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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paslaugų rinkos integracija Europos Sąjungoje ir valstybių narių nacionalinės preferencijos / The integration of services market in the european union and the national preferences of member states

Narvydas, Simonas 20 June 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe paslaugų direktyvos (PD) kontekste yra analizuojamas paslaugų rinkos integracijos Europos Sąjungoje procesas. Metodologines gaires šiam tyrimui suteikia viena pastarojo meto Europos integracijos teorijų – liberalus tarpvyriausybiškumas. Ši teorija išsamiausiai yra išplėtota jos kūrėju laikomo Andrew Moravcsiko knygoje "The Choice for Europe." Todėl ši knyga yra pagrindinis darbo teorinio pagrindo šaltinis. Išplėtojus ir pritaikius nagrinėjamai problemai A. Moravcsiko idėjas, darbe buvo išsikelta hipotezė, kad ES paslaugų rinkos integracija priklauso nuo nacionalinių valstybių preferencijų, kurias formuoja vidaus ekonominiai interesai ir valstybių derybinių galių. Remiantis A. Moravcsiko teorine prielaida, kad tik svarbiausios valstybės turi įtaką ES, buvo analizuojamos trys didžiosios valstybės – Vokietija, Prancūzija ir Didžioji Britanija. Detaliau išskaidžius pagrindinę hipotezę buvo nusistatytos kelios darbo tezės: PD galutinį turinį ir Britanijos nuolaidas sąlygojo tai, kad paslaugų sektoriaus liberalizavimas šiai valstybei galėjo atnešti daugiausiai naudos, todėl ji turėjo mažiausiai derybinės galios lyginant su Prancūzija bei Vokietija; Britanija už padarytas nuolaidas išlošė kitose jai svarbiose derybose; Komisija be iniciatyvos teisės šiame procese nevaidino svarbaus vaidmens ir išliko tik stebėtoja. A. Moravcsiko teigimu, būtent ekonominiai, o ne geopolitiniai interesai atlieka svarbiausią vaidmenį priimant sprendimus. Taigi pagrindiniai nepriklausomi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This paper analyzes the process of the services market integration in the context of Services Directive and the national preferences of member states towards this document in particular and towards the process of services liberalization in general. The methodological guidelines for the research are provided by one of the contemporary theories of EU integration – liberal intergovernmentalism, as developed by Andrew Moravcsik in his prominent book The Choice for Europe. The main argument of this author is that “European integration can be best explained as a series of rational choices made by national leaders.”(A. Moravcsik: 18) What follows as the main hypothetical proposition is that the integration of services market in the European Union rests upon national preferences of member states, which are shaped by domestic economic interests groups and upon relative bargaining powers of these member states. According to A. Moravcsik’s argumentation, it is assumed in this paper that it suffice to analyze three major member states – Germany, France and United Kingdom (UK). The analysis of this paper proved the relative interdependence between gains and bargaining power. It was showed, that UK has more competitive services providers, especially those providing professional services, then France and Germany. It is the reason why the service market opening could bring more benefits to British providers. This situation led UK to have less persuading arguments and made them make... [to full text]

Tarptautinė prekyba paslaugomis: tendencijos ir problemos / International trade in services: tendencies and problems

Jankauskaitė, Rasa 28 December 2006 (has links)
The sphere of services started to develop very actively in the last century. Nowadays this sector of economics gained the dominant positions: currently those services compound more than two thirties of the World’s Gross National Product (GNP). Approximately seventy percent of the GNP is obtained in sector of the services. Moreover, this sector is growing much faster (16 percent per year) than trade in services (7 percent per year only). Currently more than seventy percent of the employees are working in the sector of the services, and this part practically contains all the development of employment. According to the data of the Statistic Department of Lithuania and the Bank of Lithuania, during period 2000 – 2006 the services became the key in economical sector in the structure of the Lithuanian economy, and it compounds the biggest part of surplus. Despite this fast development of the sector of the services, many problems that limit this market are rising up, for example, obstructions for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME), the problems with innovations, the efficiency of the employment, the obstacles that influence the establishment of the enterprises. It is necessary to make the comprehensive analysis of the sector of the services in order to solve those problems. The conception of the service, groups of the services traded in the international market and their accounting, the development of the services of the international market and its changes, the factors that... [to full text]

Ikimokyklinio ugdymo paslaugos miesto ir kaimo vaikams / Pre-school education services for urban and rural children

