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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entre ethnicité, immigration et identité nationale : du péronisme justicialiste au ménémisme néo-libéral : l’immigration limitrophe et les frontières ethniques en Argentine (1943-1999) / Between ethnicity, immigration and national identity : from justicialist peronism of the neoliberal menemism : immigration borders and ethnic boundaries in Argentina (1943-1999)

Otheguy, Martin Pablo 07 December 2016 (has links)
Les courants migratoires outre-atlantiques à la charnière du XIXe et du XXe siècle consolidèrent la représentation de la nation argentine comme « un pays d’immigration ». Mais, derrière l’assimilation réussie de centaines de milliers d’étrangers se cache un complexe rapport entre la nation et la diversité qui compose sa population. Nous avons placé au coeur de notre recherche l’étude de l’ethnicité en Argentine et son rapport avec la nation et les phénomènes migratoires internes et externes. Les élites du XIXe siècle mirent en place des politiques de population qui visaient l’édification d’une société homogène, blanche et d’origine européenne. Celles-ci provoquèrent un « processus d’effacement » de l’ethnicité argentine qui fut achevé durant le XXe siècle avec l’avènement du péronisme. Ce ne fut qu’au cours des gouvernements de Carlos Menem durant les années 1990 que l’ethnicité subit une nouvelle fois de profondes transformations, notamment à cause de la montée de la xénophobie ciblant les immigrants limitrophes. Notre recherche propose une étude de l’évolution du rapport entre le péronisme et l’ethnicité. Pour ce faire, nous avons choisi de suivre l’approche barthienne de l’ethnicité et de placer au centre de notre analyse le concept de frontière ethnique. Notre recherche s’achève avec l’analyse d’entretiens semi-dirigés effectués lors d’un travail de terrain réalisé auprès de la communauté bolivienne à Buenos Aires. Nous tenterons de montrer que les changements de l’ethnicité durant les années 1990 sont à mettre en rapport avec la désarticulation des identités politiques traditionnelles et le rétrécissement de la citoyenneté qui caractérisèrent cette période. / Migratory movements across the Atlantic at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries consolidated the representation of the Argentine nation as "a country of immigration". But behind the successful assimilation of hundreds of thousands of foreigners, lies a complex relationship between the nation and the diversity that makes up its population. We have placed at the heart of our research the study of ethnicity in Argentina and its relationship with the nation and internal and external migratory phenomena. The nineteenth-century elites set up population policies aiming at building a homogeneous, white and european origin for the society. These policies provoked a "process of erasing" argentinian ethnicity which was completed during the 20th century with the advent of peronism. It was only during the governments of Carlos Menem during the 1990s that ethnicity underwent profound changes, notably because of the rise of xenophobia targeting neighboring immigrants. Our research proposes a study of the evolution of the relationship between Peronism and ethnicity. To do this, we chose to follow the Barthian approach to ethnicity and to place the concept of ethnic frontier at the center of our analysis. Our research ends with the analysis of semi-directed interviews accomplished during a field work carried out with the Bolivian community in Buenos Aires. We will try to show that the changes in ethnicity during the 1990s are related to the phenomenon of disarticulation of traditional political identities and shrinking citizenship that characterized this period.

Disciplining the popular : new institutions for Argentine music education as cultural systems

