Spelling suggestions: "subject:"2physical bplanning"" "subject:"2physical deplanning""
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Studie av miljökonsekvensbeskrivingar till detaljplan : En jämförande analys av fyra MKBSundin, Bertil January 2006 (has links)
When the local authorities establish a plan for land use planning, they have to judge if the influence on the environment could be of such a grade that they have to make a special Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), following national laws and EU-directives. The laws for the process in Sweden is set by the Swedish Parliament, with advisory given by the central government authority, the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning, Boverket. For EU, the laws is set by the European Parliament and the Council. The laws and directions for this process have been changed for Sweden in recent years, and the aim of this study was to compare the contents of three different Environmental Impact Assess¬ments to see if there has been any change in appearances and content in later years, as well as to see if different municipalities and authors have effect on the EIAs. According to different studies some of the EIA done are without insufficient focus on main environmental issues in the EIA, or even that some information is missing. In some studies there are arguments that the EIA should be a document that should be possible to read alone. These aspects has also been studied in the material. The result is partly described in a matrix where different criteria is compared between the three EIAs to spot differences easily. There is also a part where the content and structure of the three EIAs is compared in text. The result of the study was that there are big differences in structure, while their content has more in common. In one of the three Environ¬mental Impact Assessments much facts are only put in other documents. The conclusion of the study is that there is a need for implementing a common way of presenting the content of an EIA. There is a risk that facts are overlooked that are not presented in the EIA document. There is also a risk that the local authorities has too big interest in implementing the plan and that they make the EIA with a biased look. As a case study an EIA was done. In the case study, the experience of the study is used to make this EIA as complete as possible, with regards to the criteria from the analysis matrix. Also, it was written in a report structure to test this model. The case study is added as Appendix 4.
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Stadsdelsförnyelse i Norra Björksätra, SandvikenBlomberg, Christian, Wigren, Lena January 2007 (has links)
The housing estates in the outskirts of Sandviken, consist of relatively large scale apartment buildings. This report, that is a B.A. thesis at 10 Swedish university points, aims to investigate and describe the opportunities to improve safety and security for inhabitants in Norra Björksätra. The purpose with this report is to make Norra Björksätra to a more attractive place to live in, by changing the negative trends in the area. Since demolition of at least some of the houses could be of current interest in some years; the purpose is also to investigate whether demolition or renewal of the area is the best solution. The main methods that are used for this investigation is Botrygg05 and Trygghetsvandring. There is also lots of scientific evidence, that have been used, that proves security and safety can be improved with cost saving changes in the physical structure of the area. The report shows that efforts must be done in the illumination of the area and especially in the parking areas and along footpaths. Further more the vegetation, facades and the yards between the houses, are important factors that today affect the feeling of security and safety in a negative way. A variety of renewal proposals are presented in this report and two different approaches for renewal of the area are suggested. Finally, conclusions are made that not only physical changes can remove the negative trends in areas like Norra Björksätra. Social efforts and activities are important factors as well, and without the comprehensive approach of urban renewal projects like this can fail. Since this kind of urban areas often have social problems and simultaneously need an increased popularity to keep and attract inhabitants, the social work and public relations efforts are important. / Huskomplexen i utkanten av Sandviken består av relativt storskaliga hyreshusområden. Målet med denna rapport, som är en C-uppsats på 10 poäng, är att utreda och beskriva möjligheterna till att förbättra säkerheten och tryggheten för de boende i Norra Björksätra. Arbetet syftar till att göra Norra Björksätra till ett mer attraktivt bostadsområde och därigenom vända de negativa trender som finns i området. Då beslut om rivning hotar åtminstone delar av området, syftar denna rapport även till att utreda huruvida rivning eller stadsförnyelse är den bästa lösningen. Botrygg05 och Trygghetsvandring har huvudsakligen använts för att ta fram resultatet i denna rapport. Även vetenskapliga rapporter har använts för att validera resultat och teser som presenteras i denna rapport. Den vetenskapliga grunden pekar tydligt på att det går att förbättra trygghet och säkerhet genom fysiska åtgärder. Undersökningen visar att insatser måste göras med förbättrad belysningen i området och då särskilt på parkeringsplatser och längs gång- och cykelbanor. Även vegetation, fasader och gårdar mellan husen, är faktorer som idag påverkar trygghets- och säkerhetskänslan på ett negativt sätt. Flera förnyelseförslag presenteras och två sätt att angripa förnyelsen föreslås. Slutligen dras slutsatserna att inte endast fysiska åtgärder kan avvärja den negativa trend som har uppkommit i Norra Björksätra. Sociala åtgärder och aktiviteter är minst lika viktigt som de fysiska åtgärderna, och utan en helhetssyn på stadsförnyelse riskerar arbeten som detta att fallera. Sociala insatser och marknadsföring är av största vikt för Norra Björksätra fortlevnad, då denna typ av områden ofta är drabbade av sociala problem och samtidigt är beroende av en ökad popularitet för att kunna attrahera nya hyresgäster.
