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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konstruktion av trolley för krockprovning / Design of crash track trolley

Duvnjak, Uros January 2018 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet genomfördes sommaren 2017 på Autoliv Test Center i Vårgårda. Autoliv är världens ledande leverantör av säkerhetsutrustning och utvecklare av säkerhetssystem för fordonsindustrin. Autoliv genomför även krockprovning för kunder som vill genomföra tester av deras bilar före produktion. Vid krockprovning accelereras testfordonet av en krockprovningstrolley som kopplar samman fordonet med en vajer vilket drivs genom ett hydrauliskt framdrivningssystem. Trolleyn är en stålkonstruktion som är placerad i krockspåret vilket griper fast i stålvajern med ett klämsystem. Krockprovningsindustrin är i ständig utveckling med nya säkerhetssystem, hårdare regler och tuffare krav från myndigheter och fordonssäkerhetsorganisationer. Ett nyligen introducerat test kallat NHTSA Oblique 90km/h hade svårt att genomföras på grund av att klämmekanismen slirat vid genomförandet. Målet med examensarbetet har varit att ta fram en ny krockprovningstrolley som fungerar när den genomför NHTSA Oblique 90km/h. Arbetet har varit inriktat på att designa en trolley som fungerar under nuvarande förhållanden utan att göra inverkningar på krockbanan eller framdrivningssystemet. Fyra koncept har designats i 3D, utvärderas i en konceptmatris, diskuterats med erfaren personal och ett koncept valdes ut för fortsatt utveckling. Effekterna av den nya designen på komponenter har undersökts och justeringar genomfördes. En FEM-analys gjordes på det vinnande konceptet för att bedöma hållfastheten på trolleyn samt potentialen för viktoptimering. Resultat var en ny trolleyplatta, 20 cm längre och 10mm tunnare. Den ursprungliga plattans vikt bevarades och designen rekommenderades av personal på ATC. Trolleyn diskuterades och ytterligare rekommendationer gavs. / This thesis was performed in the summer of 2017 at Autoliv Test Center in Vårgårda. Autoliv is the world’s leading automotive safety supplier and developer of safety equipment for the vehicle industry. Autoliv also performs crash testing for customers wanting their concept cars tested before production. In crash testing, the vehicle is accelerated by a crash track trolley that connects the vehicle to a steel wire driven with a hydraulic propulsion system. The trolley is a steel construction positioned inside the crash track gripping the wire with a clamping mechanism. The crash testing industry is in constant development due to new safety systems, harder regulations and tougher requirements from governments and vehicle safety organizations. A recently introduced crash test called the NHTSA Oblique 90km/h had issues being performed due to slip between the clamping system and steel wire. The goal of this thesis has been to develop a new crash track trolley that does not malfunction during crash testing. The work has been aimed at designing a trolley that functions at current conditions without implications on the crash track or propulsion system. Four concepts have been designed in 3D, evaluated in a concept matrix, discussed with senior staff and one concept was chosen for further development. The effects of the new design on components have been investigated and adjustments were made. A FEM-analysis was done on the winning concept to look into the physical integrity of the new trolley as well as the potentials in weight optimization. The result was a new trolley plate, elongated by 20 cm and thinned by 10 mm. The same plate weight was preserved and the trolley design was recommended by senior staff at ATC. The trolley was discussed and further recommendations were given.

Identificação dos propósitos e benefícios do uso de protótipos para o envolvimento de usuários no desenvolvimento de produtos da saúde / Identification of the purposes and benefits of the use of prototypes for the involvement of users in the development of health products