O'Brien, Michael Seamus, 1978- 01 September 2010 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on a recent but growing movement in Argentina, state-sponsored formal institutions of popular music education. The musics taught in these schools – tango, jazz, and Argentine folk idioms – have historically been excluded from the country’s formal music education systems. Recent moves to standardize and legitimize these musics in this new institutional context raise questions of canon formation, pedagogical praxis, aesthetics and musical meaning that have implications far beyond the classrooms where they are implemented. I examine two of these schools based in and around the capital city of Buenos Aires: the Escuela de Música Popular de Avellaneda, and the Tango and Folklore department of the Conservatorio Superior de Música “Manuel de Falla.” I adopt an ethnographic approach that considers broad structural and policy issues of power distribution, state intervention, and cultural nationalism. I also examine how these structures play out in discourse and practice within and beyond the classroom, shaped by and in turn shaping students’ and teachers’ aesthetics, politics, and subject positions. I then analyze the output of several musical groups composed of current students and recent graduates of these programs, exploring the notion of an emerging institutional aesthetic and the extent to which these institutions act as homogenizing influences or engender creative divergence. Finally, applying Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of a field of cultural production, I question the extent to which this new “música popular” is truly popular, ultimately arguing that it occupies a sort of third space between mass culture and high culture, replicating some avant-garde assumptions about the role of art as anti-commercial, yet simultaneously embracing a symbolic economy that valorizes populist and subaltern identities and ideologies. / text

Identidade em conflito: os imigrantes lituanos na Argentina, Brasil e Uruguai (1920-1955) / Identity in conflict: the Lithuanian imigrants in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay (1920-1955)

Zen, Erick Reis Godliauskas 19 September 2012 (has links)
A presente tese analisa as formas de estruturação e as relações entre as comunidades lituanas radicados na Argentina, Brasil e Uruguai. De forma comparada, buscaremos compreender as referências identitarias deste grupo nacional durante o processo de desenraizamento territorial e a formação dos laços de solidariedade ao longo do processo de inserção nos diferentes Estados nacionais. Ao mesmo tempo, analisaremos como estas comunidades se relacionavam, para além das fronteiras dos países em que se estabeleceram, construindo intercâmbios de experiências e organizando movimentos sociais e políticos. Das diferentes posturas políticas identificaremos os conflitos no interior das comunidades e destas com os Estados e a sociedade argentina, brasileira e uruguaia. Ainda consideraremos o papel do governo lituano nas formações comunitárias, durante o período de independência do país (1918 1940). Procuraremos observar a relação entre os lituanos de origem judaica com a estruturação das comunidades nacionais lituanas. Adotaremos como balizas temporais os anos de 1920 a 1950, contemplando os dois principais momentos desta imigração para a América do Sul. / We aim to investigate the forms of organization and the relation among the Lithuanian communities rooted in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. By comparing them, we seek to understand the identity references within each national group during the process of territorial unrooting and solidarity bonding along with the inset processes in the different national States. At the same time, we intend to analise how those communitites have related to each other, beyond the country boundaries in which they had established themselves, building experience interchanges and organizing social and political movements. From the different political postures, we intend to identify the conflicts within the communities and against the Argentinian, Brazilian, and Uruguayan States and societies. We still intend to consider the Lithuanian government role in the community formation during the period of the country independency (1918-1940). We also look for observing the relation among the originally Jewish Lithuanian and the Lithuanian national communities formation process. We have considered the years between 1920 and 1950 as our time range, comprising the two main moments of the imigration to South America.

Identidade em conflito: os imigrantes lituanos na Argentina, Brasil e Uruguai (1920-1955) / Identity in conflict: the Lithuanian imigrants in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay (1920-1955)

