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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Testverktyg för prestandamätningar av feta klienter : - En fallstudie med fokus på identifiering av testverktyg och beskrivning av viktiga kriterier för dessa / Testing tools for performance testing thick clients : – a case study with focus on identifying testing tools and describing important criteria for these

Stenberg, Maria January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att beskriva prestandatest av feta klienter, ibland också kallade skrivbordsapplikationer. Studien syftar även till att kartlägga testverktyg som kan användas för att utföra prestandatest av feta klienter och att identifiera vilka egenskaper som anses vara viktiga kriterier för dessa testverktyg. Undersökningen är skapad som en fallstudie som undersökningsstrategi där fallets utgångspunkt är Trafikverkets behov men undersökning och dess resultat kan även appliceras på andra verksamheter där testarbete utförs. Både kvalitativ och kvantitativ datainsamling användes i undersökningen genom intervjuer och dokumentstudier samt enkätformulär. Då insamlat data i undersökningen är av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ form så användes också en blandning av en kvalitativ tematisk analys och kvantitativ dataanalys. En del av analysen är en utvärdering av ett testverktygsurval mot sammanställda kriterier, en kriteriebaserad utvärderingsmetod. Tillvägagångssättet för val och utvärdering av testverktyg som tillämpats genom studien är baserat på tidigare befintliga teorier som funnits genom litteraturstudier. Litteraturstudierna har även stått till grund för att definiera undersökningens centrala begrepp och bidrar till resultat genom en jämförelse med insamlat data. Resultatet från undersökningen bidrar med ett beslutsunderlag för verksamheter som står inför ett val av testverktyg för prestandatest av feta klienter och en utvärdering av dessa innan licenser införskaffas. Undersökningen bidrar även med en karakterisering av prestandatest av feta klienter. I just detta fall var de mest passande testverktygen för syftet HP LoadRunner samt två testverktyg från eggPlant i kombination (eggPlant Functional och eggPlant Performance). / The aim of this study is to describe performance testing on thick clients, sometimes also referred to as desktop applications. Another aim with this study is to map out a selection of testing tools that can be used for performance testing of thick clients and to identify what qualities that is considered to be important criteria for these testing tools. The study is based on the research strategy called case study where the case is grounded the needs from Trafikverket but the results from this study could be applied on other business organizations that works with testing. Both qualitative and quantitative data collecting methods where used in this study, in the form och interviews, document studies and questionnaires. Since the collected data in the study where in both qualitative and quantitative form the use of a mix between a qualitative thematical data analysis and a quantitative data analysis had to be done. A part of the analysis was an evaluation on a selection of testing tools towards a compiled list of criteria, as an evaluation method based on criteria. The course of action for choosing and evaluation a testing tool that has been applied throughout the study is based on preexisting theories that has been found through reviews of literature. The reviews of literature have also been the ground for defining the central concepts of the study and contributes to the result by comparing what’s been found in literature to the collected data. The result of the study contributes with a basis for decision for companies and organizations that is in the process of getting a testing tool for performance testing thick clients och how to evaluate these before obtaining the testing tool licenses. The study also contributes with a characterization of performance testing thick clients. In this particular case, the most suitable testing tools came to be HP LoadRunner and also two testing tools from eggPlant combined (eggPlant Functional and eggPlant Performance).

Mesure et validation d'indicateurs de performance des services infirmiers en première ligne : utilisation d'un cas traceur en soins de plaies

