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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implication de l'activité constitutive du récepteur de la ghréline dans la tumorigenèse des adénomes somatotropes / Implication of the constitutive activity of the GHS-R1a in tumorigenesis of somatotroph adenomas

Mear, Yves 20 December 2013 (has links)
Les adénomes hypophysaires sont les tumeurs intracérébrales les plus fréquentes. Les adénomes somatotropes hypersécrètent l’hormone de croissance (GH) et sont traités classiquement par des analogues somatostatinergiques. Une petite moitié des patients acromégales est néanmoins résistante à ces traitements. L’on sait depuis, quelques années, que le récepteur de la ghréline possède une forte activité constitutive et joue un rôle majeur dans la sécrétion de GH. Cette activité constitutive est-elle impliquée dans la tumorigenèse des adénomes somatotropes ? Nos travaux ont montré un niveau de transcrits, codant pour le GHS-R, particulièrement élevé dans ces tumeurs, et l’immunocytochimie révèle un marquage punctiforme localisé à la membrane plasmique. La MSP (agoniste inverse du GHS-R) induit une diminution dose-dépendante de la sécrétion de GH des cultures primaires d’adénomes somatotropes. Cette efficacité de la MSP sur la sécrétion de l’hormone de croissance est particulièrement remarquable sur les patients résistants aux agonistes somatostatinergiques chez qui elle démontre une efficacité relative accrue. Des clones, surexprimant le GHS-R humain (lignées MYST-R), ont été générés à partir de lignées somato-lactotropes tumorales de rat (GH4C1). Sur ces cellules, le ligand endogène du GHS-R induit une augmentation d’IP3 intracellulaire. De façon originale, la MSP induit une diminution du niveau d’IP3 intracellulaire. L’inhibition de l’activité constitutive du GHS-R par un agoniste inverse, tel que la MSP, pourrait permettre de réprimer l’hypersécrétion de GH, faisant de cette molécule une alternative pharmacologique aux traitements actuels des adénomes somatotropes. / Pituitary tumors are most usual intracranial tumors. The somatotroph adenomas are characterised by a GH hypersecretion. The current treatments are based on somatostatinergic agonists. Unfortunately, there is steel 50% of patients, which remain insensitive to these treatments. The aim of our work was to find a pharmacological alternative to treat the patients resistant to the current therapies. Ghrelin stimulate pituitary GH release in vivo through GHS-R1a activation. Interestingly, this receptor transduces signal through an unusual high constitutive activity. Noteworthy, human somatotroph adenomas expressed a high level of GHS-R1a at both mRNA and protein level. We actually assess the implication of this constitutive activity in the tumorigenesis of the somatotroph adenomas. Firstly we demonstrated GHS-R1a functionality through its capacity to fixe endogenous ligand. Then we showed that treatment of human somatotroph adenomas primary cultures, with the GHS-R1a inverse agonist (MSP: Modified Substance P), induced a dose dependent decrease of GH secretion. To foremost investigate the transduction mechanisms underlying these results, we developed, from GH4C1 (rat somato-lactotroph tumoral cell line), stable monoclonal cell lines overexpressing human GHS-R1a (named MYST-Rg). Interestingly MYST-Rg cells exhibit relatively high basal activation of the IP3 pathway. GHS-R1a endogenous ligand (ghrelin) strengthens basal IP3 pathway activation of MYST-Rg cells. Noteworthy, the basal IP3 pathway activation can be lessened by MSP treatment. Thus, MSP could be a useful alternative to the current therapies of somatotroph adenomas.

The Stimulation of Luteinizing Hormone Secretion from Anterior Pituitary Cells in Culture by Substance P: A Dissertation

Shamgochian, Maureen 01 May 1990 (has links)
The observations that substance P (SP) is localized in the anterior pituitary gland (AP) and is regulated by the hormonal status of the animal, as well as the demonstration of SP binding sites in the AP, have led to the idea that SP may participate in the regulation of AP function. Numerous and sometimes contradictory reports of SP effects on AP hormone secretion, particularly on luteinizing hormone (LH), left the question of whether SP acts directly at the level of the AP to regulate LH secretion still unanswered. To investigate a possible physiological function of SP in the AP, the effects of exogenous SP on LH secretion from AP cells from adult and prepubertal male and female rats in short term culture were studied. It was found that SP (100nM-1μM) significantly stimulates LH release in cultured AP cells and that this effect varies as a function of age and sex. SP has no significant effect on LH release from AP cells of male and female prepubertal rats. After day 30 a sharp increase in the response to SP occurs in both sexes. This level of responsiveness continues through adulthood in AP cells from the female rat. In contrast, AP cells from male rats failed to respond during adulthood (over 50 days of age) but were highly responsive during the peripubertal period (30-35 days). The possibility that the responsiveness to SP is influenced by the endocrine status of the animal was investigated by exposing AP cells from responding animals to androgens in vivo and in vitro. It was found that AP cells from female rats treated with androgen were less responsive to 100nM SP but did respond at higher doses of SP. SP effects on AP function were further analyzed in experiments using radioligand binding assays to assess possible changes in SP receptor number or affinity as related to age and sex. In AP membranes from female rats, maximum binding is 8-fold higher (Bmax=4.2 pmo1/mg membrane protein) than in AP membranes from male rats (Bmax=560fmo1/ mg membrane protein). These studies suggest a role for SP as a secondary regulator of LH secretion with possible physiological significance for reproductive function.

