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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rozvoj porozumění rovnicím na 1. stupni ZŠ / Development of equation understanding at primary school

Koudelková, Věra January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis concerns progress of junior school pupils in understanding of equations. It describes benchmark problems and mathematical environments in which equations and equation systems occur. Occurrences of such exercises in text books for primary schools are also mapped here. The main part of this thesis is focused on comprehension of pupils' intellectual actions during solving the equations. Thanks to several experiments, it includes description of pupils' solutions of exercises. The result of the phenomenal analysis of pupils' solving processes is an overview of phenomena, which appeared during solving exercises.

Emotional intelligence and sociotropy-autonomy in young women with DSM-IV-TR hypochondriasis : a mixed-method study

Papis, Karol Grzegorz January 2015 (has links)
DSM-IV-TR classifies hypochondriasis as a complex somatoform disorder, characterised by physical complaints for which no organic cause could be identified. DSM-5 replaced it with two new diagnostic terms: somatic symptoms disorder and illness anxiety disorder. The distinction was based on the presence or absence of somatic symptoms, and concerns have been raised with regards to the validity of these new diagnostic concepts. While there has recently been an increase in recognising the role of the underlying anxiety in this condition, the psychological needs of individuals with hypochondriasis remain unclear. It is conceivable that specific emotional and interpersonal dimensions play a mediating role in the onset of hypochondriacal presentations, and have explanatory power with regards to the improvement of tailored therapeutic interventions. The present study used a mixed methodology, with an emphasis on the qualitative component, to investigate emotions and the interpersonal aspects of hypochondriasis. Six young adult females meeting the diagnostic criteria for both DSM-IV-TR hypochondriasis and DSM-5 illness anxiety disorder formed a clinical group for the present study. Semi-structured interviews were administered and analysed in line with the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Four major themes emerged from the qualitative data: 1) Early life experience; 2) Inward focus; 3) Learned helplessness; and 4) Experience of psychological therapy. Eight subordinate themes were identified: (i) Unmet emotional needs; (ii) Emotional isolation; (iii) There is something wrong with me; (iv) Emotional reasoning; (v) Self-fulfilling prophecy; (vi) External locus of control; (vii) Over-reliance on other people; and (viii) The experience of psychological therapy. Fifty-one female undergraduate psychology students formed a matched comparison group for the study and enabled a supplementary quantitative analysis to be conducted. The quantitative measures included measures of trait (TEIQue-SF) and ability emotional intelligence (MSCEIT) as well as a measure of sociotropy-autonomy (SAS). The quantitative data showed that the clinical group scored significantly lower than the comparison group on the measures of trait emotional intelligence, understanding emotions, and autonomy. Additionally, the clinical group scored significantly higher than the comparison group on the measure of sociotropy. The theoretical and therapeutic recommendations are discussed in light of the limitations of the present study. In conclusion, emotional and interpersonal aspects of DSM-IV-TR Hypochondriasis and DSM-5 illness anxiety disorder in young women provide a useful framework for the conceptualisation and therapeutic management of these conditions. It appears that with its scientific knowledge base, therapeutic flexibility, focus on reflective practice, and the emphasis on an effective working relationship, the discipline of counselling psychology is well-suited to address the needs of participants with hypochondriacal presentations.

Factors affecting antiretroviral therapy patients' data quality at Princess Marina Hospital pharmacy in Botswana

Tesema, Hana Tsegaye 04 June 2015 (has links)
AIM: This study aimed to explore the factors influencing antiretroviral therapy patients` data quality at Princess Marina Hospital Pharmacy in Botswana. METHODS: A phenomenological approach was adopted in this study. Specifically, Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis qualitative design was used to explore the factors influencing antiretroviral therapy patients` data quality at Princess Marina Hospital Pharmacy in Botswana. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview format on 18 conveniently selected pharmacy staff. Data were analysed using Smith’s (2005) Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis framework. RESULT: Five thematic categories emerged from data analysis: data capturing: an extra task, knowledge and experience of IPMS, training and education, mentoring and supervision, and data quality: impact on patients’ care. The findings of this study have implications for practice, training and research. CONCLUSION: Pharmacy staff had limited knowledge of IPMS and its utilisation in data capturing. Such limitations have implications in the context of the quality of data captured / Health Studies / M. A. (Health Studies)

Sociala koder på arbetsplatsen : En kvalitativ studie om sociala koder på arbetsplatsen och dess möjliga begränsningar och tillgångar för den mänskliga arbetskraften. / Social codes in the workplace : A qualitative study of social codes in the workplace and its possible limitations and resources for the human workforce.

