Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bperformance - 1ieasurement"" "subject:"bperformance - remeasurement""
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Sistema de mensuração de desempenho e gestão da qualidade em PME brasileirasPereira, Diego dos Santos 30 January 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-01-30 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / This research aimed to verify how the performance measurement system (PMS) and the quality management system (QMS) work in small and medium-sized Brazilian enterprises in the light of the typology proposed by Garengo (2009). The study was conducted by means of two questionnaires, two semi-structured interviews and the analysis of the performance measures used by five small/medium-sized enterprises based in the State of São Paulo. Using a qualitative approach, this exploratory research were interviewed PMS s and QMS s managers, and the data from the first interview were analyzed using the technique of content analysis and has been subsequently triangulated with other data collected. It was found that four out of five companies have a junction in PMS and QMS, with respect to performance measures, despite of the degree of the quality management maturity is not related to the stage of the PMS evolution. It was also found that in three out of five companies quality management area is responsible for coordinating the process of PMS use, without effective participation from the controlling and/or accounting areas in this process. The typology of Garengo (2009), used to check the stage of the PMS evolution, was validated and can be used in practice by professionals in organizations to diagnose and improve the PMS in their enterprises. From the findings of this research, companies with QMS certified by ISO, particularly with higher degree of quality management maturity, can be encouraged to implement or improve the PMS in their organizations. The results of this study should be
considered in the light of its limitations, especially the impossibility of its generalization to the overall universe of SMEs, to the extent that there was used the qualitative approach, without the aim of extrapolating the results for other enterprises. In this sense, quantitative research should be carried out in order to verify these results in a more representative set of SMEs. Finally, it is suggested that research could be carried out to study in more depth the PMS evolution in SMEs, with longitudinal case studies, for example. / Esta pesquisa teve como propósito verificar como funcionam o sistema de mensuração de desempenho (SMD) e o sistema de gestão da qualidade (SGQ) em pequenas e médias empresas brasileiras à luz da tipologia proposta por Garengo (2009). O estudo foi conduzido mediante a aplicação de dois questionários fechados, duas entrevistas semiestruturadas e da análise dos indicadores de desempenho utilizados por cinco pequenas/médias empresas com sede no Estado de São Paulo. Com abordagem qualitativa, nesta pesquisa exploratória foram entrevistados os gestores do SMD e do SGQ, sendo que os dados da primeira entrevista foram analisados com a técnica de análise de conteúdo, tendo sido, na sequência, triangulados com os demais dados coletados. Verificou-se que quatro das cinco empresas pesquisadas possuem uma junção do SMD com o SGQ, no que tange aos indicadores de desempenho, a despeito de o grau de maturidade da gestão da qualidade não estar relacionado com o estágio de evolução
do SMD. Verificou-se ainda que em três das cinco empresas a área da gestão da qualidade é a responsável por coordenar o processo de uso do SMD, sem que haja uma participação efetiva da área de controladoria e/ou contabilidade nesse processo. A tipologia de Garengo (2009), usada para verificar o estágio de evolução do SMD, foi validada, podendo ser utilizada na prática pelos profissionais nas organizações para diagnosticar e melhorar o SMD nas suas empresas. A partir dos achados desta pesquisa, os profissionais de empresas com SGQ certificados pela ISO, principalmente aquelas maior grau de maturidade na gestão da qualidade, podem ser encorajados a implementar ou melhorar o SMD nas suas organizações. Os resultados deste estudo devem ser considerados à luz de suas limitações, sobretudo a impossibilidade de sua generalização para o universo geral das PME, na medida em que houve o emprego de abordagem qualitativa, sem o objetivo de extrapolação dos resultados
para outras empresas. Nesse sentido, pesquisas quantitativas podem vir a ser realizadas com o objetivo de verificar esses resultados em um conjunto mais representativo de PME. Por fim, sugere-se que pesquisas venham a ser desenvolvidas para estudar em maior profundidade como ocorre a evolução dos SMD em PME, a partir de estudos de caso longitudinais, por exemplo.
