Spelling suggestions: "subject:"president Of ehe republic"" "subject:"president Of ehe epublic""
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Instituty milosti a amnestie a jejich naplnění v rozhodnutích prezidentů České republiky / Institutes of pardon and amnesty and their fulfilment in decisions of presidents of the Czech Republic.Hrušková, Šárka January 2014 (has links)
The present work deals with the institutes of a pardon and amnesty and their utilization in the Czech Republic. It focuses on the current domestic legislation and its application by the particular decisions of the presidents of the republic. The author points out the advantages and disadvantages of the current legal regulation. The aim of the work is to provide a summary of the issues and to suggest eventual alterations of the current legislation. The work is, apart from the introduction and the conclusion, composed of five chapters. The first one introduces into the subject of the work and characterises the institute of a pardon and amnesty and their three forms, i.e. a pardon and a mitigation of penalties imposed by the court, a suspension of criminal proceedings and a deletion of a sentence. The second chapter deals with the regulation of the institutes. First, it presents history of this regulation and afterwards it analyses current legal regulations contained in the Constitution of the Czech Republic and others laws. The third chapter concerns just the institutes of a pardon. It focuses primarily on the presidential orders delegating a part of his power to Minister of Justice and also on the proceeding of a grand pardon. At the end of the chapter, there is the utilization rate of the pardon institute...
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Dekrety prezidenta republiky - ústavněprávní a mezinárodněprávní souvislosti / Decrees of the President of the Republic - constitutional and international contextsVelebil, Petr January 2012 (has links)
- anglický jazyk In my thesis I deal with presidential decrees in constitutional and international context. It consists of 5 parts. There are preconditions for the emergence of decrees in the first part. This international-legal recognition of the Czechoslovak government in exile, the theory of legal and political continuity of Czechoslovakia, uninterrupted presidency of dr.Beneš and the withdrawal of the Munich Agreement. The second part talks about the concept of issuing decrees. In the third part is the most important content of constitutional decrees. The fourth section deals specifically about formal-legal, material-legal and political continuity. In the last part I deal with today's issue of the validity of the decrees and decrees of the Czech Republic by accession to the European Union. Government in exile was recognized by Great Britain in 1940. It was very important because it could arise decrees. It arranged the constitutional decree Nr. 2/1940 official bulletin of Czechoslovakia, which established the emergence of decrees. Decrees of the President of the Republic published a proposal to the government. The State Council worked on decrees since 1942, received as an advisory vote. This decree suspended formal-legal continuity. The situation changed even Slovak National Council, because...
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Přímá volba hlavy státu a její dopad na ústavní vztahy / Direct election of head of state and its influence on the constitutional relationsTylová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The topic the thesis, "Direct Election of the Head of the State and Its Impact on Constitutional Relationships," has been selected owing to its current relevance, caused by the change of the manner of presidential election which had a historically long tradition in our country. The aim of the paper is to provide a most complex view of the legal modifications of the election of the republic's president, to summarize the theoretical basis, to analyse the legislative procedure and to attempt to comprehensibly present this change of a constitutional law to citizens who might thus receive sufficient information on the issue. Furthermore, the author wishes to make the readers acquainted with the establishment and implementation of direct presidential election together with the manner of the election according to the new legislation, especially in accordance with Act no. 71/2012 Col. and Act no. 275/2012 Col. The thesis consists of nine chapters. In six sub-chapters, the first chapter outlines the history of the presidential election from the establishment of Czechoslovakia throughout the totalitarian period and to the Czech Republic, including a brief summary of the former presidents. The second chapter includes argumentation for and against implementation of the direct election of the republic's president, the...
