Spelling suggestions: "subject:"perpetration"" "subject:"perpetrations""
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La cyberviolence entre adolescents : prévalence, nature et processus en milieu scolaire / Cyberviolence among adolescents : prevalence, nature and process in schoolsBerguer, Aurélie 14 November 2014 (has links)
Les Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC) sont de plus en plus accessibles et utilisées au quotidien, en particulier par les jeunes. Si ces nouvelles formes d’interactions sociales sont porteuses de diverses opportunités (Valkenburg, 2010), elles font émerger dans le même temps des formes de violence inédites. Les recherches sur la cyberviolence se sont considérablement développées depuis les années 2000 au niveau mondial. En France, toutefois, mis à part les travaux de Blaya (2010, 2013), les recherches dans ce domaine restent rares et peu de données relatives à la prévalence, à la nature et aux mécanismes de ce phénomène sont disponibles. L’objectif de cette thèse est, par conséquent, d’évaluer l’ampleur de la cyberviolence entre adolescents en France, d’analyser les caractéristiques de cette nouvelle forme de violence et d’explorer ses processus en lien avec le milieu scolaire, notamment le climat scolaire. A cette fin, nous avons mené une enquête de victimation et de violence auto-reportée auprès de 3586 collégiens et lycéens répartis dans plusieurs académies. Les données recueillies nous permettent de mettre en évidence les taux d’adolescents qui déclarent avoir été victimes et/ou auteurs de chacune des formes de cyberviolence au cours de l’année scolaire. Une attention particulière est également portée à la mesure du cyberharcèlement, que nous choisissons de considérer comme une violence répétée et/ou cumulée. Enfin, des analyses statistiques visant à tester les effets des variables relatives aux caractéristiques sociodémographiques, aux pratiques numériques et à l’expérience de la cyberviolence sur la victimation et la perpétration sont effectuées. Il ressort principalement que la problématique de la cyberviolence est bien réelle même si le cyberharcèlement, dans ses formes les plus sévères, reste minoritaire. Afin de compléter l’enquête quantitative et « ouvrir la boîte noire », des entretiens ont par ailleurs été menés auprès de 34 collégiens. Notre ambition est d’approfondir notre compréhension de l’expérience vécue par les acteurs en interrogeant leurs logiques d’action et le sens qu’ils leur confèrent. Nos analyses permettent, entre autres, d’observer un lien entre les rapports sociaux dans le contexte scolaire et dans le contexte numérique. Ces résultats permettent de souligner l’intérêt d’une prise en compte de l’environnement scolaire, en particulier du climat scolaire, dans la lutte contre la cyberviolence. / Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are more and more daily accessible and used, especially by young people. These new types of social interactions offer various opportunities (Valkenburg, 2010). At the same time, they bring also with them new forms of violence. Research on cyberviolence has developed considerably worldwide since the beginning of the millennium. However, in France, except the work of Blaya (2010, 2013), research in this area remains rare and few data about the occurrence, nature and mechanisms of this phenomenon are available. Consequently, the objective of this thesis is to assess the extent of cyberviolence amongst adolescents in France, as well as to analyze the characteristics of this new form of violence, and finally to explore its processes related to school context, especially school climate. To do so, we carried out a victimization and self-reported violence survey on 3586 secondary schools students in several school authorities/boards. The collected data allow us to highlight the percentage of adolescents who reported to have been victims and/or authors of each types of violence during the school year. A special care was paid to the measurement of cyberbullying, which we defined as a repeated and/or cumulated violence. Finally, statistical analysis were made in order to test the effects of sociodemographic variables, digital practices and cyberviolence experiences on victimization and perpetration. It mainly appears that cyberviolence is a real problem although the most severe forms of cyberbullying remains low. To complete the quantitative survey and “open the black box”, interviews were conducted with 34 middle school students. Our aim was to deepen our understanding of the experience of the actors, by questioning them on their logics of action and the meaning they confer. Among other things, our analysis enabled us to observe a link between the social relations in the school context and in the digital context. These results emphasize the need to consider school environment, notably school climate, to fight against cyberviolence.
