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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


CRISTIANE LEAL 05 October 2021 (has links)
[pt] O biodiesel é um biocombustível produzido tipicamente a partir da transesterificação e/ou esterificação, de óleos vegetais (ex. soja e dendê) que é constituído por diferentes tipos de ácidos graxos como, por exemplo, ácido oleico, linoleico, linolênico em composições distintas. Todavia, entre os artigos encontrados na literatura que abordam simulações e intensificação de processos industriais na produção do biodiesel, a composição química do óleo é simplificada, reduzindo-se ao triglicerídeo de maior concentração. A fim de analisar a intensificação do processo de obtenção de biodiesel, a partir do óleo de soja, utilizando destilação reativa, inicialmente, foi realizado a comparação das propriedades do biodiesel, como densidade, viscosidade e composição, produzido via catálise homogênea e heterogênea, considerando-se a composição química total do óleo de soja e considerando apenas o triglicerídeo majoritário, composto por uma molécula de ácido oleio e duas de ácido linoleico. A análise confirmou que não há alteração significativa nos resultados em substituir a composição do biodiesel por uma fração única de triglicerídeos, devido à proximidade de propriedades físico-químicas. Visto isto, o desenvolvimento da simulação e intensificação do processo foi desenvolvido a partir do componente majoritário no óleo de soja. Considerando o déficit de informações completas relacionando os estudos de composição, destilação reativa, integração energética e avaliação econômica, a tese complementa uma metodologia para simular a produção do biodiesel via catálise homogênea e heterogênea, utilizando a destilação reativa (DR), integração energética e considerando a viabilidade financeira de todos os fluxogramas estudados. Nas simulações desenvolvidas resultaram um melhor aproveitamento da energia presente nos correntes quentes disponíveis, e assim reduzindo-se o investimento em utilidades. Concluiu-se que ao empregar a destilação reativa, para catálise homogênea e heterogênea, há energia a ser economizada, em torno de 30 a 48 por cento, ou seja, há disponibilidade de modificação no processo para que ocorra um melhor aproveitamento e economia de energia. A partir disto, empregou-se a integração energética, utilizando o sistema de reaproveitamento energético, obtendo um melhor cenário para o estudo energético proporcionando uma economia de 70 por cento e 65,8 por cento de energia nos processos homogêneo e heterogêneo, respectivamente. Quanto à viabilidade econômica, considerou-se a capacidade do processo com vida útil de 15 anos e as simulações indicaram rendimentos positivos e sugere-se serem viáveis economicamente. Porém, ao empregar a destilação reativa com intensificação do processo, a redução de gastos energéticos e financeiros com o catalisador heterogêneo se mostrou ser a melhor opção energeticamente e economicamente. Comparando o sistema com gastos, o inicial homogêneo, com o econômico, dito anteriormente, a economia de energia das utilidades foi em torno de 80 por cento e a diferença no valor presente líquido (VPL) de 744.089,84 de dólares. O resultado mostrou que o investimento em mais trocadores de calor de correntes de processo somados à redução de equipamentos da via por catalise heterogênea permitiu alcançar uma relação de custo alternativa mais atraente que o processo tradicional via catálise homogênea ainda que o custo do catalisador seja maior no caso heterogêneo. / [en] Biodiesel is a biofuel typically produced from transesterification and/or esterification of vegetable oils (eg soy and palm oil) which is made up of different types of fatty acids such as, for example, oleic, linoleic, linolenic acid in different compositions. However, among the articles found in the literature that address simulations and intensification of industrial processes in the production of biodiesel, the chemical composition of the oil is simplified, reducing it to the highest concentration triglyceride. In order to analyze the intensification of the process of obtaining biodiesel from soybean oil, using reactive distillation, initially, a comparison of the properties of biodiesel, such as density, viscosity and composition, produced via homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis was performed, considering - the total chemical composition of soybean oil and considering only the major triglyceride, composed of one molecule of oleic acid and two of linoleic acid. The analysis confirmed that there is no significant change in the results in replacing the biodiesel composition with a single fraction of triglycerides, due to the proximity of physicochemical properties. In view of this, the development of simulation and process intensification was developed from the major component in soybean oil. Considering the lack of complete information relating composition studies, reactive distillation, energy integration and economic evaluation, the thesis complements a methodology to simulate the production of biodiesel via homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, using reactive distillation (DR), energy integration and considering the financial feasibility of all studied flowcharts. The simulations developed resulted in a better use of the energy present in the available hot currents, thus reducing the investment in utilities. It was concluded that when using reactive distillation, for homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, there is energy to be saved, around 30 to 48 percent, that is, there is availability of modification in the process so that there is a better use and energy saving. From this, energy integration was used, using the energy reuse system, obtaining a better scenario for the energy study, providing savings of 70 percent and 65.8 percent of energy in homogeneous and heterogeneous processes, respectively. As for the economic feasibility, it was considered the capacity of the process with a useful life of 15 years and the simulations indicated positive yields and are suggested to be economically viable. However, by employing reactive distillation with process intensification, the reduction of energy and financial costs with the heterogeneous catalyst proved to be the best option energetically and economically. Comparing the system with expenses, the initial homogeneous, with the economic, mentioned above, the energy savings of the utilities was around 80 percent and the difference in the net present value (NPV) of 744,089.84 dollars. The result showed that the investment in more process current heat exchangers, added to the reduction of equipment in the heterogeneous catalysis path, allowed to reach a more attractive alternative cost ratio than the traditional process via homogeneous catalysis, even though the cost of the catalyst is higher in the heterogeneous case.

