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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of position on the lumbar intervertebral disc

Alexander, Lyndsay Ann January 2014 (has links)
This thesis comprises three phases with a combined aim which was to investigate the effect of position on the lumbar intervertebral disc (IVD). The effect of position on the lumbar IVD in asymptomatic subjects and subjects with discogenic low back pain (DLBP) was explored using positional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (pMRI). Convenience samples of 11 asymptomatic and 34 DLBP subjects were recruited to have sagittal and axial pMRI scans performed in sitting (Neutral, Flexed and Extended), standing and lying (Supine and Prone extension) positions. The sagittal plane migration of the nucleus pulposus (NP) of each lumbar IVD in each position was measured from the sagittal and axial pMRI scans. Within and between group inferential analysis was performed using nonparametric tests. Both the asymptomatic and DLBP subjects’ demonstrated that position had statistically significant effects on the sagittal plane NP migration. Both groups demonstrated significantly greater posterior sagittal plane NP migration in Neutral and Flexed sitting positions compared to the other positions. However, between group comparisons identified that the asymptomatic subjects also demonstrated significantly greater posterior sagittal plane NP migration than the DLBP subjects. This pattern was more common in the upper lumbar IVDs (L1/2 and L2/3) between positions and less common in the lower IVDs (L4/5 and L5/S1) between positions. New knowledge regarding the behaviour of the lumbar IVD emerged from this research. The differences detected between the asymptomatic and DLBP subjects suggest that some current theories regarding DLBP may be incorrect. The results also support imaging of DLBP subjects in sitting positions as opposed to current supine positions. Although the limitations of the study reduce generalisation of the results, the implications for clinical practice, imaging and suggestions for further research from this work are important to improve understanding and conservative management of DLBP.

Positionssystemet : Elevers möjligheter att förstå positionssystemet i årskurs 6 / Positional system : Students’ opportunity to understand the positional system in the sixth grade

Engström, Sofie January 2016 (has links)
Swedish students are showing a continuous deterioration of knowledge about the concept of mathematical place-value and by looking at a closer analysis, made by the TIMSS, it was made even more visible that the concept of place-value, which is associated with our positional system, is very central to students' understanding of the number concept. The PISA - report further demonstrates that it is possible to discern the deteriorating knowledge of students' perceptions of digits’ place-values in calculations of standard algorithms. The study is carried out because I want to explore as well as contribute to the research on the opportunities students are given to understand the positional system. The study aims to create knowledge on students' opportunity to understand the positional system in the sixth grade. The questions the study seeks to answer are the following:  What are the different patterns of variation the students meet during the lesson about the positional system?  Which are the critical aspects that can be discerned when listening to the students' descriptions of the positional system? To get answers to these questions, and thus fulfill the purpose of the study, different teachings have been observed and students have been interviewed. The theory of this work is variation theory. This theory was chosen because it makes it possible to understand many different ways to treat a selected subject of matter as well as to relate it to students' opportunities to learn. Results of the study show that students encounter several different parts of the pattern of variation in the teaching about the positional system, including contrast, generalization and separation. By taking in the students' descriptions of the positional system, three critical aspects could be discerned. These were the place-value together with the significance of zero in multi-digit numbers, numbers properties and lastly number sence. The conclusion is that students have different opportunities to develop an understanding of the positional system in the sixth grade. The possibilities are different depending on which critical aspects that are distinguished by the students in the education of the positional system. / Svenska elever visar kontinuerligt försämrade kunskaper kring begreppet platsvärde och vid en noggrannare granskning av TIMSS (Skolverket, 2012) synliggjordes att begreppet platsvärde, som är förknippat med vårt positionssystem, är ett centralt begrepp för elevers förståelse av talbegrepp. PISA rapporten (Skolverket, 2013) påvisar ytterligare att det går att urskilja försämrade kunskaper om elevers uppfattningar om siffrors platsvärden vid beräkningar av standardalgoritmer. Studien genomfördes för att undersöka och bidra till forskningen om vilka möjligheter elever ges till att förstå positionssystemet. Studien syftar till att bilda kunskap om elevers möjligheter att förstå positionssystemet i årskurs 6. De frågeställningar studien syftar till att besvara är:  Vilka variationsmönster möter elever i undervisning om positionssystemet?  Vilka kritiska aspekter kan urskiljas vid elevers beskrivningar av positionssystemet? För att få svar på frågeställningarna och därmed uppfylla syftet med studien har undervisning observerats och elever intervjuats. I studien finns inslag av variationsteorin. Teorin valdes för att göra det möjligt att förstå hur olika sätt att behandla ett valt ämnesinnehåll relaterar till elevers möjligheter att lära. Studiens resultat visar att elever möter olika variationsmönster i undervisning om positionssystemet, däribland kontrast, generalisering och separation. Vid elevers beskrivningar av positionssystemet kunde det urskiljas tre kritiska aspekter, positionens värde och nollans betydelse i ett flersiffrigt tal, talens egenskaper och talsortsuppfattning. Slutsatsen är att elever har olika möjligheter att utveckla förståelse för positionssystemet i årskurs 6. Möjligheterna ser olika ut beroende på vilka kritiska aspekter eleverna urskilt i undervisning om positionssystemet.

