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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La communication politique en Tunisie de 1987 à 2007. : Les rapports du discours politique, la presse écrite et l'opinion publique / Political communication in Tunisia from 1987 to 2007. : Reports of political discourse, press and public opinion

Najjar, Emna 13 June 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche retrace les aspects manifestes et latents d’une rupture structurelle en Tunisie pendant la gouvernance de l’ancien Président Ben Ali (7 novembre 1987 - 14 janvier 2011), au niveau de la dynamique fonctionnelle entre l’instance politique et médiatique d’un côté et l’instance citoyenne de l’autre. Un soulèvement populaire s’est produit dans le pays entre décembre 2010 et janvier 2011 mettant fin au régime de Ben Ali, causé par nombres de facteurs économiques, sociaux et politiques. Cette rupture est aussi l’un des éléments pouvant expliquer cette révolte. Il a été question, dans ce travail, de démontrer les aspects du dysfonctionnement de la dynamique et les facteurs qui ont déclenché et renforcé un malaise populaire. Nous avons choisi d’aborder ce sujet d’un point de vue discursif, en observant et analysant l’interaction de la parole des trois composantes de l’espace public : la sphère politique, médiatique et citoyenne. Tout au long des deux décennies de Ben Ali, une corrélation non dissimulée s’est installée entre pouvoir politique et médias, dont le but est d’assurer et de maintenir la légitimation du président et de son régime. Dans cette corrélation l’instance citoyenne ainsi que sa parole sont écartées en tant qu’acteur actif participant à la vie politique. Elle est cependant présente comme objet d’autorité et d’instrumentalisation. Le fonctionnement et les réactions de cette instance face à un rôle bien assigné et bien défini de la part de l’alliance politico-médiatique ont été approchés à partir du socle conceptuel de la psychologie sociale. Mots-clés : discours politique, analyse de discours, discours de presse, opinion publique, persuasion, réception, psychologie sociale, Tunisie, Ben Ali. / This thesis traces the self-evident and less obvious aspects of the process that led to the overthrow in Tunisia of th regime of President Ben Ali (November 7th 1987 - 14th 2011); it centers on the dynamics behind the conflict between the media and political apparatus and the civilian population. The uprising between December 2010 and January 2011 ended in the dismantling of Ben Ali's regime, due mainly to economic and political factors. This study highlights the failures that led to popular discontent. We center on a discursive viewpoint, observing and analysing the interaction between three components of the public space: the political, media, and citizen spheres. Throughout Ben Ali's rule of two decades, political power and the media blatantly collaborated so as to maintain the legitimacy of the President and his system. This pact also put aside citizen expression, rendering them mute, as they were reduced to an instrument of those in power. We then studied how they sought emancipation and to alter their limited role via a social psychology approach.

Guerra i persuasió. La justificació de l’acció militar en la retòrica presidencial nord-americana: de Vietnam a Afganistan

