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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utilisation of training programmes by health advisers

Banda, Patricia Thifulufhelwi 11 1900 (has links)
Most of the training programmes received by the health advisers in the Gauteng health promotion directorate, are delivered in a lecture form, whereby trainers prepare their presentations according to themes chosen by management, without the involvement of trainees. After training, the health advisers adopt the same attitude with the individuals they educate. This study describes how participatory research was carried out to investigate how health advisers in the Gauteng Province experience and utilise these training programmes. It articulates the roles of the researcher and participants in the research process. The study showed that while it is true that trainees must receive theoretical information, it is equally true that they must be able to relate that information to their practical situations. The study indicates that this can occur by introducing a form of training in which the focus is on both the trainer and trainees as co-learners in the learning situation. / Social Work / M.A. Soc. Sc. (Mental Health)

Olika - eller - lika : "Våra stadsdelar ser olika ut och det är bra"Framställningen av norra och södra Botkyrka genom kommunalt områdesbaserat utvecklingsarbete.

Sandberg Nilsson, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
In this qualitative ethnological study I explore the local development work undertaken by the municipal Botkyrka, located south of Stockholm. The material is primarily based on the municipals development programs and interviews with officials from the municipal working with local development. Their work is primarily based on achieving sustainable development in various problem areas such as education, unemployment, urban environment, climate change. My aim was to investigate how a municipality, with a declared focus on the benefits of diversity, that at the same time struggles with unequality (in regard to ethnic segregation and disparities in income, education, employment, housing and health), through its local development work presented its different districts. Guided by discourse analysis and postcolonial theory I focused on how the citizens in the districts where portrayed and how the physical and natural environment in these where described. The result shows that the municipal through its local development work is differentiating the districts and their citizens by adopting neoliberal labour market and housing policies, reproducing urban planning ideals and ideas regarding national beloning. / <p>POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG SAMMANFATTNING</p><p>När man tänker på Botkyrka kommun, söder om Stockholm, är det nog främst till norra Botkyrka associationerna går. Miljonprogramsområdena och röda linjens tunnelbanestationer Alby, Fittja, Norsborg och Hallunda. Eller kanske har man hört sloganen ”Långt ifrån lagom” och vet att kommunen är en av Sveriges mest blandade vad gäller befolkningens ursprung. Men Botkyrka består också av en södra halva och här ligger områdena Tumba, Tullinge, Vårsta och Grödinge. Inte lika kända och inte heller på samma självklara sätt kopplade till Botkyrka som de ovan nämnda områdena i norr.</p><p>I min studie har jag undersökt hur Botkyrka kommun arbetar med områdesbaserad utveckling i sina kommundelar. Utgångspunkten för min analys är själva basen i detta arbete: kommundelarnas långsiktiga utvecklingsprogram. När jag samlade materialet till denna studie fanns tre sådana program framtagna, ett för Alby, ett för Tullinge och ett för Fittja. I dessa program formuleras de viktigaste nyckelområden som varje kommundel behöver arbeta kring för att uppnå en hållbar och långsiktig utveckling. Det intressanta med dessa program och det arbete som dessa föranleder är det skillnadsskapande som görs mellan norra och södra Botkyrka. I Fittja och Alby kretsar arbetet kring medborgarnas utbildning och sysselsättning samt områdenas stadsmiljöer. I Tullinge är målen: att utveckla och säkra områdets kvaliteter, att utveckla dialogen med medborgarna och att möjliggöra att leva klimatsmart.</p><p>Genom att titta på hur områdena och de människor som befolkar dem beskrivs i utvecklingsprogrammen och hur de kommunala tjänstemän som arbetar med detta förhåller sig till dessa frågor har jag utifrån en diskursanalytisk och postkolonial ansats kommit fram till att det områdesbaserad utvecklingsarbetet i Botkyrka kommun är del i en politisk och samhällelig åskådning som särskiljer platser och människor. Det områdesbaserade utvecklingsarbetet medverkar därmed till att reproducera bilden av den problematiska invandrarförorten och det idylliska villasamhället. Framställningarna som görs i mitt material visar hur kommunen positionerar sina kommundelar i relation till varandra. Tullinge utgör det oproblematiska, normativa och osynliga medan Alby och Fittja representeras av problembilder, det annorlunda och hjälpbehövande. Kommunen marknadsför sig som en progressiv aktör som arbetar för mångfald och mänskliga rättigheter, emot rasism och diskriminering samtidigt som man genom det områdesbaserad arbetet är delaktig i stigmatiseringen av platserna och människorna i norra Botkyrka. </p>

