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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effets de basse dimensionnalité et de la frustration magnétique dans les composés du type AB2O6 / Efeitos de baixa dimensionalidade e defrustração magnética em compostos do tipo AB2O6

Hneda, Marlon Luiz January 2016 (has links)
Cette tbese comprend une étude sur les composés AB2O6 qui ont attiré un large intérêt ces dernieres années grâce à leurs propriétés de magnétisme de basse dimensionalité. Pour mieux étudier les propriétes magnétiques et les parametres qui les influencent oous oous sommes appuyé sur une bonne connaissance de la stmcture cristalline. Tous les écbantillons ont été étudié par diffraction de rayons X (pression ambiante ou sous hautes pressions) et neutroDique (basse et/ou baute température). Nous avons également effectué d'autres caractérisations, telles que mesures de susceptibilité, de cbaleur spécifique et spectroscopie Mossbauer. Nous avons produit la série MnNb2_6 V 80 6 afio de faire varier les distances intercbaines magnétiques et donc la nature des interactions d'échanges. Ces composés sont intéressants pour préseoter une faible anisotropie et un couplage des moments magnétiques dans les chaines en zig-zag le long de l'axe c, ce qui leur confere un caractere unidimensionnel et un couplage antiferromagnétique entre les chames. Nous avons fait une comparaison avec le modele théorique de la chaine d'Heisenberg classique et obtenu des constantes d'échange intra et intercbatnes, J et J', et sa dépendance par rapport à la teneur 8. Ensuite, nous avons fait une étude des séries MnxAt-xNb206 avec A = Fe, Co et Ni. Notre but a été de vérifier comment la nature et la différence de rayons atomiques peuvent influer sur le comportement structural et magnétique de ces composés. Pour ceux qui n'ont pas présenté de mise en ordre magnétique à 1,5 K nous avons fait une étude des corrélations à courtes distances en utilisant le modele de Bertaut La mise en reuvre de synthese HP et HT nous a permis de stabiliser une phase Mn V 20 6 en symétrie orthorhombique et de mettre en jour ses propriétés physiques. Nous avons ensuite comparé avec le MnV 20 6 monoclinique et également avec le MnNb20 6 orthorhombique. Les comportements magnétiques des composés isostructuraux sont tres similaires mais dans le cas de MnNb20 6, les moments magnétiques forment des chaí'nes du type + - + - et dans la pbase Mo V 20 6 nous observons des cbalnes du type + + - -, stmct.ure inédite dans ces composés. / Esta tese compreende um estudo sobre os compostos AB2O6 que chamaram a atenção nos últimos anos graças às suas propriedades de magnetismo de baixa dimensionalidacle. Para melhor entender as propriedades magnéticas e os parâmetros que as influenciam, nos apoiamos no conhecimento da estrutura cristalina. Todas as amostras foram estudadas por difração de raios X (pressão ambiente e sob altas pressões) e de nêutrons (em baixa e em alta temperatura). Também fizemos outras caractetizações como medidas ele susceptibilidade magnética, calorespecífico e espectroscopia Mossbauer. A sé ti e MnNb2_6 V 60 6 foi produzida a fim de variar as distâncias entre as cadeias magnéticas e, com isso, a natureza das interações de troca. Estes compostos são interessantes por apresentarem baixa anisotropia, um acoplamento dos momentos magnéticos nas cadeias em zig-zag ao longo elo eixo c, conferindo-lhe o caráter unidimensional, e ainda um acoplamento antiferromagnético mais fraco entre as cadeias. É feita uma comparação com o modelo teórico de cadeia de Heisenberg clássica e são obtidas as constantes ele troca intra e intercadeias, J e J', e sua dependência em relação à ó. Em seguida, foi feito um estudo das séries MnxAt-xNb20 6 com A = Fe, Co e Ni, com o objetivo de verificar como a natureza e a diferença dos raios atômicos podem influenciar o comportamento estrutural e magnético destes compostos. Para aqueles que não apresentaram ordem magnética à l ,5 K, foi feito um estudo das conelações ele curta distância utilizando o modelo de Bertaut. Graças a síntese AP e AT conseguimos estabilizar o MnV 20 6 em simetria ortorrômbica e determinar suas propriedades físicas. Fizemos então uma comparação com o polimorfo monoclínico Mn V 206 e também com o composto ortonômbico MnNb20 6 . Os comportamentos magnéticos macroscópicos dos compostos isoestruturais são muito similares, porém no caso ela fase MnNb20 6, os momentos magnéticos formam cadeias elo tipo +- + - e na fase Mn V 20 6, as cadeias são do tipo + + - -, estrutura inédita, até então não observada nestes compostos. / This thesis comprises a study of tbe compounds of AB20 6 type that have attracted wide interest in recent years due to tbeir low-dimensional magnetism properties. To better understand tbeir magnetic properties and tbe parameters lhat influence it, we have relied on a good knowledge of lhe crystal stmcture. Ali samples were studied by X-ray diffraction (ambient pressure or under hlgh pressure) and neutron diffraction (low and/or high temperature). We also performed other cbaracterizations, such as magnetic susceptibility, specific heat and Mbssbauer spectroscopy measurements. We have produced tbe MnNb2_6 V 60 6 serie in order to vary the distances between magnetic interchains and thus the nature of lhe excbange interactions. Tbese compounds are interesting due to tbe presence of Jow anisotropy and a coupling of magnetic moments in zigzag cbains along the c-axis, whlch gives lhem a one-dimensional character, and ao antiferromagnetic coupling between cbains. We made a comparison wilh the theoretical modei of the classical Heisenberg chain and obtained the exchange constants intra- and inter-cbain, J and J', and its dependency on the content b. Then we made a study o f MnxA1_.,Nb20 6 series with A = Fe, Co and Ni. Our aim was to check how the nature and tbe difference in atomic radii can influence the stmctural and magnetic properties of tbese compounds. For those whlcb sbowed no magnetic ordering at 1.5 K we made a study of correlations at short distances using Bertaut's model. Thanks to tbe use of HP and HT synthesis we managed to stabilize MnV20 6 in orthorbombic symetry and determine its physical properties. We then performed a comparison witb the monoclinic MnV20G and with tbe 011horbombic MnNb206 compound as well. Macroscopic magnetic behaviour o f isostructural compounds are ve1y similar but in the case of MnNb20 6, the magnetic moments form + - + - type chains while the Mn V 20 6 presents cbains of + + - - type, a structure never observed before in tbis family o f compounds.