Franch Puig, Pere 05 June 2013 (has links)
El tema d'aquesta tesi és l'ús del discurs polític coma eina per influir en l'opinió pública, en concret la retòrica presidencial de guerra nord-americana i els recursos argumentatius que els presidents utilitzen en els seus discursos orals per persuadir els ciutadans de la necessitat de dur el país a la guerra. S'ha estudiat la retòrica presidencial per justificar la guerra del Vietnam i la guerra contra el terror (Afganistan i Iraq), partint de tres hipòtesis: 1) que existeix una continu!tat en els recursos argumentatius amb els quals els presidents justifiquen la guerra 2) que aquesta continu!tat es trenca amb !'arribada de Barack Obama a la presidència el novembre de 2008 i 3) que la major presència de la televisió en el discurs polític fomenta al segle XXI una retòrica que apel•la més a les emocions de l'auditori i que tendeix a la representació (que en direm retòrica de la persuasió) en detriment d'una retòrica més adreçada a l’intel•lecte i que apel•la a les idees i a la raó (i que en direm retòrica de la convicció). A partir de l’anàlisi de contingut d'una mostra de discursos de Lyndon B. Johnson i Richard M. Nixon sobre la guerra del Vietnam i de George W. Bush i Barack Obama sobre la guerra contra el terror, s'han arribat a una sèrie de conclusions que resumim en les següents afirmacions: efectivament existeix una continu!tat en l'ús que els presidents nord-americans fan dels recursos argumentatius per justificar la guerra; aquesta continu!tat es manté amb Barack Obama i el missatge de canvi i renovació que va acompanyar la retòrica de la seva campanya no s'ha traduït en un canvi en la retòrica de guerra: els arguments amb que Obama justifica l'acció bèl•lica són molt semblants als de Bush i els presidents anteriors; els principals d'aquests recursos argumentatius són la defensa de la llibertat i la democràcia, la presentació de l'enemic com l'encarnació del mal i per tant la identificació de la batalla com una guerra justa i en defensa del bé, les freqüents referències als antecessors i als pares fundadors i la necessitat de llegar una vida millor per a les generacions futures. Finalment, es constata un ús molt més freqüent de la que hem anomenat retòrica de la persuasió enfront de la retòrica de la convicció en els discursos referits a la guerra contra el terror. Que la causa en sigui la major presencia de la televisió queda pendent de confirmar, el que es constata és que en Bush i Obama es dóna un major ús d'aquest ti pus de recursos retòrics. / El tema de esta tesis es el uso que el poder hace del discurso político como herramienta para influir en la opinión pública, en concreto la retórica presidencial de guerra en Estados Unidos y los recursos argumentativos que los presidentes utilizan en sus discursos orales para persuadir a los ciudadanos de la necesidad de llevar al país a la guerra. Se ha estudiado la retórica presidencial con la que se pretendió justificar la guerra de Vietnam y la guerra contra el terror (Afganistán e Irak), partiendo de tres hipótesis: 1) existe una continuidad a lo largo del tiempo en los recursos argumentativos con los que los presidentes justifican la guerra 2) esta continuidad se rompe con Barack Obama a partir de noviembre de 2008 y 3) la mayor presencia de la televisión en el discurso político fomenta en pleno siglo XXI un tipo de retórica que apela más a las emociones del auditorio y que tiende a la representación (a la que llamaremos retórica de la persuasión) en detrimento de un tipo de retórica más dirigida al intelecto y que apela a las ideas y a la razón (a la que llamaremos retórica de la convicción). A partir del análisis de contenido de una muestra de discursos de Lyndon B. Johnson y Richard M. Nixon sobre la guerra de Vietnam y de George W. Bush y Barack Obama sobre la guerra contra el terror, el trabajo llega a una serie de conclusiones que resumimos en las siguientes afirmaciones: efectivamente se observa un elevado grado de continuidad en el tipo de argumentos con los que los presidentes norteamericanos justifican ante su opinión pública la necesidad de llevar al país a la guerra. Esta continuidad se mantiene con Barack Obama, con lo que el mensaje de cambio y renovación que acompañó a la retórica de su elección no se ha traducido en un cambio en la retórica de guerra: los argumentos con los que Obama justifica la acción bélica son muy parecidos a los de Bush y de los anteriores presidentes, siendo los principales la defensa de la libertad y la democracia, la presentación del enemigo como encarnación del mal y por lo tanto la identificación de la batalla como una guerra justa y en defensa del bien, las frecuentes referencias a los presidentes anteriores y los padres fundadores y la necesidad de legar un mañana mejor para generaciones futuras. Finalmente, se constata un uso mucho más frecuente de lo que hemos llamado retórica de la persuasión frente a la retórica de la convicción en los discursos sobre la guerra contra el terror en contraste con los relativos a la guerra de Vietnam. Que la causa sea la mayor presencia de la televisión queda pendiente de confirmar, lo que se constata en el trabajo que se presenta es que en Bush y en Obama se da un mayor uso de este tipo de recursos retóricos. / The subject of this thesis is the use of political discourse as a tool to influence public opinion. The specific area of interest is the U.S. war presidential rhetoric and the arguments used in presidential speeches through which the U.S. presidents try to persuade the public of the need to lead the country into war. In particular we have studied the Vietnam's and the War on Terror's presidential rhetoric, departing from three hypothesis: 1) there is a historical continuity in the arguments through which the presidents justify the war 2) this continuity ends with the arrival of Barack Obama to the presidency in November 2008 and 3) the increasing role of television in the communication of the political discourse accentuates a type of rhetoric that appeals more to the audience's emotions tending towards a performance (we'll call this rhetoric of persuasion) rather than appealing to the intellect and to ideas and reason (which we'll call rhetoric of conviction). Through a content analysis of a sample of speeches on the Vietnam War by Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M. Nixon and on the War on Terror by George W. Bush and Barack Obama, the study reaches different conclusions that can be summarized by the following principles: there is a high degree of continuity in the kind of arguments that American presidents use to justify the need to go to war; such common arguments have continued under Barack Obama's presidency, which tells us that the message of change and renovation inherent to his election rhetoric has not resulted in a change in his war rhetoric. Obama's arguments to justify U. S. military action are very similar to those of Bush and previous presidents, and the main ones are: the defense of freedom and democracy; the presentation of the enemy as evil and the battle as a just war in defense of good; the frequent reference to the ancestors and to the founding fathers; and the need to leave the legacy of a better life for future generations. Finally, the study confirms that, in the speeches on the War on Terror, the rhetoric of persuasion is much more common than the rhetoric of conviction. We can't confirm that the reason is a major use of television as a media to spread the political discourse; what we can confirm, however, is that Bush and Obama's war rhetoric is characterized by the frequent use of arguments that appeal to emotions and tend to construct visual representations, in what constitutes a performative rhetoric.