Santos, Thiago Bertolini dos 02 April 2019 (has links)
O envolvimento do usuário no processo de desenvolvimento do produto (PDP) é uma abordagem que visa que os produtos desenvolvidos atendam às necessidades dos usuários e que proporcionem maior segurança para os usuários. Por meio de protótipos a equipe de desenvolvimento e os usuários conseguem se comunicar de forma mais eficiente, facilitando a interação entre essas partes. Formas e técnicas de desenvolvimento de protótipos são fortemente discutidos na literatura, no entanto falta uma discussão profunda para auxiliar as empresas a utilizarem protótipos como forma de envolver o usuário. Os desafios e barreiras inerentes ao envolvimento do usuário também limitam o potencial do uso de protótipos, principalmente no desenvolvimento de produtos da saúde. O desenvolvimento desses produtos é particular por possuírem um maior número de usuários que interagem de diferentes maneiras com os produtos, terem uma exigência regulatória atrelada às questões de usabilidade e serem produtos que impactam na segurança e integridade de seus usuários. Assim, surge a seguinte questão de pesquisa: Quais são os propósitos e benefícios da utilização da prototipagem como meio de envolver o usuário no PDP do setor da saúde? O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi desenvolver uma referência para a equipe de desenvolvimento refletir e se apoiar para extrair todo o potencial do uso de protótipos na interação com usuários. Por meio de um estudo de múltiplos casos baseado em evidências, foram analisados 46 casos de projetos que utilizam o protótipo para o envolvimento do usuário. Como principais resultados foram identificados os propósitos recorrentes do uso de protótipos, os benefícios atingidos durante o envolvimento e os tipos de protótipos utilizados. Foi elaborado um framework para envolvimento do usuário utilizando protótipos. O framework, validado por meio de técnicas de mineração de textos, deve ser utilizado pela equipe de desenvolvimento para o planejamento do processo de envolvimento dos usuários. A rica descrição dos propósitos do uso de protótipos tem por objetivo assegurar que tanto os desenvolvedores de produtos experientes bem como os novatos possam atingir melhores resultados com o uso de protótipos. / User involvement in the product development process (PDP) is an approach that aims to develop products that meet the needs of users and provide greater security for users. Through prototypes, the development team and users can communicate more efficiently, facilitating interaction between these parties. Forms and techniques of prototype development are strongly discussed in the literature, however a profound discussion is lacking to help companies to use prototypes as a way of involving the user. The challenges and barriers inherent in user involvement also limit the potential of using prototypes, particularly in the development of health products. The development of these products is particular because they have a greater number of users who interact in different ways with the products, have a regulatory requirement linked to usability issues and are products that impact on the safety and integrity of its users. Thus, the following research question arises: What are the purposes and benefits of using prototyping as a means of involving the user in the health sector PDP? The aim of this research was to develop a reference for the development team to reflect and to support to extract the full potential of the use of prototypes in the interaction with users. Through a multiple case study based on evidence, we analyzed 46 cases of projects that use the prototype for user involvement. As main results were identified the recurrent purposes of using prototypes, the benefits achieved during the involvement and the types of prototypes used. A framework for user engagement using prototypes was developed. The framework, validated through text mining techniques, should be used by the development team to plan the user engagement process. The rich description of the purposes of using prototypes is intended to ensure that both novice and experienced product developers can achieve better results with the use of prototypes.

Product development of a fire hose basket that promotes ergonomics for firefighters / Produktutveckling av slangkorg som främjar ergonomi inom räddningstjänsten

