving healthcare professionals access to education and training in domestic violence and how to ask the question and handle the response, the authors believe that several of these obstacles can be rectified in the future. / Bakgrund: Våld i nära relation är ett stort samhällsproblem både nationellt och internationellt. Av kvinnorna runt om i världen så uppger 35 % att de någon gång har utsatts för fysiskt och/eller sexuellt våld. I de flesta fall så är det kvinnans partner som utsatt henne för våldet. Varje år tvingas 12 000 -14 000 kvinnor i Sverige att uppsöka sjukvård till följd av skador som uppstått när de utsatts för våld i nära relation. Hälso- och sjukvården har ett ansvar vad det gäller att upptäcka, behandla och dokumentera, men även att förebygga våld och dess konsekvenser. Syfte: Att undersöka i vilken utsträckning sjuksköterskor och barnmorskor frågar kvinnor om våld i nära relation, hinder till att ställa frågan samt att synliggöra åtgärder för att öka möjligheten att ställa frågan. Metod: En litteraturstudie där inkluderade artiklar granskats och kvalitetsbestämts. Artiklarnas resultat har sedan analyserats och presenterats i 3 huvudteman med tillhörande underteman. Huvudresultat: Litteraturstudien grundar sig på 13 vetenskapliga artiklar från Sverige, USA, England, Nord Irland, Belgien, Turkiet, Israel och Kanada. Av resultatet analyserades tre huvudteman fram, “Att fråga”, “Hinder” och “Möjligheter”. Både sjuksköterskor och barnmorskor tenderar att underskatta förekomsten av våld i nära relation och cirka 50 % av sjuksköterskorna och barnmorskorna ställer rutinmässigt frågan om våld i nära relation. Det är dock vanligare att frågan ställs vid tillfällen då misstanke om våld finns. Hinder till att inte ställa frågan beskriv vara tidsbrist, bristande kunskap och utbildning, brist på avskildhet samt närvarande partner. Möjligheter till rutinmässig screening om våld i nära relation beskrivs vara vidare utbildning samt mer kunskap, tydliga riktlinjer och rutiner från arbetsgivarna. Slutsats: Litteraturstudiens resultat visar samstämmigt på att både sjuksköterskor och barnmorskor kan bli bättre på att rutinmässigt ställa frågan om våld i nära relation. Detta på grund av att fler fall av våld mot kvinnor ska uppdagas och att fler ska kunna ges möjlighet till stöd och hjälp. Det framkommer även att de största hindren till att ställa frågan är brist på kunskap, utbildning, tid och avskildhet. Genom att ge vårdpersonal möjlighet till utbildning och träning inom våld i nära relation samt hur man ställer frågan och hanterar svaret, tror författarna att flera av dessa hinder kan avhjälpas.
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Post-traumatic stress symptoms in siblings exposed to intimate partner violence: the role of mother-child relationshipsStewart-Tufescu, Ashley 22 September 2010 (has links)
It is well documented that exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV) negatively affects children’s developmental outcomes (Chan & Yeung, 2009; Evans, Davies & DiLillo, 2008) and may lead to the expression of symptomatology consistent with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (Graham-Bermann, De Voe, Mattis, Lynch & Thomas, 2006; Kilpatrick & Williams,1998). Currently there is no consensus as to the nature of the influence of mother-child relationships on child outcomes such as post-traumatic stress symptoms in IPV-exposed families. The present study examined the role of maternal influences, such as the quality of mother-child interaction, maternal depression, and maternal violence history on sibling trauma outcomes. Results indicated that increased maternal depressive symptoms, maternal violence history, and negative mother-child interactions did not significantly predict post-traumatic stress symptoms in siblings exposed to IPV. Findings provided support for the notion of maternal compensatory strategies used to protect siblings from the detrimental consequences of IPV exposure.
