Spelling suggestions: "subject:"peasant."" "subject:"easant.""
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A habitação camponesa no programa MCMV / The peasant´s housing in the MCMV programCecilia Corrêa Lenzi 11 September 2017 (has links)
Junto ao lançamento do programa Minha Casa Minha Vida (MCMV) em 2009 pelo governo Lula, foi relançado, como parte deste, o Programa Nacional de Habitação Rural (PNHR). Contrariando a curva histórica e em nome da redução do déficit habitacional rural, esta nova versão do PNHR ofereceu um montante de subsídios a fundo perdido nunca antes visto chegando a ser sete vezes maior do que os programas anteriormente disponíveis e apresentou uma meta física inicial de 120.000 unidades correspondente a aproximadamente 12% do déficit total rural. Porém, do ponto de vista do processo produtivo da habitação, o programa pode ser questionado sob diversos aspectos. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é analisar a produção habitacional camponesa no âmbito do programa MCMV com base na experiência de uma organização sindical em Santa Catarina. Para isso, procuramos caracterizar a luta do campesinato catarinense pela sua permanência ao longo do tempo e a trajetória dos movimentos sindicais do campo no Brasil. Também apresentamos as especificidades da versão não urbana do programa MCMV frente ao modo de vida camponês, apontando os principais aspectos do processo produtivo da casa observados em campo. O trabalho de campo, juntamente ao referencial teórico estudado, permitiu a compreensão de que a produção da casa camponesa não pode ser analisada sob os mesmos referenciais que a habitação social urbana, pois acontece sob outra lógica. Com o suporte do referencial teórico que defende a criação e recriação do campesinato no seio do capitalismo, procuramos compreender algumas das contradições que provocam a oscilação da submissão do campesinato ao capital com base no caso estudado. / Together with the launch of the program My House, My Life (Minha Casa, Minha Vida MCMV) in 2009 by the Lula government, the National Rural Housing Program (Programa Nacional de Habitação Rural - PNHR) was re-launched as part of that program. Contrary to the historical curve and with the aim of reducing the rural housing deficit, this new version of the PNHR offered an unprecedented amount of non-recoverable subsidies - up to seven times greater than previously available programs - and presented an initial physical target of 120,000 units - corresponding to approximately 12% of the total rural deficit. However, from the perspective of the housing productive process, the program can be questioned in several aspects. The main objective of this work is to analyze the peasant housing production under the MCMV program based on the experience of a labor union organization in Santa Catarina. For this, we try to characterize the struggle of the peasantry in Santa Catarina regarding its permanence over time and the trajectory of the labor union movements in rural Brazil. We also present the specificities of the non-urban version of the MCMV program towards the peasant lifestyle, pointing out the main aspects of the house production process observed in the countryside. The fieldwork, together with the theoretical framework studied, allowed the understanding that the production of the peasant house can not be analyzed under a framework for urban social housing, given that it happens under a different logic. With the support of the theoretical framework that advocates the creation and re-creation of the peasantry within capitalism, we seek to comprehend some of the contradictions that cause the oscillation of peasantry submission to capital based on the case examined.