Preservação digital da informação permanente da FEUP : estudo de caso dos processos individuais dos estudantes

Machado, Tiago Flores Gomes January 2012 (has links)
Tese de mestrado. Ciência da Informação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 2012

La infermeria d'atenció primària en l'atenció als problemes del peu en la diabetis tipus 2 a Catalunya

Jurado Campos, Jerónimo 12 June 2009 (has links)
Aquesta tesi pretén respondre a la pregunta: Què pot fer la infermeria d'atenció primària i què és el què fa, en els problemes del peu en persones amb diabetis tipus 2 a Catalunya?. L'estat del tema exposa la importància de les complicacions en el peu i la possibilitat de reduir-les amb un paper rellevant de la infermeria d'atenció primària. La investigació s'ha centrat en conèixer de què disposa, les activitats que desenvolupa, i què li manca a la infermeria per desenvolupar el seu potencial. Els resultats observats són representatius i mostren clares desigualtats assistencials entre centres, regions sanitàries i tipus de gestió. Suggerint que en l'atenció primària convé organitzar i coordinar l'atenció als problemes del peu en la diabetis, millorar la formació i la capacitació infermera en el tema, fomentar i optimitzar la presència de professionals especialitzats, i potenciar l'educació en diabetis i la promoció de la salut. / This doctoral thesis intends to reply to the question: what can make primary care nursing and what it makes in the problems of the foot in type two diabetic patients in Catalonia? The state the subjects sets forth the importance of the foot complications and the possibility to reduce them with a relevant role of the primary care nursing.The research has focused on knowing of what the orders, the activities that it develops and what needs the nursing to develop its potential. The observed results are representative and they show clear welfare inequalities among centers, sanitary regions and type of management. Suggesting that in primary care, it agrees on organizing and coordinating the attention in diabetic foot problems, improving the nursing training in this topic, fostering and optimizing the presence of specialized professionals and promoting the diabetes education and the health promotion.