The safety and effectiveness of interventions for aggression in mental health nursing

Parkes, J. January 2010 (has links)
This document presents five published journal articles all of which investigate the safety and effectiveness of interventions for aggression in mental health nursing. Early work focuses upon studies of the safety and effectiveness of interventions in the clinical setting. In the first article the research project examined the safety and effectiveness of a course of training in ‗control and restraint‘ (C&R) at a medium secure mental health unit. Mixed findings are reported, with some aspects of the study showing an increase in injuries whilst the overall outcome showed no significant change. The second article reports the pattern of incidents, and staff interventions, over a three year period in a different medium secure unit. A low threshold of reporting was encouraged and substantial numbers of incidents are described. Later work narrows the focus of the study onto a specific area of the safety of physical interventions for aggression: sudden death related to restraint. A published review of the literature on ‗positional asphyxia‘ is presented, discussing the key literature and developing the concept of ‗positional asphyxia.‘ Two research publications are also presented. In the first article the effect of body position on the rate of recovery from exercise is studied using pulse oximetry as a proxy measure of respiration. Equivocal results are reported. The second study shows a development of the methodology, following a similar design but using computer assisted pneumotachography to provide direct measurement of lung function. A clear pattern is demonstrated showing significant changes in lung function in prone restraint positions where the participant is flexed and/or body weight is applied. 4 The development of the concept of positional asphyxia and the contribution of the articles, academic and professional, is discussed. It is suggested that positional asphyxia should be viewed as one factor in a multi-factorial model of risk. The body of work is presented as having clear implications for practice. Early work examining the pattern of incidents in clinical settings has relevance to staff training, particularly in terms of a clearer understanding of the potential risks which need to be addressed by training. Later work has considerable implication for both policy and training by identifying those restraint positions which present less risk to the restrained person. Directions for future research are discussed.

Matematiska begrepp inom positionssystemet : - vilka är svårigheterna?

