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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Financial performance measurement supporting the transition towards circular business models

Kanzari, Amal January 2023 (has links)
Financial performance measurement plays an important role in leading decision-makers through strategic innovation, such as business model innovation. To convey relevant information, it is important that the practices used to measure financial performance are appropriate to what is being measured. This thesis focuses on the financial performance measurement supporting the transition towards circular business models (CBMs), which has been under-researched. More specifically, this thesis aims to identify the key practices that enable the financial performance measurement of CBMs and support the transition from linear business models to CBMs. Additionally, it seeks to contribute with insights about the financial outcomes of CBMs in the context of sustainable-oriented technologies. This thesis consists of a compilation of three papers, a systematic literature review and two empirical studies. The outset of this thesis lies in the systematic literature review, which examines the financial aspects addressed in CBM literature and in relation to the transition towards CBMs. The empirical studies examine the financial performance measurement practices that support the transition towards two different types of CBMs, namely result- oriented CBMs and sufficiency-driven CBMs. Both studies are based on an action case study, which involved collaborative development of financial performance measurement tools with practitioners from the manufacturing industry. The results of this thesis emphasize the customer-centric aspect of financial performance measurement of CBM. The key practices identified by this thesis suggest considering costs involved in customer-value creation when measuring performance. The findings also highlight the importance of taking the offering perspective for defining the cost structure and engaging with customers early in the transition to reduce uncertainty about future cash flows and hidden costs. Life Cycle Costing (LCC) is proposed as a measurement technique. However, the results suggest adapting the LCC perspective, by addressing providers’ or users’ cost, to satisfy the different needs of decision makers. To cover the long-term returns of the CBM offering, multiple use cycles of the offering and of its underlying assets should be considered in the LCC. In terms of cost management, the findings of this thesis suggest an outside-in approach to reduce costs while enhancing customer value creation and re-creation. Finally, this thesis underscore the necessity of employing the recommended practices from various evaluation perspectives to bolster the iterative transition process toward CBMs. Regarding the financial outcomes of CBMs, this thesis shows that the transition towards CBMs in the context of sustainability-oriented technologies holds promising financial advantages for both providers and customers. Technological innovation and retained product ownership contribute to improving the financial performance of CBMs. / Finansiell prestationsmätning spelar en viktig roll när det kommer till att vägleda beslutsfattare genom strategiska innovationer. Avhandlingen syftar till att identifiera de viktigaste praktiker som möjliggör finansiell prestationsmätning av cirkulära affärsmodeller och som stödjer övergången från linjära affärsmodeller till cirkulära affärsmodeller. Dessutom strävar avhandlingen efter att bidra med insikter om lönsamhet för företag som introducerar cirkulära affärsmodeller i samband med införandet av hållbara teknologier. Denna avhandling består av tre artiklar och en kappa. Artiklarna utgörs av en systematisk litteraturöversikt samt två empiriska studier. Avhandlingens utgångspunkt är den systematisk litteraturöversikten, som granskar de ekonomiska aspekter som behandlas i litteraturen om cirkulära affärsmodeller samt i relation till övergången från linjära till cirkulära affärsmodeller. De empiriska artiklarna undersöker de praktiker för finansiell prestationsmätning som stödjer övergången till två olika typer av cirkulära affärsmodeller. Dessa är resultatorienterade cirkulära affärsmodeller och suffiency-driven cirkulära affärsmodeller. Båda studierna bygger på aktionsbaserade fallstudier som involverar samarbete med stora tillverkningsföretag. Avhandlingens resultat framhäver ett kundcentrerat perspektiv vid finansiell prestationsmätning av cirkulära affärsmodeller. En av de viktigaste praktikerna för prestationsmätning som identifierats betonar vikten av att hänsyn tas till kostnader som är involverade i att skapa kundvärde. Resultaten understryker också vikten av att överväga hela erbjudandet som perspektiv när kostnadsstrukturen definieras. Beräkning av livscykelkostnaden (LCC) föreslås som mätmetod. Resultaten visar dock på vikten av att LCC anpassas genom att ta hänsyn både till leverantörers och användares kostnadsstrukturer för att tillgodose beslutsfattares olika behov. För att möjliggöra en långsiktig lönsamhet i en cirkulär affärsmodell bör flera användningscykler för den ingående tillgången ingå i erbjudandet till kund redan vid affärsmodellens designstadium. Cirkulära erbjudanden kan medföra både ökade och reducerade kostnader samt kassaflödesförändringar på systemnivå. Dessa förändringar föreslås att inkluderas i mätningen av cirkulära affärsmodellers finansiella prestation. Vidare framhåller resultaten behovet av att använda föreslagna praktiker utifrån olika utvärderingsperspektiv för att stödja en övergångsprocess mot cirkulära affärsmodeller. Slutligen, när det gäller lönsamheten för cirkulära affärsmodeller indikerar avhandlingens resultat att övergången från linjära till cirkulära affärsmodeller medför potentiella ekonomiska fördelar för både leverantörer och kunder. Teknologisk innovation samt behållande av produktägande i en cirkulär affärsmodell kan bidra till att förbättra en industriell tillverkares ekonomiska prestation. / <p>Funding agencies: MISTRA REES, VINNOVA, Division of Business Administration at Linköping University</p>