Dufour, Émilie 05 1900 (has links)
Une meilleure utilisation des ressources infirmières représente une avenue prometteuse dans l’amélioration de la performance des services de première ligne. La mesure de la performance des services infirmiers constitue une composante centrale à l’amélioration de leur organisation et à la qualité des soins dispensés dans ce secteur d’activités. Le but de cette recherche était de mesurer et de valider des indicateurs de performance des services infirmiers en première ligne à partir d’un cas traceur en soins de plaies ainsi que d’évaluer la fiabilité des données clinico-administratives utilisées pour mesurer les indicateurs à partir des dossiers cliniques. Cette étude a adopté un devis longitudinal corrélationnel. Les données ont été collectées sur une période d’une année dans un service de soins courants d’un Centre local de services communautaires (CLSC) à partir de données clinico-administratives contenues dans le système informatique I-CLSC. L’épisode de soins constituait l’unité d’analyse. Huit indicateurs ont été mesurés, dont cinq indicateurs de processus : 1) le suivi infirmier; 2) la continuité relationnelle; 3) l’enseignement; 4) l’évaluation initiale; et 5) la rencontre avec une infirmière spécialisée en soins de plaies, et trois indicateurs de résultats : 1) la fréquence; 2) la durée; et 3) l’intensité du suivi. Les objectifs de mesure et de validation ont été réalisés à partir d’un échantillon de 482 épisodes de soins de plaies d’une durée supérieure à sept jours. L’étude de fiabilité a été réalisée à partir d’un sous-échantillon de 107 épisodes. Des analyses descriptives et corrélationnelles ont été réalisées. Les résultats de validation ont démontré des associations fortes statistiquement significatives entre les indicateurs de suivi infirmier et de continuité et les trois indicateurs de résultats. Les résultats de fiabilité ont démontré un haut taux de concordance entre les données contenues dans les dossiers cliniques et les données clinico-administratives pour six des huit indicateurs à l’étude. En conclusion, des indicateurs de processus valides et pertinents dans la pratique infirmière de première ligne peuvent être mesurés de façon régulière par les gestionnaires à partir de données clinico-administratives fiables et facilement accessibles. / Better use of nursing resources is a promising avenue for improving the performance of primary care services. Measuring the performance of nursing services is a central component in improving their organization and the quality of care delivered in this sector. The aim of this study was to measure and validate primary care nursing performance indicators from a tracer case in wound care and to assess the reliability of clinical-administrative data used to measure indicators from clinical records. This study adopted a correlational longitudinal design. Data were collected over a one-year period in a Local community services centre (CLSC) using clinical-administrative data contained in the I-CLSC electronic database. The episode of care was the unit of analysis. Eight indicators were measured, including five process indicators: 1) nursing follow-up; 2) relational continuity; 3) teaching; 4) initial assessment; and 5) consultation with a specialized nurse, and three outcome indicators: 1) frequency; 2) duration; and 3) intensity. Measurement and validation objectives were performed using a sample of 482 episodes of wound care lasting more than seven days. The reliability study was based on a sub-sample of 107 episodes. Descriptive and correlational analyzes were performed. Validation results demonstrated very strong associations between nursing follow-up and continuity indicators and the three outcome indicators. Reliability results demonstrated a high concordance between clinical records and clinical-administrative data for six of the eight indicators. In conclusion, valid and relevant process indicators in primary care nursing can be measured on a regular basis by managers using reliable and easily accessible clinical-administrative data.

Exploration des conceptions de la performance privilégiées par des infirmières et des membres de l’équipe d’encadrement impliqués dans l’offre de services infirmiers : une étude qualitative exploratoire