Floberg, Agneta, Löfström, Helene January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Abstrakt</strong></p><p>Studien behandlar begreppskunskap inom området positionssystemet hos elever i matematiksvårigheter. Undersökningen har gjorts i årskurs 4 och omfattar naturliga tal avseende tiobassystemet.</p><p>Studien består av en kvantitativ undersökning och en kvalitativ del med intervjuer.</p><p>Resultatet av studien har organiserats i tre områden som har betydelse för individens utveckling av matematiska begrepp. Talområdet 1-10, talsystemets uppbyggnad samt förståelsen av stora tal.</p><p>Av resultatet framgår att förståelse av ett begrepp kan vara mer ytlig än den ser ut att vara. Brister i grundläggande begreppsförståelse kan leda till att räknesvårigheter uppstår. Svårigheter är bland annat begreppen talsort och platsvärde, särskilt i stora tal.</p><p><em>Sökord:</em> begrepp, matematiksvårigheter, positionssystemet, schema, specialundervisning, tiobassystemet.</p> / <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>The study deals with the conceptual knowledge in the positional system for pupils with mathematical difficulties. The investigation was conducted in grade four and includes natural numbers for the ten-base system.<strong></strong></p><p>The study consists of a quantitative survey and a quality part with interviews.</p><p>The result of the study has been organized into three areas which have importance to the development of mathematical concepts for individuals. The number field 1-10, rules for the building of system of numbers and the understanding of large numbers.</p><p>The result shows that the understanding of a concept may be more superficial then it appears to be. Deficiency in basic conceptual understanding can lead to numeracy problems. The difficulties included the concepts place-value and magnitude of number, especially in large numbers.</p><p> </p><p><em>Keywords:</em> concept, mathematical difficulties, positional system, schema, special needs education, ten-base system.</p>

Struktura pozičních míst pro absolventy vysokých škol na krajských úřadech / The Structure of Positions to be occupied by Higher School Graduates at Regional Authorities

Marková, Aneta January 2009 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the structure of positional places for graduates in the regional offices, particularly in the Jihočeský Region, Jihomoravský Region, Karlovarský Region, Plzeňský Region and Region Vysočina. It examines the requirements that are imposed on candidates for the position of the regional office. Then the thesis focuses on the profile of the graduate School of Management, specializing in public sector management and regional development, and determines whether the knowledge are applicable to positions in the regional offices.

The Development of the Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Symptom Impact Questionnaire (BSIQ)

Akin, Faith, Smith, Sherri, Riska, Kristal M., Hall, Courtney D., Sears, Jennifer R., and Speech Lang Pathology, Larkin, A. 01 November 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Relação entre estados de ânimo momentâneos na pré-competição e desempenho em atletas de futebol de campo / Relationship between momentary moods states in pre-competition and performance in elite soccer

