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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aux marges de la ville antique en Méditerranée occidentale, de l’urbain au périurbain : de l'approche diachronique à l'étude de cas campaniens, Cumes et Pompéi. / On the fringes of the ancient City in the western Mediterranean, from urban to periurban : from a diachronic approach to two case studies in Campania, Cumae and Pompeii.

Lemaire, Bastien 11 December 2017 (has links)
Les espaces de la Cité antique sont définis par la traditionnelle dichotomie opposant intérieur et extérieur, ville et campagne. Le travail présenté ici s’intéresse à l’ensemble formé par la ville et ses espaces périurbains en Méditerranée occidentale, dans le but de réviser notre vision du fait urbain antique. L’évolution récente de la recherche et le développement des études périurbaines tendent à considérer les marges urbaines comme un tissu conjonctif entre la cité et son territoire rural. Par la diversité des exemples présentés et les fenêtres d’étude de Cumes et de Pompéi, nous tentons d’identifier les processus de croissance ou de régression de ces espaces, leurs éléments constitutifs et leurs relations avec la cité ainsi que leurs aspects spatiaux, religieux, économiques et sociaux. Sans remettre en question le rôle central de la ville, nous soulignons les imbrications et les complémentarités existant entre ces divers composants des agglomérations antiques. La démarche historiographique, diachronique et comparatiste, complétée par deux études inédites de terrain à Cumes et à Pompéi, vise à définir les limites urbaines, les fonctions périurbaines, les zones de contrôle, d’influence et d’exclusion et les interdépendances dans une dynamique montrant les pulsations à l’œuvre dans l’ensemble composé par la ville antique et ses périphéries sur la longue durée. / The areas of the ancient City are defined by the traditional dichotomy opposing inside and outside, city and countryside. This work studies the couple formed by the city and its periurban spaces in the western Mediterranean, in order to revise our vision of the ancient urban fact. The recent evolution of research on this topic and the development of peri-urban studies tend to consider urban margins as a connective tissue between the city and its rural territory. Through the diversity of the examples analyzed and through the case studies of Cumae and Pompeii, we try to identify the processes of growth and/or regression of these areas, their constituent elements and their relationships with the city as well as their spatial religious, economic and social aspects. Without challenging the central role of the city, we emphasize the interlinkages and complementarities between the main components of the ancient agglomerations: centre, periphery and countryside. The historiographic, diachronic and comparative approach, completed by two unpublished archaeological excavations at Cumae and Pompeii, aims to define urban boundaries, periurban functions, zones of control, influence and exclusion as well as interdependencies in a dynamics showing the historical pulsations of the couple formed by the ancient city and its peripheries over the longue durée.

La dynamique actorielle dans la construction des espaces périurbains : les cas de Montpellier (France) et de Montréal (Québec)

Doyon, Mélanie January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Satisfaction résidentielle et configurations spatiales en milieu périurbain / Residential satisfaction and spatial configurations in a periurban area