Funktionelle Charakterisierung heterozygoter GLI2 missense Mutationen bei Patienten mit multiplem hypophysären Hormonmangel

Flemming, Gunter 11 December 2013 (has links)
Der GLI2-Transkriptionsfaktor ist eines der Haupt Effektor-Proteine des Sonic Hedgehog (SHH)-Signalweges und hat vermutlich eine Schlüsselfunktion in der Entwicklung der Hypophyse. Genomische GLI2-Veränderungen welche zu abgeschnittenen Proteinen führten, wurden beschrieben als Ursache für Holoprosenzephalie (HPE) oder HPE-ähnliche Veränderungen, teilweise in Verbindung mit einer Hypophysenunterfunktion. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Ermittlung der Frequenz von GLI2-Mutationen in Patienten mit multiplem hypophysärem Hormonausfall (multiple pituitary hormone deficiency, MPHD) und eine funktionelle Untersuchung der gefunden Mutationen mittels Transkriptionsaktivitäts-Untersuchungen durch funktionelle Luciferase assays. Hierfür wählten wir Teilnehmer der GeNeSIS (Genetics and Neuroendocrinology of Short Stature International Study)-Studie. Patienten bei denen bereits Mutationen eines der etablierten Gene für MPHD nachgewiesen wurde, wurden ausgeschlossen. Insgesamt haben wir 168 Patienten mit MPHD untersucht. Bei allen Patienten waren mindestens ein GH- und ein TSH-Mangel dokumentiert, Auffälligkeiten in der zentralen Bildgebung mittels cMRT wurden bei 96 Patienten angegeben. In fünf Studienteilnehmern wurden vier verschiedene heterozygote missense Varianten nachgewiesen, hiervon wurden zwei bislang noch nicht in der Literatur beschrieben. Eine Variante, pR516P, führte in den in-vitro Experimenten zu einem kompletten Verlust der Proteinaktivität. Zusätzlich zu einem Wachstumshormonmangel hatte der Träger dieser Mutation einen Mangel an TSH und der Gonadotropine, sowie einen nichtdeszendierten Hypophysenhinterlappen und eine Polydaktylie, aber keine ersichtlichen Mittelliniendefekte. Anhand der funktionellen Untersuchung konnten wir erstmalig nachweisen, dass ein heterozygoter Aminosäuren-Austausch im GLI2-Protein zu einer möglichen Funktionseinschränkung der Transkriptionsaktivität führen kann und somit die Ursache für MPHD mit milden extrahypophysären Auffälligkeiten sein könnte. Der Phänotyp von GLI2-Mutationen ist variabel und die Penetranz ist unvollständig. GLI2-Mutationen sind assoziiert mit einer Hypoplasie des Hypophysenvorderlappens und treten gehäuft mit einem ektopen Hypophysenhinterlappen auf.:1. Bibliographische Beschreibung S. 4 2. Abkürzungen (alphabetisch sortiert) S. 6 3. Hintergrund S. 8 3.1 Minderwuchs S. 8 3.2 GeNeSIS-Programm S. 10 3.3 Entwicklung, Aufbau und Funktion der Hypophyse S. 11 3.4 Molekularbiologie der Hypophysenentwicklung S. 12 3.4.1 Signalmoleküle, die die Stratifizierung der Rathke-Tasche und die Festlegung der hypophysären Zelllinien bestimmen S. 12 3.4.2 Transkriptionsfaktoren, welche die frühen Phasen der Anlage kontrollieren S. 13 3.5 Hedgehog-Gen Familie S. 15 3.5.1 SHH-Prozessierung und Freisetzung S. 16 3.5.2 SHH-Rezeptorbindung S. 17 3.5.3 SHH-Signaltransduktion S. 17 3.6 GLI-Proteine S. 18 3.6.1 GLI2 S. 19 3.6.2 GLI2-Mutationen bei Menschen S. 20 3.7 Rationale für die Promotionsarbeit S. 20 4. Publikation S. 22 4.1. Druckversion S. 22 4.2 Supplemental Material S. 32 5. Zusammenfassung und Interpretation S. 40 5.1 Screening S. 41 5.2 GLI2-Varianten S. 41 5.3 Experimentelle Untersuchungen S. 42 5.4 Interpretation und Diskussion S. 43 6. Referenzen S. 45 7. Anlagen S. 54 7.1 Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit S. 54 7.2 Lebenslauf S. 55 7.3 Publikationen und Auszeichnungen S. 56 7.3.1 Publikationen S. 56 7.3.1 Auszeichnungen S. 56 7.5 Danksagung S. 57

