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Du lexique à la phraséologie : analyse des discours d'Álvaro Uribe Vélez lors des Conseils Communaux (2002-2010) / From lexicon to phraseology : analysis of speeches of Álvaro Uribe Vélez during Communal Councils (2002-2010)Hernandez-Bayter, Henry 24 June 2014 (has links)
Le travail de recherche mené dans cette thèse porte sur les discours et l’emploi de formules discursives d’ordre phraséologique prononcés par le président colombien Álvaro Uribe Vélez lors des Conseils Communaux de Gouvernance pendant ses deux mandats de présidence (du mois d’août 2002 jusqu’au mois de juillet 2010). L’objectif est d’étudier le rôle de ces Unités Discursives à Caractère Phraséologique dans les discours. Ces unités ont été extraites, décrites, analysées et caractérisées à l’aide du logiciel Lexico 3 et des différentes méthodes lexicométriques proposées par celui-ci: index, concordances, inventaire distributionnel, analyse factorielle des correspondances et spécificités. Le premier chapitre présente le contexte historique, politique et la présidence d’Á. Uribe Vélez. Nous proposons une présentation de la situation socio-politique de l’Amérique latine et de la Colombie et du locuteur politique avant et pendant sa présidence. Le deuxième chapitre est consacré à l’exploration de l’analyse du discours politique et des caractéristiques particulières qui le définissent. Nous proposons une analyse de deux types de discours politiques différents en fonction du destinataire. Cette analyse permet de mettre en évidence plusieurs stratégies mises en place dans ce type de discours : la construction d’une image de chaque intervenant et l’emploi d’un système de croyances communes utilisé comme moyen de persuasion. Le troisième chapitre a comme objectif de présenter l’état de l’art de la recherche menée en phraséologie tant en français qu’en espagnol. Ce panorama nous permet de mettre en avance une description et délimitation des unités qui nous intéressent. Le quatrième chapitre se focalise sur le processus de constitution du corpus et la présentation des différentes caractéristiques lexicométriques du corpus d’étude. Le cinquième chapitre explore les chronologies thématiques du corpus d’étude, mises en évidence grâce à des méthodes lexicométriques complémentaires. Enfin, le sixième chapitre aborde la phraséologie des discours du président colombien à partir des stratégies discursives mises en place par le locuteur politique. / This thesis focuses on the speeches and the use of speech formulae considered phraseological delivered by Colombian President Álvaro Uribe Vélez in the Communal Councils of Governance during his two presidential terms in office (from August 2002 until July 2010). The objective is to study the role of these phraseological units in the speeches. The units were extracted, described, analyzed and characterized using the software Lexico 3 and the different lexicometrical methods proposed by this software: index, table of matches, distributionnal inventory, factor analysis of correspondences and calculation of specificities. The first chapter presents the historical and political context and the presidency of Á. Uribe Vélez. We offer an overview of the socio-political situation in Latin America and especially in Colombia and the political speaker before and during his presidency. The second chapter is devoted to the exploration of the analysis of political discourse and special features that define it. We propose an analysis of two different types of political discourse depending on the recipient. This analysis allows us to highlight several strategies implemented in this type of discourse: building an image of each participant and the use of a common system of beliefs used as a means of persuasion. The objective of the third chapter is to provide an overview of the state of the art of research in phraseology in both French and Spanish. This view allows us to advance a description and definition of units of our interest. The fourth chapter focuses on the process of constitution of the corpus and the presentation of different lexicometrical characteristics of the corpus of study. The fifth chapter explores the thematic chronologies of our corpus, highlighted by complementary lexicometrical methods. Finally, the sixth chapter discusses the phraseology of the discourse of Colombian president taking into account the discursive strategies implemented by the political speaker.