Rolland, Karine 07 1900 (has links)
Problématique : Les organisations de santé font face à des pressions diverses pour offrir des soins et des services qui répondent aux plus hauts critères de performance et rendre compte de cette performance. Ces pressions proviennent de différents acteurs tels que les usagers du système de santé et les décideurs politiques. En raison de la place importante que prennent les infirmières dans l’offre de services de santé, il existe un intérêt croissant pour la mise en place d’interventions visant à mesurer et à améliorer la performance des services infirmiers. Cependant, dans le cadre de ces processus, les organisations sont souvent confrontées à des visions différentes et conflictuelles de la performance et à diverses approches pour la mesurer. Objectifs : Cette étude qualitative exploratoire a pour but d’explorer les conceptions de la performance des membres de l’équipe d’encadrement impliqués dans la prestation des services infirmiers et des infirmières soignantes et d’examiner dans quelle mesure les conceptions de la performance des deux groupes d’acteurs correspondent ou entrent en conflit. Méthodologie : Des entrevues semi-dirigées ont été conduites auprès de cinq membres de l’équipe d’encadrement et de trois infirmières. Une analyse de contenu a été effectuée à la fois pour faire ressortir l’éventail des conceptions et celles qui sont les plus prépondérantes dans les discours. Le cadre de référence ayant guidé cette analyse est une adaptation du modèle conceptuel de Donabedian comprenant trois dimensions soit la structure, le processus et les résultats (Unruh & Wan, 2004). Résultats : L’analyse des données recueillies auprès des membres de l’équipe d’encadrement fait ressortir dix conceptions distinctes, mais interreliées de la performance qui mettent l’accent sur les éléments de processus de soins infirmiers et de résultats chez la clientèle. Concernant les infirmières, neuf conceptions ont été répertoriées et l’accent a été porté surtout sur les éléments concernant l’adéquation des ressources humaines infirmières et de processus de soins infirmiers. Certaines similitudes et différences ont été repérées entre les conceptions de ces deux groupes d’acteurs. Conclusion : Cette étude permet de mieux comprendre les conceptions de la performance des acteurs impliqués dans l’offre de services infirmiers. Le modèle intégrateur qui résulte de la combinaison de ces différentes conceptions offre un cadre utile pour guider la construction d’outils de mesure de performance directement en lien avec les soins infirmiers et répondre à la demande d’imputabilité par rapport à ces services. / Background : Healthcare organizations face pressure to supply care and services that meet the highest level of performance and to show accountability in regards to this performance. These pressures come from different individuals ranging from the users of the healthcare system to political leaders. Since the nursing staffs occupy an important part in the supply of the healthcare services, there is a growing interest to put in place actions that would increase the performance of the nursing services as well as measure it. However, as part of this process, healthcare organizations often face conflictual notions of what performance is and how to properly measure it. Objectives : This qualitative exploratory study aims to explore the different notions of what performance is as seen by management teams involved in the nursing services delivery and by the field nurses to determine how much these notions are similar to each other or rather in opposition. Methodology: Semi-directed interviews have been held with five management teams’ members and also with three nurses. A content analysis has been made to illustrate the various notions of what performance is and those that show up the most. The framework used in this study is an adaptation of Donabedian’s model which includes three components: structure, process and results (Unruh & Wan, 2004). Findings: Ten distinct but related performance notions that focus on nursing’s process and impact on the users have been identified from data collected from management team members. On the nurses’ side, nine notions have been identified and put the focus mainly on the adequacy of nursing human resources with the nursing process. Some differences and similarities have also been identified between the performance notions of the two groups. Conclusion : This study gives a better understanding of the different performance notions that come from the various individuals involved in the nursing supply. The integrator model that result from the mix of these different notions will be useful in the creation of performance measurement tools directly linked with the nursing services, which will help respond to the accountability demand towards these services.

Optimalizace procesů distribuční společnosti / Optimization of processes in a distribution company

Švadlenková, Pavla January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis called Optimization of processes in a distribution company is focused on a firm, fictionally named ABC Ltd which, however, represents a real distribution company, a holding company to be precise, whose parent company is based in the Czech Republic and its subsidiaries are located in Italy, China and Australia. The overall number of staff of the whole concern is sixteen, so it falls into the category of small companies. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the company's processes. The greatest benefit of the thesis is saving the company's expenses based on optimization of the company's processes. In the introduction to the paper all the goals and benefits are stated. The next chapter reveals a brief description of skills that are vital for working on the practical part of the paper and meeting all the goals that have been set at the beginning. The introduction to the practical part deals with introducing the company ABC Ltd. The main topic of this part is the analysis of the present state of the firm's enterprise architecture. One of these architectures, the process one, describes the company's processes which are divided into the main and the supporting ones. In the main processes the potential for improvements is identified. The conclusion brings evaluation of the limits which follow from the revealed potential and suggestions for supporting the limits in the form of project solution.