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The prosecution of international crimes in respect of the Democratic Republic of the Congo : critical evaluation of the factual background and specific legal considerationsMateru, Sosteness F. January 2010 (has links)
<p>The first part of this study evaluates the historical events that led to the referral of the DRC situation to the ICC. This includes the background of the conflict and the extent to which international crimes have been committed. Both regional and domestic attempts and initiatives to address the conflict are discussed, with specific reference to peace agreements and restorative justice mechanisms. The second part of the study deals with the prosecution of the perpetrators by the ICC. It examines the approach of the Pre- Trial Chamber to two legal issues, the principle of complementarity and modes of criminal participation as part of the ICC Statute. In this regard, the study makes a critical evaluation of two preliminary decisions confirming the charges against Lubanga, Katanga and Chui before the cases proceeded to the trial stage.</p>
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The prosecution of international crimes in respect of the Democratic Republic of the Congo : critical evaluation of the factual background and specific legal considerationsMateru, Sosteness F. January 2010 (has links)
<p>The first part of this study evaluates the historical events that led to the referral of the DRC situation to the ICC. This includes the background of the conflict and the extent to which international crimes have been committed. Both regional and domestic attempts and initiatives to address the conflict are discussed, with specific reference to peace agreements and restorative justice mechanisms. The second part of the study deals with the prosecution of the perpetrators by the ICC. It examines the approach of the Pre- Trial Chamber to two legal issues, the principle of complementarity and modes of criminal participation as part of the ICC Statute. In this regard, the study makes a critical evaluation of two preliminary decisions confirming the charges against Lubanga, Katanga and Chui before the cases proceeded to the trial stage.</p>
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A autoria mediata na jurisprudência do Tribunal Penal Internacional / The indirect perpetration in the international criminal courts case lawVitor Bastos Maia 05 May 2014 (has links)
O momentum simbolizado pela plena atuação do Tribunal Penal Internacional mais de anos após a entrada em vigor de seu Estatuto traz esperanças e constatações difíceis. Assim, correto o entendimento de que a instituição é um dos pilares para a construção de ordem internacional pautada pela pacífica convivência entre as nações, na qual não existam mais massacres ou ditaduras. Ocorre que a recente história da humanidade mostra-se como lamentável comprovação de que essa luz no fim do túnel ainda encontra-se distante de ser alcançada. Da análise dos julgamentos resulta claro que a pretendida atuação preventiva no sentido de evitar que os crimes sejam cometidos pela pronta intervenção de sua jurisdição no conflito, ainda é uma quimera, sendo realidade a atuação ex post factum em relação aos poucos acusados que sentaram no banco dos réus até então. A partir da premissa de que a função primordial do TPI é a investigação, processo e julgamento e, em sendo o caso, condenação dos suspeitos, resulta clara a preponderância do aspecto penal. Como visto, no único caso que conta com sentença condenatória proferida (Lubanga), ao lado do reconhecimento da importância da reparação das vítimas manteve-se a prevalência da função de prevenção geral e especial do organismo internacional. Assentado esse aspecto, tornou-se imperioso compreender como os juízes vinham interpretando os requisitos da AM-AOP. A importância da hipótese foi por diversas vezes evidenciada no trabalho e de certa forma já era antevista na ressalva de Claus Roxin, quando de sua criação em 1963. Assim, a partir da adoção pelos juízes do TPI da teoria da autoria mediata em razão de aparatos de poder como fundamento da figura prevista no artigo 25(3)(a), terceira hipótese, do Estatuto e da constatação de que é única forma idealizada para dar conta, em termos dogmáticos, das especificidades dos crimes praticados em grande escala e sistematicamente tem-se clara a perspectiva de que se torne importante opção de imputação. dos crimes de competência do Tribunal aos acusados. Até o momento o encaminhamento dos casos não permite avaliar a aplicação dos critérios da AM-AOP em sede de sentença, tendo chegado somente até a Decisão de Confirmação das Acusações no caso Katanga e Chui. A AM-AOP ganha maior relevo, outrossim, em vista das diretrizes de política criminal trazidas pelos juízes na fundamentação de suas decisões, dentre as quais podem ser referidas a busca pelo combate da impunidade desses criminosos, bem como a tendência a que se reconheça a maior importância do julgamento dos maiores responsáveis pelos crimes cometidos. Da análise dos casos resulta que a afirmação desse escopo não vem acompanhada de explicitação das razões que legitimariam esse enfoque. Ademais, a