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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Surviving social exclusion : Zimbabwean migrants in Johannesburg, South Africa

Hungwe, Chipo 06 1900 (has links)
The thesis analyses forms and levels of social exclusion of Zimbabwean migrants in the South African labour market and society. The research reveals that migrants face social exclusion through unruly practices of public officials and institutional bias. At community and individual level migrants are devalued and stigmatised by the local South Africans and other Zimbabwean migrants. To some extent Zimbabwean migrants participate in their own exclusion as they are divided along regional and ethnic lines. The thesis proposes an analytical framework for understanding the social exclusion of Zimbabwean migrants emphasising on how devaluation of migrant identity narrows the existing structure of opportunity, leading to various coping mechanisms some of which are deviant. The thesis proposes a moral and pragmatic view in understanding the social exclusion of migrants from a cosmopolitan perspective where migrants are citizens of a global world. Using a qualitative methodology the research provides an in-depth analysis of the life histories of fifty eight (58) ‘documented’ and ‘undocumented’ Zimbabwean men and women in Kempton Park and Tembisa. The research was carried out in 2012. Migrants respond to social exclusion by using social capital in the form of family/kinship, ethnic and church networks. Zimbabweans mainly rely on bonding rather than bridging social capital. To a greater extent, migrant networks help them to ‘get by’ and simply survive. The few that have managed to ‘get ahead’, have made use of networks with South African residents and other individuals outside their migrant network systems. These have facilitated acquisition of fake identity documents, jobs and other necessities. Family networks are beginning to repel migrants because of the economic pressures they face leading to the weakening of ties among Zimbabwean migrant family members. / Sociology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Sociology)

Policies for climate change

Slechten, Aurelie 30 April 2013 (has links)
In my thesis, I address two important issues: (i) the creation of a price signal through the use of carbon markets (or cap-and-trade schemes) and (ii) the necessity to reach a global agreement on greenhouse gas emission reduction policies. It consists of three separate papers. Chapters 2 and 3 of this thesis emphasize theoretically and empirically the fact that achieving international cooperation on climate change is very difficult. Chapter 3 suggests that the global nature of the climate change problem and the design of climate agreements (i.e. the means available to reduce CO2 emissions) may explain this failure. Chapter 2 shows theoretically that asymmetric information between countries may exacerbate the free-rider problem. These two chapters also provide some possible solutions to the lack of international cooperation. To address the issue of information asymmetry, chapter 2 proposes the creation of institutions in charge of gathering and certifying countries' private information before environmental negotiations. If achieving international cooperation is still not possible, chapter 3 suggests that regional cooperation may supplement global treaties. Chapter 1 presents an example of such a regional agreement to reduce CO2 emissions. The EU emissions trading system is a cornerstone of the European Union's policy to combat climate change. However, as it is highlighted in chapter 1, the design of such regional carbon markets really matters for their success in reducing carbon emissions. This chapter shows the interactions between intertemporal permit trading and the incentives of firms to undertake long-term investments in abatement technologies. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Právní aspekty realizace developerského projektu z pozice investora / Legal Aspects of a Residential Project Construction from the Point of View of an Investor

Vlk, Vojtěch January 2020 (has links)
Real estate development is an intersectoral discipline not only itself, but also in the field of law, because within it both public and private legal relationships are established. The aim of this work is to analyze the construction process of a residential project consisting of ten solitary family houses and related technical and transport infrastructure from a legal point of view. The emphasis will be placed on the analysis of legal risks that can arise for the investor in the various stages of realization of the construction project. The chapters will be sorted chronologically as the realization of the construction project takes place, from the selection of a suitable site to the issuance of the occupancy permit. The first part of the work is devoted to a legal audit of the land on which the construction project is to be carried out. Particular attention is paid to a public law restrictions, such as zoning or buffer zones, as well as risks arising from acquisition of ownership from a specific seller, such as the risk of unenforceability of a sales contract due to bankruptcy of the seller or voidability of the sales contract due to execution proceedings. The next chapters are devoted to the actual realization of the project. In third chapter I analyze the specifics of the developer's preliminary...