Erick Reis Godliauskas Zen 19 September 2012 (has links)
A presente tese analisa as formas de estruturação e as relações entre as comunidades lituanas radicados na Argentina, Brasil e Uruguai. De forma comparada, buscaremos compreender as referências identitarias deste grupo nacional durante o processo de desenraizamento territorial e a formação dos laços de solidariedade ao longo do processo de inserção nos diferentes Estados nacionais. Ao mesmo tempo, analisaremos como estas comunidades se relacionavam, para além das fronteiras dos países em que se estabeleceram, construindo intercâmbios de experiências e organizando movimentos sociais e políticos. Das diferentes posturas políticas identificaremos os conflitos no interior das comunidades e destas com os Estados e a sociedade argentina, brasileira e uruguaia. Ainda consideraremos o papel do governo lituano nas formações comunitárias, durante o período de independência do país (1918 1940). Procuraremos observar a relação entre os lituanos de origem judaica com a estruturação das comunidades nacionais lituanas. Adotaremos como balizas temporais os anos de 1920 a 1950, contemplando os dois principais momentos desta imigração para a América do Sul. / We aim to investigate the forms of organization and the relation among the Lithuanian communities rooted in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. By comparing them, we seek to understand the identity references within each national group during the process of territorial unrooting and solidarity bonding along with the inset processes in the different national States. At the same time, we intend to analise how those communitites have related to each other, beyond the country boundaries in which they had established themselves, building experience interchanges and organizing social and political movements. From the different political postures, we intend to identify the conflicts within the communities and against the Argentinian, Brazilian, and Uruguayan States and societies. We still intend to consider the Lithuanian government role in the community formation during the period of the country independency (1918-1940). We also look for observing the relation among the originally Jewish Lithuanian and the Lithuanian national communities formation process. We have considered the years between 1920 and 1950 as our time range, comprising the two main moments of the imigration to South America.

Néstor Kirchner (2003-2007) : rupture ou continuité du péronisme ? : Les mutations du populisme en Argentine / Néstor Kirchner (2003-2007) : a breach or a continuity with peronism ? : Mutations of populism in Argentina.

Doz, Emilie 15 November 2013 (has links)
Le 25 mai 2003, le peuple argentin assistait à l’investiture présidentielle du candidat du Frente Para la Victoria, Néstor Kirchner. Suite à la défection de Carlos Menem pendant l’entre-deux tours, il est élu avec 22% des suffrages. Malgré cette faible légitimité, il réussit à insuffler un changement certain dans la politique argentine. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est de montrer comment Néstor Kirchner est arrivé à imposer un nouveau système de référence et à tourner la page du passé néolibéral qui a conduit le pays à l’effondrement. Pour cela, notre travail se concentre d’abord sur la présentation nécessaire du contexte économique et politique antérieur aux élections de 2003. Cette contextualisation permet de mieux cerner les conditions dans lesquelles Néstor Kirchner est porté au pouvoir. Ensuite, nous étudions la lutte idéologique qui se met en place, notamment à l’intérieur même du péronisme, afin d’identifier les processus qui permettent au discours kirchnériste de devenir discours dominant. Enfin, il s’agira d’étudier les points de ruptures ou de convergences du kirchnérisme avec le populisme et le péronisme afin de mieux le caractériser. De plus, le décès de Néstor Kirchner survenu le 27 Octobre 2010 a provoqué un véritable choc. Aussi, l’étude de la figure post mortem de Kirchner permet de prendre la mesure du phénomène K, dans le sens où il symbolise à la fois une réhabilitation du politique, une reconstruction de la nation argentine et une refondation du péronisme au XXIème siècle. / On 25 May 2003, argentinian population attended the presidential nomination of the "Frente Para la Victoria" party candidate, Néstor Kirchner. Thanks to the defection of Carlos Menem between the two rounds, he was elected with 22% of votes. Despite this weak legitimacy, he succeeded in impulsing changes in Argentina political agenda. The purpose of this thesis is to show how Néstor Kirchner managed to impose a new system as a new reference, and to move on from a neoliberal past which led the country to collapse. Therefore, our work first focuses on a necessary presentation of economic and political background prior to 2003' elections. Such contextualisation allows us to have a better understanding of the conditions in which Néstor Kirchner reached the presidency. Then, we study the ideological struggle taking place afterwards, particularly within peronism itself, in order to identify the processes allowing the kirchnerist line to become a dominant speech. Finally, we will focus on Kirchnerism’s breakpoints or convergences with Peronist populism for a better characterization. In addition, the death of Néstor Kirchner the 27th of october 2010 caused a real shock. Also, the study of the postmortem figure of Kirchner allows us to estimate the "K" phenomenon, in the sense it symbolizes as well a rehabilitation of politics as a reconstruction of the argentinian nation, or an overhaul of peronism in the XXIst century.

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