presença de um chefe de Estado no banco dos réus não se presta de garantia a que seus subordinados não cometam crimes. Os requisitos dessa forma de intervenção no fato seguem em substância a proposta de Roxin, não tendo sido incorporada somente a exigência de que os aparatos organizados de poder atuem à margem do ordenamento jurídico. Embora não haja condenação até o momento de réu com fundamento na AM-AOP, tem-se claro que poderá ser de extrema valia para a subsunção dos crimes sob investigação ou julgamento nos demais casos nos quais está sendo aplicada mas cujo andamento está impossibilitado por não terem sido presos os acusados (Saif Al Islam e Omar Al Bashir). A combinação das hipóteses da coautoria e da AM-AOP na figura híbrida da coautoria mediata encontra óbice sob duas perspectivas: não convence em termos dogmáticos porque contraria a construção teórica proposta por Claus Roxin: os critérios do domínio funcional do fato no caso de coautoria e o do domínio da vontade na vertente, interessante para a presente discussão, de AM-AOP amoldam-se à realidade que se pretende enquadrar em termos jurídicos de formas distintas. De outra parte, tendo-se em mente a rigidez do critério da essencialidade da contribuição típico do domínio funcional do fato a mera soma dos requisitos previstos para cada uma das vertentes não parece ser uma boa solução em vista do objetivo de imputar os crimes através das categorias do Estatuto aos acusados preservando equilíbrio entre a busca de responsabilização penal concreta e efetiva e a preservação dos direitos e garantias do réu. O dissenso do Juiz Cuno Tarfusser no caso Katanga explicita essa violação. Por outro lado, essa forma de agir da maioria dos juízes traz flagrante intepretação in malam partem proibida pelo artigo 22(2), do ER. Espera-se que a posição da Juíza Van den Wyngaert manifestada em seu Voto Dissidente no caso Procurador v.Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui ganhe maior força no seio do Tribunal nos próximos anos. Apesar das críticas suscitadas tem-se claro que os avanços conquistados pelos juízes nessa complexa e delicada área da teoria do delito do direito penal internacional são de fundamental importância não somente para o aprimoramento das figuras jurídicas como também para a legitimação da atuação do tribunal perante os estados dada a sua vocação universalista. / O momentum simbolizado pela plena atuação do Tribunal Penal Internacional mais de anos após a entrada em vigor de seu Estatuto traz esperanças e constatações difíceis. Assim, correto o entendimento de que a instituição é um dos pilares para a construção de ordem internacional pautada pela pacífica convivência entre as nações, na qual não existam mais massacres ou ditaduras. Ocorre que a recente história da humanidade mostra-se como lamentável comprovação de que essa luz no fim do túnel ainda encontra-se distante de ser alcançada. Da análise dos julgamentos resulta claro que a pretendida atuação preventiva no sentido de evitar que os crimes sejam cometidos pela pronta intervenção de sua jurisdição no conflito, ainda é uma quimera, sendo realidade a atuação ex post factum em relação aos poucos acusados que sentaram no banco dos réus até então. A partir da premissa de que a função primordial do TPI é a investigação, processo e julgamento e, em sendo o caso, condenação dos suspeitos, resulta clara a preponderância do aspecto penal. Como visto, no único caso que conta com sentença condenatória proferida (Lubanga), ao lado do reconhecimento da importância da reparação das vítimas manteve-se a prevalência da função de prevenção geral e especial do organismo internacional. Assentado esse aspecto, tornou-se imperioso compreender como os juízes vinham interpretando os requisitos da AM-AOP. A importância da hipótese foi por diversas vezes evidenciada no trabalho e de certa forma já era antevista na ressalva de Claus Roxin, quando de sua criação em 1963. Assim, a partir da adoção pelos juízes do TPI da teoria da autoria mediata em razão de aparatos de poder como fundamento da figura prevista no artigo 25(3)(a), terceira hipótese, do Estatuto e da constatação de que é única forma idealizada para dar conta, em termos dogmáticos, das especificidades dos crimes praticados em grande escala e sistematicamente tem-se clara a perspectiva de que se torne importante opção de imputação. dos crimes de competência do Tribunal aos acusados. Até o momento o encaminhamento dos casos não permite avaliar a aplicação dos critérios da AM-AOP em sede de sentença, tendo chegado somente até a Decisão de Confirmação das Acusações no caso Katanga e Chui. A AM-AOP ganha maior relevo, outrossim, em vista das diretrizes de política criminal trazidas pelos juízes na fundamentação de suas decisões, dentre as quais podem ser referidas a busca pelo combate da impunidade desses criminosos, bem como a tendência a que se reconheça a maior importância do julgamento dos maiores responsáveis pelos crimes cometidos. Da análise dos casos resulta que a afirmação desse escopo não vem acompanhada de explicitação das razões que legitimariam esse enfoque. Ademais, a presença de um chefe de Estado no banco dos réus não se presta de garantia a que seus subordinados não