Structure-fonction de l’action pionnière de Pax7

Bascunana, Virginie 08 1900 (has links)
Dans l’hypophyse, Pax7 spécifie l’état du lobe intermédiaire grâce à son action pionnière. Cette action implique dans un premier temps une liaison de cette protéine à certains sites d’hétérochromatine et, par la suite, le remodelage de cette hétérochromatine en euchromatine. Le remodelage de l’épigénome par Pax7 permet au facteur de transcription Tpit d’entrainer l’activation du transcriptome mélanotrope par opposition au destin hypophysaire corticotrope entraîné par Tpit en l’absence de Pax7. Pour étudier l’action pionnière de Pax7, différents membres du laboratoire Drouin ont utilisé un modèle de cellules corticotropes. L’expression ectopique du facteur pionnier Pax7 dans ces cellules permet leur transition d’un phénotype corticotrope à mélanotrope. En plus de l’isoforme prédominante de Pax7 exprimée dans hypophyse avec lequel les travaux de Budry et Mayran ont étaient faits, il existe trois autres isoformes de Pax7 qui diffèrent par quelques acides aminés (Q et GL) dans le domaine PAIRED liant l’ADN. Nous voulions savoir quels étaient les domaines protéiques de Pax7 impliqués pour son activité pionnière. Nous avons d’abord étudié les propriétés des différents isoformes naturelles de Pax7 présentant des variations dans le domaine PAIRED que ce soient pour leurs capacités de facteur transcription ou de facteur pionnier dans un modèle de cellules de corticotrope. Nous avons constaté que les quatre isoformes de Pax7, ainsi que Pax3, le facteur le plus homologue à Pax7 dans la famille Pax, présentent une capacité similaire à lier la chromatine fermée. Cependant, Pax3 et les isoformes de Pax7 (GL+) sont incapables d’ouvrir la chromatine sur un sous-groupe d’enhancers pionniers nécessaire à l’activation du transcriptome mélanotrope. Par la suite, par analyse structure-fonction, nous avons identifié une région de Pax7 importante pour sa liaison à soixante pour cent des sites présents dans l’hétérochromatine qui sont ciblés par l’action pionnière et une région importante pour l’ouverture de chromatine aux sites des pionniers sensibles à la variation GL. Collectivement, nos données ont montré que les acides aminés GL dans le domaine PAIRED en N-terminal et la partie C-terminale de la protéine Pax7 sont critiques pour l’ouverture de la chromatine à des enhancers spécifiques présents dans l’hétérochromatine dont l’activation est nécessaire au destin mélanotrope. D’autre part, les analyses de structure-fonctions nous ont permis d’identifier une région critique de Pax7 nécessaire à son interaction avec l’hétérochromatine sur ces même enhancers. / In the pituitary, Pax7 specifies the intermediate lobe state through a pioneer factor action that involves the binding of this protein to certain heterochromatin sites and, subsequently, the remodeling of this heterochromatin into euchromatin. Epigenome remodeling by Pax7 thus allows the transcription factor Tpit to determine the melanotrope fate as opposed to the corticotrope pituitary fate that is driven by Tpit in absence of Pax7. To study the pioneering action of Pax7, Budry et al, and Mayran et al, used a model of corticotrope cells which, following the expression of Pax7, transit from a corticotrope phenotype to melanotic phenotype thanks to its pioneering action. In addition to the predominant Pax7 isoform expressed in pituitary with which the work of Budry and Mayran were done, there are three other Pax7 isoforms that differ by a few amino acids (Q and GL) in the DNA-binding paired domain. We wanted to know what protein domains of Pax7 was involved in its pioneering activity. We have investigated the properties of the different Pax7 isoforms with respect to their transcriptional and pioneer capabilities in a model of corticotrope cells. We found that all four Pax7 isoforms together with the closely related factor Pax3, exhibit a similar ability to bind closed chromatin. However, Pax3 and the isoforms of Pax7 (GL+) failed to open the chromatin at a subset of enhancer necessary to activate the melanotrope transcriptome. In addition, we have identified by structure-function analysis a region of Pax7 that appears important for Pax7 binding at 60 percent of heterochromatin sites that are targeted for pioneering and one region important for chromatin opening to the pioneer sites GL-sensible. Collectively, our data suggest that the amino acids GL in the paired domain and the C-terminal part are critical for the chromatin opening to heterochromatin sites necessary to melanotrope transcriptome. On the other hand, structure-functions analyses allowed us to identify a critical region of Pax7 required for the interaction with heterochromatin on these same enhancers.

