Spelling suggestions: "subject:"possession"" "subject:"possessions""
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Propriedade rural, posse e meio ambiente: uma ponderação harmoniosa / Possession, Property and Environment: an harmonic balanceAna Rita Vieira Albuquerque 29 March 2011 (has links)
A presente tese tem por objetivo defender, sob a visão do direito civil-constitucional e da função promocional do direito, a inter-relação entre os direitos de posse, propriedade e do meio ambiente e a possibilidade de uma ponderação harmoniosa em caso de desequilíbrio entre esses direitos. Utiliza-se para tanto a dimensão analítica, empírica e normativa. A dimensão analítica tem por objetivo investigar os conceitos jurídicos envolvidos na pesquisa, especialmente em relação à propriedade e à sua função socioambiental. A relação entre tais conceitos sobressai através da análise da função socioambiental da propriedade, da posse enfatizando-se os aspectos da legislação ambiental. O direito fundamental ao meio ambiente é estudado como direito e dever de todos conforme disposto no art. 225 da Constituição de 1988, e, nesse ponto, diretamente eficaz nas relações interprivadas. Aborda-se, na dimensão empírica e normativa essencialmente aspectos práticos, com foco na jurisprudência, especialmente do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) e do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ). A ponderação harmoniosa entre a propriedade, a posse e o meio ambiente, busca o equilíbrio na efetivação desses direitos, inclusive mediante a aplicação dos princípios do direito econômico. Por meio da ponderação, é possível alcançar, de forma mais eficiente do que o modelo tradicional de subsunção, uma resposta adequada e fundamentada para os casos difíceis, especialmente na efetivação e na restauração do equilíbrio entre a posse, a propriedade e o meio ambiente quando esses princípios, no caso concreto, colidem uns com os outros. Sobretudo, pretende-se concretizar os direitos fundamentais segundo exigências do pós-positivismo, por meio da aproximação entre o Direito e a Ética, com o fim de se alcançar a Justiça para o caso concreto. / The present thesis has as its objective the defense of the relation between the rights to possession, to property and to environment and the possibility of a harmonic balance in the case of disequilibrium between those rights. This construction was done under the sway of civil- constitutional law. In the effort to reach the purpose of this work, it is employed the analytical, empirical and normative dimensions. The analytical dimension has the objective to investigate the juridical concepts involved in the research, especially in relation to the property and to its environmental function. The relation between the analyzed concepts appears trough the analysis of the environmental-social function of the possession, the property and the environmental legislation that reflect in this institutes. The fundamental right to the environment is studied as a right and a duty of everyone in obedience to the rule disposed in the article 225 of the Constitution of 1988, and, at this point, it is possible to initiate legal actions against the private owners, not only against the Estate. The normative and empirical dimension presents a practical approach focusing especially in the jurisprudence of the Brazilian federal Supreme Court and of the Superior Court of Appeal (STJ). It is accentuated the possibility of a harmonic balance between the rights to property, to possession and to environment and the necessity that those rights find a balance in their effectiveness, also through the principles of economic law. Through the balance of the normative principles in collision, it is possible to reach, more efficiently than in the traditional model of subsumption, an adequate and motivated answer to the hard cases, especially when considering the effectiveness or the restoration of the balance between the possession, the property and the environment. The objective is to concretize the fundamental rights, in conformity with the exigencies of the post-positivism trough the approximation between law and ethics, looking forward to reach Justice in solving hard cases.