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Gardien de mémoire : racines anthropologiques du monde paysan dans l’œuvre de Wiesław Myśliwski / Memory keeper : Anthropological roots of the peasantry in the literary work of Wiesław MyśliwskiZulauf, Joanna 17 January 2015 (has links)
L’oeuvre de Wieslaw Mysliwski, auteur connu et primé de la littérature contemporaine polonaise, tire ses racines de la culture paysanne traditionnelle. La clef anthropologique d’analyse de cette oeuvre semble être la plus efficace pour présenter les contenus et la mécanique de cette culture. Même si elle est encore proche dans le temps cette culture n’en est pas moins éloignée des enjeux de la modernité d’un Polonais du XXIème siècle.La mémoire collective du monde paysan suscite un vrai questionnement quant à ses voies, son exercice et ses contenus. Elle se niche dans trois couches de l’activité humaine : biologique, sociale et culturelle. L’analyse éthologique montre que la mémoire du monde paysan se révèle dans le rapport de l’homme aux animaux et dans le conditionnement de l’homme par ses gènes - lien indestructible entre les humains. L’approche sociologique révèle la stéréotypie des comportements humains dans l’interaction sociale, ce qui contribue au caractère universel des écrits de Wieslaw Mysliwski. Le monde paysan traditionnel y est magnifié par la façon dont est présenté l’imaginaire de la campagne polonaise. La pensée mythique donne structure et dynamique à sa configuration. L’oeuvre de Wieslaw Mysliwski illustre le passage de la société traditionnelle communautaire vers la société moderne individualiste. Son originalité consiste en la découverte d’un processus : les personnages de Wieslaw Mysliwski, après être passés par la société moderne, retournent à leur source paysanne pour s’y reconstituer en tant qu’individus qui arrivent à synthétiser en eux les valeurs traditionnelles et modernes. L’oeuvre de Wieslaw Mysliwski est un monument de mémoire de la campagne polonaise, dans le sens où elle est une proposition féconde des moyens de préservation et de fonctionnement de cette culture par sa dynamique créatrice propre. / Literary art of Wieslaw Mysliwski, a famous prize-winning contemporary Polish author, is deepely rooted inthe Polish peasant culture and its ancient traditions. Taking that fact into account, an anthropological approachof textual analysis is probably the one which can present the contents of this culture and explain its functioningmost clearly. Though close in time, for it's nearly our contemporary, peasant culture is, at the same time, faraway because of the gap between its values and those modern Polish men and women look up to. The moststriking element of the peasant culture is its collective memory, a puzzling phenomenon as to its ways, itscontents and its workings, operating in three layers, each delving deeper into human nature: the cultural stratus,the social one and, finally, the organic core which is the deepest of them all. The ethological approach revealsthe fact that the collective memory is linked to the way men treat animals and the way genetic heritage, thatlink one cannot destroy, frames their behaviour. As for the sociological approach, the latter deals with theexamples of stock behaviour in social interaction. That gives a universal dimension to Wieslaw Mysliwski'swriting. His craftsmanship consists in magnifying the traditional rural world by the way he depicts its capacityof generating transcendence. Mythical thinking gives structure and dynamics to its layout. WieslawMysliwski's writing deals with the transition from the traditional society, defined by the tight group links, tothe modern individualistic one. His originality resides in discovering that in order to become a person in hisown right, an individual needs both modernity and tradition. Thus, the characters Mysliwski portraits alwaysreturn to the peasant traditions to resource themselves. Wieslaw Mysliwski's literary art can be regarded as atribute to the Polish peasant culture as it reveals its capacity of constant rebirth. It is a sanctuary dedicated tothe memory of the Polish rural world.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The principal theme of this study is the family farmers experiences in the transition of
conventional agriculture for ecological agriculture. This research is executes in the
town of Agudo located in Rio Grande do Sul central region. Based in difference
between conventional agriculture and ecological agriculture, the objective of this
research is understand the farmer experiences in agro ecological transition and why
they opted the agro ecological agriculture. More specifically, the research aims to
meet the agro ecological strategies in family production units; characterize the
experience and the production of farmers in agro ecological transition and
understand how farmers are reproduced in the social sphere. In methodological
terms, it is a qualitative research, which will make it will use tools such as systematic
observation, semi-structured interview and field notebook. It is worth noting that the
transition from conventional agriculture to organic agriculture or agro-ecological
transition is an important social construction that arises from the knowledge of the
limitations and risks in the current hegemonic agriculture model. This transition
creates alternatives that support the agricultural transformation process with
sustainable approach the agro ecological transition in Agudo town, takes place in
families generally related to tobacco growing. These families have much interest in
the increase of agricultural production with ecological basis. The work painfulness in
tobacco cultivation brought harmful consequences for many families, as the family
farm unit indebtedness and pathologies related to contact with the pesticides, which
were cited by families during the field work. The families in question are taking the
first step toward a transition to an eco-based model, which seeks to environmental