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Violence against women in intimate relationships: : Explanations and suggestions for interventions as perceived by health care workers, local leaders and trusted community members in a northern district in VietnamJonzon, Robert January 2006 (has links)
Objectives: The objectives of the study was to describe how people who face partner violence against women, either as volunteers or as professionals in their everyday work, explain violence against women in intimate relationships and their suggestions for preventive activities. Methods: Twenty men and twenty women were strategically selected for five focus-group discussions. The interviews were analysed following the procedure for qualitative thematic content analysis. Findings: The study shows that the participants acknowledged violence against women as a multifaceted phenomenon grounded in the interplay betweenindividual, family-related factors and local community and socio-cultural factors. Men’s level of education, ‘social evils’, women challenging gender role expectations and women’s extensive work load were discussed as factors at individual and family level. Poverty in the local community and ‘feudal ideologies’ were referred to as explanatory factors at structural level. The informants suggested two main ways of preventing violence against women; improved gender equality through information, education and communication, and enforcing policies and law. Examples pertaining to different levels of society were given. Conclusions: This study shows that behind all of the explanations to intimate partner violence laid the culturally constructed messages about the proper roles of men and women mirroring gender inequality and women’s power disadvantage. A hesitation to intervene was found among some of the informants, the medical doctors, while all the others were eager to discuss activities but mainly those they were already undertaking and it seems the local level require further support to better handle this problem. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-161-x</p>
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Reporting on violence against women : How Guyanese journalists cover violence against women in 2014Stephenson, Jacob January 2014 (has links)
Violence against women is considered a global issue and it denies women their most basic human right, their health. The news media have been identified as an important factor in how violence against women is interpreted and perceived by society. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate how journalists and editors in Guyana, South America, work with the coverage of violence against women. Furthermore, this thesis examines what policies and views on news value that are prominent on the newspapers and what possibilities journalists and editors experience, to make an impact on society, through their reporting. Eight qualitative in-depth interviews were carried out with editors and reporters on the three most widely spread daily newspapers in Guyana. Also a quantitative content analysis, covering January-April 2014, was performed on the same newspapers. In total 159 articles that reported on cases of violence against women were found and coded. The result indicates that the reporting in Guyana conforms to previous research. The conclusion is that when it comes to context, language and sources used, the newspapers generally fail to work with violence against women adequately. The reporting preserves and reproduces patriarchal power structures by using victim blaming or perpetrator excusing language, not covering it as a social issue and overusing official sources. Furthermore, the result indicates that there are unwritten policies on the newspapers. However, these guidelines are not always followed. The study indicates that the reporting is not given enough resources in terms of time and money, which might be a result of that reporters and editors do not experience that readers are interested enough for the topic to get sufficient resources.
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Exploring intimate partner violence through the lens of modern attachment theory a project based upon an independent investigation /Smeltzer, Lisa Marie. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.W.)--Smith College School for Social Work, Northampton, Mass., 2009. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 53-55).
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Mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer : Fysiska, Psykiska, Sociala och Sexuella komplikationer - En LitteraturstudieMessa, Isabelle January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige år 2012 gjordes 28 000 anmälningar av misshandel mot kvinnor över 18 år. Våld i nära relationer utövas vanligast av en man mot en kvinna. Det finns fysiskt, psykiskt, sexuellt och socialt våld som negativt påverkar kvinnan på olika sätt. Varje år tvingas 12 000 -14 000 kvinnor i Sverige att uppsöka sjukvård till följd av skador som uppstått när de utsatts för våld i nära relation. Syfte: Att undersöka hur kvinnors liv påverkas utav mäns våld i nära relationer genom att identifiera vilka de fysiska, psykiska, sociala och sexuella komplikationer detta resulterar i. Metod: En litteraturstudie där inkluderade vetenskapliga artiklar kvalitetsgranskats. Artiklarnas resultat har sedan analyserats och presenterats i fyra huvudteman utifrån frågeställningen. Huvudresultat: Enligt litteraturstudiens resultat ansågs det psykiska våldet och dess konsekvenser vara värst för kvinnan. De komplikationer som förekommer mest frekvent är att kvinnan drabbas av psykiska tillstånd såsom ångest (42-91%), depression (64-76%), posttraumatiskt stressyndrom (19-86%) och att kvinnan är ekonomiskt begränsad (22-86%) samt känner rädsla (42-70%), skam (36-79%) och förtvivlan (14-63%). Slutsats: Mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer bidrar till negativa hälsokonsekvenser för den våldsutsatta kvinnan både, fysiskt, psykiskt, socialt och sexuellt. Kvinnorna skuldbelade sig själva för våldet och skämdes för situationen vilket gjorde att de undanhöll att berätta om våldet för någon och lät bli att söka hjälp. Detta visar att identifieringen, bemötandet och behandlingen av våldsutsatta kvinnor kan bli bättre. Genom att vårdpersonal får möjlighet till mer utbildning och kunskap i våld i nära relationer kan detta arbetet förbättras. / Background: In Sweden in 2012 were 28,000 complaints of abuse against women over 18 years. Domestic violence is exercised frequently by a man against a woman. There are physical, psychological, sexual and social violence that negatively affect women in different ways. Every year, 12,000 -14,000 women in Sweden seek medical help as a result of injury incurred of domestic violence. Aim: To examine how women's lives are affected by male violence in intimate relationships by identifying the physical, psychological, social and sexual complications. Method: A literature review, were included articles reviewed and quality determined. Articles results were then analyzed and presented in four main themes based on the issue. Main results: According to the result of the literature study, psychological violence and its consequences was the worst for the woman. The complications that occur most frequently is that women suffer from mental disorders such as anxiety (42-91%), depression (64-76%), post-traumatic stress disorder (19-86%) and that the woman are economic limited (22-86%) and feels fear (42-70%), shame (36-79%) and despair (14-63%). Conclusion: Men's violence against women in intimate relationships contribute to negative health consequences for the abused woman both physically, mentally, socially and sexually. The women were blaming themselves for the violence and were ashamed of the situation. That made them not to tell anyone about the violence and did not seek help. This shows that the identification and treatment of abused women can be better. By giving the medical staff more education and knowledge of domestic violence, the work can be improved.