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A Usucapião nos Privilégios de Invenção: a apropriabilidade originária pelo uso reiterado / Adverse possession on patent rigthsPedro Marcos Nunes Barbosa 10 June 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho enfoca a possibilidade de uma usucapião de patentes, uma usucapião inclusiva, a incidência da supressio à conduta omissiva do titular, a carnellutiana servidão empresarial e, por último, o usufruto de direitos. Para tanto, foi tangenciada a alteração conceitual dos termos bem, coisa, posse e propriedade de modo a contextualizar significados, estáticos, trazidos desde o direito romano. Contempla a figura da posse de direitos ou da posse como exercício fático de um poder sobre um bem, além do eventual substitutivo de tal requisito usucapiente pelo uso qualificado. Abrange, ainda, uma análise crítica à ausência de disposições normativas específicas sobre a apropriabilidade originária, o que acaba elevando, desproporcionalmente, os poderes do titular da patente. A aquisição originária de bens incorpóreos permite, portanto, acesso igualitário aos bens imateriais, além de estimular o exercício da função social pelo titular. Na hipótese da usucapião inclusiva, atende-se, concomitantemente, ao direito de propriedade e à livre iniciativa e concorrência, disponibilizando opções de produtos no mercado, derivados de players diferentes, advindos da mesma tecnologia interditada. / This paper focuses on the possibility of an adverse possession of patents, a bundle of rights brought by the adverse possession, the incidence of supressio towards the omissive conduct of the patent owner, a critical review of Francesco Carnellutis thesis of an entrepreneur easement and, finally, the simultaneous use of patent rights. A conceptual aproach of the terms "good, "estate", "possession" and "property" was made in order to contextualize the static meanings brought from the Roman law into Brazilian codification. The figure includes the possession or ownership rights as a de facto exercise of power over an estate, besides the eventual replacement of this requirement by a qualified use. The paper focus on a critical analysis of the absence of specific legislative provisions concerning to adverse possession towards intellectual property, which results on a disproportional power of the patentee. The acquisition of intellectual property by adverse possession, therefore, allowes equal access, and encourages the pursuit of social function by the patent holder. In the event of adverse possession generating a bundle of rights, property right and free enterprise (and competition) are estimulated by a plurality offer of products, coming from various market players, towards the same patent technology.
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A naturalização dos fenômenos sobrenaturais e a construção do cérebro possuído: um estudo da medicalizaão do transe e da possessão no século XIX / The naturalization of supernatural phenomena and brain building "owned": a study of the medicalization of trance and possession in the XIX centuryValéria Portugal Gonçalves 20 February 2008 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Este trabalho procura discutir o modo como os fenômenos sobrenaturais foram apropriados, pela ciência, no século XIX. A teoria do magnetismo animal, criada por Mesmer, com suas variadas interpretações por várias gerações de discípulos; a construção da teoria da hipnose, com a codificação da histeria abrindo definitivamente as portas das censuras acadêmicas; e a teoria da dissociação, criada no final daquele século, demonstram diferentes explicações fisicalistas que, muitas vezes, serviram para estabelecer distâncias entre um saber popular e o conhecimento de elites profissionais. A construção do cérebro possuído, no século XIX, apoiada na nosologia da histeria, codificada pela Escola de Salpêtrière, refletiu uma importante transformação social da época, em um processo de laicização da assistência pública, fundamental para a afirmação da psiquiatria como disciplina nascente. Atualmente, a codificação de fenômenos complexos, como transe e possessão espiritual que povoam a imaginação ou a superstição popular, ganha o estatuto de entidade nosológica, a partir das classificações diagnósticas oficiais da psiquiatria hegemônica. O cérebro será quase sempre a referência utilizada na esperança de naturalização do sobrenatural. / This study discusses the way supernatural phenomena were enfolded by science in nineteenth century. The theory of magnetism, created by Mesmer, and its different interpretations by generations of disciples; the theory of hypnosis with hysteria codification, opening the academic censure; and the dissociation theory, created at the end of the nineteenth century, had demonstrated different efforts of finding physicals explanations, which served, in most cases, to establish distances between folk knowledge and elites of professional knowledge. The construction of the possessed brain, in nineteenth century, based on the hysteria nosology of Salpêtrière School, reflected an important social transformation, at that time, in a laicization process of public assistance, and an affirmation of psychiatry as a nascent discipline. Nowadays, the codification of complex mental states as trance, spiritual possession, which inhabit superstitious and popular imagination, receive a nosologic entity status from official diagnostic classification in psychiatry. Brain is mostly the reference used in the hope of supernatural naturalization.
