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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Shimamura Fagle, Tor January 2023 (has links)
The dairy industry is a complex system that involves many stakeholders and processes, from production to distribution. To measure and improve the performance of this system, a comprehensive and reliable Performance Measurement System (PMS) is needed. A PMS is a tool that helps to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of supply chain operations. One of the components of a PMS is the key performance indicators (KPIs), which reflect the performance of specific aspects of the supply chain. This thesis explores how KPIs can be used to enhance logistics performance in the dairy industry. The research is based on a single case study of a global company that operates in the dairy sector, which faces challenges such as high competition, customer demand variability, and food waste. The research uses a mix of literature review, interviews, and data analysis to identify and evaluate the relevant KPIs for logistics performance, as well as their interrelationships and impacts. The research applies the interpretive structural modeling (ISM) method to develop a hierarchical model of the KPIs and their causal relationships. The interpretive structural model of the indicators shows that the current indicators commonly used in the dairy industry today are not suitable for measuring performance, the indicators do not affect the current performance significantly but rather reflect the. This paper proposes a methodology for qualitatively evaluating performance measures, based on the integration of the ISM approach, the MICMAC analysis, and the seven criteria of a KPI. The ISM approach is a technique for identifying and analyzing the interrelationships among elements of a complex system. By applying this methodology, organizations and researchers can assess the suitability and importance of a set of KPIs. / Mejeriindustrin är ett komplext system som involverar många intressenter och processer, från produktion till distribution. För att mäta och förbättra systemets prestanda behövs ett heltäckande och tillförlitligt system för prestationsmätning (PMS). Ett PMS är ett verktyg som hjälper till att utvärdera effektiviteten i leveranskedjans verksamhet. En av komponenterna i ett PMS är nyckeltal (KPI:er), som är mått som återspeglar prestandan för specifika aspekter av leveranskedjan. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur KPI:er kan användas för att förbättra logistiken inom mejeriindustrin. Forskningen baseras på en fallstudie av ett globalt företag som är verksamt inom mejerisektorn, som står inför utmaningar som hög konkurrens, varierande kundefterfrågan och matsvinn. Forskningen använder en blandning av litteraturstudier, intervjuer och dataanalys för att identifiera och utvärdera relevanta KPI:er för logistikprestanda, samt deras inbördes relationer och påverkan. Forskningen tillämpar metoden ISM (Interpretive Structural Modeling) för att utveckla en hierarkisk modell av KPI:erna och deras orsakssamband. Den tolkande strukturella modellen av indikatorerna visar att de nuvarande indikatorerna som vanligtvis används i mejeriindustrin idag inte är lämpliga för att mäta prestanda, indikatorerna påverkar inte den nuvarande prestationen avsevärt utan återspeglar snarare resultaten. I denna rapport föreslås en metod för att utvärdera prestationsmått på ett kvalitativt sätt, baserat på integrationen av ISM-metoden, MICMAC-analysen och de sju kriterierna för en KPI. ISM-metoden är en teknik för att identifiera och analysera de inbördes relationerna mellan olika delar i ett komplext system. Genom att tillämpa denna metod kan organisationer och akademiker utvärdera lämpligheten och vikten av en uppsättning eller en KPI.

Sistema de medición del rendimiento para redes colaborativas de Pymes en el sector agroindustrial de Ecuador

