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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strävan efter jämställdhet : En studie om medvetenhet kring jämställdhet inom Eskilstuna kommun

Alm Ivarsson, Gabriella, Söderholm, Jessica January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att se hur pass medvetna medarbetarna på vuxenförvaltningen inom Eskilstuna kommun var om de jämställdhetsmål som finns i kommunens egna styrdokument om jämställdhet. En webbaserad enkätundersökning har genomförts där 130 enkäter skickades ut. Respondenterna har fått svara på olika frågor runt styrdokumentet och fått ge förslag på förbättringar.  En kvantitativ metod har använts och materialet har analyserats utifrån det teoretiska perspektivet social konstruktivism samt tidigare forskning. Tidigare forskning har visat att det kan vara svårt att implementera en handlingsplan eller styrdokument i stora organisationer på ett tillfredsställande sätt. Resultatet av den genomförda undersökningen visar att få av respondenterna är medvetna om att styrdokumentet finns och bara ett fåtal har läst dokumentet och är medvetna om målen som finns uppsatta. / The purpose of this study was to see how aware employees in a management in Eskilstuna municipality was about the gender equality targets in the city's own policy document on gender equality. A Web-based survey was implemented in which 130 questionnaires were sent out. Respondents have been responding to various queries around the policy document and they have given suggestions for improvement. A quantitative method has been chosen and analyzed the material from the theoretical perspective around social constructivism and previous research. Previous research has shown that it can be difficult to implement a plan of action or a policy document in large organizations in a satisfactory way. The result of the survey shows that few of the respondents are aware of the document and only a few have read it and are aware of the goals that are posted.

Det beslöjade rummet : Ideologiska samhällsbilder i grundskolans samhällskunskap

Sandin, Lars January 2015 (has links)
A veiled space - Ideological Images of Society in Swedish Compulsory School Civics Lars Sandin  This study deals with the ideological dimension of education in the Swedish compulsory school [grundskolan]. By focusing on the images of the social world which are configured in the content of education, the study pays attention to the reproduction of an ideological dimension which is latent in our social imaginary. The theoretical problem was formulated as a question about if, and in what form, critical knowledge content is offered as part of the reproduction of the social imaginary that takes place in education. The empirical aim was to interpret the images of society configured in policy documents and teaching practice in compulsory school civics [samhällskunskap] with regard to how the differentiation of social space appears in these images. A hermeneutic approach was used. In the first of the two parts of the study, a number of policy documents – curricula and syllabi – were interpreted. In these documents, the differentiation of social space was found to be made visible selectively. The gender dimension and the dimension termed “cultural diversity” were highlighted, while the link between social differences and the uneven distribution of resources could only be glimpsed sporadically. A clear pattern of individuality could also be interpreted. The second of the two parts of the study was designed as a multiple case study. In this, the teaching of two teaching contents in civics, politics and economics, were studied as two separate cases. Three different images of society could be interpreted: a rationalist, a functionalist and a socio-political image. Of these, only the socio-political image offered a transparent view into the differentiated social space. However, the socio-political image was given a weak and unclear legitimacy in the teaching. The dominance of the rationalist and functionalist images were related to traditions that embed the teaching of civics. In the discussion the results from the two parts of the study were taken together and related to the problem. Among other things, the results were interpreted as an example of a conflict between contemporary reproduction and historical reproduction in education.

Tillgänglig och jämlik hälso- och sjukvård för personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning : En dokumentgranskning av Sveriges regioners styrdokument / Accessible and equal healthcare for persons with intellectual disability : A document analysis of Swedish public healthcare organisations´policy documents