Evaluation Of An On-line Device To Monitor Scale Formation In A Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis Membrane Process

Roque, Jennifer C 01 January 2012 (has links)
A modified two-element membrane pressure vessel assembly has been used to monitor process operational changes in a full-scale reverse osmosis (RO) water treatment plant (WTP). This study evaluated the effectiveness of the assembly as an on-line monitoring device intended to detect scale formation conditions when connected to an operating RO process train. This study was implemented to support the requirements of a larger University of Central Florida (UCF) research project ongoing at the city of Sarasota’s Public Works and Utilities (City) water treatment facilities located in Sarasota, Florida. During the time-frame of this study, the City was in the process of eliminating their sulfuric acid feed from the pretreatment system of their existing 4.5 million gallon per day (MGD) RO membrane process. The City was motivated to eliminate its dependence on sulfuric acid to reduce operating costs as well as reduce operation health and safety risks associated with the use of the acid as a pretreatment chemical. Because the City was concerned with secondary process impacts associated with acid elimination, additional measures were desired in order to protect the full-scale process. This thesis reports on the design, fabrication and installation of a third-stage two membrane element pressure vessel “canary” sentinel monitoring device (Canary), its effectiveness as an online scaling monitor during full-scale acid elimination, and presents the results of the study. The Canary sentinel device was controlled using the normalized specific flux of the two membrane elements fed by a portion of the second stage concentrate of one of the City’s full-scale RO process skids. Although the Canary demonstrated the ability to detect changes in an RO process operation, scaling did not occur under the conditions evaluated in this study. An autopsy of one iv of the Canary elements revealed that no scaling had occurred during the acid elimination process. Therefore, the Canary was found to be useful in its function as a sentinel, even though no scaling was detected by the device after acid elimination at the City’s full-scale plant had been accomplished.

Повышение конкурентоспособности предприятия сферы услуг общественного питания на основе Бережливых технологий : магистерская диссертация / The competitiveness improving of catering enterprise based on Lean technologies

Патракова, Д. И., Patrakova, D. I. January 2019 (has links)
Диссертация посвящена проблеме повышения конкурентоспособности компании путем использования новых управленческих технологий. Речь идет, в первую очередь, о внедрении в деятельность предприятия, работающего в сфере услуг, концепции бережливого производства. Данная концепция представляет собой набор конкретных методов и технологий, направленных на повышение конкурентоспособности предприятия за счет сокращения различного рода потерь как в системе производства, так и в системе потребления. Для повышения конкурентоспособности предлагается использовать неценовые методы конкуренции, а именно: повышение потребительской ценности в процессе обслуживания клиентов. Таким образом, завоевание конкурентного преимущества будет достигаться путем сервисной дифференциации. Для оптимизации деятельности предприятия были определены основные процессы, происходящие при обслуживании, и выбраны наиболее значимые с точки зрения конкурентных позиций, которые необходимо оптимизировать в первую очередь. Для каждого процесса был сформирован поток создания ценности, определены потери и их виды, а также разработаны мероприятия по снижению или исключению этих потерь. / The thesis is devoted to the problem of increasing the competitiveness of the company by using new management technologies. It is, first of all, the introduction of the concept of lean production in the activities of the enterprise operating in the service sector. This concept is a set of specific methods and technologies aimed at increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise by reducing various kinds of losses, both in the production system and in the consumption system. To increase competitiveness, it is proposed to use non-price methods of competition, namely, increase of consumer value in the process of customer service. Thus, the achievement of a competitive advantage will be achieved through service differentiation. To optimize the activities of the company, the main processes that took place during maintenance were identified, and the most significant ones were selected from the point of view of competitive positions, which should be optimized in the first place. For each process, a value stream was generated, losses and their types were identified, and measures were developed to reduce or eliminate these losses.