Silva, Wagner Dias da 10 October 2013 (has links)
O nível de treinamento desportivo e de desempenho no futebol expõe os atletas a uma elevada exigência física, fisiológica e psicológica. Assim, as preocupações pela interferência desses aspectos no desempenho do jogador se tornaram constantes. Inúmeros estudos foram realizados para verificar os estados emocionais de jogadores, correlacionando estes estados com o desempenho, o que proporciona mais subsídios para uma preparação completa do atleta. Entretanto, vê-se a necessidade de novos estudos que relacionem os estados de ânimo com o desempenho em jogadores de futebol de campo, em função da posição que o jogador atua, analisando não apenas os estados negativos, comumente encontrados na literatura, mas também os positivos. O presente estudo analisou a relação entre os estados de ânimo presentes no jogador de futebol e seu desempenho durante uma partida, em função da posição que atua em campo. Em um primeiro experimento, foram analisadas as gravações de quatro partidas de futebol de campo, nas quais foram descritos os comportamentos de 45 atletas e elaborado um Sistema de Categorias Comportamentais (SCC). Em um segundo experimento, 18 atletas de uma equipe de futebol foram submetidos, no período pré-competição, à Lista de Estados de Ânimo Presentes (LEAP), em três partidas. Durante estas partidas, três jogadores de diferentes posições foram observados. A partir dos vídeos, as subcategorias que se apresentaram, por meio das ações dos jogadores, foram descritas a cada 15 segundos numa folha de registros, permitindo a organização da frequência das categorias comportamentais. Foram analisadas as possíveis relações entre os dados obtidos com a LEAP e com o SCC. Os resultados mostraram um perfil comum de estados de ânimo presentes para todos os jogadores e um perfil específico para as posições, além da presença de posições que compartilharam estados de ânimo presentes. Os três grupos apresentaram um desempenho com altas frequências de categorias características à função exercida por sua posição e baixas frequências de categorias não relacionadas à suas funções. Os dados sugerem uma relação entre o estado de ânimo específico das posições e seu desempenho, uma vez que houve uma relação entre os dados de estados de ânimo presentes, obtidos com a LEAP, e o desempenho dos jogadores, obtido com o SCC. Conclui-se que esta pesquisa, no seu nível descritivo, permitiu identificar relações entre os estados de ânimo pré-competição e o desempenho do atleta, nas funções específicas de posição, o que evidencia compatibilidade dos estados de ânimo pré-competição e das funções do atleta com os fundamentos reconhecidos pela estrutura envolvida numa competição esportiva. / The level of sports training and performance in soccer exposes athletes to very high physical demands, either physiological and psychological. Thus, by interference of these aspects concerns the performance of the player became constant. Numerous studies have been conducted to ascertain the emotional states of players, these states correlating with the performance, which provides more support for a thorough preparation of the athlete. However, we see the need for new studies that relate mood states with performance in soccer players, depending on the position that the player acts, analyzing not only the negative states, commonly found in the literature, but also positive. The present study examined the relationship between present moods states in soccer players and their performance during a game, depending on the position that works in the field. In a first phase, we analyzed the recordings of four soccer matches, in which were described the behaviors of 45 athletes and developed a System of Behavioral Categories (SCC). In a second phase, 18 athletes from a soccer team underwent, at the pre-competition, the List Present Mood States (LEAP) in three games. During these matches, three players from different positions were observed. From the videos, the subcategories showed, through the actions of the players were described every 15 seconds on a sheet of records, allowing the organization of the frequency of behavioral categories. We analyzed possible relationships between the data obtained with the LEAP and the SCC. The results showed a common profile of present mood states for all players and a specific profile for the positions, and the presence of positions that share present mood states. The three groups showed similar performance with high-frequency characteristics of the categories function performed by its position and low frequency of categories not related to their duties. The data suggested a link between specific mood states from own positions and their performance, since there was a relationship between data from present mood states, obtained with LEAP, and the performance of the players, obtained with the SCC. We conclude that this research, in its descriptive level, leads to identify relationships between mood states pre-competition and athlete\'s performance, in the specific functions of position, which shows compatibility of mood states pre-competition and functions of the athlete on the grounds recognized by the structure involved in a sports competition.

Análise não-linear geométrica de músculos esqueléticos via Método dos Elementos Finitos posicional / Geometrical nonlinear analysis of skeletal muscles via positional Finite Element Method

