Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ere school"" "subject:"rre school""
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"[...] det är ett ord som har kommit till och sen så ska vi fylla skiten" : En diskursanalys av förskollärares tal om undervisning i förskolanAnnika, Bergman, Gudmundsson, Catarina January 2017 (has links)
In 2011, it was written in the School law that pre-school teachers has the responsibility to educate in pre-schools. The purpose of this study has been to make the pre-school teachers speech about the way of educate visible. Following, we have made this speech visible by a discourse analysis. The method used in this study proceeds from a social constructionist perspective and was performed trough qualitive interviews of six pre-school teachers. These interviews were analysed and the tool that we used to elucidate different discourses when it comes to the concept of educating was a discourse analysis. We have, in this study, noticed two local discourses; a school discourse and a status discourse. Within these two discourses there are a few aspects which describes how teaching is driven at each pre-school the interviewee is working on.The results of this study also shows that the speech within the two discourses challenges each other. The variations in these different ways of speaking indicate a collision between the two discourses.
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Den mångetniska förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om föräldrars och pedagogers upplevelser av föräldrasamverkan i segregerade och mångetniska förskolorChaudry, Kunwal January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate the experiences of parental cooperation between the pre-school teachers and parents in preschools located in multi-ethnic areas. To get a fair picture of the parental cooperation between the pre-school teachers and parents, both the views of the pre-school teachers and the parents have been explored. The research question has been explored by using qualitative interviews as the method for data collection. The theoretical approach is hermeneutic and focuses on subjective experience of individuals. The main result is that the parental cooperation between the pre-school teachers and parents works dissatisfactory. The reasons for the dissatisfaction that can be found through the analysis in the study are that there are various factors such as prejudice, ignorance and language barriers that create barriers for good parental cooperation. The informants in the study attributes the area to poor characteristics, and the results of the study show a pattern that both parties, i.e., Parents and educators experience a disinterest of parental cooperation from the other party. The study's results also show that prejudices and misunderstandings can lie behind these experiences. Misunderstandings and prejudices in the sense that both parents and educators mean they want to cooperate but that they feel that the opposite party is not interested in this.
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Den oönskade leken : En kvalitativ studie om hur förskollärare förhåller sig till barns lek samt hur de motiverar sitt förhållningssätt / The unwanted play : A qualitative study of how preschool teachers relate to children's play and how they motivate their approachPettersson, Angelica, Reinholdsson, Emelie January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om hur förskollärare förhåller sig till barns oönskade lek och hur de motiverar sitt förhållningssätt. Forskningsfrågorna som besvaras i studien är hur beskriver förskollärare oönskad lek? Hur bemöter förskollärare barns oönskade lek? Samt hur motiverar förskollärare sitt bemötande av barns oönskade lek? Studien är genomförd som en fallstudie där intervju använts som metod för att få fram data. Studiens resultat har analyserats med hjälp av normmodellen med dess tre hörnstenar vilja, kunskap och möjligheter. Resultatet visar att förskollärare har en vilja att försöka förstå lekar som bryter mot vad som kan anses som icke önskvärda dvs. som bryter mot normen. Förskollärarna ger uttryck för en ”tyst kunskap” då de motiverar sitt hanterande av leken genom sina tidigare erfarenheter av den typen av lek. Vidare ställer förskollärare frågor till barnen om lekens innehåll för att försöka förstå barnens syfte med leken. Att barn bearbetar händelser i sina lekar och att förskollärarna motiverar sitt förhållningssätt styrs av samsynen i arbetslaget kring oönskad lek. Slutsatsen i studien är att förskollärarna vill barnets bästa och att de har en ambition att möta barnen i deras lek oavsett om förskolläraren ser på leken som icke önskvärd eller önskvärd.