cometam crimes. Os requisitos dessa forma de intervenção no fato seguem em substância a proposta de Roxin, não tendo sido incorporada somente a exigência de que os aparatos organizados de poder atuem à margem do ordenamento jurídico. Embora não haja condenação até o momento de réu com fundamento na AM-AOP, tem-se claro que poderá ser de extrema valia para a subsunção dos crimes sob investigação ou julgamento nos demais casos nos quais está sendo aplicada mas cujo andamento está impossibilitado por não terem sido presos os acusados (Saif Al Islam e Omar Al Bashir). A combinação das hipóteses da coautoria e da AM-AOP na figura híbrida da coautoria mediata encontra óbice sob duas perspectivas: não convence em termos dogmáticos porque contraria a construção teórica proposta por Claus Roxin: os critérios do domínio funcional do fato no caso de coautoria e o do domínio da vontade na vertente, interessante para a presente discussão, de AM-AOP amoldam-se à realidade que se pretende enquadrar em termos jurídicos de formas distintas. De outra parte, tendo-se em mente a rigidez do critério da essencialidade da contribuição típico do domínio funcional do fato a mera soma dos requisitos previstos para cada uma das vertentes não parece ser uma boa solução em vista do objetivo de imputar os crimes através das categorias do Estatuto aos acusados preservando equilíbrio entre a busca de responsabilização penal concreta e efetiva e a preservação dos direitos e garantias do réu. O dissenso do Juiz Cuno Tarfusser no caso Katanga explicita essa violação. Por outro lado, essa forma de agir da maioria dos juízes traz flagrante intepretação in malam partem proibida pelo artigo 22(2), do ER. Espera-se que a posição da Juíza Van den Wyngaert manifestada em seu Voto Dissidente no caso Procurador v.Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui ganhe maior força no seio do Tribunal nos próximos anos. Apesar das críticas suscitadas tem-se claro que os avanços conquistados pelos juízes nessa complexa e delicada área da teoria do delito do direito penal internacional são de fundamental importância não somente para o aprimoramento das figuras jurídicas como também para a legitimação da atuação do tribunal perante os estados dada a sua vocação universalista.
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The prosecution of international crimes in respect of the Democratic Republic of the Congo: critical evaluation of the factual background and specific legal considerationsMateru, Sosteness F. January 2010 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / The first part of this study evaluates the historical events that led to the referral of the DRC situation to the ICC. This includes the background of the conflict and the extent to which international crimes have been committed. Both regional and domestic attempts and initiatives to address the conflict are discussed, with specific reference to peace agreements and restorative justice mechanisms. The second part of the study deals with the prosecution of the perpetrators by the ICC. It examines the approach of the Pre- Trial Chamber to two legal issues, the principle of complementarity and modes of criminal participation as part of the ICC Statute. In this regard, the study makes a critical evaluation of two preliminary decisions confirming the charges against Lubanga, Katanga and Chui before the cases proceeded to the trial stage. / South Africa
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Fahrlässige Mittäterschaft und SchuldprinzipKo, Myoungsu 05 January 2021 (has links)
Die verschiedenen Konzepte fahrlässiger Mittäterschaft werden dargestellt und als nicht überzeugend befunden. Der Hauptteil der Arbeit analysiert nach der kursorischen Feststel-lung, dass das Analogieverbot der Figur nicht entgegensteht, konkret die Unbegründbarkeit fahrlässiger Mittäterschaft auf der Grundlage des höchstpersönlichen Schuldprinzips, das als verfassungsrechtlicher Grundsatz die Grundlage des gesamten Strafrechtssystems bildet. Die richtige Lösung bei fahrlässigem Zusammenwirken besteht in einer Vorverlagerung des Fahrlässigkeitsschuldvorwurfs unter Annahme eines psychischen Beitrags zum Erfolgseintritt. Dies entspricht sowohl dem Wesen der Fahrlässigkeitsdelikte als auch dem Schuldprinzip. / This study critically analyzes the various ideas for negligent co-perpetration and concludes that this legal idea is not convincing. The main part of this study is to analyze that negligent co-perpetration lacks justification based on the guilt principle, which is the foundation of the entire criminal justice system, although negligent co-perpetration could be established, since this does not violate the prohibition of analogy. And the desirable solution for cases of neg-ligent cooperation is concretely presented.: To advance the accusation of negligence in ac-cordance with the nature of the criminal negligence and the guilt principle. The criminal negligence is based on the single concept of perpetrator and the psychological contribution could establish the illegality of behaviour. In order to apply this solution, the illegality of neg-ligent behavior must always be proven. Then there is no need for negligent co-perpetration.