Les officiers français des Zouaves Pontificaux. Histoire et devenir entre XIXe et XXe siècle / The French officers enlisted in the Pontifical Zouaves Regiment. An historical study and what has become of them between the 19 th and the 20 th century

Gruaz, Laurent 07 February 2014 (has links)
Entre 1860 et 1870, plus de 10 000 volontaires catholiques ont défendu par les armes le pouvoir temporel du Pape Pie IX. Venus d’une trentaine de pays, tous ont répondu à l’appel du Souverain Pontife, menacé dans son intégrité par les troupes du roi de Sardaigne Victor-Emmanuel II, désireux de réaliser l’unité italienne. Parmi eux, 3 000 Français se sont engagés pour six mois ou pour dix ans. Environ 150 sont officiers, aumôniers ou médecins.Ce sont eux, ces cadres du régiment, que nous allons étudier. Qui sont-ils ? D’où viennent-ils ? Quelles ont pu être leurs motivations ? Nous étudierons le parcours de ces derniers défenseurs en date des États Pontificaux, non seulement en amont, depuis leur enfance et à travers leurs origines familiales, en cherchant notamment à savoir ce que faisaient leurs parents, mais aussi en abordant ce qu’ils sont devenus après la fin de l’existence officielle du régiment. Leur histoire, leurs engagements, ainsi que ceux de leurs descendants, ne s’arrêtent en effet pas ainsi mais courent sur toute une vie, s’écrivant entre le XIXe et le XXe siècle.Ce qu’ils ont été, ce qu’ils ont fait, ce qu’ils sont devenus et le souvenir qu’ils ont laissé s’inscrit dans un itinéraire personnel beaucoup plus large et doit nous permettre de dégager le sens qu’ils ont voulu donner à leur vie. / Between 1860 and 1870, more than 10 0000 catholic volunteers have taken up arms to defend the temporal power of Pope Pie IX in his struggle against the troops of the king of Sardinia Victor Emmanuel II who wanted to unify Italy. 3 000 French men, including about 150 officers, army chaptains and doctors, enlisted for six months or for ten years. We will focus on these particular men. Who are they? Where do they come from ? What motives actuated them ? We will not only study their life, their childhood, the social position of their family, their parents jobs, but also what has become of them after the official end of their regiment. Their story, their engagements as well as those of their descendants last a whole life long between the19 th and 20 th century. The men they were, what they did, the men they became and the memory they left must be examined from a more general point of view so that we can find out what guided them throughout their life.

Effets de basse dimensionnalité et de la frustration magnétique dans les composés du type AB2O6 / Efeitos de baixa dimensionalidade e defrustração magnética em compostos do tipo AB2O6