Financing green energy projects : Funding possibilities, challange for change, and the integration of the private sector

Djerf, Rickard, Edblad, Solveig January 2023 (has links)
The world’s energy structure today relies 80 % on fossil fuels, contributing to rising temperatures and a changing climate. Society is built upon heavy energy usage and consumption is forecasted to increase rather than decrease. This implies that today’s energy mix needs thorough reconstruction where renewable energy sources must be a bigger part of the mix. There are well-known and developed green energy solutions that are not being fully exploited by society, where one explanation is the lack of funding possibilities. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate green energy projects to present further insight, integrate the private sector, and increase investments. This is done by interviewing Swedish economic associations investing in wind power to learn about concepts and experiences that can be applied by new investors when entering the green energy market. Our findings revealed that the permit process was the biggest obstacle in establishing wind turbines leading to fewer investing opportunities for private investors. Wind power in Sweden is self-sufficient with various returns hence are in no vital need for support schemes to be economically sustainable. This concludes that the government should focus on improving the permit process rather than promoting renewable energy support schemes to reach their climate goals.

“Faktiskt, jag blev inspirerad av Zlatan.” : En kvalitativ studie om afghanska ensamkommande barns etablering i Sverige, de bidragande faktorerna, ungdomarnas upplevelser och drivkrafter / “Actually, I was inspired by Zlatan.” : A qualitative study on the afghan unaccompanied children´s establishment in Sweden, the contributing factors, children’s experiences and impulsion.

Nazari, Murtaza, Husseini, Kasim January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att ta reda på de bidragande faktorerna för etableringen av afghanska ensamkommande barn i det svenska samhället och därmed bidra till kunskapsutveckling om målgruppens behov hos yrkespersoner som kommer i kontakt med dessa barn. En kvalitativ metod har applicerats på studien. Studiens frågeställningar har besvarats med semistrukturerade intervjuer av åtta etablerade respondenter som har kommit som ensamkommande barn till Sverige. Utifrån tidigare forskning som handlar om ensamkommande barn och de tre teorierna systemteori, KASAM och Bourdieus fyra kapitalformer, har studiens material analyserats. Studien visar att myndigheternas insatser och stöd har varit uppskattade och betydelsefulla hos ensamkommande barn i deras etableringsprocess. Det framkommer att en kombination av flera yrkespersoners stöd och insatser, exempelvis av socialsekreterare, lärare, boendepersonal, vuxna volontärer, vänner, god man och kontaktperson, har spelat stor roll i ungdomarnas etablering. Studien visar därtill att några centrala faktorer såsom uppehållstillstånd, skapande av sociala nätverk, språkkunskap och yrkespersoners genuina intresse och engagemang att stötta dessa ungdomar, har varit avgörande för dessa ensamkommande barn att komma in i det svenska samhället. Det visas tydligt i studien att ungdomarnas egna ambitioner, drivkrafter, styrka, strategier, vilja och att målmedvetenhet har varit väsentliga i deras etablering. / The purpose of this study is to identify the contributing factors for the establishment of afghan unaccompanied children in Swedish society and thereby contribute to increasing knowledge among professionals who come into contact with this group. A qualitative method has been applied in the study and eight established participants who arrived as unaccompanied children to Sweden have been interviewed through semi-structured interviews. The results have been analysed based on some previous national and international researches on unaccompanied children and also on three theories: system theory, KASAM and Bourdeius' four forms of capital. The study shows that the efforts and support of the authorities have been significant and appreciated by unaccompanied minors in their establishment process. The study also declares that the participation of several professionals, for instance social workers, teachers, housing staff, volunteering adults, friends, gaurdian and contact person have played a major role in the young people’s establishment. Furthermore, the study shows that some central factors such as a residence permit, to have social networks, knowledge of the Swedish language and the extra support from the people involved have been essential for getting into the Swedish society. It is clearly shown in the study that the young peoples’ own ambitions, self motivation, struggles, own strategies, and being purposeful have been essential in their establishment.