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Proposta de indicadores de desempenho para a avaliação de processos do Sistema de Bibliotecas da Universidade Federal do ABC / Proposta de indicadores de desempenho para a avaliação de processos do Sistema de Bibliotecas da Universidade Federal do ABC.Marciléia Aparecida de Paula 25 April 2018 (has links)
Considerando a importância de que a qualidade dos processos realizados em uma instituição seja mensurada e avaliada, tem por objetivo pesquisar sobre indicadores de desempenho para bibliotecas e propor sua aplicação. O objeto do trabalho está delimitado considerando-se, especificamente, os processos de desenvolvimento de coleções (mais relacionados à avaliação do uso do acervo) e de processamento técnico do Sistema de Bibliotecas da Universidade Federal do ABC (SisBi UFABC). Para tanto, revisa a literatura sobre os temas abordados (Qualidade, Gestão da Qualidade, Avaliação em Serviços de Informação e Indicadores de Desempenho), contextualiza o macro e o micro ambientes envolvidos (UFABC, SisBi UFABC, Divisão de Desenvolvimento de Coleções e Divisão de Processamento Técnico) e apresenta casos de aplicação de indicadores de desempenho em bibliotecas. Analisa a terceira edição da norma BS ISO 11620 Information and documentation - Library performance indicators, publicada em 2014, e a segunda edição das Diretrizes da IFLA intituladas Measuring quality: performance measurement in libraries, publicadas em 2007. Ambos documentos trazem orientações para a aplicação de indicadores de desempenho especificamente em bibliotecas. Após a análise dos dois documentos, apresenta a aplicação de seis indicadores de desempenho, sendo três para os processos de desenvolvimento de coleções (Disponibilidade de Títulos Solicitados; Taxa de Uso da Coleção e Porcentagem do Acervo não Usado) e três para o processamento técnico (Mediana de Tempo de Processamento dos Documentos; Produtividade da Equipe de Processamento e Custo por Título Catalogado). Por fim, apresenta a análise dos resultados, bem como as considerações finais. / Considering the importance of measuring and evaluating the quality of the processes practiced in an institution, this work aims to research about performance indicators for libraries and proposes their application. The object of the work is delimited considering, specifically, the processes of collections development (more related to the evaluation of the use of the collection) and technical processing of the Libraries System of Federal University of ABC (SisBi UFABC). To accomplish that, it reviews the literature on the topics covered (Quality, Quality Management, Evaluation in Information Services and Performance Indicators), contextualizes the macro and micro environments involved (UFABC, SisBi UFABC, Division of Collections Development and Division of Technical Processing) and presents cases of applications of performance indicators in libraries. Analyzes the third edition of BS ISO 11620 Information and documentation - Library performance indicators, published in 2014, and the second edition of the IFLA Guidelines, entitled Measuring quality: performance measurement in libraries, published in 2007. Both documents provide guidance for the application of performance indicators specifically in libraries. After analyzing the two documents, it presents the application of six performance indicators, three for the processes of collections development (Required Titles Availability; Collection Turnover and Percentage of Stock not Used) and three for the technical processing (Median Time of Document Processing; Employee Productivity in Media Processing and Staff Costs per Title Catalogued). Finally, it presents the results analysis, as well as the final considerations.
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運用資料包絡分析法評量行政法人經營績效之研究-以 A 法人為例 / A Study on Performance Evaluation of the Administrative Institution by Using Data Envelopment Analysis Method – An Example of A Administrative Institution周達敏 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,「新公共管理」及「政府再造」已蔚為世界潮流,公共政策以民意為依歸,施政方向取決於民眾的滿意度,因此績效的衡量成為提升行政績效的基礎。我國自2002年始制定科技組織績效評鑑制度,作為各研究機構訂定評估作業之參考,對研究機構評估機制的重視可見一般。A法人為以國防科技研究發展為主的研究機構,自2014年轉型為行政法人,究竟其轉型前後其經營績效如何? 乃為本研究主要動機。
經過實證研究發現,A法人轉型後整體規模提升,究其原因主要為規模效率變動所導致;此外,相對無效率單位普遍有規模效率值較純技術效率值高的情形,顯示無效率單位應提高其純技術效率,才能提高其生產效率;再者,差額變數的分析顯示,無效率單位效率不佳的原因主要為資本支出投入資源太多,及計畫產值的產出太低,由於計畫產值涉及國防兵力整備計畫及年度預算編製等因素影響,較無法透過營運管理加以控制,因此相對無效率單位應優先考慮降低資本支出等投入資源。 / Along with the conception of "new public management" and "government reengineering" thrive around the world, every country starts to negotiate about public opinions. As important roles of satisfaction of the general public, the measurement of public policies performance has become the basis for enhancing administrative performance. We had formulated a performance appraisal system for scientific and technological organizations in 2002 as a reference for evaluating research assignments by research institutes. It means that evaluation mechanism for research institutes has become the global trend.
