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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

<em>"Vill man skapa ett bättre samhälle gäller det att inte stanna vid ett område."</em> : En studie om fyra unga lokalpolitikers uppfattningar av politiskt engagemang. / <em>"If you want to create a better community you can not focus on one political sphere."</em> : A study about the opinion of political engagement of four young municipal politicians.

Granström, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
<p>This examination project is an investigation about the opinion and comprehension for political engagement of four young municipal politicians. The purpose with this project is to describe and understand the pronounced comprehension for political engagement. There is also an intention to investigate the educational in discussing political engagement with students in social studies at upper secondary school.</p><p> </p><p>The method that has been used is “map of conceptions” because of its appropriate way to elucidate the comprehension and understanding of a certain subject.</p><p> </p><p>Those four young municipal politicians see political engagement as the will to improve the community. There is also an importance to have a large engagement in more areas than just one. Other central worth is being a good role model and maintain a dialogue with the citizens. This project will be completed with a discussion regarding the previous research and the opinions of the municipal politicians and than end with a discussion about teaching students about political engagement.</p>

"Vill man skapa ett bättre samhälle gäller det att inte stanna vid ett område." : En studie om fyra unga lokalpolitikers uppfattningar av politiskt engagemang. / "If you want to create a better community you can not focus on one political sphere." : A study about the opinion of political engagement of four young municipal politicians.

Granström, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
This examination project is an investigation about the opinion and comprehension for political engagement of four young municipal politicians. The purpose with this project is to describe and understand the pronounced comprehension for political engagement. There is also an intention to investigate the educational in discussing political engagement with students in social studies at upper secondary school.   The method that has been used is “map of conceptions” because of its appropriate way to elucidate the comprehension and understanding of a certain subject.   Those four young municipal politicians see political engagement as the will to improve the community. There is also an importance to have a large engagement in more areas than just one. Other central worth is being a good role model and maintain a dialogue with the citizens. This project will be completed with a discussion regarding the previous research and the opinions of the municipal politicians and than end with a discussion about teaching students about political engagement.

Information för gemenskap och motstånd : En intervjustudie om unga feministers informationspraktiker / Information for community and resistance : An interview study of young feminists' information practices

Palm Kåberg, Anna January 2015 (has links)
This Bachelor thesis investigates how young feminists seek information related to their political engagement, the sources they use and what they use the information for. The study focuses on feminists aged 16-23 years old who are active in an alternative political movement. Qualitative interviews were carried out with four feminists. Theoretically, the study takes its departure point in the notion of communities of practice developed by Wenger (1998). In this view feminist groups and their circle of like-minded friends are seen as communities of practice where they share information, learn and create a common history together. McKenzie’s (2003) model of information practices was used in the analysis. The findings show that active scanning is the most common method of keeping informed about feminist issues. The informants often scan Internet sources for information about feminism, but seldom search for information on specific questions. It was also found that information was used as a form of resistance in order to meet challenges. It was also used in conversations and discussions with other feminists as a way of creating deeper knowledge on specific issues.

Politiskt engagemang : Med fokus på assyrier och syrianer i Sverige

Nuel, Nuel January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of the current case-study is to bring further knowledge to the field of political science of political participation amoung the group assyrians and syriacs in Sweden. Furthermore, the fundamental research question investigate which ways assyrians and syriacs engage in the political field. This thesis utilizes qualitative phase use eight informants collected by social media and snowball sampling technique. The methods of data collection are semi-structured interviews and are collected and analyzed by qualitative content analysis. The result in the study shows that the assyrians and syriacs in Sweden utilize their right as Swedish citizens and their voices to engage with both Swedish politics and assyrians/syriacs causes. They are generally motivated by both the Swedish political issues and by the assyrian/syriac cause.