Milde, Charlotta, Nordenvall, Anneli January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vägen mot rättigheter för personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning (ID) har varit lång. Ännu idag krävs fortsatta ansträngningar då personer med ID har avsevärt sämre hälsa och medellivslängden är minst 20 år kortare. Detta är undvikbart och ojämlikt samt en överträdelse mot lagar och förordningar. Ett paradigmskifte krävs för att undanröja hinder för tillgänglig och jämlik hälso- och sjukvård för personer med ID. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka hur jämlikhet och tillgänglighet för personer med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar synliggörs i hälso-och sjukvårdsregioners styrdokument. Metod: Dokumentgranskning med innehållsanalys av kombinerad typ, såväl kvalitativ som kvantitativ. Resultat: Många regioner berör i sina styrdokument flera aspekter av tillgänglig och jämlik hälso- och sjukvård för personer med ID. Dock är det enbart i få dokument som åtgärder, uppföljningar och mätbara mål konkretiseras. Flera regioner nämner mänskliga rättigheter och kopplar även ihop detta med begreppet Känsla Av Sammanhang (KASAM). Konklusion: Rätt utformade och konkreta styrdokument, tillsammans med organisatoriska anpassningar verkar ge goda förutsättningar för såväl synliggörande av målgruppen samt implementering av åtgärder för att gynna tillgänglighet och jämlikhet. / Background: The efforts towards equality for persons with intellectual disabilities(ID) has been under way for a long time. Still today, continuous efforts are needed when persons with ID suffer from significantly worse health and with a life expectancy at least twenty years shorter than the rest of the population. The situation is avoidable and unequal as well as a violation against laws and regulations. A paradigm shift is needed to remove obstacles for accessable and equal healthcare for persons with ID. Aim: The aim of the study was to examine how equality and accessibility for persons with intellectual disablities is made visible in municipal health care policy documents. Method: Document analysis with mixed method content analysis, qualitative and quantitative. Results: Policy documents in several municipal healthcare reflect on several aspects of accessible and equal healthcare for persons with ID. However, only a few of them mention concrete measures, follow-ups and measurable goals. Several regions mention human rights and relate it to the concept of sence of coherence (SOC). Conclusion: Adequately formulated and concrete policy documents, combined with organizational adaptations seem to facilitate visibility for persons with ID andfurthermore the implementation of measures to promote accessibility and equality.

Religiös inkludering i idrottsföreningar – en dokumentanalys : En innehållsanalys av religiösa aspekter i idrottsföreningars policydokument med teori om levd religion / Religious inclusion in Sports Clubs – a Document Analysis : Content Analysis of Religious Aspects in Sports Clubs’ Policy Documents using the Theory of Lived Religion

Bäckstrand, Gustav January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how the Swedish Sports Confederation and local sports clubs in Sweden address religious aspects in their policy documents in the context of religious inclusion. This paper highlights whether, and if so, which religious aspects are included and how they are taken into account. The content analysis of sports clubs' policy documents in the study contributes to understanding of general trends in the efforts towards religious inclusion, theorized through the perspective of lived religion. The study reveals that there is a great deal of variation in how sports associations deal with religious aspects in their policy documents. There is also great variation in how the sports clubs implement and interpret the guidelines from the Swedish Sports Confederation regarding religious aspects. A general pattern revealed in the study is that sports clubs have a positive attitude towards everyone's right to participate, but that much responsibility is placed on active members of the club in dealing with religious aspects of sport and how the sports clubs' treatment of religious aspects in their policy documents reflects an everyday adaptation to religious practices, which lived religion theory also highlights. By including material and physical aspects, the associations' work emerges as an adaptation, with leaders and coaches playing a central role in interpreting and shaping an inclusive activity for religious individuals.

An analysis of the rules and procedures of reporting fraud and corruption in the Department of Trade Industry

Mphidi, Azwihangwisi Judith. 02 1900 (has links)
The primary goal of this study is firstly to analyse the Fraud Prevention Policy and Strategy, the Policy on Protection of Whistle-Blowers, and the Policy Document on Forensic Audit Process of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in order to establish the reason for the ongoing spate of fraudulent and corrupt activities among employees within the DTI Head Office, regardless of the relevant policies put in place. Secondly, another goal is also to establish other reasons that could be linked to the reoccurrence of fraudulent and corrupt activities within the DTI. During the research survey questionnaires were administered to employees of the DTI. Furthermore, online interviews were conducted with a purposively selected sample within two divisions of the DTI. In addition, a literature study was conducted to acquire relevant information and perspectives from available national and international literature. Various objectives were fulfilled in this study as follows:  It was established whether the reporting of internal or external fraud and corruption and the relevant policies put in place contribute in any manner to the prevention of fraudulent and corrupt activities at the Department of Trade and Industry's national office.  It was determined if there is a policy document on measuring these policies after they have been implemented.  It was determined how the Department of Trade and Industry's national head office addresses fraud and corruption. Other possible reasons for the Department of Trade and Industry employees' lack of reporting fraud and corruption in their departments, other than the fear of being victimised, were identified.  The views and opinions on the internal reporting of fraud and corruption were determined.  The degree of awareness of the investigative procedures related to fraud and corruption among the Department of Trade and Industry management and their employees were determined.  It was established if employees have faith in the Department of Trade and Industry's investigative procedures to fraud and corruption.  The extent of knowledge on the importance of reporting fraudulent and corrupt activities in the DTI were established.  Feedback to help minimise fraud and corruption within the Department of Trade and Industry and improve future strategies was provided. This study contributes to the knowledge base with regard to fraud and corruption within the Department of Trade and Industry. / Criminology and Security Science / M. Tech (Policing)