Rojas Lema, Ximena Bernarda 29 April 2021 (has links)
[ES] La colaboración empresarial evidenciada en pequeñas y medianas empresas (Pymes) está contribuyendo a ampliar su competitividad, impulsar diversos procesos de innovación y mejorar su rendimiento; siendo, por tanto, fundamental la medición eficaz del rendimiento como una práctica estratégica para impulsar su desarrollo y eficiencia colectiva. La medición del rendimiento (MR) es un elemento esencial para la planificación efectiva y el control empresarial; así como para la toma de decisiones, a fin de desplegar diferentes acciones de mejora. La MR en Pymes incluye las siguientes tres categorías: las medidas de rendimiento o indicadores, el diseño del sistema de medición del rendimiento (SMR) y su desarrollo. El diseño del SMR para redes de Pymes es un proceso importante para asegurar que el marco de medición integre tanto, los factores y elementos del rendimiento propios del contexto colaborativo abordado, así como los métodos y técnicas para un proceso de medición del rendimiento balanceado y con alineamiento estratégico. Sin embargo, en la literatura fueron pocos los estudios que abordaban a la MR en contextos colaborativos. Entre aquellos que lo hacían, la mayoría se relacionaba con el direccionamiento hacia las mejores prácticas; lo que señaló dificultades en cuanto a la consideración de diversos factores entorno a este grupo de Pymes y con ello su implicación en el desarrollo de SMRs específicos. Otro aspecto importante en el diseño del SMR es la presencia de múltiples tomadores de decisión, espacio que tampoco evidenció mayor aporte entre la literatura revisada. Al considerar estos aspectos en el marco del diseño de SMRs para redes de Pymes en colaboración, ninguna investigación presentó un abordaje que contemple todas las características de forma simultánea. Considerando estas brechas, este trabajo de investigación tiene por objetivo proponer un sistema de medición del rendimiento para redes colaborativas de pymes (SMR - RECOP) en un escenario de toma de decisiones en grupo, considerando un enfoque de alineamiento estratégico. La propuesta tiene como finalidad integrar los principales factores de influencia del entorno de la red de Pymes, los requerimientos de medición básicos y la visión de un crecimiento sostenible enmarcado en la eficiencia colectiva. La propuesta de medición del rendimiento utiliza el Balanced Scorecard (BSC) como herramienta para direccionar la estrategia de la red al interior del sistema de medición, donde los indicadores se encuentran en alineación directa con los objetivos estratégicos; además, la técnica Fuzzy TOPSIS para apoyar el proceso de toma de decisiones en grupo que permite la determinación de los objetivos estratégicos y; por último, mesas de diálogo como los espacios para la discusión de ideas y formulación de indicadores de medición. Estas técnicas, juntamente con los elementos citados anteriormente son integrados en una metodología de tres fases. El sistema de medición propuesto se aplica en un caso de investigación para fines de validación; la red de Pymes evaluada pertenece al sector agroindustrial productor de cacao en Ecuador, donde los contextos empresariales tanto de red y cadena se evidencian como las estratégicas colaborativas con importante presencia. La aplicación empírica del SMR - RECOP mostró como resultados necesarios de su desarrollo a los siguientes productos: un conjunto de objetivos estratégicos; un procedimiento establecido para la definición y selección de estos objetivos en el marco de la toma de decisiones en grupo; un mapa estratégico consolidado y por último un conjunto de indicadores de rendimiento. Estos resultados muestran consistencia con los estamentos pretendidos por la red y su contexto de desarrollo; así como con los requerimientos que enmarcan un SMR para Pymes. / [CA] La col·laboració empresarial evidenciada en petites i mitjanes empreses (Pimes) està contribuint a ampliar la seva competitivitat, impulsar diversos processos d'innovació i millorar el seu rendiment; sent, per tant, fonamental el mesurament eficaç de l'rendiment com una pràctica estratègica per impulsar el seu desenvolupament i eficiència col·lectiva. El mesurament de l'rendiment (MR) és un element essencial per a la planificació efectiva i el control empresarial; així com per a la presa de decisions, per tal de desplegar diferents accions de millora. La MR a Pimes inclou les següents tres categories: les mesures de rendiment o indicadors, el disseny de sistema de mesurament de l'rendiment (SMR) i el seu desenvolupament. El disseny de l'SMR per a xarxes de Pimes és un procés important per assegurar que el marc de mesurament integri tant, els factors i elements de l'rendiment propis de l'context col·laboratiu abordat, així com els mètodes i tècniques per a un procés de mesurament de l'rendiment balancejat i amb alineament estratègic. No obstant això, en la literatura van ser pocs els estudis que abordaven a la MR en contextos col·laboratius. Entre aquells que ho feien, la majoria es relacionava amb l'adreçament cap a les millors pràctiques; el que va assenyalar dificultats pel que fa a la consideració de diversos factors entorn a aquest grup de Pimes i amb això la seva implicació en el desenvolupament de SMRs específics. Un altre aspecte important en el disseny de l'SMR és la presència de múltiples prenedors de decisió, espai que tampoc va evidenciar major aportació entre la literatura revisada. A l'considerar aquests aspectes en el marc de el disseny de SMRs per a xarxes de pimes en col·laboració, cap investigació va presentar un abordatge que contempli totes les característiques de forma simultània. Considerant aquestes bretxes, aquest treball de recerca té per objectiu proposar un sistema de mesurament de l'rendiment per a xarxes col·laboratives de pimes (SMR - Recull) en un escenari de presa de decisions en grup, considerant un enfocament d'alineament estratègic. La proposta té com a finalitat integrar els principals factors d'influència de l'entorn de la xarxa de pimes, els requeriments de mesurament bàsics i la visió d'un creixement sostenible emmarcat en l'eficiència col·lectiva. La proposta de mesurament de l'rendiment utilitza el Balanced Scorecard (BSC) com a eina per adreçar l'estratègia de la xarxa a l'interior de el sistema de mesurament, on els indicadors es troben en alineació directa amb els objectius estratègics; a més, la tècnica Fuzzy TOPSIS per donar suport al procés de presa de decisions en grup que permet la determinació dels objectius estratègics i; finalment, taules de diàleg com els espais per a la discussió d'idees i formulació d'indicadors de mesurament. Aquestes tècniques, conjuntament amb els elements esmentats anteriorment són integrats en una metodologia de tres fases. El sistema de mesurament proposat s'aplica en un cas d'investigació per a fins de validació; la xarxa de Pimes avaluada pertany a el sector agroindustrial productor de cacau a l'Equador, on els contextos empresarials tant de xarxa i cadena s'evidencien com les estratègiques col·laboratives amb important presència. L'aplicació empírica d'el SMR - RECOP va mostrar com a resultats necessaris del seu desenvolupament als següents productes: un conjunt d'objectius estratègics; un procediment per a la definició i selecció d'aquests objectius en el marc de la presa de decisions en grup; un mapa estratègic consolidat i finalment un conjunt d'indicadors de rendiment. Els resultats obtinguts mostren consistència amb els estaments pretesos per la xarxa i el seu context de desenvolupament; així com amb els requeriments que emmarquen un SMR per a Pimes. / [EN] The business collaboration evidenced in small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) is helping to expand their competitiveness, promote different innovation processes, and improve their performance. Therefore, effective performance measurement is essential as a strategic practice to promote its development and collective efficiency. Performance measurement (PM) is an essential element for effective business planning and control; as well as for decision making, in order to deploy different improvement actions. PM in SMEs includes the following three categories: performance measures or indicators, the design of the performance measurement system (PMS), and its development. The design of the PMS for SME networks is an important process to ensure that the measurement framework integrates both the factors and elements of the performance, which belong to the collaborative context addressed, as well as the methods and techniques for a balanced performance measurement process and with strategic alignment. However, in the literature, few studies addressed PM in collaborative contexts. Among those that did it, the majority was related to directing toward best practices; which pointed to difficulties in considering various factors around this group of SMEs and thus their involvement in the development of specific PMSs. Another important issue in the design of the PMS is the presence of multiple decision-makers, a space that did not show a greater contribution among the literature reviewed. When considering these aspects in the framework of PMSs design for collaborative SME networks, no research presented an approach that considers all the characteristics simultaneously. Considering these gaps, this research work aims to propose a performance measurement system for collaborative networks of SMEs (PMS - RECOP) in a group decision-making scenario, considering a strategic alignment approach. The purpose of the proposal is to integrate the main factors that influence the environment of the SMEs network, the basic measurement requirements, and the vision of sustainable growth framed in collective efficiency The performance measurement proposal uses the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as a tool to direct the strategy of the network within the measurement system, where the indicators are in direct alignment with the strategic objectives. In addition, the Fuzzy TOPSIS technique supports the group decision-making process that allows the determination of strategic objectives and; finally, dialogue tables as spaces for the discussion of ideas and formulation of measurement indicators. These techniques, together with the elements aforementioned, are integrated into a three-phase methodology. The proposed evaluation system is applied in a research case for validation purposes; the network of SMEs evaluated belongs to the agro-industrial sector that produces cocoa in Ecuador, where the business contexts of both the network and the chain are evidenced as collaborative strategies with an important presence. The empirical application of the PMS - RECOP showed the following products as necessary results of its development: a set of strategic objectives, such as an established procedure for the definition and selection of these objectives within the framework of group decision-making; a consolidated strategic map, and finally a set of performance indicators. The obtained results showed consistency with the states intended by the network and its development context, as well as the requirements that frame a PMS for SMEs. / Rojas Lema, XB. (2021). Sistema de medición del rendimiento para redes colaborativas de Pymes en el sector agroindustrial de Ecuador [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/165779