Quintero Ramírez, Carolina 04 October 2018 (has links)
A simulação computacional em biomecânica permite analisar o comportamento dos movimentos do corpo humano, diminuindo, e inclusive evitando ensaios experimentais invasivos. A locomoção humana resulta das forças desenvolvidas pelos músculos esqueléticos. Os mecanismos que produzem essas forças ainda são um tema de investigação aberto. O pouco entendimento desse fenômeno tem levado a subestimar propriedades importantes nos modelos mecânicos, as quais são essenciais para a simulação do comportamento do músculo. O objetivo desta tese foi desenvolver um código computacional que permita obter de maneira precisa e exata, a representação numérica do comportamento mecânico dos músculos esqueléticos. O código visa compilar diversas pesquisas numéricas de tal forma que a simulação possa considerar os fenômenos essenciais no comportamento mecânico do músculo e posteriormente avaliar sua influência na geração de força muscular. A formulação utilizada é baseada no Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF), que é escrito em função das posições nodais. Os músculos esqueléticos foram discretizados por elementos planos e sólidos e uma análise não linear geométrica foi realizada. O programa considera fibras longas colocadas dentro de um domínio contínuo (passivo) sem adicionar graus de liberdade ao sistema). Um modelo transversalmente isotrópico, hiperelástico quase incompressível foi utilizado para simular o tecido muscular. A energia livre de Helmholtz foi usada para modelar o comportamento muscular ativo e passivo do músculo. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que o código computacional é adequado para representar um modelo hiperelástico quase incompreensível no modelo transversalmente isotrópico. Permitindo considerar o músculo esquelético em duas partes distintas: intramuscular (matriz) e extracelular (fibras) utilizando a energia livre de Helmholtz e com ativação uniaxial, tanto em modelos estáticos como dinâmicos não lineares. Os resultados numéricos demonstraram que o algoritmo implementado é adequado para realizar análises não lineares geométricas de músculos esqueléticos via MEF. A condição de incompressibilidade foi comprovada nos problemas com materiais hiperelásticos. Também, foi demostrada a necessidade de realizar uma análise de convergência para as fibras. Finalmente, foi notada a complexidade na construção e na análise estrutural dos músculos esqueléticos, sendo necessário continuar desenvolvendo estratégias numéricas para maior aprofundamento. / Computational Modeling in Biomechanics allows analyzing of human body\'s movements, decreasing and some cases avoiding invasive experimental tests. The human locomotion is the result of forces developed by skeletal muscles. The mechanisms that produce this force are still an open research topic. The little knowledge of this phenomenon has led to underestimating important properties in mechanical models. The goal of this thesis was developed a computer code to obtain, in a precise and exact manner, the numerical representation of the mechanical behavior of skeletal muscles. The code aims to compile several numerical research, such that the simulation can consider the essential phenomena in mechanical behavior and then evaluate their influence in the muscle strength development. The used formulation is based on the Finite Element Method (FEM), which is written as a function of nodal positions. The skeletal muscles were discretized by plane and solid elements, and a geometrically nonlinear analysis was performed. The program considers long fibers placed inside a continuum domain (passive) without adding degrees of freedom to the system. A transversely isotropic model almost incompressible hyperelastic model was used to simulate the muscle tissue. The Helmholtz free energy was used to model the active and passive muscle behavior of muscle. The findings from the research indicate that the computer code is adequate to represent a transversely isotropic model almost incompressible hyperelastic model. The code allows skeletal muscle to be considered in two parts: intramuscular (matrix) and extracellular (fibers) using the Helmholtz free energy and with uniaxial activation, in nonlinear statical and dynamical models. The results support the model implemented for nonlinear geometrical analyzes of skeletal muscle using FEM. The almost incompressibility condition was tested in problems with hyperelastic materials. Also, numerical simulations confirm that a convergence analyzes for fibers is always required. Finally, it was noted the complexity in the construction and the structural analyzes of skeletal muscles, being necessary to continue developing numerical strategies for further deepening.

Identification of genes associated with intramuscular fat deposition and composition in Nellore breed / Identificação de genes associados à deposição e composição da gordura intramuscular em bovinos da raça Nelore