CAROLINE SOARES DE SOUSA FIGUEIREDO 06 December 2022 (has links)
[pt] O licenciamento ambiental na indústria petrolífera offshore no Brasil é o tema dessa dissertação. A questão do licenciamento ambiental para a produção do petróleo e gás na indústria e as possibilidades de se evitar, ao máximo, adversidades que possam degradar o meio ambiente foi o objetivo central desta pesquisa descritivo exploratória A natureza produz o petróleo e gás, mas, como usufrui-lo sem acarretar problemas à própria natureza que o produz? A regulamentação brasileira supõe essa questão? A da preservação da natureza? Analisou-se o processo de licenciamento ambiental para a execução da extração do petróleo e gás no Brasil e, ao mesmo tempo, outras referências mundiais, representadas pelos países: Canadá, Austrália, EUA e Noruega. Após essa análise viu-se que no Brasil o momento ainda é incipiente no desenvolvimento legal no que se refere a regulamentação geral; percebe-se contradições nas legislações pertinentes e a falta de clareza e objetividade (especificidades) no que se almeja regulamentar. Vale dizer, uma legislação pouco esclarecedora e confusa. Conclui-se que o caminho para a diminuição da degradação ambiental na exploração do petróleo e gás, exige, na prática, leis que ampliem e assegurem clareza, principalmente, na preservação do meio ambiente. Falta a definição desse caminho, ou seja, um roteiro explícito dos procedimentos legais necessários a aquisição desse licenciamento. Respeitar a natureza - o meio ambiente, e não somente explorá-lo sem medir as consequências negativas a este meio, deve ser o compromisso de todos os envolvidos. / [en] The main objective of this research was to discuss the environmental licensing in the offshore oil industry in Brazil by its laws and regulations and, at the same time, to have the possibility to avoid, as much as possible, adversities that could degrade the environment. Specifically, an attempt was made to understand the process of its regulation and other world references to understand the functioning of environmental licensing (environmental laws) for the execution of oil and gas extraction, represented by the countries: Canada, Australia, USA, and Norway; and point out necessary advances in environmental laws in preservation actions. In this descriptive exploratory research, the analysis focused on the environmental licensing process in Brazil in the offshore Oil and Gas industry, giving relevance to data for analysis of the bodies involved in the environmental licensing process; procedures and requirements for the offshore Oil and Gas Industry; laws and regulations in the offshore oil industry in Brazil and, finally, some information about the National Petroleum Agency (ANP) and its bidding and concession of exploratory blocks. And how does this interaction occur in other countries. The environmental licensing process is, in a way, old, vast and takes place from the prevention of deforestation established by the Forest Code in 1965 and in the authorizations for hunting and fishing in forests. However, at this time only a simple request was required to obtain authorization to carry out the activities. Law No. 6938 from 1981, which established the National Environmental Policy in Brazil, registered a regulatory milestone in the country s environmental legislation.

Den tillfälliga lagens påverkan på barnets rätt till psykisk hälsa : med fokus på asylsökande ensamkommande barn / The temporary law’s impact on the child’s right to mental health : focusing on the asylum-seeking unaccompanied minor

Troillet Mancini, Paulina January 2018 (has links)
This study examines how the new temporary law (SFS 2016:752) guarantees the child’s right to mental health; focusing on the asylum-seeking unaccompanied minor. This subject is examined since the Swedish law that regulates migration got reduced to the minimum standards that can be found in the EU and in international conventions when Sweden received 163 000 asylum seekers during 2015. 35 400 of them were unaccompanied minors. This leads to the question if the new regulations jeopardize the child’s right to mental health. To answer that, this study’s theoretical ground that will be used is legal positivism. By practicing a legal-judicial method and law-based sociological method the study follows three questions; 1. What is Sweden bound to guarantee according to the Convention on the Right’s of the child, associated with the mental health of children and the provisions of the temporary law? 2. Does the temporary law constitute grounds for existential uncertainty, and is it thereby violating the child’s right to mental health? 3. What does the situation look like, related to the mental health of asylum-seeking unaccompanied minors? In relation to the Convention on the Right’s of the Child this temporary law, and the impact of it, is examined. In the discussion it is clear that not only article 24 (the child’s right to health) is fundamental to the question of mental health, but several other articles. The result of this study has shown that the temporary law clearly violates the asylum-seeking unaccompanied child’s right to mental health.

My Learning Experiences at the Environmental Consulting Firm: Parsons Corporation

Lanham, Abigail E. 26 November 2014 (has links)
No description available.