Optimalizace procesů nákupního oddělení FMCG společnosti / Optimization of processes in procurement departmenf of FMCG company

Neumann, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis called "Optimization of processes in procurement departmenf of FMCG company" is focused on the optimization of procurement processes in an unnamed FMCG company. The main goals of this work include the analysis of similar solutions in business process optimization and selection of appropriate methods and procedures. Other objectives are to analyze the current state of processes, their support and maturity and potential improvement identification in selected processes. Last goal is a suggestion of project proposals designed to achieve potential improvement identification in the analyzed procurement processes. Contribution of this thesis is to analyze the purchasing process from the perspective of process maturity, its priorities, support and potential for improvement. Modelling of current processes in a unified methodology and tool is another benefit of this work. The work consists of an introductory section that defines the objectives, benefits and working methods. The following is a description of the research work and basic terms, thus ending the theoretical part. The practical part contains the characteristics of the company, a description of existing processes, potential improvement identification and a proposal of support in identified real potentials.

Familjeföretag i Sverige : En explorativ enkätstudie om ekonomi- och verksamhetsstyrning i svenska familjeföretag / Family firms in Sweden : An exploratory survey study about management control in Swedish family firms

Ewerklou, Gustav, Lejdeby, Robin January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Forskning kring familjeföretag har på senare år fått mer och mer uppmärksamhet eftersom familjeföretagen utgör en stor del av företagen världen över. I Sverige finns det totalt 450 000 aktiva företag och av dessa är runt 90% familjeföretag. De svenska familjeföretagen är idag den största arbetsgivaren och bidrar med ca 30% av Sveriges BNP. Styrningen av familjeföretag skiljer sig ofta från icke-familjeföretag vilket har skapat ett intresse hos många forskare. Främst visar forskning på att familjeföretagen präglas av en stark företagskultur och mer sociala och emotionella typer av styrverktyg. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att med ett explorativt angreppssätt bidra med kunskap om hur ekonomi- och verksamhetsstyrningen är utformad i svenska familjeföretag. Detta görs med hjälp av ett formellt och informellt perspektiv på styrningen. Metod: Studien har genomförts genom en kvantitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats. Det teoretiska materialet innefattar teori om vad ett styrpaket kan vara, vad informell och formell styrning är samt tidigare forskning om familjeföretagen. En tvärsnittsstudiedesign användes med hjälp av enkäter för att samla in det empiriska materialet från ett slumpmässigt urval av familjeföretag i Sverige. Slutsats: Denna studie bidrar till indikationer på att svenska familjeföretag har en styrning som främst är utformad på ett informellt vis. De använder samtliga delar av ett typiskt styrpaket: Kulturstyrning, planering, prestationsmätning, belöningssystem och administrativ styrning. Kulturstyrningen är mest framträdande och anses vara hjärtat i de svenska familjeföretagen. Resultatet visar att den tidigare forskningen om vilka styrverktyg som används i familjeföretag även kan appliceras på de svenska familjeföretagen till stor del. Resultatet kunde däremot inte påvisa att styrningen skiljer sig beroende på ifall ägare eller anhörig till ägare har en chefsposition eller inte i svenska familjeföretag. / Background: Research about family firms have recently got more attention since family firms are a large part of the companies around the world. In Sweden there are 450 000 active companies in total and about 90% of them are family firms. The Swedish family firms are today the largest employer and contributes with about 30% of Sweden’s GDP. Management control in family firms usually differ from those of non-family firms which has created an interest for more research in the subject. Research shows mainly that family firms has a strong corporate culture and use more social and emotional types of control practices. Purpose: The purpose of this study is that with an exploratory approach contribute with knowledge about how management control is formed in Swedish family firms. This is made with the help of a formal and informal perspective on control. Method: This study was conducted with a quantitative method with a deductive approach. The theoretical material included management control as a package, definitions of informal and formal management control and previous research about family firms. A cross-sectional study design was implemented together with a survey instrument to collect the empirical data from a random sample of family firms in Sweden. Conclusion: This study contributes with indications about the management control in Swedish family firms and shows it is mainly informal. They use all parts of a typical control package: Cultural control, planning, performance measurement, reward systems and administrative control. The cultural control is most prominent in the package and is considered to be the heart of the Swedish family firms. The result shows that the previous research about which management control practices are used in family firms also could be applied to the Swedish family firms to a large extent. The result could on the other hand not prove that the management control differs depending on whether the owner or owner’s relative is a part of the leadership or not in Swedish family firms.