Hneda, Marlon Luiz January 2016 (has links)
Cette tbese comprend une étude sur les composés AB2O6 qui ont attiré un large intérêt ces dernieres années grâce à leurs propriétés de magnétisme de basse dimensionalité. Pour mieux étudier les propriétes magnétiques et les parametres qui les influencent oous oous sommes appuyé sur une bonne connaissance de la stmcture cristalline. Tous les écbantillons ont été étudié par diffraction de rayons X (pression ambiante ou sous hautes pressions) et neutroDique (basse et/ou baute température). Nous avons également effectué d'autres caractérisations, telles que mesures de susceptibilité, de cbaleur spécifique et spectroscopie Mossbauer. Nous avons produit la série MnNb2_6 V 80 6 afio de faire varier les distances intercbaines magnétiques et donc la nature des interactions d'échanges. Ces composés sont intéressants pour préseoter une faible anisotropie et un couplage des moments magnétiques dans les chaines en zig-zag le long de l'axe c, ce qui leur confere un caractere unidimensionnel et un couplage antiferromagnétique entre les chames. Nous avons fait une comparaison avec le modele théorique de la chaine d'Heisenberg classique et obtenu des constantes d'échange intra et intercbatnes, J et J', et sa dépendance par rapport à la teneur 8. Ensuite, nous avons fait une étude des séries MnxAt-xNb206 avec A = Fe, Co et Ni. Notre but a été de vérifier comment la nature et la différence de rayons atomiques peuvent influer sur le comportement structural et magnétique de ces composés. Pour ceux qui n'ont pas présenté de mise en ordre magnétique à 1,5 K nous avons fait une étude des corrélations à courtes distances en utilisant le modele de Bertaut La mise en reuvre de synthese HP et HT nous a permis de stabiliser une phase Mn V 20 6 en symétrie orthorhombique et de mettre en jour ses propriétés physiques. Nous avons ensuite comparé avec le MnV 20 6 monoclinique et également avec le MnNb20 6 orthorhombique. Les comportements magnétiques des composés isostructuraux sont tres similaires mais dans le cas de MnNb20 6, les moments magnétiques forment des chaí'nes du type + - + - et dans la pbase Mo V 20 6 nous observons des cbalnes du type + + - -, stmct.ure inédite dans ces composés. / Esta tese compreende um estudo sobre os compostos AB2O6 que chamaram a atenção nos últimos anos graças às suas propriedades de magnetismo de baixa dimensionalidacle. Para melhor entender as propriedades magnéticas e os parâmetros que as influenciam, nos apoiamos no conhecimento da estrutura cristalina. Todas as amostras foram estudadas por difração de raios X (pressão ambiente e sob altas pressões) e de nêutrons (em baixa e em alta temperatura). Também fizemos outras caractetizações como medidas ele susceptibilidade magnética, calorespecífico e espectroscopia Mossbauer. A sé ti e MnNb2_6 V 60 6 foi produzida a fim de variar as distâncias entre as cadeias magnéticas e, com isso, a natureza das interações de troca. Estes compostos são interessantes por apresentarem baixa anisotropia, um acoplamento dos momentos magnéticos nas cadeias em zig-zag ao longo elo eixo c, conferindo-lhe o caráter unidimensional, e ainda um acoplamento antiferromagnético mais fraco entre as cadeias. É feita uma comparação com o modelo teórico de cadeia de Heisenberg clássica e são obtidas as constantes ele troca intra e intercadeias, J e J', e sua dependência em relação à ó. Em seguida, foi feito um estudo das séries MnxAt-xNb20 6 com A = Fe, Co e Ni, com o objetivo de verificar como a natureza e a diferença dos raios atômicos podem influenciar o comportamento estrutural e magnético destes compostos. Para aqueles que não apresentaram ordem magnética à l ,5 K, foi feito um estudo das conelações ele curta distância utilizando o modelo de Bertaut. Graças a síntese AP e AT conseguimos estabilizar o MnV 20 6 em simetria ortorrômbica e determinar suas propriedades físicas. Fizemos então uma comparação com o polimorfo monoclínico Mn V 206 e também com o composto ortonômbico MnNb20 6 . Os comportamentos magnéticos macroscópicos dos compostos isoestruturais são muito similares, porém no caso ela fase MnNb20 6, os momentos magnéticos formam cadeias elo tipo +- + - e na fase Mn V 20 6, as cadeias são do tipo + + - -, estrutura inédita, até então não observada nestes compostos. / This thesis comprises a study of tbe compounds of AB20 6 type that have attracted wide interest in recent years due to tbeir low-dimensional magnetism properties. To better understand tbeir magnetic properties and tbe parameters lhat influence it, we have relied on a good knowledge of lhe crystal stmcture. Ali samples were studied by X-ray diffraction (ambient pressure or under hlgh pressure) and neutron diffraction (low and/or high temperature). We also performed other cbaracterizations, such as magnetic susceptibility, specific heat and Mbssbauer spectroscopy measurements. We have produced tbe MnNb2_6 V 60 6 serie in order to vary the distances between magnetic interchains and thus the nature of lhe excbange interactions. Tbese compounds are interesting due to tbe presence of Jow anisotropy and a coupling of magnetic moments in zigzag cbains along the c-axis, whlch gives lhem a one-dimensional character, and ao antiferromagnetic coupling between cbains. We made a comparison wilh the theoretical modei of the classical Heisenberg chain and obtained the exchange constants intra- and inter-cbain, J and J', and its dependency on the content b. Then we made a study o f MnxA1_.,Nb20 6 series with A = Fe, Co and Ni. Our aim was to check how the nature and tbe difference in atomic radii can influence the stmctural and magnetic properties of tbese compounds. For those whlcb sbowed no magnetic ordering at 1.5 K we made a study of correlations at short distances using Bertaut's model. Thanks to tbe use of HP and HT synthesis we managed to stabilize MnV20 6 in orthorbombic symetry and determine its physical properties. We then performed a comparison witb the monoclinic MnV20G and with tbe 011horbombic MnNb206 compound as well. Macroscopic magnetic behaviour o f isostructural compounds are ve1y similar but in the case of MnNb20 6, the magnetic moments form + - + - type chains while the Mn V 20 6 presents cbains of + + - - type, a structure never observed before in tbis family o f compounds.

