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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effekten av bäckenbottenträning med biofeedback på bäckenbottendysfunktioner : En litteraturstudie / The effect of pelvic floor muscle training with biofeedback on pelvic floor dysfunctions : A review

Kjellberg, Lydia, Johansson, My January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bäckenbottendysfunktion innebär onormal funktion i bäckenbottenmuskulaturen som orsakas av ökad eller minskad muskeltonus och nedsatt koordination av bäckenbottenmusklerna.  Det innefattar flera olika funktionella problem och delas upp i urologiska, gynekologiska eller kolorektala. Biofeedback är en apparat som kan användas som ett tillägg till vanlig bäckenbottenträning. Den är till för att lära sig använda rätt teknik och kontrollera och identifiera rätt muskler. Man kan använda biofeedback till att träna styrka, uthållighet, koordination samt avslappning. Syfte: Undersöka effekten av bäckenbottenträning med biofeedback på blås- och tarmtömningsbesvär (utöver urin- och fekalinkontinens), livskvalitet och sexuell funktion jämfört med bäckenbottenträning utan biofeedback/sedvanlig behandling/ingen träning alls. Metod: Systematisk litteraturstudie med databaserna PubMed och Web of Science. Studiernas kvalitet granskades med PEDro och resultatets tillförlitlighet granskades enligt Uppsala Universitets Fysioterapeutsprograms bedömningsmall för systematiska översikter.  Resultat: Sju randomiserade kontrollerade studier inkluderades. Alla studier visade signifikant förbättring hos interventionsgrupperna. Fyra studier undersökte tömningssvårigheter, tre undersökte livskvalitet och två studier undersökte sexuell dysfunktion. Fem studier undersökte biverkningar av biofeedback utan fynd. Alla studier hade god kvalitet enligt PEDro, men samtliga visade på mycket låg tillförlitlighet (+) enligt Uppsala Universitets Fysioterapeutsprograms bedömningsmall för systematiska översikter. Konklusion: Det tyder på att bäckenbottenträning med biofeedback har positiv effekter på blås- och tarmtömningssvårigheter, livskvalitet och sexuell funktion hos personer med bäckenbottendysfunktion. Inga fynd av biverkningar av bäckenbottenträning med biofeedback hittades. Studierna hade god kvalitet enligt PEDro och dess sammanvägda resultat hade mycket låg tillförlitlighet (+). Resultatet bör därför tas med försiktighet och fler randomiserade kontrollerade studier behövs för att kunna dra några slutsatser. / Background: Pelvic floor dysfunction means abnormal function of the pelvic floor muscles caused by increased or decreased muscle tone and reduced coordination of the pelvic floor muscles. It includes several different functional problems such as urological, gynecological or colorectal. Biofeedback is a device that can be used as an addition to regular pelvic floor training. It helps people to use the right technique and to control and identify the right muscles. Biofeedback can be used to train strength, endurance, coordination and relaxation. Objective: Investigate the effect of pelvic floor training with biofeedback on bladder- and bowel voiding difficulties (except for urinary- and fecal incontinence), quality of life and sexual function compared to pelvic floor training without biofeedback/usual care/no training. Method: Systematic literature study which used the databases PubMed and Web of Science. The quality of the studies was reviewed using PEDro and the reliability of the results were reviewed according to Uppsala University's Physiotherapy program assessment template for systematic reviews. Results: Seven randomized controlled trials were included in this study. All studies showed significant improvement in the intervention groups. Four studies examined voiding difficulties, three examined quality of life and two studies examined sexual dysfunction. Five studies investigated side effects of biofeedback with no findings. All studies had good quality according to PEDro, however all showed very low reliability (+) according to Uppsala University's Physiotherapy program assessment template for systematic reviews. Conclusion: It indicates that pelvic floor training with biofeedback has positive effects on bladder- and bowel voiding difficulties, quality of life and sexual function in people with pelvic floor dysfunction. There are no findings of side effects of pelvic floor training with biofeedback. The studies were of good quality according to PEDro and their combined results had very low reliability (+). The result should therefore be taken with caution and more randomized controlled trials are needed to reach more reliable conclusions.