Youssoufi, Samy 09 December 2011 (has links)
Depuis les années 1960, les villes françaises sont soumises à un processus d'étalement urbain. Cet étalement se traduit par l'émergence d'une catégorie d'espace située à l'interface entre la ville et la campagne : le périurbain. Les caractéristiques sociales, urbanistiques, ou liées aux pratiques spatiales de ses habitants confèrent au périurbain une singularité et une spécificité propres. Il s'agit d'un espace de contradiction qui attire à la fois en raison du cadre de vie plutôt « naturel » qu'il offre aux ménages, mais également en raison de sa proximité avec la ville et des potentialités liées à l'accessibilité à diverses aménités urbaines.Pour comprendre plus finement cet engouement pour le périurbain, cette thèse propose d'explorer la relation individu-environnement résidentiel sous l'angle de la satisfaction que retirent les individus de leur cadre de vie. Il s'agit de mettre en relation une information de nature cognitive avec une information de nature spatiale. En modélisant chacune de ces composantes par l'utilisation d'indicateurs spécifiques, divers modèles statistiques sont mobilisés pour mettre en lumière les attributs spatiaux du cadre de vie susceptibles d'avoir une influence sur la satisfaction des individus.L'approche modélisatrice est centrale dans la démarche suivie. Après voir mené une enquête de satisfaction sur plus d'un millier de ménages vivant dans un secteur périurbain de Besançon, la démarche s'est attelée à construire des indicateurs en vue de caractériser deux types d'aménités de leur environnement résidentiel : le paysage et l'accessibilité aux commerces et services. Chacune de ces aménités est ensuite intégrée dans des modèles statistiques permettant d'évaluer leur contribution dans le degré de satisfaction du ménage.La démarche, essentiellement modélisatrice et exploratoire, offre toutefois des perspectives intéressantes dans le domaine de l'aménagement du territoire et de la planification urbaine. En ayant recours à des modèles simples et reproductibles, il s'agit de d'établir des documents cartographiques décrivant le potentiel de satisfaction à grande échelle. / Since the 1960s, French cities are concerned with an urban sprawl process. This urban sprawl leads to the emergence of a particular space located at the interface between the city and the countryside: the periurban. The social, morphological or the spatial practices of its inhabitants give the suburban a particular singularity and specificity. It is a space of contradiction that attracts both because of the "natural" living environment that it provides to households, but also because of its proximity to the city and the opportunities related to accessibility to various urban amenities.To understand more precisely this enthusiasm for periurban areas, this thesis proposes to explore the individual-residential environment relationship in terms of the satisfaction. The aim is to link a cognitive information with a spatial information. By modeling each of these components by the use of specific indicators, various statistical models are used to highlight the spatial attributes of the living environment that influence the satisfaction level of individuals.The modeling approach is central in this thesis. After the establishment of a satisfaction survey conducted on more than one thousand households living in a suburban area of ​​Besancon, the process is to build indicators to characterize two types of residential amenities: the landscape and the accessibility to shops and services. Each of these amenities is then incorporated into statistical models to assess their contribution to the satisfaction of the household.The approach essentially modeling and exploratory offers interesting perspectives in the field of urban planning. By using basic and reproducible models, one of the objectives is to build mapping documents describing the potential of satisfaction on a large scale.

Potentiel de production alimentaire de l'agriculture périurbaine : contribution des exploitations périurbaines aux systèmes alimentaires locaux / Food production potential of periurban agriculture : contribution of periurban farms to local food systems