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Bezpečnost a ochrana zdraví dětí v předškolním věku / Safety and protection of the health of children in pre-school ageTurynová, Petra January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with the topic of safety and health protection of pre-school children. It focuses on education opportunities for children in nursery school. The aim of the work is to highlight the importance of health and safety education for pre-school-age children and to propose the subsequent possible implementation of a project called Safe in danger into the education of pre- school-age children. The work summaries theoretical knowledge about the developmental peculiarities of a child of pre-school age and possible risks of accidents. There is a condensed legislative framework that is binding on pre-school education, which implies principles for the safety and health of children and presents the expected outcomes formulated in the Framework Education Programme for pre-school education in the area. The theoretical section points to an investigation in the field of selected issues by the Czech School Inspection and presents an overview of programs, projects and materials that can be used to educate children on this issue. The empirical part of the work uses the method of action research. It includes a questionnaire survey, an analysis of school documents that lead to the safety and health of children in nursery school and the design of the project. At the end of the research, due to the...
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Pohybové vyjádření básní v předškolním věku dítěte / Locomotor expression of poems with pre-school childrenHujerová, Václava January 2012 (has links)
The object of my disertation is connection poetry and locomotion with pre-school children. The goal of my research is realize, which poems and motions are prefered by children and what is the reason of their choose. The methods in my dissertation are interview, experiment and observation. All of these methods detect relation of children to poetry and locomotion. I have discovered the interesting style of work with pre-school children. The children have appreciated various language and form resources. I have discovered, that children love particularly dynamical and simple activities, which enable maximum discharge of energy. I will trying to choose the poetry and locomotion, which is the nearest for pre- school age.I hope, that my discovered will be interesting inspiration for teacher in kindergarten.
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Výtvarné plánování v mateřské škole / Planning Art Education in Pre-schoolBoušová, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
Master's dissertation occupies with art planning in kindergarten, meaning the planning of art activities for preschool children. Master's dissertation is divided into theoretical and practical part. Theoretical part occupies with art lesson, it's history, goals and also planning of the art lessons. Next the dissertation occupies with general planning in kindergartens and goals of preschool education. Last section is dedicated to development of a preschool child with emphasis on development of drawing and on main features of drawing from preschool child. Practical part presents 2 case studies of art planning by the concept from theoretical part. First case study refers to my own planning and connection of art planning with planning of thematic units in kindergarten and their realization. Second case study occupies with concept handover of art planning to another educator by teaching activities and his own planning and realization in kindergarten. KEYWORDS Art schemes, planning, pre-school child, the contexts of art, thematic plans
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Hodnocení slovní zásoby dětí před zahájením školní docházky / Lexicon Evaluation of Children before their Enrolling in SchoolDurdilová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
TITLE: The Lexicon Evaluation of Children before their Enrolling in School AUTHOR: Lucie Durdilová DEPARTMENT: Special Education SUPERVISOR: Doc. PaedDr. Jiřina Klenková, Ph.D. Abstract: The submitted thesis is focused on evaluation of lexical - semantic levels of language in children in late pre-school age, it specifically follows up their achievement in parts of receptive and expressive vocabulary. The measurement is implemented through the diagnostic test method which was compiled on the basis of foreign inspiration drawn especially from anglophone linguistic ambience. The lexicon is measured in intact population and in children with specific language impairment with the aim to compare obtained data. Developed findings should help to increase efficiency of logopedic intervention in content part of the speech. The project is based on the fact that currently there are no useful update tests available in the Czech Republic for global evaluation of lexicon. Keywords: receptive vocabulary, expressive vocabulary, diagnostic test, pre-school age
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Projekt Trojský koník / Project Trojan CockhorsePittnerová, Mariana January 2015 (has links)
Management of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University considers opening a pre-school child care facility in a new seat of the faculty. The intention of this diploma work is to map and analyze legal forms of pre-school child care, needs of parents - employees and students of the faculty, and financial sources from which such facility could be funded; and then on the base of the analysis to design a solution suitable for the faculty. The solution has a form of a project plan, which, when approved, could be worked up and realized. Data needed for the project plan were gathered via analysis of documents, i.e. legal rules and web pages, and a questionnaire among employees and students of the faculty. According to the survey and in the case of available sufficient financial coverage, it would be ideal to establish at the faculty a facility with two children groups, each consisting of 15 children and a special children area of a 12 children capacity.