Exploring political, institutional and professional discourses in Mexico: a critical, multimodal approach

Castineira Benítez, Teresa Aurora January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Macquarie University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Linguistics, 2009. / Bibliography: p. 210-223. / General introduction -- A multimodal analysis of the 2006 Mexican presidential campaign billboards -- Study 2: Discourses of obligation and prohibition within an institutional setting -- Study 3: Gatekeeping practices at the LEMO: a multimodal analysis -- General conculsions. / This is a thesis composed of three studies linked by a common critical multimodal approach to the analysis of the data. Fairclough's (1992, 1995) three-dimensional framework was drawn on in order to explore the social practice, discursive practice and text dimensions of the discourses in question. The first two studies focus on printed texts in Mexican Spanish, whereas the third study addresses spoken interaction in English with occasional code switching to Spanish. -- Study 1: A Multimodal Analysis of the 2006 Mexican Presidential Campaign Billboards - This is a joint study (with my colleague Michael Witten and approved by my supervisor and the Department of Linguistics at Macquarie) which analyzes the political discourse of the multimodal and multisemiotic texts that the three major political parties involved in the 2006 Mexican presidential elections produced and extensively distributed through the medium of public billboards. We investigate how these parties express their particular ideologies, construct and convey social identities and relationships, and construct relations of power between themselves and the readers/viewers of these texts, through the medium of billboards. As indicated in the preamble, the methodological framework addresses these issues drawing on Fairclough's (1992, 1995) three-dimensional model of analysis while employing a variety of qualitative techniques, tools, and approaches. -- Study 2: Discourses of obligation and prohibition within an institutional setting - Following the theme of multimodal critical discourse analysis, this study examines the institutionalized discourses of obligation and prohibition at the Library of the Language Faculty (LEMO)*of a public university in Mexico. Six different texts pertaining to various genres ranging from a protocol to notices were examined. Multiple qualitative methodologies and tools such as those drawn from ethnography, critical discourse analysis, and systemic functional linguistics are utilized in the analysis of the data. Power relations between the institution and the library users are examined as well as the conditions of text production and reception, the latter through an ethnographic component. An emphasis is placed on the linguistic text. -- Study 3: Gatekeeping practices at the LEMO - This study investigates one of the gatekeeping practices at the Language Faculty of a public university in Mexico (see above). The particular practice concerned consists of the professional examinations (vivas) that students have to take in order to obtain their degrees of 'Licenciatura en Lenguas Modernas' (BEd in Modern Languages) in the English Teaching section of the university. This study focuses on the professional discourse(s) utilized by both candidates and examiners by means of analyzing the texts of four recorded professional examinations. This study chiefly draws on Goffman's (1959) dramaturgical concepts of 'frontstage' and 'backstage', where the analysis of the frontstage work addresses the Question-and-Answer section of the examinations, and the analysis of the backstage work addresses the subsequent deliberations among the examiners concerning the performance of the candidates. Multiple qualitative methodologies and tools are again drawn upon, such as ethnographic analysis, interactional sociolinguistics and critical discourse analysis. (* Facultad de Lenguas) / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / xii, 233 p. : ill. (some col.)

Em nome da governabilidade: uma análise do discurso político brasileiro (2002-2010) / In the name of governability: an analysis of the brazilian political discourse (2002-2010)

LOPES, Monalisa Soares January 2012 (has links)
LOPES, Monalisa Soares. Em nome da governabilidade: uma análise do discurso político brasileiro (2002-2010). 2012. 124f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Sociologia, Fortaleza (CE), 2012. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-10-25T14:48:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2012-DIS-MSLOPES.pdf: 782921 bytes, checksum: 08d9ce313ece680ddfdbbe2b855ef443 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo(marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-10-25T17:05:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2012-DIS-MSLOPES.pdf: 782921 bytes, checksum: 08d9ce313ece680ddfdbbe2b855ef443 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-10-25T17:05:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2012-DIS-MSLOPES.pdf: 782921 bytes, checksum: 08d9ce313ece680ddfdbbe2b855ef443 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / A pesquisa tem o objetivo de compreender os usos e significados da categoria governabilidade nos discursos de parlamentares do Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT), Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira (PSDB) e do Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro (PMDB). O corpus do trabalho se constitui nos discursos circunscritos nos período de junho de 2002 a dezembro de 2010, produzidos em três momentos distintos: Momentos pré-eleitorais (formação de alianças eleitorais); Momentos pós-eleitorais (formação de coalizões – alianças governativas) e Momentos de crise política (denúncias de corrupção). Como procedimento metodológico foi utilizado a Análise de Discurso (AD). Os resultados da pesquisa levaram à compreensão de que a ‘governabilidade’ se constitui numa categoria importante do vocabulário político e tem sido mobilizada como “arma” na disputa simbólica da política brasileira contemporânea.

