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Exploring violence through the narratives of youth in Kenyan secondary schools : implications for reconceptualising peacebuildingWachira, T. W. January 2012 (has links)
Based on the narratives of young people this research explores the rise in youth violence in Kenya's secondary school system and wider society and the potential for peacebuilding to address youth violence. Of particular concern is the gradual change in the profiles, patterns and intensity of the conflict, as evidenced by the increase in the number of youth militias. This increase is often attributed to unemployment and poverty - yet, to date, no systematic research has been produced on the extent to which the youth participation in violence occurs through choice or coercion, or indeed both. Worryingly, a significant number of young people involved in this violence are secondary school students. The findings of this research indicate that despite responses to youth violence in the school and wider Kenyan society, the violence is unabated. Notably, approaches continue to be top-down, generic, superficial and ineffectual. By marginalising the narratives of the youth who participate in and/or observe the violence, current institutional policies and approaches are decontextualised - from both the particular and the wider Kenyan context. This leaves intact the root causes of the violence. This research raises important questions concerning generic, top-down, quick-fix, outmoded cultural paradigms, hierarchical and questionable homogeneous pedagogical approaches to peacebuilding in both the schools and wider Kenyan context. In attempt to address these deficiencies the research seeks to find out approaches to peacebuilding and the Kenyan education systems that can respond to youth violence. This research proffers three key dimensions that can be incorporated in order to ensure effective and sustainable peace: experiences, worldviews and attitudes of the actors. The research, which utilises a constructivist grounded theory approach (Charmaz, 2006), was conducted in fourteen secondary schools in Nairobi and the Rift Valley provinces - two provinces that have been at the centre of youth violence and militia activities. These provinces were also selected in order to reflect the multi-cultural and multi-ethnic character, and the different types of schools in Kenya.
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Inter-relationships between small arms control and peace building activities in countries emerging from conflict : an examination of the inter-relationships between programmes to control Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) and peace building activities in countries emerging from violent conflictSmith, Henry January 2013 (has links)
Efforts to control small arms and light weapons (SALW) in the periods following violent conflict can have positive or negative impacts on peacebuilding efforts. Similarly, peacebuilding activities can both support or endanger efforts to place SALW under greater control. Despite the regular occurrence of SALW control and peacebuilding activities in the same time and space in post violent conflict contexts, there is insignificant analysis of how the two sets of activities interrelate, and how these interelationships can be strengthened to improve the contribution that SALW control efforts make to peacebuilding, and vice-versa. The effects of interrelationships over time (contingency); in the same geographic space (complementarity) and the effects of public perceptions and social construction are particularly important and provide a framework for establishing these interrelationships through analysing a wide universe of cases of SALW control attempted in countries emerging from violent conflict, five mini-cases studies and a major analysis of interrelationships in Kosovo.
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As a Social Worker in Northern First Nations, am I also a Peacebuilder?Clarke, Mary Anne 15 January 2015 (has links)
Through this Peace and Conflict Studies autoethnography, I relate my stories in relationship to the First Nations lands and peoples of Northern Manitoba within the context of Child and Family Services. The stories identify relationships between social work interventions and peace-building interventions with examples of my contributions to the structural violence of colonization through assimilation, and my interventions that are consistent with peace-building to reverse the assimilation of colonization. The theories of structural violence, colonization, assimilation and genocide provide the framework to tell the anecdotal stories to identify the complex relationships. My stories describe my emotions of inner conflict and turmoil as I identify the day-to-day challenges ingrained within the system to build peace by reversing the tide of removing children from their families, communities, cultures and identities. The stories also identify some successes of peace-building by strengthening and unifying families and communities in response to experiences of colonization.