Filippini, Rosalia 30 July 2015 (has links)
L'agriculture périurbaine (AP) est devenue un thème central dans la recherche, impliquant un débat scientifique multidisciplinaire. L'agriculture effectuée dans les zones périurbaines est mobilisée afin d'avoir un développement territorial et donner aux agriculteurs une chance de maintenir leur activité. En Italie, l'analyse sur la AP ont été axés sur les villes métropolitaines, alors que peu d'études ont évalué AP sous l'influence des villes moyennes, qui sont le plus touchés par l'urbanisation. Le récent débat sur la sécurité alimentaire a surgi réflexions sur la contribution potentielle de la AP dans l'alimentation des consommateurs urbains, même dans les pays développés. La connexion entre l'AP et le système alimentaire local (SAL) a été mobilisé par plusieurs organisations et chercheurs, en soulignant les avantages environnementaux, économiques et sociaux de la production "proximale". Néanmoins plusieurs auteurs ont demandé des analyse plus spécifiques sur la participation effective des agriculteurs dans SAL. Peu d'études ont porté sur les pratiques mises en place au niveau territorial par les agriculteurs périurbains, afin d'évaluer comment les stratégies productives des agriculteurs sont intégrés avec le SAL. Pour cette raison, une analyse agronomique au niveau territorial est exigée. Le but de cette recherche est de développer une méthodologie pour l'évaluation de la production potentielle fournie par AP au SAL. Pour faire ça la recherche réponds à trois questions: Quelle production alimentaire est mis en place actuellement dans les espaces périurbains? Comment les agriculteurs produisent pour le SAL? Dans quelles conditions l'AP peut produire pour le SAL? L'analyse est basée sur l'interaction de deux approches: le système de production et les approches du système alimentaire. Le cas d'étude est l’AP de Pise, une ville moyenne en Toscane (Italie). La zone périurbaine se compose de six municipalités, caractérisée par un étalement urbain récent et représentatif du système agricole en Méditerranée. L'analyse est basée sur des entretiens aux agriculteurs et aux acheteurs locaux de leurs productions. L'analyse montre que la AP a une composition hétérogène d’exploitations en termes d'intensité, quantité et qualité des aliments produits. Il ya un haut degré d'hétérogénéité de la production de l'intensité qui est lié à l'hétérogénéité des choix commerciaux entre les chaînes alimentaires locales et globales. Le choix de circuit alimentaire semble être caractérisé par des indicateurs sur la gestion de l'exploitation et l'utilisation des terres, plutôt que indicateurs sociaux. En considérant la quantité de production alimentaire, la différence entre les indicateurs de capacité productives décrit la différence dans les estimations basées sur l'analyse statistique et territoriale, et il quantifie le manque entre ce qui est produite et ce qui est réellement disponible pour SAL. Ce manque reflète les stratégies des différents agriculteurs à participer dans les SAL: la plupart des agriculteurs coordonne stratégies hybrides de commercialisation entre le marché local et le marché global. L'analyse de réseau révèle que même dans le SAL, les agriculteurs hybrident différentes typologies de SAL; l'analyse parallèle des autres acteurs du SAL (transformateurs et commerçants) démontre la difficulté de s'approcher à l’AP impliquées dans ces stratégies commerciales hybridées. Les agriculteurs répondent que la capacité de production pour SAL est affectée par plusieurs contraintes liées principalement à la réglementation et aux réseaux commerciaux. Les agriculteurs périurbains sont adaptant aux nouvelles possibilités de la proximité géographique aux zones urbaines, mais un effort de coordonner ces initiatives individuelles est nécessaire. Cette coordination doit intégrer la dimension territoriale qui affecte la production alimentaire périurbaine, afin de mieux répondre aux besoins de développement territorial. / Periurban agriculture (PA) is becoming a central topic in research, involving debates from different disciplines. Agriculture performed in periurban areas is conceived as a tool to have territorial development and to give farmers a chance to maintain their activity. In Italy, analysis on PA have been especially done for metropolitan areas, while few studies have assessed PA under the influence of medium-sized cities, which are the most affected by the recent urbanization. While the debate has started in valorizing the PA’s multifunctionality, the recent claims on food security have arisen reflections on its potential contribution in feeding urban consumers, even in developed countries. The connection between PA and local food system (LFS) has been mobilized by several organizations and researchers, highlighting the environmental, economical and social benefits of such “proximal” production. Nevertheless several authors have claimed for in-depth analysis about the effective participation of farmers in LFS. Moreover, few studies have been focused on the practices put in place at territorial level by periurban farmers, in order to assess how productive strategies are integrated with farmers’ local commercial strategies. For this reason an agronomic analysis at territorial level is required. The overall purpose of this research is to develop a methodology for the assessment of the food production provided by PA and how it is integrated to LFS. To do so, the research answers to three questions: What current food production is performed by PA? How do farmers produce for the LFS? Under which conditions PA can produce for the LFS? The analysis is based on the interaction of two approaches: the farming system and the food system approaches. The case study is the PA around the city of Pisa, a medium-sized city located in Tuscany (Italy). The periurban area’s border consists of six municipalities, characterized by a recent urban sprawl and representative of Mediterranean coastal farming systems evolution. The analysis is based on interviews to farmers and the local buyers of their productions. The analysis shows that PA is composed by an heterogeneous composition of farms in terms of intensity, quantity, and quality of food production. There’s a high degree of heterogeneity of intensity’s production which is linked to heterogeneity of commercial choices between local and global food chains. This choice seems to be characterized mainly by indicators on farm management and land use, more than indicators on social characters of farmer, as age or formation. Considering the quantity of food production, the difference among potential, effective and real food capacity outlines the difference in estimates based on statistical and territorial analysis; it also quantifies the lack between what is effectively produced and what is really available for the LFS. This lack reflects different farmers’ strategies in participating in alternative and local food chains; especially most of the farmers coordinate hybrid strategies between alternative/local and conventional/global food chains. The network analysis highlights that even in LFS, farmers hybrid different typologies of local food networks. The parallel analysis of other LFS’ actors (processors and final sellers) demonstrates the difficulty in approaching a PA involved in such hybrid commercial strategies. If local buyers principally asserts that not all the production produced in periurban area is available for LFS, farmers reply that the capacity of producing for LFS is affected by several constraints mainly linked to regulation and commercial networks. Periurban farmers are thus adapting to the new opportunities of the geographical proximity to urban area, but an effort in coordinate such individual initiatives is needed. This coordination should integrate the territorial dimension that affects periurban food production, in order to better address issues on territorial development of such areas.