Estudio comparativo de los Sistemas de Control en el contexto estratégico de las Instituciones de Educación Superior en Iberoamérica

García Hurtado, Dayanis 06 September 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo general analizar la influencia de los Sistemas de Medición del Desempeño (SMD) en actividades de exploración y explotación del conocimiento en Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) de Iberoamérica. El objeto de estudio son los SMD desde una perspectiva de gestión. La sociedad se enfrenta a cambios sin precedentes en la economía y en la gestión de las organizaciones, las cuales se basan en el conocimiento como el motor de cambio más poderoso. Constantemente se amplía y crea conocimiento que es aplicado en la producción de bienes y servicios a un ritmo cada vez más acelerado. De esta manera, el conocimiento en continua evolución cada vez más acelerada se convierte en un recurso estratégico para el desarrollo, lo que trae consigo que se exija mucho más de las universidades dada su capacidad de creación y absorción de conocimiento. Hoy en día las universidades amplían su misión tradicional basada en la docencia e investigación, convirtiéndose en centros de no sólo de creación, sino también de transferencia, transformación y distribución del conocimiento. Sin embargo, sin una adecuada gestión, el conocimiento puede quedar circunscrito solo a la exploración (la búsqueda de nuevas ideas), en lugar de llagar a tener un resultado en la explotación (transferencia de tecnologías). Para adecuarse a las demandas actuales y mejorar sus resultados en áreas tan importantes como la docencia, investigación y trasferencia de tecnología, las universidades necesitan herramientas adecuadas de gestión, entre las que se encuentran los SMD. Esta tesis analiza los SMD en las universidades para la gestión de la explotación y exploración del conocimiento a través de tres estudios. El primer estudio se titula "Ambidexterity in entrepreneurial universities and performance measurement systems" e incluye una revisión sistemática de la literatura que analiza la exploración y la explotación del conocimiento en las universidades que apoyan la innovación y el emprendimiento en su entorno. El segundo estudio, Influence of the balanced scorecard on the science and innovation performance of Latin American universities tiene como objetivo principal analizar la influencia del Cuadro de Mando Integral (CMI) sobre el desempeño de las universidades latinoamericanas en materia de investigación e innovación. El tercer estudio presentado se titula University-industry collaboration and absorption capacity in knowledge creation in Latin America. Este estudio explora las relaciones causales que condicionan la creación de conocimiento en Latinoamérica. Para finalizar se presentan las conclusiones generales de la investigación. En primer lugar, esta investigación presenta un enfoque novedoso de la evaluación del desempeño universitario al dar una visión multifacética que incluye el desempeño investigador, la transferencia tecnológica y el desempeño académico como resultados de la exploración y la explotación del conocimiento. En segundo lugar, el análisis pone de manifiesto que la colaboración U-I puede jugar un papel central en economías en vías de desarrollo, las cuales no tienen la capacidad de liderar el desarrollo tecnológico, pero al menos pueden absorber el conocimiento existente y aplicarlo en su contexto industrial y emprendedor para obtener progreso económico. En tercer lugar, el estudio describe los elementos del SMD que pueden conducir a un desempeño ambidiestro de las universidades. Los resultados sugieren que las universidades deben implementar estrategias, estructuras, sistema de indicadores y sistemas de recompensas que tenga como objetivo potenciar las actividades de exploración y explotación de manera coordinada. Este estudio enfatiza la importancia del sistema de indicadores como condición necesaria para la exploración y la explotación del conocimiento. Por lo tanto, para la ambidestreza universitaria, un sistema de indicadores que refleje medidas de exploración y explotación es de vital importancia. / [CA] Aquesta tesi doctoral té com a objectiu general analitzar la influència dels Sistemes de Mesurament de l'Acompliment (SMA) en activitats d'exploració i explotació del coneixement a Institucions d'Educació Superior (IES) d'Iberoamèrica. L'objecte d'estudi són els SMA des d'una perspectiva de gestió. La societat s'enfronta a canvis sense precedents a l'economia i a la gestió de les organitzacions, les quals es basen en el coneixement com el motor de canvi més poderós. Constantment s'amplia i crea coneixement que és aplicat a la producció de béns i serveis a un ritme cada vegada més accelerat. D'aquesta manera, el coneixement en contínua evolució cada cop més accelerada es converteix en un recurs estratègic per al desenvolupament, cosa que comporta que s'exigisca molt més de les universitats atesa la seva capacitat de creació i absorció de coneixement. Hui en dia les universitats amplien la seua missió tradicional basada en la docència i la investigació, convertint-se en centres de no només creació, sinó també de transferència, transformació i distribució del coneixement. La universitat té un paper determinant en el desenvolupament de recerques que donen suport activament als interessos de la indústria i la societat a través de la transferència tecnològica. No obstant això, sense una gestió adequada, el coneixement pot quedar circumscrit només a l'exploració (la recerca de noves idees), en lloc de arribar a tenir un resultat a l'explotació (transferència de tecnologies). Per adequar-se a les demandes actuals i millorar els seus resultats en àrees tan importants com la docència, investigació i transferència de tecnologia, les universitats necessiten eines adequades de gestió, entre les quals hi ha els SMA. Aquesta tesi analitza els SMA a les universitats per a la gestió de l'explotació i l'exploració del coneixement a través