sustainability and also the families living in rural areas. Therefore, it is necessary that
these families are supported with community support and government institutions to
enable them to qualify and expand its work. / O presente estudo tem como temática central as vivências dos agricultores
familiares camponeses, em processo de transição da agricultura convencional para
a de base ecológica, no município de Agudo, localizado na região central do estado
do Rio Grande do Sul. Partindo da dicotomia entre a agricultura moderna e a
agricultura de base ecológica, a presente pesquisa pretende compreender como se
dão as vivências dos agricultores em transição agroecológica no município de
Agudo. Para sanar esta inquietação, se propõem em âmbito geral, compreender
como os agricultores em questão decidiram pela agricultura ecológica. Mais
especificamente, a pesquisa pretende conhecer as estratégias agroecológicas nas
unidades de produção familiar em questão; caracterizar o viver e o produzir dos
agricultores em transição agroecológica e compreender como os agricultores se
reproduzem no âmbito social. Em termos metodológicos, trata-se de uma
investigação qualitativa, na qual faz uso de ferramentas como a observação
sistemática, a entrevista semiestruturada e o caderno de campo. Cabe destacar que
a transição da agricultura convencional para a agricultura ecológica ou transição
agroecológica é uma construção social importante, que surge da compreensão das
limitações e dos riscos existentes no atual modelo agrícola hegemônico. Tal
transição cria alternativas que apoiam o processo de transformação da agricultura,
com enfoque sustentável. A transição agroecológica no município, ocorre entre
famílias que, em geral, estiveram relacionadas ao cultivo do fumo. Sendo estas
famílias, as que possuem maior interesse em ascender na busca pela produção
agrícola de base ecológica. A penosidade do trabalho com o cultivo do fumo trouxe
consequências danosas para muitas famílias, como o endividamento da unidade de
produção agrícola familiar e patologias relacionadas ao contato com os agrotóxicos,
que foram citados pelas famílias durante o trabalho de campo. As famílias em
questão estão dando o primeiro passo em direção a um processo de transição para
um modelo de base ecológica, que busca a sustentabilidade do meio ambiente e
também das famílias que vivem no meio rural. Para tanto, é preciso que estas
famílias sejam amparadas com o apoio da comunidade e de instituições
governamentais para que possam a qualificar e ampliar o seu trabalho.
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Education has a key role in the formation of the human role, aimed at preparing participants and being committed to the transformation of society. It is even more true for the educator guide students to understanding, appreciation and positive action on the space - environmental context in which they live, identifying their problems and engaging in search of effective and sustainable solutions for the same, which is of specificity with regard to education in rural areas. In this context, environmental education needs to ally itself to the various areas of human knowledge and recognition of empirical knowledge in order to promote understanding, not disfigure the peasant culture. Based on these considerations , the proposed study has the objective : Understanding the perceptions of students of 4th and 5th years of E. M. San Francisco in relation to the environment in which they live and the interrelationship with the knowledge built in this school , and specific objectives : - To characterize the specifics of working with environmental education in school ; - Investigate the perceptions of students about the environment in which live ; - Develop and evaluate an experiment in environmental education that strives to articulate the reality of Geography settlement . The prime methodology was participatory research, obtaining necessary information by conducting activities with the students, which were analyzed with the theoretical framework, linking theory and practice. Completing the importance of educators know the reality where the student is inserted , in your community , working with the social context , their relationships and interactions in society , making the most significant education. / A educação possui um papel fundamental para a formação do ser humano, visando à preparação de seres participantes e comprometidos com a transformação da sociedade. Faz-se ainda mais premente para o educador orientar os alunos para a compreensão, valorização e atuação positiva sobre o contexto espaço-ambiental em que vivem, identificando suas problemáticas e engajando-se na busca de soluções efetivas e sustentáveis para as mesmas, o que se reveste de especificidade no tocante à educação em meio rural. Neste contexto, a educação ambiental precisa aliar-se às diversas áreas do conhecimento humano e ao reconhecimento dos saberes empíricos, a fim de promover a compreensão, sem descaracterizar a cultura campesina. Com base nessas considerações, a presente proposta de estudo tem por objetivo geral: Compreender a percepção dos educandos do 4º e 5º anos da E. M. São Francisco em relação ao meio em que estão inseridos e a inter-relação com os conhecimentos construídos na referida escola; e como objetivos específicos: - Caracterizar as especificidades do trabalho com educação ambiental na escola; - Investigar as percepções dos educandos sobre o meio em que vivem; - Desenvolver e avaliar uma experiência em Educação Ambiental que busca articular a Geografia à realidade do assentamento. A metodologia privilegiada foi a pesquisa participante, obtendo informações necessárias através da realização de atividades com os alunos, que foram analisadas com o referencial teórico, relacionando a teoria e a prática. Concluindo a importância de o educador conhecer a realidade onde o aluno está inserido, na sua comunidade, trabalhar com o contexto social, suas relações e interações na sociedade, tornando o ensino mais significativo.