Gudelevičienė, Daiva 23 December 2009 (has links)
Ikimokyklinio ugdymo paslaugos labai svarbios ugdant vaikus kaip asmenybes. Jos papildo vaikų ugdymą šeimose, skatina jų socialinį, pažintinį vystymąsi, praturtina vaikų bendravimo su kitais patirtį, padeda pasiruošti mokymuisi mokykloje. Vaikai ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigose praleidžia didesnę savo laiko dalį, ugdymo įstaigos tampa vis labiau reikšmingos tokio amžiaus vaikams, todėl ypatingą dėmesį reikia skirti ikimokyklinio ugdymo paslaugų teikimui, jų plėtrai, prieinamumui ir kokybei. Tyrimo tikslas: Atskleisti ikimokyklinio ugdymo paslaugų miesto ir kaimo vaikams ypatumus. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1) Išanalizuoti pedagoginę, psichologinę bei metodinę literatūrą, susijusią su ikimokyklinio ugdymo paslaugomis miesto ir kaimo vaikams; 2) Išsiaiškinti ikimokyklinio ugdymo paslaugų pasiūlą miesto, rajono centro, rajoninės reikšmės miesto ir kaimo vaikams; 3) Nustatyti ar ikimokyklinio ugdymo paslaugų prieinamumas skiriasi miesto, rajono centro, rajoninės reikšmės miesto ir kaimo vaikams; 4) Išsiaiškinti ikimokyklinio ugdymo paslaugų poreikį miesto, rajono centro, rajoninės reikšmės miesto ir kaimo vaikams; 5) Apibendrinti tyrimo duomenis. Hipotezė: Ikimokyklinio ugdymo paslaugų pasiūla,poreikis ir prieinamumas iš dalies priklauso nuo gyvenamosios vietos (miesto, rajono centro, rajoninės reikšmės miesto ir kaimo). Tyrimo metodai: 1) Literatūros šaltinių analizė; 2) Ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų vadovų anketavimas; 3) Institucijų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Pre-school education services are very important in raising the children as individuals. They complement the education of children in families, promote their social, cognitive development, enriches children's experience of communicating with others, helps prepare for school. Children in pre-school education institutions spend most of their time, educational institutions are becoming increasingly important for children of that age group, so special attention should be given to pre-school education services, their development, availability and quality. Aim of the study: To reveal characteristics of the pre-school education services for children in urban and rural areas. Objectives of the study: 1. To examine the pedagogical, psychological and methodological literature relating to pre-school education services in urban and rural children; 2. To clarify pre-school education services availability at the city, the district suburbs in urban and rural children; 3. Set or pre-school education services for the city is different, the district suburbs in urban and rural children; 4. To clarify the pre-school service needs the city, the district, suburbs and rural children; 5. To Summarize the survey data. Hypothesis: pre-primary education services’ availability, need and accessibility depends in part on the place of residence (city, district, suburbs and rural). Research methods: 1. Literature review; 2. Survey of the Heads in Pre-school education... [to full text]

Apgyvendinimo paslaugų sektoriaus vystymosi Lietuvoje galimybės / Possibilities of accommodation service development in lithuania