de tres estudis. El primer estudi es titula "Ambidexterity in entrepreneurial universities and performance measurement systems" i inclou una revisió sistemàtica de la literatura que analitza l'exploració i l'explotació del coneixement a les universitats que donen suport a la innovació i l'emprenedoria al seu entorn. El segon estudi, "Influence of the balanced scorecard on the science and innovation performance of Latin American universities", té com a objectiu principal analitzar la influència del Quadre de Comandament Integral (CMI) sobre l'exercici de les universitats llatinoamericanes en matèria de recerca i innovació. El tercer estudi presentat es titula "University-industry collaboration and absorption capacity in knowledge creation in Latin America". Aquest estudi explora les relacions causals que condicionen la creació de coneixement a Llatinoamèrica. Per finalitzar es presenten les conclusions generals de la investigació. En primer lloc, aquesta investigació presenta un enfocament nou de l'avaluació de l'exercici universitari en donar una visió multifacètica que inclou l'exercici investigador, la transferència tecnològica i l'exercici acadèmic com a resultats de l'exploració i l'explotació del coneixement. En segon lloc, l'anàlisi posa de manifest que la col·laboració U-I pot jugar un paper central en economies en vies de desenvolupament, les quals no tenen la capacitat de liderar el desenvolupament tecnològic, però almenys poden absorbir el coneixement existent i aplicar-lo en el context industrial i emprenedor per a obtenir progrés econòmic. En tercer lloc, l'estudi descriu els elements de l'SMA que poden conduir a un exercici ambidiestre de les universitats. Els resultats suggereixen que les universitats han d'implementar estratègies, estructures, sistema d'indicadors i sistemes de recompenses que tinga com a objectiu potenciar les activitats d'exploració i explotació de manera coordinada. Aquest estudi emfatitza la importància del sistema d'indicadors com a condició necessària per a l'exploració i l'explotació del coneixement. / [EN] The general objective of this doctoral thesis is to analyze the influence of Performance Measurement Systems (PMS) in activities of knowledge exploration and exploitation in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in IberoAmerica. The object of study is the PMS from a management perspective. Society is facing unprecedented changes in the economy and in the management of organizations, which are based on knowledge as the most powerful engine of change. Knowledge is constantly created and expanded and is applied in the production of goods and services at an ever-accelerating rate. In this way, knowledge in continuous increasingly accelerated evolution becomes a strategic resource for development, which means that the role of universities in society gains relevancegiven their capacity to create and absorb knowledge. Today, universities are expanding their traditional mission based on teaching and research, becoming centers not only for creation, but also for the transfer, transformation and distribution of knowledge. However, without proper management, knowledge can be confined to exploration (the search for new ideas), instead of having a result in exploitation (technology transfer). To adapt to current demands and improve their results in areas as important as teaching, research and technology transfer, universities need adequate management tools, among which are the PMS. This thesis analyzes the PMS in the universities for the management of the knowledge exploitation and exploration through three studies. The first study is entitled "Ambidexterity in entrepreneurial universities and performance measurement systems" and includes a systematic review of the literature that analyzes exploration and exploitation in universities that support innovation and entrepreneurship in their environment. The second study, "Influence of the balanced scorecard on the science and innovation performance of Latin American universities", has as its main objective the analysis of the influence of the Balanced Scorecard on the performance of Latin American universities in terms of research and innovation. The third study presented is entitled "University-industry collaboration and absorption capacity in knowledge creation in Latin America". This study explores the causal relationships that condition the creation of knowledge in Latin America. Finally, the general conclusions of the research are presented. First of all, this research presents a novel approach to the evaluation of university performance by giving a multifaceted vision that includes research performance, technology transfer and academic performance as results of the exploration and exploitation of knowledge. Second, he analysis shows that U-I collaboration can play a central role in developing economies, which do not have the capacity to lead technological development, but can at least absorb existing knowledge and apply it in their industrial and entrepreneurial context to obtain economic progress. Third, the study describes the elements of PMS that can lead to an ambidextrous performance of universities. The results suggest that universities should implement strategies, structures, indicator systems and reward systems that aim to promote exploration and exploitation activities in a coordinated manner. This study emphasizes the importance of the indicators system as a necessary condition for the effective exploration and exploitation of knowledge. Therefore, for university ambidexterity, a system of indicators that reflects exploration and exploitation measures is of vital importance. / This work was supported by National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq), Brazil [304618/2019-5]. / García Hurtado, D. (2022). Estudio comparativo de los Sistemas de Control en el contexto estratégico de las Instituciones de Educación Superior en Iberoamérica [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/185901 / Compendio