Logistika a řízení dopravního podniku / Logistics and transportation management company

PEŠKOVÁ, Jana January 2012 (has links)
In this work specifically to deal with companies MEZADO Jan Pesek and its new services offered by the individual is assisted transportation of handicapped persons.The aim of this work is to analyze the design and service for its effectiveness.I decided to conduct a survey.The questionnaire was created database. The customers suggest extending the car fleet. The key to solving this problem is to extend the portfolio of customers.Instrument to acquisition new customers is a gain promotion.I suggest introduction of new form of propagation with leaflets and already created presentation. The leaflets and presentations will be distributed free of charge in the districts that need the increase in promotion.

Effets de basse dimensionnalité et de la frustration magnétique dans les composés du type AB2O6 / Efeitos de baixa dimensionalidade e defrustração magnética em compostos do tipo AB2O6

Hneda, Marlon Luiz January 2016 (has links)
Cette tbese comprend une étude sur les composés AB2O6 qui ont attiré un large intérêt ces dernieres années grâce à leurs propriétés de magnétisme de basse dimensionalité. Pour mieux étudier les propriétes magnétiques et les parametres qui les influencent oous oous sommes appuyé sur une bonne connaissance de la stmcture cristalline. Tous les écbantillons ont été étudié par diffraction de rayons X (pression ambiante ou sous hautes pressions) et neutroDique (basse et/ou baute température). Nous avons également effectué d'autres caractérisations, telles que mesures de susceptibilité, de cbaleur spécifique et spectroscopie Mossbauer. Nous avons produit la série MnNb2_6 V 80 6 afio de faire varier les distances intercbaines magnétiques et donc la nature des interactions d'échanges. Ces composés sont intéressants pour préseoter une faible anisotropie et un couplage des moments magnétiques dans les chaines en zig-zag le long de l'axe c, ce qui leur confere un caractere unidimensionnel et un couplage antiferromagnétique entre les chames. Nous avons fait une comparaison avec le modele théorique de la chaine d'Heisenberg classique et obtenu des constantes d'échange intra et intercbatnes, J et J', et sa dépendance par rapport à la teneur 8. Ensuite, nous avons fait une étude des séries MnxAt-xNb206 avec A = Fe, Co et Ni. Notre but a été de vérifier comment la nature et la différence de rayons atomiques peuvent influer sur le comportement structural et magnétique de ces composés. Pour ceux qui n'ont pas présenté de mise en ordre magnétique à 1,5 K nous avons fait une étude des corrélations à courtes distances en utilisant le modele de Bertaut La mise en reuvre de synthese HP et HT nous a permis de stabiliser une phase Mn V 20 6 en symétrie orthorhombique et de mettre en jour ses propriétés physiques. Nous avons ensuite comparé avec le MnV 20 6 monoclinique et également avec le MnNb20 6 orthorhombique. Les comportements magnétiques des composés isostructuraux sont tres similaires mais dans le cas de MnNb20 6, les moments magnétiques forment des chaí'nes du type + - + - et dans la pbase Mo V 20 6 nous observons des cbalnes du type + + - -, stmct.ure inédite dans ces composés. / Esta tese compreende um estudo sobre os compostos AB2O6 que chamaram a atenção nos últimos anos graças às suas propriedades de magnetismo de baixa dimensionalidacle. Para melhor entender as propriedades magnéticas e os parâmetros que as influenciam, nos apoiamos no conhecimento da estrutura cristalina. Todas as amostras foram estudadas por difração de raios X (pressão ambiente e sob altas pressões) e de