Маркетинговое сопровождение реализации государственных программ топливно-энергетического комплекса : магистерская диссертация / Marketing support of realization of state programs of fuel and energy complex

Полляк, Г. М., Pollyak, G. M. January 2019 (has links)
On the Russian market, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and a number of large companies that are monopolists or oligopolists in various markets and areas of activity within the fuel and energy sector, such as PJSC Gazprom, PJSC NK Rosneft, PJSC NOVATEK, are responsible for the development and operation of this sphere. The activities of these companies are focused on production, transportation and export deliveries, as well as the technological development of fuel and energy resources and methods of their application. However, the development of the fuel and energy complex is impossible without state support, namely, without the participation of the Council of the Federation of the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. State support contributes to the receipt of subsidies, financial loans and incentives to companies in the fuel and energy complex for the effective and active development of innovative technologies and improving the standard of living of society in various constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The most effective way to develop the fuel and energy complex and apply technologies in the country for its development and increase the level of well-being are state programs. The state program is an instrument of state regulation that ensures the achievement of long-term goals and objectives by using available resources and identifies companies whose participation will contribute to the favorable implementation of the program. In addition to the fact that the process of developing a state program is laborious, it should be noted that the implementation process is complex. It is necessary to develop an effective strategy for the development and implementation of government programs, focusing on the production capabilities of participating companies, given the relevance and need for the development and implementation of government programs for society. Mandatory factors should be consumer needs and desires, which should be guided and satisfied through the implementation of state programs. For their full satisfaction, it is necessary to systematize and organize the effective and appropriate performance of all functional participants in state programs, as well as provide the necessary resources for their favorable implementation. The best way to achieve the above aspects is to use a marketing and project approach in the management and implementation of government programs, the use of tools that help to take into account all the necessary parameters, an in-depth analysis of the market, a thorough analysis of consumers and their needs, development of an implementation strategy, determination of a development vector, and most importantly, developing an effective government program. / На российском рынке за развитие и функционирование данной сферы отвечает Министерство энергетики Российской Федерации и ряд крупных компаний являющихся монополистами или олигополистами на различных рынках и направлениях деятельности в рамках ТЭК, такие как ПАО «Газпром», ПАО «НК «Роснефть», ПАО «НОВАТЭК», ПАО «Россетти», ПАО «Лукойл» и другие. Деятельность данных компаний ориентирована на добычу, транспортировку и экспортные поставки, а также технологическое развитие топливно-энергетических ресурсов и способов их применения. Однако, развитие ТЭК невозможно без государственной поддержки, а именно без участия Совета федерации РФ, Президента РФ и Министерства энергетики РФ. Государственная поддержка способствует получению субсидий, финансовых займов и льгот компаниям топливно-энергетического комплекса для эффективного и активного развития инновационных технологий и повышения уровня жизни общества в разных субъектах Российской Федерации. Наиболее действенным способом развития топливно-энергетического комплекса и применения технологий в стране для ее развития и повышения уровня благосостояния, являются государственные программы. Государственная программа — это инструмент государственного регулирования, обеспечивающий достижение перспективных целей и задач путем использования имеющихся ресурсов и определяющий компании, участие которых будет способствовать благоприятной реализации программы. Помимо того, что процесс разработки государственной программы трудоемкий, необходимо отметить, что и процесс реализации сложный. Необходимо разработать эффективную стратегию по разработке и реализации государственных программ, ориентируясь на производственные возможности компаний-участников, учитывая актуальность и необходимость разработки и реализации государственных программ для общества. Обязательными факторами должны являться потребительские потребности и желания, на которые следует ориентироваться и удовлетворять их посредством реализации государственных программ. Для их полноценного удовлетворения необходимо систематизировать и организовать эффективную и целесообразную работоспособность всех функциональных участников государственных программ, а также обеспечивать необходимыми ресурсами для их благоприятной реализации. Наилучшим способом для достижения вышеупомянутых аспектов будет применение маркетингового и проектного подхода в управлении и реализации государственных программ, применение инструментов которых способствуют учету всех необходимых параметров, глубокому анализу рынка, тщательному анализу потребителей и их потребностей, разработке стратегии реализации, определения вектора развития и самое главное, разработке эффективной государственной программы.