Investigation of optimal cue to instruction for pelvic floor muscle contraction in women using ultrasound imaging

Crotty, Kay January 2014 (has links)
Background: Pelvic floor muscle (PFM) training is recommended as first line conservative management for stress urinary incontinence (SUI). The fundamental issue of how to optimally contract the PFM has not previously been investigated. An effective voluntary PFM contraction is known to positively influence the bladder neck and urethra which are urethrovesical (UV) structures associated with continence. The PFM may be globally or selectively contracted according to cue to instruction. The main research question was to investigate which cue to instruction for a PFM contraction has the potential to optimise position of UVSs following a brief period of practice in continent nulliparous pre-menopausal women (aiming to provide normative data) and parous menopausal women with previously unreported SUI. Hypotheses: Posterior or combined cues for instruction of PFM contraction are more influential in optimising UV position (UVP) during PFMC following brief practice than an anterior cue. Posterior or combined cues are equally influential in altering UVP. Aims: Preliminary aim was to investigate the reliability and suitability of 2-DRTUS and angle of urethral inclination (AUI) for imaging of selective contraction of the PFM and ease of reading images by a non diagnostic imaging researcher. Principal aim was to investigate if there is an optimal cue to instruction for a PFM contraction in two groups of women. Study 1: pre menopausal nulliparous continent women (to provide normative data) and Study 2: post menopausal parous stress incontinent women. Secondary aims were investigation of posture; ability to selectively contract the PFM contraction; and cue preference. Method: Study 1: Twenty women who were able to effectively and selectively contract were taught the following cues: anterior; posterior; anterior and posterior combined. Following 4 weeks of practice, perineal 2-D RTUS images of three PFMC for each cue were captured in supine and standing twice (for repeatability analysis) five minutes apart. Two raters measured AUI. Data analysis was undertaken using a Customized General Linear Model (GLM) ANOVA with Bonferroni correction for interactions between all variables; subject, cue, posture and test. Seventeen data sets were available for analysis. Study 2: Methodology was based on Study 1. Twenty-one women were taught the study cues, followed the practice protocol and underwent data collection in the supine position. Twenty-one sets of data were available for analysis. Results: Reliability: ICC [1,3] for intra rater reliability was 0.957 [CI 95%: 0.946 to 0.967 p=0.000], inter rater reliability [2,1] 0.820 [CI 95%: 0.768 to 0.861] and for repeatability [1,3] 0.781 [CI 95%: 0.690 to 0.849 p=0.000] (continent) and 0.954 [CI 95%:0.931 to 0.971 p=0.000] (incontinent). Principal results Study 1: anterior vs posterior cues (difference) 3.979˚ (CI 95%: [0.503 to 7.455 p=0.021]); anterior vs combined 3.777˚ (CI 95%: [-0.099 to 6.853 p= 0.059]) posterior vs combined cues -0.602˚ (CI 95%: [-2.874- 4.078 p=1.00]). Aggregated data from tests 1 and 2: anterior vs posterior 4.240° (CI 95%: [1.213 to 7.267 p=0.003]); anterior vs posterior 3.756° (95%CI: [0.729 to 6.783 p=0.009]); posterior vs combined-6.48° (95% CI: [-3.511 to 2.542 p=1.000]). Principal results Study 2: anterior vs posterior 3.936˚ (95%CI: [0.863 to 7.008p=0.008]; 4.946˚ anterior vs combined (95%CI: [1.873 to 8.018 p=0.001]); posterior vs combined 1.010° (95%CI: -[2.062 to 4.082 p=1.000]). Aggregated analysis was anterior vs posterior 3.703˚ (95%CI: [1.639 to 5.761 p=0.000]); anterior vs combined 5.089˚ (95%CI: [3.0287 to 7.1503 p=0.000]) and posterior and combined 1.389° (95%CI: [-0.672 to 3.450 p=0.309]). Secondary results: 2-D RTUS and the AUI were found to be suitable for investigating selective PFM contraction. Posture: supine vs standing (difference) 9.496˚ (p=0.000); (posture did not affect absolute AUI). Three continent (13%) and 2 incontinent (7%) subjects were unable to selectively contract the PFM. Cue preference in both studies was posterior or combined. Conclusions: AUI was significantly narrower/optimal when instruction for PFM contraction included a posterior cue, in both continent and stress incontinent women. This is proposed to be due to optimal recruitment of puborectalis. Puborectalis may be more important in urinary continence than widely recognized. This study has provided seminal information with respect to optimal cue to contraction for a PFM contraction and will change practice. Investigation of the potential impact of these findings clinically is required. It is proposed that further understanding will lead to standardisation of PFM instruction, ease of comparability between PFM research studies, and will clarify PFM instructions for the media and lay public.