Logico-Numerical Verification Methods for Discrete and Hybrid Systems / Méthodes logico-numériques pour la vérification des systèmes discrets et hybrides

Schrammel, Peter 18 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie la vérification automatique de propriétés de sûreté de systèmes logico-numériques discrets ou hybrides. Ce sont des systèmes ayant des variables booléennes et numériques et des comportements discrets et continus. Notre approche est fondée sur l'analyse statique par interprétation abstraite. Nous adressons les problèmes suivants : les méthodes d'interprétation abstraite numériques exigent l'énumération des états booléens, et par conséquent, ils souffrent du probléme d'explosion d'espace d'états. En outre, il y a une perte de précision due à l'utilisation d'un opérateur d'élargissement afin de garantir la terminaison de l'analyse. Par ailleurs, nous voulons rendre les méthodes d'interprétation abstraite accessibles à des langages de simulation hybrides. Dans cette thèse, nous généralisons d'abord l'accélération abstraite, une méthode qui améliore la précision des invariants numériques inférés. Ensuite, nous montrons comment étendre l'accélération abstraite et l'itération de max-stratégies à des programmes logico-numériques, ce qui aide à améliorer le compromis entre l'efficacité et la précision. En ce qui concerne les systèmes hybrides, nous traduisons le langage de programmation synchrone et hybride Zelus vers les automates hybrides logico-numériques, et nous étendons les méthodes d'analyse logico-numérique aux systèmes hybrides. Enfin, nous avons mis en oeuvre les méthodes proposées dans un outil nommé ReaVer et nous fournissons des résultats expérimentaux. En conclusion, cette thèse propose une approche unifiée à la vérification de systèmes logico-numériques discrets et hybrides fondée sur l'interprétation abstraite qui est capable d'intégrer des méthodes d'interprétation abstraite numériques sophistiquées tout en améliorant le compromis entre l'efficacité et la précision. / This thesis studies the automatic verification of safety properties of logico-numerical discrete and hybrid systems. These systems have Boolean and numerical variables and exhibit discrete and continuous behavior. Our approach is based on static analysis using abstract interpretation. We address the following issues: Numerical abstract interpretation methods require the enumeration of the Boolean states, and hence, they suffer from the state space explosion problem. Moreover, there is a precision loss due to widening operators used to guarantee termination of the analysis. Furthermore, we want to make abstract interpretation-based analysis methods accessible to simulation languages for hybrid systems. In this thesis, we first generalize abstract acceleration, a method that improves the precision of the inferred numerical invariants. Then, we show how to extend abstract acceleration and max-strategy iteration to logico-numerical programs while improving the trade-off between efficiency and precision. Concerning hybrid systems, we translate the Zelus hybrid synchronous programming language to logico-numerical hybrid automata and extend logico-numerical analysis methods to hybrid systems. Finally, we implemented the proposed methods in ReaVer, a REActive System VERification tool, and provide experimental results. Concluding, this thesis proposes a unified approach to the verification of discrete and hybrid logico-numerical systems based on abstract interpretation, which is capable of integrating sophisticated numerical abstract interpretation methods while successfully trading precision for efficiency.

Unpacking critical masculinities and intersectionality to inform Sexual and Gender-Based Violence programmes : Envisioning an enhanced men-inclusive approach (the men's lens) through humanitarian actors in the current Syrian refugee crisis in Lebanon

Munoz Alonso, Pedro January 2018 (has links)
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence constitutes one of the major protection concerns in displacement settings, being the current Syrian crisis in Lebanon no exception. This has led international and Lebanese humanitarian actors to design and implement prevention and response programmes country-wide to ensure the protection of persons of concern. Yet, gender-related programmes seem to maintain a traditional approach which focuses disproportionately on women and girls. As for SGBV programmes, while women and girls do constitute the bulk of SGBV survivors, such traditional approach overlooks the need of other groups concerned by any gender and SGBV-related interventions. This holds especially true to men and boys, whose engagement in SGBV programming is still conceived in silos, usually included in prevention programmes in their role as perpetrators. Working with men and boys survivors is not widespread and there is no consistent attempt to involve men across all stages in programmes. With no aim to compromise the much needed interventions with women and girls, this Master’s thesis aims at exploring an enhanced men-inclusive approach to SGBV programmes through the exploration of a tool called the men’s lens. By analyzing how Syrian refugee men’s own masculinities and manhood and their linkages to their social positioning influence the emergence of SGBV, this Master’s thesis explores the feasibility of such approach through interviews and a set of recommendations to humanitarian actors in Lebanon. As such, the thesis contributes to bringing together academia and the humanitarian realm, contextualising the men’s lens to the reality on the ground. This includes the adoption of a practical focus on the intertwinement between SGBV, masculinities and intersectionality among Syrian refugees in Lebanon, with the ultimate goal of contributing to improving current SGBV programmes in the Syria crisis.