Mesch, Mikaela, Freij, Gabriella January 2018 (has links)
En kvalitativ studie genomfördes kring fenomenet sociala koder för att skapa förståelse och fördjupa kunskaper kring vilken möjlig påverkan sociala koder kan ha på mänsklig arbetskraft i arbetslivet. Studiens resultat visade på att sociala koder förekommer på samtliga respondenters arbetsplatser. Detta tolkades innebära att sociala koder berör samtliga individer i arbetslivet. Frågeställningarna för studien var om det fanns sociala koder på arbetsmarknaden, och hur dessa kan påverka den mänskliga arbetskraften i arbetslivet. Ambitionen var att genomföra intervjuer för att sedan använda en fenomenologisk analys som kunde belysa skillnader och likheter kring respondenternas subjektiva upplevelser. I studien deltog fyra deltagare mellan åldrarna 23-56 år. Syftet var att få en mer djupgående förståelse för begreppet sociala koder, snarare än att generalisera resultatet till andra områden. Nyckelord utformades och formulerades sedan till fem teman som antogs beskriva sociala koder och dess inverkan på den mänskliga arbetskraften. Studiens teman benämndes som: tolkning av regler och social interaktion, utanförskap och gemenskap, varierande påverkan, förändringsbarhet och arbetskultur. Resultatet i studien baserades på subjektiva upplevelser och tolkades därefter i en diskussion kring hur detta resultat var användbart för övriga deltagare i arbetslivet. / A qualitative study regarding the phenomenon social codes was made to create a deeper understanding and develop knowledge about how social codes possibly could have an effect on human labor. The results of the study showed that social codes existed on all the participants workplaces. This was interpreted to imply that social codes was affecting all individuals in a social context on work. The questions of issue was if social codes existed on the labor market, and if these codes could possibly affect the human capital. The aim of the study was to implement interviews with four participants. Further it continued with a phenomenological analysis to illustrate differences and similarities within the results of the interviews. The participants of the study was between 23-56 years old. The study was not made to be able to generalise the studies results to a whole population, but instead to find a more profound description of the phenomenon social codes. Keywords were formulated and then decomposed into five themes to describe social codes and their impact on the human capital. The themes of the study was interpretation of rules and social interaction, alienation and communion, varied impact, changeability and work culture. The results of the study was based on subjective experiences and thoughts, which were interpreted into the discussion about how these results were useful for other employees.

An investigation into the south african correctional officers’ lived experiences of their work and the employee assistance programme and meaning thereof

Willemse, Rachel Philliphina 02 1900 (has links)
Correctional officers work in a coercive environment and as such they are confronted with various challenges on a daily basis. Research found that the unique stressors that correctional officers experience result in stress which can negatively impact their physical and psychological health as well as their family life. However, limited research has been conducted to identify the stressors that are relevant to the South African correctional officer. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate South African correctional officers’ lived experiences of their work and work environment and the Employee Assistance Programme and the meaning they attached to them. Purposive and snowball sampling techniques were utilised to select the 20 participants from the two correctional centres of the Department of Correctional Services in Worcester, Western Cape. The sample consisted of 11 male and 9 female correctional officers between the ages of 26 and 56 years with a mean age of 43.4. A qualitative approach was utilised to obtain in-depth insights into the lived experiences and attributed meanings of participants. Individual interviews were conducted with the participants by utilising a semi-structured interview guide. A demographic questionnaire was completed by each participant after the interview. The interviews were audio-recorded with the written permission of each participant and transcribed for analysis. Through the use of Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) 7 themes were identified namely: (a) confronting various challenges on a daily basis (b) various dimensions of correctional officers life affected (c) neglect of correctional officers’ well-being (d) coping mechanisms (e) barriers preventing corrections officers from utilising the EAP (f) a recognition of the positive value of the EAP (g) personal meaning derived from work. In addition, the themes consist of various subthemes. The findings of the study suggest that correctional officers are confronted with various challenges on a daily basis, which include lack of input into decision making, lack of support from management, lack of trust in management, pressure caused by staff shortages, lack of resources, inadequate training opportunities and a lack of promotion system. Furthermore, participants revealed that their work and work environment had a negative impact on their physical and psychological health as well as their family life. In addition, participants reported that aspects of their well-being are neglected which include a lack of interest from management in their problems, a lack of recognition and motivation from management as well as a lack of team-building opportunities. Various coping mechanisms were utilised by the participants which seems to act as a buffer against the negative effects of their stressful work and work environment. These coping mechanisms include conflict resolution and communication skills, religion, sport, positive thinking, resilience as well as family and co-worker support. A variety of barriers that prevent participants from using the EAP service that are offered at work were identified. These barriers indicated by the participants included a lack of trust in the EAP, the stigma attached to using the EAP, difficulty relating with the EAP practitioner, a negative perception of the EAP, and insufficient marketing of the EAP. Despite the barriers, participants recognised the overall positive value of the EAP service in the Department of Correctional Service. Participants appear to find meaning in their work. Some participants expressed the satisfaction that they experienced from their job while others expressed the sense of reward that they experience from their job. Recommendations for further research include the evaluation of the EAP programme to determine its effectiveness on a national level, more involvement from management in ground floor correctional officers, providing additional teambuilding oppertunities and reintroducing Wellness Days. A limitation of the study is that only a small sample of correctional officers limited to two correctional facilities in Worcester, Western Cape, was used. Therefore, the findings of the study could not be generalised to the whole population of South African correctional officers. / Psychology