The relationship between organisational resources and organisational performance in a national government department

Mafini, Chengedzai 01 1900 (has links)
D. Tech. (Business, Faculty of Management Sciences), Vaal University of Technology / Organisational performance in the public sector has emerged as a critical topic in the post-1994 era in South Africa. This could ostensibly be attributed to the inability of the majority of most public organisations in the country to deliver a satisfactory standard of service to the public. An intense controversy has also emerged the world over on the selection of performance measures that are appropriate for use in public organisations. This debate is actuated by the existence of a multiplicity of performance measurement indices as well as frameworks that can be applied to manage performance in organisations. The existence of these multiple measurement mechanisms tends to confound the entire process of managing organisational performance. Another unresolved controversy focuses on the extent to which various organisational resources impact on organisational performance. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between organisational performance and three organisational resources; specifically, the human factor, organisational systems and organisational processes. A quantitative design was adopted in which a survey questionnaire was administered to 272 managers and employees of a South African National Government Department. Respondents were selected using a blend of purposive sampling and convenience sampling approaches. Data were analysed using the Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences (SPSS version 20.0). Reliabilities were measured using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. Exploratory factor analysis was used to identify the human factors, organisational systems and organisational processes. Spearman’s correlation and multiple linear regression analyses were used to investigate the relationship between organisational performance and the sub-elements under each of the three organisational resources. The impacts of each of the three factors on organisational performance were compared using the mean-score ranking technique. Performance of the National Government Department was measured using the four performance yardsticks of the Balanced Scorecard; namely, customer satisfaction, financial performance, innovation and learning, and internal processes The findings of the study revealed that performance of the National Government Department was highest in four strategic areas; which are the promotion of good corporate ethics and values, client satisfaction, service quality and relations with external organisations. However, performance shortfalls were observed in four key areas; namely, organisational speed, attrition of manpower, overloading of employees and the overburdening of divisions with high workloads. Correlation analysis showed that there were positive relationships between organisational performance and the five human factor components; life satisfaction, quality of work life, ability utilisation, creativity and autonomy. Regression analysis indicated that there were significant and predictive relationships between organisational performance and three human factor elements; namely, quality of work life, ability utilisation and life satisfaction. Among the five human factor elements, life satisfaction exerted the greatest impact on organisational performance. Significant, positive and predictive associations were also found between organisational performance and three organisational system factors; quality, innovation and inter-organisational systems, with quality exerting the greatest impact on organisational performance. Significant, positive and predictive relationships were further observed between organisational performance and the four organisational process factors identified in the study; namely, organisational structure, organisational change, team processes and organisational change. Among these, team processes exerted the greatest influence on organisational performance. Overall, the human factor applied the greatest impact on organisational performance, followed by organisational processes with organisational systems having the least impact. Based on these findings, recommendations were made and implications for further studies were suggested. The findings of the study provide empirical confirmation of the effectiveness of the Balanced Scorecard as a tool for the measurement and management of performance in public sector organisations. Additionally, managers in different public organisations may enhance the performance of their organisations by optimising the sub-elements of the three organisational resources examined in this study.

Key Performance Indicators' Effects on Public Sector Infrastructure Project Efficiency in Grenada

George, Kelvin Michael 01 January 2019 (has links)
Grenada is 1 of 15 developing countries in Caribbean Community known as CARICOM. The infrastructure capital projects in these developing countries are plagued with an array of issues: unethical practices, inadequate supervision, lack of transparency and accountability, inadequate monitoring and evaluation, cost overruns, and inefficiencies. In the 1980s and 1990s, the International Monitory Fund and World Bank introduced a balanced scorecard engineered under the structural adjustment program, but it was unable to improve infrastructure project efficiencies. This qualitative case study sought to understand the role of management key performance indicators (KPIs) on public sector infrastructure capital project efficiency on the island of Grenada. An institutional assessment and development framework and a classical management theoretical framework methodology were used to explore the effects of management KPIs on public sector infrastructure capital projects efficiencies in developing countries. The research incorporated a constructivist philosophy that underpins the evaluation and perception of the government, the National Water and Sewerage Authority (NAWASA), project teams, systems, and stakeholders. A purposive sampling strategy with elements of snowballing was used to obtain 12 representative participants for interviews, and a systematic approach of transcribing, coding, and thematic analysis was done. Findings indicate inadequacies in the BSC performance measure system on infrastructure projects, which justifies the use of comprehensive management KPIs. Positive social change implications of this study include recommendations for comprehensive management KPIs and policies to improve public sector infrastructure project efficiency in Grenada.