Rask, Moa January 2018 (has links)
This report comprises a product development of an ergonomically designed hose basket that can be used by the firefighters when storing or carrying a fire hose. A study on ergonomics in the profession as a firefighter conducted by the Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE) showed that fire hose deployment was very physically exhausting. This study also revealed that some load may become too heavy and difficult to carry due to the design of the equipment. Injury to the user during lifting is common within the profession. Therefore there is a need for equipment that is more ergonomically designed.  The project follows a product development phase that includes market research and feasibility study which was accomplished by a literature study and through study visits and interviews at fire stations.  A common type of hose basket was used as the starting point for the project. This hose basket is in this report referred as "Skövde basket" and was considered heavy and un-ergonomic to carry, especially for shorter people. From the gathered information a ‘house of quality’ and a two-step idea generation was created. Several concepts that were made opposed the Skövde basket in an evaluation matrix. A material selection using a program, CES Selector 3.2 was made on the winning concept that became a hose basket which is carried under the arm.   The hose basket was then constructed in the program Creo Parametric 4.0 and detail drawings were created. A prototype was then made and tested by firefighters of both sexes and of different heights. The results pointed out improvements and deteriorations from the Skövde basket. The deterioration was that the basket became more difficult to pack, which was due to the reduced number of bars. Improvements were noticed on lift height; significant increase on lift height facilitated easy carrying by shorter individuals. / Denna rapport omfattar en produktutveckling av en ergonomiskt utformad slangkorg som kan användas av räddningstjänsten då brandslang ska placeras ut. Enligt en studie kring ergonomi inom räddningstjänsten gjord av Research Institutes of Sweden, RISE, ansåg många brandmän att slangutläggning var mycket fysiskt ansträngande. Syftet är att främja ergonomi inom brandmannayrket. Trots de fysiska kraven hos brandmän, kan vissa laster bli för tunga och svåra att bära på grund av utrustningens utformning. Därför behövs utrustning som är mer ergonomiskt utformad.   Projektet följer övergripligt en produktutvecklingsfas där det ingår dels en marknadsundersökning och en förstudie vilket gjordes genom en litteraturstudie, intervjuer och studiebesök på brandstationer.   En vanlig variant av slangkorg användes som utgångspunkt för projektet, denna slangkorg kallas i rapporten för ”Skövdeväskan” och ansågs tung och oergonomisk att bära, framför allt för kortare personer. Utifrån den information som samlats in gjordes ett kvalitetshus och en tvåstegs idégenerering där koncept togs fram. Koncepten ställdes mot varandra och mot Skövdeväskan i en konceptvalsmatris. Materialval med programmet CES Selector 3.2 gjordes på det vinnande konceptet som blev en slangkorg som bärs under armen.  Slangkorgen modellerades sedan i programmet Creo Parametric 4.0 och detaljritningar skapades. En prototyp konstruerades och denna testades av brandmän av båda könen och av olika längd. Testpersonerna fick därefter göra en utvärdering som visade på både förbättringar och försämringar jämfört med Skövdeväskan. Försämringar som uppkom var att korgen blev mer svårpackad vilket berodde på det reducerade antalet stödstänger i ramen. Förbättringar gjordes på lyfthöjd vilket underlättade framför allt för de kortare personerna.

Product Development of Material Supply : Implementation of Karakuri Kaizen

Porteiro Paraponiaris, Yanni, Mateos Rodríguez, Arturo January 2019 (has links)
The industry 4.0 is continuously aiming to produce faster, increasing quality, and strictly using what is necessary to achieve efficiency enhancement. Within the wide list of methods used to reach this target, robot automation is usually used, although is expensive and rigid. Alternatively, a Japanese cheap automation philosophy called "Karakuri", is being introduced by Volvo GTO to manage this goal. This thesis relies on this philosophy, which takes profit of the existing energy, like gravity, to put in motion mechanisms, in order to reduce costs and improve the production efficiency by developing a semi-automated material handling system. The design method followed, the Scrum, divides the thesis in several phases of development, presenting a fully developed solution at the end of each one and iteratively increasing the level of definition along the process, to finally provide a solution suitable to be implemented.

UX-metoder som kompletterar användbarhetstest genom att mäta tillfredsställelse : En fallstudie för att validera identifierade metoder