Análise molecular do gene HES1 em pacientes portadores de hipopituitarismo congênito / Molecular analysis of the HES1 gene in patients with congenital hypopituitarism

Otto, Aline Pedrosa 29 July 2014 (has links)
Estudos em modelos animais transgênicos possibilitaram o conhecimento de parte dos genes envolvidos na embriogênese hipofisária e da etiologia genética do hipopituitarismo em humanos. Entretanto, a etiologia da maior parte dos casos de hipopituitarismo congênito, principalmente os associados à neuro-hipófise ectópica (NE), ainda é pouco definida. Mutações no gene PROP1 são a causa genética mais comum de hipopituitarismo descritas até o momento, mas estão sempre associadas à neuro-hipófise tópica. Estudos destinados a esclarecer o mecanismo molecular da mutação do gene Prop1 em camundongos demonstraram a participação da via de sinalização Notch e de seus componentes, dentre eles, o gene Hes1. O HES1 é um gene que codifica um fator de transcrição que participa de estágios precoces do desenvolvimento hipofisário e está envolvido com a morfogênese da neuro-hipófise. A avaliação do camundongo com nocaute em homozigose deste gene acarreta uma hipoplasia da adeno-hipófise e ausência da neuro-hipófise; e sua expressão constitutiva está associada ao hipopituitarismo. Como a NE é um achado comum no hipopituitarismo congênito e o gene HES1 pode estar relacionado a sua fisiopatologia, a região codificadora do gene HES1 foi avaliada em 192 pacientes com hipopituitarismo congênito. A variante alélica c.578G > A (p.G193D) em heterozigose foi encontrada em um paciente com hipopituitarismo congênito associado à NE. A avaliação da predição in silico do efeito funcional da variante pela ferramenta MutationTaster sugere que a troca do aminoácido glicina, altamente conservado entre os mamíferos, por ácido aspártico, seja deletéria. No estudo da segregação familiar, quatro irmãos aparentemente normais apresentam a mesma variante, sendo que dois deles possuem alterações discretas na imagem da hipófise. Em conclusão, esta é uma nova variante alélica descrita no gene HES1, ausente em grandes bancos de dados e controles saudáveis da população brasileira, mas presente em irmãos não afetados. Estudos funcionais in vitro são necessários para esclarecer o efeito biológico desta variante. Um padrão de herança complexo com penetrância incompleta é possível e já descrito em outros genes associados ao hipopituitarismo. Na tentativa de elucidar a causa genética do hipopituitarismo neste caso, o material genético deste paciente e de seus familiares foram submetidos ao sequenciamento do exoma, mas os resultados estão inconclusivos até o momento / Studies of transgenic animal models have allowed for the discovery of genes involved in human pituitary embryogenesis and the genetic etiology of hypopituitarism. However, the genetic causes of most cases of congenital hypopituitarism, especially those associated with an ectopic posterior pituitary, remain poorly defined. Mutations in the gene PROP1 are the most common genetic causes of hypopituitarism described to date, and are always associated with an ectopic posterior pituitary. Studies to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of Prop1 mutations in mice have demonstrated the involvement of the Notch signaling pathway, including its downstream target Hes1. The HES1 gene encodes a transcription factor that participates in early stages of pituitary development and is involved in posterior pituitary morphogenesis. Hes1 knockout mice exhibit a hypoplastic anterior pituitary and absence of a posterior pituitary. Conversely, constitutive expression of Hes1 is associated with hypopituitarism. Since an ectopic posterior pituitary is commonly found in congenital hypopituitarism and the HES1 gene may be related to its pathophysiology, the coding region of gene HES1 was screened in 192 patients with congenital hypopituitarism. A heterozygous allelic variant c.578G >A (p.G193D) was identified in a patient with congenital hypopituitarism associated with an ectopic posterior pituitary. Assessment by MutationTaster, a bioinformatic tool for in silico prediction of functional effect of missense variants, suggests that substitution of glycine (a highly conserved amino acid in this position among mammals) for aspartic acid is deleterious. In the genetic study of family members, we identified four apparently normal siblings with the same variant, two of which have discrete changes in their pituitary MRI. In conclusion, we described a new allelic variant in the gene HES1, absent in large databases and healthy Brazilian controls, but present in the unaffected siblings. In vitro functional studies are needed to clarify the biological effect of this variant. A complex pattern of inheritance with incomplete penetrance is possible in this case, as it has already been described in other genes associated with hypopituitarism. In an attempt to elucidate the genetic cause of hypopituitarism in the family described, DNA samples of this patient and his family were submitted to exome sequencing, but results are inconclusive at this time

Análise molecular do gene HES1 em pacientes portadores de hipopituitarismo congênito / Molecular analysis of the HES1 gene in patients with congenital hypopituitarism