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Usucapião da propriedade imaterial / Usucaption of intangible goodsFabio Henrique Di Lallo Dias 27 May 2010 (has links)
O presente estudo parte de uma inquietante indagação: um bem corpóreo que se livra de seu corpus mechanicum sem perder a sua essência, transforma-se em outro bem? Ou seja, um bem que é passivo de direitos e obrigações escapa ao ordenamento jurídico com sua desmaterialização? A partir desta resposta, é analisada a extensão do vocábulo coisa, sujeito passivo da usucapião, para saber se os bens incorpóreos se subsumem a este instituto. Ultrapassadas tais questões, e após breve escorço histórico da usucapião, que nos mostra a evolução e o escopo do instituto, foram analisados diversos bens e direitos, todos intangíveis, que são os principais alvos de disputas judiciais, em virtude dos altos valores econômicos envolvidos e, pela mesma razão, são cogitados como passíveis de serem usucapidos. E, embora todos os bens e direitos analisados sejam imateriais, cada qual merece tratamento distinto por incidir legislação específica, motivo pelo qual não há conclusão geral nesta matéria. Afinado com a tendência modernizadora da nova sociedade tecnológica, o presente estudo busca a confluência entre antigos institutos com a nova realidade fática, para se alcançar um resultado prático célere, sem, contudo, desvirtuar conceitos jurídicos enraizados em nosso sistema jurídico. São novos fatos que surgem e devem subsumir às não tão novas normas positivadas, em virtude da pronta resposta que a sociedade espera, seja pela concretização da função social ou por outros princípios maiores, tais como a dignidade da pessoa humana, que a usucapião traz consigo. Pois bem, a possibilidade da usucapião da propriedade imaterial deverá ser analisada em cada caso específico e, se admitida, trará ao nosso ordenamento a confluência entre a posse, a propriedade e a função social de ambas culminando na almejada segurança jurídica. / This study starts with a disquieting question: tangible goods that get rid of its corpus mechanicum without losing its essence becomes another goods? In another words, one that is subject to rights and obligations comes off the legal system with its dematerialization? From the answer of this question, the extension of the term thing, passive subject to adverse possession (usucapio), was analyzed in order to find out if intangible goods are subject to this institute. Subsequent to these issues, and after a brief historical sketch of adverse possession, which shows the evolution and scope of the institute, different goods and rights were analyzed, all intangible, which are the main targets of litigation, because of the high economic values involved and because of the same reason, are pondered as subject to adverse possession. And, although all analyzed goods and rights are intangible, each of which deserves separate treatment because of its specific legislation, reason why there is no general conclusion on this matter. In harmony with the modernizing tendency of the new technological society, this study seeks the confluence between old institutions with the new factual reality, in order to achieve a quick practical result, without, however, detract legal concepts rooted in our legal system. New facts that arise and are subject to the not so new legal norms, because of the rapid response that society expects, in consequence of the social function or other major principles such as human dignity, which adverse possession brings along. Well, the possibility of adverse possession of intangible goods should be examined in each specific case and, if admitted, will bring to our legal system the confluence between possession, ownership and the social function of both culminating in the desired legal certainty.
