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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Det är en enormt stor fråga” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie kring skolsköterskors uppfattningar om behovet av fysioterapeuter inom elevhälsan, samt vad de anser ha betydelse för att främja fysisk aktivitet i skolan / : A qualitative interview study about how school nurses perceive the need for a physiotherapist in the school health services, and what they consider to play a significant role in promoting physical activity in school

Norén, Fanny, Jarefors, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund  Fysisk aktivitet under skoltid är av stor vikt då barn och ungdomar rör sig allt mindre. Skolans elevhälsa, däribland skolsköterskor, arbetar med främjandet av fysisk aktivitet i skolan. Studier kring hur en fysioterapeut kan verka inom elevhälsan är idag begränsade. Hur skolsköterskor uppfattar att en fysioterapeut kan bidra i skolhälsoarbetet var därför av intresse att undersöka. Syfte  Att undersöka skolsköterskors uppfattning om behovet av en fysioterapeut inom skolverksamheten, samt undersöka vad de anser har betydelse för att främja fysisk aktivitet i skolan.  Metod Studien var av kvalitativ design. Fem skolsköterskor intervjuades genom enskilda semistrukturerade intervjuer. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes för bearbetning av data.   Resultat  Utifrån insamlade data identifierades nio kategorier med sammanlagt trettiotvå underkategorier. Kategorier om behovet av en fysioterapeut inom skolverksamheten var ”Efterfrågad kompetens”, ”Hänvisar till extern kompetens” och ”Osäkerhet kring fysioterapeutens roll”. Kategorier om främjandet av fysisk aktivitet var ”Individanpassat”, ”Hemsituationen påverkar”, ”Gemensamma organiserade aktiviteter”, ”Aktivitetsfrämjande miljöer”, ”Gemensamt förhållningssätt” och ”Utmaningar att förhålla sig till”.  Konklusion  Samtliga skolsköterskor ger uttryck för att det finns ett behov av en fysioterapeut, samtidigt framkommer det att de är osäkra kring hur rollen skulle se ut inom skolverksamheten. Främjandet av fysisk aktivitet i skolan ansågs påverkas av skolans organisation, personal, föräldrar och elever. Utmaningar i arbetet med fysisk aktivitet beskrivs bero på tidsbrist och bristande kunskaper inom området. / Background  Physical activity during school hours is of great importance since children and adolescents move less and less. The school health services, including school nurses, is working to promote physical activity in school. Studies who aim to examine how a physiotherapist can contribute to the school health services are limited. To examine how school nurses perceive the need for a physiotherapist in the school health services was therefore of interest to investigate.  Purpose To examine how school nurses perceive the need for a physiotherapist in the school health services, as well as examining what they consider to play a significant role in promoting physical activity in school. Method  The study was of qualitative design. Five school nurses were interviewed through individual semi-structured interviews. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyzing the data.   Result A total of nine categories and thirty-two subcategories was identified from the collected data. Categories about the need for a physiotherapist were “Requested expertise”, “Refers to external competence”, “Uncertainty about the role of the physiotherapist”. Categories about the promotion of physical activity were “Individualized”, “Home situation affects”, “Organized activities”, “The environment affects physical activity”, “Common approach” and “Challenges to relate to”.  Conclusion  The school nurses perceive that there is a need for a physiotherapist within the school health services. At the same time, it appears that they are a bit unsure about the physiotherapists’ role. The promotion of physical activity in school is considered to be affected by the schools’ organization, school staff, pupils and parents. The work with physical activity in school has certain challenges which is described to depend on shortage of time and lack of knowledge in the area.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter av att en patient suiciderat under pågående psykiatrisk vård : En intervjustudie / Nurses' experiences of a patient suicide during ongoing psychiatric care : An interview study