[pt] O sistema de medição de desempenho (SMD) é tido como uma ferramenta fundamental que colabora diretamente na avaliação e alcance dos objetivos estratégicos e excelência da gestão da cadeia de suprimentos. No cenário de constantes mudanças nos ambientes de negócios, muitas empresas vêm direcionando esforços no desenvolvimento de novos projetos, revisões e adequações dos seus SMD, assim como no uso eficiente dessa ferramenta de gestão. No entanto, muitas organizações se deparam com dificuldades inesperadas durante esta tarefa. Aprimorar o entendimento dos fatores que afetam o sucesso do SMD pode permitir que os profissionais estejam melhor preparados e mais responsivos durante a aplicação do SMD, obtendo estratégias mais eficazes e melhor direcionamento de recursos. Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo de caso múltiplo, a partir da análise de três iniciativas de medição de desempenho aplicadas à cadeia de suprimentos de petróleo e derivados de uma única empresa. É adotada uma abordagem do ciclo de vida completo – projeto, implementação e uso/revisão – na identificação dos fatores críticos que afetaram o sucesso desses SMD. Como resultado da pesquisa, uma lista de fatores críticos de sucesso e barreiras para a aplicação de um SMD foi obtida empiricamente e confrontada com achados anteriores da literatura. Desta lista, foi proposto um guia prático para avaliação dos SMD que se recomenda que seja utilizado pelas organizações a cada desenvolvimento ou revisão de um SMD, a fim de obter um melhor conhecimento dos desafios a serem superados em todo o ciclo de vida dos SMD das cadeias de suprimentos. O resultado do estudo de caso sugere que houve um aprendizado organizacional na maneira de lidar com os fatores críticos que afetam os SMD a cada iniciativa aplicada. / [en] The performance measurement system (PMS) is considered as a fundamental tool that collaborates directly in the evaluation and achievement of the strategic objectives and excellence of the supply chain management. In the scenario of constant changes in business environment, many companies has been directing efforts to develop new projects, reviews and adjustments of their PMSs, as well as in the efficient use of this management tool. However, many organizations are faced with unexpected difficulties during this task. Improving understanding of the factors that affect the success of PMS can enable practitioners to be better prepared and more responsive during their application, achieving more effective strategies and better resource allocation. This dissertation presents a multiple case study, from the analysis of three performance measurement initiatives applied to the petroleum and oil derivates supply chain of a single company. A complete lifecycle approach – design, implementation and use / review – is adopted to identify the critical factors that have affected the success of these PMS. As a result of the research, a list of critical success factors and barriers to the application of a PMS was obtained empirically and compared with previous findings from the literature. From this list, a practical guideline for evaluation of PMS has been proposed, which is recommended to be used by organizations for each PMS development or review, in order to gain a better understanding of the challenges to be overcome throughout the supply chain PMS life cycle. The outcome of the case study suggests that there has been organizational learning in dealing with the critical factors affecting the PMSs from each applied initiative.