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Les organisations paysannes en République du Congo : émergence et signification des dynamiques organisationnelles dans le secteur agricole en zones péri-urbaines et rurales / Rural organizations in Republic of Congo : emergence and significance of the dynamic organizational in agricultural sector in peri-urban and rural areasImbou-Ngalamou, Annick Judicaëlle 25 September 2015 (has links)
L’émergence des organisations paysannes en milieu périurbain et rural en République du Congo en particulier à Brazzaville et dans les Plateaux, s’inscrit dans une dualité de logiques : des logiques paysannes propres aux paysans eux-mêmes et, en même temps, des logiques institutionnelles sous l’impulsion des acteurs extérieurs, l’Etat, les ONG, les agences de coopération bilatérales et multilatérales. On voit donc apparaître de nouvelles dynamiques organisationnelles, ouvrant de nouveaux espaces à l’éruption d’acteurs sociaux qui, à travers des stratégies de positionnement et de promotion s’improvisent comme intermédiaires entre les flux financiers circulant dans ces milieux. Ces nouveaux acteurs se distinguent par leurs charisme, leurs compétences, leur connaissance endogène du milieu, leur appartenance sociale, et leur position dans l’arène locale. Elite, jeune, femme, religieuse, notable du village, etc., acquièrent ainsi une légitimité dans leur milieu, deviennent de véritables courtiers contrôlant les canaux de communication entre les donateurs et les paysans. Positionnement ou promotion, ces nouveaux acteurs jouent un rôle central dans l’arène des possibles. Quelles que soient leur origine, ces dynamiques n’enrayent pas les clivages qui ont existé et apparaissent actuellement sous des nouvelles formes, responsables de conflits entre les acteurs. Par ailleurs, l’aide au développement dont bénéficient les paysans et leurs groupements n’est assurément pas neutre. Elle véhicule l’idéologie des donateurs, et créée inévitablement des comportements d’adaptation des paysans aux exigences des structures d’appui et peut entraîner une perte au moins partielle de leur autonomie. / The emergence of peasant organizations in peri-urban and rural areas in Republic of Congo in particular with Brazzaville and in the Plateau, has a dual logical understanding; peasant farmers view and at the same time, institutional view influenced by external actors, the state, NGOs, bilateral and multilateral cooperation agencies. We see the emergence of new organizational dynamics, which lead to the creation of new spaces and the coming in of social actors who position themselves as intermediaries between financial flows circulating in these environments. These new players are distinguished by their charisma, their skills, their endogenous knowledge of the environment, social affiliation, and their position in the local arena. Elite, young, woman, religious, village elder, etc., they acquire legitimacy in their communities, become real brokers controlling the communication channels between donors and farmers. Whether self imposed or promoted, these new actors play a central role in the arena of possibilities. Whatever their origin, these dynamics do not wipe out the cleavages that have existed and still appear in new forms, the cause of conflicts between actors. In addition, development aid enjoyed by farmers and their associations is certainly not neutral. It conveys the ideology of donors, and influences the behavior of farmers to cope with the requirements of support structures and may result in different degrees of loss of their autonomy.