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La fonction présidentielle haut-camérale française / The french upper House presidential functionServagi, Mathieu 18 May 2017 (has links)
Depuis la Révolution de 1789, la France a multiplié les expériences constitutionnelles et, après avoir refusé le bicamérisme, a connu depuis 1795 de nombreux régimes dotés d’une chambre haute. Les secondes assemblées républicaines, monarchistes ou impériales ont jalonné nos institutions publiques et politiques. Durant plus de deux siècles, la fonction présidentielle de la chambre haute s’est ainsi progressivement affirmée. L'éminence naturelle d'une telle charge, de même que l'autorité dont elle jouit au Palais du Luxembourg, permettent au président d'incarner la chambre haute. Cela n'empêche pas la fonction de demeurer en retrait sur le plan politique et cantonnée au périmètre caméral jusqu’en 1875. C’est alors qu’elle s’affirme, générant une influence au-delà de la haute assemblée. Son émancipation lui offre des attributions institutionnelles nouvelles. Ces missions sont efficacement remplies, attestant de la maturité de la fonction et permettant à de grands noms d’y être associés : la famille Pasquier, J. Ferry, J. Jeanneney, G. Monnerville, A. Poher… / Since the Revolution of 1789, France has multiplied the constitutional experiences. Most of political regimes have kept the bicameral system. The upper Houses, republican, monarchist or imperial, have thus marked out our institutions. For more than two centuries, the presidential function of the upper House has built its outlines.The natural eminence of such a workload, as well as the authority it enjoys in the Palais du Luxembourg, allows the President to personify the upper chamber. It doesn’t prevent the function from staying back from the political scene and confined to the cameral’perimeter until 1875. Then it asserts itself, creating an impact beyond the second chamber. Indeed, its emancipation giving new institutional attributions. These missions are successfully fulfilled, certifying the maturity of the function and allowing famous names to be related to them : the Pasquier’s family, J. Ferry, J. Jeanneney, G. Monnerville, A. Poher…
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La recherche hégémonique du président de la République du Sénégal et ses implications dans la conduite de sa charge sur les plans national et international / The quest for hegemony of the President of the Republic of Senegal and its implications for the conduct of his office at the national and international levels.Diao, Boubacar Fall 15 March 2012 (has links)
Depuis l’avènement en 1963 du régime présidentiel au Sénégal, on observe une concentration extraordinaire des pouvoirs par le président de la République. Les stratégies visant à renforcer la domination présidentielle sur le jeu politique ont ouvert la voie à une présidentialisation du régime qui a placé le titulaire de la charge suprême dans une constante quête hégémonique.Les incidences de cette dernière renseignent sur l’importance et la nature d’un leadership présidentiel qui est devenu le principal moteur du jeu politique sénégalais. Au demeurant, cette quête de domination a des implications, non seulement sur le plan national, mais également sur le plan international.Sur le plan national, les exigences de préservation et de renforcement du pouvoir présidentiel ont fait passer la Constitution au second rang dans la structuration du jeu politique au profit de la présidence de la République. En outre, l’hypercentralisation du pouvoir politique est devenue le mode de gestion érigé en vue de garantir la dépendance des acteurs du jeu politique vis-à-vis du pouvoir présidentiel.Sur le plan international, le leadership présidentiel s’exprime par la politique de puissance qui est menée. Le président sénégalais, conscient de sa légitimité démocratique, cherche à positionner son pays au rang de puissance incontournable sur la scène continentale. Il cherche également à exercer une plus grande influence à travers un leadership moral qui permet de compenser les faiblesses économiques, militaires, etc. du Sénégal par rapport à ses principaux concurrents à l’hégémonie continentale. / Pas de résumé en anglais
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O instituto do veto presidencial no constitucionalismo brasileiro contemporâneo / Presidencial veto in the contemporary Brazilian constitutionalismDallari, Paulo Massi 30 March 2015 (has links)