Revenue Management in High-Density Urban Parking Districts: Modeling and Evaluation

Roper, Martha Annette 22 February 2010 (has links)
This thesis explores how revenue management (RM) principles would integrate into a parking system, and how advanced reservation-making, coupled with dynamic pricing (based on booking limits) could be used to maximize parking revenue. Detailed here is a comprehensive RM strategy for the parking industry, and an integer programming formulation that maximizes parking revenue over a system of garages is presented. Furthermore, an intelligent parking reservation model is developed that uses an artificial neural network procedure for online reservation decision-making. Next, the work evaluates whether the implementation of a parking RM system in a dense urban parking district (and thus avoiding "trial-and-error" behaviors exhibited by drivers) mitigates urban congestion levels. In order to test this hypothesis, a parallel modeling structure was developed that uses a real-time decision-making model that either accepts or rejects requests for parking via a back-propagation neural network. Coupled with the real-time decision-making model is a micro-simulation model structure used to evaluate the policy's effects on network performance. It is clear from the results that the rate at which parkers renege is a primary determinant of the value of the implementation of RM. All other things being equal, the RM model in which the majority of parkers is directed to their precise parking spot via the most direct route is much more robust to the random elements within the network that can instigate extreme congestion. The thesis then moves from micro-evaluation to macro-evaluation by measuring the performance of the urban parking system from the perspective of the set of relevant stakeholders using the hyperbolic DEA model within the context of the matrix DEA construct. The stakeholder models, including that of the provider, the user, and the community, have defined inputs/outputs to the hyperbolic DEA model, which allows for the inclusion of undesirable outputs such as network delay and incidence of extreme congestion. Another key contribution of this work is that of identifying design issues for current and future dense urban parking districts. Clearly, reneging rate and the tenacity of perspective parkers is a key consideration in cases where RM policy is not implemented. / Ph. D.


EDSON DA COSTA PINTO JUNIOR 07 December 2018 (has links)
[pt] Embora o tema Sistema de Medição de desempenho – SMD venha sendo objeto de muitos estudos por acadêmicos e práticos, a literatura acadêmica ainda carece de estudos que abordem, de forma específica, cada fase do ciclo de vida do SMD. O mesmo se reflete na indústria, onde são feitos grandes esforços nas fases de desenho e implantação e verifica-se menos atenção na fase de revisão. Nesse contexto, esta dissertação tem a proposta de apresentar um framework hábil para ser aplicado em revisões de SMD. Posteriormente, este estudo também se propôs a relatar um estudo de caso de revisão de SMD numa cadeia de suprimentos no setor de óleo e gás. Como produto final, apresenta-se o framework e uma nova lista de indicadores que está em fase de estudo para implantação na empresa estudada. / [en] Although the subject Performance Measurement System (PMS) has been the subject of many academic and practical studies, the academic literature still lacks studies that specifically address each phase of the PMS life cycle. The same is reflected in the industry, where there are major efforts in the design and deployment phases and less attention in the review phase. In this context, this dissertation proposes to present a framework that can be applied to PMS reviews. Subsequently, this paper also proposed to report a case study of PMS revision in an oil and gas supply chain. As final product, the framework is presented and a new list of indicators is being studied for implementation in the company studied.

The council-manager plan, or, Managing for results?: Profiles and management styles of eight city managers in San Bernardino County

Cash, Leatricia Michelle 01 January 2005 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study is to examine professional city management in San Bernardino County cities functioning under the council-manager form of government, and to determine whether they are using the fundamental principals of "Managing for Results" as set by the criteria in the GPP report.

Financial performance measurement of South Africa's top companies: an exploratory investigation