A integração da América do Sul no discurso da política externa brasileira (1992-2010) / South America integration in Brazilian foreign policy discourse (1992-2010) / L’intégration de l’Amérique du Sud dans le discours de la politique extérieure brésilienne (1992-2010)

Miranda, Samir Perrone de January 2013 (has links)
Ce travail entend d’aborder la construction du discours de la politique extérieure brésilienne, depuis les années 1990, à propos de l’intégration de l’Amérique du Sud. S’engageant dans la perspective des études concernant l’Analyse des Politiques Extérieures, tout en moyennant les notables contributions dans le champ de l’Analyse du Discours, la thèse accompagne le développement de la notion même d’intégration sud-américaine au long des gouvernements d’Itamar Franco, Fernando Henrique Cardoso et Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Pour ce faire, on présente d’abord un débat théorique relevant du statut du discours en matière de politique extérieure, suivi d’un bilan des liens historiques entretenus entre le Brésil et ses voisins de l’Amérique du Sud, à fin de mieux discerner les caractéristiques institutionnelles et les acteurs les plus importants impliqués dans le processus de construction du discours de la politique extérieure brésilienne en vue de l’intégration régionale. L’analyse se tourne ensuite vers ces aspects discursifs, particulièrement les déclarations des chanceliers et des présidents brésiliens, pour comprendre leurs conditions d’émergence et l’existence, ainsi que de vérifier les continuités et les ruptures dans le développement de ce “nouveau” concept de région. Le but de la recherche est enfin celui de soulever les éléments majeurs – soient-ils politiques, sociaux ou symboliques – appelés à donner forme à ce discours de la politique extérieure pour l’intégration de l’Amérique du Sud. / Esta tese aborda a construção do discurso da política externa brasileira acerca da integração da América do Sul, particularmente a partir da década de 1990. Através da perspectiva de estudos da Análise de Política Externa e com relevantes contribuições do campo da Análise do Discurso, este trabalho enfoca o desenvolvimento desta noção de integração sul-americana ao longo dos governos de Itamar Franco, Fernando Henrique Cardoso e Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Assim, a pesquisa apresenta uma discussão teórica acerca do estatuto do discurso na área de política externa, seguida por um levantamento do histórico de aproximação entre o Brasil e seus vizinhos da América do Sul. Com base nestes elementos, o trabalho examina as características institucionais e os principais agentes envolvidos no processo de construção do discurso da política externa brasileira para a integração regional. A seguir, a análise se volta para os aspectos discursivos, com ênfase nos pronunciamentos dos chanceleres e dos presidentes brasileiros, para compreender suas condições de emergência e existência, bem como verificar as continuidades e rupturas no desenvolvimento desta “nova” noção de região. O objetivo desta análise consiste em identificar os principais elementos políticos, sociais e simbólicos mobilizados na articulação deste discurso da política externa para a integração da América do Sul. / This thesis focuses on the construction of the Brazilian foreign policy discourse concerning the South America integration, particularly from the 1990s. Through the perspective of studies of Foreign Policy Analysis and relevant contributions of the Analysis of Discourse field, this work focuses on the development of this notion of South American integration throughout the governments of Itamar Franco, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Thus, the study presents a theoretical discussion concerning the status of the discourse in foreign policy field, followed for a review of the historical rapprochement between Brazil and its neighbors in South America. On this basis, the work examines the institutional characteristics and the major agents involved in the construction processes of the discourse of Brazilian foreign policy towards regional integration. Then the analysis turns to the discursive aspects, with emphasis on pronouncements of chancellors and presidents of Brazil, to understand their conditions of emergence and existence, as well as verify the continuities and ruptures in the development of this “new” concept of region. The objective of this analysis consists in identifying the main political, social and symbolic elements mobilized in the articulation of this foreign policy discourse to the South America integration.

Making Sense of the Migration-Fear Nexus: Culture of Fear and its Consequences for Political Discourse : A Political Critical Discourse Analysis of Hart aber fair in the German Migration Debate (2013-2017)

Mergler, Ines January 2018 (has links)
Fear is a challenge for European democracies today that is discussed in the same breath as rising populism and anti-immigrant speech. However, it seems that fear has also become a defining principle for Western (post)modern society in many other areas of life. This observation has been framed by the term culture of fear and described by recognized sociologists like Ulrich Beck, Zygmunt Bauman and Frank Furedi. They argue that changing social conditions like individualisation and globalisation have altered Western society’s preoccupation with security, uncertainty and risk. In consequence, Bauman and Furedi talk about a fear that has become “free-floating” and “liquid”. This research project asks about the implications of such a culture of fear for society and takes a closer look at what has been described as politics of fear. By conducting a critical political discourse analysis of the political talk show hart aber fair, this paper aims at tracing politics of fear in the German discourse over migration during the “refugee crisis” (2015-2017). In a three-tiered approach, the investigation embarks by defining culture of fear and its social premises, followed by a discussion of politics of fear theories drawing upon such concepts as precaution, prevention and securitisation. Emerging from this discussion, both a “traditional” politics with fear and a (post)modern politics of uncertainty are identified. The subsequent analysis of a selected hart aber fair episode from the 5th September 2016 bases on Siegfried Jäger’s approach to Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and examines the argumentation and interaction of the guests in the debate. The findings indicate that in addition to the use of fear as a political means for populist politicians, the narrative of the “fearful society” has on a whole permeated the German political discourse over migration. Hence, culture of fear offers a new perspective for the understanding of political discourse and the current developments in political practice.