Baaz, Felicia, Åkesson, Jennie January 2019 (has links)
This study has been carried out in collaboration with the company RISE and the group UX Insights, who works with methods to test a product’s usability and ergonomics. The purpose of the study was to find complementary UX methods for usability tests, and to test the methods for verifying whether the selected methods really generate complementary information, as it was requested by the UX Insights group. The goal was to identify three methods which could provide information about the user’s feelings, since emotions are linked to the factor satisfaction as opposed to usability tests that generate performance metrics. The goal was also to achieve a better product through tests and concept development, based on the selected methods, through a case study. The study was based on two research questions;RQ1. Which evaluation methods can be used to complement usability tests in work with UX and what supplementary information do the methods generate? RQ2. How can evaluation methods for UX be used in the product development process to effectively draw attention to emotional reactions in the interaction between product and human? To answer the research questions, a literature study and a case study were conducted. The literature study aimed at identifying complementary methods for usability testing, which resulted in the methods Emocards, semantic differential scale and interview. The identified methods wereused together with usability tests during two tests in the case study. Test one was carried out on two air conditioners that Electrolux assisted with, and test two was carried out on a concept of a new control panel that was developed after product development of the product that was in greatest need of improvement. The study resulted in a developed concept that generated better results from the tests, compared to the standard product. The concept received 18 percentage points higher effectiveness and an increase in efficiency as all tasks required at least 40 percentage points less effort. The movement in the circumplex model was 14 and 13 steps for the concept, compared to 32 and 15 steps for the standard product. The concept improved based on the semantic differential scale, where the average value decreased by 1.3 units. The result also showed that usability tests can be complemented by the methods Emocards, semantic differential scale and interview, which means that the whole aspect of UX is measured as the methods together generate both performance-based data and self-reporting data, which generates information on both performance and satisfaction. The conclusion of the study showed that all three complementary methods provided information that could be used in the development of the product in the case study. However, all three methods provided similar information and therefore do not need to be used together. For this reason, it is recommended to either complement usability tests with Emocards and interviews or with semantic differential scale and interview. This is because interviews can deepen the information that selected methods generates. / Den här studien har utförts i samarbete med företaget RISE och gruppen UX Insights som arbetar med metoder för att testa produkters användbarhet och ergonomi. Syftet med studien var att hitta kompletterande UX-metoder till användbarhetstester samt att testa metoderna för att verifiera om valda metoder verkligen generar kompletterande information, då det var efterfrågat av gruppen. Målet var att identifiera tre metoder som kunde ge information om användarens känslor, då känslor är kopplat till faktorn tillfredsställelse till skillnad mot användbarhetstest som genererar information om prestation. Målet var dessutom att genom en fallstudie åstadkomma en bättre produkt genom tester och konceptutveckling, utifrån valda metoder. Studien grundades på två forskningsfrågor; F1.Vilken/vilka utvärderingsmetoder kan användas för att komplettera användbarhetstester i arbete med UX och vad genererar metoderna för kompletterande information? F2. Hur kan utvärderingsmetoder för UX användas i produktutvecklingsprocessen för att effektivt uppmärksamma känslomässiga reaktioner i interaktionen mellan produkt och människa? För att besvara forskningsfrågorna genomfördes en litteraturstudie och en fallstudie. Litteraturstudien syftade till att identifiera kompletterande metoder till användbarhetstest, vilket resulterade i metoderna känslokort, semantisk differentialskala och intervju. De identifierade metoderna användes sedan tillsammans med användbarhetstest under två test i fallstudien. Test ett genomfördes på två luftkonditioneringar som Electrolux bistod med och test två genomfördespå ett koncept av en ny kontrollpanel som togs fram efter produktutveckling av den produkt som var i störst behov av utveckling. Studien resulterade i ett utvecklat koncept som genererade bättre resultat från testerna, jämfört med den ursprungliga produkten. Konceptet fick 18 procentenheter högre ändamålsenlighet samt en ökning i effektivitet då alla uppgifter krävde minst 40 procentenheter mindre ansträngning.Förflyttningen i den circumplexa modellen blev 14 respektive 13 steg för konceptet, jämfört med 32 och 15 steg för standardprodukten. Konceptet förbättrades utifrån den semantiska differentialskalan, där medelvärdet minskade med 1,3 enheter. Resultatet visade dessutom att användbarhetstest kan kompletteras av metoderna känslokort, semantisk differentialskala och intervju, som gör att hela aspekten av UX mäts då metoderna tillsammans genererar både prestationsbaserade data och själv-rapporterande data, vilket genererar information om både prestation och tillfredsställelse. Slutsatsen av studien visade att alla tre kompletterande metoder gav information som kunde användas i utvecklingen av produkten i fallstudien. Däremot gav alla tre metoder liknande information och behöver därför inte användas tillsammans. Av den anledningen rekommenderas att antingen komplettera användbarhetstest med känslokort och intervju eller med semantisk differentialskala och intervju. Detta eftersom intervjuer kan fördjupa informationen som valda metoder genererar.