Är det ungdomarna eller partipolitiken som ärproblemet? : En diskursanalys av ungas engagemang inom de traditionella politiska arenorna

Fröberg, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att bidra till forskningen om ungas minskade politiska engagemang ide traditionella politiska arenorna genom att problematisera framställningen av ungdomarspolitiska engagemang i statens offentliga utredningar. Materialet som studerats är SOU 1991:12och SOU 2016:5 som båda behandlar problemområdet att allt färre unga engagerar sig inom depolitiska organisationerna. Materialet analyseras genom den diskursanalys-inriktade ansatsen“What’s the problem represented to be?” utformat av Carol Bacchi, kopplat med teorierna frånden tidigare forskningen inom ungas förändrade beteende och engagemang. Genom Bacchisanalytiska ramverk studeras materialet genom att få fram hur problemet presenteras för attsedan kritiskt granska om problemframställningen kan tolkas annorlunda än den sompresenteras och om det finns något som utelämnas i diskursen. Utifrån min tolkning visargranskningen av utredningarna att det som utelämnas är att problematisera de traditionellapolitiska arenornas bristande förmåga att kanalisera ungas engagemang. Genom att utelämnadetta försämrar det möjligheten att lösa problemet inom den framtida policyutvecklingen.Problemframställnigen utelämnar även att det inte måste ses som ett problem att unga är aktivainom partipolitiken, då det visas att det finns ett starkt förtroende för de styrandeorganisationerna och engagemang kan uppstå när de blir äldre.

Ett klick ifrån politiken: : Om sociala mediers och ungdomars politiska engagemang / A click away from politics : Social media's impact on adolescence political engagement

Sternlöf, Aron, Bovaller, Lisa January 2024 (has links)
Kunskapsöversikten syftar till att besvara frågorna “Hur påverkar sociala medier ungdomars demokratifrämjande politiska engagemang?” och “Vad säger tidigare forskning om sociala mediers påverkan på ungdomars källkritiska förmåga?”. Metoden har framför allt bestått av litteratursökning i databaserna ERIC, ERC och Swepub. Relevanta böcker och myndighetsrapporter har även använts för att besvara våra frågeställningar.  I resultatet och slutsatsen framgår att det både finns möjligheter och utmaningar med sociala medier i demokratifrämjande syfte. En av de största utmaningarna är att användarna ofta har bristande kunskaper vad gäller källkritik vilket leder till att desinformation sprids. För att motverka detta krävs aktivt arbete och utformning av dessa förmågor. Framför allt synliggör resultat och diskussion bristen på en övergripande plan hur denna utformning sker på bästa sätt i klassrummet för att säkerställa att det demokratiska värden vårt samhälle bygger på inte urholkas.

Ungdomars synsätt på politik : - former, innehåll &amp; uttryck

Holmén, Martin January 2010 (has links)
Abstract   Youths and adolescents have for a long period of time, and at a high degree, beenabsent from the party political stage. The causes for this have been discussed inthis essay through a quantitative survey made in an upper secondary school class,consisting of some 19 subjects in the municipality of Kalmar. Tied together withrelevant literature and discourse on the subject, the essay has dealt with thepossible societal-, system- and individual barriers for political interest andinvolvement. Central questions for this essay has been for instance; age, gender,social background, geographical domicile, as well as the decline of ideology, theforms of current party politics, political interest, political engagement and soforth. The concluding remarks contain not only a mix of these barriers existing,not exclusively, for young and adolescents but different ground for them as well.On the one hand, there exist barriers which exclude youth from the conventionalpolitical life, but on the other, the more individualised youth of today, prefer to agreater extent not to participate under the conventional circumstances that partypolitics has to offer. This adds up to one of the most challenging democraticproblems facing Swedish modern day democracy.Youths and adolescents have for a long period of time, and at a high degree, beenabsent from the party political stage. The causes for this have been discussed inthis essay through a quantitative survey made in an upper secondary school class,consisting of some 19 subjects in the municipality of Kalmar. Tied together withrelevant literature and discourse on the subject, the essay has dealt with thepossible societal-, system- and individual barriers for political interest andinvolvement. Central questions for this essay has been for instance; age, gender,social background, geographical domicile, as well as the decline of ideology, theforms of current party politics, political interest, political engagement and soforth. The concluding remarks contain not only a mix of these barriers existing,not exclusively, for young and adolescents but different ground for them as well.On the one hand, there exist barriers which exclude youth from the conventionalpolitical life, but on the other, the more individualised youth of today, prefer to agreater extent not to participate under the conventional circumstances that partypolitics has to offer. This adds up to one of the most challenging democraticproblems facing Swedish modern day democracy.