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Combatant socialization and the perpetration of violence against civilians in intrastate conflictsCantin Paquet, Marc-Olivier 08 1900 (has links)
Au courant des dernières années, les chercheurs s’intéressant aux guerres civiles ont proposé une multitude de théories pour expliquer pourquoi les groupes rebelles en viennent parfois à cibler les populations civiles. Malgré cette abondance théorique, notre compréhension des processus et des mécanismes menant les combattants de rang inférieur à participer à cette violence demeure, étonnamment, très limitée. Cette carence est en partie due au fait que les travaux existants reposent souvent sur des postulats implicites – et parfois infondés – à propos des combattants se situant au bas de la hiérarchie militaire et qui sont ceux qui mettent en œuvre la violence envers les civils sur le terrain. Ainsi, certaines questions importantes sur les micro-déterminants de la violence au sein des groupes rebelles demeurent, à ce jour, sous-étudiées dans la littérature sur les guerres civiles. Cette thèse pose donc la question suivante : comment les combattants rebelles en viennent-ils à tuer des civils non-armés durant les conflits intra-étatiques? Mobilisant des méthodes mixtes (i.e. analyses statistiques et études de cas) et explorant une variété de cas empiriques, cette thèse puise dans la sociologie et la psychologie pour soutenir que la participation des combattants rebelles à la violence envers les civils peut être comprise comme étant le fruit d’un processus de socialisation. Spécifiquement, la thèse conceptualise cette participation comme découlant des puissants besoins, sanctions, contraintes, influences et incitatifs sociaux auxquels les combattants font face – et qui deviennent souvent prépondérants – durant les guerres civiles. Au fil du temps, ces forces sociales façonnent les dispositions attitudinales et les tendances comportementales des combattants, motivant chez ceux-ci la recherche d’un alignement par rapport aux normes et aux attentes de leurs dirigeants et de leurs pairs. Bien que les trois articles qui forment cette thèse abordent des sujets distincts, ils sont tous informés et unis par ce cadre théorique.
Le premier article de la thèse synthétise les théories existantes sur la socialisation des combattants et les incorporent dans un modèle intégré, qui distingue cinq trajectoires pouvant mener ceux-ci à la violence. Ce faisant, l’article spécifie les principaux mécanismes socio- psychologiques au travers desquels les dynamiques de socialisation peuvent encourager la participation à cette violence. Sur cette base, l’article illustre la valeur ajoutée de ce modèle en explorant les trajectoires vers la violence des combattants rebelles durant la guerre civile au Sierra Leone.
Le deuxième article explore la manière dont le contexte opérationnel au sein duquel les combattants évoluent peut façonner la nature des influences de socialisation auxquelles ils sont exposés. S’intéressant aux variations entre et au sein des groupes rebelles utilisant des tactiques de guérilla, l’article soutient que le degré « d’intégration opérationnelle » (operational embeddedness) de ces groupes au sein des populations locales influence de manière importante le type de relations que les combattants développent avec les civils. Entamant un dialogue entre les littératures sur la gouvernance rebelle et la socialisation des combattants, cet article mobilise des tests statistiques et une étude de cas qualitative (l’insurrection des Talibans en Afghanistan), mettant en lumière la manière dont l’environnement opérationnel d’un groupe affecte l’essence des dynamiques de socialisation et, par conséquent, le répertoire d’actions des combattants.