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A agroecologia necessita de licutixo : contribuições do método camponês a camponês e da produção agroecológica integrada e sustentável à resistência camponesa em assentamentos de reforma agrária, Estância - SELeite, Reuel Machado 31 August 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / After the World War II, with the support of private foundations, such as Rockfeller, a
technology package was developed under the name Green Revolution, based on the use of
chemical inputs, pesticides, on monoculture, selection of seeds and animals, motorization and
mechanization. Due to this model’s severe impacts, movements for an alternative agriculture
based on agroecology have emerged. This thesis aims to analyze contributions from the
Peasant to Peasant Network (in Portuguese: Rede Camponês a Camponês - RCAC) and from
the social technology Integrated and Sustainable Agroecological Production (in Portuguese:
Produção Agroecológica Integrada e Sustentável - PAIS) for peasant resistance in land reform
settlements in Estância, Sergipe, considering as an analytical framework peasant strategies
created for the construction/diffusion of agroecology. The RCAC is founded on knowledge
exchanges between peasants, based on the Peasant Mode of Production and on agroecology.
On the other hand, the PAIS is a re-applicable social technology that aims the improvement of
feeding for poor people in rural areas, as well as the learning of agroecological knowledge.
This package has as its scope the social entrepreneurship and combat of poverty. Therefore,
we intend to analyze the contradictions in the process of agroecological construction. To this
end, we delimited as empirical framework three land reform settlements: Rosa Luxemburgo,
17 de abril and Paulo Freire II. This research has qualitative and quantitative elements. On the
first case, we collected data from the National System of Rural Registration to help us to
comprehend the agrarian structure in Sergipe and Estância; from the Report of Socioterritorial
Impacts (in Portuguese: Relatório de Impactos Socioterritóriais – RIST), applied to the
settlements aforementioned; and, at last, we used data from the Agricultural Census, which
helped us to understand the pesticides consumption and chemical and organic fertilizer. As for
its qualitative dimension, from a perspective of participant observation, we tried to to enter
RCAC’s exchange activities, besides the application of semistructured interviews to the
network’s peasants. For our analysis of the RCAC and PAIS, we used interpretation of
disputes for imaterial territories conceived from the agrarian studies, which are: the Agrarian
Question Paradigm (in Portuguese: Paradigma da Questão Agrária – PQA) and Agrarian
Capitalism Paradigm (in Portuguese: Paradigma do Capitalismo Agrário – PCA). One of the
questions raised in this study is the relation that these two paradigms maintain with the
agroecology practiced by the RCAC and the PAIS. Another important element refers to an
analysis of expansion of monopolist citriculture capital in Sergipe, essential to understand the
resistance process in Estância. This last process is related to the process of peasant
territorialization by means of fight for land and in the land. In this thesis, we analyzed
contributions from the RCAC and the PAIS for peasant resistance in settlements in Estância,
Sergipe. We also approached peasant’s active role in selecting experiences, which allows the
Network delimit its own concept of agroecology. We also delimited the concept of
agroecology stablished in the RCAC and in the PAIS. / Após a segunda guerra mundial, foi desenvolvida com o apoio de fundações privadas, como a
Rockfeller, um pacote tecnológico chamado de Revolução Verde, baseado no uso de insumos
químicos, na monocultura, na seleção de sementes e de animais, na motorização e
mecanização. Devido aos graves impactos deste modelo surgiram movimentos de agricultura
alternativa, que possuem como base de sustentação a agroecologia. O objetivo de nossa
dissertação é analisar a contribuição da Rede Camponês a Camponês (RCAC) e da tecnologia
social Produção Agroecológica Integrada e Sustentável (PAIS) para a resistência camponesa
nos assentamentos de reforma agrária de Estância (SE), tendo como recorte analítico as
estratégias camponesas criadas para a construção/difusão da agroecologia. A RCAC está
fundamentada na troca de saberes entre camponeses, cuja base é o Modo Camponês de Fazer
Agricultura (MCFA) e a agroecologia. Já a PAIS é uma tecnologia social reaplicável, que
visa a melhoria da alimentação de populações pobres no campo, bem como o aprendizado de
conhecimento agroecológicos. Esta tem como um dos seus escopos empreendedorismo social
e o combate a pobreza. Portanto, busca-se aqui analisar as contradições do processo de
construção da agroecologia. Para tal, delimitamos como recorte empírico três assentamentos
