Spelling suggestions: "subject:"progress,"" "subject:"cprogress,""
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Entre "Ça" et "Comme ça", différences entre la deixis ad oculos et la deixis am phantasma au niveau gestuel, intonatif et syntaxique : étude chez des enfants entre 4 et 7 ans / Between "This" and "Like that", differences between deixis ad oculos and deixis am phantasma in gestures, intonation and syntax : children between 4 - 7 years oldRashdan, Khalid 27 November 2014 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, je traite la question de la Deixis sur trois niveaux du langage : Syntaxique, phonétique et gestuel. L’idée principale, c’est que la Deixis ne s’arrête pas sur le fait de pointer un objet présent et peut aller plus loin avec des caractéristiques beaucoup plus abstraites. Cette thèse est accomplie sur trois parties fondamentales. La première partie contient un chapitre définitoire et dans le deuxième chapitre je présente les trois processus fondamentaux de la Deixis : la catégorisation, la nomination et la mémorisation. Dans la deuxième partie, j’étudie les processus cognitifs de la Deixis d’un point de vue dynamique et se servir des théories et concepts pour éclaircir la méthodologie utilisée. J’explique la dynamique de la Deixis Ad Oculos et la Deixis Am Phantasma en montrant comment cette dynamique est complètement dépendante des représentations personnelles du sujet. Les concepts de partage et d’égocentrage nous donnent un sens aux analyses que nous pourrons utiliser comme critères pour décider si un tel sujet a une bonne gestuelle communicative pour passer clairement son message à l’autrui. Ces concepts pourront être bien intéressantes en ce qui concerne des recherches étudiant le comportement des acteurs et les études de détection. Ainsi, avec quelques recherches plus profondes nous pourrons créer des listes de critères et de caractéristiques qui nous aideront à distinguer et détecter un comportement correct d’un autre qui est incorrecte. De même, nous pourrons définir un comportement normal d’un autre anormal et appliquer ces indices et critères sur des enfants souffrant d’incapacité pour s’exprimer tels que des enfants dyslexiques et autistes. / In this thesis, I treat with the question of Deixis on three levels of language: Syntax, phonetic and gestural. The main idea is that the Deixis does not end on pointing out a present object and can go further with more abstract features. This thesis has three basic parts. The first contains a definitional chapter and in the second chapter I present the three basic processes of Deixis: categorization, nomination and memorization. In the second part, I study the cognitive process of Deixis from a dynamic point of view and use theories and concepts to clarify its methodology. I explain the dynamics of Deixis Ad Oculos and Deixis Am Phantasm showing how this dynamic is completely dependent on the personal representations of the subject. The concepts share and egocentrage give us a sense of analysis that we can use as criteria to decide whether such subject has good communicative gesture to clarify his message to others. These concepts can be very interesting in terms of research regarding actor’s behavior and detection studies. Thus, with some deeper research we can create lists of criteria and characteristics that will help us to distinguish and detect the appropriate behavior from the inappropriate one. Similarly, we can define normal behavior from the abnormal one and apply these criteria and indicators on children with disabilities, such as dyslexia and autism, to help them to express themselves in the future.
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RESHAPING PUBLIC SECTOR HEALTHCARE : Creating conditions for digital transformationBomark, Sara January 2019 (has links)
The public sector healthcare system is facing challenges of demographical changes. The solution of digitalization is expected to decrease costs and increase efficiency. Digitalization is the collective concept of differing and interrelated phenomena which are rearranging traditional market conditions and causing a turbulent and competitive environment. In response to these impacts, organizations seek organizational change through digital transformation. IS researchers has contributed with limited findings of digital transformation within the public sector healthcare. This thesis investigates organizational response towards digitalization and conditions of digital transformation through a case study within public sector healthcare in Sweden. The study successfully identifies external tensions of digitalization which underlie the reorganization and internal tensions which motivates progress towards digital transformation.