La dynamique actorielle dans la construction des espaces périurbains : les cas de Montpellier (France) et de Montréal (Québec)

Doyon, Mélanie January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

« The place to be ? » Vivre et bouger dans les entre-deux : jeunesse et mobilités dans les espaces périurbains / ‘‘The place to be ?’’ Living and commuting within the “space-in-between” / young commuters in the periurban fringes of the Great Paris

Didier-Fèvre, Catherine 29 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat mène une réflexion sur les mobilités juvéniles périurbaines sous l’angle de « l’entre-deux », terme caractérisant à la fois les espaces périurbains et la jeunesse. Comment la jeunesse vit-elle une localisation résidentielle, choisie par les parents, et se déplace-t-elle dans ces espaces peu densément peuplés et faiblement desservis par des transports en commun ? Quel rôle jouent les contextes périurbains dans la construction identitaire des jeunes ? L’étude menée, à partir de trois lycées généraux et technologiques situés dans les franges de l’agglomération parisienne en proie à un mouvement de périurbanisation plus ou moins ancien, a consisté à interroger une population lycéenne périurbaine par le biais de méthodes qualitatives (85 entretiens) et quantitatives (1522 sondés en ligne). Développant un ancrage différencié à l’espace habité dans lequel la maison individuelle tient une place centrale, les jeunes adoptent une multitude de stratégies pour s’émanciper des contextes périurbains. Ils combinent les ressources des entre-deux pour s’affirmer en tant qu’individu, y compris dans le cadre de la socialisation secondaire marquant cet âge. Ils y trouvent ainsi leur bonheur, bien qu’ils cherchent souvent, de manière plus ou moins réaliste ou réalisable, à sortir de ces espaces. Ces bricolages spatiaux les amènent à développer une motilité (Kaufmann, 2002) plus importante que celle des jeunes urbains. En revanche, à l’heure de s’inventer une vie adulte, ce n’est pas tant l’espace périurbain qui apparaît comme un obstacle à leur projet que les ressources sociales, financières ou culturelles de leur famille. Malgré tout, les contextes périurbains, parce qu’ils font territoires, sont des lieux où les jeunes projettent volontiers leur vie future, même si, pour certains, l’attraction urbaine ou de l’étranger est plus forte. / The ‘‘space-in-between’’ refers to any specified situation or space characterizing an intermediary and transitional state. This paper aims at exploring the notion of “space-in-between” through the themes of mobility and the youth living in the periurban fringes of the Great Paris. How does the youth live the residential choice of theirs parents and move to those median zone between rural and urban areas where public transit is deficient? What role have the periurban fringes in the building of the youth identity? Across this research, led in three public high schools located in the periurban fringes of the Great Paris, 85 young spoke about their mobilities and 1522 answered a questionnaire. Become oneself ask to move alone, to explore new spaces without parents but with peers, so these young people combine a lot of means to leave these spaces (walking, hitch-hiking, car-sharing, taking school buses for shopping and so on). Developing a specific link with the periurban areas where the home could be perceived as a special place, these young people live happily and do not consider themselves as ‘‘prisoners’’ in their territories. Nevertheless, they try to going out of them: going to parties, meeting other young people in the night clubs, meeting their friends as they want, practising sport and cultural leisures, and moving anywhere without asking their parents to drive them. At the time to become an adult, when they want to follow high education currucula, if they don’t choose the same way that urban and rural students, it seems that financial ressources and capacities to move are central in their choice. Some of them want to live in big cities or in foreign countries but most of them imagine them living the perurban edges where they had grow up. So the periurban fringes seem, as territories, the ‘place to be’! / El « espacio de transición » es una situación o un espacio que se caracteriza por ser intermedio.Aquella idea de intermedio interesa a los geografos en sus investigaciones sobre el espacio periurbano. Este proyecto , como continuidad de un precedente trabajo de investigaciones (Ser joven en el periurbano de SENS. ¿ Qué movilidades para los alumnos del instituto JANOT ? ; Catherine DIDIER-FEVRE, Máster 2 investigaciones, 2011. 229 páginas), intenta explorar la noción de « transición » a través de las movilidades. Si el término periurbano se define por un espacio de transición (noción aparecida con la instalación de la población en una extensión de la zona urbana) entre dos contrapuestos : espacio urbano y espacio rural, el de la juventud responde también a la noción de « espacio de transición ». En efecto, la juventud es la transición entre la desaparición de las claves de la infancia y la construcción de nuevos modelos. Es un tiempo de experiencias.Mientras « el periurbano sigue siendo el espacio de la juventud en una sociedad envejeciéndose : es el único espacio donde encontramos más de 3 jóvenes para con 2 mayores», muy pocas cosas fueron escritas sobre la juventud del periurbano. Aquella idea de las movilidades de la juventud es nueva. Tener en cuenta la edad de los habitantes de un espacio definido es fundamental para entender las relaciones de ellos con su territorio. Hasta ahora sólo los mayores o los niños pequeños preocuparon a los geografos del periurbano. Al investigar sobre los jóvenes del periurbano una se pregunta :¿Qué relaciones viven los jóvenes con el territorio periurbano al vivir una movilidad singular ?