Axelsson, Anna-Karin, Åstradsson, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Varje år avlider omkring 1500 personer i Sverige till följd av suicid. Cirka en tredjedel av de personer som suiciderar har en pågående kontakt med psykiatrisk vård. Således finns en stor andel sjuksköterskor som lämnas påverkade efter att en patient suiciderat. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka sjuksköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter av att en patient suiciderat under pågående psykiatrisk vård. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ design med en induktiv ansats. Tolv sjuksköterskor som alla erfarit att en patient de vårdat suiciderat intervjuades med semistrukturerade frågeformulär. Insamlad data analyserades sedan med kvalitativ innehållsanalys enligt Elo och Kyngäs. Som teoretisk utgångspunkt har Barker och Buchanan-Barkers tidvattenmodell använts i resultatdiskussion. Resultat: Analyserad data resulterade i sex huvudkategorier; Emotionell påverkan, Vad gjorde vi för fel?, Vikten av stöd efter händelsen, Hur händelsen påverkat yrkesrollen, Suicid sätter spår och Synen på suicid samt 13 tillhörande subkategorier. En patients suicid genererade ofta en emotionell påverkan för sjuksköterskan. Ifrågasättande av egen kompetens och organisation var vanligt. Vikten av individanpassat stöd efter händelsen är betydande. Utan tillräckligt stöd fanns en risk för negativa konsekvenser. Händelsen kunde generera obehagskänslor men i efterförloppet även en ökad trygghet i egen yrkesroll, ökad kompetens och ett ökat engagemang. Slutsats: Att en patient suiciderat under pågående psykiatrisk vård påverkar sjuksköterskan emotionellt och professionellt. Händelsen påverkar inte bara sjuksköterskan utan även hela arbetsplatsen. Behovet av stöd efter händelsen är individuellt och om det upplevs som bristande riskerar händelsen att få negativa konsekvenser för sjuksköterskan. Det finns ett behov av att belysa detta ämne ytterligare och vi behöver ha ett pågående forum för dessa frågor. / Background: Annually, about 1500 people die in Sweden as a result of suicide. Approximately one third of the people who commit suicide have an ongoing contact with the psychiatric care. Therefore, a larger group of nurses are left emotionally affected. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses' experiences of a patient suicide during ongoing psychiatric care. Method: The study has a qualitative design with an inductive approach. Twelve nurses who all experienced that a patient they cared for died through suicide was interviewed with a semi-structured questionnaire. Collected data was then analyzed with qualitative content analysis according to Elo and Kyngäs. As a theoretical framework Barker and Buchanan-Barker's tidal model have been used in the discussion of the result. Results: Analyzed data resulted in six main categories; Emotional impact, What did we do wrong?, The importance of post-event support, How the event affected the professional role, Suicide leave marks and The perception of suicide along with 13 associated subcategories. A patient suicide often generated an emotional impact for the nurse. Questioning one's own expertise and organization was common. The importance of personalized support after the event is significant. Without sufficient support, there was a risk of negative consequences. The event could generate feelings of discomfort, but in the aftermath also increased security in one's own professional role, increased competence and increased commitment. Conclusions: A patient suicide during ongoing psychiatric care affects the nurse emotionally and professionally. The incident not only affects the nurse but also the entire workplace. The need for support after the incident is individual and if it´s perceived as lacking the incident may have negative consequences for the nurse. There is a need to broach this topic and we need an ongoing forum for these issues.

En socionom bland pedagoger : Skolkuratorers upplevelse av att arbeta i skolans värld / A social worker among educators : School social workers experiences of working in the schools world