Aline Pedrosa Otto 29 July 2014 (has links)
Estudos em modelos animais transgênicos possibilitaram o conhecimento de parte dos genes envolvidos na embriogênese hipofisária e da etiologia genética do hipopituitarismo em humanos. Entretanto, a etiologia da maior parte dos casos de hipopituitarismo congênito, principalmente os associados à neuro-hipófise ectópica (NE), ainda é pouco definida. Mutações no gene PROP1 são a causa genética mais comum de hipopituitarismo descritas até o momento, mas estão sempre associadas à neuro-hipófise tópica. Estudos destinados a esclarecer o mecanismo molecular da mutação do gene Prop1 em camundongos demonstraram a participação da via de sinalização Notch e de seus componentes, dentre eles, o gene Hes1. O HES1 é um gene que codifica um fator de transcrição que participa de estágios precoces do desenvolvimento hipofisário e está envolvido com a morfogênese da neuro-hipófise. A avaliação do camundongo com nocaute em homozigose deste gene acarreta uma hipoplasia da adeno-hipófise e ausência da neuro-hipófise; e sua expressão constitutiva está associada ao hipopituitarismo. Como a NE é um achado comum no hipopituitarismo congênito e o gene HES1 pode estar relacionado a sua fisiopatologia, a região codificadora do gene HES1 foi avaliada em 192 pacientes com hipopituitarismo congênito. A variante alélica c.578G > A (p.G193D) em heterozigose foi encontrada em um paciente com hipopituitarismo congênito associado à NE. A avaliação da predição in silico do efeito funcional da variante pela ferramenta MutationTaster sugere que a troca do aminoácido glicina, altamente conservado entre os mamíferos, por ácido aspártico, seja deletéria. No estudo da segregação familiar, quatro irmãos aparentemente normais apresentam a mesma variante, sendo que dois deles possuem alterações discretas na imagem da hipófise. Em conclusão, esta é uma nova variante alélica descrita no gene HES1, ausente em grandes bancos de dados e controles saudáveis da população brasileira, mas presente em irmãos não afetados. Estudos funcionais in vitro são necessários para esclarecer o efeito biológico desta variante. Um padrão de herança complexo com penetrância incompleta é possível e já descrito em outros genes associados ao hipopituitarismo. Na tentativa de elucidar a causa genética do hipopituitarismo neste caso, o material genético deste paciente e de seus familiares foram submetidos ao sequenciamento do exoma, mas os resultados estão inconclusivos até o momento / Studies of transgenic animal models have allowed for the discovery of genes involved in human pituitary embryogenesis and the genetic etiology of hypopituitarism. However, the genetic causes of most cases of congenital hypopituitarism, especially those associated with an ectopic posterior pituitary, remain poorly defined. Mutations in the gene PROP1 are the most common genetic causes of hypopituitarism described to date, and are always associated with an ectopic posterior pituitary. Studies to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of Prop1 mutations in mice have demonstrated the involvement of the Notch signaling pathway, including its downstream target Hes1. The HES1 gene encodes a transcription factor that participates in early stages of pituitary development and is involved in posterior pituitary morphogenesis. Hes1 knockout mice exhibit a hypoplastic anterior pituitary and absence of a posterior pituitary. Conversely, constitutive expression of Hes1 is associated with hypopituitarism. Since an ectopic posterior pituitary is commonly found in congenital hypopituitarism and the HES1 gene may be related to its pathophysiology, the coding region of gene HES1 was screened in 192 patients with congenital hypopituitarism. A heterozygous allelic variant c.578G >A (p.G193D) was identified in a patient with congenital hypopituitarism associated with an ectopic posterior pituitary. Assessment by MutationTaster, a bioinformatic tool for in silico prediction of functional effect of missense variants, suggests that substitution of glycine (a highly conserved amino acid in this position among mammals) for aspartic acid is deleterious. In the genetic study of family members, we identified four apparently normal siblings with the same variant, two of which have discrete changes in their pituitary MRI. In conclusion, we described a new allelic variant in the gene HES1, absent in large databases and healthy Brazilian controls, but present in the unaffected siblings. In vitro functional studies are needed to clarify the biological effect of this variant. A complex pattern of inheritance with incomplete penetrance is possible in this case, as it has already been described in other genes associated with hypopituitarism. In an attempt to elucidate the genetic cause of hypopituitarism in the family described, DNA samples of this patient and his family were submitted to exome sequencing, but results are inconclusive at this time

Análise da expressão do KISS1/KISS1  do polimorfismo rs5780218 KISS1 em somatotropinomas e adenomas hipofisários clinicamente não funcionantes / Investigation of KISS1/KISS1R gene expression and KISS1 rs5780218 polymorphism in somatotropinomas nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas

