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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Varje gång jag läste en sån kommentar om mig så kändes det som någon stack en kniv i ryggen på mig” : En kvalitativ studie om personers upplevelser av att bli utsatt för näthat i deras yrkesroll och hanteringen av detta från arbetsgivarens sida. / “Every time I read a comment like that about me, it felt like someone stuck a knife inmy back.” : A qualitative study of person’s experiences of being exposed to cyberbullying in theirprofessional roles and the handling of this on the part of the employer.

Andreasson, Frida, Engström, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
Näthat är ett fenomen som oftast fokuserar på barn och unga i diskussioner och forskning. Det finns enavsaknad av forskning om näthat mot anställda inom offentliga organisationer. Syftet med den härstudien är att undersöka personers upplevelser av att bli utsatt för näthat i deras yrkesroll ochhanteringen av detta från arbetsgivarens sida. Målet med den här studien är att vara ett stöd för deorganisationer som vill ta fram policys och riktlinjer för att motverka och stötta medarbetare som blirutsatta för näthat. Materialet som samlas in i den här undersökningen kommer att analyseras utifrån tidigare forskning ochteorier. Studien förhåller sig till teorier om kön, media, makt, beteende och organisation, samt tidigareforskning om kön, rättsväsendet och den offentliga yrkesrollen. Det är en kvalitativ undersökning där sex intervjuer med två politiker, tre tjänstepersoner och en HRchef har genomförts. Material från två tidigare intervjuer används också i analysen, vilket har godkäntsav respektive intervjudeltagare. Materialet som har samlats in visar att det finns brister i hurorganisationer hanterar när en anställd blir utsatt för näthat. Det framkommer att informanterna harsjälva blivit utsatta eller haft en kollega som blivit utsatt för näthatsdrev. HR upplevs som frånvarandeoch det finns en önskan om annan typ av stöttning från organisationen när ett näthatsdrev drar i gång.Analys framhäver även att det skiljer sig mellan könen i och med att kvinnor i högre grad utsätts försexistiska kommentarer och blir mer personligt påhoppade än män. Det framkommer även att män tillstörsta del står bakom hatkommentarer på nätet. / Cyberbullying is a phenomenon that usually focuses on children and young people in discussions andresearch. There is a lack of research on cyberbullying toward employees in public organizations. Thepurpose of this study is to investigate person’s experiences of being exposed to cyberbullying in theirprofessional roles and the handling of this on the part of the employer. The goal of this study is to be asupport for the organizations that want to develop policies and guidelines to counteract and supportemployees who are exposed to cyberbullying. The material collected in this study will be analyzed based on previous research and theories. The studyrelates to theories of gender, media, power, behavior and organization and previous research on gender,the law, and the public professional role. This study uses a qualitative method where six interviews have been conducted with two politicians,three civil servants and one HR manager. Material from two previous interviews is also used in theanalysis, which has been approved by the respective interview participants. The material that has beencollected shows that there are shortcomings in how organizations handle a case when an employee isexposed to cyberbullying. It appears that the informants themselves have been exposed or have had acolleague who has been exposed to cyberbullying. HR is perceived as absent and there is a desire for adifferent type of support from the organization. The analysis also highlights that there are differencesbetween the sexes in that women ar exposed to sexist comments to a greater extent and are morepersonally attacked than men. It also appears that men mostly stand for condescending comments.

Skolkuratorns betydande roll i grundskoleverksamheten : En intervjustudie om kuratorers uppfattningar kring arbetet, yrkesrollen och positionen i skolverksamheten / The significant role of the school counselor in elementary schools : An interview study on school counselors perception of work, professional role and position in the school operation

Malmgren, Hanna, Björk-Comét, Mathilda January 2024 (has links)
There is an understanding that the guidelines for school counselors in Swedish elementary schools lack the preciseness in what the school counselors should do to design and perform their work. Previous research shows that school counselors find it difficult to both establish their role but also to find their position in the school organization. Therefore, this interview study aims to present the perception of six school counselors in Sweden and discover how they feel about their work practice in elementary schools. We found that the main theme in the study was that the work was mainly affected by the management from the school board. Another surprising theme showed that the interviewees agreed that a better work description might help the counselor in general but wasn’t sure that it would help them in their current workplace. They asserted that a good relationship and cooperation with the school board and co-workers were much more important than a more detailed work description. Furthermore, the study also aims to compare their descriptions of the practical work that they perform, to the general guidelines for the work of school counselors. We found that their work in general was according to what is expected for the guidelines, but that in which way the work tasks were performed could differ from one another. Lastly, the study also contains the interviewees perceptions of their position in the school organization and which factors that simplifies or aggravates their practical work. The majority thought that they had established a clear role and position for themselves. However they agreed that many of the coworkers didn’t have the same perspective and understanding as themselves. Some of the interviewees also thought that the quantity of students they were dealing with, also made a difference on the quality of their work.