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Modelagem topológica da possessão: sujeito e alteridade na umbanda / Topological modeling of possession: subject and alterity in UmbandaDaniela Bueno de Oliveira Americo de Godoy 14 March 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo ensaiar aplicações de estruturas topológicas interpretadas psicanaliticamente ao estudo do transe de possessão na umbanda, entendido como enunciação irredutível ao estritamente verbal. Para esse efeito, o sujeito (instância enunciante) e o Outro (no caso, presentificado pelo mundo dos espíritos) são considerados como diferentes funções que se alternam em uma superfície moebiana (unilateral). Utiliza-se o método psicanalítico lacaniano em contextos sociais por meio de uma reconceptualização do método etnográfico, denominada de escuta participante, mediante participação e interação em terreiros de umbanda na qualidade de consulente. Com base no teorema geral das superfícies que, por meio de transformações homeomórficas, iguala três planos projetivos a um plano projetivo mais um toro, desenvolveu-se em linha com a topologia lacaniana duas vertentes de análise a partir do mapeamento da cadeia significante tecida na relação transferencial. Uma baseia-se no corte em oito interior e a outra no furo (estrutural à composição das superfícies). De um ponto de vista, a possessão pode ser compreendida em função da lógica inconsciente (fantasia), que relaciona as operações de produção do sujeito (alienação e separação) com a operação do corte que modifica sua estrutura, apresentando-o como dividido sem, no entanto, ser dois. De outro, ela pode ser compreendida como uma forma enunciativa que narra uma fantasia pressupondo uma escuta que não se restringe ao auditivo estrito senso, mas que é inclusiva do olhar e do cinestésico associado ao movimento. Com esta modelagem, alcança-se ampliar a pesquisa social e a escuta analítica a processos de enunciação espaço-temporais desatrelados da consciência, do psiquismo individual e da subordinação a uma concepção de interioridade psíquica os quais, por outro lado, também são desvinculados do social e da história como exteriores ao sujeito. / This work aims to assay applications of topological structures psychoanalytically interpreted to the study possession trance in Umbanda, which is comprehended as a kind of enunciation irreducible to strictly verbal. The subject (enunciative instance) and the Other (in this case, materialized in the spirits world) are considered as different functions that alter themselves in a moebian (one-sided) surface. The Lacanian psychoanalysis method is used in social contexts after reconceptualizing the ethnographic method, now denominated participant listening. The researcher participated and interacted in Umbanda temples in the capacity of consultant. Based on the general theorem of surfaces that, through homeomorphic transformations equals three projective planes into a projective plan plus a torus, two analytical versions were developed from the mapping of the significant chain webbed in the transferencial relationship. One relies on the interior eight cut and the other one on the hole (structural to the surfaces composition). In a point of view, the possession can be understood as derived from the unconscious logic (fantasy) that relates the operations of the subjects production (alienation and separation) with the cut operation that modifies the structure, presenting the divided subject but not in two pieces. From another point of view, the possession can be thought as an enunciative form that describes a fantasy, which is not restricted to the hearing strict sense, but includes the gaze and the kinesthetic associated with the movement. After this modeling, social research and analytical listening are amplified to space-time enunciation processes released from consciousness, from individual psychism and from the subordination of an interiority psychic conception. They are also disentailed from the social and the history comprehended as exterior to the subject.
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Posse jurídica e Estado na doutrina do direito de Kant / Legal ownership and state in the doctrine of right KantFrederichi, Diego, 1984- 24 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Zeljko Loparic / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T23:45:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: A presente dissertação tem por objetivo a reconstrução da justificativa kantiana para a legitimidade de o sujeito possuir um objeto exterior de seu arbítrio como pleno exercício de sua liberdade e, em um segundo momento, discutir a problemática da fundamentação do Estado, como um instrumento necessário para garantia da posse jurídica, Ou seja, nossa investigação se pautará em três momentos: (a) justificar a posse jurídica enquanto exercício da liberdade (direito natural); (b) discutir a importância da posse jurídica na fundamentação do Estado; (c) por fim, discutir a importância do Estado na busca pela paz perpétua / Abstract: The present thesis aims the kantian reconstruction for the legitimacy of a subject possesses an external object from his will as fully exercise their freedom and, in a second moment, in a second step, to discuss the problematic of the founding of the state as a necessary instrument for the legal judicial security, in other words, our investigation will have three moments: a) justify the legal judicial security as long as exercise their freedom (birthright); b) discuss the importance of the legal possession of the grounds of the State; c) finally, discuss the importance of the state in pursuit of perpetual peace / Mestrado / Filosofia / Mestre em Filosofia
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The pragmatics of possession : issues in the interpretation of pre-nominal possessives in EnglishKolkmann, Julia January 2016 (has links)