Tratamento conservador da incontinência urinária de esforço feminina : estudo comparativo entre reeducação vesical e treinamento da musculatura do assoalho pélvico com biofeedback

Schmidt, Adriana Prato January 2017 (has links)
Base teórica A incontinência urinária (IU) é um sintoma comum, afetando mulheres em todas as idades, com prevalência estimada em 30%. A incontinência urinária aos esforços (IUE) pode representar cerca de metade dos casos. O treinamento da musculatura do assoalho pélvico (TMAP), associado a medidas comportamentais e reeducação vesical constitui a primeira linha de tratamento. Apesar dos bons resultados em curto e médio prazo, pode haver perda de motivação e adesão ao tratamento em longo prazo. Técnicas complementares como o biofeedback (BIO) podem auxiliar no treinamento inicial e contribuir para melhores resultados, mas permanece indefinido o perfil de casos que pode realmente se beneficiar desta abordagem. Novos estudos e a implementação de dispositivos facilitadores do tratamento são necessários, pois a adesão é etapa fundamental para manutenção dos resultados. Objetivo Determinar o efeito do TMAP associado ao BIO comparados ao treinamento vesical (TV), considerando resultados com questionários de sintomas, qualidade de vida (QV) e função sexual (FS). Investigação adicional a partir de dados do diário miccional (DM), avaliação da funcionalidade dos músculos do assoalho pélvico por meio de palpação manual e perineométrica do assoalho, gerando informações adicionais sobre o efeito de ambos os tratamentos. Métodos Ensaio clínico randomizado, paralelo, aberto, incluindo mulheres acima de 18 anos com IUE na ausência de prolapso genital. Recrutamento de casos de forma consecutiva em ambulatório de uroginecologia, com alocação aleatória para TV ou BIO, sendo comparadas a resposta aos sintomas, força muscular, escores de QV e FS ao final de 3 meses de tratamento supervisionado com fisioterapeuta. Para o cálculo amostral foi considerada a detecção de uma diferença de 42 pontos percentuais entre os grupos e estimadas 26 pacientes em cada grupo para um α=0,05 e β-80%. Resultados Ao final do estudo, das 53 pacientes inicialmente recrutadas, 28 pacientes foram analisadas, 14 em cada grupo. Ambos os grupos apresentaram melhores resultados em número de perdas diárias (P<0.001), micções noturnas (P<0.002) e no questionário de sintomas (p<0.001). Na FS, não houve diferença individual e entre os grupos. Alguns domínios do questionário de qualidade de vida foram significativamente melhores nas pacientes que fizeram o treinamento vesical (TV), mas a percepção geral de saúde não se modificou de forma significativa ao longo do tempo e entre os grupos TV (P=0.157) e BIO (P=0.795). Apesar de ter havido melhora subjetiva da contração perineal, esse achado não se correlacionou com aumento de força muscular (rs=0.428 P=0.144). Conclusão No presente estudo, os resultados em ambos os grupos foram equivalentes em termos de melhora clínica, nas ferramentas de medida utilizadas, não sendo possível demonstrar um efeito significativo do biofeedback. O desenvolvimento de tecnologias para melhorar a adesão e motivação dos pacientes para o tratamento conservador segue sendo um desafio atual. / Objective: To compare the effect of pelvic exercises combined with biofeedback, against bladder training, using questionnaires on symptoms, quality of life, and sexual function. Methods: Randomized clinical trial. Women over the age of 18 with stress urinary incontinence, but without genital prolapse, were recruited at a urogynecology clinic and assigned to bladder training or pelvic floor restoration at home with biofeedback. Results for muscle strength and symptoms, quality of life, and sexual function questionnaires were compared after 3 months of physiotherapist-supervised treatment. Results: Fourteen patients in each group were analyzed at the end of the study. Both groups exhibited improved results for number of daily leakages (P<0.001), nighttime micturitions (P<0.002) and symptoms (P<0.001). For sexual function, there were no individual or intragroup differences. Some quality of life domains were significantly better in the bladder training patients, but perceived general health did not change significantly and did not differ between the BT (P=0.157) and BIO (P=0.795) groups. Improvements in perineal contraction were not correlated with increased muscle strength (rs=0.428 P=0.144). Conclusion: The two methods had equivalent results, but larger patient samples could change certain findings. It remains a challenge to develop technologies to improve patients’ motivation and adherence to conservative treatment. Registration: Plataforma ReBec (Brazilian Clinical Trials Register - http://www.ensaiosclinicos.gov.br/). Reference code REQ:7854.