“Land Tenure Problems and the Rural Youth of Rwanda” The Case of the District of Kamonyi

Dushimimana, Jean de Dieu 16 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number: 0514015W - MA research report - School of Social Sciences - Faculty of Humanities / This study aimed to investigate land tenure problems experienced by the youth of the rural areas of Rwanda. The study targeted the young men and women who have experienced several land problems in terms of land access and ownership, in the district of Kamonyi. The youth’s land tenure problems, their nature, their causes and their effects on youth’s lives were collected and analysed. The study also aimed to analyse the National Land Policy document of 2004 by looking at three aspects namely the land redistribution, group settlement, and the participation of other different government departments, civil society and youth in particular in the policy process in order to see how it deals with land tenure problems facing the rural youth. In order to collect and analyse data, this study used a qualitative method. The use of this method was motivated by its quality of providing information that one can not get with a questionnaire. Moreover, the qualitative method enables to collect and analyse in-depth information on a smaller group of respondents and enables the researcher to participate in data collection. Documentary analysis, observation, in-depth interviews and the focus group discussion were the techniques used to gather data. The study population was made of 20 young people who have experienced the land problems and 10 key informants. The concept of participation, the human needs, and the resource scarcity and conflict theories framed this work. Participation means that all the beneficiaries of a project must be involved in the decision-making, implementation and control process of the programme. As the concept of participation highlights that, problems of poverty among people, specifically young people, are solved when they are involved in planning and implementation of projects that affect their lives, the same concept was used in the current study to investigate whether rural young people have been involved in the land reform process. Youth participation should be taken into account for achieving positive development. When youth are involved in decision-making, they experience social justice as full citizens and their problems are quickly solved. Participation should be achieved from below whereby all members of the community participate in the decision-making on the projects that affect their lives. In other words, developmental projects must take into account the needs and views of beneficiaries and the latter must be empowered in order to achieve effective results. Many development policies fail in Africa and in Rwanda due to the lack of involving beneficiaries or taking into account their views. In addition, the natural resources must be equally shared by all the citizens without any social inequality, in order to avoid intractable-conflicts. People’s basic needs should be met because where some basic needs such as water, land, education, healthcare, shelter are not given, conflicts arise. Where resources are not sufficient to fit with all people in need, the properties’ ownership should be collective rather than individual. The key findings of the study show that the ways of land access and ownership in Kamonyi are mainly, land acquisition through inheritance, through land purchase through land gifted, and through land allocation by the government. Youth experience mainly the problem of landlessness due to the family land scarcity, inequalities between the elites and the poor in terms of land ownership, the increasing number of heirs since women have been included among heirs, the problem of polygamy and the lack of a known father. Many households have no title-deeds, some male children and their fathers become reluctant to recognise women’s inheritance rights, conflicts around land boundaries between neighbours and conflicts between children and their parents due to the lack of inheritance become endless. The national Land Policy of 2004 that intends to solve all the above land tenure problems bears contradictions related to its aim of achieving equity and equality and productivity at the same time. While the policy intends to establish a land tenure system that guarantees tenure security for all Rwandans, it also states that not every Rwandan will possess a plot of land of his own. In addition, it states that former refugees, professionals pastoralists and farmers, and those who will be able to apply for land showing interest in land development will be given land through the redistribution programme, which means that those who are not able to make a consistent application for land or do not belong to former refugees families will not acquire land. In addition the policy process has not been participative at large; rather it has been limited in the hands of elites, rural dwellers especially youth have not been consulted while they are familiar with land related problems. The group settlement is a good alternative but it bears ambiguity because it is silent on the youth’s lives and on who is accountable to build houses in villages.