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Проблема перевода безэквивалентной лексики в романе М.А. Булгакова «Мастер и Маргарита» на немецкий и английский языки : магистерская диссертация / The problem of translating non-equivalent vocabulary in M.A. Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" into German and EnglishПаршина, Е. В., Parshina, E. V. January 2024 (has links)
The research is devoted to the problem of translating non-equivalent vocabulary in M. A. Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" into German and English. The relevance of the work is due to the fact that soviet phraseology (the most important kind of non-equivalent vocabulary) receives a new meaning. The interest of foreigners in the Soviet past of our country determines the importance of accurately conveying the realities of that era in artistic translation. In the first chapter was discussed the definition of non-equivalent vocabulary, as well as its related concepts. Classifications of non-equivalent vocabulary are given. Classifications of translation techniques for non-equivalent lexical units are systematized. The second chapter describes the history of the creation and translation of the novel "The Master and Margarita" into German and English. The non-equivalent vocabulary is highlighted in the original text, as well as in the German and English translations. A comparative analysis of the methods of translating selected equivalent-free lexemes into German and English has been carried out. Statistical analysis has revealed the most frequent translation techniques used by translators. In conclusion, the results of the study are summarized. The analysis revealed the difficulty of translating non-equivalent lexical units. The study found that some terms and expressions present particular difficulties for translators. The analyzed translation techniques made it possible to identify their effectiveness and limitations in the transmission of non-equivalent vocabulary. A comparison of translations into German and English also made it possible to identify differences in the transmission of meanings and tones of the original. / Исследование посвящено проблеме перевода безэквивалентной лексики в романе М. А. Булгакова «Мастер и Маргарита на немецкий и английский языки. Актуальность работы обусловлена тем, что советские реалии (важнейшая разновидность безэквивалентной лексики) получают новое осмысление. Интерес иностранцев к советскому прошлому нашей страны определяет значимость точной передачи реалий той эпохи при художественном переводе. В первой главе рассматривается определение безэквивалентной лексики, а также ее смежные понятия. Приводятся классификации безэквивалентной лексики. Систематизируются классификации приемов перевода безэквивалентных лексических единиц. Во второй главе описана история создания и перевода романа «Мастер и Маргарита» на немецкий и английский языки. Выделена безэквивалентная лексика в тексте оригинала, а также в немецком и английском переводах. Проведен сопоставительный анализ приемов перевода отобранных безэквивалентных лексем на немецкий и английский языки. Путем статистического анализа выявлены наиболее частотные приемы перевода, используемые переводчиками. В заключении подводятся итоги исследования. Проведенный анализ выявил сложность перевода безэквивалентных лексических единиц. В ходе исследования обнаружено, что некоторые термины и выражения представляют особые трудности для переводчиков. Проанализированные приемы перевода позволили выявить их эффективность и ограничения при передаче безэквивалентной лексики. Сравнение переводов на немецкий и английский языки позволило также выделить различия в передаче смыслов и тонов оригинала.
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Metaforičnost partnerských pojmenování / Metaphors in Partners' CallingŠtěpánová, Pavla January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis Figurativeness of denominations in a partnership based on a questionnare survey deals with a discourse of figurative denominations in partnerhips. Firstly, the position of partnership denominations within the field of onomastics is defined and a general language characteristics of these denomations is presented. Further on, the main ideas from cognitive linguistics are presented, especially the conceptual metaphor theory which has been the basis for an analysis and interpretation of partnership denominations. These have been divided into several semantical groups in the context of which the partnership denominations are being analysed.
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Bible jako literární dílo ve výuce literatury na gymnáziu / Bible as a Literary Work of Art in Literature Classes at Czech High SchoolsPřibylová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
The first part of this thesis informs about the Bible in general, its origin, division, language and translations. Translations into the Czech language are looked at in greater detail as well as various adaptions that are at disposal of Czech high school teachers. One of the chapters discusses biblical phrases and shows the way they have infiltrated Czech culture. The Intertextuality and the Bible chapter looks at all the literary works that have their origins in the Bible. It also offers a text which may be used during literature classes. The second part of the thesis discusses school documents and text books as related to the Bible. After Czech general educational programs analysis, the thesis offers options on various ways of implementing some of the general educational programs targets during classes, both in Language and Communication or Man and Society educational area. There follows an analysis of three individual school educational programs, each of which addresses the Bible differently, works with it in a different grade and in different areas. Chapters concerning textbooks discuss what information and texts are made available to the students and evaluate these. The practical part of this thesis covers an analysis of a minor survey which was carried out among the fourth grade high school...