Implementation of demand management in the South African Police Service: a selected case

Matloko, Boitumelo Handu 02 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English and Zulu / Quantitative and qualitative research methods, which are descriptive in nature, were employed in this study to investigate the ineffective and insufficient implementation of policies, procedures and processes of supply chain management and demand management. This topic was explored with particular reference to the Immovable Asset Management Component of the South African Police Service (SAPS). Data were gathered from managers and officials responsible for demand management in the SAPS through personal interviews and self-administered questionnaires. The collected raw data were analysed through the identification of key themes and the use of statistical methods and graphs. The findings revealed that the SAPS does not set realistic timelines and does not budget for all identified needs relating to immovable assets. End-user demands are subsequently not met. It was found that non-compliance with statutory requirements leads to inadequate implementation of generally accepted principles of supply chain management. It was also established that the SAPS does not have the capacity to fulfil its facility management needs. Importantly, there is a shortage of appropriately qualified technical officials. In addition, it was found that the commitment and accountability of officials involved in the implementation of demand management may be enhanced by creating a better common understanding of the meaning of demand management policies and procedures. Consequently, recommendations were made on how to strengthen demand management within the supply chain of the SAPS. The study therefore contributes to the effective implementation of demand management in public administration in South Africa, particularly at the SAPS. / Izindlela zocwaningo ezencike kumanani nakwizinga lengxoxo (Quantitative and qualitative research methods), okuyizindlela ezichaza ngokwezimpawu, zisetshenzisiwe kulolu cwaningo ukuphenya ngokungasetshenziswa ngokwanele kwemigomo, kwezingqubo nangokwezinhlelo zokuphathwa kochungechunge lwemisebenzi yokukhiqiza (supply chain) kanye nokuphathwa kwezinga lemikhiqizo efunekayo. Isihloko siye sahlolwa ngokubhekisisa kakhulu kohlelo Lwesigaba Sokuphathwa Kwempahla Engahambi/engagudluki Yophiko Lwezesiphoyisa (Immovable Asset Management Component of the South African Police Service) (SAPS). Idatha yaqoqwa kubaphathi kanye nkubasebenzi ababhekene nokuphathwa kwezinga lomkhiqizo ofunekayo ophikweni lwe-SAPS ngokusebenzisa izinhlolovo kubantu kanye nemibhalo equkethe imibuzo (self-administered questionnaires). Idatha eqoqiwe eluhlaza engekasetshenzwa yahlaziywa ngokwehlukanisa izindikimba ezibalulekile kanye nokusetshenziswa kwezindlela zamanani kanye negilafu (statistical methods and graphs). Ulwazi olutholakele lukhombise ukuthi uphiko lwe-SAPS alubeki uhlelo lwezikhathi zoqobo futhi lolu hlelo alwenzi ibhajethi lazo zonke izidingo ezimayelana nezimpahla ezingahambi/ezingagudluki. Izimfuno zabasebenzisi bokugcina bomkhiqizo azifinyeleleki. Kutholakele ukuthi ukungalandelwa kwezimfuno zomthetho kuholele kwizinga lokusetshenziswa ngokungagculisi kwemigomo eyamukelwa uwonkewonke yokuphathwa kohlelo lochungechunge lwemisebenzi yokukhiqiza. Kuye kwatholakala ukuthi uphiko lwe-SAPS alunamandla okufeza izidingo zalo zokuphathwa kwezinhlaka zokusebenza. Okubalulekile, kunokusweleka kothisha kanye nabasebenzi abanekhono elifanele lesithekhinikhali. Ngaphezu kwalokhu, kutholakele ukuthi ukusebenza ngokuzibophelela nangokuziphendulela kwabasebenzi kubandakanye ukusetshenziswa kohlelo lokufuneka kwempahla kungaqiniswa ngokwakha ukuzwisisana okungcono okuchaza imigomo kanye nezingqubo zokuphathwa kwezinga lempahla edingekayo. Okokugcina, kuye kwenziwa izincomo mayelana nokuthi amaxhama ezinga lokufuneka kwempahla ngaphakathi kohlelo lochungechunge lwemisebenzi yokukhiqiza ophikweni lwe-SAPS. Ngalokho-ke ucwaningo lufake igalelo ekusetshenzisweni kahle kohlelo lokuphathwa kwezinga lokufuneka kwempahla ohlelweni lokulawulwa kwezinhlaka zombuso eNingizimu Afrika, ikakhulukazi ophikweni lwe-SAPS. / Public Administration and Management / M. P. A. (Public Administration)