Lika vård för alla? : En kvantitativ studie om bäckenbottenbedömningen efter förlossningen vid eftervårdsbesöket i Sverige idag

Löfgren, Elin, Nordenskiöld, Natalie January 2019 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet var att undersöka i vilken utsträckning mödrahälsovården i Stockholms läns landsting följer de riktlinjer som finns gällande bäckenbottenbedömning och information om knipträning vid eftervårdsbesöket och om det skiljer sig mot övriga landet. Syftet följs av ett flertal frågeställningar men den primära lyder; i vilken utsträckning har nyförlösta kvinnor fått information gällande knipövningsinstruktioner samt blivit erbjudna en vaginal undersökning hos mödrahälsovården? Metod Kvinnor i Sverige som fött barn 2018 deltog. Tillsammans med ett brev skickades en enkät ut till 6155 personer i 3 olika facebookgrupper och fanns tillgänglig i två veckor. Resultaten sammanställdes via överföring från Google formulär till tabeller i Excel. De data som samlades in analyserades i programmet SPSS. Av 155 svar inkluderades totalt 108 svar i analysen, 32 från Stockholm och 76 från övriga landet. 48 svar togs bort på grund av att de inte nådde upp till inklusionskriterierna. Resultat Sett till hela landet blev 73% (n=79) av kvinnorna erbjudna en vaginal undersökning vid eftervårdsbesöket hos mödrahälsovården medan 23% (n=25) inte blev det (vet ej, n=1, bortfall, n=3). I Stockholm blev 75% (n=24) erbjudna en undersökning. 51% (n=55) av alla kvinnor fick instruktioner om knipövningar, 44% (n=48) fick inte det (vet ej, n=3, bortfall n=2). Resultaten i Stockholm säger att 50% (n=16) fick knipinstruktioner. Av de kvinnor som förlösts vaginalt blev 79% (n=71) erbjudna en vaginal undersökning vid eftervårdsbesöket samtidigt som endast 44% (n=8) av de som förlösts med kejsarsnitt blev erbjudna samma undersökning (p=0,001). 10% (n=11) av kvinnorna uppgav att de hade urininkontinens och 73% (n=8) av de här kvinnorna ville ha fler träffar med utbildad personal för stöd och hjälp med knipträning. Slutsats Resultaten bekräftade hypotesen om att riktlinjerna ej efterföljdes i den utsträckning de borde, både gällande bäckenbottenbedömning och information om träning. Inga direkta skillnader kan ses vid jämförelser mellan Stockholm och övriga landet, med undantag för förekomst av urininkontinens, vilken var större i Stockholm. En viktig skillnad kan dock ses vid jämförelsen av att de som förlösts vaginalt i större utsträckning blev erbjudna en vaginal undersökning vid eftervårdsbesöket än de som förlösts med kejsarsnitt. Från de kommentarer kvinnorna lämnat går även att utläsa att flertalet vill ha mer och personligare information.

Internet-based treatment of stress urinary incontinence : treatment outcome, patient satisfaction, and cost-effectiveness

Sjöström, Malin January 2014 (has links)
Background Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is the leakage of urine when coughing, sneezing, or on exertion. It affects 10-35% of women, and can impair quality of life (QOL). First-line treatment is pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT). However, access barriers and embarrassment may prevent women from seeking care. There is a need for new, easily accessible ways to provide treatment. Aim To evaluate the treatment outcome, patient satisfaction, and cost-effectiveness of an Internet- based treatment programme for SUI. Methods We recruited 250 community-dwelling women aged 18-70 years, with SUI ≥1/week via our website. Participants were randomised to 3 months of PFMT with either an Internet-based programme (n=124), or a programme sent by post (n=126). We had no-face-to face contact with the participants, but the Internet group received individually tailored e-mail support from an urotherapist. Treatment outcome was evaluated after 4 months with intention-to-treat analysis. After treatment, we telephoned a strategic selection of participants (Internet n=13, postal n=8) to interview them about their experiences, and analysed the results according to grounded theory principles. We also performed a cost-utility analysis with a 1-year societal perspective, comparing the treatment programmes with each other and with a no-treatment alternative. To scrutinize our measure of QOL, we performed a reliability study of the ICIQ-LUTSqol questionnaire. Results Participants in both intervention groups achieved highly significant improvements (p&lt;0.001) with large effect sizes (&gt;0.8) in the primary outcomes symptom score (ICIQ-UI SF: mean change Internet 3.4 [SD 3.4], postal 2.9 [3.1]), and condition-specific QOL (ICIQ-LUTSqol: mean change Internet 4.8 [SD 6.1], postal 4.6 [SD 6.7]); however, the differences between the groups were not significant. Compared with the postal group, more participants in the Internet group perceived they were much or very much improved after treatment (40.9%, vs. 26.5%, p=0.01), reduced their use of incontinence aids (59.5% vs. 41.4%, p=0.02), and indicated satisfaction with the treatment programme (84.8% vs. 62.9%, p&lt;0.001). Results from the interviews fell into three categories: about life with SUI and barriers to seeking care; about the treatments and the patient-provider relationship; about the sense of empowerment many women experienced. A core category emerged: “Acknowledged but not exposed.” The extra cost per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gained through use of the Internet-based programme compared with the postal programme was €200. The extra cost per QALY for the Internet-based programme compared with no treatment was €30,935. The condition-specific questionnaire ICIQ-LUTSqol is reliable in women with SUI, with high degrees of agreement between overall scores (Intraclass correlation coefficient 0.95, p&lt;0.001). Conclusion Internet-based treatment for SUI is a new, effective, and patient-appreciated treatment alternative, which can increase access to care in a sustainable way.