Cesar, Aline Silva Mello 03 July 2014 (has links)
The amount and composition of intramuscular fat (IMF) influence the sensory characteristics, nutritional value of beef and human health. The amount of fatty acid and its composition in beef varies by breed, nutrition, sex, age or carcass finishing level. The fat deposition and composition are determined by many genes that participate directly or indirectly in adipogenesis and lipid metabolism. The selection of animals with fat amount and composition suitable for the consumer is complex due to high cost of measurement, the moderate heritability and polygenic traits (many genes are involved with these traits). In the last decade with a great advance in bovine genomics resulted in the complete genome sequencing and the development of high-density chips of SNPs. This scientific advance jointly with technological improvement allowed the identification of genes responsible for important quantitative traits in cattle. This study aimed to identify and characterize genes associated with the deposition and composition of intramuscular fat in Nellore. A genome-wide association study (genome- wide association studies, GWAS) was performed to identify genomic regions associated with traits of interest and positional candidate genes. A total RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) analysis was applied to transcriptome study of Longissimus dorsi muscle. Three hundred and eighty six Nellore steers were used for the evaluation of lipid content and fatty acid profile of LD, and genotyping with high-density chip SNP (SNP800 Illumina BeadChip). A subset of 14 animals, seven animals for each extremes of genomic estimated values (GEBV) were used to RNA-Seq analysis. Twenty-five genomic regions (1 MB window) were associated with the deposition and composition of intramuscular fat, which explained >= 1 % of the genetic variance. These regions were identified on chromosomes 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 26 and 27, many of these have not previously been found in other breeds and in these regions important genes were identified. Genomic regions and genes identified and presented here should be contribute to a better understanding of the genetic control of deposition and fat composition in beef cattle, and can be applied in breeding programs for animals that produce a quality and healthy beef to human consumers. / A quantidade e composição da gordura intramuscular (GIM) pode influenciar as características sensoriais, o valor nutricional da carne bovina e na saúde humana. O perfil dos seus ácidos graxos pode se apresentar de maneira diversificada conforme a genética, o manejo e a nutrição dos animais de origem. A deposição e composição da gordura são determinadas por muitos genes que participam direta ou indiretamente da adipogênese e do metabolismo lipídico. A seleção de animais com teor e composição de gordura adequado para o consumidor é complexa pela difícil mensuração destas características, pela moderada herdabilidade e pelo desconhecimento dos genes envolvidos. Na última década, presenciamos um grande avanço na área da genômica bovina que resultou no sequenciamento completo do genoma e no desenvolvimento de chips de alta densidade de SNP. Este progresso científico, aliado aos avanços tecnológicos de equipamentos, resultou na identificação de genes responsáveis pela determinação de características quantitativas de interesse científico e comercial na bovinocultura. Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar e caracterizar genes associados à deposição e composição de gordura intramuscular em bovinos Nelore. Para este fim foi conduzido um estudo de associação genômica (Genome-wide association studies, GWAS) para identificar regiões genômicas associadas às características de interesse e identificar genes candidatos posicionais. Para o estudo de expressão diferencial foi conduzido um estudo do transcriptoma a partir do sequenciamento de RNA total (RNA-Seq) do músculo Longissimus dorsi. Foram utilizados 386 Nelores para a avaliação do teor de lipídeos total e perfil de ácidos graxos do músculo LD e, genotipagem com chip de alta densidade de SNP (Illumina SNP800 BeadChip). Um subconjunto de 14 animais, sendo sete animais de cada extremo para os valores genômicos estimados (GEBV) foi utilizado para o estudo de RNA-Seq. Foram encontradas 25 regiões genômicas (intervalos de 1 MB) associadas com deposição e composição de gordura intramuscular, as quais explicaram >= 1% da variância genética. Estas regiões foram identificadas nos cromossomos 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 26 e 27, muitas destas não foram previamente detectadas em outras raças. Nestas regiões foram identificados importantes genes e podem ajudar no entendimento da base genética envolvida na deposição e composição de gordura. As regiões genômicas e genes aqui identificados e apresentados contribuem para um melhor entendimento do controle genético da deposição e composição de gordura em gado de corte e ainda podem ser aplicados em programas de seleção genética de animais que produzam carne com qualidade e com perfil de gordura saudável ao homem.