In everyday conversation, we frequently express relationships between two entities by using attributive possessive NPs. Structurally, these consist of a possessor referent, a possessum nominal and a possessive marker which explicates said relationship. For example, if I want to enquire about a house owned by your friend Mary which you are currently decorating, I might feasibly say "How are you getting on with Mary’s house?". My utterance of the pre-nominal possessive NP Mary’s house allows you to represent a specific referent, ensuring that we mentally converge on the same house and are able to talk about it. This study investigates English pre-nominal possessive NPs from a pragmatic point of view. It does so with the aim of providing a cognitively plausible description of their interpretationwhich simultaneously serves to understand how they function as referring expressions in communication. In particular, I discuss some of the intricacies they pose to interlocutors when itcomes to their referential interpretation. One of these concerns the fact that pre-nominal possessives are semantically compatible with numerous different interpretations, yet reference aparticular possessive relation in concrete communicative situations. Thus, given that the Englishlanguage, quite in contrast to the majority of the world’s languages, does not render thepossessive relation that holds between two entities morphosyntactically explicit, the interpretation of pre-nominal possessive NPs falls entirely within the remit of a pragmatic theory. This should explain how Mary’s house, which is compatible with interpretations such asthe house that Mary is letting, the house that Mary wishes to buy, as well as various others,comes to denote the house that Mary owns in a communicative situation like the above. Fullyinterpreting this NP, as Peters & Westerståhl (2013) suggest, involves knowing what possibleinterpretations it gives rise to, selecting the most salient one to the detriment of any others, and, finally, representing a determinate referent denoted by the NP as a whole. While the first aspect has received much attention (e.g. Barker, 1995; Vikner & Jensen, 2002), the other two have been considered by only few researchers. This study represents the first holistic account of possessive interpretations which combinesall three questions to explain the various facets of their pragmatics. On the theoretical level, itsuggests that the currently dominant stance (advocated by Vikner & Jensen, 2002), accordingto which it is the lexical semantic content of the possessum nominal which largely exhausts theinterpretation process, is in need of rethinking. Contrary to existing insights, I attribute a greaterrole to context and pragmatic reasoning both at the level of possible and at the level of salientinterpretations. On the methodological level, the study is multimethodological in its approach,complementing theoretical argument by means of a psycholinguistic production study and alarge-scale corpus study. In this respect, the present study paves the way for a description of pragmatic aspects of theEnglish grammar which have hitherto been explained in terms of more descriptive possessivetaxonomies, including ones delineating alienable vs. inalienable (e.g. Nikolaeva & Spencer,2013), prototypical vs. non-prototypical (e.g. Langacker, 1995; Rosenbach, 2002) and lexicalvs. pragmatic interpretations (Vikner & Jensen, 2002). Ultimately, I suggest that construing referential interpretation as an addressee-dependent search for relevance (e.g. Sperber & Wilson, 1986/1995) largely obviates the need for taxonomies of this kind at the descriptive level.
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This research focus on the social question of possession and of tutelage in a border
region of Mercado Comum do Sul (Mercosul), analyzing by a view of civil law as well
as of fundamental law, investigating what are the forthcoming about Mercosul
countries. It will be investigate if the Mercosul countries protect their possession. The
juridical institute and the tutelage effectivity. For this research, at the first moment it
will be the historic aspects about the question, analyzing since exist the worry about
the question, and after that, the migration as the fact determinant in this process of
restriction about the access of possession, and for finish, the tutelage of this
possession for the Democratic State of Law. In this point, is development the view of
possession and, especially, the social function, thinking about the supremacy as
important factor in the interests of the states. For conclude, will be present the actual
question of possession, when it is determinant in conflicts, especially in borders
without legislation for this areas, analyzing as well by a view of the possession and
the borders areas in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguai and Uruguai. / Esta pesquisa aborda a questão social da posse e a tutela possessória em regiões
fronteiriças do Mercado Comum do Sul (Mercosul), analisando-a sob a ótica do
Direito Civil, bem como à luz dos Direitos Fundamentais, investigando quais as
perspectivas relativamente aos países integrantes do Mercosul. Destarte, averiguouse
se estes países têm essa perspectiva quanto à proteção da posse, sua
efetividade enquanto instituto jurídico e a tutela que lhe é atribuída. Para o
desenvolvimento da pesquisa, num primeiro momento realizou-se uma abordagem
histórica, analisando desde quando existe a preocupação com o tema proposto. A
seguir, trata-se a questão da migração como fator determinante deste processo de
limitação ao acesso à posse e, por fim, a tutela desta posse pelo Estado
Democrático de Direito. Nessa perspectiva, desenvolveu-se o conceito da posse e,
especialmente, sua função social, levando-se em conta igualmente a soberania
como fator de alta relevância nos interesses dos Estados-parte. Por fim, apresentase
a problemática atual em relação à posse, quando fator determinante de conflitos,
notadamente nas áreas de fronteiras sem legislação específicas, analisando-se
então a questão da posse e das faixas de fronteiras no Brasil, na Argentina, no
Paraguai e no Uruguai.