Tratamento conservador da incontinência urinária de esforço feminina : estudo comparativo entre reeducação vesical e treinamento da musculatura do assoalho pélvico com biofeedback

Schmidt, Adriana Prato January 2017 (has links)
Base teórica A incontinência urinária (IU) é um sintoma comum, afetando mulheres em todas as idades, com prevalência estimada em 30%. A incontinência urinária aos esforços (IUE) pode representar cerca de metade dos casos. O treinamento da musculatura do assoalho pélvico (TMAP), associado a medidas comportamentais e reeducação vesical constitui a primeira linha de tratamento. Apesar dos bons resultados em curto e médio prazo, pode haver perda de motivação e adesão ao tratamento em longo prazo. Técnicas complementares como o biofeedback (BIO) podem auxiliar no treinamento inicial e contribuir para melhores resultados, mas permanece indefinido o perfil de casos que pode realmente se beneficiar desta abordagem. Novos estudos e a implementação de dispositivos facilitadores do tratamento são necessários, pois a adesão é etapa fundamental para manutenção dos resultados. Objetivo Determinar o efeito do TMAP associado ao BIO comparados ao treinamento vesical (TV), considerando resultados com questionários de sintomas, qualidade de vida (QV) e função sexual (FS). Investigação adicional a partir de dados do diário miccional (DM), avaliação da funcionalidade dos músculos do assoalho pélvico por meio de palpação manual e perineométrica do assoalho, gerando informações adicionais sobre o efeito de ambos os tratamentos. Métodos Ensaio clínico randomizado, paralelo, aberto, incluindo mulheres acima de 18 anos com IUE na ausência de prolapso genital. Recrutamento de casos de forma consecutiva em ambulatório de uroginecologia, com alocação aleatória para TV ou BIO, sendo comparadas a resposta aos sintomas, força muscular, escores de QV e FS ao final de 3 meses de tratamento supervisionado com fisioterapeuta. Para o cálculo amostral foi considerada a detecção de uma diferença de 42 pontos percentuais entre os grupos e estimadas 26 pacientes em cada grupo para um α=0,05 e β-80%. Resultados Ao final do estudo, das 53 pacientes inicialmente recrutadas, 28 pacientes foram analisadas, 14 em cada grupo. Ambos os grupos apresentaram melhores resultados em número de perdas diárias (P<0.001), micções noturnas (P<0.002) e no questionário de sintomas (p<0.001). Na FS, não houve diferença individual e entre os grupos. Alguns domínios do questionário de qualidade de vida foram significativamente melhores nas pacientes que fizeram o treinamento vesical (TV), mas a percepção geral de saúde não se modificou de forma significativa ao longo do tempo e entre os grupos TV (P=0.157) e BIO (P=0.795). Apesar de ter havido melhora subjetiva da contração perineal, esse achado não se correlacionou com aumento de força muscular (rs=0.428 P=0.144). Conclusão No presente estudo, os resultados em ambos os grupos foram equivalentes em termos de melhora clínica, nas ferramentas de medida utilizadas, não sendo possível demonstrar um efeito significativo do biofeedback. O desenvolvimento de tecnologias para melhorar a adesão e motivação dos pacientes para o tratamento conservador segue sendo um desafio atual. / Objective: To compare the effect of pelvic exercises combined with biofeedback, against bladder training, using questionnaires on symptoms, quality of life, and sexual function. Methods: Randomized clinical trial. Women over the age of 18 with stress urinary incontinence, but without genital prolapse, were recruited at a urogynecology clinic and assigned to bladder training or pelvic floor restoration at home with biofeedback. Results for muscle strength and symptoms, quality of life, and sexual function questionnaires were compared after 3 months of physiotherapist-supervised treatment. Results: Fourteen patients in each group were analyzed at the end of the study. Both groups exhibited improved results for number of daily leakages (P<0.001), nighttime micturitions (P<0.002) and symptoms (P<0.001). For sexual function, there were no individual or intragroup differences. Some quality of life domains were significantly better in the bladder training patients, but perceived general health did not change significantly and did not differ between the BT (P=0.157) and BIO (P=0.795) groups. Improvements in perineal contraction were not correlated with increased muscle strength (rs=0.428 P=0.144). Conclusion: The two methods had equivalent results, but larger patient samples could change certain findings. It remains a challenge to develop technologies to improve patients’ motivation and adherence to conservative treatment. Registration: Plataforma ReBec (Brazilian Clinical Trials Register - http://www.ensaiosclinicos.gov.br/). Reference code REQ:7854.