Inclusão educacional na exclusão: políticas de renda mínima

Figueirêdo, Maria do Amparo Caetano de 09 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-07T15:09:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1026296 bytes, checksum: 2bdd568a89d88ab61c2cfd4653f5dbe4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Cette étude a eu comme objectif d´analyser l'émergence du concept de l'exclusion dans le monde et au Brésil, de discuter les principales manifestations de l'exclusion au Brésil, pour ensuite réfléchir sur les politiques publiques sociales et éducationnelles des gouvernements de Fernando Henrique Cardoso FHC (1995 - 2002) et Luis Inácio Lula da Silva - Lula (2003 - 2005), tournées vers le combat à l'exclusion des enfants et des adolescents des classes populaires. Cette étude repose sur le matérialisme historique dialectique, dans la perspective de la compréhension du processus historique au travers de son dynamisme, de son caractère provisoire et de sa transformation. Grâce à l'analyse documentaire ( législation, normes et écrits divers), il a été possible d'identifier l'origine, l'évolution et les caractéristiques actuelles de l'exclusion sociale brésilienne, et d'analyser le rôle joué par les programmes sociaux et éducationnels dans ce processus. Dans cette perspective, notre thèse consiste à démontrer l inexécution et l inefficacité des politiques de revenu minimum dans le domaine de l'éducation. Nous soutenons que les politiques de revenu minimum, superposées à l'héritage social et économique de nature historique d'exclusion au Brésil, ne modifient pas les conditions de vie des enfants, des adolescents , ni des familles bénéficiaires, car les possibilités « d' insertion » de ces politiques, tant sur le plan social que sur le plan éducationnel, sont incompatibles avec les politiques actuelles d'ajustement néolibéral: État minimum, révocation de droits sociaux et privatisations. Par conséquent, au cas où ne se mettent pas en oeuvre des politiques plus amples de combat à l'exclusion sociale, qui visent à changer la présente structure économique brésilienne (politiques d'emploi et de revenu), les programmes sociaux et éducationnels, comme par exemple la « Bourse École » et la « Bourse Famille », ne contribueront pas à en finir avec l'exclusion, consistant en un leurre « d'inclusion ». Il est possible, à court terme, que ce type de politique puisse contribuer à la réduction du nombre d'enfants et d'adolescents exclus du droit à l'éducation. Cependant, sans les prolongements indispensables, sans s attaquer à la racine du problème qui est la question de l'inégalité sociale, du travail et du revenu, sans la concrétisation de politiques de nature structurelle, ce type de politique se transforme seulement en une mesure compensatoire - une inclusion dans l'exclusion. De l'étude nous concluons que les gouvernements de FHC et de Lula ont eu, tous deux, leurs programmes sociaux et éducationnels basés sur des discours « démocratiques et d inclusion », alors que dans la pratique, ont été mises en oeuvre des actions ayant pour but de donner corps à la tâche exigée par les organismes internationaux aux pays sous-développés et de contenir la crise du capital, à partir des politiques d'ajustement structurel et d'instauration de l'État minimum, d abrogation des droits sociaux. Enfin, les politiques de revenu minimum de combat à l'exclusion , même en face de toutes ces limitations sont considérées importantes, car elles permettent que les familles améliorent leur situation d'exclusion, de même qu elles renforcent aussi les pratiques d'accès et la permanence des enfants et des adolescents des couches populaires à l'école publique. Mais, évidemment, cela ne va pas changer le tableau d'inégalité, du fait qu'une action de combat à la pauvreté et à l'exclusion des enfants, des adolescents et des familles doit s orienter vers la réalisation d'actions qui améliorent les conditions politiques, économiques, sociales et éducationnelles de ces personnes, dans la perspective de la mise en place d'une société plus juste et fraternelle. Ainsi, nous espérons que cette étude puisse être un « levier » stimulateur de débats et d actions qui contribuent au changement du tragique portrait de l'exclusion sociale et éducationnelle du Brésil. / Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a emergência do conceito de exclusão no mundo e no Brasil, discutir as principais manifestações da exclusão no Brasil, para a partir daí refletir sobre as políticas públicas sociais e educacionais dos governos Fernando Henriques Cardoso- FHC (1995 - 2002) e Luis Inácio Lula da Silva - Lula (2003 - 2005), voltadas para o combate à exclusão das crianças e dos adolescentes dos setores populares. Este estudo foi fundamentado no materialismo histórico dialético, na perspectiva da compreensão do processo histórico em seu dinamismo, provisoriedade e transformação. Através da análise documental, na legislação, normas e escritos diversos, foi possível identificar a origem, evolução e características atuais da exclusão social brasileira, e analisar o papel desempenhado pelos programas sociais e educacionais nesse processo. Nessa perspectiva, nossa tese consiste em demonstrar a inefetividade e ineficácia das políticas de renda mínima na educação. Defendemos que as políticas de renda mínima, superpostas à herança social e econômica de natureza histórica de exclusão no Brasil, não alteram as condições de vida das crianças e dos adolescentes e famílias atendidas, pois as possibilidades de inclusão dessas políticas, tanto na perspectiva social, quanto na educacional, são incompatíveis com as atuais políticas de ajuste neoliberal: Estado mínimo, destituição de direitos sociais e privatizações. Portanto, caso não se implementem políticas mais amplas de combate à exclusão, que procurem mudar a atual estrutura econômica brasileira (políticas de emprego e renda), os programas sociais e educacionais, por exemplo, o Bolsa Escola, o Bolsa Família, não contribuirão para acabar com a exclusão, constituindo-se em um engodo de inclusão. É possível que a curto prazo esse tipo de política possa contribuir com a redução do número de crianças e de adolescentes excluídos do direito à educação. Entretanto, sem os necessários desdobramentos, sem atacar a raiz do problema que é a questão da desigualdade social, trabalho e renda, sem a efetivação de políticas de âmbito estrutural, esse tipo de política tornase apenas uma medida compensatória - uma inclusão na exclusão. Através do estudo concluímos que tanto o governo FHC, quanto o governo Lula, tiveram seus programas sociais e educacionais baseados em discursos democráticos e includentes , quando na prática, foram implementadas ações objetivando dar organicidade à tarefa exigida pelos organismos internacionais para os países subdesenvolvidos e de conter a crise do capital, a partir das políticas de ajuste estrutural e de instituição do Estado mínimo, de destituição dos direitos sociais. Enfim, as políticas de renda mínima de combate à exclusão, mesmo diante de todas essas limitações, são consideradas importantes, pois permitem que as famílias melhorem sua situação de exclusão, como também fortalecem as práticas de acesso e permanência das crianças e dos adolescentes dos setores populares na escola pública. Mas, obviamente, isso não vai mudar o quadro de desigualdade, uma vez que uma ação de combate à pobreza e à exclusão das crianças, adolescentes e famílias deve se pautar na realização de ações que melhorem as condições políticas, econômicas, sociais e educacionais dessas pessoas, na perspectiva da instituição de uma sociedade mais justa e fraterna. Assim, esperamos que este estudo possa ser uma alavanca impulsionadora de debates e ações que contribuam para mudar o trágico perfil da exclusão social e educacional no Brasil.