This thesis examines the impact of administrative corporation on operating performance, not only evaluating the achievement rate of organization goal, but also promoting resource utilization efficiency. In order to evaluate the performance of the administrative corporation, this study uses data envelopment analysis to evaluate the relative efficiency among research institutes. Through the empirical result, the change of scale efficiency led to an increase in the size of the organization. Moreover, the scale efficiency is generally higher than the pure technical efficiency among relatively inefficient units. We found that inefficient units should increase pure technical efficiencies to improve their productivities.
Eventually, we did confirm that there are too many resources invested in capital expenditures and output value is too low. Therefore, as output value is subject to the country budget, inefficiency units should give priority to reducing capital input to improve performance.
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Three essays on hedge fund performanceTolonen, P. (Pekka) 02 September 2014 (has links)
This doctoral thesis aims to contribute to the literature on hedge fund performance in three interrelated essays. The first essay uses a novel database aggregation and a comprehensive analysis of differences between the main commercial databases exploring the effects of different databases on previously documented stylized facts, including the (1) average risk-adjusted performance; (2) the persistence of that performance; (3) and the cross-sectional relation between fund-characteristics and risk-adjusted returns. The main finding is that several previously documented stylized facts about hedge fund performance are sensitive to database selection and associated biases. Differences in conclusions stem from database differences in defunct coverage, survivorship and backfill biases, and the completeness of assets under management information.
The second essay examines the effect of frictions on the returns that investors can earn from investing in hedge funds. The study focuses on size and redemption restrictions that are key investment constraints in practice. The size–performance relationship is positive (negative) when past (future) performance is used. The negative size–performance relationship is consistent with theories suggesting a decreasing returns-to-scale in the active management industry. Differences in attrition rates and risk taking as well as the relative importance of management fees and capacity constraints between small and large funds are consistent with an equilibrium in which investors and hedge funds optimally respond to incentives subject to constraints. Performance persistence decreases along with the fund size but concentrated hypothetical Fund-of-Fund portfolios outperform.
The third essay examines hedge funds' ability to enhance their performance through leverage. The essay explicitly shows that leverage enhances risk-adjusted performance and risk of investment programs. The main finding is that the average high-leverage fund class underperforms its low-leverage counterpart of the same investment program after their returns are appropriately adjusted to the same level. The finding is consistent with the predictions of leverage aversion theories suggesting that leverage constraints and costs of leverage have a negative impact on risk-adjusted returns. / Tiivistelmä
Tämä väitöskirja sisältää kolme artikkelia, joissa tutkitaan hedge-rahastojen menestystä. Ensimmäisessä artikkelissa rakennetaan yhdistelmäaineisto päätietokannoista ja tutkitaan tietokantojen eroavaisuuksien vaikutuksia keskeisiin kirjallisuudessa esitettyihin tutkimustuloksiin hedge-rahastojen riskikorjatun tuoton tasosta ja tuoton pysyvyydestä sekä rahastokohtaisten ominaispiirteiden ja riskikorjatun tuoton välisestä relaatiosta. Tutkimuksessa havaitaan että tutkimusaineiston valinta vaikuttaa merkittävästi aikaisemmassa kirjallisuudessa esitettyihin tutkimustuloksiin. Merkittävimmät erot tutkimustuloksissa eri tietokantojen välillä selittyvät tietokantojen eroavaisuuksissa toimintansa lopettaneiden rahastojen kattavuudessa ja näin ollen eloonjäämis- ja backfilling-harhan tasossa sekä rahastojen markkina-arvoa kuvaavan aineiston määrässä ja laadussa.