Mosalakae, Isaiah Gaabalwe Bojosinyana 31 July 2007 (has links)
This study explores the financial performance measurement of South Africa's Top Companies. It aims to find a conclusion on the research problem, that is 'Do South Africa's Top Companies use the available arsenal to measure their financial performance?' Commerce and industry are the cornerstones of the economy of a country. This study purports to contribute to the ways and means of minimising the risk of business failures due to the resultant effects on the economy. The sample comprises of sixty companies. The sampling frame is the first hundred companies of the Financial Mail 200 Top Performers for 2004. The arsenal that is available to measure financial performance is researched in the financial literature. Mainly, this covers ratio analysis and interpretation, and the bankruptcy prediction models. To arrive at a conclusion on the research problem, a research instrument is developed from the host of financial ratios in the literature, including the bankruptcy prediction models. The research instrument comprises of popular ratios that are also found to be 'logical', as well as the ratios that make up the Z-Score bankruptcy prediction model. The instrument is called the Ratio Map and Z-Score and is applied to test the financial strengths/weaknesses of the Top Companies. In addition to the Ratio Map and Z-Score, the measures applied by the Top Companies as 'highlights' are analysed. This is done to determine the extent at which the measures unearth the strengths/weaknesses of the Top Companies. The conclusion drawn is that the Top Companies do not utilise the available arsenal to measure their financial performance. The supporting evidence is that the most frequently applied 'highlights' measures by the Top Companies cover only one area of the many financial fields of a company, that is, share performance. On the other hand, the analyses per Ratio Map and Z-Score have not revealed major material weaknesses in the financial position of the Top Companies. It is proposed that: ïf  More information be given in the notes to the financial statements to facilitate meaningful analysis; and ïf  A follow-up research study be done to assess the trends of the Top Companies. / Business Management / D.Comm. (Business Management)

The role of inventory control in service quality in a South African academic library

Retief, Esther 30 June 2005 (has links)
Service quality has always been a tacit assumption within the delivery of academic library services, but since the 1990s demands for accountability from different stakeholders, including the clients, made service quality a highly debated and researched focus in academic libraries all over the world. The scope of the study covers a wide-ranging analysis of discourses underpinning service quality and its accompanying performance indicators in academic libraries. Using the academic library of the University of South Africa as an illustrative case study, this study examines the possible impact of inventory control on the service quality of the academic library in three areas, namely access to information resources, retrieval of information resources and positive implications for sound financial management. The study's findings all point to a positive enhancement of service quality in regard to the three areas mentioned. / Information Science / M. Inf.

The balanced scorecard as a performance measurement tool for the South Africa government's upgrading of informal settlements programme

Julyan, Leoni 06 1900 (has links)
The perceived lack of progress by the Department of Human Settlements (“Department”) in meeting the increased demand for subsidised housing post-1994 is a ticking time bomb, given the repeated promises without any prospect of meeting the commitment to eradicate or upgrade all informal settlements by 2014. Despite ongoing delivery of subsidised housing, the backlog remained at 2,4 million households from 2005 to 2009, the indicator being the number of informal settlement households. The “Department” has acknowledged the existence of bureaucratic blockages throughout the housing delivery chain. Despite the urgency of the situation, there appears to be no research on the departmental factors hampering delivery under the Upgrading of Informal Settlements Programme (“programme”) and finding a solution that would maximise delivery within budgetary constraints. This research assesses the suitability of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), a Strategic Management Accounting performance measurement and management tool, for addressing the departmental factors hampering delivery (“factors”) under the “programme” and develops a conceptual framework to guide any future application of the BSC to the “programme”.The complexity of housing delivery and the proposed integration of the BSC call for a detailed literature study of the post-1994 national housing and “programme” documentation and that of the public sector BSC. The theoretical study will establish how and by whom housing delivery should be done, the “factors” and the BSC framework and translation process. This will serve as the basis for the assessment of the suitability of the BSC for addressing the “factors” and the development of the conceptual framework.This study revealed that the BSC is suitable for addressing seven of the eight departmental factors hampering delivery under the “programme” and partially suitable for addressing the remaining factor. The recommendation is that the BSC be applied to the “programme” according to the conceptual framework provided. This study has contributed to knowledge by: producing an overall picture of the national framework for the delivery of subsidised housing, presenting the BSC as a suitable performance measurement tool for addressing the departmental factors hampering delivery under the “programme”, and developing a conceptual framework for any future BSC application to the “programme”. / Accounting Sciences / D. Com. (Accounting)

Customers' perceptions of the work performed by the internal audit functions in the public sector : a case study of National Treasury