LO, HUEI-WEN ANGELA 28 September 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Ett forum för utbyte av tankar, känslor, upplevelser och erfarenheter : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om betydelsen av yrkesmässig handledning för psykiatrisjuksköterskors yrkesidentitet / A forum for exchange of thoughts, feelings and experiences : A qualitative interview study of the significance of clinical supervision for the professional identity of psychiatric nurses

Jonsson, Angelica January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund:  Psykiatrisjuksköterskors yrkesidentitet upplevs som komplex och otydlig då den baseras både på sjuksköterskans egna värderingar om sig själv och sin yrkesroll samt på yttre förväntningar. Tidigare studier har visat att yrkesmässig handledning har betydelse för sjuksköterskors upplevelser av arbetstillfredsställelse. Forskningen är dock bristande gällande handledningens inverkan på psykiatrisjuksköterskors yrkesidentitet.  Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva psykiatrisjuksköterskors upplevelser av yrkesmässig handledning och dess betydelse för deras yrkesidentitet inom psykiatrisk heldygnsvård.               Metod: Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ design där åtta psykiatrisjuksköterskor intervjuades med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats.                     Resultat: Resultatet presenteras genom följande tre huvudkategorier och sorteras utifrån Imogene King´s systemteori: Att formas som psykiatrisjuksköterska – personligt system, Att sträva mot samma mål – interpersonellt system samt Handledningens betydelse för sjuksköterskeprofessionen – socialt system.  Diskussion: Resultatet diskuteras utifrån Imogene King´s systemteori samt relevant vetenskaplig forskning. / Background: The professional identity of psychiatric nurses is perceived as complex and obscure as it is based both on the nurse´s own values of herself and her professional role as well as on external expectations. Previous studies have shown that clinical supervision is significant for nurses´ experiences of work satisfaction. However, the research is insufficient concerning the impact of clinical supervision on the professional identities of psychiatric nurses.                      Aim: The aim of the study was to describe psychiatric nurses´ experiences of clinical supervision and it´s significance for their professional identity within psychiatric inpatient care units.                    Method: The study was carried out with a qualitative design where eight psychiatric nurses were interviewed through semi-structured interviews. The results were analyzed through qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach.                 Results: The results are presented through the following three main categories and are sorted according to Imogene King´s theory of systems: To be formed as a psychiatric nurse – personal system, To aim for the same goal – interpersonal system and The significance of clinical supervision for the profession of nurses – social system. Discussions: The results are discussed according to Imogene King´s theory of systems as well as relevant scientific research.

Professionellt förhållningssätt; ett svårdefinierat begrepp : - en kvalitativ studie av socionomers syn på ett professionellt förhållningssätt

Olheden, Lisa, Sloth Jensen, Annsofi January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate social workers view of a professional- and unprofessional attitude relative to the organization, other professionals and clients. The study was conducted with qualitative semi-structured interviews with social workers in human service organizations. The theoretical approach is a social constructionist approach using professional theory, role theory and tacit knowledge to analyze our data. We conducted the study due to our view that the research on professional approach lacked a first-hand perspective on social workers view on their professional approach. The conclusion of this study is that social workers tacit knowledge is a big part of their professional approach, which despite regulations ordinated by the society and by organizations are shaped by interpretations and assessments based on the individual, tacit knowledge.

Positionering bland fritidspersonal i skolan

Deb Roy, Abir, Ud-Din, Thomas January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to highlight and analyze the interaction between recreation instructors and class teachers during ordinary school time. The study is based on a qualitative method in form of semi-structured interviews and observations in three different schools. We have used the positioning theory and complemented it with Goffman´s theory and professionalization theory for analysis of interviews. One of the conclusions of the study was that the recreation instructor often ends up in a subordinate position towards the class teacher. However, there was a difference regarding the professional role of the experienced towards unexperienced recreation instructor. This happened both intentionally and unconsciously from roles that can be difficult to break out from.