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De la répétition et des hommes auteurs de violences dans le couple : éléments cliniques pour une analyse critique d'un problème de santé publique / Of repetition and male perpetrators of intimate partner violence : clinical material for a critical analysis of a public health problemMarianne, Christophe 15 December 2017 (has links)
Deux faits interpellent le psychologue intervenant auprès des hommes auteurs de violences dans le couple : la responsabilisation et la prévention de la récidive en tant qu’ils constituent le moyen et la visée des interventions. À partir d’une analyse liminaire du fonctionnement des centres de prise en charge en France, la dimension de la répétition en tant que grille d’interprétation de ces violences, et en particulier en tant qu’elle structure la clinique, est interrogée. Pour ce faire, je développe le concept de répétition à l’appui de la théorie psychanalytique et analyse 8 témoignages d’hommes en m’intéressant aux fantasmes sous-jacents. Cinq constats sont ainsi relevés : la récurrence d’imagos paternelles et maternelles fortes, de composantes cruelles chez l’objet, de traits sadiques et de libido homosexuelle. Le développement théorique qui s’ensuit s’articule autour de quatre thématiques : l’identification à l’agresseur, le fantasme de la mère cruelle, le sadisme et la jalousie. / Two aspects of clinical interventions for male perpetrators of intimate partner violence are of concern to psychologists: the perpetrators’ responsibility and the prevention of recidivism insofar as they constitute the means and the aim of these interventions. From the initial analysis of batterer programmes in France, repetition, as a dimension for interpretating male intimate partner violence, in particular within a clinical intervention context, is examined. To this end, I develop the concept of repetition based on psychoanalytic theory and analyse 8 interviews of male perpetrators, focussing on the underlying fantasies. This approach led to five findings: the recurrence of strong paternal and maternal imagos, cruelty components within the object, sadistic traits and homosexual libido. The ensuing theoretical development hinged on four concepts: identification with the aggressor, the fantasy of the cruel mother, sadism and jealousy.
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O apego materno-fetal em gestantes que sofrem violência pelo parceiro íntimoPeixoto, Aline Carvalho Alves 28 May 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Oliveira Santos Dilzaná (dilznana@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-05-05T19:16:22Z
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Dissertação de Aline Carvalho Alves Peixoto.pdf: 1268291 bytes, checksum: 91d76cfbdad65ef2dc76a55c0af3db9c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Oliveira Santos Dilzaná (dilznana@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-05-11T16:39:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertação de Aline Carvalho Alves Peixoto.pdf: 1268291 bytes, checksum: 91d76cfbdad65ef2dc76a55c0af3db9c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-11T16:39:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertação de Aline Carvalho Alves Peixoto.pdf: 1268291 bytes, checksum: 91d76cfbdad65ef2dc76a55c0af3db9c (MD5) / Este estudo possui caráter pioneiro por explorar a relação mãe-feto em gestantes que sofrem violência. O constructo do apego materno-fetal tem sido amplamente estudado, em pesquisas nacionais e internacionais, assim como seus preditores, contudo existe uma carência de literatura que explore esse tema no contexto da violência. O presente estudo comparou o apego materno-fetal em um grupo de gestantes que nunca havia sofrido violência pelo parceiro íntimo durante a gestação (grupo comparação), e um grupo de gestantes que sofreu violência psicológica ou física pelo parceiro, durante a gestação (grupo de risco). Participaram deste estudo 32 mulheres que tinham idade entre 19 e 44 anos, e estavam no terceiro trimestre de gestação, no momento da coleta de dados. As gestantes foram convidadas a participar da pesquisa em duas maternidades públicas de Salvador e em um ambulatório de uma instituição filantrópica. Durante as entrevistas, as gestantes responderam a Escala de Apego Materno-fetal, o Questionário Nuclear WorldSAFE, e uma ficha de dados sociodemográficos. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos de risco e comparação, em relação ao escore de apego materno-fetal contudo, foi verificado que o apego materno-fetal foi significativamente menor no subgrupo que sofreu violência física quando comparado ao subgrupo que sofreu unicamente violência psicológica. Discutem-se os comportamentos do apego que possivelmente foram prejudicados pela situação de violência, especificamente a física, a importância da saúde mental da mulher nesse contexto, as características metodológicas do estudo e características dos instrumentos utilizados nesta investigação. This study was pioneer in the discussion of mother-fetus relationship in pregnant women who suffer violence. The construct of maternal-fetal attachment has been widely studied in national and international