Motubatse, Kgobalale Nebbel 06 1900 (has links)
This study was conducted to generate an in-depth understanding of key internal audit function (IAF) customers’ perceptions of the work performed by the Department of National Treasury’s IAF. This study was further intended to address the absence of any qualitative study of IAF customers’ experiences and expectations, and their perceptions of the challenges the IAF faces. The study had five research objectives, namely: to identify the role of the IAF in the public sector in relation to its customers; to discuss strategies to meet the expectations of IAF customers; to determine the experiences of the identified key IAF customers of the work performed by the IAF in the National Treasury; to determine the expectations of the identified key IAF customers of the IAF in the National Treasury, and to ascertain what the identified key IAF customers perceive to be challenges facing the IAF in the National Treasury. In order to achieve the research objectives, the study implemented a qualitative research design using the National Treasury as a case study. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with participants selected from the key IAF customers’ categories (comprising the audit committee (AC), executive and senior managers, programme and operating managers, and external auditors). Three main themes emerged from the identified key customers’ views. These were (1) Experiences, which revealed that the participants were reasonably satisfied with the work of the IAF in the National Treasury. Participants from the AC, the executive and senior managers, and the Auditor General of South Africa (AGSA) felt that the IAF does add value, while the programme and operating managers participants indicated that the IAF does not demonstrate a holistic view when it conducts evaluations. (2) Expectations, the AC participants expected the AGSA to be able to rely on the work of the IAF, that the IAF should maintain a findings register, and that it should demonstrate IT skills. Executive and senior managers participants expected the IAF to add value to the strategic direction of the National Treasury. Programme and operating managers participants expected the IAF to be open and consultative, to set realistic audit plans, to provide regular feedback, and to demonstrate knowledge of the business. The AGSA participants called for the IAF to demonstrate technical competencies as well as independence and objectivity. (3) Challenges, participants perceived the IAF’s lack of knowledge of the business, the limited reliance placed on its work by the AGSA, the lack of audit action monitoring processes and the lack of management support for the IAF as its biggest challenges. This study could benefit the National Treasury’s IAF by helping it to understand the changing needs and expectations of its customers, and to identify areas for improvement. It may also benefit professional audit bodies and the newly-established National School of Government by providing them with insights into the training needs of internal auditors, and the necessity of providing continuing professional educational programmes. / Auditing / MCom (Auditing)

Die ontwikkeling van 'n gedragsobservasieskaal as prestasiebeoordelingsinstrument vir senior bestuurders

Meyer, Albert Ludolph 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / Navorsing toon dat beoordelingskale, gebaseer op spesifieke werksgedrag as geldige prestasiemetingsinstrumente gebruik kan word om die individuele ontwikkelingsbehoeftes van elke werknemer te bepaal. Die doel van die studie is die ontwikkeling en validering van 'n gedragsobservasieskaal vir senior bestuurders. Vir die doel is 49 senior bestuurders se prestasiemetings verkry op drie skale, naamlik 'n gedragsobservasieskaal wat ontwikkel is, die Werknemerbeoordelingskaal en 'n gedragsgeankerde skaal. 'n Pearson korrelasie van 0,74 is tussen die totaaltellings van die Gedragsobservasieskaal en die van die Gedragsgeankerde skaal verkry (p<0.01 ;N=49). Tussen die totaaltellings van die Gedragsobservasieskaal en die Werknemerbeoordelingskaal is 'n Pearson korrelasie van 0,75 gevind (p<0,01 ;N=49). Met hierdie resultate kan dus aanvaar word dat die Gedragsobservasieskaal 'n geldige meetinstrument van werksprestasie is en as prestasiemetingskaal gebruik kan word. / Research indicates that appraisal scales based on specific behaviour can be used as performance appraisal instruments to promote every employees' individual development need. The aim of this study is the development and validation of a behavioural observation scale for senior management. To achieve this aim 49 senior managers' performance scores were obtained on three scales, namely a behavioral observation scale which was developed, the Employee Rating Scale, and a behaviourally anchored rating scale. A Pearson correlation of 0,74 was obtained between the total scores of the Behavioral Observation Scale and the Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale (p<0,01 ;N=49). Between the total scores of the Behavioral Observation and the Employee Rating Scales a Pearson correlation of 0,75 was found (p<0,01 ;N=49). With these results in mind, the Behavioral Observation Scale can be accepted as a valid measurement scale of work performance and can thus be applied as a performance appraisal instrument. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Comm. (Industrial Psychology)

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