Mosaicos de reintegração sócio-ambiental: alternativa de zoneamneto no entorno da ReBio Poço D'Anta - Juiz de Fora/MG

Cruz, Evandro Cesar Azevedo da 05 July 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-03-02T13:54:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 evandrocesarazevedodacruz.pdf: 320899764 bytes, checksum: 4a40eda24fc71397cc30952e34c3aa69 (MD5) / Rejected by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br), reason: Renata, favor só confirmar se o título da dissertação está desta forma msm "ReBio"ao invés de Reserva Biológica. on 2016-03-03T14:52:13Z (GMT) / Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-03-03T17:10:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 evandrocesarazevedodacruz.pdf: 320899764 bytes, checksum: 4a40eda24fc71397cc30952e34c3aa69 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-04-24T01:47:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 evandrocesarazevedodacruz.pdf: 320899764 bytes, checksum: 4a40eda24fc71397cc30952e34c3aa69 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-24T01:47:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 evandrocesarazevedodacruz.pdf: 320899764 bytes, checksum: 4a40eda24fc71397cc30952e34c3aa69 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-07-05 / FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / O presente trabalho tece uma investigação geossistêmica no entorno da Reserva Biológica Municipal Poço D’Anta, locada nas franjas urbanas do município mineiro de Juiz de Fora. Procurando conjugar o potencial ecológico, a exploração biológica e o aprovisionamento das comunidades locais, essa abordagem sistêmica busca uma confluência na relação das sociedades locais com a área protegida em questão. A sobreposição tripolar destes parâmetros analisados nos fornece o desenho de um mosaico de corredores ecológicos e áreas protegidas, capaz de amortecer os impactos da produção espacial do entorno, pois através da integração entre o uso e a ocupação do solo, as feições naturalistas deste ambiente e a tradição cultural simbólica das comunidades locais, estaremos reconectando, não só florestas, mas também saberes e viveres. / This paper presents an geossistemical investigation in the surroundings of the Municipal Biológical Reserve Poço D’Anta, located in the urban fringe of the county of Minas Gerais, Juiz de Fora. Seeking to combine the ecological potential, the biological exploration and the provision of local communities, this systemic approach seeks a confluence in the relationship of local societies with the protected area here mentioned. The overlap of these three poles parameters analyzed, provides us with the design of a mosaic of ecological corridors and protected areas, able to reduce the impact of the production of space around it, because through the integration among the use and occupation of land, the naturalistic features of this environment and the symbolic cultural tradition of local communities, we are reconnecting not only forests but also knowledges and livings.