Uma análise fenomenológica dos juizados especiais criminais como resposta à crise do direito e do sistema penal

Zinn, André Luís Barcellos 28 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T17:19:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 28 / Nenhuma / A pesquisa elaborada consiste na análise fenomenológica dos Juizados Especiais Criminiais, no qual ganha relevo a aplicação dos institutos despenalizadores da transação penal e da suspensão condicional do processo. De início será realizado um panorama geral da situação de crise do direito e do sistema penal brasileiro na atualidade. Em seguida, serão esboçados os pressupostos fundamentais da hermeneutica filosófica que servirão como um instrumento de ruptura com o modo de pensar proposto pela dogmática jurídica. Posteriormente, será feita uma abordagem hermenêutica sobre o princípio da proporcionalidade em seu duplo sentido: a proibição de excesso e a proibição da proteção deficiente. Ao final, será demonstrado como esse princípio poderá servir como vetor de sentido para uma adequada interpretação voltada a proteção dos valores fundamentais insculpidos na Constituição da República / This research is consisted of the phenomenological analysis of the Criminal Special Courts, where the application of the institutes that are in charge of not punishing by law, and the conditional of the process is highlighted. At the beginning, it will be accomplished a general panorama of the crisis situation of the law and of the penal Brazilian System at the present. Following, the fundamental presupposition of the philosophical hermeneutic that will fit as an instrument of rupture with the way of thinking proposed by the legal dogmatic. Subsequently, an hermeneutic approach about the proportion principle, in its double sense, will be done: the prohibition of the excess and the prohibition of the deficient protection. At the end, the way how this principle can fit, as a sense vector for a suitable interpretation regarding the protection of the fundamental values found in the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988, will be shown

Initial and Long-Term Homeless Shelter Volunteerism: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Study

Wade, Jonathon Andrew 01 January 2016 (has links)
This interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) study was implemented to explore and describe the initial and long-term motivations of community volunteers within a selected homeless shelter in central Indiana. The settlement house movement of human service delivery was the conceptual framework, which provided guidance and understanding concerning why and how community members provide human services through volunteerism. The research question examined the ways in which long-term volunteers thought about and made sense of their motivations to volunteer initially and over the long term at a homeless shelter. To answer the research question, the IPA methodology was implemented with 6 long-term community volunteers at a selected shelter. This design provided rich qualitative text that was analyzed to develop themes to explain and describe how the 6 study participants made sense of their individual motivations descriptively, emotionally, religiously, and socially. The overarching conclusion was that all 6 participants shared a common theme, which was Evangelical tradition, volunteerism, and social responsibility. This new finding provides a first look at the motivations of community volunteers, previously unknown in academic literature, and indicates a key subgroup of volunteers that may be the focus of future research on assisting community shelters with recruiting and retaining community members for the effort to eradicate homelessness in the United States.