An analysis of the implemenation of activity based costing at the Water Trading Entity

Bvumbi, Mulalo Naome 02 1900 (has links)
The Water Trading Entity (WTE) is a subdivision of the Department of Water and Sanitation responsible for water infrastructure and resource management. Despite ABC implementation at the WTE, the water resource management charge remains high, raising concern. This study aimed to establish what influence ABC implementation has on this charge. Through semi-structured interviews, the study found that the steps and factors generally associated with successful ABC implementation are partially followed, but undefined duplicated activities exist, due to insufficient training and limited technology. The study found that ABC implementation has minimal influence on the increase of the charge. When deciding on the charge, factors such as capping play a role, therefore limiting ABC use. Further research on ABC implementation in government departments can be conducted to ascertain how they can adhere to policies without compromising the use of ABC and identify the skills and training needs for an effective ABC implementation / Management Accounting / M.A. (Accounting Sciences)

Perceptions of the appraisal system for teachers held by heads of departments at selected primary schools in the East London region, Eastern Cape Province

Nass, Julia Diane 01 1900 (has links)
This dissertation of a limited scope focuses on the Heads of Departments’ perceptions of the Integrated Quality Management System for teachers at selected quintile 5 Primary Schools in the East London Region of the Eastern Cape Province. It reveals the positive and negative aspects of the staff appraisal system, its implementation and purpose, as well as views on its improvement. By means of a qualitative case study and the Cognitive Evaluation Theory as theoretical framework, the researcher has determined that the Performance Measurement component of the appraisal system has a detrimental effect on the intrinsic motivation of teachers and that it should be separated from the Developmental Appraisal. Individual interviews with the Heads of Departments revealed the need for revising the assessment rubric in order for Performance Measurement to be conducted effectively. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Extension, Evaluation, and Validation of Load Based Testing for Residential and Commercial HVAC Equipment

Parveen Dhillon (14203079) 02 December 2022 (has links)
<p>With rising temperatures, urbanization, population growth, improving economic wellbeing, decarbonization and electrification efforts, the demand for space cooling and heating equipment is continuously increasing around the world. To counteract the effect of rising demand for air conditioners and heat pumps on total energy consumption, peak electricity demand, and emissions, it is crucial to promote the development and market penetration of energy-efficient systems. Establishing minimum energy performance standards (MEPS), energy labeling and utility programs are some of the effective and tested methods for achieving this goal. The technical basis for these energy efficiency standards is a testing and rating procedure for estimating equipment seasonal performance from laboratory tests. Although the current rating procedures provide standardized metrics to compare different equipment performances, they fail to appropriately characterize the field representative performance of systems by not considering the effects of: 1) test unit embedded controls, thermostat, and realistic interactions with the building load and dynamics; 2) different climate zones and building types; and 3) and other integrated accessories for improving energy efficiency such as economizer for rooftop units (RTUs). Therefore, current approaches for performance ratings neither incentives the development and implementation of improved system and control designs nor consumers with a metric that represents the advanced systems' actual energy savings. To address this, a load-based testing methodology that enables dynamic performance evaluation of equipment with its integrated controls, thermostat, and other accessories was recently proposed. The test methodology is based on the concept of emulating the response of a representative building conditioned by the test unit in a test lab using a virtual building model. </p> <p>In this work, the proposed load-based testing methodology was further extended, evaluated, and validated for residential heat pumps to integrate it into next-generation energy efficiency testing and rating procedures and to serve as a tool for engineers to develop and validate improved control algorithms in a laboratory setting. Further, a load-based testing method for evaluating the dynamic performance of RTUs with integrated economizers was also developed and demonstrated.</p> <p>A load-based testing approach previously developed for residential cooling equipment is extended for heat pump heating-mode and demonstrated for a variable-speed system. The heat pump's typical dynamic behaviors are captured along with controller imperfections that aren't reflected in current testing approaches. Further, a comprehensive comparison was performed between the proposed load-based testing approach to the current steady-state testing approach in the U.S., AHRI 210/240, based on performance evaluation of three residential variable-speed heat pumps to understand the differences and their significance for the next-generation rating procedure. For cooling mode, steady-state testing estimates higher seasonal performance, but for heating mode, the steady-state testing approach estimates higher seasonal performance for warmer climates and is comparable for colder climates. The load-based testing methodology was validated by comparing the laboratory performance of a heat pump to that of a residential building in a controlled environment. The virtual building modeling approach for building loads and thermal dynamics effectively captured these characteristics of the house. The heat pump's cycling rate response with run-time fraction, which represents the unit's overall dynamic response, matched well between lab load-based tests and house tests. The test unit's COP difference for cooling and heating tests was within 3% between the two facilities, except for 9% in 95°F and 6% in 104°F cooling dry-coil test intervals. To evaluate the applicability of the developed load-based testing methodology as next-generation rating standards, its repeatability and reproducibility were assessed based on multiple heat pump round-robin tests conducted in two labs. Overall, reasonable to good repeatability was observed in load-based test results in both labs, however, poor reproducibility was observed except for one heat pump heating mode results. A root cause analysis of the observed differences along with recommendations for a next-generation rating approach are presented. This work aided in the development of a CSA (Canadian Standards Association) standard EXP07:19 and its subsequent revision for equipment rating based on load-based testing.</p> <p>The application of the load-based testing methodology as a tool for the development and evaluation of a residential heat pump controller design was demonstrated. Further, a load-based testing methodology was developed and demonstrated for the dynamic performance evaluation of RTUs with integrated economizers in a test laboratory setting. Recommendations for future work to further develop and improve the repeatability, reproducibility, and representativeness of the load-based testing and rating approach for residential and commercial air conditioners and heat pumps are summarized at the end of the dissertation. </p>

Desarrollo de una propuesta metodológica para medir el impacto que tiene la aplicación de prácticas de Total Quality Management sobre el rendimiento organizacional en Pymes