O discurso político da luta contra a pobreza : uma análise de sua produção e circulação no contexto brasileiro contemporâneo

Turati, Carlos Alberto 23 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Bruna Rodrigues (bruna92rodrigues@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-10-04T13:51:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseCAT.pdf: 1833827 bytes, checksum: 82667a6cfd9123b1a9f04c232d57d2be (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-10-14T14:20:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseCAT.pdf: 1833827 bytes, checksum: 82667a6cfd9123b1a9f04c232d57d2be (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-10-14T14:20:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseCAT.pdf: 1833827 bytes, checksum: 82667a6cfd9123b1a9f04c232d57d2be (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-14T14:20:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseCAT.pdf: 1833827 bytes, checksum: 82667a6cfd9123b1a9f04c232d57d2be (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-23 / In our research, we investigate the discourse on the fight against poverty in the contemporary Brazilian political sphere, by analyzing the aspects of constitution, formulation and circulation of this discourse. More specifically, we take as a starting point, for the analysis, a set of speeches presented by President Dilma Rousseff in 2011, the year in which the federal government has adopted the slogan Rich country is country without poverty, and has made the fight against poverty a central goal of government actions. Supported by theoretical and methodological framework of Discourse Analysis and having as main reference the work of Michel Pêcheux, we take as a theoretical presupposition that all discursive practice is entered in contradictory-unequal- overdetermined complex of discursive formations that characterizes the ideological instance in given historical conditions. Therefore, we consider the category of the material contradiction as a constitutive condition of the discursive process, such that we consider it as a theoretical principle that guides the research and, at the same time, as the object of analysis. From this perspective, first we search to understand some historical determinations of the processes of meaning production. Thus, we identified in the context of European industrialization that the hegemonic form of the fight against poverty, already in its origin, is constituted by a set of contradictions that indicate that its goal is first of all a goal of the ruling classes, having in the classical liberal thought the basis of its formation. Similarly, we have identified that in the historical context of the Brazilian national problems, since the extractive activities until the contemporary capitalism, certain meanings that relate poverty to the public menace and violence, that take it as an indirect social and economic concern and that constitute the poor as naturally incapable feature an elitist and vertical view of the problem. Then we investigated how the contemporary form of the discourse on the fight against poverty acquired a central role in Brazilian politics, becoming a kind of categorical imperative of political and discursive actions. We seek to identify how this discourse has its hegemonic reproduction guaranteed, where apparent and naturalized differences serve to cover the constitutive contradictions that materialize the class conflicts that generate social inequalities. Thus, we see how the forms of functioning of the discourse on the fight against poverty configure strategies by which its constitutive contradictions are rarefied, erased, displaced and forgotten. If the first and most apparent contradiction of this discourse is the fact that it becomes hegemonic under the dictates and the impulse of monetary institutions, in our analysis, we observed that its hegemonic condition in the Brazilian political field has its efficiency guaranteed because such discourse functions contradictorily as evidence, consensus and truth to be taught; it mutes the agents and processes of exploitation by the capital, producing consensus within the contradictions and operating a management of the polemic within the political field; it is based on moral, subjectifying the poverty; it produces an erosion of collective identities of resistance; it delegitimizes politically the organized groups and individuals in their fight against inequalities; and subjective the poor as economic subject in a passive dimension. / Em nossa pesquisa investigamos o discurso da luta contra a pobreza na esfera política brasileira contemporânea mediante a análise dos aspectos de sua constituição, formulação e circulação. Mais especificamente, tomamos como ponto de partida da análise um conjunto de falas da presidente Dilma Rousseff produzidas durante o ano de 2011, ano no qual o governo federal adotou o slogan País rico é país sem pobreza e fez da luta contra a pobreza um objetivo central das ações governamentais. Amparados no arcabouço teórico-metodológico da Análise do discurso e tendo como principal referência os trabalhos de Pêcheux, tomamos por pressuposto teórico que toda prática discursiva está inscrita no complexo contraditório-desigual-sobredeterminado das formações discursivas que caracteriza a instância ideológica em condições históricas dadas. Assim sendo, consideramos a categoria da contradição material como condição constitutiva do processo discursivo de modo que a tomamos como princípio teórico que orienta a pesquisa e ao mesmo tempo como objeto de análise. A partir dessa perspectiva, buscamos primeiramente compreender algumas determinações históricas dos processos de produção de sentidos. Assim, identificamos no contexto da industrialização europeia que a forma hegemônica da luta contra a pobreza já em sua origem é constituída por uma gama de contradições que apontam que seu objetivo é antes de tudo um objetivo das classes dominantes, tendo no pensamento liberal clássico a base de sua formação. De forma análoga, identificamos que no contexto histórico dos problemas nacionais brasileiros, desde as atividades extrativistas até o capitalismo contemporâneo, determinados sentidos que relacionam a pobreza à ameaça pública e à violência, que a tomam por uma preocupação social e econômica indireta e que constituem o pobre como naturalmente incapaz caracterizam uma visão elitista e vertical sobre o problema. Em seguida investigamos como a forma contemporânea do discurso da luta contra a pobreza adquiriu um papel central na política brasileira, tornando-se uma espécie de imperativo categórico das ações políticas e discursivas. Procuramos identificar como esse discurso tem a sua reprodução hegemônica garantida, onde diferenças aparentes e naturalizadas servem para se sobrepor às contradições constitutivas que materializam os conflitos de classe geradores das desigualdades sociais. Assim, observamos como as formas de funcionamento do discurso da luta contra a pobreza configuram estratégias pelas quais suas contradições constitutivas são rarefeitas, apagadas, deslocadas e esquecidas. Se a contradição primeira e mais aparente desse discurso consiste no fato de que ele se torna hegemônico sob o ditame e o impulso das instituições do dinheiro, em nossas análises pudemos observar que essa sua condição no campo político brasileiro tem sua eficácia garantida porque tal discurso funciona contraditoriamente como evidência, consenso e verdade a ser ensinada; silencia os agentes e os processos de exploração do capital, produzindo o consenso no interior das contradições e operando uma gestão da polêmica no interior do campo político; fundamenta-se na moral, subjetivando a pobreza; produz uma erosão de identidades coletivas de resistência; deslegitima politicamente os grupos organizados e os sujeitos individualizados em sua luta contra as desigualdades; e subjetiva o pobre como sujeito econômico em uma dimensão passiva.