nêutrons (em baixa e em alta temperatura). Também fizemos outras caractetizações como medidas ele susceptibilidade magnética, calorespecífico e espectroscopia Mossbauer. A sé ti e MnNb2_6 V 60 6 foi produzida a fim de variar as distâncias entre as cadeias magnéticas e, com isso, a natureza das interações de troca. Estes compostos são interessantes por apresentarem baixa anisotropia, um acoplamento dos momentos magnéticos nas cadeias em zig-zag ao longo elo eixo c, conferindo-lhe o caráter unidimensional, e ainda um acoplamento antiferromagnético mais fraco entre as cadeias. É feita uma comparação com o modelo teórico de cadeia de Heisenberg clássica e são obtidas as constantes ele troca intra e intercadeias, J e J', e sua dependência em relação à ó. Em seguida, foi feito um estudo das séries MnxAt-xNb20 6 com A = Fe, Co e Ni, com o objetivo de verificar como a natureza e a diferença dos raios atômicos podem influenciar o comportamento estrutural e magnético destes compostos. Para aqueles que não apresentaram ordem magnética à l ,5 K, foi feito um estudo das conelações ele curta distância utilizando o modelo de Bertaut. Graças a síntese AP e AT conseguimos estabilizar o MnV 20 6 em simetria ortorrômbica e determinar suas propriedades físicas. Fizemos então uma comparação com o polimorfo monoclínico Mn V 206 e também com o composto ortonômbico MnNb20 6 . Os comportamentos magnéticos macroscópicos dos compostos isoestruturais são muito similares, porém no caso ela fase MnNb20 6, os momentos magnéticos formam cadeias elo tipo +- + - e na fase Mn V 20 6, as cadeias são do tipo + + - -, estrutura inédita, até então não observada nestes compostos. / This thesis comprises a study of tbe compounds of AB20 6 type that have attracted wide interest in recent years due to tbeir low-dimensional magnetism properties. To better understand tbeir magnetic properties and tbe parameters lhat influence it, we have relied on a good knowledge of lhe crystal stmcture. Ali samples were studied by X-ray diffraction (ambient pressure or under hlgh pressure) and neutron diffraction (low and/or high temperature). We also performed other cbaracterizations, such as magnetic susceptibility, specific heat and Mbssbauer spectroscopy measurements. We have produced tbe MnNb2_6 V 60 6 serie in order to vary the distances between magnetic interchains and thus the nature of lhe excbange interactions. Tbese compounds are interesting due to tbe presence of Jow anisotropy and a coupling of magnetic moments in zigzag cbains along the c-axis, whlch gives lhem a one-dimensional character, and ao antiferromagnetic coupling between cbains. We made a comparison wilh the theoretical modei of the classical Heisenberg chain and obtained the exchange constants intra- and inter-cbain, J and J', and its dependency on the content b. Then we made a study o f MnxA1_.,Nb20 6 series with A = Fe, Co and Ni. Our aim was to check how the nature and tbe difference in atomic radii can influence the stmctural and magnetic properties of tbese compounds. For those whlcb sbowed no magnetic ordering at 1.5 K we made a study of correlations at short distances using Bertaut's model. Thanks to tbe use of HP and HT synthesis we managed to stabilize MnV20 6 in orthorbombic symetry and determine its physical properties. We then performed a comparison witb the monoclinic MnV20G and with tbe 011horbombic MnNb206 compound as well. Macroscopic magnetic behaviour o f isostructural compounds are ve1y similar but in the case of MnNb20 6, the magnetic moments form + - + - type chains while the Mn V 20 6 presents cbains of + + - - type, a structure never observed before in tbis family o f compounds.