Desafios para o planejamento no espa?o periurbano de Valinhos e Campinas: bairros reforma agr?ria

Salles, Mary M?rcia Garbelini 18 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:21:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mary Mercia Garbelini Salles 1-75.pdf: 23208230 bytes, checksum: 00e6b3bf3506a82eb5de79b5e6ce69dc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-18 / The present research examines the interference occurred in the surroundings of the neighboring areas between the municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of Campinas - RMC, in the state of S?o Paulo, which have been and are still in a process of major modification. The theretical framework of this study relies on authors specialized on urbanism, tourism and the other disciplines of the social sciences. This work deals with the contemporany realy in a rural area under the perspective of the periurban phenomenon, which occurs in the RMC. For better understanting of this plenomenon, a particular location in the city of Valinhos and Campinas was selected. The area concerned, considered sui generis, is divided into lots, which were formed in the 1960's during what is considered to be the first implantation of agrarian reform in the State of S?o Paulo, called "Bairro Reforma Agr?ria". The approach favored the periurban phenomenon and the possibilities of implementing rural tourism in a way that it benefits the development and preservation of the available rural areas. It evaluates whether there's a promising prospect of implantation of tourism as an important alternative economic tool for the rural producer and whether it promotes the conservation of cultural and evironmental patrimony. The majority of the producers showed lack of interest in the development of any tourist activity. It was found that the public policies for the transformation of the rural areas and its surroundings are, at the time, the greatest concerns of farmers, requiring of them new forms of social-territorial organization. / Na pesquisa analisaram-se as interfer?ncias ocorridas no entorno das ?reas lim?trofes entre os munic?pios da Regi?o Metropolitana de Campinas - RMC, no estado de S?o Paulo, que se transformaram e que ainda est?o em processo de grandes transforma??es. O referencial te?rico apoiou-se em autores de Urbanismo, Turismo e outras disciplinas da ?rea de Ci?ncias Sociais. o presente trabalho aborda a realidade contempor?nea em ?rea rural sob a perspectiva do fen?meno periurbano que ocorre na RMC. Para melhor compreens?o deste fen?meno, selecionou-se uma localidade espec?fica na cidade de Valinhos e Campinas. A ?rea em quest?o, considerada su? generis, ? de um loteamento formado a partir de revis?o agr?ria em 1960, sendo popularmente considerada a primeira implanta??o de reforma agr?ria no Estado de S?o Paulo e denominada de Bairros "Reforma Agr?ria". A abordagem privilegiou o fen?meno periurbano e as possibilidades de implantar o turismo rural como beneficiador do desenvolvimento para a preserva??o das ?reas rurais existentes. Avaliou-se tamb?m se h? perspectiva promissora de implanta??o do turismo como importante ferramenta de alternativa econ?mica para o produtor rural para promover a conserva??o do patrim?nio ambiental e cultural. A maioria dos produtores apresentou desinteresse em desenvolver qualquer atividade tur?stica. Constatou-se ainda que pol?ticas p?blicas para transforma??o das ?reas no e do entorno rural s?o no momento as maiores preocupa??es dos produtores rurais, exigindo deles novas formas de organiza??o s?cio territorial

Inserção de hortaliças e frutas orgânicas na merenda escolar: as potencialidades da participação e as representações sociais de agricultores de Parelheiros, São Paulo / Insertion of organic vegetables and fruits into the school meal: potentiality of participation and the social representation of agriculturists of Parelheiros, Sao Paulo.