Meškauskas, Julius 26 June 2014 (has links)
Apgyvendinimo paslaugų verslo sfera pagal augimą yra trečiasis tarp Lietuvos ūkio sričių po apdirbamosios pramonės ir prekybos. Jo augimas prilygsta bendram ūkio augimui. Nors ir kaip sparčiai šis sektorius plečiasi, Lietuvos viešbučių asociacija (LVRA) prognozuoja, kad apgyvendinimo paslaugų verslas Lietuvoje vis dar turi kur plėstis. Negalima sakyti, kad šiandien yra pakankamai viešbučių ir kitų apgyvendinimo formų. Lietuvoje toks verslas traktuojamas kaip prioritetinė šaka. Pastaraisiais metais pastebima, kad Lietuva tampa patrauklia turizmo šalimi, padidėjo atvykstančiųjų srautas. Tai puikios sąlygos plėsti apgyvendinimo paslaugų verslą, bet tam reikia žinoti, kur plėtros potencialas yra didžiausias. Taigi darbo tikslas – įvertinus apgyvendinimo paslaugų rinką Lietuvoje, išsiaiškinti jos plėtros galimybes. Darbo objektas – apgyvendinimo paslaugos. Siekiant iškelto tikslo, yra nagrinėjami tokie uždaviniai: • ištirti teorinius apgyvendinimo paslaugų verslo aspektus; • išanalizuoti apgyvendinimo paslaugų rinkos situaciją Lietuvoje; • atlikti tyrimą, siekiant išsiaiškinti apgyvendinimo paslaugų rinkos plėtros galimybes Lietuvoje; • Pateikti apibendrintus tyrimo rezultatus. Atlikus praktinį viešbučių sektoriaus plėtros galimybių Lietuvoje tyrimą išsiaiškinta, jog iki šiol apgyvendinimo paslaugų paklausa didėjo, tuo pat metu didėjant ir pasiūlai. Dauguma paklaustų viešbučių savininkų mano apgyvendinimo paslaugos Lietuvoje turi geras plėtros perspektyvas, bet šiuo metu nėra tam... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Business area of accommodation services is the third Lithuanian economic sector, according to the growth, following the manufacturing and trade. Its growth corresponds to general economic growth. However rapidly this sector is expanding, the Lithuanian Association of Hotels (LVRA) predicts that the business of accommodation services in Lithuania should continue expanding. It cannot be said that today we have enough hotels and other accommodation forms. Such business is treated as a priority branch in Lithuania. Recently it was noticed that Lithuania is becoming an attractive tourism country, and the incoming flow has increased. These are excellent conditions to expand the business of accommodation services, but this needs knowing where the expansion potential is the biggest. Thus the purpose of the work is after evaluating the market of accommodation services in Lithuania to learn its expansion possibilities. The object of the work is the accommodation services. In order to achieve the goal, the following tasks are analyzed: • To analyse the theoretical aspects of the business of accommodation services; • To learn the situation of the Lithuanian market of accommodation services; • To do the survey in order to learn the expansion possibilities of the Lithuanian market of accommodation services; • To present the generalized research results. The practical research on the expansion possibilities of hotel sector in Lithuania revealed that the demand for accommodation services has... [to full text]

Atlygintinų paslaugų sutarties vykdymo ir nutraukimo ypatumai / Particularities of execution and termination of payable services contract

Jonylienė, Eligija 25 June 2014 (has links)
Šiame magistro darbe analizuojama atlygintinų paslaugų sutarties atskyrimo nuo giminingų sutarčių problematika, jos vykdymo principai bei nutraukimo ypatumai. Daug dėmesio skirta paslaugų sutarties dalyko analizavimui, nes teisės doktrina pažymi, kad dalykas yra veiksmų atlikimas nesiekiant konkretaus apčiuopiamo rezultato, o teismų praktika akcentuoja rezultato svarbą. Taip pat šiame darbe analizuojama kokias pareigas turi paslaugų teikėjas ir klientas dar prieš sudarydami paslaugų teikimo sutartį ir kokias sutarties vykdymo metu. Pagrindinė šalių pareiga prieš sudarant sutartį yra informavimas. Darbe išsamiai analizuojama kokia informacija turi apsikeisti paslaugų teikėjas ir klientas. Šiame darbe analizuojama kliento teisė vienašališkai nutraukti paslaugų teikimo sutartį. Ši nuostata įvertinta kaip neginanti sąžiningos sutarties šalies interesų, nes šalims neleidžiama susitarti dėl nuostolių ar negauto pelno atlyginimo, kurio paslaugų teikėjas pagrįstai tikėjosi. Siekiant darbo tikslų buvo analizuojami teisės aktai, Europos teisės principai Paslaugų sutartims, specialioji literatūra ir Lietuvos teismų praktika. / The present Master thesis analyses the problem of distinction of remunerative services contracts from related contracts, the principles of their execution and peculiarities of termination. A lot of attention is paid to the analysis of the subject of a contract, since the doctrine of law emphasises that the subject is the execution of actions without achieving a particular result, whereas judicial practice emphasises the importance of the result. The present paper also analyses the duties of a service provider and a customer before concluding a service contract and during the execution of a contract. The main obligation before concluding a contract is notification. The thesis analyses what information should be exchanged by a service provider and a customer. The present thesis studies customer’s right to terminate a service contract ex-parte. This provision is treated as non-defending the interests of a conscientious party of a contract, since parties are not allowed to agree upon the damages or compensation for unearned profit which had been reasonably anticipated by the service provider. For the purposes of the present thesis, acts of law, European principles of law for Service contracts, special literature and Lithuanian judicial practice have been analysed.