Mateřská škola jako životní prostor a dítě předškolního věku v pohledu Marie Montessori / Nursery School as the Life Space and a Child of Preschool Age in the View of Marie Montessori

RODOVÁ, Marcela January 2007 (has links)
The work deals with preschool age and the M. Montessori view of the education. The aim is to point out the contributio24n of montessori materials and their use in nursery schools. The theoretic part describes the historic evolution of preschool education, psychological and sociological development of a child of preschool age, game and alternative programmes. I focused mainly on the M. Montessori pedagogy and described it theoretically. The practical part contains comparison of three chosen schools: NS Vokovická Praha 6, Montessori class in NS Meteorologická Praha and Montessori class in Tábor. In all these schools the montessori pedagogy principals are being applied. In these schools they work, not only, with original montessori materials, but also with other materials, which fulfill certain standards and also with some that were made by teachers themselves. In NS Vokovická toys are also being used. Despite some differences all of the schools agree on the basic thought: they put the child in the first position just like M. Montessori used to do.

Předpoklady a možnosti jazykového vzdělávání v raném věku / Conditions and possibilities for language education at an early age.

CHALOUPKOVÁ, Věra January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with problems of teaching foreign languages to children of an early age. In the theoretical part, opinions of specialists in this subject are compared. It tries to provide an evidence for a succees of an early start of education. It is based on present requirements for language skills which are important for us to succeed as inhabitants of the European Union and to be able to win our recognition and acknowledgement in the world. In the practical part, there are examples of projects organized by international educational programmes. It refers to their contribution and emphasizes the possibility of using modern information technologies. The thesis highlights successful models of bilingual education in borderlands which could also become an inspiration for other regions.