Vulnerabilidades das mulheres à infecção de sítio cirúrgico pós-parto cesárea: proposta de um roteiro para auxílio à consulta de enfermeiro na atenção básica / Womens vulnerability to surgical infection after cesarean section; an exploratory study and guide proposal to support nurses consultation at Basic Attention

Cunha, Marcia Regina 15 December 2015 (has links)
A infecção de sítio cirúrgico pós-cesárea corresponde a 8% de todas as infecções pós-parto. Sua magnitude está relacionada ao alto percentual de partos cesáreos, no mundo todo. O puerpério é um período em que há maior atenção ao recém-nascido, podendo passar despercebidas condições que indicam infecção. Objetivos: Descrever o perfil das mulheres submetidas ao parto cesáreo (condições de vida, saúde reprodutiva e perfil sociodemográfico), correlacionando-o à presença de infecção e propor um roteiro que auxilie o enfermeiro da atenção básica a identificar indícios de infecção de sítio cirúrgico pós-cesárea no puerpério. Método: estudo exploratório, descritivo, transversal, retrospectivo, realizado por meio de revisão de prontuários (prontuários geral e Mãe Paulistana e Ficha A do SIAB) de 89 mulheres que tiveram parto cesáreo, de 01/01 a 31/12/2014. Tomaram-se informações de diagnóstico médico de infecção de sítio cirúrgico e situações em que havia, pelo menos, uma condição sugestiva de sinais e sintomas. A análise foi realizada segundo estatística descritiva (teste de Fischer). Resultados: A ocorrência de sinais e sintomas de infecção de sítio cirúrgico pós- cesárea foi verificada em 11 prontuários. Em 16 prontuários, não foram encontrados sinais e sintomas, e 62 prontuários não continham informações ou elas estavam incompletas. Raça/cor e dor em baixo ventre podem indicar infecção, mulheres pardas e negras foram as mais frequentes do grupo que apresentaram sinais sugestivos de infecção, apresentando diferença estatística significativa (p. =0,038). O roteiro para consulta de enfermagem no puerpério pós-parto cesáreo complementa dados que auxilia a identificação da ocorrência de sinais e sintomas sugestivos de infecção de sítio cirúrgico e auxilia a identificação de diagnósticos de Enfermagem. Conclusão: O roteiro pode auxiliar o profissional enfermeiro a reconhecer situações de risco e vulnerabilidade para o desenvolvimento de infecção de sítio cirúrgico pós-parto cesáreo ou outro sinal de complicação pós-parto, contribuindo com a melhoria da qualidade da assistência e segurança do paciente. / The surgical infection after cesarean section applies to 8% of all infections post childbirth. The magnitude of this event is related to cesarean sections high percent in the whole world. The puerperium is the period where there is more attention to the new born and the conditions that points to the infection can be unnoticed. Goals: To describe the profile of women who are submitted to cesarean section (life conditions, reproductive health and socio-demographic profile) correlating it to the presence of the infection and to propose a guide that will help the Basic Attention nurse to identify the surgical infection after cesarean section evidences at the puerperium. Method: exploratory, descriptive, transversal and retrospective study, achieved by medical record review (general records, Mãe Paulistana and Ficha A from SIAB) of eighty-nine women who had cesarean section, from January 01st to December 31st, 2014. Were analyzed medical records that had information about medical diagnosis of infection after cesarean section and conditions that contained at least one high trace of infection after cesarean sections signs and symptoms. The analysis was held through descriptive statistics (Fischers test). Results: The occurrence of signs and symptoms of surgical infection after cesarean section was observed in eleven medical records. In sixteen records wasnt found any reference to these signs and symptoms and sixty-two records didnt had the information or they were incomplete. Race/color, lower womb pain can indicate infection, black and dark women were more frequent among the group that presented high signs of infection, performing a significant statistical difference (p. =0,038). The guide to nurse consulting at puerperium after cesarean section complements the data that helps to identify the signs and symptoms of infection after cesarean section and supports the identification of nursing diagnosis. Conclusion: The guide can help the nurse to recognize situations of risk and vulnerability for the development of infection after cesarean section or any other sign of complication post childbirth complication, contributing to a better quality of patients assistance and safety.

Controllerns yrkesroll- Förklarad med hjälp av rollteori ur ett multipelt per-spektiv / titel : The role of the Controller- Explained by using role theory from a multiple perspective