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A procura de bactérias degradadoras de metamidofós. / Searching for methamidofos degrading bacteria.Cardona, Diana Maria Chica 27 September 2011 (has links)
O metamidofós é um inseticida organofosforado altamente tóxico por ser um forte inibidor da acetilcolinesterase, sendo utilizado em diversas culturas para o controle de pragas. Há poucas informações sobre a biodegradação deste composto disponíveis na literatura. Foram isoladas e caracterizadas 12 bactérias a partir de amostras de solo e água de uma área contaminada com metamidofós, as quais mostraram inicialmente capacidade de degradar o pesticida, utilizando-o como fonte de enxofre/nitrogênio e fósforo/enxofre. Estes isolados foram identificados por métodos de biologia molecular e pela caracterização do perfil lipídico da célula como pertencentes aos gêneros, Serratia, Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas e Curtobacterium. Ensaios preliminares da cinética de degradação do metamidofós por GC/MS evidenciaram o consumo do pesticida pelas bactérias isoladas. A retomada destes ensaios após alguns meses de armazenamento em glicerol a -80ºC resultou na perda da capacidade de biodegradação do composto-alvo por causas não-identificadas. Fatores que podem ter contribuído para este resultado negativo incluem eventual perda de plasmídeos com partes das vias de biodegradação ou interferentes utilizados na estabilização do metamidofós. / Methamidophos is a strong acetylcholinesterase inhibitor and, therefore, a very toxic organophosphorus insecticide. This product has been widely employed for pest control in a variety of cultures, but little information is available about its biodegradation. 12 bacteria were isolated and characterized, from water and soil samples obtained from a site contaminated with methamidophos, which in preliminary tests showed the ability to degrade methamidophos, using it as a combined source of sulfur/nitrogen and/or phosphorus/sulfur. These isolates were identified by molecular biology methods and by characterization of its fatty acids profile as members of the genus Serratia, Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas and Curtobacterium. The ability to biodegrade the compound was lost after prolonged storage at -80ºC for unknown reasons. It was hypothesized that this negative result may have occurred due to loss of plasmids or by interference of products used in the stabilization of commercial methamidophos formulations.
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A romanização no Espírito Santo: D. João Nery (1896-1901) / The romanization in Espírito Santo: D. João Nery (1896-1901)Brito, Eliane Maria 03 December 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação aborda o projeto de Romanização da Igreja Católica no Espírito Santo, na gestão de seu primeiro bispo, dom João Batista Corrêa Nery (1896-1901), e suas decorrências nas esferas política e social. Embora curto, esse período é fundamental para se compreender como a Igreja conseguiu se fortalecer em um ambiente laicizado. Procurou-se esclarecer as relações entre Igreja e Estado no início da República e, consequentemente, o papel desta Instituição na consolidação do regime republicano. A análise dos discursos comuns entre elite republicana e hierarquia católica possibilitaram a conciliação entre os poderes nesse período. / The present dissertation tackles the subject of Catholic Church\'s project of Romanization in Espírito Santo during the administration of dom João Batista Corrêa Nery, Espírito Santo\'s first bishop, and political and social interference of the Romanization politics. Although short this period is basic to understand how the Church obtained to fortify itself in a laicized environment. The political approach will consist of the analysis of the relation between Church and State at the beginning of Republic and the role of this Institution in republican regime\'s consolidation. That\'s why we tried to find which common speeches between republican elite and catholic hierarchy made possible the conciliation between them in this period.
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Negros e brancos: identidade e territ?rio em Campinas (1888-1956)Ghirello, B?rbara Campidelli 20 January 2018 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2018-01-20 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The present work aimed to investigate the spatial location of the population and the black culture in Campinas-SP between 1888 and 1956 and to analyze the urban interventions carried out in the period, identifying its disciplinary and authoritarian character. With the aim of making african ancestrality visible in the history of the city and deconstructing the idea of inevitability and political neutrality related to the consolidation of urban space and the growth of cities, the research aimed to contribute to recent studies on the importance of african matrix culture and to debate the thoughts behind the brazilian territoriality, especially in Campinas city. The research was based on bibliographic, cartographic, iconographic and journalistic documentation, urban legislation and cartography analyzes, through which it was found that euro-brazilian culture and identity, with its sense of domination and power, imposed itself and coerced afro-brazilian culture and identity, giving birth to a urban environment marked by the white identity and the invisibility not only of blackness but also of any other possibility of urban scenery, other than that established in the imaginary of this city. / O presente trabalho desejou investigar a localiza??o espacial da popula??o e da cultura negra em Campinas-SP entre os anos 1888 e 1956 e analisar as interven??es urbanas realizadas no per?odo, identificando seu car?ter disciplinador e autorit?rio. Com os objetivos de visibilizar a ancestralidade africana na hist?ria da cidade e de desconstruir a ideia de inevitabilidade e de neutralidade pol?tica relacionada ? consolida??o do espa?o urbano e ao crescimento das cidades, a pesquisa pretendeu contribuir com os estudos recentes sobre a import?ncia da cultura de matriz africana e levantar debate acerca dos pensamentos por tr?s da territorialidade brasileira e, em especial, da cidade de Campinas. A pesquisa se pautou em analises bibliogr?ficas, cartogr?ficas, iconogr?ficas, de legisla??o urban?stica, de documenta??o jornal?stica, e constru??o de cartografias, atrav?s das quais se constatou que a cultura e identidade euro-brasileira, com seu senso de domina??o e poder, neste per?odo, se imp?s e coagiu a cultura e identidade afro-brasileira, fazendo nascer um ambiente urbano campineiro marcado pela identidade branca dos bar?es do caf? e pela invisibiliza??o n?o s? da negritude mas tamb?m de qualquer outra possibilidade de cen?rio urbano, que n?o aquele estabelecido no imagin?rio desta cidade.