Le troisième article examine comment les caractéristiques organisationnelles des « new new insurgencies » (NNIs) – tel que définies par Walter – affectent la propension de ces groupes djihadistes transnationaux à cibler les populations civiles. L’article soutient que l’idéologie de plus en plus fratricide des NNIs, le fait que leurs dirigeants ancrent leur autorité dans des sources divines et la présence de combattants étrangers radicalisés au sein de ces groupes créent de puissantes dynamiques de socialisation, qui tendront à motiver une participation accrue à la violence envers les civils. Mobilisant également des analyses quantitatives et une étude de cas qualitative (l’insurrection d’al-Shabaab en Somalie), cet article démontre que les NNIs sont associées à des taux de violence particulièrement élevés par rapport à la fois aux autres types de groupes rebelles, mais aussi aux groupes islamistes antérieurs et non-transnationaux. L’article souligne ainsi l’importance de prendre en considération l’idéologie, l’autorité et les processus de mobilisation transnationaux pour mieux comprendre le comportement rebelle.
Ainsi, les trois articles brossent un portrait théorique systématique des processus et des mécanismes au travers desquels les combattants rebelles en viennent à tuer les civils durant les conflits intra-étatiques, plaçant ainsi cette littérature sur une base conceptuelle plus solide. Ce faisant, la thèse met en lumière la considérable diversité des trajectoires, l’inhérente complexité des processus menant à la violence et la fondamentale humanité des combattants rebelles. / Although the civil war literature is replete with theories purporting to explain why rebel groups wield violence against civilians, we still have a surprisingly limited understanding of the processes and mechanisms driving low-ranking combatants to participate in civilian targeting. As I argue in this thesis, this is in part because much of existing research on rebel behavior relies on implicit, unstated, or even unfounded assumptions about the flesh-and-blood individuals who carry out such violence on the ground. Accordingly, a number of fundamental questions about the perpetrators of wartime violence and the micro-level drivers of their behaviors have remained largely under-addressed in the scholarship on civil war violence. This thesis thus asks the following question: how do low-ranking rebel combatants come to kill unarmed civilians during intrastate conflicts?
Leveraging mixed methods that combine statistical analyses with case studies and exploring a variety of empirical cases, the thesis draws from the conceptual repertoire of sociology and psychology and contends that violence perpetration can best be understood as a socialization process. Specifically, I conceptualize participation in violence against civilians as deriving from the potent social influences, needs, incentives, sanctions, and constraints that rebel combatants experience – and which often become overriding – in the midst of civil wars. In turn, these powerful social forces progressively shape combatants’ attitudinal dispositions and behavioral tendencies, creating strong pressures for them to seek alignment with the violent norms and expectations of their leaders and peers. While the three articles that form this thesis tackle different topics, they are informed and united by this overarching theoretical approach.
In the first article, I synthesize existing theories of combatant socialization and combined them into an integrated framework, which charts five key pathways toward civilian targeting. The article also specifies the main underlying socio-psychological mechanisms through which socializing influences motivate participation in such violence. It then illustrates how these pathways map onto the actual experiences of civil war combatants by examining the drivers of individual participation in violence during the Sierra Leone Civil War.
In the second chapter, I explore how the environment in which rebel combatants operate can affect their repertoire of action by shaping the nature of the socializing influences to which they are exposed. Focusing on variations across and within rebel groups waging guerrilla warfare, this article argues that the extent of a group’s operational embeddedness – that is, the degree to which its operational bases are physically integrated within civilian communities – can considerably affect the type of relations that combatants come to nurture with civilians. Bridging the rebel governance and combatant socialization literatures, the article mobilizes cross-national statistical analyses and case study evidence from the Taliban’s insurgency in Afghanistan and finds strong empirical support for these arguments, highlighting the importance of the operational context in shaping socialization dynamics and, consequently, rebel behavior.