Amorim, Paulo Vinícius Gonçalves Holanda 20 April 2018 (has links)
Apesar de amplamente estudados, os mecanismos envolvidos no processo de transformação neoplásica das células hipofisárias e na progressão desses tumores permanecem, ainda, pouco esclarecidos. Os genes da kisspeptina (KISS1), originalmente identificado como um supressor tumoral, e de seu receptor (KISS1R) desempenham um papel crucial no eixo hipotalâmico-hipofisário-gonadal e sua perda de expressão foi, recentemente, relacionada ao surgimento dos adenomas hipofisários. Com o objetivo de estudar a importância do KISS1/KISSR nesses tumores, foram avaliadas a expressão desses genes e a frequência do polimorfismo rs5780218 na região promotora do KISS1, em somatotropinomas e adenomas hipofisários clinicamente não funcionantes (ACNF). Foram avaliados 97pacientes, 49 somatotropinomas e 48 ACNF. DNA tumoral foi obtido de todos os tumores e RNA de 68 caso. Desses tumores, 52 foram classificados como invasivos (44 apresentavam invasão apenas para o seio cavernoso) e 45 não invasivos. A quantificação da expressão do mRNA de KISS1 e KISS1R foi realizada pela qPCR em tempo real com sondas TaqMan utilizando o método de quantificação relativa 2-deltaCt. A determinação do genótipo do rs5780218 foi feita por PCR seguida pela técnica de polimorfismo no comprimento do fragmento de restrição (RFLP). O gene KISS1 apresentou-se hipo-expresso na vasta maioria dos pacientes avaliados (97.2% dos somatotropinomas e 92.6% do ACNF). Em relação ao KISS1R, este também estava hipo-expresso na maior parte dos pacientes (100% dos somatotropinomas e 84.4% dos ACNF). Hiperexpressão do KISS1 e KISS1R foi rara em ambos os subtipos tumorais. Em relação as características clínicas dos pacientes e ao fenótipo tumoral, como tamanho e invasividade, não foram encontradas diferenças significantes na expressão desses genes. A avaliação do polimorfismo rs5780218 no KISS1 mostrou que o genótipo homozigoto para o alelo variante foi bem mais frequente nos somatotropinomas (32.6%) versus ACNF (10.4%; P=0.03). A presença do rs5780218 foi relacionada a invasividade tumoral, quando considerado apenas a invasão para o seio cavernoso (P=0.03). Esse é um dado interessante, já que a KISS1 pode formar um complexo com as metaloproteinases e estas têm sido relacionadas a invasão dos adenomas hipofisários para o seio cavernoso e não para o seio esfenoidal. Entre os pacientes com ACNF, o alelo variante foi mais frequente nos indivíduos do sexo masculino (P=0.02) e foi relacionado com uma menor idade de diagnóstico (mediana 33.0 anos, min 26 - max 42) quanto presente em homozigose (P < 0.01); os pacientes homozigotos para o alelo ancestral e heterozigotos apresentaram idade diagnóstica com mediana de 50.0 (min 19 - max 73) e 54.8 (min 17- max 84), respectivamente. Curiosamente, a expressão do KISS1 foi menor nos tumores com homozigose para o alelo mutante tantos nos somatotropinomas quanto nos ACNF. Em conclusão, foi observada hipo-expressão do KISS1 e KISS1R nos somatotropinomas e ACNF, podendo essa perda expressão estar relacionada a gênese desses adenomas. O alelo variante rs5780218 KISS1 foi relacionado a invasão para o seio cavernoso e encontrado em maior frequência nos somatotropinomas, sugerindo que a importância dos KISS1/KISS1R pode diferir entre os subtipos de tumores hipofisários / Although broadly studied, the mechanisms involved in the neoplastic process of pituitary cells remains still unclear. Kisspeptin1 (KISS1), originally identified as a tumor suppressor, and its receptor (KISS1R) play a crucial role in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis and the loss of their expression was, recently, associated with pituitary adenomas onset. Aiming to investigated the importance of KISS1/KISS1R in these tumors, expression of KISS1 and KISS1R was determined in somatotropinomas and nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas (NFPA). The frequency of the rs5780218 polymorphism, located in the KISS1 promoter region, was also evaluated. A total of 97 patients were assessed, 49 somatotropinomas and 48 NFPA. Among these, 52 were categorized as invasive (44 of which only showed invasion to the cavernous sinus). KISS1 and KISS1R mRNA expression was performed through RT-qPCR using TaqMan probes and the 2-deltaCt relative quantification method. KISS1 rs5780218 genotyping was done by PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method. The KISS1 gene was underexpressed in the vast majority of the cases (97.2% of the somatotropinomas and 92.6% of NFPA). KISS1Runderexpression have also been observed in most cases (100% of the somatotropinomas and 84.4% of the NFPA). KISS1 and KISS1R overexpression was rarely detected. No significant differences were found between KISS1 and KISS1R gene expression and patient\'s clinical characteristics and tumor phenotype, such as size and invasiveness. The characterization of rs5780218 showed that the variant genotype in homozygosis was much more frequent in somatotropinomas (32.6%) versus NFPA (10.4%; P=0.03). The presence of variant allele was associated with tumor invasiveness when considered invasion to the cavernous sinus only (P=0.03). This data is particularly interesting, since KISS1 has the ability for form a complex with metalloproteinases and these, for instance, are related to invasiveness of pituitary adenomas to the cavernous, but not to the sphenoidal, sinus. When considered only NFPA, the variant allele was more frequent in males (P=0.02) and was associated with earlier age at presentation (median 33 years old, min 26 - max 42) when in homozygosis (P < 0.01); the wilt-type homozygotes and heterozygotes had medians of 50.0 (min 19 - max 73) and 54.8 (min 17 - max 84), respectively. Curiously, KISS1 expression was lower in rs5780218 homozygotes both in somatotropinomas and NFPA. In conclusion, we have identified the KISS1 and KISS1R underexpression in both somatotropinomas and NFPA, which lead to notion that the loss of expression might be related to the genesis of these adenomas. The rs5780218 KISS1 variant allele was associated with invasion to the cavernous sinus and was found to be more frequent in somatotropinomas, suggesting that role of KISS1/KISS1R in tumor behavior might differ between pituitary adenomas subtypes