Lahtinen, Emma, Johansson, Hanna January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning och litteratur som behandlar controllerns professionella yrkes-roll beskriver den tekniska rollen, där controllerns administrativa och funktionalistiska roll i organisationen står i fokus. Rollen kan beskrivas vidare med hjälp av sociologisk rollteori där rollskapande och rollåterskapande är två centrala begrepp.Problem: Utifrån tidigare forskning har vi formulerat tre frågor i syfte att förstå controllerns yrkesroll utifrån ett socialt rollperspektiv: Vad betyder begreppet controller och vad säger teori och tidigare forskning att en controller bör göra? Vad är controllerns roll i praktiken och hur skapas yrkesrollen? På vilket sätt går controllerns rollskapande att förklara med hjälp av rollteori?Metod och teori: Vi tillämpade en fenomenologisk tolkande metod i denna studie, då vi valde att fokusera på controllern som individ. Utifrån sociologisk rollteori ur ett multipelt perspektiv analyserar vi rollbegreppet, i syfte att få kunskap om hur individer skapar mening i den värld de lever i. Vi använder oss av tre rollteorier av tre välkända författare inom sociologisk roll-teori för att vidare tolka controllerns roll bortom den tekniska beskrivningen. Teori nummer ett ger en ritualistisk beskrivning av en roll som gör det enklare att verbalisera performativa handlingar och genom det koppla språket till akt. Teori nummer två beskriver funktionaliteten av en roll, hur beteende påverkas av en viss funktion och hur handlingarna styrs av externa normer. Teori nummer tre ger en beskrivning av roll som påverkas av individers grupptill-hörighet. Tillhörigheten i en grupp formar rollen genom den ömsesidiga kommunikationen.Studiens resultat: Genom vår studie kan vi dra slutsatser om controllerns yrkesroll, med hjälp av sociologisk rollteori ur ett multipelt perspektiv. Den praktiska rollen, det vill säga control-lerns handlingar (backstage), skiljer sig från hur controllerns vill att andra ska uppfatta denne (frontstage). Vi kan visa att controllerns rollskapande också kan ske utifrån rutiner i organisa-tionen. Då alla organisationer och individer skapar olika rutiner för handlingar leder det till att olika yrkesroller skapas. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet

Miljöchefer : - ledarskap och medarbetarskap inom kommunalt miljö- och hälsoskydd

Horn af Rantzien, Katarina January 2010 (has links)
<p>Environmental management officers – leadership and employeeship in local environmental health authority</p><p>The purpose of this study was to illustrate the working situation of municipal environmental health management officers. This is a qualitative study where I have interviewed ten environmental officers in ten municipalities in Sweden. The interviews were based on a half structured interview guide with questions. I have interpreted the interviews through different leadership theories. The role of the management officers is divided into many roles. The management officers have many possibilities to get more education in leadership for example they can join a network for environmental management officers or participate in different courses that employer pay. Ten different styles of leadership were found in this study: the manager with focus on administration systems, the Jack-of-all-trades-manager, the coach, the administrative official, the parent-manager, the working too much manager, the manager that get “helicoptered” by higher management, the pragmatic manager, the find out manager and the manager as manager. The employee situation is sometimes turbulent and employee turnover is extensive. The efficiency is low when a lot of time is necessary to continually educate new staff all time. The turnover and lack of development for an environmental health officer is costly because the resulting efficiency is lower than necessary. Working as an environmental health officer is an occupation with external and internal conflicts. More research is needed to develop the area of municipal environmental health in many ways.</p>

Speciallärarens yrkesroll : Handledare eller samarbetspartner?

Jonsson, Erika January 2010 (has links)
From autumn 2008 Sweden has reinstalled the Special Education Needs teacher education. For future special education teachers and active teachers in the field, it is important to know the history and be aware of future visions to create a good role for the Special Education Needs teachers. This study examines attitudes towards special education and Special Education Needs teachers amongst school principals and classroom teachers at seven schools in Umeå municipality. School principals were interviewed, and a survey was handed out amongst the selected General Education teachers. From this it appears that school principals have a picture of special needs education and Special Education Needs teachers' work that corresponds well with the objectives of the school's governing documents. The study shows that General Education teachers' expectations of Special Education Needs teachers are to work with single students or small groups of students. The Special Education Needs teachers who are now examined can easily be trapped working with these small groups or single students and must ensure that they work according to the guidelines of governing documents. The study also shows that school principals support inclusive methods. / Från och med hösten 2008 finns i Sverige åter en speciallärarutbildning med delvis nytt innehåll. För blivande speciallärare och aktiva på fältet är det viktigt att känna till historia och vara medveten om visioner för att skapa en så bra speciallärarroll som möjligt. Studien undersöker attityder till specialpedagogik och speciallärare hos rektorer och klasslärare vid sju skolor i Umeå kommun. Rektorer intervjuades och en enkät lämnades ut bland klasslärare. Utifrån detta visar det sig att rektorer har en bild av specialpedagogiken och speciallärarnas arbete som stämmer väl överrens med målen i skolans styrdokument. En slutsats som dras i studien är att klasslärarnas förväntningar på speciallärarna innehåller mer enskild undervisning och testning. En annan slutsats som dras är att de speciallärare som examineras riskerar att falla in i en roll där de arbetar med enskilda elever och små grupper och bör bemöda sig om att ha examensförordningens ord som ledstjärna för sin yrkesutövning. Studien visar också att ett inkluderande arbetssätt stöds av rektorerna.

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