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Aetiology and epidemiology of grapevine anthracnose / Etiologia e epidemiologia da antracnose da videiraSantos, Ricardo Feliciano dos 12 December 2017 (has links)
Grapevine anthracnose is an important disease, responsible for severe yield losses in humid regions around the world. This study aimed to: i: identify the causal agents of grapevine anthracnose in Brazil; ii: characterize Elsinoë ampelina isolates from Brazil and Australia by means of phylogenetic analyses, morphological features and pathogenicity tests; iii: develop an efficient method for conidial production of E. ampelina; iv: develop and validate a standard area diagram set (SADs) for assessing anthracnose severity on grapevine leaves; and v: study the temporal and spatial progression of anthracnose in a Brazilian vineyard. To identify the causal agents of the disease, leaves, stems and berries with anthracnose symptoms were collected from 38 vineyards in southern and southeastern Brazil and 39 E. ampelina and 13 Colletotrichum spp. isolates were obtained. For E. ampelina isolates, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), histone H3 (HIS3) and elongation factor 1-α (TEF) sequences were analysed. HIS3 was the most informative region with 55 polymorphic sites. Seven Colletotrichum species were identified: C. siamense, C. gloeosporioides, C. fructicola, C. viniferum, C. nymphaeae, C. truncatum and C. cliviae. In pathogenicity tests, only E. ampelina isolates caused anthracnose symptoms on Vitis vinifera \'Moscato Giallo\' and Vitis labrusca \'Niagara Rosada\'. To characterize E. ampelina from Brazil and Australia, 35 isolates were analysed. ITS and TEF sequences of all isolates were monomorphic. The haplotype network generated from HIS3 dataset showed four distinct haplotypes. High genetic variability was observed in two Brazilian isolates, haplotype EA4, which may have lost the intron region during species evolution. Colonies showed variable coloration, wrinkled texture, absence of spores and slow growth. Brazilian isolates produced conidia larger than conidia from Australian isolates. To induce the conidial production, mycelial fragments were shake-incubated in rainwater and distilled water for 7 days. Isolates produced different concentrations of conidia and the conidial germination was more than 88.5%. In infectivity tests, conidia caused typical anthracnose symptoms on leaves. The SADs developed comprises six true colour diagrams with severity ranging from 1.1 to 27.4%. The use of the SADs improved the accuracy, precision, agreement and inter-rater reliability of the estimates conducted by 12 raters. The temporal and spatial dynamics of anthracnose was carried out in a \'Niagara Rosada\' vineyard in 2014 and 2015. The incidence of vines with diseased leaves, stems and berries and the severity disease on leaves were recorded. Anthracnose symptoms occurred rapidly after bud break and ontogenic resistance was observed for all organs assessed. The monomolecular model showed the best fit to the incidence progress. Temporal analyses suggest that the progress of anthracnose incidence and severity over time is governed mainly by the primary inoculum due to age-related resistance of the vine organs. Spatial analyses showed a predominantly random spatial pattern of diseased vines. In conclusion, this thesis presents a more in-depth understanding of the aetiology and epidemiology of an important grapevine disease. / Antracnose da videira é uma importante doença, responsável por severas perdas de produtividade em regiões húmidas em diversos locais do planeta. Este estudo objetivou: i: identificar o agente causal da antracnose da videira no Brasil; ii: caracterizar isolados de Elsinoë ampelina do Brasil e Austrália através de análises filogenéticas, morfologia e testes de patogenicidade; iii: desenvolver um método eficiente para produção de conídios de E. ampelina; iv: desenvolver e validar uma escala diagramática para avaliar a severidade de antracnose em folhas; e v: estudar o progresso temporal e espacial da antracnose em um vinhedo brasileiro. Para identificar os agentes causais da doença, folhas, ramos e bagas com sintomas de antracnose foram coletados em 38 vinhedos das regiões sul e sudeste do Brasil e 39 isolados de E. ampelina e 13 isolados de Colletotrichum spp. foram obtidos. Para isolados de E. ampelina, sequências de espaçador interno transcrito (ITS), histona H3 (HIS3) e fator de elongação 1-α (TEF) foram analisadas. HIS3 foi a região mais informativa com 55 sítios polimórficos. Foram identificadas sete espécies de Colletotrichum: C. siamense, C. gloeosporioides, C. fructicola, C. viniferum, C. nymphaeae, C. truncatum e C. cliviae. Nos testes de patogenicidade, somente isolados de E. ampelina causaram sintomas de antracnose em Vitis vinifera \'Moscato Giallo\' e Vitis labrusca \'Niagara Rosada\'. Para a caracterização de E. ampelina do Brasil e Austrália, 35 isolados foram analisados. Sequências de ITS e TEF de todos os isolados foram monomórficas. A rede de