Efeitos de um protocolo de fortalecimento da musculatura do assoalho pélvico em grupo para mulheres com perda urinária

Correia, Grasiéla Nascimento 03 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:19:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2873.pdf: 1742791 bytes, checksum: 47d9a0ace2c120efe792f6fd0fd840c2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-03 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a kinesiotherapy protocol in a group-based for strengthen the pelvic floor muscles (KGSPF) for the pelvic floor muscle (PFM) function and pressure level, quality of life (QOL) and isometric and isokinetic hip adductors peak torque (PT) among women with urinary incontinence (UI) that was not sedentary. Fifteen women (mean age 60,20 ± 8,16) were enrolled in this study. They were evaluated, at beginning and after 12 weeks, by a clinical evaluation; one hour pad test; three-day voiding diary; a QOL with King Health Questionnaire (KHQ); PFM function (digital and perioneometer) and isometric and isokinetic hip adductors PT. The KGSPF protocol consisted of 12 sessions of one hour, once a week. The KGSPF protocol included exercises to strengthen PFM, information and guidance for UI. The data were analyzed by non-parametric Wilcoxon test and Spearman coefficient correlation. The significance level was 5%. After 12 weeks, the group presented a significant improvement of QOL and PFM function and pressure. It was presented a significant decrease for isometric hip adductors PT, one hour pad test (p=0,03), urgency episodes (p=0,04), and UI (p=0,02). It was found moderate negative correlation between age and the isokinetic hip adductors PT for dominant side (r= -0,53; p=0,04) and non-dominant side (r= -0,57; p=0,03); between the PFM contraction pressure and isokinetic hip adductors PT for dominant side (r= -0,62; p=0,03) and nondominant side (r= -0,64;p= 0,02); and between contraction force of PFM fast fibers and isometric hip adductors PT for dominant side (r= 0,60; p=0,03) and non-dominant side (r=-0,59; p=0,04). In conclusion, the KGSPF protocol was effective to decrease UI and isometric hip adductors PT, and to improve QOL. / O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de um protocolo de cinesioterapia para o fortalecimento dos músculos do assoalho pélvico em grupo (CFAPG) sobre a função e nível de pressão dos músculos do assoalho pélvico (MAP), qualidade de vida e pico de torque (PT) isométrico e isocinético de adutores de quadril, em mulheres com perda urinária e não sedentárias. Participaram deste estudo 15 mulheres, com média de idade de 60,20 ± 8,16, que realizaram, no início e ao final do protocolo, a avaliação clínica; teste do absorvente de uma hora; diário miccional de três dias; avaliação da qualidade de vida, por meio do questionário King Health Questionnaire (KHQ); avaliação da função dos MAP digital e com o perineômetro, e avaliação do PT isométrico e isocinético de adutores de quadril. O protocolo de CFAPG teve duração de 12 sessões com uma hora, uma vez por semana, sendo realizados os exercícios para fortalecimento dos MAP, além de informações e orientações para a incontinência urinária. Os dados foram analisados no programa Statistica utilizando o teste não paramétrico de Wilcoxon e coeficiente de correlação de Spearman, adotou-se um nível de significância de 5%. Ao final do protocolo ocorreu melhora significativa da qualidade de vida, função e pressão de contração dos MAP e diminuição significativa no PT isométrico de adutores de quadril, teste do absorvente de uma hora (p=0,03), nos episódios de urgência (p=0,04) e perda urinária (p=0,02). Houve correlação negativa moderada entre a idade e o PT isocinética de adutores de quadril do membro dominante (r= -0,53; p=0,04) e não dominante (r= -0,57; p=0,03); entre a pressão de contração dos MAP e o PT isocinética de adutores de quadril do membro dominante (r= -0,62; p=0,03) e não dominante (r= -0,64;p= 0,02); e entre a força de contração das fibras rápidas dos MAP com PT isométrico de adutores de quadril do membro dominante (r= 0,60; p=0,03) e não dominante (r=-0,59; p=0,04). Desta forma, conclui-se que o protocolo de CFAPG foi eficaz para diminuir a perda urinária e o PT isométrico de adutores de quadril e melhorar a qualidade de vida.