Optimization and simulation of formed suction cup to position aerospace CFRP parts during milling.

Sivasubramanian, Sriramkumar January 2019 (has links)

Test method for high acceleration : A concept study of methods for testing electrical and mechanical components under high loads / Provmetod för hög accelerationstestning : En konceptstudie av testmetoder för elektriska och mekaniska komponenter som utsätts för höga påkänningar

Fenelius, Jonathan January 2019 (has links)
This thesis objective is to present a suitable high acceleration test method for SAAB Dynamics. SAAB is in need for an easy to use and cheaper way to test components such as the fuze and electrical components embedded in the fuze system. SAAB Dynamics develops ground combat weapon systems for the global market as well as civilian products. Products produced by SAAB are being used in armed combat, making this thesis project somewhat controversial. However, the concept produced by this work can be used in civilian applications such as aeronautics, space and material science. This thesis focused on using systematical methods and research to gain as much knowledge about the needs and demands of the customer, in this thesis SAAB. The project presents its own concepts as a valid option instead of buying one from a supplier. The concept is based on the needs of SAAB and is generated through creative brainstorming sessions and a morphological matrix. The concept was benchmarked together with similar test methods and test benches on the market. In order to be able to present a suitable concept the project conducted a large feasibility study of the fuze system and the products in need of testing as well as how other industries test similar acceleration and impacts. The concept consists of a high-grade industrial compressor in order to generate high air pressure inside a pressure chamber. The built up pressure breaks a sensitive disc and releases the air into the launch chamber. In the launch chamber, the projectile accelerates through a rifled pipe and then travels freely in a wider pipe. The projectile then deaccelerates when impact occurs with an energy absorption material such as aluminum honeycomb or foam.

Ambiente de multiprojeto e produto simples: a participação da manufatura no processo de desenvolvimento de produtos / Multiprojeet enviromental and simple profuct: the parteicipation of maufacturing in product development process.