Localização das diferentes formas de GnRH no encefálo de Astyanax altiparanae (Garutti e Britski, 2000) e Danio rerio (Hamilton, 1822). / Localization of different forms of GnRH in the brain of Astyanax altiparanae (Garutti and Britski, 2000) and Danio rerio (Hamilton, 1822).

Gomes, Chayrra Chehade 22 October 2010 (has links)
O GnRH é um decapeptídeo que está envolvido na reprodução, estimulando a hipófise a liberar gonadotropinas (LH e FSH), as quais regulam a esteroidogênese e gametogênese. Ainda, o GnRH age como neuromodulador atuando no comportamento sexual. A distribuição de suas isoformas pode ajudar a revelar a função específica de cada GnRH. A principal ênfase deste estudo foi detectar a presença e distribuição por imuno-histoquímica, e a expressão gênica de diferentes formas de GnRH no encéfalo de Astyanax altiparanae e Danio rerio, os quais têm importância comercial, ecológica e acadêmica. Em Astyanax altiparanae foi encontrado GnRH3 em diversos corpos celulares, inclusive em corpos celulares ligados à função reprodutiva, juntamente com fibras que inervam a neuro-hipófise. O GnRH1 foi encontrado apenas em fibras. Em Danio rerio foi encontrado GnRH3 nos núcleos da região hipotalâmica e em um grande número de fibras, incluindo as que inervam a neuro-hipófise. A expressão gênica de GnRH2 e 3 foi observada em Danio rerio. / GnRH is a decapeptide involved in reproduction, stimulating the pituitary to release gonadotropins, which, in turn, regulate the steroidogenesis and gametogenesis. In addition to the reproductive function, the GnRH displays neuromodulatory roles with implications in the modulation of sexual behavior. Therefore, the main emphasis of this study is to detect the presence, distribution, and gene expression of different forms of GnRH in the brain of the freshwater teleosts Astyanax altiparanae and Danio rerio, which have commercial, ecological and academic importance. The immunohistochemical method of peroxidase was used to detect GnRHs in the brain and pituitary. In A. altiparanae immunoreactivity to anti-GnRH3 was found in various cell bodies, including those related to reproductive functions, and fibers which innervate the neurohypophysis. Immunoreactivity for GnRH1 was found only in fibers. In D. rerio immunoreactivity to anti-GnRH3 was found in hypothalamic nuclei and in a large number of fibers, including the ones which innervate the neurohypophysis.

Correção fenotípica do nanismo avaliada por diferentes parâmetros de crescimento após administração de DNA plasmidial em modelo animal de deficiência isolada do hormônio do crescimento / Phenotypic correction of dwarfism mediated by different growth parameters after plasmid DNA administration in an animal model of isolated growth hormone deficiency

HIGUTI, ELIZA 22 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2016-06-22T11:39:54Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-22T11:39:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP / FAPESP:11/21708-6

Análise da expressão do KISS1/KISS1  do polimorfismo rs5780218 KISS1 em somatotropinomas e adenomas hipofisários clinicamente não funcionantes / Investigation of KISS1/KISS1R gene expression and KISS1 rs5780218 polymorphism in somatotropinomas nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas