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Unidades fraseológicas especializadas em tutoriais de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem : proposta de um sistema classificatório com base na valência verbalSantiago, Márcio Sales January 2013 (has links)
Esta tese objetiva descrever a constituição e o papel de unidades fraseológicas presentes em tutoriais de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem da Educação a Distância (EAD). O surgimento do ensino-aprendizagem mediado por ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem na internet foi um marco para o domínio da EAD, em que pese a mudança conceitual de sua terminologia. Desse modo, percebeu-se que, a partir da inclusão do computador e da internet, a EAD passou a criar, a adaptar e a tomar de empréstimo termos e fraseologias específicas de áreas correlatas, principalmente da informática. A pesquisa se apoia nos fundamentos teóricos da Teoria de Valências, especialmente na classificação sintático-semântica dos verbos proposta por Borba (1996), bem como na Fraseologia Especializada, considerando a denominação de Cabré, Estopà e Lorente (1996) e as concepções de Gouadec (1994), Desmet (2002) e Bevilacqua (2004). Partiu-se do entendimento basilar que as unidades fraseológicas especializadas correspondem aos modos de expressão essenciais de uma dada área de especialidade, visto que têm a função de transmitir conhecimento especializado. O corpus da pesquisa é constituído de tutoriais de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem. Cumpre salientar que estes textos objetivam primordialmente a instrumentalização de professores, tutores e alunos para a utilização de um sistema informatizado baseado em conceitos da EAD. Executou-se a análise do corpus com o auxílio da ferramenta AntConc 3.2.3w, a fim de identificar e descrever os padrões lexicais, gramaticais e linguísticos dos dados. Em seguida, as informações foram armazenadas em fichas elaboradas em uma base de dados construída no programa Microsoft Access 2010. Mediante o desenvolvimento da investigação, pôde-se definir as unidades fraseológicas presentes em tutoriais como operacionais-pedagógicas, considerando as ações e procedimentos que elas expressam. Através desse resultado, foi possível estabelecer subcategorias para essas unidades fraseológicas especializadas, segundo seu grau de importância no ambiente virtual e sua utilização pelos usuários, o que possibilitou à proposição de um sistema classificatório. / This thesis aims at describing the composition and the role of phraseological units found in virtual environment tutorials of Distance Education (DE) courses. The emergence of education mediated by virtual learning environments on the Internet was a milestone for the DE field, in spite of the conceptual change of its terminology. Therefore, the widespread of computers and the Internet facilitated the expansion of DE and gave rise to the creation, adaptation and borrowing of specific terms and phraseologies from related areas, especially informatics. This research is grounded on the theoretical assumptions of the Valency Theory, and mostly the syntactic-semantic classification of verbs proposed by Borba (1996), as well as on Specialized Phraseology, considering the denomination found in Cabré, Estopà and Lorente (1996) and the concepts found in Gouadec (1994), Desmet (2002) and Bevilacqua (2004). The understanding that specialized phraseological units correspond to the essential modes of expression of a given specialty area was the point of departure for this study, as these units play an important role in transmitting expert knowledge. The corpus used for this research is comprised by tutorials found virtual learning environments. It is also relevant to note that the texts are primarily directed to the instrumentalization of professors, tutors and students for the utilization of a computerized system based on DE concepts. In order to identify and describe the lexical, grammatical and linguistic patterns found in the data, the corpus was analyzed with the aid of a tool called AntConc 3.2.3w. Afterwards, the data was stored in files in a database built using Microsoft Access 2010. By considering the actions and procedures which are expressed by the phraseological units present in the tutorials, the ones classified as operational-pedagogical were defined. Through this result, it was possible to establish subcategories for these specialized phraseological units according to their level of importance in the virtual environment and its utilization by the users, which, in turn, made it possible to propose a classification system. / El objetivo principal de esta