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A efetividade das operações de paz da ONU na consecução das atividades de “Post-Conflict Peace Building” (PCPB) pela análise da questão do Timor Leste : cumpre o que promete?Colares, Luciano da Silva January 2018 (has links)
Em dezembro de 2012, após treze anos, três mandatos de operações de paz e dois mandatos de missões políticas, a ONU se retirava do território do Timor-Leste de maneira bastante discreta. Fechava-se, naquele momento, um ciclo de participação da Organização na vida política e econômica daquele país, que se iniciara com os episódios de violência de 1999, quando milicianos pró-indonésia tentaram impedir o processo político de autodeterminação do povo timorense. Herdando um país com suas infraestruturas destruídas e mais de um quarto de sua população refugiada ou deslocada internamente, a ONU não apenas pacificou o território como também empreendeu ali um processo de Post-conflict Peacebuilding (PCPB), onde sua participação variou entre o exercício pleno de todos os poderes soberanos atinentes às funções de governo de qualquer Estado ao apoio de assessores altamente especializados em prol do governo independente do Timor-Leste. O balanço final dessa participação é positivo na medida que revela um país com estruturas governamentais consolidadas, formalmente democrático e com boas taxas de crescimento econômico. Por outro lado, o combate à pobreza, a consolidação da pacificação social, a necessidade de maior participação popular na política e a redução da dependência de sua economia em relação ao petróleo seguem sendo desafios não resolvidos e, em grande medida, externalidades provocadas pela própria ONU. / In December 2012, after thirteen years, three mandates of peace operations and two mandates of political missions, the UN withdrew from the territory of Timor-Leste in a rather discreet manner. At that moment, a cycle of the Organization's participation in the political and economic life of that country, which began with the 1999 episodes of violence, occurred when pro-Indonesian militiamen tried to impede the political process of self-determination of the Timorese people. Inheriting a country with its destroyed infrastructure and more than a quarter of its population refugee or internally displaced, the UN not only pacified the territory but also undertook a Post-conflict Peacebuilding (PCPB) process, where its participation ranged from full exercise of all sovereign powers pertaining to the government functions of any State to the support of highly specialized advisers for the independent government of Timor-Leste. The final balance of this participation is positive insofar as it reveals a country with consolidated government structures, formally democratic and good rates of economic growth. On the other hand, the fight against poverty, the consolidation of social pacification, the need for greater popular participation in politics and the reduction of dependence of its economy on oil remain unresolved challenges and, to a large extent, externalities caused by the UN itself.
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Fostering guarantees of non-recurrence : How humanitarian action can strengthen the Colombian post-conflict processBergenholtz, Julle January 2018 (has links)
After more than 50 years of internal armed conflict, Colombia has entered into a stage of postconflict after a peace agreement was signed in 2016. This process will be challenging for the country, as the conflict has created increased poverty and segregation as well as a lack of opportunities for those that have been affected by the conflict. This thesis collects perceptions of international humanitarian actors working in the Colombian context, and their perception on how humanitarian action can be used to strengthen the Colombian post-conflict process. Through a theoretical standpoint of Institutionalization Before Liberalization (IBL) theory by Roland Paris (2004), the findings were collected. Key findings include the need to recognize the humanitarian needs in Colombia despite the conflict ending, the importance of building knowledge in society about the peace agreement and make room for transition of experience and knowledge from the humanitarian field to the government and development actors. Analysing the findings, it shows that Colombia’s current peace transition would be furthered by strengthening the nation’s institutions and making long-term strategies on how to create electoral and societal systems that would unite and reconcile the population. It also shows that while the IBL theory is applicable to the Colombian post-conflict process, it fails to capture educational components that are deemed essential by the interviewed organizations. The thesis concludes that humanitarian organizations should be viewed as pivotal actors for the implementation of the Colombian peace agreement and that the Colombian government and international donors needs to put aside long-term resources and time to create a post-conflict society that will foster guarantees of the armed conflict not returning to Colombia.
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Exploring transitional justice options for ZimbabweMadenga, Innocent January 2017 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration – Peace Studies, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2017. / Zimbabwe is in dire need of wholesale reform. Gross human rights violations which date back to the pre-colonial period could have been abated in 1980 when the magnanimous policy of national reconciliation promised a new start. The watershed opportunity was, however, lost mainly because no deliberate efforts were made to account for the wrongs of the past in order to start afresh. The result was that Zimbabwe won the independence, but peace remained elusive. This is evidenced in the continued instability, insecurity and uncertainty.
The non-retributive pledge had inherent weaknesses; it lacked inclusive participation, hence, no broad ownership. Simply drawing a line between the wounded past and the present, meant burying the past without the prerequisite rituals bent on ensuring non-recurrence. The futility of this blanket amnesty is evident in the sustained legacy of gross human rights abuses and impunity.