Beyond the ‘Bedrooms of the Nation’: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Canadian Adolescents with Lesbian, Gay, or Bisexual-identified Parents

McNeilly, Kenneth 17 December 2012 (has links)
Although parenting by lesbian, gay, and bisexual-identified (LGB) individuals has attracted increasing research attention over the past few decades, relatively little focus has been given to the personal identity development of adolescents raised in such families. There is scant qualitative data that describes the phenomenon from the viewpoint of Canadian adolescents; this study aims to give voice to those with parents that identify as non-heterosexual. In semi- structured interviews, participants were asked to explain how they made sense of being from an LGB-led family, particularly within the contexts of school and Canadian society, and of what unique needs they perceived families like theirs to have. For inclusion in the study, each participant needed to have at least one LGB-identified parent. Additionally, they needed to be a current or recent student in an Ontario secondary school. A convenience sampling method was used to locate nine (N=9) participants. Three of the participants were male, and six were female. All participants were Canadian-born English speakers who ranged in age from 13 to 19 years old, with a mean age of 17.5. The interview schedule was constructed with input from existing narrative psychology literature, consultation with fellow students and faculty, and inspiration from other semi- structured protocols such as The Life Story Interview (McAdams, 2008). Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was employed to organize and evaluate responses. Thematic findings were organized within three domains. First, family-related themes were considered, such as interviewees’ responses to parental disclosures of an LGB identity, responses of extended family members, and perceived advantages of having LGB-identified parents. Second, school-related themes were found, such as how children choose to disclose their parents’ sexual identity to peers. Finally, themes related to queer identity were considered, since many participants revealed their parents’ sexual identity intersected with other narratives (e.g., being Canadian, being heterosexual, the master narrative of heteronormativity, etc.) to create multiple layers to their own sense of self. The study endeavours to add a qualitative approach to the literature so that Canadian adolescents’ narratives are represented in the overall understanding of the phenomenon of LGB- led families. It also has potential to impact the development of school policies and curricula and to enrich the quality of life for LGB-led families.

Personal digital archives : preservation of documents, preservation of self

Kim, Sarah 04 September 2013 (has links)
This dissertation explores personal digital archiving practices, particularly in relation to the construction of self. Personal digital archiving is an everyday practice through which people manage and preserve digital documents that have particular meanings to them. This process involves a constant value assignment that is intertwined with the recollection of life events. In-depth case studies were used to gain a holistic understanding as close to research participants’ perspectives as possible. Semi-structured narrative interviews were conducted with 23 individuals from various backgrounds.The results are discussed in relation to emotions and self-evaluation. Personal digital archiving as a process, directly or indirectly, involves a self-enhancement and self-verification which is an integral part of self-confirmation. This study contributes to the in-depth observation of everyday record-keeping in a digital environment, particularly providing interpretive accounts of individual differences and why people do things in a certain way. / text

Exploring best practices in animal-assisted therapy with children in the Western Cape / J.A. Thompson.

Thompson, Jennifer Anne January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation serves as a report on the qualitative exploration of best practices in animal-assisted therapy (AAT) with children. The aim of the study was to explore and describe best practices in the field of AAT with children in the Western Cape. The research made use of the case study design, which offered the researcher the opportunity to interact with a small number of individuals and look for patterns in the research participants’ words and experiences. Four participants, who were trained mental health professionals and had offered AAT to children, were selected to participate in the research. A literature review of animal-assisted therapy and best practice provided a theoretical basis for the research. The history of AAT, the uses and benefits of AAT and the animals incorporated in AAT were explored. The term “best practice” and its application in mental health and AAT were also discussed. The verbatim transcriptions of the audiotaped data were analysed and interpreted using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) and an AAT conceptual framework (brought about by the literature review). Themes were developed from the empirical data and substantiated by the literature review. Five main themes emerged as a result of the analysis. The first theme, Training of the animal-assisted therapist, focused on both the mental health training and the AAT training of the therapist. The second theme, Training of animals incorporated in animal-assisted therapy, revealed the importance of training the animal to be included in AAT. The third theme, Different client populations in animal-assisted therapy, looked at which populations should be included, excluded or included and carefully managed during AAT. The fourth theme, Ethical considerations in animal-assisted therapy, revealed the importance of considering both the child’s and the animal’s welfare. The fifth theme, Regulation of animal-assisted therapy, gave a more in-depth description of the current regulation of AAT in the Western Cape and provided suggestions for the regulation of AAT. Based on the findings of the five themes, recommendations were made for best practice in AAT with children in the Western Cape. / Thesis (MA (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

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