research, as well as its predictors, however there is a lack of literature that explores this theme in the context of violence. This study compared the maternal-fetal attachment in a group of pregnant women who had never experienced violence by an intimate partner during pregnancy (comparison group), and a group of pregnant women who have suffered violence, psychological or physical by the partner, during pregnancy (risk group). The study included 32 women who were aged between 19 and 44, and were in the third trimester of pregnancy at the time of data collection. Pregnant women were invited to participate in the study in two public hospitals of Salvador and at a clinic belonging to a philanthropic institution. During the interviews, the mothers answered the Maternal-fetal Attachment Scale (MFAS), the WorldSAFE Nuclear Quiz, and finally a sociodemographic data sheet. There were no significant differences among risk group and comparison group, in relation to to the score of maternal-fetal attachment, but it was found that the maternal-fetal attachment was significantly lower in the subgroup that suffered physical violence when compared to the subgroup that underwent only psychological violence. It is discussed the attachment behaviors that were possibly affected by the situation of violence - specifically physical, the importance of women's mental health in this context, the methodological characteristics of the study and the characteristics of the instruments used on this research.
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Queer Victims: Reports of Violence by LGBTQI Survivors Result in Violent Assaults by PoliceJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: LGBTQI people are often victimized by law enforcement and these victimizations often are related to victimizations of domestic violence and hate violence. Because reporting a victimization to the police leads to contact with police, a part of the research question involved herein looked at whether or not reporting a victimization to the police also increases the rate of police violence. Through secondary data analysis, this study investigated the correlation between reporting domestic violence and hate violence to the police, and subsequent victimizations by the police in the form of police violence. Additionally through secondary data analysis, this study investigated whether or not this correlation is stronger with transgender women and people of color. All data analyzed in this study was collected in Tucson, Arizona through the Wingspan Anti-Violence Project (WAVP). All data was analyzed with the permission of the data owner, the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP) (see Appendix IV), and with IRB approval from the Arizona State University Office of Research Integrity and Assurance (see Appendix III). The findings demonstrated a positive correlation between the rate of LGBTQI people reporting violent crimes to the police and the rate of police violence against LGBTQI survivors of domestic violence and hate violence. The results further demonstrated the rate of police violence associated with reporting domestic violence or hate violence is greatest for transgender women and people of color. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Social Work 2016
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Violência nas relações íntimas: uma análise psicossociológicaSouza, Ana Angélica Pereira 19 August 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-08-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Violence against women in the context of intimate relationships is that practiced by the spouse, fiance, boyfriend or partner. It is the most recurrent type of violence against women. The aim of this study was to investigate factors related to permanence and the disruption of intimate violence from the perspective of women in situations of violence. The research was to first build a theoretical model to explain the start, stay and disruption of the violent relationship, and then was carried out empirical research addressing the theoretical model. The theoretical model considers that violence in intimate relationship can be analyzed from three dimensions: the cognitive dimension, in which the main factor explaining the maintenance of violent intimate relationship would be the cognitive dysfunction, consisting of features such as dysfunctional beliefs / irrational, low self-esteem, low perceived self-efficacy, external locus of control, the relational dimension, mainly formed by the behavioral feature of the relationship, ie, the assessment made by the wife of the "gains" in keeping the relationship and their losses if she would break the relationship - economic dependence, concern for the livelihood or welfare of children, rejection of the status of women separate, fear of being murdered, and the cultural dimension, formed by broad social beliefs about violence, sex roles , reflected in perceived social support by women, either by groups closer as family and friends, or social institutions, police, justice, among others. The empirical research consisted of a multiple case study with 12 women who lived or still live in a violent intimate relationship. The