Особенности оптимизации бизнес-процессов продвижения в сфере оптовой торговли : магистерская диссертация / Features of optimization of business processes of promotion in the field of wholesale trade

Смолякова, К. С., Smolyakova, K. S. January 2020 (has links)
Актуальность темы обусловлена потребностью организаций в оптимизации бизнес-процессов продвижения через сеть Интернет в сфере оптовой торговли. Целью выпускной квалификационной работы является разработка и внедрение нового функционала, оптимизирующего процесс продвижения на предприятии ООО «Мед-орто». Данные рекомендации применяются на практике, и будут способствовать поддержанию интереса покупателей к компании «Мед-Орто». Реализация проекта направлена на увеличение продаж, узнаваемости, формированию лояльных пользователей. / The relevance of the topic is due to the need for organizations to optimize the business processes of promotion via the Internet in the field of wholesale. The purpose of the final qualification work is the development and implementation of new functionality that optimizes the promotion process at the “Med-orto” enterprise. These recommendations are applied in practice and will help maintain the interest of buyers in “Med-orto”. The implementation of the project is aimed at increasing sales, recognition, and building loyal users.

Integration of Digital Twin and Deep Learning for facilitating Smart Planning and Construction: An Exploratory Analysis

Kor, Mergen January 2021 (has links)
The Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry is known to be overwhelmed with resource planning, risk management, and logistic challenges, resulting in design defects, project delivery delays, cost overruns, and contractual disputes. These challenges have instigated research in the application of advanced machine learning algorithms such as Deep learning (DL) to help with diagnostic and prescriptive analysis of causes and preventive measures. Construction 4.0 develops through continuous innovations towards digitalization and intelligence, in order to realize a considerable boost in automation, productivity, and reliability. The Digital Twins, as the next level of planning and process control and automation towards Construction 4.0, will incorporate cognitive features that enable sensing complex and unpredicted behavior and reason about dynamic strategies for process optimization to support decision-making. However, there is still a lack of awareness regarding the real impact of DT integration, DL, and IoT, all connected to self-learning hybrid models with proactive cognitive capabilities for smart planning and construction. This study investigates the potential integration of DT and DL to facilitate smart planning and construction through an explorative analysis to identify and close this gap. Data were collected from global industry experts in a mixed approach with interviews, focus groups, and a survey focusing on the applicability and interoperability of DL integrated DT with decision-support capabilities for process optimization. Based on the results of quantitative and qualitative analyses, a conceptual model of the framework has been developed. The evaluations support that the DL integrated DT model will incorporate cognitive abilities to detect complex and unpredictable actions and reasoning about dynamic process optimization strategies to support decision-making in smart planning and construction. / Pre-study for SPARK-SBE potential project

Design and Optimization of Post-Combustion CO2 Capture

Higgins, Stuart James 17 May 2016 (has links)
This dissertation describes the design and optimization of a CO2-capture unit using aqueous amines to remove of carbon dioxide from the flue gas of a coal-fired power plant. In particular we construct a monolithic model of a carbon capture unit and conduct a rigorous optimization to find the lowest solvent regeneration energy yet reported. Carbon capture is primarily motivated by environmental concerns. The goal of our work is to help make carbon capture and storage (CCS) a more efficient for the sort of universal deployment called for by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to stabilize anthropomorphic contributions to climate change, though there are commercial applications such as enhanced oil recovery (EOR). We employ the latest simulation tools from Aspen Tech to rigorously model, design, and optimize acid gas systems. We extend this modeling approach to leverage Aspen Plus in the .NET framework through Microsoft's Component Object Model (COM). Our work successfully increases the efficiency of acid gas capture. We report a result optimally implementing multiple energy-saving schemes to reach a thermal regeneration energy of 1.67 GJ/tonne. By contrast, the IPCC had reported that leading technologies range from 2.7 to 3.3 GJ/tonne in 2005. Our work has received significant endorsement for industrial implementation by the senior management from the world's second largest chemical corporation, Sinopec, as being the most efficient technology known today. / Ph. D.