Badue, Ana Flávia Borges 16 August 2007 (has links)
O presente estudo aponta que programas de inserção de hortaliças e frutas orgânicas na merenda escolar têm sido implementados em escolas municipais e estaduais brasileiras como estratégia de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional e de desenvolvimento local sustentável. A avaliação da potencialidade dessa inserção na merenda escolar em Parelheiros, no município de São Paulo, está sendo realizada por um projeto de pesquisa e intervenção coordenado pela FSP-USP (2006-2008) e financiado pelo CNPq, com apoio de instituições públicas e da sociedade civil organizada. Esta dissertação se insere como parte do diagnóstico desse projeto, sob o enfoque da produção e abastecimento. Nesse contexto, as perguntas centrais deste estudo foram: Quais as potencialidades da participação dos agricultores na oferta de hortaliças e frutas orgânicas na merenda escolar da região de Parelheiros? Quais os desafios e oportunidades que os agricultores de Parelheiros teriam para se engajar no projeto de abastecimento de orgânicos nas escolas? Para se obterem as respostas, realizou-se a identificação das representações sociais de 30 agricultores, com o objetivo de detectar o que entendem por agricultura orgânica e sua opinião e interesse em participar da proposta de inserção de hortaliças e frutas orgânicas na merenda escolar, considerando-se a caracterização da prática da agricultura na região para melhor se avaliar suas potencialidades de participação no projeto proposto. A técnica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC) possibilitou a construção de uma análise aprofundada e sinalizou oportunidades e desafios para processos de comunicação e educação envolvendo os agricultores. Os resultados indicaram uma falta de conhecimento ou um repertório restrito dos agricultores na definição de agricultura orgânica. Destacou-se entre os discursos o interesse em abastecer as escolas com a produção de hortaliças e frutas orgânicas, mediante a obtenção de apoios (cursos, assistência técnica, organização de associações, escola de formação profissionalizante, etc.) e a confirmação de que o sistema orgânico será rentável. Constatou-se também a necessidade de se demonstrar a viabilidade técnica e a sustentabilidade socioambiental do sistema de produção orgânica, através de um processo contínuo de formação que difunda os princípios da agroecologia. Concluiu-se que existem potencialidades e desafios nos dois diferentes sistemas de compra de hortaliças e frutas para as escolas públicas estaduais e municipais. Ficou evidenciado que nessa região inserida em áreas de proteção ambiental e de manancial, na qual é necessário estimular o sistema orgânico de produção, o grande volume de compra de hortaliças e frutas pelas escolas públicas pode ser uma alavanca para esse processo. Sugere-se por fim, ações que estimulem o empoderamento e o comprometimento dos agricultores da região na conversão para o sistema orgânico de produção. / The present study shows evidence that programs aiming at the insertion of organic vegetables and fruits in public school meal in some brazilian cities have been implemented, as strategy of Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Local Development. The evaluation of the potentiality of this strategy in Parelheiros, in the city of Sao Paulo, is being carried out by a research project coordinated by FSP-USP (2006-2008) and funded by CNPq. It also has the support of public institutions and the organized civil society. This dissertation is inserted as part of the diagnosis of this project, under the focus of production and sourcing. In this context, the central questions of this research were: Which are the potentialities of participation of the agriculturists in the supply of organic vegetables and fruits in the school meal of the Parelheiros region? Which are the challenges and opportunities that the agriculturists of Parelheiros would have to engage themselves in the project of organic supply in the schools? In order to obtain the answers, the identification of the social representation of 30 agriculturists has been performed, with the objective to detect the insertion of organic vegetables and fruits into the school meal, considering the characterization of the proposed project. The Discourse of the Collective Subject technique allowed the construction of an in-depth analysis and signalized the opportunities and challenges for the communication and education processes involving the agriculturists. The results showed either lack of knowledge or limited repertoire to define organic agriculture. Emerge from the discourses that there has been interest in providing schools with organic vegetables and fruits in case there is support (courses, technical support, associations, technical schools, etc.) and assertiveness of profitability. It has also evidenced the need for demonstrating technical feasibility and environmental sustainability of the organic production through means of a continuing process that transmits the principles of agriecology. The conclusion is that there are potential and challenges in the two different purchasing systems for vegetables and fruits for city and state schools. It has been evidenced that in this region with environmental and water protected areas, where it is necessary to stimulate the organic system, the great amount of vegetables and fruits bought by the schools might be leverage for this process. It is suggested, at the end, actions to stimulate the empowerment and commitment of the agriculturists of the region in the conversion to the organic production system.

Inserção de hortaliças e frutas orgânicas na merenda escolar: as potencialidades da participação e as representações sociais de agricultores de Parelheiros, São Paulo / Insertion of organic vegetables and fruits into the school meal: potentiality of participation and the social representation of agriculturists of Parelheiros, Sao Paulo.