A sintaxe no e do discurso político brasileiro: os proferimentos do Dia do Trabalho em Dilma Rousseff : a direita na esquerda ou a esquerda na direita?

Rocha, Patrícia de Brito 16 February 2016 (has links)
Nesta tese, ocupamo-nos dos proferimentos do Dia do Trabalhador realizados pela Presidente Dilma Rousseff no seu primeiro mandato, estabelecendo como objeto teórico o discurso, visto nossa filiação teórica à Análise de Discurso francesa pechetiana, e como objeto de estudo a sintaxe implicada no discurso institucional da primeira Presidente mulher na história do Brasil. A fim de estudarmos a implicação da sintaxe nesse discurso, elegemos, especificamente, os nomeados termos acessórios da oração pela Gramática Normativa, a saber: os adjuntos e o aposto, pois é propalado que o discurso político seria um discurso esvaziado de sentido, sendo que, caso essa realidade se configure, o funcionamento dos termos acessórios não seriam mais do que um acréscimo contingente na produção do discurso analisado. Contudo, tomamos como hipótese o fato de a sintaxe constituir o mecanismo de articulação fundamental que nos permite compreender os processos discursivos, constituindo, assim, o ponto sobre o qual o processo discursivo desenrola-se a partir de movimentos espirais. Nessa direção, o conceito de sequência, sob a perspectiva teórica assumida, assume outros contornos: ela (con)figura-se como uma extensão em espiral, não sendo, pois, da ordem da linearidade, como na perspectiva linguística. Em consequência disso, descortina-se a possibilidade de trabalharmos com trajetos de leitura, conforme (pro)posto no processo de análise dos proferimentos. Da nossa visada, então, a adjunção e a aposição são concebidas como mecanismos linguístico-sintáticos considerados como pertencentes à ordem da língua e, em consequência disso, não podem ser considerados dispensáveis, visto que suscitam efeitos de sentido juntamente com as demais unidades do discurso, visto a espiralação promovida pelo efeito-leitor. Deixamos, então, de olhar apenas o emprego da língua e voltamo-nos para as questões de natureza de produção do sentido, buscando (re)conhecer a articulação entre interdiscurso e intradiscurso no processo discursivo, de modo específico nos proferimentos presidenciais do Dia do Trabalhador entre os anos de 2011 e 2014. Para tanto, nossa tese apresenta, na introdução, as balizagens teóricas e metodológicas do trabalho. Nos capítulos que dizem respeito ao referencial teórico, preocupamo-nos inicialmente em traçar uma diferenciação da linguística do discurso da Linguística; logo a seguir, a preocupação é tratar o linguístico do discurso e a sintaxe voltada ao discurs(iv)o; e, finalmente, trabalhar determinadas especificidades do discurso presidencial. No capítulo seguinte, empreendemos os movimentos analíticos, considerando os quatro proferimentos do Dia do Trabalhador atravessados pelo discurso capitalista neoliberal. Na conclusão, produzimos uma reflexão acerca das palavras-conceito língua, gramática, sintaxe, discurso, sujeito e ensino. / On this thesis, we’ve gotten Dilma Rousseff’s utterances from The Labor Day on her first term, establishing the discourse as a theoretical object, considering our theoretical bonding with the French pechetiana Discourse Analysis, and the syntax implied by the speech of the first woman President in Brazil’s history as the study object. In order to study the syntax implied by this speech, we selected, specifically, the accessory terms named by the Normative Grammar, which are: the adjuncts and the appositive, since it’s disclosed that the political speech would be a speech with no sense, so that, if this reality is fulfilled, the performance of the accessory terms wouldn’t be more than a contingent adding on the production of the analyzed speech. Nevertheless, we’ve taken as hypothesis the fact of the syntax has got the essential articulation mechanism that allow us understand the discursive processes, constituting, then, the point in which the discursive process develops from spiral movements. On this way, the sequence concept, from the theoretical perspective chosen, gets other concepts: it configures as a spiral extension, not being, so, from the linearity order, as it is in the linguistic perspective. In consequence of that, it’s opened the possibility of working with reading paths, as it was proposed in the analyses process of the utterances. From our target, then, the adjuncts and the appositive are understood as linguistic-syntactic mechanisms considered as belonging to the language order and, in consequence of that, they can’t be considered dispensable, whereas they cause sense effects along with the other discourse units, in view of the spiral promoted by the effect-reader. Therefore we’ve stopped just looking at the usage of the language and we’ve put our attention on the items of sense production, trying to (re)cognize the articulation between the interdiscourse and the intradiscourse in the discursive process, specifically in the presidential utterances of the Labor Day from 2011 to 2014. Thereunto, our thesis shows, in the introduction, the theoretical and methodological markings from this study. On chapters that talk about theoretical reference, at first we were concerned with delineating the differences between the linguistic of the discourse from the Linguistic; then, the concern is to deal with the linguistic of the discourse and the syntax related to the discursive; and, finally, work with some particularities of the presidential speech. On the following chapter, we’ve undertaken the analytical movements, considering the four utterances of the Labor Day crossed by the neoliberal capitalist speech. In the conclusion, we’ve produced a reflection about the wordsconcept of language, grammar, syntax, discourse, subject and teaching. / Tese (Doutorado)