Relação entre estados de ânimo momentâneos na pré-competição e desempenho em atletas de futebol de campo / Relationship between momentary moods states in pre-competition and performance in elite soccer

Wagner Dias da Silva 10 October 2013 (has links)
O nível de treinamento desportivo e de desempenho no futebol expõe os atletas a uma elevada exigência física, fisiológica e psicológica. Assim, as preocupações pela interferência desses aspectos no desempenho do jogador se tornaram constantes. Inúmeros estudos foram realizados para verificar os estados emocionais de jogadores, correlacionando estes estados com o desempenho, o que proporciona mais subsídios para uma preparação completa do atleta. Entretanto, vê-se a necessidade de novos estudos que relacionem os estados de ânimo com o desempenho em jogadores de futebol de campo, em função da posição que o jogador atua, analisando não apenas os estados negativos, comumente encontrados na literatura, mas também os positivos. O presente estudo analisou a relação entre os estados de ânimo presentes no jogador de futebol e seu desempenho durante uma partida, em função da posição que atua em campo. Em um primeiro experimento, foram analisadas as gravações de quatro partidas de futebol de campo, nas quais foram descritos os comportamentos de 45 atletas e elaborado um Sistema de Categorias Comportamentais (SCC). Em um segundo experimento, 18 atletas de uma equipe de futebol foram submetidos, no período pré-competição, à Lista de Estados de Ânimo Presentes (LEAP), em três partidas. Durante estas partidas, três jogadores de diferentes posições foram observados. A partir dos vídeos, as subcategorias que se apresentaram, por meio das ações dos jogadores, foram descritas a cada 15 segundos numa folha de registros, permitindo a organização da frequência das categorias comportamentais. Foram analisadas as possíveis relações entre os dados obtidos com a LEAP e com o SCC. Os resultados mostraram um perfil comum de estados de ânimo presentes para todos os jogadores e um perfil específico para as posições, além da presença de posições que compartilharam estados de ânimo presentes. Os três grupos apresentaram um desempenho com altas frequências de categorias características à função exercida por sua posição e baixas frequências de categorias não relacionadas à suas funções. Os dados sugerem uma relação entre o estado de ânimo específico das posições e seu desempenho, uma vez que houve uma relação entre os dados de estados de ânimo presentes, obtidos com a LEAP, e o desempenho dos jogadores, obtido com o SCC. Conclui-se que esta pesquisa, no seu nível descritivo, permitiu identificar relações entre os estados de ânimo pré-competição e o desempenho do atleta, nas funções específicas de posição, o que evidencia compatibilidade dos estados de ânimo pré-competição e das funções do atleta com os fundamentos reconhecidos pela estrutura envolvida numa competição esportiva. / The level of sports training and performance in soccer exposes athletes to very high physical demands, either physiological and psychological. Thus, by interference of these aspects concerns the performance of the player became constant. Numerous studies have been conducted to ascertain the emotional states of players, these states correlating with the performance, which provides more support for a thorough preparation of the athlete. However, we see the need for new studies that relate mood states with performance in soccer players, depending on the position that the player acts, analyzing not only the negative states, commonly found in the literature, but also positive. The present study examined the relationship between present moods states in soccer players and their performance during a game, depending on the position that works in the field. In a first phase, we analyzed the recordings of four soccer matches, in which were described the behaviors of 45 athletes and developed a System of Behavioral Categories (SCC). In a second phase, 18 athletes from a soccer team underwent, at the pre-competition, the List Present Mood States (LEAP) in three games. During these matches, three players from different positions were observed. From the videos, the subcategories showed, through the actions of the players were described every 15 seconds on a sheet of records, allowing the organization of the frequency of behavioral categories. We analyzed possible relationships between the data obtained with the LEAP and the SCC. The results showed a common profile of present mood states for all players and a specific profile for the positions, and the presence of positions that share present mood states. The three groups showed similar performance with high-frequency characteristics of the categories function performed by its position and low frequency of categories not related to their duties. The data suggested a link between specific mood states from own positions and their performance, since there was a relationship between data from present mood states, obtained with LEAP, and the performance of the players, obtained with the SCC. We conclude that this research, in its descriptive level, leads to identify relationships between mood states pre-competition and athlete\'s performance, in the specific functions of position, which shows compatibility of mood states pre-competition and functions of the athlete on the grounds recognized by the structure involved in a sports competition.

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