Paulo Vinícius Gonçalves Holanda Amorim 20 April 2018 (has links)
Apesar de amplamente estudados, os mecanismos envolvidos no processo de transformação neoplásica das células hipofisárias e na progressão desses tumores permanecem, ainda, pouco esclarecidos. Os genes da kisspeptina (KISS1), originalmente identificado como um supressor tumoral, e de seu receptor (KISS1R) desempenham um papel crucial no eixo hipotalâmico-hipofisário-gonadal e sua perda de expressão foi, recentemente, relacionada ao surgimento dos adenomas hipofisários. Com o objetivo de estudar a importância do KISS1/KISSR nesses tumores, foram avaliadas a expressão desses genes e a frequência do polimorfismo rs5780218 na região promotora do KISS1, em somatotropinomas e adenomas hipofisários clinicamente não funcionantes (ACNF). Foram avaliados 97pacientes, 49 somatotropinomas e 48 ACNF. DNA tumoral foi obtido de todos os tumores e RNA de 68 caso. Desses tumores, 52 foram classificados como invasivos (44 apresentavam invasão apenas para o seio cavernoso) e 45 não invasivos. A quantificação da expressão do mRNA de KISS1 e KISS1R foi realizada pela qPCR em tempo real com sondas TaqMan utilizando o método de quantificação relativa 2-deltaCt. A determinação do genótipo do rs5780218 foi feita por PCR seguida pela técnica de polimorfismo no comprimento do fragmento de restrição (RFLP). O gene KISS1 apresentou-se hipo-expresso na vasta maioria dos pacientes avaliados (97.2% dos somatotropinomas e 92.6% do ACNF). Em relação ao KISS1R, este também estava hipo-expresso na maior parte dos pacientes (100% dos somatotropinomas e 84.4% dos ACNF). Hiperexpressão do KISS1 e KISS1R foi rara em ambos os subtipos tumorais. Em relação as características clínicas dos pacientes e ao fenótipo tumoral, como tamanho e invasividade, não foram encontradas diferenças significantes na expressão desses genes. A avaliação do polimorfismo rs5780218 no KISS1 mostrou que o genótipo homozigoto para o alelo variante foi bem mais frequente nos somatotropinomas (32.6%) versus ACNF (10.4%; P=0.03). A presença do rs5780218 foi relacionada a invasividade tumoral, quando considerado apenas a invasão para o seio cavernoso (P=0.03). Esse é um dado interessante, já que a KISS1 pode formar um complexo com as metaloproteinases e estas têm sido relacionadas a invasão dos adenomas hipofisários para o seio cavernoso e não para o seio esfenoidal. Entre os pacientes com ACNF, o alelo variante foi mais frequente nos indivíduos do sexo masculino (P=0.02) e foi relacionado com uma menor idade de diagnóstico (mediana 33.0 anos, min 26 - max 42) quanto presente em homozigose (P < 0.01); os pacientes homozigotos para o alelo ancestral e heterozigotos apresentaram idade diagnóstica com mediana de 50.0 (min 19 - max 73) e 54.8 (min 17- max 84), respectivamente. Curiosamente, a expressão do KISS1 foi menor nos tumores com homozigose para o alelo mutante tantos nos somatotropinomas quanto nos ACNF. Em conclusão, foi observada hipo-expressão do KISS1 e KISS1R nos somatotropinomas e ACNF, podendo essa perda expressão estar relacionada a gênese desses adenomas. O alelo variante rs5780218 KISS1 foi relacionado a invasão para o seio cavernoso e encontrado em maior frequência nos somatotropinomas, sugerindo que a importância dos KISS1/KISS1R pode diferir entre os subtipos de tumores hipofisários / Although broadly studied, the mechanisms involved in the neoplastic process of pituitary cells remains still unclear. Kisspeptin1 (KISS1), originally identified as a tumor suppressor, and its receptor (KISS1R) play a crucial role in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis and the loss of their expression was, recently, associated with pituitary adenomas onset. Aiming to investigated the importance of KISS1/KISS1R in these tumors, expression of KISS1 and KISS1R was determined in somatotropinomas and nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas (NFPA). The frequency of the rs5780218 polymorphism, located in the KISS1 promoter region, was also evaluated. A total of 97 patients were assessed, 49 somatotropinomas and 48 NFPA. Among these, 52 were categorized as invasive (44 of which only showed invasion to the cavernous sinus). KISS1 and KISS1R mRNA expression was performed through RT-qPCR using TaqMan probes and the 2-deltaCt relative quantification method. KISS1 rs5780218 genotyping was done by PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method. The KISS1 gene was underexpressed in the vast majority of the cases (97.2% of the somatotropinomas and 92.6% of NFPA). KISS1Runderexpression have also been observed in most cases (100% of the somatotropinomas and 84.4% of the NFPA). KISS1 and KISS1R overexpression was rarely detected. No significant differences were found between KISS1 and KISS1R gene expression and patient\'s clinical characteristics and tumor phenotype, such as size and invasiveness. The characterization of rs5780218 showed that the variant genotype in homozygosis was much more frequent in somatotropinomas (32.6%) versus NFPA (10.4%; P=0.03). The presence of variant allele was associated with tumor invasiveness when considered invasion to the cavernous sinus only (P=0.03). This data is particularly interesting, since KISS1 has the ability for form a complex with metalloproteinases and these, for instance, are related to invasiveness of pituitary adenomas to the cavernous, but not to the sphenoidal, sinus. When considered only NFPA, the variant allele was more frequent in males (P=0.02) and was associated with earlier age at presentation (median 33 years old, min 26 - max 42) when in homozygosis (P < 0.01); the wilt-type homozygotes and heterozygotes had medians of 50.0 (min 19 - max 73) and 54.8 (min 17 - max 84), respectively. Curiously, KISS1 expression was lower in rs5780218 homozygotes both in somatotropinomas and NFPA. In conclusion, we have identified the KISS1 and KISS1R underexpression in both somatotropinomas and NFPA, which lead to notion that the loss of expression might be related to the genesis of these adenomas. The rs5780218 KISS1 variant allele was associated with invasion to the cavernous sinus and was found to be more frequent in somatotropinomas, suggesting that role of KISS1/KISS1R in tumor behavior might differ between pituitary adenomas subtypes

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