Mobiliojo tinklo paslaugų kokybės vertinimo ir gerinimo būdų tyrimas / Investigation of evaluation and improvement methods of service quality in mobile networks

Batkauskas, Vaidas 27 June 2006 (has links)
Topicality of the problem. GSM mobile networks are very widely used in the world and the number of GSM users exceeds 10^9. In the last decade, the GSM/GPRS network has been very rapidly expanded in Lithuania as well. Coverage of the network has reached 99 % of territory of the country. Load of the network in largest cities reaches up to several hundred Erlangs for square kilometre. Voice traffic still generates the largest part of the network load, however mobile data traffic also grows rapidly. Radio interface between the user of mobile services and the network is not stationary. The received QoS of every user in different places is different. Even in a single cell, radio link characteristics differ in different parts of the cell. The signal level may easily vary about 10–20 dB just within several or tens of meters. Moreover, a mobile user experiences different link conditions while moving in the natural environment within or between cells. However, historically characteristics of QoS of mobile services are measured and evaluated like the ones of the fixed network using statistical methods. Statistically calculated characteristics of QoS do not include information about the received quality of mobile telecommunication services of every individual user. Conception of the received quality of services of individual users (individual QoS – iQoS) in the GSM/GPRS network has not been analysed in the world before. QoS should be measured not only at the network level, as it is... [to full text]

Mobiliojo tinklo paslaugų kokybės vertinimo ir gerinimo būdų tyrimas / Investigation of evaluation and improvement methods of service quality in mobile networks

Batkauskas, Vaidas 27 June 2006 (has links)
Topicality of the problem. GSM mobile networks are very widely used in the world and the number of GSM users exceeds 10^9. In the last decade, the GSM/GPRS network has been very rapidly expanded in Lithuania as well. Coverage of the network has reached 99 % of territory of the country. Load of the network in largest cities reaches up to several hundred Erlangs for square kilometre. Voice traffic still generates the largest part of the network load, however mobile data traffic also grows rapidly. Radio interface between the user of mobile services and the network is not stationary. The received QoS of every user in different places is different. Even in a single cell, radio link characteristics differ in different parts of the cell. The signal level may easily vary about 10–20 dB just within several or tens of meters. Moreover, a mobile user experiences different link conditions while moving in the natural environment within or between cells. However, historically characteristics of QoS of mobile services are measured and evaluated like the ones of the fixed network using statistical methods. Statistically calculated characteristics of QoS do not include information about the received quality of mobile telecommunication services of every individual user. Conception of the received quality of services of individual users (individual QoS – iQoS) in the GSM/GPRS network has not been analysed in the world before. QoS should be measured not only at the network level, as it is... [to full text]

Keleivių pervežimo paslaugų analizė logistiniu požiūriu / The analysis of the services of passengers transportation on the bases of logistics

Kielienė, Mingaudė 08 September 2009 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – atlikti logistinės sistemos įmonėje dalių analizę, ją pritaikyti teikiant keleivių pervežimo paslaugas ir išsiaiškinti klientų pasirinkimą lemiančius veiksnius. Darbo objektas – įmonės, teikiančios tarptautines keleivių pervežimo paslaugas. Nagrinėjama logistikos sistemos pritaikomumas teikiant tarptautines keleivių pervežimo paslaugas ir šios sistemos aktualiausios dalys. Paslaugas galima interpretuoti panašiai kaip prekes ir taikyti visus metodus, tinkančius prekių pervežimo logistikai. Dažniausiai naudojamos transporto priemonės autobusai ir lėktuvai, iš kurių galima išskirti pigių skrydžių bendrovių teikiamas paslaugas. Paslaugų teikėjui aktualios logistikos sritys: keleivių aptarnavimas, transportavimas ir informacijos valdymas. Darbo eigoje išsiaiškintos teorines logistikos sistemos dalys, kurias galima pritaikyti teikiant keleivių pervežimo paslaugas, palygintas pervežimo transporto tinkamumas teikiant krovinių ir keleivių pervežimo paslaugas, logistikos sistemos dalys pritaikytos UAB „Kautra“ vykdomoje veikloje ir maršrute Ryga – Londonas bei palyginta su konkurentų teikiamomis paslaugomis. Atlikus apklausą išsiaiškinta, kad klientų pasirinkimą labiausiai riboja aptarnavimo kokybė ir informacijos trūkumas, todėl siūloma plėsti turimą informacinę sistemą. Kuriant tokią sistemą būtina įtraukti galimybę vartotojui pačiam pasirinkti norimą paslaugą, taip išvengiant aptarnavimo klaidų. / The aim of this thesis is to make the analyses of the seperate perts of the logistics system enterprises and applying it in providing the services of passengers transportation and to clear up the most important factors for the clients choice. The object of this thesis is the enterprises providing services for the international passengers transportation. The application of the logistics system in prividing services for the international passengers transportation and the most actual parts of this system is analysed. The services may be interpreted the same as the goods and all methods suitable for goods transportation logistics can be applied. The most often used mean of transportation are buses and plains, from which the services provided by cheap flight companies should be excluded. The most actual spheres for service providers are the passengers services, transportatios and management of the information. In the process of this thesis the theoretical parts of logistics system, which can be applied providing the passengers transportation services was elucidated suitability of the means of transportation providing services for goods and passengers transportation were compared, the parts of the logistic system applied in JSC „Kautra“, operating activities especially in the line Ryga – London and compared with services provided by the competitors. During the interrogation it became clear that the choice of the clients is mainly limitted by the quality of the service and the lack... [to full text]