Nos Estados republicanos modernos, o sistema de freios e contrapesos é um dos modelos institucionais responsável por assegurar o equilíbrio entre os Poderes e prevenir abusos por parte dos governantes. Dois questionamentos podem ser encontrados na literatura brasileira sobre o tema e fundamentam esta Dissertação: um geral sobre o suposto poder excessivo que o nosso sistema político confere ao Poder Executivo e outro, específico, de que nesse contexto, o veto teria um papel central na supremacia do presidente da república sobre o Congresso Nacional no âmbito do processo legislativo. Partindo dessas premissas, a pesquisa avalia se essas características estão condizentes com as expectativas e o desenho institucional proposto para o Estado brasileiro pela Assembleia Nacional Constituinte ANC de 1987. Com base nos anais da ANC e em referências históricas, conclui-se que, ao menos no tocante ao instituto do veto presidencial, o modelo de preponderância do Poder Executivo observado no processo legislativo decorreu de uma opção deliberada e reafirmada pela elite política em 1988, quando da promulgação da Constituição. / In modern republican states, the system of checks and balances is one of the institutional models responsible for ensuring the balance between powers and preventing abuses by rulers. Two issues can be found in the Brazilian academic literature on the matter that underlie this Dissertation: one concerning the alleged excessive power that our political system grant to the executive branch, and another one more specific that, in this context, the veto would have a main role in the supremacy of the President of the Republic over Congress in the legislative process. Beginning with these assumptions, this research evaluates whether these characteristics are consistent with the expectations and the institutional design proposed for the Brazilian State by the National Constituent Assembly (ANC) of 1987. Based on the ANC records and historical references, it concluded that, at least in regard to the presidential veto institute, the preponderance of the executive branch model observed in the legislative process derived from a deliberate and reaffirmed choice made by the political elite in 1988, at the promulgation of the Constitution.
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Prezidento teisinė padėtis Lietuvos Respublikoje ir Vokietijos Federacinėje Respublikoje: lyginamoji analizė / The Legal Status Of The President In The Republic Of Lithuania And In The Federal Republic In Germany: Comparative AnalysisBriedytė, Austra 08 January 2007 (has links)
The Presidential institution is described in the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania (1992) as a reflection of the choise made between two types of governing systems: parliamentary democracy and presidential democracy. In the Fundamental Law of Germany (1949) the Federal President is described as a polician in a parliamentary republic. Although two different forms of goverment in both states disclose the differences of presidential institution, the similarities are also obvious.
Presidential authority, established by legal acts, and its implementation into a political reality gives basis for discussions in the siciety and attempts to decide upon the role of the President of the Republic of Lithuania and the Federal President of Germany. Both formal and real roles are discussed in judicial and scientific literature. This double character of formal and real authority of both Lithuanian and German presidents forms inadequate understanding of the President as a state institution. Also there exists a problem of a judicial position of both presidents as well as aproblem of strengthening it and making it more effective.
In Lithuania there are only few authors dealing with the topic of Federal President of the Federal Republic of Germany and its judicial position. There is no doubt that its historic experience and the development of constitutionalism is important to many states of Eastern Europe. For this reason so much attention in judicial and scientific literature is paid... [to full text]
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L’entourage institutionnel de Georges Pompidou (1962-1974) : institutions, hommes et pratiques / The institutionnal entourage of Georges Pompidou (1962-1974) : institutions, men, practicesTricaud, Sabrina 16 March 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur l’entourage institutionnel de Georges Pompidou, Premier ministre d’avril 1962 à juillet 1968, puis président de la République de juin 1969 à son décès le 2 avril 1974. Histoire politique de l’administration, elle étudie l’organisation, la structure, et le fonctionnement des deux institutions coutumières que sont le cabinet du Premier ministre et le Secrétariat général de la présidence de la République sous Georges Pompidou. Elle analyse les évolutions de ces organes sur le temps long et étudie les adaptations apportées par Georges Pompidou en terme de rupture et de continuité. Elle s’interroge notamment sur le poids des héritages gaulliens et sur le rôle de Georges Pompidou dans la stabilisation des institutions de la Ve République. Cette recherche retrace également l’histoire des hommes et des femmes qui ont travaillé à ses cabinets civils et militaires à Matignon puis au Secrétariat général de l’Élysée entre 1962 et 1974. À