Entwicklung eines mikrobiologischen Schnelltests zur Prozessoptimierung von Biogasanlagen

Gasch, Carina 04 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden verschiedene zweiphasige Vergärungssysteme hinsichtlich der mikrobiellen Biomasse und Abbauaktivität charakterisiert, mit dem Ziel, eine mikrobiologische Prozessüberwachung zu ermöglichen. Bei der analytischen Begleitung des Biogasprozesses stellte sich heraus, dass viele Biomasse- und Aktivitätsparameter anlagen- bzw. substratspezifische Werte aufweisen und Prozessstörungen bzw. Verfahrensmodifikationen über diese mikrobiologischen Kenngrößen detektiert und verifiziert werden können. Im Normalbetrieb der Vergärung von Maissilage konnte in der Hydrolysestufe eine starke Vermehrung der mikrobiellen Gesamtzellzahl sowie eine Zunahme des Archaea:Bacteria-Verhältnisses verzeichnet werden. Die Aktivitätsprofile von Hydrolasen (unspezifische Esterase, Polysaccharasen und Proteasen) erlaubten eine Visualisierung des Hydrolysefortschritts. Hierbei erwiesen sich die Esterase-, Cellulase- und Xylanaseaktivität als besonders aussagekräftig. Ähnlich ermöglichte dies die Analyse der Atmungsaktivität, die die mikrobielle Abbauaktivität des Eingangs- bzw. das Restgaspotential des Ausgangsmaterials der Hydrolysestufe wiedergibt. Die phylogenetischen Analysen der ersten Prozessstufe zeigten eine klare Dominanz von cellulolytischen Bakterien der Gattung Clostridium (Ø 35%). Der Anteil der hydrogenotrophen Methanogenen lag in den untersuchten Systemen etwa 50% über dem der Acetoklastischen, was darauf schließen lässt, dass der hydrogenotrophe Methanbildungsweg favorisiert wird. Es wurde aber auch eine erhöhte Abundanz der nicht-methanogenen Crenarchaeota festgestellt, deren Rolle im Biogasprozess noch ungeklärt ist. Im Zuge dieser Arbeit wurde weiterhin die Vergärbarkeit von HCH-belasteter Grassilage bzw. ein potentieller mikrobieller β-HCH-Abbau untersucht. Hier konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Aktivität der Mikroorganismen durch die Schadstoffbelastung des Substrates nicht inhibiert war. Darüber hinaus konnte ein Abbau des β-HCH nach der Hydrolyse der Grassilage nachgewiesen werden. Durch das Auftreten von Prozessstörungen bzw. Verfahrensmodifikationen konnten die Auswirkungen auf die untersuchten mikrobiologischen Kenngrößen näher untersucht und u. a. auch statistisch abgesichert verifiziert werden. Korrelationsanalysen verdeutlichten die mikrobiellen bzw. biochemischen Zusammenhänge im System. Besonders interessant sind dabei die signifikanten Korrelationen zwischen der Gesamtzellzahl, der Esteraseaktivität und dem Chemischen Sauerstoffbedarf, die für jede Verfahrensstufe nachgewiesen werden konnten. Diese Analysen zeigten erstmalig, dass die unspezifische Esteraseaktivität als allgemeiner mikrobieller Aktivitätsparameter in verschiedenen Prozessstufen von Biogasanlagen als Indikator zur Prozesseffizienz und -stabilität einsetzbar ist. Daher wurde die Methodik als Schnelltest weiterentwickelt, der auch vor Ort Anwendung finden kann. Dies ermöglicht eine direkte Analyse des Biogassubstrates, der Effizienz der Substratumsetzung sowie die Detektion von Störungen und eine entsprechende Steuerung und Regelung des Prozesses.

Implementação industrial de um otimizador em tempo real. / Industrial implementation of a real time optimizer.