tesis es describir la formación y el papel de las unidades fraseológicas presentes en los tutoriales de los ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje de la Educación a Distancia (ED). El surgimiento de la enseñanza – aprendizaje mediada a través de ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje en Internet constituyó un hito de la Educación a Distancia, a pesar del cambio conceptual de su terminología. Así, se observó que, a partir de la inclusión del computador e Internet, la ED comenzó a crear, adaptar y tomar prestados términos y unidades fraseológicas específicas de dominios afines, especialmente del dominio de la informática. Esta investigación se enmarca en los fundamentos de la Teoría de las Valencias, específicamente en la clasificación sintáctico-semántica de los verbos propuesta por Borba (1996), así como la Fraseología Especializada planteada por Cabré, Estopà y Lorente (1996) y los estudios realizados por Gouadec (1994), Desmet (2002) y Bevilacqua (2004). Esta investigación parte de la base de que las unidades fraseológicas especializadas corresponden a modos de expresión específicos de un dominio de especialidad, debido a que tienen la función de transmitir conocimiento especializado. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, se recopiló un corpus de tutoriales de ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje. Cabe resaltar que los textos que conforman el corpus cumplen con el objetivo de instruir a profesores, tutores y estudiantes para utilizar un sistema informatizado basado en conceptos de la ED. El análisis del corpus se realizó con la ayuda de la herramienta AntConc 3.2.3w, con el fin de identificar y describir los patrones lexicales, gramaticales y lingüísticos de los datos, los cuales se organizaron en una base de datos elaborada con el programa Microsoft Access 2010. El desarrollo de la investigación permitió definir las unidades fraseológicas presentes en los tutoriales como operaciones pedagógicas, teniendo en cuenta las acciones y procedimientos que dichas unidades expresan. A partir de este resultado se establecieron subcategorías para las unidades fraseológicas especializadas, de acuerdo con su grado de importancia en el entorno virtual y su utilización por parte de los usuarios, lo cual permitió la propuesta de un sistema de clasificación.
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Unidades fraseológicas especializadas em tutoriais de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem : proposta de um sistema classificatório com base na valência verbalSantiago, Márcio Sales January 2013 (has links)
Esta tese objetiva descrever a constituição e o papel de unidades fraseológicas presentes em tutoriais de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem da Educação a Distância (EAD). O surgimento do ensino-aprendizagem mediado por ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem na internet foi um marco para o domínio da EAD, em que pese a mudança conceitual de sua terminologia. Desse modo, percebeu-se que, a partir da inclusão do computador e da internet, a EAD passou a criar, a adaptar e a tomar de empréstimo termos e fraseologias específicas de áreas correlatas, principalmente da informática. A pesquisa se apoia nos fundamentos teóricos da Teoria de Valências, especialmente na classificação sintático-semântica dos verbos proposta por Borba (1996), bem como na Fraseologia Especializada, considerando a denominação de Cabré, Estopà e Lorente (1996) e as concepções de Gouadec (1994), Desmet (2002) e Bevilacqua (2004). Partiu-se do entendimento basilar que as unidades fraseológicas especializadas correspondem aos modos de expressão essenciais de uma dada área de especialidade, visto que têm a função de transmitir conhecimento especializado. O corpus da pesquisa é constituído de tutoriais de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem. Cumpre salientar que estes textos objetivam primordialmente a instrumentalização de professores, tutores e alunos para a utilização de um sistema informatizado baseado em conceitos da EAD. Executou-se a análise do corpus com o auxílio da ferramenta AntConc 3.2.3w, a fim de identificar e descrever os padrões lexicais, gramaticais e linguísticos dos dados. Em seguida, as informações foram armazenadas em fichas elaboradas em uma base de dados construída no programa Microsoft Access 2010. Mediante o desenvolvimento da investigação, pôde-se definir as unidades fraseológicas presentes em tutoriais como operacionais-pedagógicas, considerando as ações e procedimentos que elas expressam. Através desse resultado, foi possível estabelecer subcategorias para essas unidades fraseológicas