Sjöberg, Milla, Norling, Christine January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka skolkuratorers upplevelse av att arbeta inom skolan som tvärprofessionell verksamhet samt deras upplevda möjlighet att utföra sitt arbete. Skolkuratorn är en minoritet i verksamheten samt har ett annat perspektiv än de andra professionerna vilket gör det intressant att studera. Syftet undersöks genom att titta på kuratorns relationer till andra yrkesgrupper i skolan samt vad de anser är kännetecknande för yrkesrollen. Analysen utgår från en fenomenologisk ansats och Bourdieus teoretiska begrepp fält, habitus och kapital. Studien har utförts genom kvalitativa intervjuer med skolkuratorer och sedan analyserats genom en tematisk analys. Resultatet visar på att kuratorn är i underläge i skolans fält på grund av ett annat habitus än pedagogerna, samtidigt som de ses som experter inom sitt perspektiv och ofta rådfrågas. Det som är betydande för kuratorns position i fältet är relationen till ledningen och lärarna samt att få förtroende från dessa genom att ha ett högt värderat kunskapskapital. Skolkuratorerna lyfter även elevhälsoteamet som väldigt viktig för dem då de har en grupp de känner starkare tillhörighet till och blir mindre ensamma. Nätverk med andra kuratorer framstår också som betydande då det ger möjlighet att diskutera med andra socionomer samt ger en känsla av delaktighet. Kuratorsrollen beskrivs i övrigt som mångfacetterad, ensam, splittrad, otydlig och värdefull. Kuratorernas möjlighet att utföra sitt arbete påverkas till stor del av vilka förutsättningar som finns, exempelvis hur mycket tid de har till sitt befogande i relation till arbetsbördan.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av omvårdnad i samband med amyotrofisk lateral skleros / Nurses experiences of nursing in connection with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Aronsson, Moa, Kacaniklic Obradovic, Tatjana January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Amyotrofisk lateral skleros (ALS) är ett neurodegenerativt tillstånd som successivt drabbar många olika organsystem. Omvårdnad av patienter med ALS kräver att sjuksköterskor har kunskaper inom respiratorvård, rehabilitering, nutrition, sjukdomens motoriska- och sensoriska symtom, sjukdomens olika sjukdomsstadier samt hur sjukdomen påverkar patientens psykosociala tillstånd. Syfte: Syftet var att lyfta fram sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av omvårdnad i samband med ALS.Metod: Studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie med en induktiv ansats och baserades på en innehållsanalys av en artikel med mixad metod och åtta kvalitativa artiklar. Resultat: Innehållsanalysen resulterade i följande kategorier: sjuksköterskors erfarenheter kring sociala interaktioner kopplat till omvårdnaden av patienter med ALS sjukdom, sjuksköterskors erfarenheter kring omvårdnaden av patienter kopplat till patofysiologin av ALS sjukdom och sjuksköterskors erfarenheter kring den palliativa omvårdnaden av patienter med ALS sjukdom. Konklusion: Ett positivt förhållningssätt, samverkan i vårdteamet och evidensbaserad omvårdnad utgör en förutsättning för sjuksköterskor för att kunna ge säker- och personcentrerad vård till patienter med ALS. Patientens komplexa omvårdnadsbehov kräver många olika vårdmoment och utmanar sjuksköterskors yrkeskompetens. För att kunna stödja sjuksköterskan krävs mer forskning som ger djupare insyn i sjuksköterskans erfarenhet av omvårdnad i samband med ALS / Background: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative condition that develops gradually affecting many different organ systems. Care of patients with ALS h requires knowledge in respiratory care, rehabilitation, nutrition, the disease's motor and sensory symptoms, the disease's different stages of the disease and how the disease affects the patient's psychosocial condition. Aim: The aim was to highlight nurses' experiences of nursing in connection with ALS.Method: The study was conducted as a general literature study with an inductive approach based on a content analysis of an article with a mixed method and eight qualitative articles. Results: The content analysis resulted in the following categories: nurses' experiences regarding social interactions linked to the care of patients with ALS, nurses' experiences regarding the care of patients linked to the pathophysiology of ALS and nurses' experiences regarding palliative care of patients with ALS. Conclusion: A positive attitude, collaboration in the care team and evidence based nursing are prerequisites for nurses in order to provide safe and person-centered care for patients with ALS. The patient's complex nursing needs challenge nurses' professional competence. In order to support nurses, more research is required that provides a deeper insight into the nurse's experience in connection with ALS.