Wechsler, Ana Maria Gati 26 November 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa estuda o desenvolvimento de produtos e processos em três empresas, no Brasil, de produtos simples em ambiente de multiprojetos, empresas onde é alta a taxa de inovação anual de produtos e processos. As empresas estudadas pertencem aos ramos de negócio alimentício, cosméticos e calçados. Para melhor entender como a manufatura participa nesse processo, quais são seus papéis e suas responsabilidades, o estudo analisa o processo de inovação, assim como as práticas de participação das áreas envolvidas no processo de DP. O estudo identificou, nas três empresas estudadas, que a administração do elevado número de projetos é seqüencial entre as atividades envolvidas, podendo haver simultaneidade de atividades. A participação da manufatura é essencial desde o início do projeto, ainda que essa não esteja explicita nos organogramas ou processos da empresa. A carteira de projetos dessas empresas é formada por vários projetos, muitos dos quais são derivativos incrementais ou topológicos, isto é, com variações de design. Para esses projetos, pode se comprometer a qualidade ou os prazos de desenvolvimento se a manufatura não estiver participando das fases iniciais do projeto, isto é, na concepção dos produtos e principais processos. A eventual participação da produção nestas fases iniciais está relacionada à verificação de que se trata de fato de um projeto derivativo, cujo desenvolvimento não trará maiores impactos ao processo produtivo.Uma prática de gestão encontrada nas empresas de cosméticos e de calçados é a utilização de um banco de projetos prontos para garantir fluxo e qualidade e serviço no processo de inovação. No ambiente estudado de multiprojetos e produtos simples, a co-localização física das equipes de projetos nas três empresas estudadas é substituída em parte pela colocalização física das áreas de P&D, Marketing e/ou fábrica. Essa co-localização física das áreas aumenta a integração entre as pessoas, uma vez que não há dedicação de recursos humanos por projeto de DP. xiv A utilização de metodologias como a Total Preventive Maintenance (TPM), dentre outras, é utilizada em muitas empresas para ajudar diminuir problemas com o produto pós lançamento, na etapa de comercialização do mesmo. Embora a metodologia seja usada nas três empresas estudadas, somente na empresa de guloseimas é aplicada na sua integridade ( 8 pilares), formalizando a participação das áreas envolvidas no processo de DP. Essa metodologia ajuda a manufatura a participar no processo de DP de forma mais estruturada. / This research studies the product and process development (PD) in three companies, in Brazil. The research takes place in a multi-project environment with simple products, this mean companies where the annual product and process innovation rate is very high. The companies studied belongs to candy food, cosmetics and shoes business segments. To better understand how the manufacturing participates in this process, its role and responsibilities, the study analyses the innovation process, how is the participation practices among the areas involved in the process of PD. The research identified, in the three companies studied, the high number of projects are managed in a sequential process of activities needed in the PD process, with some simultaneous activities. The manufacturing participation in the process is important since the beginning of the project, even if this is not written in organization charts or process structures in the company. The project portfolio is composed by several projects, where most of them are derivatives, incremental or topological. For these projects, if the manufacturing does not participate in the initial phases of the projects, this means the conceptual phase and main steps of the PD process; the project quality or timing may be affected. The eventual production participation in these initial phases is related to verification if this is a derivative project, and also to verify if the project development will not impact the production process. A management practice found in the cosmetics and shoes companies is the utilization of a \"package\" of \"ready to go\" projects that will guarantee the quality and service in innovation process flow. In the studied environment of multi-project and simple product, the physical colocalization of the project team in the three companies is partially substituted by the physical co-localization of the departments of P&D, Marketing and/or factory. This physical co-localization of the departments increase the integration among the team xvi members, as in this kind of PD environment there is no dedicated human resources to a single PD projects. The utilization of TPM methodologies, among others, is also used in some companies to help decrease product/process quality issues after product launching, in the its commercialization phase. The TPM methodology was observed its practice in three companies studied, but only in the candy food company it is used completely - 8 pillars, what includes the PD process and the areas involved in this process. This methodology helps manufacturing participate in the PD process in a more structured way.

Engenharia do valor associada ao DFMEA no desenvolvimento do produto. / Value engineering associated into DFMEA during product development.

Santana, Alessandro 27 November 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe uma nova metodologia para elaboração do DFMEA (Design Failure Modes and Effects Analysis - Análise dos Efeitos e Modos de Falha do Projeto) utilizando as técnicas da EV (Engenharia do Valor) para determinação das funções do produto. Para isto, o trabalho é estruturado de forma que os conceitos fundamentais do DFMEA e EV sejam vistos individualmente e, em um segundo momento, mostra a intersecção dessas técnicas, surgindo assim a referida metodologia, batizada de DFFMEA (Design Function Failure Modes and Effects Analysis - Análise dos Efeitos e Modos de Falha para a Função do Projeto). A proposta é validada através da aplicação de três estudos de casos, cujo resultado objetivo é a redução do tempo de desenvolvimento do DFMEA e a otimização da mão-de-obra intelectual. Resultados subjetivos também são apresentados, como incentivo à criatividade. O trabalho pretende, igualmente, divulgar as técnicas da metodologia da EV dentro da organização, incentivando o seu uso e possibilitando ganhos financeiros. / Present work proposes a new methodology to do DFMEA (Design Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) using Value Engineering techniques in order to obtain the product functions. For this purpose, the work is structured in such a way that DFMEA and EV basic concepts are examined individually and, in a second moment, it exhibits the intersection of these techniques, when above mentioned methodology named DFFMEA (Design Function Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) appears. The proposal has been validated through the application of three studies of cases, which objective results are the time reduction for development of DFMEA and the optimization of intellectual labor. Subjective results are also brought out, as an incentive to creativity. The work equally intends to spread the EV methodology techniques throughout the organization, stimulating its use and making possible financial profits.