haplótipos gerada a partir de sequências de HIS3 resultou na formação de quatro haplótipos. Alta diversidade genética foi observada em dois isolados brasileiros, haplótipo EA4, sugerindo a perda do intron durante a evolução da espécie. Colônias apresentaram coloração variável, textura enrugada, ausência de esporos e lento crescimento. Isolados brasileiros apresentaram conídios maiores que conídios de isolados australianos. Para induzir a esporulação, fragmentos de micélio foram agitados e incubados em água da chuva e água destilada durante 7 dias. Isolados produziram diferentes concentrações de conídios e a germinação foi superior a 88,5%. Nos testes de infectividade, os conídios causaram sintomas de antracnose em folhas. A escala diagramática desenvolvida compreende seis diagramas em cores reais com severidade variando de 1,1 a 27,4%. O uso da escala diagramática melhorou a acurácia, precisão, concordância e reprodutibilidade das estimativas conduzidas por 12 avaliadores. A dinâmica temporal e espacial da antracnose foi conduzida em vinhedo de \'Niagara Rosada\' em 2014 e 2015. A incidência de videiras com folhas, ramos e bagas sintomáticos e a severidade em folhas foram registradas. Os sintomas de antracnose ocorreram rapidamente após a brotação sendo observada resistência ontogênica em todos os órgãos avaliados. O modelo monomolecular mostrou o melhor ajuste para o progresso da incidência. As análises temporais sugerem que o progresso da incidência e severidade durante o tempo é influenciado principalmente pelo inóculo inicial devido à resistência ontogênica dos órgãos. As análises espaciais mostraram um padrão espacial predominantemente aleatório de videiras sintomáticas. Em conclusão, esta tese apresenta uma compreensão mais aprofundada da etiologia e epidemiologia de uma importante doença da videira.
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Investir dans le stockage géologique du carbone à partir de biomasse : une approche par les options réelles / Invest in biomass with carbon capture and storage : a real option approachLaude, Audrey 02 December 2011 (has links)
La conversion de la biomasse en énergie génère des flux de gaz carbonique qui peuvent être captés,transportés puis stockés dans des strates géologiques. Ce procédé, nommé BCCS (Biomass Carbon Captureand Storage), réduit drastiquement les émissions carbonées et dans certaines conditions le puits artificiel peutstocker plus de carbone que le système de conversion n’en aura produit (émissions négatives). Ainsi, le BCCSrend plus envisageable l’obtention de certains plafonds de concentrations de CO2 atmosphériques inférieurs ouégaux à 450ppm. Des incitations économiques sont nécessaires pour déclencher l’investissement dans leBCCS de la part d’acteurs du secteur privé. Ceux-ci sont confrontés à une incertitude de grande ampleurconcernant le prix du carbone. Nous étudions dans cette thèse le comportement d’un décideur ayant le choixd’investir dans une variante du BCCS, à savoir la production de bioéthanol à partir de betteraves sucrières.Après une analyse déterministe sur un cas réel, nous étudions l’influence de différentes incertitudes sur le profild’investissement via une approche par options réelles. Nous analysons notamment l’influence de l’incertitudedu progrès technique via une loi de Poisson et montrons que l’investisseur tend à attendre l’innovation. Nousdistinguons ensuite progrès de court terme et de long terme. Puis, nous nous intéressons à l’incertitude derégulation climatique. Le marché du carbone est alors modélisé par un mouvement de retour à la moyenneavec des sauts de prix à dates fixes / Using biomass to produce energy emits carbon dioxide. These emissions can be captured, transported andstored into geological formations. This process is named BCCS (Biomass Carbon Capture and Storage). Itleads to massive reductions and the whole system carbon balance system could be negative given specificassumptions, which is called ‘negative emissions’. BCCS may help to achieve low CO2 concentration target,even below the 450ppm threshold. Providing suitable incentives is necessary to trigger private investment.Private investors are facing considerable uncertainty, about the carbon market. We study in this dissertation thebehavior of decision makers who can invest in a specific variant of BCCS, which is the production ofbioethanol coming from sugar beets. After a deterministic analysis based on a real case study, we consider theinfluence of different kinds of uncertainties on the investment profile through a real option approach. Thetechnical progress uncertainty has been modeled with Poisson jumps. We show that investors tend to wait forinnovations. We distinguish two cases depending on the progress rate: early or delayed technical progressrate. First allowance price is driven by geometric Brownian motion. Second, the price follows a mean revertingprocess with jumps at specific fixed dates, to take into account the international round of negotiations aboutclimatic change, as a kind of climate regulation uncertainty.