Hälsofrämjande och förebyggande elevhälsa : från nationell till kommunal och lokal nivå

Karlsson, Martin, FIntling, Filippus January 2009 (has links)
<p>The perspective on health among school pupils needs to be extended. School is animportant arena for the promoting of health among youth, primarily from a healthpromoting perspective and a proactive perspective. A holistic approach has gatheredsome ground in the policy documents for the nine year compulsory school in Sweden, butin what way, and what effect does it have on the governing authorities and on schoollevel?The aim of the study is to investigate the coherence between national, municipal andlocal levels regarding the view on health among pupils. In order to do this, the guidelinesfor pupil health in the municipality of Örebro and operational plans for seven F9 schoolsin the municipality of Örebro will be studied and compared to the government bill”Health, learning and sense of security”. In order to obtain a theoretical understanding ofthe course of events between the different organizational levels, intervention theory hasbeen used as an explanatory model.Through analysis of the municipal guidelines for youth and pupil health, shows that thedocument very much resembles the government bill, which becomes apparent through thesame abstract formulations used. The content of the operational plans, particularly thequestion of preventing ill-health, therefore generally stays on an abstract level as well.Consequently, no concrete measures are taken on school level.From what the government bill emphasizes, the strongest reflection in the operationalplans is the point of quality control in the pupil health work and the participation ofparents. The operational plans are influenced by documents that describe how the pupilhealth work is to be organized, but there is still no policy document available for pupilhealth on local school level that includes health promoting and preventive measures. Thusthe schools lack the tools needed to tackle ill-health from a holistic point of view.However, several measures are available when it comes to reactive measures such asbullying and abusive behaviour.</p> / <p>Det finns ett behov av en utvidgad syn på elevhälsa som uppmärksammar fler aspekter avhälsa. Skolan är en viktig arena för arbetet med barn och ungdomars hälsa, inte minstutifrån ett hälsofrämjande och förebyggande perspektiv. I de dokument som styr skolanhar ett helhetsperspektiv på elevers hälsa fått ett allt större utrymme men på vilket sättoch vad innebär det, från de styrande organen för skolan och ner till personalen som skabemöta eleverna?Syftet med studien är att undersöka överensstämmelsen mellan en nationell och enkommunal och en lokal nivå vad gäller elevhälsa. Konkret innebär det att granska Örebrokommuns riktlinjer för barn- och elevhälsa och sju verksamhetsplaner för F9-skolor iÖrebro kommun utifrån regeringspropositionen ”Hälsa, lärande och trygghet”. För att fåen sammanhängande teoretisk beskrivning av skeendet mellan de olika organisatoriskanivåerna har en interventionsteori används som förklaringsmodell.Det som framkommit genom analys av det kommunala dokumentet är att det i stort ärväldigt likt propositionen, vilket bland annat innebär att det som formulerats i abstraktaordalag i propositionen sällan formuleras mer konkret i kommunens riktlinjer. Det somblir skrivet i verksamhetsplanerna, i synnerhet det som rör att förebygga psykisk ohälsa,blir därför också i vissa fall bara till abstrakta målformuleringar som aldrig tar form ikonkreta åtgärder eller insatser.Det som starkast avspeglas i verksamhetsplanerna utifrån det som framhålls ipropositionen är vikten av att kvalitetssäkra elevhälsoarbetet och att arbeta med eleversoch föräldrars delaktighet. Till stor del formas verksamhetsplanerna utifrån dokumentsom konkret beskriver hur arbetet med elevhälsa ska bedrivas, dock finns det inte någotelevhälsodokument på lokal nivå som generellt beskriver ett förebyggande ochhälsofrämjande arbete. Således har skolorna få verktyg för att angripa ohälsa ur etthelhetsperspektiv. Däremot finns det ett flertal specifika åtgärder till redan befintligproblematik, likt mobbning och kränkande behandling.</p>

Transaktionsexponerade kassaflöden : En kvalitativ studie om hur styrdokument reglerar den praktiska hanteringen av transaktionsexponerade kassaflöden / Transaction exposure : A qualitative study of how policy documents regulating the practical management of foreign currency cash flows

