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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvinnors våld mot män : Våld i nära relationer / Women’s violence against men : Intimate partner violence

Landaverde, Domenica, Nyberg, Linda January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Våld i nära relationer är ett globalt samhällsproblem som leder till fysisk och psykisk ohälsa. Våldet kan vara både fysiskt, psykiskt och/eller sexuellt. Män upplever rädsla att förlora sin manliga identitet samt att bli förlöjligade när de söker hjälp. Det finns ringa forskning kring män som är utsatta för våld i nära relationer. Förståelsen och medvetenheten om mäns erfarenheter av våldet, samt deras behov av stöd och hjälp, är begränsade. Syfte: Att belysa hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens kunskap och attityder gällande män som är utsatta för våld i nära relationer. Metod: En litteraturöversikt baserad på tre kvalitativa studier, sex kvantitativa studier och en mixad studie. Resultat: Tre teman kunde urskiljas utifrån syftet; Kunskap, Attityder och Upplevelser. Ur dessa teman urskiljdes fyra subteman; Teoretisk kunskap och utbildning, Praktisk kunskap, Upplevda hinder och Upplevd frustration. Slutsats: Kompetensen om våld i nära relationer hos hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens är bristfällig. Fortsatt forskning kan leda till att ämnet belyses och hälso- och sjukvården får större beredskap, vilket kan leda till bättre omvårdnad för patienten. Klinisk betydelse: Ökad kunskap om män utsatta för våld i nära relationer kan leda till förbättrad attityd gentemot utsatta män. Kunskapen kan till exempel integreras i sjuksköterskeutbildningen genom att vid utbildning om våld i nära relationer ge männens utsatthet större uppmärksamhet. / Background: Intimate partner violence is a global health problem which leads to physical and mental illness. The violence can be physical, psychological and/or sexual. The men experiences fear to lose their male identity and also to be ridiculed when they seek help. There are few researches about men exposed to intimate partner violence, which has led to limited understanding and consciousness about men’s experiences of violence and their needs of support and help. Aim: To illuminate health care professional´s knowledge and attitudes regarding men exposed to intimate partner violence. Method: A literature review based on three qualitative studies, six quantitative studies and one study with mixed method. Result: Three themes could be identified based on the aim; Knowledge, Attitudes and Experiences. Out of these themes four subthemes could be identified; Theoretical knowledge and education, Practical knowledge, Perceived barriers and Perceived frustration. Conclusion: Health care professional´s competence of intimate partner violence is inadequate. Further research would bring more knowledge on the topic and give the health care greater preparedness, which in turn would result in better care for the patient. Clinical significance: Increasing the knowledge about men exposed to intimate partner violence can result in improving the attitude against these exposed men. For example, such knowledge could be integrated in the nursing program and bring more attention about intimate partner violence and men´s vulnerability.

Vårdpersonals erfarenheter av att vårda äldre personer med demenssjukdom som har upplevt psykiskt trauma : en kvalitativ intervjustudie / Health care professionals' experience of caring for elderly with dementia who have experienced psychological trauma : a qualitative interview study

Båkman, Kajsa January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Specialistų motyvavimas dirbti socialines - edukacines paslaugas jaunimui teikiančiose nevyrausybinėse organizacijoje / Motivating Professionals to Work in Non-governmental Organizations in the Field of Social-Educational Services for Youth

Uktverytė, Lina 09 May 2014 (has links)
Su jaunimu dirbančiose nevyriausybinėse organizacijose (NVO) dirba įvairūs specialistai, kuriuos svarbu tinkamai motyvuoti. Jų motyvavimas yra vienas svarbiausių organizacijos uždavinių, nes nuo darbuotojų darbo efektyvumo, produktyvumo ir elgsenos priklauso visos organizacijos tikslų įgyvendinimas. Tyrimo objektas: specialistų motyvavimas dirbti socialines – edukacines paslaugas jaunimui teikiančiose nevyriausybinėse organizacijose. Tyrimo tikslas: atskleisti specialistų motyvavimo dirbti socialines – edukacines paslaugas jaunimui teikiančiose nevyriausybinėse organizacijose galimybes. / There are different professionals who work with youth in non-governmental organizations (NGO) and it is important to motivate them properly. Their motivation is one of the most important tasks to organization, because goal achievement of the whole organization depends on the effectiveness of employees’ activity, efficiency and behavior. Research object: motivating professionals to work in non-governmental organizations in the field of social-educational services for youth. Research goal: to identify opportunities of motivating professionals to work in non-governmental organizations in the field of social-educational services for youth.