Developing a Physician׳s Professional Identity Through Medical Education

Olive, Kenneth E., Abercrombie, Caroline L. 01 January 2017 (has links)
Professionalism represents a fundamental characteristic of physicians. Professional organizations have developed professionalism competencies for physicians and medical students. The aim of teaching medical professionalism is to ensure the development of a professional identity in medical students. Professional identity formation is a process developed through teaching principles and appropriate behavioral responses to the stresses of being a physician. Addressing lapses and critical reflection is an important part of the educational process. The “hidden curriculum” within an institution plays an important role in professional identity formation. Assessment of professionalism involves multiple mechanisms. Steps in remediating professionalism lapses include (1) initial assessment, (2) diagnosis of problems and development of an individualized learning plan, (3) instruction encompassing practice, feedback and reflection and (4) reassessment and certification of competence. No reliable outcomes data exist regarding the effectiveness of different remediation strategies.

Professional Identity Development: Perceptions of African American Female Counselor Educators' Success in Ph.D. Completion at Predominately White Institutions

Wilson, Kelsey Symone January 2021 (has links)
Qualitative research is scant on success factors of professional identity development for female African American counselor educators, specifically those who graduated from CACREP-accredited counselor education and supervision programs at predominately White institutions (PWIs). The purpose of this qualitative study was to understand the lived experiences of female African American counselor educators who attended a CACREP-accredited counselor education and supervision program at a (PWI). This study focused on the phenomenon of success factors of professional identity development to doctoral degree completion. This study examined the lived experiences of 10 female African American counselor educators to gain a better understanding of how their experiences at CACREP-accredited counselor educations and supervision programs at a (PWI) impacted success of professional identity development to doctoral degree completion. It used a qualitative, phenomenological methodology grounded in Intersectionality theory, Black Feminist thought, and Critical Race theory as frameworks. There were three research questions to guide the study in the participants? perceptions of professional identity development and the impact of success factors of professional identity development on doctoral degree completion. This study conducted semi-structured interviews with ten female African American counselor educators who completed doctoral degrees in (PWIs) in the United States. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using Moustakas (1994) Modification of Stevick-Colaizzi-Keen data analysis. The goals of this study was to: a) review and present literature on female African American in the academy; b) increase knowledge on professional identity among female African American counselor educators who attended a CACREP -accredited counselor education and supervision program at (PWIs) in the United States; and c) explore ways to increase professional identity development to support female African American doctoral students to complete their doctoral degree and move into counselor education positions. Ten African American females who graduated from CACREP-accredited counselor education and supervision programs were interviewed. There were six themes: Convenience of the Location, Importance of support from Dissertation chair, Representation of African American women with PhDs in the community, I was needed and access, Being a Black woman in that space and Voice, Faith-based community and I prayed. Recommendations and directions for future research are discussed.

Managing Professional Roles in Home-Based Family Therapy: A Study of Marriage and Family Therapist Practices

Fitzgerald, Sharon 08 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.

"I know it is Wrong but I do it Anyway" : How do Speech Interpreters Respond to Ethical Dilemmas? / "Jag vet att det är fel men jag gör det i alla fall" : Hur hanterar taltjänsttolkar etiska dilemman?

Cromnow, Maria January 2012 (has links)
Interpreters working in the Speech Interpretation Service clarify speech and language that is unclear due to voice-, speech-, or language disabilities as for example dysarthria and aphasia. Ethical guidelines of interpreting in general, demand the interpreter to function neutrally and impartially. In this study, four different ethically challenging situations are presented to speech interpreters through a questionnaire. The aim is to investigate how the interpreters would deal with the situations. Eleven speech interpreters from Sweden and eleven from Finland participated in the study. Results show that a majority of respondents do not follow a strict interpretation of ethical guidelines in three of the four situations. There is no significant difference between the responses of Swedish and Finnish participants in this study. The study finds that the speech interpreters are more personally involved in the interpreted event than ethical guidelines require. A discussion is needed, about the limit of what should be included in the professional role of speech interpreters.