Toinen artikkeli tarkastelee rajoitteita, joita sijoittajat kohtaavat sijoittaessaan hedge-rahastoihin. Päähuomio on koko- ja lunastusrajoitteissa, jotka ovat käytännössä merkittävimmät rajoitteet hedge-rahastosijoittajalle. Rahastojen markkina-arvon ja riskikorjatun tuoton välillä on negatiivinen (positiivinen) relaatio kun tarkastellaan rahastojen tulevaa (historiallista) menestystä. Tulokset tukevat teoreettisia esityksiä, joiden mukaan rahastojen kasvu heijastuu menestykseen negatiivisesti. Markkina-arvoltaan pienissä rahastoissa on huomattavasti enemmän riskiä kuin markkina-arvoltaan suurissa rahastoissa. Korkeampi riski pienissä rahastoissa lisää tuotto-perusteisten palkkioiden merkitystä palkkiorakenteissa kun taas suurilla rahastoilla on kannustimet maksimoida markkina-arvon mukaan määriteltyjä hallinnointipalkkioita. Tulokset tukevat talousteoriaa, jonka mukaan riski ja tuoton taso pienevät rahastojen markkina-arvojen kasvaessa. Tuoton pysyvyys pienenee rahaston markkina-arvon kasvaessa. Kuitenkin hypoteettiset rahastot, jotka on hajautettu aikaisempiin menestyjiin keskeiset sijoittajien rajoitteet huomioiden, menestyvät riskikorjatusti.
Kolmannessa artikkelissa tutkitaan hedge-rahastojen kykyä lisätä riskikorjatun tuoton tasoa velkavivun avulla. Velkavivun käyttö kasvattaa sijoitusstrategian tuoton ja riskin tasoa alhaisemman velkatason osuuslajeihin verrattuna. Päätuloksena havaitaan, että tyypillinen sijoitusstrategian korkean velkatason osuuslajin tuoton taso on merkittävästi alhaisempi matalan velkatason osuuslajiin nähden kun molempien osuuslajien tuottoaikasarjat ovat asetettu samalle tasolle. Talousteoriaa ennustaa, että sijoittajien rajoitteet käyttää velkavipua ja velkavivun käyttöön liittyvät kustannukset heijastuvat salkun tuoton tasoon negatiivisesti.
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Tvingande eller möjliggörande målstyrning i en statlig myndighet på lokal nivå : En fallstudie på FörsäkringskassanKock, Marcus, Vilhelmsson, Soile January 2017 (has links)
Det finns ett stort intresse för hur styrningen av de svenska myndigheterna är utformad och hur den påverkar deras medarbetare. De svenska myndigheterna anses i världen vara välfungerande och har som offentlig verksamhet många utmaningar inför utformningen av styrningen. Försäkringskassan är en svensk myndighet som en stor del av Sveriges befolkning kommer i kontakt med. Den här studien har som avsikt att visa hur styrningen kan vara utformad på lokal nivå. Vi har gjort en fallstudie på Försäkringskassan i Luleå baserad på möjliggörande och tvingande styrning. Vi upptäcker att Försäkringskassan har inslag av både möjliggörande och tvingande styrning. Handläggare styrs av kvantitativa mått, men ges även möjlighet både att påverka hur styrningen är utformad samt att få insyn i hur styrningen är framarbetad. Handläggarna känner även i viss utsträckning att ett fokus ligger på de kvantitativa måtten och att de i huvudsak förväntas hinna med att utföra ett visst antal ärenden per dag. / There is a great deal of interest in how the management of the Swedish public sector works and how it affects its employees. The Swedish public sector is considered well-functioning in the world and, as public sector, it has many challenges in the design of management system. Försäkringskassan is a Swedish authority that a large part of Sweden’s populations comes into contact with. This study aims to show how the management control can work on a local level. We have conducted a case study on Försäkringskassan in Luleå based on enabling and coercive control. We find that Försäkringskassan has elements of both enabling and coercive control. Case workers are guided by quantitative measures, but they are also given the opportunity to influence how the control system is designed as well as to gain insight into how the control system is designed and why. The case workers also feel to some extent that the focus is in the quantitative measurements and that they are largely expected to do a certain number of cases per day.
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Analýza a návrh optimalizace podnikových procesů v oblasti spisové služby / Analysis and design business processes optimization in administration managementVosecký, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on optimizing administration management in the Czech telecommunication office. The thesis has three essential objectives. The first objective is the analysis of present state of the administration management using the process modelling. The second objective is to identify the real potential for improvements of the process group. That means to specify process priority, estimate current and desired levels of process maturity, identify key activities and determine the level of process description and processing framing tables. These activities are supported by the methodically theoretical text at the first part of the thesis. The evaluation of limits determining potential improvements resulted from previous chapters and is contained in the final part of this thesis. The fundamental objective of this work is to design the optimization of the process group using the form of future projects.