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Topologie du monstre : la place logique du langage entre la trace et l'image-cristal / The topology of the Monster : between the trace and the crystal-image : the logical place of the logosChouchane, Chiraz 22 October 2016 (has links)
Le monstre est un terme paradoxal, il est à la fois mot et chose, mot blanc et mot ésotérique. Il désigne un invisible qui se manifeste toutefois sous la forme d'une information irrationnelle. Autrement dit, ce qui se révèle à travers le monstre, se présente souvent comme un non-sens, une aberration. Le monstre se donne alors comme un problème mathématique dans une situation où s'annonce une différence en soi, intangible. Cette différence, je l'étends dans l'étendue de l'écart entre zéro et zéro de l'expérience où fulgurance du geste créateur et œuvre d'art coïncident: un lieu topologique qui porte la trace de l'intellect en donnant une transparence à l'image, son « cristal ». Ce lieu impossible de l'expérience serait la place logique d'où provient le langage et vers quoi il converge. Dans cette recherche, il ne s'agit pas de monstres tératologiques, mais de mouvements, d'une puissance qui traverse l'artiste au risque de la rupture. C'est alors que nous attribuons au Monstre une haute définition de la création à l'épreuve de l'existence. / The term monster is paradoxical; it is at the same time word and thing, the former being bath blank and esoteric. lt designates an invisible that is nevertheless manifested in the form of irrational information. ln other words, that which is revealed through the monster often appears as nonsense, an aberration. As such, the monster is given in the guise of a mathematical question whereby difference, in itself intangible, is announced. ln the present research, difference is understood in the gaping stretch between the zero and the zero of experience where bath work of art and the dazzling speed of the creative act coïncide; a topological place that bears the trace of the intellect while endowing the image with transparency or its "crystal". This impossible place of experience would be the place of logic; a place towards which language converges and from which it emerges all at once. This research is primarily concerned with the question of movements rather than with the teratology of monsters; it deals with this force, thus described, as it traverses the artist facing the perils of rupture. For that matter, the monster is associated with a higher order of creation, one that is, nevertheless, constantly submitted to the test of existence.
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Över 90 år men inte vuxen? : En kvalitativ undersökning av Florence Stephens tvister om myndighetsförklaring och god man / A legally incompetent person’s fight : A study of Florence Stephens disputes regarding her becoming legally competent and the appointment of an administratorJohansson, Linus January 2017 (has links)
Florence Stephens became the owner of Huseby bruk, an industry located in Småland, 1934 while she was just over 50 years old, she inherited it from her late father. Huseby bruk, while under the ownership her father Huseby bruk had a thriving economy and expanded. When he died his daughter Florence Stephens took over. Missing formal education regarding how to manage an industry led to a declining economy and later one of the bigger economic scandals in the county. One of the outcomes of the scandal was that Florence Stephens was declared a legally incompetent person and she remained so in 19 years. This study aims to fill in the gaps of studies regarding her attempts to regain her legal competence and in the legal dispute about arranging an administrator for Florence Stephens that followed. Further this study analyzes her right of possession to Huseby bruk and if she had all the rights she was entitled. The source material chosen for this study is documents left over from her cases located at Linnéuniversitetet in the Huseby archives. The result reached by the study was that Florence Stephens regained her legally competence 1976 which led to a response from Alvesta chief guardian requesting that this only happens if an administrator is assigned. This lead to a long lawsuit ending in October 1978. Regarding her possession of Huseby have the study concluded that she still had the rights but they were not absolute.
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