especializadas, segundo seu grau de importância no ambiente virtual e sua utilização pelos usuários, o que possibilitou à proposição de um sistema classificatório. / This thesis aims at describing the composition and the role of phraseological units found in virtual environment tutorials of Distance Education (DE) courses. The emergence of education mediated by virtual learning environments on the Internet was a milestone for the DE field, in spite of the conceptual change of its terminology. Therefore, the widespread of computers and the Internet facilitated the expansion of DE and gave rise to the creation, adaptation and borrowing of specific terms and phraseologies from related areas, especially informatics. This research is grounded on the theoretical assumptions of the Valency Theory, and mostly the syntactic-semantic classification of verbs proposed by Borba (1996), as well as on Specialized Phraseology, considering the denomination found in Cabré, Estopà and Lorente (1996) and the concepts found in Gouadec (1994), Desmet (2002) and Bevilacqua (2004). The understanding that specialized phraseological units correspond to the essential modes of expression of a given specialty area was the point of departure for this study, as these units play an important role in transmitting expert knowledge. The corpus used for this research is comprised by tutorials found virtual learning environments. It is also relevant to note that the texts are primarily directed to the instrumentalization of professors, tutors and students for the utilization of a computerized system based on DE concepts. In order to identify and describe the lexical, grammatical and linguistic patterns found in the data, the corpus was analyzed with the aid of a tool called AntConc 3.2.3w. Afterwards, the data was stored in files in a database built using Microsoft Access 2010. By considering the actions and procedures which are expressed by the phraseological units present in the tutorials, the ones classified as operational-pedagogical were defined. Through this result, it was possible to establish subcategories for these specialized phraseological units according to their level of importance in the virtual environment and its utilization by the users, which, in turn, made it possible to propose a classification system. / El objetivo principal de esta tesis es describir la formación y el papel de las unidades fraseológicas presentes en los tutoriales de los ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje de la Educación a Distancia (ED). El surgimiento de la enseñanza – aprendizaje mediada a través de ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje en Internet constituyó un hito de la Educación a Distancia, a pesar del cambio conceptual de su terminología. Así, se observó que, a partir de la inclusión del computador e Internet, la ED comenzó a crear, adaptar y tomar prestados términos y unidades fraseológicas específicas de dominios afines, especialmente del dominio de la informática. Esta investigación se enmarca en los fundamentos de la Teoría de las Valencias, específicamente en la clasificación sintáctico-semántica de los verbos propuesta por Borba (1996), así como la Fraseología Especializada planteada por Cabré, Estopà y Lorente (1996) y los estudios realizados por Gouadec (1994), Desmet (2002) y Bevilacqua (2004). Esta investigación parte de la base de que las unidades fraseológicas especializadas corresponden a modos de expresión específicos de un dominio de especialidad, debido a que tienen la función de transmitir conocimiento especializado. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, se recopiló un corpus de tutoriales de ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje. Cabe resaltar que los textos que conforman el corpus cumplen con el objetivo de instruir a profesores, tutores y estudiantes para utilizar un sistema informatizado basado en conceptos de la ED. El análisis del corpus se realizó con la ayuda de la herramienta AntConc 3.2.3w, con el fin de identificar y describir los patrones lexicales, gramaticales y lingüísticos de los datos, los cuales se organizaron en una base de datos elaborada con el programa Microsoft Access 2010. El desarrollo de la investigación permitió definir las unidades fraseológicas presentes en los tutoriales como operaciones pedagógicas, teniendo en cuenta las acciones y procedimientos que dichas unidades expresan. A partir de este resultado se establecieron subcategorías para las unidades fraseológicas especializadas, de acuerdo con su grado de importancia en el entorno virtual y su utilización por parte de los usuarios, lo cual permitió la propuesta de un sistema de clasificación.