A integração da América do Sul no discurso da política externa brasileira (1992-2010) / South America integration in Brazilian foreign policy discourse (1992-2010) / L’intégration de l’Amérique du Sud dans le discours de la politique extérieure brésilienne (1992-2010)

Miranda, Samir Perrone de January 2013 (has links)
Ce travail entend d’aborder la construction du discours de la politique extérieure brésilienne, depuis les années 1990, à propos de l’intégration de l’Amérique du Sud. S’engageant dans la perspective des études concernant l’Analyse des Politiques Extérieures, tout en moyennant les notables contributions dans le champ de l’Analyse du Discours, la thèse accompagne le développement de la notion même d’intégration sud-américaine au long des gouvernements d’Itamar Franco, Fernando Henrique Cardoso et Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Pour ce faire, on présente d’abord un débat théorique relevant du statut du discours en matière de politique extérieure, suivi d’un bilan des liens historiques entretenus entre le Brésil et ses voisins de l’Amérique du Sud, à fin de mieux discerner les caractéristiques institutionnelles et les acteurs les plus importants impliqués dans le processus de construction du discours de la politique extérieure brésilienne en vue de l’intégration régionale. L’analyse se tourne ensuite vers ces aspects discursifs, particulièrement les déclarations des chanceliers et des présidents brésiliens, pour comprendre leurs conditions d’émergence et l’existence, ainsi que de vérifier les continuités et les ruptures dans le développement de ce “nouveau” concept de région. Le but de la recherche est enfin celui de soulever les éléments majeurs – soient-ils politiques, sociaux ou symboliques – appelés à donner forme à ce discours de la politique extérieure pour l’intégration de l’Amérique du Sud. / Esta tese aborda a construção do discurso da política externa brasileira acerca da integração da América do Sul, particularmente a partir da década de 1990. Através da perspectiva de estudos da Análise de Política Externa e com relevantes contribuições do campo da Análise do Discurso, este trabalho enfoca o desenvolvimento desta noção de integração sul-americana ao longo dos governos de Itamar Franco, Fernando Henrique Cardoso e Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Assim, a pesquisa apresenta uma discussão teórica acerca do estatuto do discurso na área de política externa, seguida por um levantamento do histórico de aproximação entre o Brasil e seus vizinhos da América do Sul. Com base nestes elementos, o trabalho examina as características institucionais e os principais agentes envolvidos no processo de construção do discurso da política externa brasileira para a integração regional. A seguir, a análise se volta para os aspectos discursivos, com ênfase nos pronunciamentos dos chanceleres e dos presidentes brasileiros, para compreender suas condições de emergência e existência, bem como verificar as continuidades e rupturas no desenvolvimento desta “nova” noção de região. O objetivo desta análise consiste em identificar os principais elementos políticos, sociais e simbólicos mobilizados na articulação deste discurso da política externa para a integração da América do Sul. / This thesis focuses on the construction of the Brazilian foreign policy discourse concerning the South America integration, particularly from the 1990s. Through the perspective of studies of Foreign Policy Analysis and relevant contributions of the Analysis of Discourse field, this work focuses on the development of this notion of South American integration throughout the governments of Itamar Franco, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Thus, the study presents a theoretical discussion concerning the status of the discourse in foreign policy field, followed for a review of the historical rapprochement between Brazil and its neighbors in South America. On this basis, the work examines the institutional characteristics and the major agents involved in the construction processes of the discourse of Brazilian foreign policy towards regional integration. Then the analysis turns to the discursive aspects, with emphasis on pronouncements of chancellors and presidents of Brazil, to understand their conditions of emergence and existence, as well as verify the continuities and ruptures in the development of this “new” concept of region. The objective of this analysis consists in identifying the main political, social and symbolic elements mobilized in the articulation of this foreign policy discourse to the South America integration.