de reforma agrária, a saber: Rosa Luxemburgo, 17 de abril e Paulo Freire II. Nossa pesquisa
possui elementos quantitativos e qualitativos. Na primeira, reunimos dados do Sistema
Nacional de Cadastro Rural para nos auxiliar na leitura da estrutura fundiária sergipana e
estanciana; dados do Relatório de Impactos Socioterritóriais (RIST), aplicados nos
assentamentos supracitados; e por fim os dados do Censo Agropecuário, que nos auxiliou no
tocante ao consumo de agrotóxicos e de adubos químicos e orgânicos. Em sua dimensão
qualitativa, a partir da perspectiva da observação participante, buscamos nos inserir nas
atividades dos intercâmbios da RCAC, além da aplicação de entrevistas semiestruturadas
junto aos camponeses da rede. Para nos auxiliar em nossa análise da RCAC e da PAIS, nos
valemos da leitura das disputas por territórios imateriais concebidos a partir dos estudos
agrários, que são eles: o Paradigma da Questão Agrária (PQA) e o Paradigma do Capitalismo
Agrário (PCA). Uma das questões levantadas por nós neste estudo reside na relação que estes
paradigmas possuem com a agroecologia praticada pela RCAC e pela PAIS. Outro elemento
importante, se refere à análise da expansão do capital monopolista da citricultura em Sergipe,
fundamental para entendermos o processo de resistência no município de Estância. Este
último, está relacionado ao processo de territorialização do campesinato por meio da luta pela
terra e na terra. Abordamos também o papel ativo do campesinato ao selecionar experiências,
fato que permite à própria Rede delimitar um conceito próprio de agroecologia. Demarcamos
também o conceito de agroecologia estabelecido na RCAC e na PAIS. .
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Zapatistas: The shifting rhetoric of a modern revolutionBejar, Ofelia Morales 01 January 2004 (has links)
This thesis studies the rhetoric of the Zapatista Revolution and social movement through the analysis of Zapatista messages using the method of cluster criticism. It explores changes in the rhetoric of confrontation and the rhetoric of peace used by the Zapatistas to further their cause during the last ten years of the revolution.
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Agriculture contractuelle et déterritorialisation dans les Andes Equatoriennes. Le cas d’une communauté paysanne au pied du volcan Cayambe - Equateur. / Contract Farming and desterritorialisation process in the Ecuadorian Andes. The case of a peasant community in Cayambe - EcuadorMartínez Godoy, Diego 15 December 2016 (has links)
Bénéficiaires de la réforme agraire des années 1960, les communautés indigènes situées au pied du volcan Cayambe, connaissent depuis deux décennies des transformations territoriales radicales. Ces transformations se sont intensifiées principalement à cause de l’intégration verticale des petits producteurs ruraux dans les chaines de production laitières par plusieurs industries agroalimentaires du pays. Ce modèle dominant dans la zone nord Andine favorise la diminution des couts de production et des risques pour les entreprises capitalistes venues opérer sur le territoire. Mais il confronte les agricultures familiales à un processus de déterritorialisation qui s’accélère avec la consolidation du pouvoir agroindustriel.En mobilisant une approche sociologique combinée à une analyse territoriale, cette recherche propose d’étudier les transformations économico-productives et socio organisationnelles qu’a subit le territoire depuis le début du XXème siècle pour ensuite déterminer et mesurer à quelle étape du processus de déterritorialisation sont confrontées aujourd'hui les agricultures familiales de Cayambe. La mise en évidence d'un processus de différenciation sociale associé à une recomposition des rapports de forces présents sur le territoire va nous permettre de discuter de la capacité des acteurs locaux à résister à cette dynamique de déterritorialisation et, par voie de conséquence, leurs possibilités de développer des stratégies qui leur permettent de récupérer le contrôle de leur territoire. / Beneficiaries of land reform, indigenous communities located at the foot of Cayambe volcano are witness for almost two decades of territorial changes caused by theexpansion of the agro-industrial activity. Indeed, contract farming which considers smalls rural producers within the dairy production lines of several food industries, is the dominant model in the region. This kind of farming also promotes the reduction of production costs and the risks for the capitalist enterprises operating on the territory. Nevertheless, family farms would face a growing process of desterritorialisation that is increasing with the consolidation of agribusiness power and threatening to Andean community traditions, which are however vital in the process of the territorial construction and reconstruction. Are there still differentiated responses levels of family farmers to face to territorial changes and production-driven strategies led by agribusiness in the Ecuadorian Andes?