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Unidades fraseológicas especializadas em tutoriais de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem : proposta de um sistema classificatório com base na valência verbalSantiago, Márcio Sales January 2013 (has links)
Esta tese objetiva descrever a constituição e o papel de unidades fraseológicas presentes em tutoriais de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem da Educação a Distância (EAD). O surgimento do ensino-aprendizagem mediado por ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem na internet foi um marco para o domínio da EAD, em que pese a mudança conceitual de sua terminologia. Desse modo, percebeu-se que, a partir da inclusão do computador e da internet, a EAD passou a criar, a adaptar e a tomar de empréstimo termos e fraseologias específicas de áreas correlatas, principalmente da informática. A pesquisa se apoia nos fundamentos teóricos da Teoria de Valências, especialmente na classificação sintático-semântica dos verbos proposta por Borba (1996), bem como na Fraseologia Especializada, considerando a denominação de Cabré, Estopà e Lorente (1996) e as concepções de Gouadec (1994), Desmet (2002) e Bevilacqua (2004). Partiu-se do entendimento basilar que as unidades fraseológicas especializadas correspondem aos modos de expressão essenciais de uma dada área de especialidade, visto que têm a função de transmitir conhecimento especializado. O corpus da pesquisa é constituído de tutoriais de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem. Cumpre salientar que estes textos objetivam primordialmente a instrumentalização de professores, tutores e alunos para a utilização de um sistema informatizado baseado em conceitos da EAD. Executou-se a análise do corpus com o auxílio da ferramenta AntConc 3.2.3w, a fim de identificar e descrever os padrões lexicais, gramaticais e linguísticos dos dados. Em seguida, as informações foram armazenadas em fichas elaboradas em uma base de dados construída no programa Microsoft Access 2010. Mediante o desenvolvimento da investigação, pôde-se definir as unidades fraseológicas presentes em tutoriais como operacionais-pedagógicas, considerando as ações e procedimentos que elas expressam. Através desse resultado, foi possível estabelecer subcategorias para essas unidades fraseológicas especializadas, segundo seu grau de importância no ambiente virtual e sua utilização pelos usuários, o que possibilitou à proposição de um sistema classificatório. / This thesis aims at describing the composition and the role of phraseological units found in virtual environment tutorials of Distance Education (DE) courses. The emergence of education mediated by virtual learning environments on the Internet was a milestone for the DE field, in spite of the conceptual change of its terminology. Therefore, the widespread of computers and the Internet facilitated the expansion of DE and gave rise to the creation, adaptation and borrowing of specific terms and phraseologies from related areas, especially informatics. This research is grounded on the theoretical assumptions of the Valency Theory, and mostly the syntactic-semantic classification of verbs proposed by Borba (1996), as well as on Specialized Phraseology, considering the denomination found in Cabré, Estopà and Lorente (1996) and the concepts found in Gouadec (1994), Desmet (2002) and Bevilacqua (2004). The understanding that specialized phraseological units correspond to the essential modes of expression of a given specialty area was the point of departure for this study, as these units play an important role in transmitting expert knowledge. The corpus used for this research is comprised by tutorials found virtual learning environments. It is also relevant to note that the texts are primarily directed to the instrumentalization of professors, tutors and students for the utilization of a computerized system based on DE concepts. In order to identify and describe the lexical, grammatical and linguistic patterns found in the data, the corpus was analyzed with the aid of a tool called AntConc 3.2.3w. Afterwards, the data was stored in files in a database built using Microsoft Access 2010. By considering the actions and procedures which are expressed by the phraseological units present in the tutorials, the ones classified as operational-pedagogical were defined. Through this result, it was possible to establish subcategories for these specialized phraseological units according to their level of importance in the virtual environment and its utilization by the users, which, in turn, made it possible to propose a classification system. / El objetivo principal de esta tesis es describir la formación y el papel de las unidades fraseológicas presentes en los tutoriales de los ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje de la Educación a Distancia (ED). El surgimiento de la enseñanza – aprendizaje mediada a través de ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje en Internet