Andrade Arteaga, Carla Alexandra 21 March 2022 (has links)
[ES] El contexto mundial actual de competitividad global hace que las empresas deban invertir muchos de sus recursos en ofrecer productos y servicios de calidad a precios competitivos. Desde hace muchos años el cliente demanda un producto de alta calidad y puede escoger entre muchas empresas de dónde obtenerlo, lo que hace que estas deban articular los mecanismos necesarios para ofrecer el nivel de calidad requerido en sus productos/servicios invirtiendo la menor cantidad de recursos posible. En este sentido, muchas empresas llevan años aplicando técnicas o herramientas de gestión de calidad, como por ejemplo Kaizen, control estadístico de calidad o diseño de experimentos por nombrar algunas, que les ayuden a alcanzar dicho nivel de calidad. Así, es ampliamente aceptada la existencia de una correlación entre la aplicación de técnicas de Gestión de Calidad Total (TQM) y la mejora del rendimiento empresarial que dará lugar a mayores beneficios. Sin embargo, a pesar de que se pueden encontrar numerosos trabajos científicos que relacionan la aplicación de TQM y el rendimiento empresarial, entendido éste como una parte concreta de la organización tal como producción o innovación, la cuantificación del efecto de TQM sobre el rendimiento empresarial global, utilizando un enfoque estratégico y equilibrado a través de un Cuadro de Mando Integral (CMI), es un tema de investigación actual no abordado hasta el momento y que se pretende desarrollar en esta Tesis Doctoral. Con este enfoque, las empresas obtendrán información adicional relevante para la toma de decisiones, respecto a cuáles son las técnicas y elementos de TQM que más impactan en su rendimiento organizacional estratégico y equilibrado, por lo que deberían ser priorizadas. Además, la aplicación de técnicas TQM genera directamente una serie de mejoras a nivel táctico-operativo en las organizaciones, por lo que las relaciones entre las técnicas TQM, el rendimiento empresarial estratégico medido y gestionado mediante un CMI y las mejoras empresariales mencionadas, son estudiadas y analizadas en profundidad en la presente Tesis Doctoral. A tal fin, en primer lugar se efectúa un estado del arte donde se analizan publicaciones científicas relevantes para demostrar la existencia de un hueco investigador. A continuación, se diseña una propuesta metodológica de seis fases para cuantificar el impacto de los elementos de TQM sobre el rendimiento organizacional, en el contexto de un CMI y en PYMES, siendo dichas fases: Fase 1. Definición de los elementos estructurales. Fase 2. Establecimiento del equipo de trabajo. Fase 3. Selección de los elementos. Fase 4. Determinación de la técnica MCDA. Fase 5. Aplicación de la técnica MCDA. Fase 6. Análisis de resultados. Entonces, las fases de la propuesta son aplicadas a una PYME del sector del petróleo en Ecuador y se presentan los resultados obtenidos en dicha aplicación. Finalmente, se establecen una serie de conclusiones generales y se enuncian unas líneas futuras de investigación. / [CA] El context mundial actual de competitivitat global fa que les empreses hagin d'invertir molts dels seus recursos a oferir productes i serveis d'alta qualitat a preus competitius. Des de fa molts anys el client demana un producte d'alta qualitat i pot escollir entre moltes empreses d'on obtenir-lo, el que fa que aquestes hagin de articular els mecanismes necessaris per oferir el nivell de qualitat requerida en els seus productes / serveis invertint el mínim de recursos possible. En aquest sentit, moltes empreses porten anys aplicant tècniques o eines de gestió de qualitat, com ara Kaizen, control estadístic de qualitat o disseny d'experiments per nomenar algunes, que els ajudin a aconseguir aquest nivell de qualitat. Així, és àmpliament acceptada l'existència d'una correlació entre l'aplicació de tècniques de gestió de qualitat total (TQM) i el rendiment empresarial entès aquest com la millora dels productes / serveis de l'organització que donarà lloc a majors beneficis. No obstant això, tot i que es poden trobar nombrosos treballs científics que relacionen l'aplicació de TQM i el rendiment empresarial, entès aquest com una part concreta de l'organització tal com producció o innovació, la quantificació de l'efecte de TQM sobre el rendiment empresarial, utilitzant un enfocament estratègic i equilibrat a través d'un quadre de comandament integral (CMI), és un tema d'investigació actual i que es pretén desenvolupar en aquesta tesi doctoral. Amb aquest enfocament innovador, les empreses obtindran informació addicional rellevant per a la presa de decisions, respecte a quines són les tècniques i elements de TQM que més impacten en el seu rendiment organitzacional estratègic i equilibrat, de manera que haurien de ser prioritzades. A més, l'aplicació de tècniques TQM genera directament una sèrie de millores a nivell tàctic-operatiu a les organitzacions, de manera que les relacions entre les tècniques TQM, el rendiment empresarial estratègic mesurat mitjançant un CMI i les millores empresarials esmentades, són estudiades i analitzades en profunditat en la present tesi doctoral. Amb aquesta finalitat, en primer lloc es fa un estat de l'art on s'analitzen publicacions científiques rellevants per demostrar l'existència d'un buit investigador. A continuació, es dissenya una proposta metodològica de sis fases per quantificar l'impacte dels elements de TQM sobre el rendiment organitzacional, en el context d'un CMI, en PIMEs, sent aquestes fases: Fase 1. Definició dels elements estructurals. Fase 2. Establiment de l'equip de treball. Fase 3. Selecció dels elements. Fase 4. Determinació de la tècnica MCDA. Fase 5. Aplicació de la tècnica MCDA. Fase 6. Anàlisi de resultats. A continuació, les fases de la proposta són aplicades a una PIME d'al sector de l'petroli a l'Equador i es presenten els resultats obtinguts en aquesta aplicació. Finalment, s'estableixen una sèrie de conclusions generals i s'enuncien unes línies futures de recerca. / [EN] The current worldwide competitive context makes that organization are struggling to be and become competitive. Since many years ago, customers demand high-quality products and he/she might choose from many different suppliers, which makes those enterprises must articulate the necessary mechanisms to offer such a quality level. In this sense, many organizations apply techniques of quality management, e.g., Kaizen, quality statistical control or design of experiments to mention some, to help them out reaching the required quality level. Then, it is widely accepted the existence of correlation between the application of Total Quality Management (TQM) techniques and organizational performance, understanding the latter as the improvement of the products/services that leads to higher benefits. However, even though it is possible to find many scientific works that relate the application of TQM and organizational performance improvement, relating this to a specific part of the organization such as production or innovation, the quantification of the effect of TQM on performance measurement, using a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and, therefore, at the strategic and balanced level, is a current research topic, which is intended to be developed within this PhD Thesis. With this innovative approach, organizations would obtain additional relevant information for their decision-making processes about which the most relevant TQM techniques and tools are and should, therefore, be prioritized and improved. Besides, the application of TQM techniques directly generates some specific improvements at the tactic-operative level in organizations, and then the relationships among the TQM techniques, the organizational performance measured through a BSC, and the mentioned organizational improvements are studied and analyzed in this research. Then, a state of the art if firstly developed, analyzing relevant scientific publications, to identify the research gap. The next task is to design a six-phases methodological proposal to quantify the impact of TQM elements over organizational performance in SMEs within a BSC context, being the phases: Phase 1. Definition of the structural elements. Phase 2. Establishment of the work team. Phase 3. Selection of the elements. Phase 4. Determination of the MCDA technique. Phase 5. Application of the MCDA technique. Phase 6. Analysis of results. Then, these six phases are applied to a SME of the petroleum sector in Ecuador and the main results achieved are presented. Finally, the main conclusions are stated as well as some future research possibilities. / Andrade Arteaga, CA. (2022). Desarrollo de una propuesta metodológica para medir el impacto que tiene la aplicación de prácticas de Total Quality Management sobre el rendimiento organizacional en Pymes [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181511