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Bilderböcker som pedagogiskt verktyg för att förklara kemisk energi : En innehållsanalys av hur kemisk energi beskrivs i bilderböcker / Picture books as a pedagogic tool to understand chemical energy : A content analysis of how chemical energy is described in picture booksSannum Haraldstad, Kristine January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore how picture books can be used in understanding of chemical processes through teaching practices in pre-schools. More specifically, the study aims to contribute with knowledge about how chemical energy is described and related to in picture books intended for children between 3 and 5 years old. The empirical material consisted of 23 books, which were studied using an inductive approach of content analysis. The result of the study showed that the use of science language was nearly non-existent and in general there were very few mentions of words that could be used to describe chemical energy or processes related to this subject. Researches have demonstrated that the specific science language is used in very specific contexts and is therefore a more difficult language to learn, get knowledge of and use. Previous research has shown that books can be used successfully in teaching, and storytelling has proven to be an effective method for language development. This study has shown that the mediation of knowledge about, and in connection to, chemical energy was presented in a low degree in picture books. For the teacher, this entails the need to bring attention to, describe and mediate knowledge themselves to promote learning in the regarded area. This requires a more conscious approach when using picture books as a pedagogic tool. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur bilderböcker kan användas för att förklara kemiska energiprocesser i den pedagogiska verksamheten i förskolan. Mer specifikt har studien fokuserat på att bidra med kunskap om hur kemisk energi beskrivs och relateras till i bilderböcker avsedda för barn mellan 3 till 5 år. Det empiriska materialet utgjordes av 23 böcker som har studerats med kvalitativ innehållsanalys med en induktiv ansats. Studiens resultat visade att användandet av ett naturvetenskapligt språk var närmast obefintligt i det studerade materialet och att det generellt var få benämnda ord som användes för att beskriva kemisk energi eller relaterade processer. Det har påvisats av forskare att det naturvetenskapliga språket används i mycket specifika sammanhang och att det därför är svårare att lära, få kunskap om och använda. Tidigare forskning har visat att böcker kan användas framgångsrikt i undervisningen och att högläsning är en effektiv metod för språkutvecklingen. Den här studien har visat att förmedlande av kunskaper inom och relaterade till kemisk energi i låg grad förekommer i bilderböcker. För förskolläraren innebär detta ett behov av att själva uppmärksamma, beskriva och förmedla kunskaperna för att främja lärandet i det berörda området. Detta kräver ett medvetet tillvägagångssätt i användandet av böckerna som ett pedagogiskt verktyg.
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Stressorer i grundskolans förskoleklass : Elevers tankar om stress och vad som lindrar stress / Stressors in a preschool class in elementary school : Preschool students reasoning about stress and what relieves ithansen, martin January 2022 (has links)
Syftet är att beskriva faktorer som skapar och lindrar stress utifrån hur eleveri en förskoleklass resonerar kring stress i grundskolan. En kvalitativ ansatsanvändes för att undersöka hur elever resonerar kring stress. Studien omfattarsemistrukturerade intervjuer med tio informanter som alla går i enförskoleklass. Inför studien lade jag vikt vid att både vårdnadshavare ocheleverna kunde göra ett informerat samtycke. För att skapa godaförutsättningar för intervjun så valde jag för ett inglasat rum där annanpersonal hade insyn och eleverna sedan tidigare kände sig bekväma, för attsäkerställa ett tryggt rum under intervjun.Resultatet visar att eleverna kunde redogöra för sådant som skapar stress ochsådant som lindrar och motverkar stress. I resultatet framkommer att miljönsoch vuxna i skolan har betydelse för barnens upplevelse av stress i skolan.Resultatet är relevant då stress påverkar barns lärande. Det framkommer iresultatet hur viktigt det är att vi uppmärksammar elevers tankar kring stress.Genom att låta lek och glädje vara en ledstjärna i undervisningen, skapastrygga miljöer, där eleverna lär sig att hantera olika stressituationer. Målet äratt lärare och annan skolpersonal som förstår vilka faktorer som stressar kanmöta elevernas behov, samt motverka och lindra stress.
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