Nurses' experience of caring for patients in forensic care : A qualitative interview study

Svensson, Josefine January 2024 (has links)
Working in forensic psychiatric care might be challenging in different ways due to that the patients are not there by their own volition and they also have a serious mental disease. This study aims to describe nurses experience of working in forensic care.  A qualitative descriptive design was adopted. The data were collected through interviews and were analyzed using a thematic content analysis. Participants in this study were eleven nurses in Sweden. Inclusion criteria for the study were registered nurses with or without specialist education in psychiatric care. They should have worked in the same location for at least six months and worked in a closed forensic care facility.  The result showed five main themes. The importance of being professional; The importance of building a trustful relationship; To care for patients with jurisdiction and with force; Challenges to handle and Lack of knowledge. One of the main findings was how the relationship between nurse and patient was built and what experience nurses have in different situations.  The findings showed that nurses in forensic care are exposed to many challenges in their work. To stay professional and at the same time be open can be difficult. The study showed that it is important with a good relationship with the patient. Participants highlighted the importance of being aware of the power they have and actively reflecting on how their power was used.

“Löser inte polisen det, vem ska då lösa det?” : En kvalitativ studie gällande manliga polisers upplevelser av den polisiära yrkesrollen / "If the police don't solve it, then who will solve it?" : A qualitative study regarding male police officers' experiences of the police professional role

Svärdh, Emma, Skogsberg, Isabelle January 2023 (has links)
Polisen är en tungt belastad yrkesgrupp som får möta en stor hotbild samt misär. Detta samtidigt som högt ställda krav och ouppnåeliga förväntningar utgör en stor del av det polisiära yrket. Detta påverkar samhället i stort men främst individerna bakom uniformen. Forskarparet vill med denna studie belysa polisens egen upplevelse av sin yrkesroll. Studiens formulerade syfte är därför att förstå manliga polisers upplevelser av den polisiära yrkesrollen. Syftet besvaras genom en socialpsykologisk ansats där rollteoretiska begrepp tillhörande strukturell symbolisk interaktionism likt roll, rolltagande och rollkonflikt utgör studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt. Empiriinsamlingen består av tio stycken enskilda semistrukturerade intervjuer med poliser som arbetar inom yttre tjänst. Resultatet visar att den polisiära yrkesrollen präglas av komplexitet, utmaningar, tungt belastande normer samt förväntningar från poliskåren och allmänheten. Vidare är polisens egen uppfattning att yrkesrollen innehåller en hel del positiva aspekter och de uttrycker att det finns en stor passion för yrket. Gemenskap, engagemang och identifiering med yrket anses vara viktiga faktorer för poliserna och har en betydande roll för hur poliserna upplever sin yrkesroll. Kollegor motiverar rolltagande mest, där sökandet efter en hög självkänsla motiverar poliserna att utvecklas. Symboliken i uniformen hjälper poliserna att gå från privatperson till yrkesverksam polis och anses därmed ytterligare motivera rolltagande. / The police are a heavily burdened professional group that has to face threat and misery. Simultaneously, high demands and unattainable expectations make up a large part of the police profession. This affects society at large but mainly the individuals behind the uniform. With this study, the research couple wants to shed light on the police's own experience of their professional role. The formulated purpose of the study is therefore to understand male police officers' experiences of the police professional role. The purpose is answered through a social psychological approach where role theoretical concepts belonging to structural symbolic interactionism such as role, role taking and role conflict form the theoretical starting point of the study. The empirical collection consists of ten individual semi-structured interviews with police officers who work in the external service. The results show that the police professional role is characterized by complexity, challenges, heavy burdensome norms and expectationsfrom the police force and the public. Furthermore, the police's own opinion is that the professional role contains a lot of positive aspects and they express that there is a great passion for the profession. Community, commitment and identification with the profession are considered important factors for the police officers and have a significant role in how the police officers experience their professional role. Colleagues motivate role taking the most, where the search for a high self-esteem motivates the police officers to develop. The symbolism in the uniform helps the police officers to go from private to professional police and is thus considered to further motivate role taking.

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