Male adolescents desginated with moderate or intense behavioural needs: Student and professional perceptions regarding social and behavioural self-concepts

Braniff, Monica 01 August 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this research study was to better understand the social and behavioural self-concept of adolescent males designated with behaviour, and through honouring their struggles and their stories, better the capacity for counselling professionals to effectively support these at-risk students. Through exploring both the students’ experience and the perceptions of those professionals who supported them, this research honoured the voice of a population that is often pushed aside in the education realm. Qualitative data analysis highlighted areas of commonality and difference between the two perspectives, ultimately demonstrating the importance of respecting student perspectives within professional decisions and interventions. The case study research took place at the Alternate Learning Program located within the Saanich School District. Participants included three adolescent males with behaviour designations, and the corresponding school professionals who supported these youth.

Medicinos darbuotojų psichologinių darbo aplinkos veiksnių ir savo sveikatos vertinimo sąsajų tyrimas / Medical staff health assessment research in perfective their interfaces of psichosocial work environment factors

Leščinskienė, Kristina 11 June 2012 (has links)
Įvadas. Pastarųjų metų Lietuvos ir Europos tyrimai rodo, kad psichologinė įtampa ir distresas darbe sukelia vis daugiau sveikatos sutrikimų bei įtakoja ligų atsiradimą. Darbo tikslas. Nustatyti sąsajas tarp medicinos darbuotojų psichosocialinių darbo aplinkos veiksnių ir savo sveikatos vertinimo. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrime iš viso dalyvavo 278 sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų darbuotojai. Iš jų 121 gydytojas ir 157 bendrosios praktikos slaugytojos. Tyrimas atliktas anoniminės apklausos būdu 2011 metų vasario - birželio mėnesiais. Naudojome standartizuotą Lietuvoje adaptuotą švedų klausimyną pagal Karaseką – reikalavimai, kontrolė, socialinė parama. Duomenų analizei naudotos programos SPSS 14,0 ir MS Word. Rezultatai. Kauno miesto sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų bendrosios praktikos slaugytojos (55,4 proc.) statistiškai reikšmingai dažniau patyrė įtampą darbe nei gydytojai (35,5 proc.) (p<0,001). Nustatytas statistiškai reikšmingas ryšys tarp aukšto arterinio kraujo spaudimo ir savo sveikatos vertinimo. 46,3 proc. (p=0,01) gydytojų turėjo aukštą arterinį kraujospūdį ir savo sveikatą įvertino kaip blogą. 45,3 proc. (p<0,001) slaugytojų turėjo aukštą arterinį kraujospūdį ir savo sveikatą įvertino kaip blogą. Nustatyti statistiškai reikšmingi skirtumai tarp gydytojų patiriamo psichologinio distreso (p=0,03), silpnos vidinės darnos (p<0,001) bei blogo savo sveikatos vertinimo. 41,9 proc. (p=0,02) bendrosios praktikos slaugytojų, patiriančių aukštus reikalavimus darbe ir pasižyminčių silpna... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Introduction. In recent years Lithuanian and European studies have shown that the psychological strain and distress at work is causing more and more health problems and influence the emergence of diseases. Aim of study. To determine the associations between medical staff’s psychosocial work environment factors and their health perception. Methods. The study included a total of 278 health care workers, 121 medical doctors and 157 general practice nurses. The survey has been accomplished anonymously in 2011, between February and June. A standardized Swedish questionnaire by Karasek adapted to Lithuanians – demands, control, and social support – was used. For Data analysis SPSS 14.0 and MS Word was used. Results. The general practice nurses in Kaunas city (55.4%) statistically significantly more frequently experienced job strain as compared to medical doctors (35.5%) (p<0.001). We established a statistically significant association between high blood pressure and self-rated health assessment. 46.3% (p=0.01) of medical doctors with elevated blood pressure assessed their health as poor. 45.3% (p<0.001) of nurses with elevated blood pressure rated their health as poor. We established statistically significant differences between psychological distress (p=0.03), weak sense of coherence (p<0.001) and poor self-rated health among medical doctors. 41.9% (p=0.02) general practice nurses experiencing high demands at work and having weak sense of coherence 33.7% (p=0.01) rated their... [to full text]

Paliatyviosios pagalbos organizavimas onkologine nepagydoma liga sergančiam vaikui: specialistų patirtis ir požiūris / Organisation of palliative care for children with terminal cancer: professional experience and approach