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Plan de negocio para la implementación de URPI marca de chocolate con cacao orgánico en el mercado de Lima metropolitana “moderna” / Business plan for the implementation of URPI brand of chocolate with organic cocoa in the “modern” metropolitan Lima market.Caballero Soria, Diana Cleofé, Revilla León, Roberto Harrinson, Tafur Arias, Juan Enrique, Camacho Benites, Marco Luis 16 June 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto es la propuesta de un plan de negocios, para comercializar la marca de chocolate orgánico URPI en el mercado de Lima metropolitana, enfocado en los niveles socioeconómicos A y B.
El objetivo principal es comercializar y vender la marca de chocolate orgánico URPI, bajo un plan de marketing estratégico, dirigido a un target con características y definiciones propias del A B, que si bien ya es atendido, pero que consideramos que se puede llegar de una forma diferente, redefiniendo perfiles de consumidor, con nueva propuesta de comunicación, diseñando un mix bajo las medidas del target, usando principales canales de distribución, un precio con apreciación y que genera propuesta de valor. El modelo de negocio es principalmente comercialización y marketing, no contará con infraestructura para producción del chocolate, puesto que contaremos como socio estratégico (proveedor) a la empresa MAKAO quien es uno de los principales productores de chocolate orgánico en el país.
La presentación del chocolate tiene un alto contenido de cacao (70% y del 80%) lo cual lo presenta como un producto de alta calidad. Por otra parte, ingresaremos al mercado con la marca URPI, quien competirá con una creciente variedad de productos existentes en el mercado.
La investigación se desarrolló con enfoque cualitativo en base al análisis del comportamiento de nuestro público objetivo, y el enfoque cuantitativo a partir de las encuestas de opinión que identificamos con las preferencias y gustos.
Se realizaron las encuestas a un número de personas representativas de 22 a 55 años de los NSE A y B en Lima Metropolitana “moderna” especificadas dentro del plan de negocio. En la investigación y dentro de las entrevistas a profundidad resaltaron las siguientes características: calidad por el porcentaje de cacao, sabor, consistencia del chocolate.
Por otro lado, y como dato muy importante para nosotros, los consumidores regulares respondieron que, si “el chocolate orgánico URPI” era un proyecto que involucraba apoyo a las comunidades campesinas participantes del proceso productivo y de la zona, sería una poderosa razón de compra. También, señalaron que gran parte de las compras las realizan en fechas especiales con motivos de regalo: reuniones y estacionalidades tipo San Valentín, día de la madre, de la secretaria, navidad, fiestas patrias.
Finalmente, los consumidores tienen mucha tendencia a comprar el chocolate en canales tradicionales (chocolaterías y eco tiendas) y canales modernos (supermercados).
Después del análisis de la demanda y el análisis financiero de venta según el mercado objetivo, proyectamos que, en un período de 3 años, se obtiene que los indicadores financieros del plan de negocio son positivos, ya que se muestran resultados de crecimiento. / This project constitutes the reaffirmation of a business plan to implement the URPI organic chocolate brand in the metropolitan Lima market, focused on socioeconomic levels A and B.
The main objective is to sell the URPI organic chocolate brand, under the benefits and stories model at a socio-economic level, in a different way but with the main distribution channels, the business model will mainly not have infrastructure as it will rely on the one already created by the main creator of the final product who will support us as a distributor. We will serve a growing audience effectively and directly.
Chocolate with a good level of organic cocoa of 70% and 80%, which is considered a high-quality product. On the other hand, we will enter the market with our own brand URPI, which will compete with a medium variety of products in the market.