Ana Flávia Borges Badue 16 August 2007 (has links)
O presente estudo aponta que programas de inserção de hortaliças e frutas orgânicas na merenda escolar têm sido implementados em escolas municipais e estaduais brasileiras como estratégia de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional e de desenvolvimento local sustentável. A avaliação da potencialidade dessa inserção na merenda escolar em Parelheiros, no município de São Paulo, está sendo realizada por um projeto de pesquisa e intervenção coordenado pela FSP-USP (2006-2008) e financiado pelo CNPq, com apoio de instituições públicas e da sociedade civil organizada. Esta dissertação se insere como parte do diagnóstico desse projeto, sob o enfoque da produção e abastecimento. Nesse contexto, as perguntas centrais deste estudo foram: Quais as potencialidades da participação dos agricultores na oferta de hortaliças e frutas orgânicas na merenda escolar da região de Parelheiros? Quais os desafios e oportunidades que os agricultores de Parelheiros teriam para se engajar no projeto de abastecimento de orgânicos nas escolas? Para se obterem as respostas, realizou-se a identificação das representações sociais de 30 agricultores, com o objetivo de detectar o que entendem por agricultura orgânica e sua opinião e interesse em participar da proposta de inserção de hortaliças e frutas orgânicas na merenda escolar, considerando-se a caracterização da prática da agricultura na região para melhor se avaliar suas potencialidades de participação no projeto proposto. A técnica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC) possibilitou a construção de uma análise aprofundada e sinalizou oportunidades e desafios para processos de comunicação e educação envolvendo os agricultores. Os resultados indicaram uma falta de conhecimento ou um repertório restrito dos agricultores na definição de agricultura orgânica. Destacou-se entre os discursos o interesse em abastecer as escolas com a produção de hortaliças e frutas orgânicas, mediante a obtenção de apoios (cursos, assistência técnica, organização de associações, escola de formação profissionalizante, etc.) e a confirmação de que o sistema orgânico será rentável. Constatou-se também a necessidade de se demonstrar a viabilidade técnica e a sustentabilidade socioambiental do sistema de produção orgânica, através de um processo contínuo de formação que difunda os princípios da agroecologia. Concluiu-se que existem potencialidades e desafios nos dois diferentes sistemas de compra de hortaliças e frutas para as escolas públicas estaduais e municipais. Ficou evidenciado que nessa região inserida em áreas de proteção ambiental e de manancial, na qual é necessário estimular o sistema orgânico de produção, o grande volume de compra de hortaliças e frutas pelas escolas públicas pode ser uma alavanca para esse processo. Sugere-se por fim, ações que estimulem o empoderamento e o comprometimento dos agricultores da região na conversão para o sistema orgânico de produção. / The present study shows evidence that programs aiming at the insertion of organic vegetables and fruits in public school meal in some brazilian cities have been implemented, as strategy of Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Local Development. The evaluation of the potentiality of this strategy in Parelheiros, in the city of Sao Paulo, is being carried out by a research project coordinated by FSP-USP (2006-2008) and funded by CNPq. It also has the support of public institutions and the organized civil society. This dissertation is inserted as part of the diagnosis of this project, under the focus of production and sourcing. In this context, the central questions of this research were: Which are the potentialities of participation of the agriculturists in the supply of organic vegetables and fruits in the school meal of the Parelheiros region? Which are the challenges and opportunities that the agriculturists of Parelheiros would have to engage themselves in the project of organic supply in the schools? In order to obtain the answers, the identification of the social representation of 30 agriculturists has been performed, with the objective to detect the insertion of organic vegetables and fruits into the school meal, considering the characterization of the proposed project. The Discourse of the Collective Subject technique allowed the construction of an in-depth analysis and signalized the opportunities and challenges for the communication and education processes involving the agriculturists. The results showed either lack of knowledge or limited repertoire to define organic agriculture. Emerge from the discourses that there has been interest in providing schools with organic vegetables and fruits in case there is support (courses, technical support, associations, technical schools, etc.) and assertiveness of profitability. It has also evidenced the need for demonstrating technical feasibility and environmental sustainability of the organic production through means of a continuing process that transmits the principles of agriecology. The conclusion is that there are potential and challenges in the two different purchasing systems for vegetables and fruits for city and state schools. It has been evidenced that in this region with environmental and water protected areas, where it is necessary to stimulate the organic system, the great amount of vegetables and fruits bought by the schools might be leverage for this process. It is suggested, at the end, actions to stimulate the empowerment and commitment of the agriculturists of the region in the conversion to the organic production system.

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