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Coal and Oil: The Dark Monarchs of Global Energy : Understanding Supply and Extraction Patterns and their Importance for Future ProductionHöök, Mikael January 2010 (has links)
The formation of modern society has been dominated by coal and oil, and together these two fossil fuels account for nearly two thirds of all primary energy used by mankind. This makes future production a key question for future social development and this thesis attempts to answer whether it is possible to rely on an assumption of ever increasing production of coal and oil. Both coal and oil are finite resources, created over long time scales by geological processes. It is thus impossible to extract more fossil fuels than geologically available. In other words, there are limits to growth imposed by nature. The concept of depletion and exhaustion of recoverable resources is a fundamental question for the future extraction of coal and oil. Historical experience shows that peaking is a well established phenomenon in production of various natural resources. Coal and oil are no exceptions, and historical data shows that easily exploitable resources are exhausted while more challenging deposits are left for the future. For oil, depletion can also be tied directly to the physical laws governing fluid flows in reservoirs. Understanding and predicting behaviour of individual fields, in particularly giant fields, are essential for understanding future production. Based on comprehensive databases with reserve and production data for hundreds of oilfields, typical patterns were found. Alternatively, depletion can manifest itself indirectly through various mechanisms. This has been studied for coal. Over 60% of the global crude oil production is derived from only around 330 giant oilfields, where many of them are becoming increasingly mature. The annual decline in existing oil production has been determined to be around 6% and it is unrealistic that this will be offset by new field developments, additional discoveries or unconventional oil. This implies that the peak of the oil age is here. For coal a similar picture emerges, where 90% of the global coal production originates from only 6 countries. Some of them, such as the USA show signs of increasing maturity and exhaustion of the recoverable amounts. However, there is a greater uncertainty about the recoverable reserves and coal production may yield a global maximum somewhere between 2030 and 2060. This analysis shows that the global production peaks of both oil and coal can be expected comparatively soon. This has significant consequences for the global energy supply and society, economy and environment. The results of this thesis indicate that these challenges should not be taken lightly.
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O potencial urbanístico das áreas urbanizáveisVale, David de Sousa January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Estetikideal : En studie om byggnaders gestaltning och estetik i Östra Sala backeKhalil, Shirin January 2018 (has links)
Both the current and anticipated surge of urban population in Sweden have put pressure on municipalities to address housing shortages in main cities. Only in Uppsala, the annual construction requirement is estimated to reach up to 3400 homes. As one of the most prevalent development projects in Uppsala today, the new district of Östra Sala backe is planned to offer 2500 homes as an answer to this housing shortage. However, with the pressure to build sustainable and cost efficient homes at a rapid pace, all the project’s stakeholders must give sufficient consideration to the aesthetic dimension in planning and construction. This study examines how the concept of aesthetics has been implemented and interpreted in the planning of Östra Sala backe. Four interviews with project stakeholders are carried out, in addition to analysis of project documentation and observations of current building development. The results of the research are then compared with how the aesthetic concept has been discussed in both planning theory and historical city planning ideals. The study shows that within the project’s aesthetic focus, the creation of variation in form and social value was given most consideration. As such, functional forms and sustainable values were prioritised.