Tratamento conservador da incontinência urinária de esforço feminina : estudo comparativo entre reeducação vesical e treinamento da musculatura do assoalho pélvico com biofeedback

Schmidt, Adriana Prato January 2017 (has links)
Base teórica A incontinência urinária (IU) é um sintoma comum, afetando mulheres em todas as idades, com prevalência estimada em 30%. A incontinência urinária aos esforços (IUE) pode representar cerca de metade dos casos. O treinamento da musculatura do assoalho pélvico (TMAP), associado a medidas comportamentais e reeducação vesical constitui a primeira linha de tratamento. Apesar dos bons resultados em curto e médio prazo, pode haver perda de motivação e adesão ao tratamento em longo prazo. Técnicas complementares como o biofeedback (BIO) podem auxiliar no treinamento inicial e contribuir para melhores resultados, mas permanece indefinido o perfil de casos que pode realmente se beneficiar desta abordagem. Novos estudos e a implementação de dispositivos facilitadores do tratamento são necessários, pois a adesão é etapa fundamental para manutenção dos resultados. Objetivo Determinar o efeito do TMAP associado ao BIO comparados ao treinamento vesical (TV), considerando resultados com questionários de sintomas, qualidade de vida (QV) e função sexual (FS). Investigação adicional a partir de dados do diário miccional (DM), avaliação da funcionalidade dos músculos do assoalho pélvico por meio de palpação manual e perineométrica do assoalho, gerando informações adicionais sobre o efeito de ambos os tratamentos. Métodos Ensaio clínico randomizado, paralelo, aberto, incluindo mulheres acima de 18 anos com IUE na ausência de prolapso genital. Recrutamento de casos de forma consecutiva em ambulatório de uroginecologia, com alocação aleatória para TV ou BIO, sendo comparadas a resposta aos sintomas, força muscular, escores de QV e FS ao final de 3 meses de tratamento supervisionado com fisioterapeuta. Para o cálculo amostral foi considerada a detecção de uma diferença de 42 pontos percentuais entre os grupos e estimadas 26 pacientes em cada grupo para um α=0,05 e β-80%. Resultados Ao final do estudo, das 53 pacientes inicialmente recrutadas, 28 pacientes foram analisadas, 14 em cada grupo. Ambos os grupos apresentaram melhores resultados em número de perdas diárias (P<0.001), micções noturnas (P<0.002) e no questionário de sintomas (p<0.001). Na FS, não houve diferença individual e entre os grupos. Alguns domínios do questionário de qualidade de vida foram significativamente melhores nas pacientes que fizeram o treinamento vesical (TV), mas a percepção geral de saúde não se modificou de forma significativa ao longo do tempo e entre os grupos TV (P=0.157) e BIO (P=0.795). Apesar de ter havido melhora subjetiva da contração perineal, esse achado não se correlacionou com aumento de força muscular (rs=0.428 P=0.144). Conclusão No presente estudo, os resultados em ambos os grupos foram equivalentes em termos de melhora clínica, nas ferramentas de medida utilizadas, não sendo possível demonstrar um efeito significativo do biofeedback. O desenvolvimento de tecnologias para melhorar a adesão e motivação dos pacientes para o tratamento conservador segue sendo um desafio atual. / Objective: To compare the effect of pelvic exercises combined with biofeedback, against bladder training, using questionnaires on symptoms, quality of life, and sexual function. Methods: Randomized clinical trial. Women over the age of 18 with stress urinary incontinence, but without genital prolapse, were recruited at a urogynecology clinic and assigned to bladder training or pelvic floor restoration at home with biofeedback. Results for muscle strength and symptoms, quality of life, and sexual function questionnaires were compared after 3 months of physiotherapist-supervised treatment. Results: Fourteen patients in each group were analyzed at the end of the study. Both groups exhibited improved results for number of daily leakages (P<0.001), nighttime micturitions (P<0.002) and symptoms (P<0.001). For sexual function, there were no individual or intragroup differences. Some quality of life domains were significantly better in the bladder training patients, but perceived general health did not change significantly and did not differ between the BT (P=0.157) and BIO (P=0.795) groups. Improvements in perineal contraction were not correlated with increased muscle strength (rs=0.428 P=0.144). Conclusion: The two methods had equivalent results, but larger patient samples could change certain findings. It remains a challenge to develop technologies to improve patients’ motivation and adherence to conservative treatment. Registration: Plataforma ReBec (Brazilian Clinical Trials Register - http://www.ensaiosclinicos.gov.br/). Reference code REQ:7854.