constituyó un hito de la Educación a Distancia, a pesar del cambio conceptual de su terminología. Así, se observó que, a partir de la inclusión del computador e Internet, la ED comenzó a crear, adaptar y tomar prestados términos y unidades fraseológicas específicas de dominios afines, especialmente del dominio de la informática. Esta investigación se enmarca en los fundamentos de la Teoría de las Valencias, específicamente en la clasificación sintáctico-semántica de los verbos propuesta por Borba (1996), así como la Fraseología Especializada planteada por Cabré, Estopà y Lorente (1996) y los estudios realizados por Gouadec (1994), Desmet (2002) y Bevilacqua (2004). Esta investigación parte de la base de que las unidades fraseológicas especializadas corresponden a modos de expresión específicos de un dominio de especialidad, debido a que tienen la función de transmitir conocimiento especializado. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, se recopiló un corpus de tutoriales de ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje. Cabe resaltar que los textos que conforman el corpus cumplen con el objetivo de instruir a profesores, tutores y estudiantes para utilizar un sistema informatizado basado en conceptos de la ED. El análisis del corpus se realizó con la ayuda de la herramienta AntConc 3.2.3w, con el fin de identificar y describir los patrones lexicales, gramaticales y lingüísticos de los datos, los cuales se organizaron en una base de datos elaborada con el programa Microsoft Access 2010. El desarrollo de la investigación permitió definir las unidades fraseológicas presentes en los tutoriales como operaciones pedagógicas, teniendo en cuenta las acciones y procedimientos que dichas unidades expresan. A partir de este resultado se establecieron subcategorías para las unidades fraseológicas especializadas, de acuerdo con su grado de importancia en el entorno virtual y su utilización por parte de los usuarios, lo cual permitió la propuesta de un sistema de clasificación.
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Les verbes gnat' / gonjat' : sémantique, catégorie grammaticale, dérivation et phraséologie / The verbs gnat’ / gonjat’ : semantics, grammatical category, derivation, phraseologyBiktchourina, Angelina 30 June 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié d’une manière structurée et détaillée la sémantique des verbes gnat’ et gonjat’. Pour cela, nous avons tout d’abord formalisé leur potentiel sémantique qui comprend les composants de leur valeur de base et ce qu’ils génèrent dans des situations nouvelles, dans des cotextes particuliers. Pour chaque valeur sémantique, nous avons présenté un schéma sémantique, un schéma actantiel en précisant les rôles sémantiques, la nature des actants et leur réalisation syntaxique, ainsi que des illustrations d’emploi dans des cotextes des plus représentatifs, des synonymes, la famille morphologique. Les valeurs plus ou moins communes à gnat’ et à gonjat’ ont été étudiées ensemble, ce qui nous a permis de mettre en évidence leurs similitudes et différences. Puis, nous avons traité la question de la catégorie grammaticale des verbes de mouvement. Après avoir exposé les propriétés traditionnellement attribuées aux corrélats déterminé / indéterminé et les particularités qui sont générées dans l’emploi de chacun de ces corrélats, nous avons analysé la corrélation déterminé / indéterminé en général, et en particulier, entre gnat’ et gonjat’. Faisant partie de la catégorie grammaticale des verbes de mouvement, gnat’ et gonjat’ s’opposent sur le plan grammatical en tant que déterminé vs indéterminé et leurs caractéristiques grammaticales induisent quelques différences sémantiques. Ainsi, la plupart des différences observées entre gnat’ et gonjat’ ne sont pas en fait pas d’ordre lexical, mais résultent des différences grammaticales du déterminé gnat’ et de l’indéterminé gonjat’. Dans la partie consacrée à la dérivation morphologique, nous avons eu pour objectif d’examiner les effets de la préverbation et les modifications de sens que la préverbation entraîne pour ces verbes. Nous avons étudié les préverbés formés sur la base de gnat’ / gonjat’ à valeur spatiale en les regroupant en fonction de l’orientation spatiale : à partir du point de départ, vers le point d’arrivée, les deux en même temps ou en rapport avec un repère. Une attention minutieuse a été accordée aux différences sémantiques et aspectuelles de certains préverbés partageant les mêmes valeurs spatiales. L’étude des préverbés combinés aux préverbes à valeur non spatiale a été organisée en fonction de la morphologie de l’aspect : les préverbés hors couple et les couples de verbes. Quelques particularités ont été observées. Pour que l’étude sémantique soit complète, nous y avons inclus la question des phrasèmes comportant ces verbes. Puis, nous avons analysé le parallélisme qui existe entre gnat’ / gonjat’ simples et préverbés et le verbe dit de position sidet’ : les valeurs que ces verbes ont en commun et aussi, les