Produção de amora-preta, sistemas de condução, doses de torta de mamona e concentrações de cálcio e boro / Production and quality of blackberry trees in different conduction systems, castor bean cake doses and calcium and boron concentration

Ferreira, Letícia Vanni 16 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T14:22:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_leticia_vanni_ferreira.pdf: 2636799 bytes, checksum: 2bcdbd5cd409544bc1b70a9c46aede8f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-16 / The blackberry is a rustic specie and despite it has been introduced in Brazil in the 1970, there is few works about the cultural practices of this rosacea were conducted. The aim of this work was to evaluate production and quality of blackberries, using different trellis systems, castor bean pie as fertilization and calcium foliar applications in preharvest. The experiments were conducted at Embrapa Temperate Climate, Pelotas-RS and the chemical analyses, were made at Postharvest Fisiology Laboratory of this institution, from 2010 to 2012. In the first experiment was evaluation the trellis systems type, spaced between row of 0.50 x 3.0m, where the experimental design was in randomized block, with a factorial design 3x3: being three conduction systems (free, trelli and Y ) and three cultivars of blackberry (Tupy, Guarani and Xavante). The cultivar Tupy showed a higher production and fruit flesh average in all conduction systems. The system Y showed better results. In the second experiment was castor bean pie applicated as a base fertilization. The cultivar was cultivar Tupy, using the row spacing as 0.70 x 3m. The treatments were: T1- pattern; T2- 200; T3- 400; T4- 800; T5- 1.600 grams of castor bean pie per plant. The experimental design was randomized blocks. The variables haven t been influenced by castor bean pie. In the third experiment was the calcium foliar application in preharvest. The experimental design was randomized. In 2010 the experiment had four repetitions with eight fruits per repetition, with a factorial design 2x5x2, with two fertilizations levels with and without castor bean pie; five calcium foliar applications x g L-1 (0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 applications), and two storage periods on cold chamber (0 and 3 days). In 2011, there were three repetitions with ten fruits per block, and were doubled the application number of calcium foliar (0, 2, 4 and 8), and it was kept the same concentration per application, and three storage times (0, 3 and 8 days), with a factorial design 2x4x3. During storage there was a reduction of SS of blackberries, and there were significant losses of blackberries mass. The treatment which received a larger number of calcium applications showed a smaller mass loss of fruit. The calcium applications didn t influence the fruit firmness. / A amoreira-preta é uma espécie rústica e, apesar de ter sido introduzida no Brasil na década de 70, poucos trabalhos de manejo desta rosácea foram realizados. Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar a produção e qualidade de amoreiras-pretas, utilizando diferentes sistemas de condução, doses de torta de mamona como adubação e aplicações de cálcio em pré-colheita, visando a manutenção da fruta em pós-colheita. Os experimentos foram realizados na Embrapa Clima Temperado, Pelotas/RS e, as análises químicas, no Laboratório de Fisiologia da Pós-colheita da mesma, no período 2010 a 2012. No experimento 1, avaliou-se os sistemas de condução, o espaçamento utilizado foi de 0,50 x 3,0m, o delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, em um fatorial 3x3: três sistemas de condução (sem tutor, espaldeira e Y ) e três cultivares de amoreira-preta (Tupy, Guarani e Xavante). A cultivar Tupy apresentou maior produção e massa média de fruta em todos os sistemas de condução. O sistema em Y possibilitou melhores resultados. No experimento 2, testou-se a aplicação de torta de mamona como adubação de base, utilizou-se a cultivar Tupy, com espaçamento de 0,70 x 3m. Os tratamentos foram: T1- testemunha; T2- 200; T3- 400; T4- 800; T5- 1.600 gramas de torta de mamona por planta. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso. As variáveis não foram influenciadas pelas doses de torta de mamona. No experimento 3, avaliou-se a aplicação de cálcio em pré-colheita, o delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado. Em 2010 o experimento teve quatro repetições de oito frutas por repetição, num esquema fatorial 2x5x2, duas adubações com e sem torta de mamona; cinco de aplicações de cálcio (0, 1, 2, 3 e 4 aplicações), e dois períodos de armazenamento em câmara fria (0 e 3 dias). Em 2011, utilizou-se três repetições de dez frutas por parcela, e duplicou-se o número de aplicações de cálcio (0, 2, 4 e 8), matendo-se a mesma concentração por aplicação, e três períodos de armazenamento (0, 3 e 8 dias), num esquema fatorial 2x4x3. Durante o armazenamento ocorreu redução dos sólidos solúveis totais das amoras-pretas. Com o armazenamento ocorreram perdas significativas de massa das amoras-pretas. O tratamento que recebeu maior número de aplicações de cálcio apresentou menor perda de massa das frutas. As aplicações de cálcio não influenciaram na firmeza da fruta.