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Brukningsvärd jordbruksmark - för en hållbar framtid / Agricultural land suitable for cultivation - for a sustainable futureMellbin, Amanda, Simson, Kristina January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att klargöra den brukningsvärda jordbruksmarkens skydd och bevarande ur ett nationellt och hållbart perspektiv inom fysisk samhällsplanering. Den övergripande frågeställningen handlar om vad det finns för problematik när det gäller att bevara eller exploatera jordbruksmark. Särskilt studeras lagstiftningens eventuella hinder, tydlighet och tillämpning. Studien fokuserar på den lagstiftning som berör kommunens fysiska planering. Länsstyrelsen har en rådgivande och övervakande roll över kommunen i samband med planläggning av mark- och vattenområden men har inga befogenheter att informera eller ingripa när det gäller brukningsvärd jordbruksmark. Ett område av nationell betydelse i 3 kap. miljöbalken (MB) behandlas därmed annorlunda av staten än ett område av riksintresse i 3- och 4 kap. MB. Tillvägagångssättet för att klargöra lagstiftning som berör kommunens fysiska planering och länsstyrelsens roll i samband med planläggning av mark och vatten utgörs av en kombinerad rättsdogmatisk metod och rättsociologisk metod. Studien redogör för lägesbilden idag och det som förändrats sedan år 2013, genom intervjuundersökning, enkätundersökning och studier av avgöranden i Mark-och miljööverdomstolen (MÖD) från år 2016 till idag. Resultat från intervju ger förslag på en ändrad plan- och bygglagstiftning som förändrar länsstyrelsens rådgivnings- och tillsynsroll i planprocessen. Prognos framöver är fortsatt exploatering av jordbruksmark. Resultat från studiens enkät visar att kommun och länsstyrelse tror på en minskad exploateringstakt fram till år 2030 av jordbruksmark omkring tätorter. Bostadsbebyggelse är ett väsentligt allmänt intresse och är enligt enkätundersökningen den främsta anledningen till att jordbruksmark exploateras. Resultatet visar en ökad uppmärksamhet på jordbruksmarkens betydelse för livsmedelsproduktion och hållbar utveckling. Förslag från myndigheter på förändrat sätt att värdera jordbruksmark kan bidra till en ökad förståelse över jordbruksmarkens värde och betydelse för att uppnå hållbar utveckling. Enligt studien har förändring av rättsläget sedan år 2016 stärkt jordbruksmarkens bevarandevärde. MÖD konstaterar i studiens undersökta rättsfall: oavsett hur lite eller mycket marken brukas, oavsett klassning och oavsett om det är betes- eller åkermark anses jordbruksmark vara brukningsvärd och därmed inte lämplig att exploatera. / The aim of this study is to clarify the agricultural land that is suitable for cultivation and protection from a national and sustainable perspective within physical planning. The general inquiry in this study is whether there is a problem between preserving or developing agricultural land. Studying Swedish legislation, and any potential obstacles, as well as its clarity and applicability have been important to respond to the aim of this study. The study focuses on Swedish legislation that affects municipal physical planning. The County Administrative Board's has a provision of advice- and monitoring role when the municipal wants to plan for use of land- and water areas but has no empowerment to inform or interfere in agricultural land that is suitable for cultivation. Agricultural land is mentioned as an area of "national importance" in the Environmental Code in chapter 3, section 4 but other areas in the same chapter are mentioned as "national interests". This means that the Swedish Government protect the agricultural land differently than the other areas that are mentioned in this chapter. The chosen methods to clarify the Swedish legislation is applied using a legal dogmatic method and a sociology of law method. These methods are used to present Swedish legislation that concerns the municipal physical planning, as well as the County Administrative Board's and their part in monitoring the use of land and water. The study is an overview of the current situation and what has changed since the year of 2013, carried out by conducting a survey, an interview and studying precedents from the Land and Environment Court of Appeal from the year 2016 until present day. The interviews suggest a proposition that a changed Planning and Building Act can alter the municipal and the County Administrative Board's roles and authority regarding regulation and advice in the planning process. The forecast is that agricultural land is going to continue to be developed. The results from the survey indicate that the municipal and the County Administrative Board's believe that the development of agriculture land adjacent to the urban center are going to be reduced by the year of 2030. Housing development is known as a significant national interest and according to the survey it is the main reason to develop agricultural land. The survey result also indicates an increased awareness of agricultural land and the importance for food production and sustainable development. A proposition from authorities to evaluate agricultural land in a different way than before can also contribute to a deeper understanding of agricultural land's value and importance in achieving sustainable development. According to this study the legal postion changed in the year of 2016 which has consolidated the maintenance of agricultural land. The cases in this study from the Land and Environment Court of Appeal mention: no matter how much the agricultural land is being cultivated or not, no matter the classification and no matter if it is pasture or arable land, the agricultural land is suitable for cultivation and therefore not appropriate to develop.