limites de leur corrélation, Enfin, en partant directement des situations linguistiques concrètes avec gnat’ / gonjat’ simples et préverbés nous avons exposé un certain nombre de mécanismes qui aboutissent à un effet expressif. / In this thesis, we have studied the semantics of the verbs gnat’ and gonjat’ in a structured and extensive way. To achieve this, we began by structuring their semantic potential, which includes their basic value and what it produces in new situations, in specific cotexts. For each semantic value, we have presented a semantic schema, mapping the semantic roles of the actants, their nature and their syntactic development, together with examples of usage in the most representative cotexts, the synonyms, the morphological family. The more or less common values of gnat’ and gonjat’ have been studied together, so that we could bring their similarities and differences to light. Then, we dealt with the question of the grammatical category of the verbs of motion. Having presented the usually attributed properties of the correlate determined / indetermined and the particularities that emerge in the usage of each of these correlates, we have focused on the determined / indetermined correlation in general and between gnat’ and gonjat’ in particular. While belonging to the same grammatical category of the verbs of motion, both gnat’ and gonjat’ are opposed on a grammatical level, as determined and indetermined, and their grammatical characteristics lead to some semantical differences. Hence, most of the observed differences between gnat’ and gonjat’ are not of a lexical type; they are rather the result of the semantical differences between the determined gnat’ and the indetermined gonjat’. In the part of our thesis dedicated to morphological derivation, our goal was to study the impacts of verbal prefixation and the change of meaning as a result of the prefixation for these verbs. We have studied prefixed verbs based on gnat’ / gonjat’ with spatial meanings, clustering them depending on their spatial orientation: from the starting point, to the point of arrival, both at the same time or in relation to a landmark. A particular focus has been placed on the semantical and aspectual differences of some verbs with prefixes that share the same spatial values. The analysis of verbs with spatial prefixes was done according to the morphology of the aspect: the verbs with prefixes outside aspectual pairs and the pair of verbs. Some particularities have been observed. For the semantic study to be complete, we have added the question of the phrasemes using these verbs. Then, we studied the similarity between gnat’ and gonjat’ in their simple and prefixed forms and the verb of position sidet’: what those verbs have in common but also the limits of their similarities. Finally, we have taken concrete linguistic situations involving gnat’ and gonjat’ in their simple and prefixed forms in order to outline a number of mechanisms leading to an expressive result.
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Rozpoznáváni standardních PILOT-CONTROLLER řídicích povelů v hlasové podobě / Voice recognition of standard PILOT-CONTROLLER control commandsKufa, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The subject of this graduation thesis is an application of speech recognition into ATC commands. The selection of methods and approaches to automatic recognition of ATC commands rises from detailed air traffic studies. By the reason that there is not any definite solution in such extensive field like speech recognition, this diploma work is focused just on speech recognizer based on comparison with templates (DTW). This recognizor is in this thesis realized and compared with freely accessible HTK system from Cambrige University based on statistic methods making use of Hidden Markov models. The usage propriety of both methods is verified by practical testing and results evaluation.
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Critères de figement : L’identification des expressions figées en français contemporainSvensson, Maria Helena January 2004 (has links)
Although there are units larger than the word in language, linguists have not been able to agree on a definition of these units. This study examines a variety of notions, relevant in the study of ”fixed” or ”frozen” expressions in contemporary French. Criteria such as memorization, unique context, non-compositionality, marked syntax, lexical blocking and grammatical blocking are analyzed in detail. A closer look at them reveals that in fact only one of them, lexical blocking, is both necessary and sufficient in the description of a fixed expression. The other criteria are, however, also important to the notion of ”fixedness”. It may well be that the criteria that have often been proposed in linguistic literature would benefit from being organized in a family resemblance rather than being used as necessary and sufficient conditions.
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