Effect of transverse abdominus muscle activation on a pelvic muscle exercise program in women with stress urinary incontinence

Clark, Linnette 01 January 2008 (has links)
Purpose: The literature indicates that normal healthy women can increase the strength of the pelvic floor muscles (PFMs) by simultaneously contracting the transverse abdominus (TrA) muscle. This study investigated the relationship of the PFMs and the TrA in women with stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Subjects: 15 women with SUI, verified by scores on the Questionnaire of Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis (QUID), were randomly assigned, blocked by age, into 2 exercise groups. The 6 women in the PFM only group had a mean age of 63 years and the 9 women in the PFM+TrA group had a mean age of 49 years. Method: For 2 weeks, all women were trained by rehabilitative ultrasound imaging (RUSI) to correctly contract the TrA or relax the TrA during a PFM contraction depending upon the group assignment. Each woman was examined using the PERFECT scheme and prescribed a patient-specific PFM exercise program. The exercise protocols required 6 weeks of supervised patient specific exercises. Data collection occurred at 3 time periods (before intervention, after intervention, and follow-up) and included: measurement of TrA thickness changes and PFM lift by RUSI, PFM strength and endurance with pressure perineometry, number of incontinence episodes and pad use from bladder diaries, and quality of life (QOL) measurements using the Incontinence Impact Questionnaire (IIQ) and the Patient Specific Functional Scale (PSFS). Results: MANOVA identified no significant difference after interventions between groups. All women significantly improved in PFM strength (PConclusion: PFM exercises done in isolation or with recruitment of the TrA increased PFM strength, endurance, lift and decreased incontinence in women with SUI. Recommendations: Women with SUI can benefit from physical therapists prescribing PFM exercises in isolation or in combination with TrA contractions.

Effekten av bäckenbottenträning hos kvinnor med postnatal urininkontinens : En litteraturstudie / The effect of pelvic floor muscle training in women with postnatal urinary incontinence : A review

Liikala, November, Wesslén, Elin January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Urininkontinens är ett stort folkhälsoproblem i världen och det definieras som ofrivilligt urinläckage. Vid en graviditet är risken stor att drabbas av urininkontinens och många återhämtar sig inte utan får kvarstående problem. Bäckenbottenträning är den vanligaste behandlingsmetoden för urininkontinens.  Syfte: Denna litteraturstudie syftade till att utvärdera effekten av bäckenbottenträning som intervention hos kvinnor som lider av postnatal urininkontinens. Metod: En litteraturstudie med systematisk sökning i databasen PubMed. Studiernas kvalitet granskades med PEDros granskningsmall och evidensgradering genomfördes med GRADEstud. Resultat: Totalt inkluderades sju studier i studien, varav fyra var av god kvalitet och tre var av måttlig kvalitet. Fem av sju studier visade signifikanta skillnader i effekten av bäckenbottenträning på urininkontinens. Tre av fem studier visade signifikanta skillnader i effekten av bäckenbottenträning på styrka samt två av fem på uthållighet i bäckenbottenmuskulaturen. Evidensstyrkan bedömdes som låg och mycket låg, både gällande effekten på förekomsten av urininkontinens och muskelstyrkan och uthålligheten i bäckenbotten. Konklusion: Resultatet i denna litteraturstudie visar på att bäckenbottenträning postpartum har effekt på både förekomst av urininkontinens samt muskelstyrkan i bäckenbotten. Då tillförlitlighet var låg till mycket låg har dock inte resultatet någon klinisk relevans. Gällande uthållighet i bäckenbottenmuskulatur är resultatet ovisst och även här med låg tillförlitlighet. Den genomgående låga tillförlitligheten tyder på att det krävs fler fysioterapeutiska högkvalitativa studier för att kunna dra några större slutsatser. / Background: Urinary incontinence is a major public health problem in the world and is defined as involuntary leakage of urine. During pregnancy, there is a high risk of urinary incontinence, and many suffer from persistent problems. Pelvic floor training is the most common treatment for urinary incontinence. Objective: This review aimed to evaluate the effect of pelvic floor training for women suffering from postnatal urinary incontinence. Method: A systematic literature search was carried out in the database PubMed. The study quality was reviewed with the PEDro-scale and the certainty of evidence was evaluated with GRADEstud. Results: Seven studies were included in the study, of which four were of good quality and three were of moderate quality. Five of seven studies showed significant effect of pelvic floor training on urinary incontinence. Three out of five studies showed significant effect of pelvic floor training on strength and two out of five on endurance in the pelvic floor muscles. The certainty of evidence was assessed as low to very low. Conclusion: The review showed that pelvic floor training has a positive effect on both the occurrence of urinary incontinence and the muscle strength of the pelvic floor muscles. Regarding endurance, no significant difference could be established. However, as reliability was low to very low, the result has no clinical relevance, and thus, more high-quality physiotherapeutic studies are needed in order to come to further conclusions.

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