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Hästhållningens roll i det föränderliga peri-urbana landskapet : En kvalitativ fallstudie av Österåkers kommunMalmborg, Pernilla January 2019 (has links)
The rural landscape surrounding the bigger cities are becoming increasingly fragmented due to pressures from urbanization and higher demands on conflicting usages of available buildable land. This has resulted in the natural and cultural landscapes in peri-urban areas being threatened. One usage of this land by equine sport is expanding where the horses need access to land and nature. A great majority of the horses in Sweden are kept in peri-urban areas, but horse keeping is also a factor that increases the risk for land use conflicts. The aim of this study is to better understand the role of horse keeping in the peri-urban landscape, by investigating these activities through the lens of ecosystem services. This study looked into the challenges and potential of horse keeping in physical planning, and how it is currently included by the local government of Österåker municipality in Stockholm county. This was achieved as a qualitative case study, consisting of interviews with local horse keepers, a web based survey for municipal residents and an analysis of available local government planning policies, reports and strategic documents. Horse keeping was found to be primarily associated with cultural ecosystem services, by its contribution to the equine sport sector and the preservation of the rural cultural and natural landscape with high recreational values. By preserving farmland and grazing pastures for horses, horse keeping can also be linked to supporting, regulating and provisioning ecosystem services. In addition, horse keeping in peri-urban areas was found to end in the periphery of the local physical planning. However, there is a need to integrate a long-term strategy and holistic perspective to achieve the full potential of the horse keeping, considering the contribution to the ecosystem services. There is a need for a more creative planning if horses should reach the potential as a resource and a planning tool for a sustainable development in the dynamic peri-urban landscape.
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Hospodaření s vodou v územním plánu / Water management in a physical planPospíšilová, Nikola January 2020 (has links)
The Master's thesis responds to the current challenge of the Czech landscape - reflecting its adaptation to climate change. At the local level, according to Czech legislation, the instrument forming the landscape should be primarily the physical plan, which was therefore selected as the subject of interest for this work. The work examines the possibilities of the physical plan in the field of water management by means of a case study focused on five municipalities in Vysocina region. The aim of this work is to verify whether spatial planning in the Czech environment responds to climate change, and thus whether it participates in responsible landscape water management. Firstly, the work analyzes the expected climate changes, their impact on the Czech landscape and approaches of society to these changes. Another part of the work is devoted to spatial planning, its tools and possibilities in the formation of landscape. In the practical part of the work, two qualitative research methods are used. The first is a semantic analysis of municipal spatial plans, the second chosen method are semi-structured interviews with representatives of public administration. The results of both methods show that the physical plan rather permits water management. Near natural measures are in the physical plans expressed...
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Skogsbränder, en fara eller icke fara? : En studie om framtidens skogsbränder, dess konsekvenser och bekämpning / Forest fires, a danger or non-danger? : A study on the fores fires of the future, its consequences and controlIssa, Toni January 2020 (has links)
In 2018, forest fires occurred in Sweden, which put high pressure on rescue services and society. Several parts of the country were subject to a fire ban. The purpose of the document study is to investigate whether forest fires could become a continuous danger for municipalities and their inhabitants in the future. The study also strives to investigate measures to combat forest fires and whether these measures are adequate. In order to work in the right direction and not lose course, three questions were asked, "What patterns do we see overtime regarding forest fires?", "What measures have been taken to combat forest fires?" and "Are measures against forest fires sufficient?". These issues helped to select research evidence and the right empirical material.With critical realism as a scientific approach, the problems with forest fires were highlighted and research work started. By applying applied geography / forest geography, its causes and risks could be studied. With the mapping / mapping, the potential forest fire risk could be mapped in the future. Following a survey of potential forest fire risk in the future, it turned out that Skåne risks being most affected by forest fires due to changing climate in the region. This made the study limited to Skåne. The County Administrative Board of Skåne's risk and vulnerability analysis for 2014 and the Land use plan for Östra Göinge became the documents that were analyzed in this document study. By analyzing the risk and vulnerability analysis, it explains what risks are considered to be a potential danger, how the danger is mitigated and how resources and measures are prioritized. In the overview plan we can see if the forest fire risk was taken into account and if so how. This study shows that the risk of forest fires will increase in the future due to. changing weather conditions. It also shows that risk and vulnerability analysis do not take into account the change, the increased risk and lack a