instrument of data collection was an in-depth interviews conducted in two parts. At first the woman had a history of violent relationships and were second in depth specific issues related to the model. Data analysis showed that indicators of cognitive dysfunction were present mainly during the stay of women in violent relationship, the main dysfunctional belief checked was the belief of women, often for years, in changing the behavior of the violent partner. The behavioral feature was evident on a continuation and disruption. The functional aspect was the most frequent maintenance by the husband of the household expenses and / or children. Two types of cracking the behavioral feature were more indicated as causes of the disruption - the woman started to have conditions to maintain and keep their children without the need of the partner, and the woman suffered an assassination attempt. Social support from family and friends to the relationship was motivating to stay and in some cases the non-perception of social support also favored the retention. Concerning the social support for the disruption, there was emphasis on the social support of children, cited as decisive as significant part of women. One reference was also a lack of social support institutions - the police and justice - as motivators of stay. In one case this lack of support led to a reworking cognitive stronger dysfunctional beliefs that women should remain in violent relationships. The mechanisms of relational and cultural dimensions were more influential in breaking, while the cognitive characteristics appear to be associated with more permanence / A violência contra a mulher no contexto das relações íntimas é aquela praticada pelo cônjuge, noivo, namorado ou companheiro. É o tipo mais recorrente de violência contra a mulher. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os fatores relacionados à permanência e ao rompimento do relacionamento íntimo violento, na perspectiva da mulher em situação de violência. A pesquisa consistiu em primeiramente construir um modelo teórico explicativo do início, permanência e rompimento do relacionamento violento; em seguida foi realizada uma pesquisa empírica abordando o modelo teórico. O modelo teórico proposto considera que a violência na relação íntima pode ser analisada a partir de três dimensões: a dimensão cognitiva, na qual o principal fator explicativo da manutenção da relação íntima violenta seria a disfuncionalidade cognitiva, constituída por características como crenças disfuncionais/irracionais, baixa auto-estima, baixa auto-eficácia percebida, lócus de controle externo; a dimensão relacional, constituída principalmente pela funcionalidade comportamental da relação, isto é, a avaliação feita pela mulher dos ganhos em manter-se na relação e as respectivas perdas que ela teria caso rompesse a relação dependência econômica, preocupação com o sustento ou bem-estar dos filhos, rejeição ao status de mulher separada, medo de ser assassinada; e a dimensão cultural, formada pelas crenças sociais amplas acerca da violência, dos papéis sexuais, refletidas no apoio social percebido pela mulher, seja pelos grupos mais próximos como familiares e amigos, seja pelas instituições sociais, polícia, justiça, entre outros. A pesquisa empírica consistiu num estudo de casos múltiplos com 12 mulheres que viveram ou ainda vivem uma relação íntima violenta. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi uma entrevista em profundidade realizada em duas partes. Na primeira a mulher contava a história do relacionamento violento e na segunda eram aprofundados pontos específicos, relacionados ao modelo. A análise dos dados mostrou que indicativos de disfuncionalidade cognitiva estavam presentes principalmente na fase da permanência da mulher na relação violenta, a principal crença disfuncional verificada foi a crença da mulher, muitas vezes por anos, na mudança do comportamento violento do parceiro. A funcionalidade comportamental foi evidenciada na permanência e no rompimento. O aspecto funcional mais frequente foi a manutenção pelo marido das despesas da casa e/ou dos filhos. Dois tipos de quebra da funcionalidade comportamental foram mais indicados como desencadeadores do rompimento a mulher passou a ter condições de se manter e manter os filhos sem necessitar do parceiro, e a mulher sofreu tentativa de assassinato. O apoio social de familiares e amigos ao relacionamento foi motivador para a permanência e em alguns casos a não percepção de apoio social também favoreceu a permanência. Concernente ao apoio social para o rompimento, houve destaque para o apoio social dos filhos, citado como decisivo por parte significativa das mulheres. Foi referida ainda a ausência de apoio social das instituições polícia e justiça como motivadores da permanência. Em um dos casos esta ausência de apoio provocou uma reelaboração cognitiva, fortalecendo crenças disfuncionais de que a mulher deveria manter-se no relacionamento violento. Os mecanismos das dimensões relacional e cultural mostraram-se mais influentes no rompimento, enquanto as características cognitivas parecem estar mais associadas à permanência.
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