Automated Performance Test Generation and Comparison for Complex Data Structures - Exemplified on High-Dimensional Spatio-Temporal Indices

Menninghaus, Mathias 23 August 2018 (has links)
There exist numerous approaches to index either spatio-temporal or high-dimensional data. None of them is able to efficiently index hybrid data types, thus spatio-temporal and high-dimensional data. As the best high-dimensional indexing techniques are only able to index point-data and not now-relative data and the best spatio-temporal indexing techniques suffer from the curse of dimensionality, this thesis introduces the Spatio-Temporal Pyramid Adapter (STPA). The STPA maps spatio-temporal data on points, now-values on the median of the data set and indexes them with the pyramid technique. For high-dimensional and spatio-temporal index structures no generally accepted benchmark exists. Most index structures are only evaluated by custom benchmarks and compared to a tiny set of competitors. Benchmarks may be biased as a structure may be created to perform well in a certain benchmark or a benchmark does not cover a certain speciality of the investigated structures. In this thesis, the Interface Based Performance Comparison (IBPC) technique is introduced. It automatically generates test sets with a high code coverage on the system under test (SUT) on the basis of all functions defined by a certain interface which all competitors support. Every test set is performed on every SUT and the performance results are weighted by the achieved coverage and summed up. These weighted performance results are then used to compare the structures. An implementation of the IBPC, the Performance Test Automation Framework (PTAF) is compared to a classic custom benchmark, a workload generator whose parameters are optimized by a genetic algorithm and a specific PTAF alternative which incorporates the specific behavior of the systems under test. This is done for a set of two high-dimensional spatio-temporal indices and twelve variants of the R-tree. The evaluation indicates that PTAF performs at least as good as the other approaches in terms of minimal test cases with a maximized coverage. Several case studies on PTAF demonstrate its widespread abilities.

Pokročilé nástroje pro měření výkonu / Advanced Tools for Performance Measurement

Smrček, Jaromír January 2008 (has links)
This thesis presents the I/O layer of Linux kernel and shows various tools for tuning and optimization of its performance. Many tools are presented and their usage and outputs are studied. The thesis then focuses on the means of combining such tools to create more applicable methodology of system analysis and monitoring. The practical part consists of applying SystemTap scripts for blktrace subsystem and creating a fragmentation monitoring tool with graphical output.

Big Data in Performance Measurement: : Towards a Framework for Performance Measurement in a Digital and Dynamic Business Climate / Big Data inom Prestationsmätning: : Mot ett Ramverk för Prestationsmätning i ett Digitalt och Dynamiskt Affärsklimat