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IT controlling / IT controllingStehlík, Libor January 2010 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to acquaint the reader with the possibilities of economic management of enterprise information technology field by using tools provided by financial controlling and to propose an appropriate metrics for performance measurement of this area. The thesis is logically divided into three comprehensive parts. Firstly, the reader is acquainted with the historical evolution and general principles of controlling management approach, which is then applied to IT field. Along with them are in this section divided and described details of IT costs and IT effects, which are specific for field of enterprise information technology. The second part is dedicated to the application of controlling tools from the perspective of each phases of the IT component life cycle. The methods mentioned in this section include: calculating of Return on Investment, Net Present Value calculation, Life-cycle costing, budgeting or Activity Based Costing, which represents the modern calculation approach. The last part is intended to perform the measuring of enterprise information technology, along with the proposal of metrics and dimensions that might be used with applying business intelligence tools, as appropriate support for controlling the management approach.
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Srovnání výkonnosti v ČR nabízených fondů a ETF z pohledu korunového investora / A Performance Comparison of mutual funds and ETFs available in Czech Republic from the CZK investor's point of viewKůna, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis "A Performance Comparison of in Czech Republic available mutual funds and ETFs from the view of CZK investor" elaborates on collective investing in Czech Republic; focusing on mutual funds and their exchange traded alternatives in ETFs. In the thesis, a history of Czech collective investments' development is briefly mentioned and of ETFs' beginnings in the US, also a legislative framework for the mutual funds in CZ is shortly discussed; furthermore, different approaches to fund classification based on various criteria are provided. An impact of fund fees and expenses is also analysed. A Current situation on the capital market of funds and ETFs and its trends are showed in many graphs and tables. In the second part of the thesis, author introduces not only the basic ones but also the more sophisticated methods of portfolio's or fund's performance measurements, including yields, risks, risk-adjusted yields etc... The third and last chapter aims at application of the previously mentioned methods on a selection of 20 funds and ETFs; therefore building a financial model enabling that. The analysis is viewed as from the CZK investor, thus all calculations are made in CZK.
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Compile- and run-time approaches for the selection of efficient data structures for dynamic graph analysisSchiller, Benjamin, Deusser, Clemens, Castrillon, Jeronimo, Strufe, Thorsten 11 January 2017 (has links)
Graphs are used to model a wide range of systems from different disciplines including social network analysis, biology, and big data processing. When analyzing these constantly changing dynamic graphs at a high frequency, performance is the main concern. Depending on the graph size and structure, update frequency, and read accesses of the analysis, the use of different data structures can yield great performance variations. Even for expert programmers, it is not always obvious, which data structure is the best choice for a given scenario.
In previous work, we presented an approach for handling the selection of the most efficient data structures automatically using a compile-time approach well-suited for constant workloads.
We extend this work with a measurement study of seven data structures and use the results to fit actual cost estimation functions. In addition, we evaluate our approach for the computations of seven different graph metrics. In analyses of real-world dynamic graphs with a constant workload, our approach achieves a speedup of up to 5.4× compared to basic data structure configurations.
Such a compile-time based approach cannot yield optimal results when the behavior of the system changes later and the workload becomes non-constant. To close this gap we present a run-time approach which provides live profiling and facilitates automatic exchanges of data structures during execution. We analyze the performance of this approach using an artificial, non-constant workload where our approach achieves speedups of up to 7.3× compared to basic configurations.
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Hodnocení výkonnosti podniku / Company Performance MeasurementCherynová, Nikol January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the financial and business performance of the company using benchmarking. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with selected approaches and methods that are suitable for evaluating the performance of the selected company. The basis for evaluating the work is the part containing the analyzed company and its current state of the situation in comparison with selected competing companies. The main part of the work is devoted to benchmarking based on publicly available data from financial statements. Data from the Amadeus database and the public register of companies are used for this purpose. Out of a total of 4 competitors, 2 competing companies are selected on the basis of direct competition (in the region). The conclusion summarizes the main findings of the analysis but also contains recommendations to improve the financial performance of the company.
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