Abring, Cecilia, Eriksson, Madeleine January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: I och med en ökad internationell handel har det blivit allt viktigare med en adekvat hantering av transaktionsexponering. Valutor är förknippade med olika risker och ger således upphov till skild transaktionsexponering, vid handel med utlandet. Tidigare forskning förordar att hantering av trasaktionsexponering regleras via styrdokument, och vi har identifierat en avsaknad av forskning kring hur svenska företags styrdokument är utformade. Problemformulering: I vilken utsträckning kongruerar tidigare forskning med hur svenska företag har utformat styrdokument för hantering av transaktionsexponering i olika valutor? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att, i relation till vad tidigare forskning förespråkar, undersöka och analysera hur styrdokument för hantering av transaktionsexponering är utformat i företag. Studien syftar även till att analysera skiljaktigheter i styrdokumentet för transaktionsexponering i olika valutor, samt vilka faktorer som ger upphov till eventuella avvikelser. Slutsatser: Studiens resultat tyder på en tydlig kongruens mellan tidigare forskning och etablerade tillvägagångssätt för hur styrdokument för hantering av transaktions-exponering är utformat i svenska företag. Styrdokumentet är övergripande i sin utformning; reglerar strategin för riskhantering men inte tillvägagångssättet för hanteringen. Styrdokumentet reglerar inga skillnader för hur transaktionsexponering i olika valutor ska hanteras, trots att den faktiska hanteringen uppvisar markanta skillnader. Upphov till olik hantering ger: faktorer relaterade till valutamarknadens egenskaper, företagsspecifika faktorer och andra påverkande omvärldsfaktorer. Kunskapsbidrag: Studien bidrar till en ökad förståelse och tydligare nyansering av hur svenska företag styr hantering av transaktionsexponering, utifrån ett företagsperspektiv. Vidare ämnar studien föranleda intresse för hur företag reglerar hantering av transaktions-exponering i olika valutor, och av vilken bevekelsegrund. / Background: As a result of increased international trading, adequate management of transaction exposure has become more important. Foreign currency cash flows are associated with different risks and thus give cause to distinct transaction exposure with overseas trading. Previous research advocates that management of transaction exposure is controlled through policy documents and we have identified a lack of research in how policy documents of Swedish firms are designed. Problem: To what extent is previous research agreeing with how Swedish firms have developed policy documents for managing transaction exposure of different foreign currency cash flows? Aim: The aim of the study is, compared to what previous research advocates, to examine and analyze how policy documents for managing transaction exposure are designed within the Swedish firms. The study also aims to analyze the differences in the policy document for the transaction exposure in different foreign currency cash flows, as well as the factors that give reasons to possible deviations. Conclusions: The findings of the study indicate a clear congruence between previous research and established practices of how policy documents for managing transaction exposure are designed in Swedish firms. Policy documents are comprehensive in their design; regulate the risk management strategy but not the management procedures. Even though the actual management of transaction exposure of different foreign currency cash flows indicates significant discrepancies, the policy document doesn’t regulate any of them. Giving reason for a different management are: factors related to the foreign exchange market characteristics, company-specific factors and other influencing market factors.Contribution: The study contributes to a better understanding and clearer differentiation of how Swedish firms control the management of transaction exposure, from a business perspective. Moreover, the study intends to give rise to the interest in how and on which grounds companies differently control the management of transaction exposure of different foreign currency cash flows.

Hälsofrämjande och förebyggande elevhälsa : från nationell till kommunal och lokal nivå