Método de diagnóstico e identificação de oportunidades de melhoria do processo de desenvolvimento de produtos utilizando um padrão de recorrência de efeitos indesejados / Method for diagnosis and identification of new Product Development Process improvement opportunities using a pattern of recurrent undesirable effects

Costa, Janaina Mascarenhas Hornos da 16 March 2011 (has links)
A realização de diagnóstico de processo auxilia a compreensão dos fatores internos e externos que influenciam o Processo de Desenvolvimento de Produtos (PDP) e de suas características, como capacidade técnica da equipe, forma como as atividades são organizadas, recursos disponíveis, exigências dos clientes ou poder de barganha com os fornecedores. No entanto nas últimas décadas não foi vista uma atenção especial aos métodos e ferramentas de diagnósticos voltados ao PDP. Analisando diagnósticos reais do PDP de empresas que utilizaram o método da árvore da realidade atual foi levantada a possibilidade de existir um conjunto significativo de problemas comum a todos os diagnósticos do PDP que poderiam servir de referência para diagnósticos futuros. O objetivo, portanto, desse trabalho é propor um método de diagnóstico que utiliza problemas recorrentes para aumentar a eficiência e eficácia do diagnóstico do PDP e apoiar a identificação de oportunidades de melhoria. O método proposto, denominado de Diagile, aprimorou o método de construção de árvore da realidade atual e é composto de melhores práticas de gestão de projetos e identificação e priorização de oportunidades de melhoria. Para apoiar a execução do método foi desenvolvida uma ferramenta de automação de diagnóstico (FAD) e uma planilha eletrônica para priorizar projetos de melhoria. As principais entregas da aplicação do Diagile são uma árvore da realidade atual e um portfólio de projetos de melhoria customizado por empresa. Para avaliar o método proposto foram executados um experimento controlado e dois estudos de casos. De acordo com os resultados do experimento, primeiramente, foi confirmado que a utilização do Diagile aumentou a eficiência da realização de diagnóstico comparado com a realização de um diagnóstico aplicando o método tradicional da árvore da realidade atual. Após as realizações dos estudos de caso, que serviram para avaliar o método, foi visto que as empresas ficaram satisfeitas com os resultados obtidos com o diagnóstico, relatando a boa qualidade das árvores e a pertinência dos projetos de melhoria sugeridos. Conclui-se que o objetivo desse trabalho foi atingido, demonstrando o aumento da eficiência e eficácia do diagnóstico utilizando o método proposto. / The execution of process diagnostic assists the comprehension of internal and external factors that influence the product developing process (NPD) and its characteristics such as team technical capacity, way that the activity are organized, available resources, client requirements or suppliers negotiation power. In the last decades, any special attention it was given to the diagnostic methods and tools focused to NPD process. The analysis of real NPD diagnosis cases from enterprises that used the reality tree method suggested the possibility that it may found a significant group of problems that are common to all NPD diagnostic that can be used as reference for future diagnosis. The objective of this work is to propose a diagnostic method based on the use of recurrent problems to increase the efficiency and efficacy of the NPD diagnosis and assist the identification of improvements opportunities. The proposed method, called Diagile, is based on the construction of the current reality tree and is composed of project management best practices prioritizing improvements opportunities. To support the application of the proposed method a computational diagnostic tool and an electronic spread sheet has been developed to prioritize project improvements. The main deliverables of the application of Diagile are a current reality tree and a customized portfolio of improvements project of the company. To evaluate the proposed method a controlled experiment and two cases studies was performed. According to the experiment results, it was first possible to confirm that the use of Diagile increased the efficiency of the diagnostic execution when compared with the performance of the diagnosis using the traditional current reality tree method. After the execution of the two case studies, that was used to evaluate the proposed method, if has been confirmed that the companies where satisfied with the obtained diagnostic results, reporting the good quality of the tree and the importance of the suggested improvement projects. With this it has been concluded that the objective of this work was complete, and that the proposed method and tools increase the efficiency and efficacy of the NPD diagnosis.

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