IT paslaugų valdymo procesų atitikties analizatorius / IT Service Management Process‘s Compliance Analyzer

Grigienė, Ilona 13 January 2006 (has links)
There are several process maturity measurement automation tools available on the market. Most of them have significant shortcomings: they collect many incorrect data, they lack of graphic representation, or they do not facilitate continuous comparison of achieved levels over time axis. In this situation UAB “Blue Bridge” has taken decision to investigate possibility to develop own software which is free of these shortcomings. Therein described system is targeted to automate and shorten time of the process maturity measurement. It is intended to be implemented in UAB “Blue Bridge” IT infrastructure and to be used as an automating tool for the Project Planning and Implementation process. Tasks which have been completed are: • Thorough analysis of available software pointing out advantages and disadvantages they have; • Identification and documentation of functional and usability requirements • Developed system architecture design • Database designed to store questionnaires and responses to them • Developed web-based user interface • Prepared system testing plan and estimated ways to implement it �� Developed system and user documentation set There is sought company management support to the implementation of this system and during it testing in production environment phase.

Paslaugų kokybės vertinimas stovykloje „Gintaras“ / The evaluation of the service quality in „Gintaras“ camp

Trečiokaitė, Vytautė 06 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – paslaugų kokybės vertinimas. Tyrimo tikslas: įvertinti paslaugų kokybę stovykloje „Gintaras“. Uždaviniai: 1. Apibrėžti paslaugų kokybę ir jų vertinimą. 2. Apžvelgti stovyklų teikiamas paslaugas; 3. Nustatyti tikėtiną paslaugų kokybę “Gintaro” stovykloje. 1. Paslaugos kokybė, tai objekto savybė, kuri įgalina tenkinti šiandieninius arba tikėtinus vartotojo poreikius. Kokybei tirti taikomi įvairūs kokybės tyrimo modeliai, kurie organizacijoms leidžia nustatyti paslaugų kokybės problemas ir paskatina, bei padeda gerinti jų tikėtiną ar jau įvertintą paslaugų kokybę. 2. Pagrindinės paslaugos be kurių stovyklos organizatoriai negalėtų vykdyti savo veiklos yra apgyvendinimas ir maitinimas. Teikiamos stovyklų paslaugos vyksmas yra neįmanomas be vadovų, kurie atsakingi už stovykloje vykdomas programas, stovyklautojų laisvalaikį bei kitus užsiėmimus vykstančius stovykloje. 3. Norint gerinti paslaugų kokybę „Gintaro“ stovykloje, pirmiausiai dėmesį reikėtų atkreipti į stovykloje vykdomą programą, jos įvairumą, programos tinkamumą, jos pritaikymą skirtingiems vartotojams, bei svarbiausia – jos naudingumą vartotojui, kuris aktualus ir labai svarbus mūsų augančiai jaunajai visuomenei, jos požiūriui į bendravimą, rezultatų siekimą bei bendrą pasaulėžiūrą. / Study object: service quality evaluation. Goal of the work: to assess quality in „Gintaras“ camp. Tasks of the work: 1. Define the service quality conception and quality evaluation. 2. Overview camp services. 3. Evaluate service quality in „Gintaras“ campo of consumer attitudes. Conslusion: 1. Servise quality is an object feature which allows to satisfy today or anticipated consumer needs. To assess servise quality there are various quality testing models that enables organizations to determine the quality of service issues, and encourages helps to improve their expected quality of services. 2. Basic services that childrens camp can not be organized is accommodation and nourishment. Providing camp services, process is not possible without the camp leaders who are responsible for camp programs, the campers leisure and other activities taking place in the camp. 3. In order to improve service quality, in the "Amber" camp, first consideration should be given to the camp running program and its diversity, relevance of programs, and adapt to different users, and most importantly - the utility of the user that is relevant and very important for our growing young society and its approach to communication, achievement of results and overall outlook.

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