Rozvoj výchovně vzdělávací instituce pomocí strukturálních fondů / Educational institution development with structural funds

HUMLEROVÁ, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
This graduation thesis was written to present a project about new educational institution in Czech Republic called Children?s museum. Children's museum is institution that provide exhibits and programs to stimulate informal learning experiences for children. In contrast with traditional museums that typically have a hands-off policy regarding exhibits, children's museums feature interactive exhibits that are designed to be manipulated by children. The theory behind such exhibits is that activity can be as educational as instruction, especially in early childhood. Children?s museum is envisioned as a dynamic new place for interactive learning, play and creativity that serves children 1-18 years old, their families and teachers. The main topic of this thesis is to prepare a business plan for this institution, find possibilities of financing from Structural fonds of EU, prepare project and process it in web aplication Benefit 7.

Komparace nabídky služeb a jejich vliv na místní rozvoj ve zvolených obcích ? Český Krumlov, Vimperk / Comparison of services offering and their impact on local development in selected municipalities - Český Krumlov and Vimperk

SÝKORA, Vlastislav January 2011 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to analyse development of two municipalities through the usage of attractions in the tourism industry. The first part focuses on the evaluation of demand side and supply side of tourism services and their impact on local development based on defined primary and secondary potentials in selected municipalities. The second part describes the options of utilization of funding programmes for tourism industry in selected municipalities and their impact on production in the region, including description of successfully completed or on-going projects that have an impact on the socio-economic development of municipalities.

Sauvegarde des données dans les réseaux P2P / Data Backup in P2P Networks

Tout, Rabih 25 June 2010 (has links)
Aujourd’hui la sauvegarde des données est une solution indispensable pour éviter de les perdre. Plusieurs méthodes et stratégies de sauvegarde existent et utilisent différents types de support. Les méthodes de sauvegarde les plus efficaces exigent souvent des frais d’abonnement au service liés aux coûts du matériel et de l’administration investis par les fournisseurs. Le grand succès des réseaux P2P et des applications de partage de fichiers a rendu ces réseaux exploitables par un grand nombre d’applications surtout avec la possibilité de partager les ressources des utilisateurs entre eux. Les limites des solutions de sauvegarde classiques qui ne permettent pas le passage à l’échelle ont rendu les réseaux P2P intéressants pour les applications de sauvegarde. L’instabilité dans les réseaux P2P due au taux élevé de mouvement des pairs, rend la communication entre les pairs très difficile. Dans le contexte de la sauvegarde, la communication entre les nœuds est indispensable, ce qui exige une grande organisation dans le réseau. D’autre part, la persistance des données sauvegardées dans le réseau reste un grand défi car la sauvegarde n’a aucun intérêt si les données sauvegardées sont perdues et que la restauration devient impossible. L’objectif de notre thèse est d’améliorer l’organisation des sauvegardes dans les réseaux P2P et de garantir la persistance des données sauvegardées. Nous avons donc élaboré une approche de planification qui permet aux nœuds de s’organiser dans le but de mieux communiquer entre eux. D’autre part, pour garantir la persistance des données sauvegardées, nous avons proposé une approche de calcul probabiliste qui permet de déterminer, selon les variations dans le système, le nombre de répliques nécessaire pour qu’au moins une copie persiste dans le système après un certain temps défini. Nos approches ont été implémentées dans une application de sauvegarde P2P. / Nowadays, data backup is an essential solution to avoid losing data. Several backup methods and strategies exist. They use different media types. Most efficient backup methods are not free due to the cost of hardware and administration invested by suppliers. The great success of P2P networks and file sharing applications has encouraged the use of these networks in multiple applications especially with the possibility of sharing resources between network users. The limitations of traditional backup solutions in large scale networks have made P2P networks an interesting solution for backup applications. Instability in P2P networks due to peers’ high movement rate makes communication between these peers very difficult. To achieve data backup, communications between peers is essential and requires a network organization. On the other hand, the persistence of backed up data in the network remains a major challenge. Data backup is useless if backed up copies are lost. The objective of this thesis is to improve the backup organization and ensure backed up data persistence in P2P networks. We have therefore developed a planning approach that allows nodes to organize themselves in order to better communicate with each other. On the other hand, to ensure data persistency, we proposed a probabilistic approach to compute the minimum replicas number needed for a given data so that at least one copy remains in the system after a given time. Our two approaches have been implemented in a P2P backup application.

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