A integração da América do Sul no discurso da política externa brasileira (1992-2010) / South America integration in Brazilian foreign policy discourse (1992-2010) / L’intégration de l’Amérique du Sud dans le discours de la politique extérieure brésilienne (1992-2010)

Miranda, Samir Perrone de January 2013 (has links)
Ce travail entend d’aborder la construction du discours de la politique extérieure brésilienne, depuis les années 1990, à propos de l’intégration de l’Amérique du Sud. S’engageant dans la perspective des études concernant l’Analyse des Politiques Extérieures, tout en moyennant les notables contributions dans le champ de l’Analyse du Discours, la thèse accompagne le développement de la notion même d’intégration sud-américaine au long des gouvernements d’Itamar Franco, Fernando Henrique Cardoso et Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Pour ce faire, on présente d’abord un débat théorique relevant du statut du discours en matière de politique extérieure, suivi d’un bilan des liens historiques entretenus entre le Brésil et ses voisins de l’Amérique du Sud, à fin de mieux discerner les caractéristiques institutionnelles et les acteurs les plus importants impliqués dans le processus de construction du discours de la politique extérieure brésilienne en vue de l’intégration régionale. L’analyse se tourne ensuite vers ces aspects discursifs, particulièrement les déclarations des chanceliers et des présidents brésiliens, pour comprendre leurs conditions d’émergence et l’existence, ainsi que de vérifier les continuités et les ruptures dans le développement de ce “nouveau” concept de région. Le but de la recherche est enfin celui de soulever les éléments majeurs – soient-ils politiques, sociaux ou symboliques – appelés à donner forme à ce discours de la politique extérieure pour l’intégration de l’Amérique du Sud. / Esta tese aborda a construção do discurso da política externa brasileira acerca da integração da América do Sul, particularmente a partir da década de 1990. Através da perspectiva de estudos da Análise de Política Externa e com relevantes contribuições do campo da Análise do Discurso, este trabalho enfoca o desenvolvimento desta noção de integração sul-americana ao longo dos governos de Itamar Franco, Fernando Henrique Cardoso e Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Assim, a pesquisa apresenta uma discussão teórica acerca do estatuto do discurso na área de política externa, seguida por um levantamento do histórico de aproximação entre o Brasil e seus vizinhos da América do Sul. Com base nestes elementos, o trabalho examina as características institucionais e os principais agentes envolvidos no processo de construção do discurso da política externa brasileira para a integração regional. A seguir, a análise se volta para os aspectos discursivos, com ênfase nos pronunciamentos dos chanceleres e dos presidentes brasileiros, para compreender suas condições de emergência e existência, bem como verificar as continuidades e rupturas no desenvolvimento desta “nova” noção de região. O objetivo desta análise consiste em identificar os principais elementos políticos, sociais e simbólicos mobilizados na articulação deste discurso da política externa para a integração da América do Sul. / This thesis focuses on the construction of the Brazilian foreign policy discourse concerning the South America integration, particularly from the 1990s. Through the perspective of studies of Foreign Policy Analysis and relevant contributions of the Analysis of Discourse field, this work focuses on the development of this notion of South American integration throughout the governments of Itamar Franco, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Thus, the study presents a theoretical discussion concerning the status of the discourse in foreign policy field, followed for a review of the historical rapprochement between Brazil and its neighbors in South America. On this basis, the work examines the institutional characteristics and the major agents involved in the construction processes of the discourse of Brazilian foreign policy towards regional integration. Then the analysis turns to the discursive aspects, with emphasis on pronouncements of chancellors and presidents of Brazil, to understand their conditions of emergence and existence, as well as verify the continuities and ruptures in the development of this “new” concept of region. The objective of this analysis consists in identifying the main political, social and symbolic elements mobilized in the articulation of this foreign policy discourse to the South America integration.

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