Balčiūnienė, Andželika 20 June 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas. Atskleisti sveikatos priežiūros specialistų, dirbančių vaikų onkohematologiniame skyriuje, patirtį teikiant paliatyviosios pagalbos paslaugas ir požiūrį į vaikų paliatyviosios pagalbos paslaugų organizavimą vaikui, sergančiam onkologine nepagydoma liga, Lietuvoje. Tyrimo klausimai: Kokia yra sveikatos priežiūros specialistų patirtis teikiant paliatyviosios pagalbos paslaugas vaikų onkohematologiniame skyriuje? Koks yra sveikatos priežiūros specialistų požiūris į vaikų paliatyviosios pagalbos paslaugų organizavimą vaikui, sergančiam onkologine nepagydoma liga, Lietuvoje? Tyrimo metodika. Atliktas kokybinis aprašomasis tyrimas, taikant giluminį interviu ir kokybinę turinio indukcinę analizę. Tyrimas buvo vykdomas 2012 m. lapkričio – 2013 m. vasario mėnesiais. Viso atlikta 12 interviu. Tyrime dalyvavo 12 specialistų: trys gydytojai, šeši slaugytojai, du psichologai, vienas socialinis darbuotojas. Tyrimo duomenų apdorojimui pasirinktas temų analizės metodas. Rezultatai. Tyrime dalyvavę specialistai vaikų paliatyviosios pagalbos sampratą apibūdino ir suprato plačiąja prasme, įžvelgdami ne tik medicininės, bet ir socialinės, psichologinės pagalbos svarbą. Grupinės diskusijos metu dominavo nuomonė, kad teikiant vaikų paliatyviosios pagalbos paslaugas labai svarbus yra medicininis aspektas, skausmo malšinimas, medicininė slauga. Specialistai aptarė vaikų paliatyviąją pagalbą kaip ypatingą bei keliančią didelę emocinę naštą dirbantiems šioje sityje. Specialistų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The objective of the research is to disclose the experience of health care professionals working at the Children’s Department of Oncology and Hematology in providing palliative care services and their approach towards organisation of palliative care services for children with terminal cancer in Lithuania. Research issues: What is the experience of health care professionals in providing palliative care services to children with terminal cancer at the Children’s Department of Oncology and Hematology? What is the approach of health care professionals towards organisation of palliative care services for children with terminal cancer in Lithuania? Research methods. The qualitative descriptive research involving in-depth interview and qualitative inductive content analysis was performed. The research was carried out during the period from November 2012 till February 2013. The total of 12 interviews was completed. 12 professionals participated in the research: three doctors, six nurses, two psychologists and one social worker. The topic analysis method was selected for the processing of the research data. Results. The professionals who participated in the research described and perceived the conception of palliative care for children in a broad sense and discerned the significance not only of medical care, but also of social and psychological help. During the group discussion the opinion that the medical aspect, pain relief and medical nursing are very important in providing... [to full text]

Behaviour in a Canadian Multi-payer, Multi-provider Health Care Market: The Case of the Physiotherapy Market in Ontario

Holyoke, Paul 24 September 2009 (has links)
This is a study of several contentious issues in Canadian health policy involving the interaction of public and private payers and for-profit (FP) and not-for-profit (NFP) providers; the influence of health professionals on market structure; and the role of foreign investment. A case study was used, the Ontario physiotherapy market in 2003-2005, with its complex mix of payers and providers and foreign investment opportunities. Key market features were: fragmented but substantial payer influence, effective though uncoordinated cost control across payers, constrained labour supply, and fragmented patient referral sources. These features increased the complexity of providers’ interactions with patients and payers, reducing standardization and therefore favouring local, professional-owned small business FP providers (FP/s) for ambulatory care. NFP Hospitals’ market share declined. The findings generally confirmed expected behavioural differences between FP and NFP providers but expected differences between investor-owned FP providers (FP/c) and FP/s providers were not generally found. FP/s dominated the market, and FP/c providers appeared to mimic FP/s market behaviours, competing in local sub-markets. With no single or dominant payer, cost control difficulties were expected, but all 11 payer categories (public and private) used various cost control mechanisms, resulting in significant collective but uncoordinated influence. Generally, no payer alone supported a provider’s operations. The dominant labour suppliers, regulated physiotherapists, were scarce and exerted significant pressure, affecting market structure by asserting individual preferences and professional interests. FP/s dominance resulted, supported by the traditional patient referral source, physicians in small practices. Very little foreign investment was found despite little protection for domestic providers under NAFTA. In sum, this study showed FP and NFP provider stereotypes are subject to payer pressure: FP/c organizations can adapt by mimicking FP/s, and payers can modify NFPs’ assumed community orientation. Labour shortages and historical referral patterns can make individual professionals and their preferences more influential than their collective profession without diminishing the importance of professional interests. The degree and structure of payer control can make a market unattractive to foreign investors. Finally, this market – neither a planned or standard market – had a service provision pattern more broadly influenced by professionalism and practitioner interests than policies or prices.