Ungdomars synsätt på politik : - former, innehåll & uttryck

Holmén, Martin January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p> </p><p>Youths and adolescents have for a long period of time, and at a high degree, beenabsent from the party political stage. The causes for this have been discussed inthis essay through a quantitative survey made in an upper secondary school class,consisting of some 19 subjects in the municipality of Kalmar. Tied together withrelevant literature and discourse on the subject, the essay has dealt with thepossible societal-, system- and individual barriers for political interest andinvolvement. Central questions for this essay has been for instance; age, gender,social background, geographical domicile, as well as the decline of ideology, theforms of current party politics, political interest, political engagement and soforth. The concluding remarks contain not only a mix of these barriers existing,not exclusively, for young and adolescents but different ground for them as well.On the one hand, there exist barriers which exclude youth from the conventionalpolitical life, but on the other, the more individualised youth of today, prefer to agreater extent not to participate under the conventional circumstances that partypolitics has to offer. This adds up to one of the most challenging democraticproblems facing Swedish modern day democracy.Youths and adolescents have for a long period of time, and at a high degree, beenabsent from the party political stage. The causes for this have been discussed inthis essay through a quantitative survey made in an upper secondary school class,consisting of some 19 subjects in the municipality of Kalmar. Tied together withrelevant literature and discourse on the subject, the essay has dealt with thepossible societal-, system- and individual barriers for political interest andinvolvement. Central questions for this essay has been for instance; age, gender,social background, geographical domicile, as well as the decline of ideology, theforms of current party politics, political interest, political engagement and soforth. The concluding remarks contain not only a mix of these barriers existing,not exclusively, for young and adolescents but different ground for them as well.On the one hand, there exist barriers which exclude youth from the conventionalpolitical life, but on the other, the more individualised youth of today, prefer to agreater extent not to participate under the conventional circumstances that partypolitics has to offer. This adds up to one of the most challenging democraticproblems facing Swedish modern day democracy.</p>

Politiskt engagerade ungdomars informationssökning / Information seeking among politically engaged young people

Asp, Jonas January 2010 (has links)
This Bachelor’s thesis is related to the area within library and information studies that focuses on information seeking and information practices. The study deals with how politically engaged young people seek information in relation to their political interests. The purpose of the study is to create an understanding of the roles that different forms of information-related activities play within the framework of political interest and of the feelings, experiences and challenges that such activities may give rise to for those involved. The study also discusses purposes and motivation for information seeking and use in political engagement. In order to address the problem statement I have conducted a qualitative interview study where I interviewed four politically active young people. The findings of the study indicate a number of recurring trends but also variations in the information practices of the informants. Daily news updates and the social interaction appear to be among the most important information-related activities. Some of the information-related activities are connected to the elements of the engagement that are more personal and private in nature, while other information activities are related to the social dimensions of the engagement. It would seem that political engagement is divided in two different spheres, a social and another more individual sphere. This finding is important for our understanding of how the different information-related activities are linked to each other. The findings and the conclusions of the study are presented in a theoretical model.

Motstånd och gemenskap : En kvalitativ studie om politiskt engagemang på nätet / Resistance and community : A qualitative study of political engagement online

Hindrikes, Evelin January 2021 (has links)
This study examines two Facebook groups with the explicit purpose of creating a resistance against the nationalist and right-wing political party the Sweden Democrats. Through qualitative interviews with administrators of these groups, three main themes have been identified and analyzed: the motivation behind the resistance, the role these groups play for their members and the path to an active political engagement online. The theoretical basis for the analysis consists of Becker’s theory on deviant groups, Goffman’s dramaturgical perspective and Bauman’s description of the age of nostalgia.  The study finds that the members of the groups mainly protest against the outlook on people expressed by the Sweden Democrats through their view on immigrants. While an increasing number of people in Sweden express negative views on immigrants, the members of these groups turn to each other online to find a community where their views are shared. The Facebook groups act as places of support, but also as sources of fact-based information where arguments to use in life offline can be found. Anyone who doesn’t sympathize with the Sweden Democrats, and who agrees to the group terms of preserving a friendly debate climate, is welcome in these groups, creating a relatively heterogenous group composition.  The start of an active engagement in these groups seems to have been triggered by a specific event, but the social process leading there appears to consist of a development of a sense of justice through upbringing and earlier experiences. A current life situation permitting time for engagement as well as a feeling of deviating from the views of others in their social proximity, seem to be other important factors resulting in an active political engagement online.

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