Reducing uncertainty in new product development

Higgins, Paul Anthony January 2008 (has links)
Research and Development engineering is at the corner stone of humanity’s evolution. It is perceived to be a systematic creative process which ultimately improves the living standard of a society through the creation of new applications and products. The commercial paradigm that governs project selection, resource allocation and market penetration prevails when the focus shifts from pure research to applied research. Furthermore, the road to success through commercialisation is difficult for most inventors, especially in a vast and isolated country such as Australia which is located a long way from wealthy and developed economies. While market leading products are considered unique, the actual process to achieve these products is essentially the same; progressing from an idea, through development to an outcome (if successful). Unfortunately, statistics indicate that only 3% of ‘ideas’ are significantly successful, 4% are moderately successful, and the remainder ‘evaporate’ in that form (Michael Quinn, Chairman, Innovation Capital Associates Pty Ltd). This study demonstrates and analyses two techniques developed by the author which reduce uncertainty in the engineering design and development phase of new product development and therefore increase the probability of a successful outcome. This study expands the existing knowledge of the engineering design and development stage in the new product development process and is couched in the identification of practical methods, which have been successfully used to develop new products by Australian Small Medium Enterprise (SME) Excel Technology Group Pty Ltd (ETG). Process theory is the term most commonly used to describe scientific study that identifies occurrences that result from a specified input state to an output state, thus detailing the process used to achieve an outcome. The thesis identifies relevant material and analyses recognised and established engineering processes utilised in developing new products. The literature identified that case studies are a particularly useful method for supporting problem-solving processes in settings where there are no clear answers or where problems are unstructured, as in New Product Development (NPD). This study describes, defines, and demonstrates the process of new product development within the context of historical product development and a ‘live’ case study associated with an Australian Government START grant awarded to Excel Technology Group in 2004 to assist in the development of an image-based vehicle detection product. This study proposes two techniques which reduce uncertainty and thereby improve the probability of a successful outcome. The first technique provides a predicted project development path or forward engineering plan which transforms the initial ‘fuzzy idea’ into a potential and achievable outcome. This process qualifies the ‘fuzzy idea’ as a potential, rationale or tangible outcome which is within the capability of the organisation. Additionally, this process proposes that a tangible or rationale idea can be deconstructed in reverse engineering process in order to create a forward engineering development plan. A detailed structured forward engineering plan reduces the uncertainty associated with new product development unknowns and therefore contributes to a successful outcome. This is described as the RETRO technique. The study recognises however that this claim requires qualification and proposes a second technique. The second technique proposes that a two dimensional spatial representation which has productivity and consumed resources as its axes, provides an effective means to qualify progress and expediently identify variation from the predicted plan. This spatial representation technique allows a quick response which in itself has a prediction attribute associated with directing the project back onto its predicted path. This process involves a coterminous comparison between the predicted development path and the evolving actual project development path. A consequence of this process is verification of progress or the application of informed, timely and quantified corrective action. This process also identifies the degree of success achieved in the engineering design and development phase of new product development where success is defined as achieving a predicted outcome. This spatial representation technique is referred to as NPD Mapping. The study demonstrates that these are useful techniques which aid SMEs in achieving successful new product outcomes because the technique are easily administered, measure and represent relevant development process related elements and functions, and enable expedient quantified responsive action when the evolving path varies from the predicted path. These techniques go beyond time line representations as represented in GANTT charts and PERT analysis, and represent the base variables of consumed resource and productivity/technical achievement in a manner that facilitates higher level interpretation of time, effort, degree of difficulty, and product complexity in order to facilitate informed decision making. This study presents, describes, analyses and demonstrates an SME focused engineering development technique, developed by the author, that produces a successful new product outcome which begins with a ‘fuzzy idea’ in the mind of the inventor and concludes with a successful new product outcome that is delivered on time and within budget. Further research on a wider range of SME organisations undertaking new product development is recommended.

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