Zanin, Antônio Carlos 18 April 2001 (has links)
Esta tese descreve o desenvolvimento e implementação de um otimizador em tempo real da operação do conversor da unidade de craqueamento catalítico em leito fluidizado (FCC) da refinaria Henrique Lage localizada em São José dos Campos. É desenvolvida uma estratégia de otimização integrada ao controlador preditivo cuja função objetivo e restrições incorporam componentes dinâmicos e estáticos. Os problemas de controle multivariável e otimização econômica são resolvidos simultaneamente num mesmo algoritmo. É utilizado um modelo rigoroso do processo para determinar as condições econômicas ótimas do estado estacionário do conversor. Por intermédio do modelo dinâmico, obtido através de testes em degrau na planta, é determinada a melhor trajetória para conduzir o processo para o seu ponto de maior lucratividade, sem violar as suas restrições operacionais durante as transições. As variáveis controladas e manipuladas possuem restrições tanto no transiente como no estado estacionário. O problema de otimização não linear resultante é resolvido através de um algoritmo SQP. A nova estratégia de otimização forneceu excelentes resultados nas simulações com as condições normais de operação e as perturbações típicas da unidade. Na comparação desta estratégia com a convencional, cujas funções de controle e otimização estão separadas, a mesma mostrou um melhor desempenho por manter o processo mais estável. Na fase de implementação do otimizador, o controlador preditivo multivariável existente no conversor foi adaptado para a nova estrutura de otimização através da inclusão das funções de otimização que envolvem o modelo rigoroso do estado estacionário do processo. O controlador/otimizador foi inserido no software da Petrobras denominado SICON, o qual já era utilizado como plataforma de sintonia e manutenção do controlador multivariável linear do conversor. Esse software tem facilidades para desenvolvimento e implementação de estratégias de controle avançado. Neste trabalho são apresentados os aspectos mais importantes da integração do otimizador na estrutura de automação da refinaria e o seu comissionamento. Estão também relacionadas as principais dificuldades encontradas na implementação do otimizador e a forma que as mesmas foram solucionadas. Os resultados obtidos na planta mostram um bom desempenho do novo algoritmo tanto em relação aos benefícios econômicos como na estabilização da unidade. / This thesis describes the development and implementation of a real time optimizer of the operation of a fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) converter in the Henrique Lage refinery located in São José dos Campos. It is developed an optimization strategy integrated into the predictive controller whose objective function and constraints incorporate dynamic and static components. The multivariable control and the economic optimization problems are solved simultaneously by the same algorithm. A rigorous process model is used to determine the converter steady-state optimum economic operating conditions. By utilizing a dynamic model, obtained through step tests in the plant, calculations are carried out in order to determine the best path to drive the process to its more profitable operating point, without violating operational constraints during the transient modes. All controlled and manipulated variables are constrained, both in the steady-state and in the dynamic states. The resulting optimization problem is nonlinear and is solved by an SQP algorithm. The new optimization strategy has provided excellent results in the simulations performed at normal operating conditions and typical disturbances. Comparing to the conventional strategy, whose control and optimization functions are separated, the new one has shown a better performance by maintaining a smoother operation of the process. In the optimizer implementation phase, the existent predictive linear controller was adapted to the new optimization structure by including the optimization function that involves the rigorous steady-state model of the process. The optimizing controller was inserted in Petrobras SICON software, which was already being used as a tuning and maintenance platform of the linear multivariable controller of the converter. This software has nice features for the development and implementation of advanced process control strategies. In this work it is presented the more important aspects of the optimizer integration into the refinery automation structure and its commissioning. The main difficulties of the optimizer implementation and the way how they were solved are also related. Plant results show a good performance of the new algorithm in terms of economic benefits and unit stabilization.