Studijní statistiky na portálu / Study Statistics for Portal

Gruzová, Michaela Unknown Date (has links)
The master's thesis discusses the project and implementation of study statistics of the Portal of Brno University of Technology. It analyses the structure of the BUT portal and the technologies used for its creation. The technologies we are speaking about are the server-side scripting language PHP, query language SQL and cascading style sheets CSS. It describes the Oracle database technology and the st01 database scheme, a large scheme containing data used by information systems. It analyses the initial state of web applications and the situation at single faculties. The thesis analyses different solutions of certain parts of the application and studies the most appropriate ones. At the end it describes the implementation of study statistics and its integration into the central information system.

Predicting the Longevity of DVDR Media by Periodic Analysis of Parity, Jitter, and ECC Performance Parameters

Wells, Daniel Patrick 14 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
For the last ten years, DVD-R media have played an important role in the storage of large amounts of digital data throughout the world. During this time it was assumed that the DVD-R was as long-lasting and stable as its predecessor, the CD-R. Several reports have surfaced over the last few years questioning the DVD-R's ability to maintain many of its claims regarding archival quality life spans. These reports have shown a wide range of longevity between the different brands. While some DVD-Rs may last a while, others may result in an early and unexpected failure. Compounding this problem is the lack of information available for consumers to know the quality of the media they own. While the industry works on devising a standard for labeling the quality of future media, it is currently up to the consumer to pay close attention to their own DVD-R archives and work diligently to prevent data loss. This research shows that through accelerated aging and the use of logistic regression analysis on data collected through periodic monitoring of disc read-back errors it is possible to accurately predict unrecoverable failures in the test discs. This study analyzed various measurements of PIE errors, PIE8 Sum errors, POF errors and jitter data from three areas of the disc: the whole disc, the region of the disc where it first failed as well as the last half of the disc. From this data five unique predictive equations were produced, each with the ability to predict disc failure. In conclusion, the relative value of these equations for end-of-life predictions is discussed.

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