In the third chapter, I examine whether the organizational characteristics of “new new insurgencies” (NNIs) – as defined by Walter – affect the extent to which these transnational jihadist rebel groups target civilian populations. Specifically, this article argues that the increasingly fratricidal ideology of NNIs, the fact that their leaders anchor their authority claims in divine sources, and the presence of radicalized foreign fighters in their membership base create potent socialization dynamics that are likely to steer combatants toward violence. Using cross-national statistical tests and qualitative evidence from al-Shabaab’s insurgency in Somalia, the article highlights that this new – and increasingly prevalent – breed of insurgents indeed tends to impose a particularly heavy toll on civilian populations, relative to both other types of rebel groups as well as earlier and non-transnational Islamist groups. The article thus emphasizes the need to account for ideology, authority, and membership when studying the determinants of rebel behavior.
Together, these three articles thus offer a systematic theoretical account of the processes and mechanisms through which low-ranking rebel combatants come to kill civilians during civil wars, placing debates over the determinants of rebel behavior on a more solid conceptual footing. As a whole, therefore, this thesis advances our understanding of civil war violence by casting the focus on low-ranking combatants and by calling attention to the fundamental diversity of their trajectories, to the inherent complexity of the perpetration process, and to the basic humanity of perpetrators of political violence.
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Childhood Maltreatment as a Predictor of Subsequent Interpersonal Problems in Young Adult Relationships: The Mediating Role of Maladaptive SchemasHolt, Samantha Lindsey 06 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring the effect of male child sexual abuse on a sample of men in ZimbabweMarufu, Tapiwa Dadirai 03 1900 (has links)
Several studies suggest that sexual assaults are experienced differently by males than by
females. In dominant discourses in which sexual perpetration is associated with males and
sexual victimisation with females, males are expected to practice and exhibit hegemonic
masculinity. This gendered perception of sexual assaults means that female perpetration of
male child sexual abuse often goes unrecognised and that male perpetration is particularly
problematic for male victims. Using a feminist critical paradigm and critical discourse analysis
as a research design, this study explored how a sample of male victims in Zimbabwe
experienced sexual abuse as children and how they were affected by it. The study, further,
explored how the male victims of childhood sexual abuse sought to reconcile the experience
of victimisation with their identity as males. Nine men participated in the study. The sample
was, due to the sensitive nature of the topic, purposively selected using letters describing the
nature of the study and inviting participation. The letters were distributed through diverse
channels, including a newspaper with national coverage. Most participants reported
experiences of female perpetrated abuse. The study found that, in keeping with dominant
discourses of hegemonic masculinity, the participants struggled to construct themselves as
victims. Many of the participants were considerably and negatively affected by having been
sexually abused. Participants utilised a variety of methods to come to terms with the fact that
they were males who had been victimised. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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Perceptions and Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence Among Hispanic College StudentsVera, Racquel 18 December 2013 (has links)
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is recognized as a serious, growing problem on college campuses. IPV rates among college students exceed estimates reported for the general population. Few studies have examined the impact of IPV among the Hispanic college student (HCS) population or explored how HCSs perceive and experience IPV.
Focusing on young adults (ages 18 to 25 years), this mixed methods study was designed to explore the perceptions and experiences of IPV focusing on levels of victimization and perpetration in relation to gender role attitudes and beliefs, exposure to parental IPV, acculturation, and religiosity. A sample of 120 HCSs was recruited from two south Florida universities. A subsample of 20 participants was randomly selected to provide qualitative responses. All participants completed a series of questionnaires including a demographic survey, the FPB, CTS2-CA, SASH, ERS and CTS2. Bivariate correlational techniques and multiple regressions were used to analyze data.
Marked discrepancy between participants’ perceived experience of IPV (N = 120) and their CTS2 responses (n = 116, 96.7%). Only 5% of the participants saw themselves as victims or perpetrators of IPV, yet 66% were victims or 67% were perpetrators of verbal aggression; and 31% were victims or 32.5% were perpetrators of sexual coercion based on their CTS2 scores. Qualitative responses elicited from the subsample of 20 students provided some insight regarding this disparity.
There was rejection of traditional stratified gender roles. Few participants indicated that they were religious (20.8%, n = 25). Evidence for the theory of intergenerational transmission of violence was noted. Recall of parental IPV was a significant predictor of level of IPV victimization (β = 0.177, SE = 0.85, p = 0.041). Nursing and social service providers must be cognizant that contributing factors to either victimization and/or perpetration of IPV among college students must be addressed first (i.e., perceptions of IPV), both in acute (i.e., emergency department) and community (i.e., college and university) settings for optimum intervention outcome.
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