Karlsson, Martin, FIntling, Filippus January 2009 (has links)
The perspective on health among school pupils needs to be extended. School is animportant arena for the promoting of health among youth, primarily from a healthpromoting perspective and a proactive perspective. A holistic approach has gatheredsome ground in the policy documents for the nine year compulsory school in Sweden, butin what way, and what effect does it have on the governing authorities and on schoollevel?The aim of the study is to investigate the coherence between national, municipal andlocal levels regarding the view on health among pupils. In order to do this, the guidelinesfor pupil health in the municipality of Örebro and operational plans for seven F9 schoolsin the municipality of Örebro will be studied and compared to the government bill”Health, learning and sense of security”. In order to obtain a theoretical understanding ofthe course of events between the different organizational levels, intervention theory hasbeen used as an explanatory model.Through analysis of the municipal guidelines for youth and pupil health, shows that thedocument very much resembles the government bill, which becomes apparent through thesame abstract formulations used. The content of the operational plans, particularly thequestion of preventing ill-health, therefore generally stays on an abstract level as well.Consequently, no concrete measures are taken on school level.From what the government bill emphasizes, the strongest reflection in the operationalplans is the point of quality control in the pupil health work and the participation ofparents. The operational plans are influenced by documents that describe how the pupilhealth work is to be organized, but there is still no policy document available for pupilhealth on local school level that includes health promoting and preventive measures. Thusthe schools lack the tools needed to tackle ill-health from a holistic point of view.However, several measures are available when it comes to reactive measures such asbullying and abusive behaviour. / Det finns ett behov av en utvidgad syn på elevhälsa som uppmärksammar fler aspekter avhälsa. Skolan är en viktig arena för arbetet med barn och ungdomars hälsa, inte minstutifrån ett hälsofrämjande och förebyggande perspektiv. I de dokument som styr skolanhar ett helhetsperspektiv på elevers hälsa fått ett allt större utrymme men på vilket sättoch vad innebär det, från de styrande organen för skolan och ner till personalen som skabemöta eleverna?Syftet med studien är att undersöka överensstämmelsen mellan en nationell och enkommunal och en lokal nivå vad gäller elevhälsa. Konkret innebär det att granska Örebrokommuns riktlinjer för barn- och elevhälsa och sju verksamhetsplaner för F9-skolor iÖrebro kommun utifrån regeringspropositionen ”Hälsa, lärande och trygghet”. För att fåen sammanhängande teoretisk beskrivning av skeendet mellan de olika organisatoriskanivåerna har en interventionsteori används som förklaringsmodell.Det som framkommit genom analys av det kommunala dokumentet är att det i stort ärväldigt likt propositionen, vilket bland annat innebär att det som formulerats i abstraktaordalag i propositionen sällan formuleras mer konkret i kommunens riktlinjer. Det somblir skrivet i verksamhetsplanerna, i synnerhet det som rör att förebygga psykisk ohälsa,blir därför också i vissa fall bara till abstrakta målformuleringar som aldrig tar form ikonkreta åtgärder eller insatser.Det som starkast avspeglas i verksamhetsplanerna utifrån det som framhålls ipropositionen är vikten av att kvalitetssäkra elevhälsoarbetet och att arbeta med eleversoch föräldrars delaktighet. Till stor del formas verksamhetsplanerna utifrån dokumentsom konkret beskriver hur arbetet med elevhälsa ska bedrivas, dock finns det inte någotelevhälsodokument på lokal nivå som generellt beskriver ett förebyggande ochhälsofrämjande arbete. Således har skolorna få verktyg för att angripa ohälsa ur etthelhetsperspektiv. Däremot finns det ett flertal specifika åtgärder till redan befintligproblematik, likt mobbning och kränkande behandling.

Critical assessment of the profile and ministry of the Catholic Diaconate in the Archdiocese of Cape Town

Tito, Eugene Gilbert January 2010 (has links)
Magister Theologiae - MTh / The service of deacons in the Church is documented from Apostolic times. A tradition attested already by St. Ireneus and influenced in the liturgy of ordination, sees the origin of the diaconate in the institution of the “seven” mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles (6:1-6). St Paul refers to the deacons and to bishops in his letter to the Philippians. (1:1), while in his first letter to Timothy (3:8-13) he lists the qualities and virtues which they should possess so as to exercise their ministry worthily.While the permanent diaconate was maintained from earliest Apostolic times to the present in the Eastern rite churches (Orthodox and Catholic), it gradually disappeared in the western church during the first millennium. The diaconate continued as a vestigial form as a temporary, final step along the course to ordination to the priesthood in the western church. In the 20th Century, the Permanent Diaconate was restored in the western church.Following the recommendations of the Second Vatican Council (in Lumen Gentium29), in 1967 Pope Paul VI issued the motu proprio Sacrum Diaconatus Ordinem,restoring the ancient practice of ordaining to the diaconate men who were not candidates for priestly ordination.The permanent deacons are assigned to work in a parish and to assist priests in their pastoral and administrative duties, but report directly to the bishop who appoints them. Unlike most clerics, permanent deacons are married or single men who also have a secular profession.In the Archdiocese of Cape Town, the first deacons to be ordained to the order of Permanent deacons took place in 1980. In the early days, the archdiocese had a clear policy for diaconate training and formation. Priests requested men to study towards becoming deacons. Over the past 30 years the bishops have ordained close to 100 deacons to minister in 75 parishes throughout the Archdiocese.Today there is a need to try to understand why deacons lack the zeal and passion that was so prevalent at their ordinations. Is it due to their training or has a need a risen for a deeper theological understanding of the diaconate. Priests do not fully understand the ministry of the deacons which on occasions gives rise to conflict within the parish.Currently more and more communities are calling on the parish deacon before approaching their parish priest for advice. It is in these theoretical grounds that a critical assessment of the Profile and Ministry of the Catholic Diaconate in the Archdiocese of Cape Town was undertaken. This is pioneer research in the Archdiocese.

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