Activated carbon from renewable resources:carbonization, activation and use

Bergna, D. (Davide) 19 November 2019 (has links)
Abstract Biomass is the most abundant renewable material present on Earth and has been widely used e.g. in energy production. Recently, new applications for biomass utilization have been developed, e.g. the use of biomass as a raw material for synthesizing new chemicals. This research aimed to produce activated carbon (AC) from waste wood-based materials and peat through carbonization followed by physical or chemical activation. Physical steam activation and chemical activation generate the porosity in AC after the carbonization. The desired properties of AC (porosity, pore size distribution, surface functionality) are dependent on the application in which AC is used. The first part of the research focused on setting up the carbonization and activation device. The most important variables affecting carbonization and activation and the AC properties were studied. The process parameters were optimized through the design of experiments (DOE). The results showed that in the physical activation, the most important variables affecting the characteristics of AC are the holding time, temperature, and the steam feed. Consequently, a model for tailoring the microporosity or mesoporosity of AC and maximizing the yield is proposed. The second part of the research focused on chemical activation using zinc chloride. The aim was to study the effect of activation variables on the yield and properties of AC. Finally, the use of AC as an adsorbent was studied. Especially, the applicability of birch sawdust based activated carbon on the removal of dyes, zinc metal, nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate ions was evaluated. Based on the results, a difference was shown between one and two step process for carbonization and activation, and a single-step process was suggested to maximize the quality of AC. / Tiivistelmä Biomassa on maapallon eniten saatavilla olevaa uusiutuvaa materiaalia, jota on hyödynnetty jo pitkään mm. energiantuotannossa. Viime aikoina uusia biomassan käyttökohteita on kehitetty laajalti, kuten esimerkiksi uusien kemikaalien valmistukseen. Tässä tutkimuksessa puupohjaista jätebiomassaa ja turvetta hyödynnetään fysikaalisesti ja kemiallisesti aktivoidun aktiivihiilen valmistuksessa. Fysikaalinen höyryaktivointi ja kemiallinen aktivointi lisäävät aktiivihiilen huokoisuutta hiilestyksen jälkeen. Aktiivihiilen halutut ominaisuudet (huokoskokojakauma, pinnan toiminnalliset ryhmät) määräytyvät käyttökohteen mukaan. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa keskityttiin hidas pyrolyysilaitteiston ja aktivointilaitteiston rakentamiseen sekä hiilestyksen ja aktivoinnin kannalta keskeisimpien muuttujien tutkimiseen. Prosessimuuttujien vaikutusten tarkastelussa ja optimoinnissa hyödynnettiin koesuunnitteluohjelmaa. Tulosten perusteella todettiin, että fysikaalisessa aktivoinnissa olennaisimmat muuttujat olivat lämpötila, pitoaika sekä höyrysyöttö. Tämän pohjalta esitettiin malli aktiivihiilen mikro- ja mesohuokoisuuden muokkaamiseksi ja saannon maksimoimiseksi. Tutkimuksen toisessa vaiheessa tutkittiin kemiallista aktivointia hyödyntämällä sinkkikloridia aktivointikemikaalina. Tavoitteena oli selvittää eri aktivointimuuttujien vaikutusta saantoon ja aktiivihiilen laatuun. Tutkimuksen viimeisessä vaiheessa tutkittiin valmistettujen aktiivihiilien käyttöä adsorbenttina. Erityisesti tutkittiin koivupurusta valmistetun aktiivihiilen soveltuvuutta väriaineiden, metallien ja anionien sidontaan. Tutkimuksen keskeisenä tuloksena voitiin osoittaa merkittävä ero yksi- ja kaksivaiheisen hiilestyksen ja aktivoinnin välillä, ja ehdotettiin yksivaiheista prosessia hiililaadun optimoimiseksi. / Sommario La biomassa è il materiale rinnovabile più abbondante presente sulla Terra ed è stata intensamente usata e.g. nella produzione di energia. Recentemente sono state sviluppate nuove applicazioni per la biomassa, ad esempio come materiale di base per sintetizzare nuovi prodotti chimici. Lo scopo di questa ricerca è produrre carbone attivo (CA) attraverso attivazione fisica e chimica da materiali legnosi di scarto come segatura, cippato e torba. L’attivazione fisica e l’attivazione chimica, creano la porosità nel CA dopo la carbonizzazione. Il prodotto finale può essere usato in differenti applicazioni in base a diversi fattori tra cui la distribuzione della porosità e la tipologia dei gruppi funzionali presenti sulla superficie. La prima fase della ricerca è stata dedicata alla progettazione e installazione dell’hardware necessario per l’attivazione e nell’individuazione dei parametri di processo più importanti. I parametri di processo sono stati ottimizzati attraverso il design of experiments (DOE) e sono state considerate le differenti variabili che interagiscono nella formazione del CA. I risultati hanno mostrato che i parametri di processo più importanti che influiscono sulle caratteristiche del CA sono il tempo, la temperatura di attivazione e la quantità di vapore iniettato nel reattore. È stato proposto un modello per progettare CA microporoso o mesoporoso con massa finale massimizzata. La seconda parte della ricerca è stata incentrata sull’attivazione chimica con cloruro di zinco. Lo scopo é stato studiare l’effetto delle variabili di attivazione su massa finale e proprietà del carbone attivo. Infine, è stata studiato il CA come adsorbente. In particolare è stata considerata l’applicabilità del CA da segatura di betulla per la rimozione di coloranti, zinco metallico, ioni di nitrato, fosfato e solfato. In base a questi risultati, una differenza é stata evidenziata tra il processo di carbonizzazione e attivazione a uno o due stadi, ed il processo a singolo stadio è stato proposto per massimizzare la qualità del CA.

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