The business plan was developed with a qualitative approach based on the analysis of the behavior of our target audience and the quantitative approach based on opinion polls that we identify with preferences and tastes.
A survey of the number of representative people aged 22 to 55 years of the NSE A and B in “modern” Metropolitan Lima specified within the business plan was conducted. In the investigation and the in-depth interviews, the following characteristics stood out: quality by the percentage of cocoa, flavor, consistency of chocolate. On the other hand, regular consumers indicated that if it included a project involved with the communities involved in the final product it would be striking and a reason for purchase. On the other hand, it was pointed out that a large part of the purchases is made on special dates such as gift motifs and seasonal type Valentine's Day or Mother's Day.
Finally, final consumers decide to buy the type of product in traditional channels (modules in shopping centers) and modern channels (supermarkets).
After the analysis of the demand and financial analysis of sale according to the target market in a period of 3 years, it is obtained that the financial indicators of the business plan are positive since results that would benefit us are shown. / Trabajo de investigación
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La ferme des bénévoles : analyse comparée des pratiques de woofing en France et au QuébecLelièvre, Agathe 03 1900 (has links)
Le woofing propose à des bénévoles de venir en aide à des « hôtes » propriétaires de fermes biologiques en échange du gîte, du couvert et du partage de connaissances. Ces « petites mains » novices des savoir-faire paysans s’activent aussi bien dans les champs que dans les maisonnées, et représentent une nouvelle forme d’entraide agricole. La thèse analyse le rôle du woofing dans les secteurs de l’agriculture paysanne française et québécoise, de même que ses usages par les woofeur·euses et les organisations du travail qui en découlent. Grâce à une approche féministe du travail, la thèse rend compte de l’articulation entre la reproduction sociale, c’est-à-dire l’entretien des vies humaines et non-humaines, et la production marchande dans le cas du woofing. La thèse repose sur une méthodologie ethnographique qui combine des immersions au sein des fermes en tant que woofeuse, une analyse documentaire et des entretiens semi-directifs avec hôtes, woofeur·euses et membres des organisations agricoles. La thèse montre tout d’abord comment le bénévolat dans ces entreprises commerciales constitue une anomalie juridique en France et au Québec, qui prend place dans des secteurs d’activités marqués par des fragilités structurelles, politiquement instituées dans une large mesure. S’il est mieux toléré au Québec qu’en France, le woofing fait l’objet d’un déni de travail dans les deux cas. Il recrute ensuite majoritairement des personnes privilégiées à la recherche d’une expérience touristique, militante ou professionnalisante. Enfin, paysan·nes et woofeur·euses interagissent au sein d’organisations alternatives du travail centrées sur le souci des autres, où la subordination est remplacée par le don. Les logiques du prendre soin, si elles peuvent susciter une usure chez les hôtes, permettent cependant de lutter contre les organisations productivistes du travail et ainsi de le re-visiter. / Woofing gives the opportunity to volunteers to help organic farmers in exchange for accommodation, food, and knowledge sharing. These novices learn peasant know-how and active both in the fields and in the households. Therefore, they represent a new form of agricultural mutual help. The thesis analyzes the role of woofing in France’s and Quebec’s peasant and agricultural sectors, as well as its uses by woofers and the work organizations structured by the practices of woofing. Based on a feminist approach of work, the thesis unveils the articulation between social reproduction, the maintenance of human and non-human lives, and market production on woofing. The thesis is based on an ethnographic methodology that combines farm immersions as a woofer, documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews with hosts, woofers, and members of agricultural organizations. First, the thesis shows how volunteering in these commercial enterprises constitutes a legal anomaly in France and Quebec, which takes place in sectors of activity marked by structural weaknesses, which are to a large extent politically instituted. If it is more tolerated in Quebec than in France, woofing is the subject of a denial of work in both cases. Then, the thesis explains that woofing recruits mostly privileged people looking for a tourist, militant, or professional experience. Finally, peasants and woofers interact within alternative work organizations centered on the concern for others, where subordination is replaced by a logic of “gift”. While causing wear among the hosts, the logics of taking care nevertheless enable to resist productivist organizations and therefore re-visit work.
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