Political violence has been institutionalised through politicisation of all aspects of life. This research is guided by Lederach’s reconciliation theory which uses Psalms 85:10 to emphasise the importance of commitment in converging the seemingly divergent aspects of truth, peace, justice and mercy into a ‘meeting place’ called reconciliation. Using a mixed methods approach, this research established that the invariably top-bottom approaches massage the symptoms rather than address the root causes of conflicts. The victims’ agitations for revenge and retribution prompted me to design action research processes aimed at engaging the research participants in interactive activities.
The action research component aimed at sensitising participants to the merits of letting go of the burdens of the past, and to use scars as reminders of hope and not victimhood. The issues of forgiveness without apology, compensation or even remorse were contentious. However, through give-and-take concessions, the dialogue intervention yielded invaluable by-products such as maximisation of indigenous knowledge systems. Building on the participants’ input, sustainable healing and reconciliation can be achieved through deliberate truth-recovery, the right to justice, reparation, forgiveness and non-recurrence assurances.
The research outcomes show that Zimbabwe urgently needs a ‘hybrid’ transitional justice framework based on inclusive participation. Inclusivity is critical because politicians are not necessarily experts in peacebuilding. The yet to be implemented National Peace and Reconciliation Commission can be used as a tool to seek public opinion on how to overcome the entrenched ‘fearology and militarism’ (Oberg 2016) ahead of the watershed 2018 general elections. Uncensored national debates can be used to gather information on the way forward. The multiple merits of Information Communication and Technology should be fully maximised in peacebuilding. / D
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What Peace? Grasping the Empirical Realities of Peace(s) in Post-war MitrovicaSegall, Sandra January 2018 (has links)
Urban peacebuilding has proved particularly challenging in cities contested on grounds of state legitimacy where group identities are salient. Ever since the end of the Kosovo War in 1999, the city of Mitrovica has remained divided and been further polarized by outbreaks of violence, post-war politics, and strained inter-group relations. This single case study describes and conceptualizes the empirical realities of peace in the post-war city by applying the Peace Triangle as an analytical tool for understanding the quality and characteristics of the peace that prevails beyond the cessation of large-scale violence. The author builds on the conceptual model by arguing that a more multifaceted and peace-grounded analysis of peace is necessary. The research paper concludes by suggesting an altered analytical model that may yield a more nuanced understanding of peace(s) by encompassing aspects grounded in peace-conducive activities.
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Le rôle des organisations de femmes dans la construction de la paix en Bosnie-Herzégovine. Normes Internationales et carrières des organisations de 1995 à 2012 / The role of Women organizations in peacebuilding in Bosnia and Herzegovina. International norms and organizations' careers from 1995 to 2012.Delomez, Hélène 28 October 2013 (has links)
En Bosnie-Herzégovine, après la guerre de 1992 à 1995, un nombre important d'organisations féminines se sont créées partout sur le territoire, afin de prendre en charge une partie des nombreux problèmes que pose la reconstruction post-conflit. Parallèlement, au niveau international, une attention croissante est portée aux conséquences des conflits armés sur les femmes et les filles, ainsi que sur la nécessité de les intégrer dans la reconstruction post-conflit. La résolution 1325 votée par le Conseil de Sécurité en 2000 vise ainsi à appeler les États à intégrer les femmes dans les processus de décision dans les contextes de construction de la paix. La présente recherche vise à interroger et analyser les capacités des organisations de femmes à participer et à influencer le processus de construction de la paix. En effet, une des hypothèses de départ de cette recherche postule que les organisations de femmes ont été ciblées par les acteurs de la communauté internationale comme des actrices privilégiées de la construction de la paix et de la réconciliation. Dans une perspective longitudinale, prenant en considération les carrières de plusieurs catégories d'organisations de femmes, il s'agit d'analyser les mobilisations sociales impulsées par les organisations féminines, ainsi que l'évolution de leurs agendas et de leurs capacités à agir sur le processus de construction de la paix. / Since the end of the Bosnian war (1992-95), many women organizations have been created in Bosnia in order to handle many post-conflict issues. At the same time, in the international arena, new norms have highlighted the specific needs of women and girls in the aftermath of conflict in regard to their specific victimization during armed conflict. The resolution 1325 adopted by the Security Council in 2000, calls the States to take into account these specific needs and to integrate women in peacebuilding decision's processes. This research aims at examining and analyzing the capabilities of women organizations in participating in peacebuilding process in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of the research is to bring out the factors of their mobilizations and the evolution of their agenda of action with a specific attention to the international norms circulation. Two main categories of organizations have been defined during the research in order to highlight different agencies and roles in the peacebuilding process, as well as the relationship between the two different categories of organizations.