travers l’étude de leur formation, de leur profil, de leur carrière, elle précise les caractéristiques propres à cet entourage politique et enrichit les travaux sur le personnel politico-administratif au cours des années 1960-1970. Enfin, l’analyse des relations entre Georges Pompidou et son entourage, entre ses collaborateurs et d’autres entourages politiques, pose la délicate question de l’influence de conseillers du Premier ministre puis du chef de l’État sur lui-même, et sur le processus décisionnel. / This research is about the institutionnal entourage of Georges Pompidou during his mandates as a Primer Minister (April 1962-July 1968) and as a President of the French Republic (June 1969-April 2th 1974, when he prematurely died). It focuses on two institutions whose organisation, structure and internal functioning have been empirically shaped : the Prime Minister Cabinet and the Secretary-Generalship of the Presidency. It analyses their long-term evolution and the way Georges Pompidou modified them, from both points of view of rupture and continuity. It interrogates the impact of the gaullist legacy and Pompidou's personal influence regarding the global stabilisation of the Fifth Republic's institutions. This research also aims to depict the history of men and women that worked for Pompidou in its civilian and military cabinets, in Matignon and at the Elysee's Secretary-Generalship between 1962 and 1974. A thorough exploration of their professional background, their profile and career allows us to describe the specificities of this political entourage. Furthermore, it contributes to the understanding of the political and administrative high-level servants during the 1960's and the 1970's. Finally, by analysing the relations between Georges Pompidou and his staff, and between this staff and other political circles, we get onto the sensitive question of influence. This research then tries to assess the influence that the advisors may have exerted on their Prime Minister and President, and on the decision-making process.
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Les compétences du Président de la République à Taïwan : fondements et évolution depuis 1988 / The competences of president of the Republic of Taiwan : foundations and evolution from 1988Hsu, Yu-Wei 23 February 2018 (has links)
Résumé en français / Résumé en anglais
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O instituto do veto presidencial no constitucionalismo brasileiro contemporâneo / Presidencial veto in the contemporary Brazilian constitutionalismPaulo Massi Dallari 30 March 2015 (has links)
Nos Estados republicanos modernos, o sistema de freios e contrapesos é um dos modelos institucionais responsável por assegurar o equilíbrio entre os Poderes e prevenir abusos por parte dos governantes. Dois questionamentos podem ser encontrados na literatura brasileira sobre o tema e fundamentam esta Dissertação: um geral sobre o suposto poder excessivo que o nosso sistema político confere ao Poder Executivo e outro, específico, de que nesse contexto, o veto teria um papel central na supremacia do presidente da república sobre o Congresso Nacional no âmbito do processo legislativo. Partindo dessas premissas, a pesquisa avalia se essas características estão condizentes com as expectativas e o desenho institucional proposto para o Estado brasileiro pela Assembleia Nacional Constituinte ANC de 1987. Com base nos anais da ANC e em referências históricas, conclui-se que, ao menos no tocante ao instituto do veto presidencial, o modelo de preponderância do Poder Executivo observado no processo legislativo decorreu de uma opção deliberada e reafirmada pela elite política em 1988, quando da promulgação da Constituição. / In modern republican states, the system of checks and balances is one of the institutional models responsible for ensuring the balance between powers and preventing abuses by rulers. Two issues can be found in the Brazilian academic literature on the matter that underlie this Dissertation: one concerning the alleged excessive power that our political system grant to the executive branch, and another one more specific that, in this context, the veto would have a main role in the supremacy of the President of the Republic over Congress in the legislative process. Beginning with these assumptions, this research evaluates whether these characteristics are consistent with the expectations and the institutional design proposed for the Brazilian State by the National Constituent Assembly (ANC) of 1987. Based on the ANC records and historical references, it concluded that, at least in regard to the presidential veto institute, the preponderance of the executive branch model observed in the legislative process derived from a deliberate and reaffirmed choice made by the political elite in 1988, at the promulgation of the Constitution.
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