In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest : A Study of Education in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and its Effects on Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes among Healthcare Professionals and Survival of In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients

Södersved Källestedt, Marie-Louise January 2011 (has links)
This thesis investigated whether out­come after in-hospital cardiac arrest patients could be improved by a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) educational intervention focusing on all hospital healthcare professionals. Annually in Sweden, approximately 3000 in-hospital patients suffer a cardiac arrest in which CPR is attempted, and which 900 will survive. The thesis is based on five papers: Paper I was a methodological study concluding in a reliable multiple choice questionnaire (MCQ) aimed at measuring CPR knowledge. Paper II was an intervention study. The intervention consisted of educating 3144 healthcare professionals in CPR. The MCQ from Paper I was answered by the healthcare professionals both before (82% response rate) and after (98% response rate) education. Theoretical knowledge improved in all the different groups of healthcare professionals after the intervention. Paper III was an observational laboratory study investigating the practical CPR skills of 74 healthcare professionals’. Willingness to use an automated external defibrillator (AED) improved generally after educa­tion, and there were no major differences in CPR skills between the different healthcare professions. Paper IV investigated, by use of a questionnaire, the attitudes to CPR of 2152 healthcare professionals (82% response rate). A majority of healthcare professionals reported a positive attitude to resuscitation. Paper V was a register study of patients suffering from cardiac arrest. The intervention tended not to reduce the delay to start of treatment or to increase overall survival. However, our results suggested indirect signs of an improved cerebral function among survivors. In conclusion, CPR education and the introduction of AEDs in-hospital – improved healthcare professionals knowledge, skills, and attitudes – did not improve patients’ survival to hospital discharge, but the functional status among survivors improved.

Improving understanding of music therapy with a non-verbal child: sharing perceptions with other professionals : a research presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Master of Music Therapy at New Zealand School of Music, Wellington, New Zealand

Park, Yaeun Kyung January 2008 (has links)
This study explored the value of music therapy practice with a non-verbal child conducted by the author, a Music Therapy Student (MTS), as seen through the eyes of two music therapists and the child’s mother, as well as the improvement achieved in the MTS’s understanding of music therapy practice through sharing the three professionals’ insights. The paper addresses two research questions: (1) How is music therapy with a non-verbal child perceived by music therapy professionals? (2) How does sharing these professionals’ understanding of music therapy improve the MTS’s understanding of this therapeutic process? The MTS’s self-reflections were treated as part of the data in this research, as was the non-verbal communication within the music therapy intervention to support the findings. The qualitative research, ‘Naturalistic inquiry’ was used for this research. Data was collected by interviewing these three professionals individually about their perceptions of music therapy after watching three video extracts of normal music therapy sessions with the child. The video extracts were selected from the significant moments of non-verbal communication. Through this process of sharing the professionals’ perceptions, the MTS gained a deeper understanding of both the child and the music therapy practice administered, confirming and extending her understanding of the musical and therapeutic skills and techniques of the three professionals, which they had gained in their varied experiences and which had been shaped by their varied backgrounds. The MTS was thus engaged in a learning process which hoped would enhance the quality of therapy provided by her in the future.

Male adolescents desginated with moderate or intense behavioural needs: Student and professional perceptions regarding social and behavioural self-concepts

Braniff, Monica 01 August 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this research study was to better understand the social and behavioural self-concept of adolescent males designated with behaviour, and through honouring their struggles and their stories, better the capacity for counselling professionals to effectively support these at-risk students. Through exploring both the students’ experience and the perceptions of those professionals who supported them, this research honoured the voice of a population that is often pushed aside in the education realm. Qualitative data analysis highlighted areas of commonality and difference between the two perspectives, ultimately demonstrating the importance of respecting student perspectives within professional decisions and interventions. The case study research took place at the Alternate Learning Program located within the Saanich School District. Participants included three adolescent males with behaviour designations, and the corresponding school professionals who supported these youth.

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