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Contribution à l'étude de l'administration internationale au service de la paix : le cas des missions de consolidation de la paixAlesandrini, Diana-Maria 16 December 2016 (has links)
L'étude des relations internationales contemporaines montre l'implication croissante de la communauté internationale et plus particulièrement des organisations internationales dans la vie interne des états. Au nom de la nécessité d'atténuer les menaces à la sécurité et à la paix internationales, le bouclier, que représentait jadis la souveraineté étatique, se fissure peu à peu et les domaines réservés aux états s'étiolent. Instituées pour préserver la paix mais confrontées à de nouvelles formes de conflits, les Nations Unies ont adapté leurs actions afin d'assurer la protection des populations. La consolidation de la paix est devenue omniprésente et pour ce faire l'ONU opte parfois pour l'administration directe de territoires. L'administration internationale de territoires n'est cependant pas un phénomène créé par les Nations Unies, puisqu'il existe un régime de l'occupation. Dans le sillage de ces occupations, a été créé un régime censé favoriser le retour de la paix. D'abord étatique, la gestion internationale des territoires a évolué. Elle s'est peu à peu institutionnalisée. Il existe des règles dédiées à la gestion d'un territoire par une autorité qui n'en émane pas : il s'agit du droit de l'occupation. Il convenait dès lors dans notre étude de s'interroger sur ces règles et d'envisager la possibilité de les appliquer aux missions de consolidation de la paix, dès lors qu'elles participent à l'administration d'un territoire et tiennent en leur pouvoir la population civile. Nous nous sommes de plus attachés à porter un regard global sur l'institutionnalisation de ce processus, tout en gardant à l'esprit les règles qui gouvernent l'occupation des territoires / Study of contemporary international relations shows the increasing involvement of the international community and especially the international organizations in states'internal affairs. On behalf of the need to mitigate the threats to security and to international peace, the shield, which once represented the state sovereignty is gradually cracked and areas reserved to the states wither. Instituted to preserve peace but confronted with new forms of conflict, the United Nations have adapted their actions to protect the population. We first experienced the maintenance of peace missions and then operations to enforce peace have emerged. Finally, peacebuilding has become ubiquitous and the United Nations sometimes opts for the direct administration of territories. The international administration of territory however is not a phenomenon created by the United Nations, since there is an occupation regime. In the wake of these occupations, was established a regime supposed to promote the return of peace. First from states, the administration of territories has evolved. It has gradually institutionalized. There are rules dedicated to the administration of a territory by an authority which does not emanate: it is the law of occupation. It was therefore appropriate in this study to question these rules and consider the possibility of applying them to peacebuilding missions, if they participate in the administration of a territory and have in their power the civilian population. We are more committed to bring a global perspective on the institutionalization of the process, keeping in mind the rules governing the occupation of the territories
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A minefield of possibilities : the viability of liberal peace in Somaliland, with particular reference to mine actionNjeri, Sarah January 2015 (has links)
The dominant liberal peacebuilding critiques tends to focus on ‘states’ and the failure of interventions in rebuilding them. Consequently, a standardised critique has emerged largely because the critics apply a broad brush across a diverse range of contexts, programmes, issues and activities as illustrated by the lack of scrutiny on mine action and emerging contexts such as Somaliland. The liberal peacebuilding critics critique the standardised ‘one size fits all approach’ employed by interveners, yet they take the same approach. I therefore argue for the need to broaden the critique to include other elements and contexts of peacebuilding. I demonstrate that as an intervention mine action has intrinsic peacebuilding potential. However, the way mine action is implemented both globally and in Somaliland reflects the same dominant characteristics of the liberal peacebuilding critique i.e.; it is externally led; uses technical and standardised formulaic approaches; disregards local context thus failing to secure local ownership. Attributes that the critics argue have led to the failure and/or limited success of peacebuilding interventions. I therefore contend with the critics and demonstrate how these attributes have contributed to the challenges of implementing mine action activities thereby limiting mine actions ‘peace-ability’ potential in Somaliland. However, beyond the implementation modalities there are other factors that further contribute to limiting this potential; these include the Sector Actors; the Somaliland context i.e. the historical and political context, and the perception of Somaliland people. Thus in conclusion I argue for a nuanced critique that acknowledges the challenging realities of implementing programmes in challenging post conflict environments.
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