KNOBEL, KARIN, LÆSTADIUS, LOVISA January 2018 (has links)
In today’s business climate permeated by Big Data, an opportunity to drive performance lies in analysing consumer behaviour from user data. In particular for online content providers, user data is available in abundance and logged continuously. This leads to new possibilities for design and usage of metrics, as businesses can benefit from smart and timely decision-making. However, in order to profit from user data in performance measurement (PM), it is critical to identify metrics that truly guide decisions. Thus, an effective and efficient PM process is imperative. Despite its promise, Big Data’s role in PM has been scarcely researched. Research has studied user behaviour from data, for instance in the context of video or audio streaming and web search, but primarily with a focus on technical performance. In addition, the research on online content providers’ PM is fragmented, and has mainly been conducted by practitioners. Thus, the PM field needs to be updated to reflect today’s dynamic and digital business climate. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to explore how online content providers, generating a large amount of user data, work with PM, and also practically illustrate how metrics can be designed from user data. The research was carried out as a case study at an audio streaming company, but empirics was also gathered from other online content providers with the aim to increase the generalisability. The illustration of metric design was based on quantitative analysis of commuters’ in-car audio streaming. For commuters’ audio streaming it was found that suitable metrics should capture the habitual nature. Therefore engagement metrics were found to be applicable, for instance the fraction having sessions both in the morning and afternoon, and the fraction having more than one day commuting with the streaming service per week. In regard to online content providers’ PM process, this research contributes with a proposed framework, which was developed from three existing frameworks; HEART reflected as important measurement dimensions and translation of goals to metrics, OKR which sets the focus in terms of high-level goals, and design-implement-use reflected as the process’ phases. It was found that insights from user data and explicit user feedback are complementary and can arise throughout the whole process, and that mutual communication between data scientists and product managers is crucial. Further, four types of iterations were identified in the process; modifying a metric, designing new metrics, completely changing a metric, and starting new initiatives. Moreover, metrics were found to be highly context dependent. Additionally, four important aspects were identified in metric design; data availability and proxy assessment, characteristics and form of metric, metric trade-offs, and metric movement interpretation. / I dagens affärsklimat genomsyrat av Big Data finns en möjlighet att driva resultat framåt genom analys av kundbeteenden från användardata. I synnerhet för online-tjänsteföretag samlas användardata kontinuerligt och finns tillgänglig i en oerhörd mängd. Detta skapar nya möjligheter för design och användande av mätetal då företag kan utveckla smartare och snabbare beslutsfattande. För att verkligen dra fördel av användardata i prestationsmätning (PM) är det dock kritiskt att identifiera mätetal som faktiskt bistår beslutsfattande, vilket följaktligen kräver en effektiv PM-process. Trots potentialen är forskning på Big Data inom PM begränsad. Studier har analyserat kundbeteenden från användardata, exempelvis i kontexten av strömmad video eller audio och webbsökningar, men primärt med fokus på tjänstens tekniska prestanda. Vidare är forskning på PM hos online-tjänsteföretag fragmenterad, och huvudsakligen genomförd av företag inom industrin. Följaktligen bör fältet aktualiseras för att reflektera dagens digitala och dynamiska affärsklimat. Därför var syftet med denna studie att utforska hur online-tjänsteföretag, som besitter stora mängder användardata, arbetar med PM, men även praktiskt illustrera hur mätetal kan designas från denna data. Studien genomfördes som en fallstudie på ett ljud-strömningsföretag, men empiri insamlades även från andra online-tjänsteföretag med avsikt att öka generaliserbarheten. Den praktiska illustrationen av mätetals-design baserades på en kvantitativ analys av pendlares audio-strömning i bil. För pendlares audio-strömning i bil fann denna studie att lämpliga mätetal bör fånga den vanemässiga aspekten associerad med pendling. Därmed anses mätetal som reflekterar engagemang lämpliga, exempelvis andelen som har sessioner både på förmiddagen och eftermiddagen och andelen som har mer än en dag med pendlar-sessioner i veckan. Gällande PM-processen hos online-tjänsteföretag bidrar denna studie med ett föreslaget ramverk som utvecklades från tre existerande ramverk; HEART som reflekteras i form av viktiga mätetalsdimensioner samt översättning av mål till mätetal, OKR vilket sätter fokus för processen i termer av mål på högre nivå, och designa-implementera-använda som reflekterar processens faser. I studien kom det fram att insikter från användardata och explicit användaråterkoppling kompletterar varandra, och att dessa kan uppkomma under hela processen. Vidare konstaterar denna studie att ömsesidig kommunikation mellan dataforskare och produktchefer är essentiellt. Dessutom identifierades fyra typer av iterationer som kan förekomma vid användning av mätetal; modifiera mätetal, designa nya mätetal, fullständigt förändra mätetal samt påbörja nya initiativ. Därutöver kan studien konstatera att mätetal är högst kontextberoende, och att det finns fyra viktiga aspekter att ta hänsyn till i mätetals-design; data-tillgänglighet och proxy-utvärdering, karaktäristik och form på mätetal, trade-off mellan mätetal, samt tolkning av mätetals-förändringar.

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