long-term perspective on risk and vulnerability. The study also shows that information on what are forest fire influencing factors such as weather, vegetation and topography are not taken into account. Land use plans need to pay more attention to forest fire risk and report measures to combat it. Keywords: Forest fire, Risk, Fire risk, Physical planning, Risk analysis / 2018 förekom skogsbränder i Sverige vilket satte hög press på räddningstjänst och samhället. Flera delar av landet rådde eldningsförbud. Syftet med dokumentstudien är att undersöka om skogsbränderna kan komma att bli en kontinuerlig fara för kommuner och dess invånare i framtiden. Studien strävar även efter att undersöka åtgärder för bekämpning av skogsbränder samt om dessa åtgärder är tillräckliga. För att arbeta mot rätt riktning och inte tappa kurs sattes tre frågeställningar, ”Vilka mönster ser vi övertid gällande skogsbränder?”, ”Vilka åtgärder har vidtagits för att bekämpa skogsbränder?” och ”Är åtgärder mot skogsbränder tillräckliga?”. Dessa frågeställningar hjälpte till med att välja forskningsunderlag och rätt empiriskt material. Med kritisk realism som vetenskapligt angreppssätt uppmärksammades problematiken med skogsbränder och forskningsarbetet påbörjades. Genom att tillämpa applied geography/tillämpad geography kunde skogsbränder, dess orsaker och risker studeras. Med mapping/kartläggning kunde den potentiella skogsbrandsrisken i framtiden kartläggas. Efter kartläggning av potentiell skogsbrandsrisk i framtiden visade det sig att Skåne riskerar att drabbas mest av skogsbränder pga. förändrat klimat i regionen. Detta gjorde att studien avgränsades till Skåne. Länsstyrelsen Skånes risk- och sårbarhetsanalys för 2014 och Översiktsplan för Östra Göinge blev dokumenten som analyserades i denna dokumentstudie. Genom att analysera risk- och sårbarhetsanalysen, förklaras vilka risker som bedöms vara en potentiell fara, hur faran motarbetas samt hur resurser och åtgärder prioriteras. I översiktsplanen kan vi se om skogsbrandsrisken beaktats och i så fall hur. Denna studie påvisar att risken för skogsbränder kommer att öka i framtiden pga. förändrade väderförhållanden. Den visar även att risk- och sårbarhetsanalys inte beaktar förändringen, den ökade risken samt saknar ett långsiktigt perspektiv på risk och sårbarhet. Studien visar även att information om vad som är skogsbrandspåverkande faktorer som väder, vegetation och topografi inte beaktas. Översiktsplaner behöver uppmärksamma skogsbrandsrisken mer och redovisa åtgärder för att bekämpa den. Nyckelord: Skogsbrand, Risk, Brandrisk, Fysisk planering, Riskanalys
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Covid-19 pandemins påverkan på medborgardialogen : Ett arbete om förändrade möjligheter till kommunikation / The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on citizen dialogue : A study on changing opportunities for communicationBohlin, Lovisa January 2021 (has links)
Denna uppsats handlar om människors inflytande i kommunal planeringoch hur detta har påverkats av covid-19 pandemin. Frågan är viktig ur ett större perspektiv då förutsättningarna för ett socialt hållbart samhälle bygger på jämställdhet, jämlikhet och delaktighet i samhällets utveckling, vilket kan påverkas av pandemins restriktioner. Genom att kartlägga hur planeringsförvaltning på tre olika stora kommuner har förändrat sitt arbete med medborgardialoger under pandemin vill man förstå hur förändringarna har påverkat kommunikationen mellan planeringsförvaltning och medborgare. Insamling av empiri har skett via kvalitativa intervjuer där informanterna arbeter i direkt anknytning till planeringsprocesser på förvaltning och besitter kunskap och erfarenhet inom uppsatsens ämne. Resultatet av uppsatsen visar att samtliga planeringsförvaltningar har ställt om till ett helt digitalt arbeter i kommunikationen med medborgarna, detta har både positiva och negativa konsekvenser. Digitalt skapas mer flexibla och tidseffektiva möten, det öppnar upp för ett ökat deltagande framförallt hos yngre, samtidigt som det också skapar begränsningar för äldre och de som inte talar språket, det är också svårare att få in synpunkter från medborgarna över digitala möten. Fullständig digitalisering av dialogen med medborgarna tenderar till en ökad risk för envägskommunikation samt att vissa grupper exkluderas från deltagandet. / This essay is about people´s influence in municipal planning and how this has been affected by covid-19 pandemic. The issue is important from a larger prespective as the conditions for a socially sustainable society, builds on equality and participation in development of society, which can be affected by the restrictions of a pandemic. By analyzing how planning administration in three diffrent large municipalities has changed its work with citizen dialogues during the pandemic, they want to understand how the changes have affected the communication between planning administration and citizens. Empirical data collection has been done by qualitative inrerviews. Interviewees all works as civil servants with knowledge and experience in the field of municipal development and processes connected to it. Analysis in this essay indicates that all interviewed administrations have adapted digital platforms for communicating with citizens, resulting in both positive and negative factors. Digital platforms create flexible and efficient meetings, which opens up for increased participation, especially among younger people. At the same time as it also creates restrictions for the elderly and those who do not speak the language. It is also more difficult to get views from citizens during digital meetings, which can affect representativeness. Compared to physical meetings digital meetings generate less citizen input. Complete digitalization of the citizen dialogue tends to increase the risk of one-way communication and to exclude certain groups from participation.
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