La conformité de l’obligation contractuelle des travailleurs agricoles de maintenir un lien fixe avec leur employeur avec l’article 46 de la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne du Québec interprétée à la lumière du droit international

Gayet, Anne-Claire 09 1900 (has links)
Le Québec reçoit chaque année un nombre croissant de travailleurs agricoles temporaires, à travers deux programmes : le Programme des travailleurs agricoles saisonniers (principalement Mexicains) et le Programme des travailleurs peu qualifiés (pour l’instant Guatémaltèques). Une de leurs caractéristiques communes est le lien fixe à l’employeur imposé aux travailleurs. Cette recherche analyse la conformité de cette disposition avec l’article 46 de la Charte québécoise qui garantit le droit à des conditions de travail justes et raisonnables. Un examen des effets du lien fixe démontre que celui-ci établit une dépendance forte des travailleurs envers leur employeur, aux niveaux légal (du fait de la possibilité du rapatriement anticipé en cas de problèmes liés au travail ou au comportement), financier (dû à la nomination des travailleurs année après année et au dépôt de sécurité imposé aux travailleurs guatémaltèques) et psychologique (soumission, crainte). L’interprétation de l’article 46 à la lumière du droit international des droits de la personne met en évidence la non conformité du lien fixe avec cette disposition. Or si l’objectif de cette mesure est de retenir la main-d’oeuvre dans le secteur agricole, il serait plus juste et raisonnable d’améliorer les conditions de travail de cette main-d’oeuvre plutôt que de l’asservir. / Each year the province of Quebec receives an increasing number of temporary farm workers through two programs: the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (mainly Mexican workers) and the Low-Skill Temporary Workers Program (with Guatemalan workers). These programs share a common characteristic: the workers’ permits are tied to an employer. This research analyses the compliance of the bonded-work permit with article 46 of the Quebec Charter, which guarantees the right to just and reasonable working conditions. An analysis of the effects of the work-tied permit shows that it creates a huge dependence of the workers vis-à-vis their employers – legally (due to the possibility of anticipated repatriation for work or behaviour related problems), financially (among other things because of the naming practise) and mentally (submission, fear). The interpretation of article 46 in light of international human rights law shows that tied-work permits violate that provision. If the objective of the bonded characteristic of the work permit is to retain a labour force, it would be much more just and reasonable to improve working conditions rather than to enslave workers.

La conformité de l’obligation contractuelle des travailleurs agricoles de maintenir un lien fixe avec leur employeur avec l’article 46 de la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne du Québec interprétée à la lumière du droit international

Gayet, Anne-Claire 09 1900 (has links)
Le Québec reçoit chaque année un nombre croissant de travailleurs agricoles temporaires, à travers deux programmes : le Programme des travailleurs agricoles saisonniers (principalement Mexicains) et le Programme des travailleurs peu qualifiés (pour l’instant Guatémaltèques). Une de leurs caractéristiques communes est le lien fixe à l’employeur imposé aux travailleurs. Cette recherche analyse la conformité de cette disposition avec l’article 46 de la Charte québécoise qui garantit le droit à des conditions de travail justes et raisonnables. Un examen des effets du lien fixe démontre que celui-ci établit une dépendance forte des travailleurs envers leur employeur, aux niveaux légal (du fait de la possibilité du rapatriement anticipé en cas de problèmes liés au travail ou au comportement), financier (dû à la nomination des travailleurs année après année et au dépôt de sécurité imposé aux travailleurs guatémaltèques) et psychologique (soumission, crainte). L’interprétation de l’article 46 à la lumière du droit international des droits de la personne met en évidence la non conformité du lien fixe avec cette disposition. Or si l’objectif de cette mesure est de retenir la main-d’oeuvre dans le secteur agricole, il serait plus juste et raisonnable d’améliorer les conditions de travail de cette main-d’oeuvre plutôt que de l’asservir. / Each year the province of Quebec receives an increasing number of temporary farm workers through two programs: the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (mainly Mexican workers) and the Low-Skill Temporary Workers Program (with Guatemalan workers). These programs share a common characteristic: the workers’ permits are tied to an employer. This research analyses the compliance of the bonded-work permit with article 46 of the Quebec Charter, which guarantees the right to just and reasonable working conditions. An analysis of the effects of the work-tied permit shows that it creates a huge dependence of the workers vis-à-vis their employers – legally (due to the possibility of anticipated repatriation for work or behaviour related problems), financially (among other things because of the naming practise) and mentally (submission, fear). The interpretation of article 46 in light of international human rights law shows that tied-work permits violate that provision. If the objective of the bonded characteristic of the work permit is to retain a labour force, it would be much more just and reasonable to improve working conditions rather than to enslave workers.

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