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Percepções sociais do desenvolvimento e impacto ambiental – Sinop/MT 1979-2009Falchetti, Sirlei Ana 01 September 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-04T22:02:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 1 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Mato Grosso / O presente trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a percepção dos atores sociais em relação ao impacto ambiental provocado pelas ações de expansão territorial e desenvolvimento no município de Sinop/MT, analisando o contexto Sinop, progresso e impacto ambiental. Utilizou-se como método de pesquisa o estudo de caso e a abordagem da pesquisa, quanto à natureza dos dados, foi qualitativa. Utilizou-se da pesquisa de campo para coleta dos dados
empíricos, através de entrevistas semiestruturadas aplicadas a atores-chave da sociedade, e da pesquisa bibliográfica para revisão dos conceitos de progresso e da atual concepção do termo desenvolvimento, da questão da globalidade e sistema mundo, da colonialidade reproduzida na história da ocupação dos espaços, do impacto ambiental resultante da expansão da
ocupação territorial e da convergência atual para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Também se realizou pesquisa sobre a política e dinâmica da ocupação das terras da Amazônia matogrossense e da história da colonização de Si / This study aimed to analyze the perception of social actors in relation to the environmental impact caused by the actions of territorial expansion and development at Sinop / MT,
analyzing the context Sinop, progress and environmental impact. It was used the case study as a research method and the qualitative approach to research concerning the nature of the data. It was used field research to collect empirical data through semi-structured interviews applied to key actors in society, and literature search to review the concepts of progress and the current conception of the term development, the issue of globality and world- systems, of the
colonialism played again in the history of occupation of the territory, of the environmental impact resulting from the expansion of territorial occupation and the current convergence for sustainable development. It was also carried out a research on the politics and dynamics of occupation of the Amazon and Mato Grosso land and on the history of colonization of Sinop. For d
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Industrial allocation and growth trajectories : a multi-level approachSilveira, Fabrício January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the process of economic growth with heterogeneous agents from a multi-level perspective. Building upon Kaldorian and Evolutionary principles, growth is defined as a path-dependent and complex phenomenon, which requires structural variation and the interplay between demand and supply at distinct analytical levels. Two concomitant and dependent 'layers' of this process are emphasised: the supply-led 'intra-sectoral development trajectory' and the demand-led 'inter-sectoral development trajectory'. The key element in the first is the firm size, which is shown to have a non-linear influence on the process of technological change. The second layer is shown to depend on the growth of income and patterns of production and consumption reflected on the inter-sectoral composition and level of 'sophistication' of the productive structure. The key to understand divergent growth trajectories lies in the interaction between these layers and the contradictory effects imposed at each analytical level both by demand (top-down) and supply (bottom-up). The approach is both theoretical and empirical and the analysis reveals important stylised facts of growth at the firm, sector and country levels. The text is structured in four sections comprising 9 chapters. Section I introduces the theoretical foundations of the work and the limitations of Evolutionary and Kaldorian schools to explain the multi-level 'allocation problem'. Section II presents the databases and empirically assesses the influence of the (re)allocation of labour on growth at each analytical level. Section III investigates the foundations of the process of micro-meso and macro process of development. The final section proposes a unified theoretical framework to connect the multi-level evidence. The analysis reinforces the interplay between demand and supply in growth trajectories, prompting a number of original policy implications.
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Por uma vivência planetária eco-lógica: diálogos interfilosóficos em torno de uma ética da responsabilidadeBraga, Isaque Trevisam 11 December 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-12-11 / At the present juncture of reality, where the unbridled path of the evolution and technological progress is echoed in the eagerness of human expectations regarding the search for unlimited access to the resources of nature and for a utopia of a scientific knowledge that arranges for the continual maintenance of its purposes, directing humanity to the danger of its own extinction, this research aims to promote, within its limitations, the diffusion of critical reflection on the technical and scientific development, the proper regulation of the means of production and the attempt for a practice of sustainable consumption, buoyed by the foundations of a deep ecology. Appropriating, respectively, of the inquiries and postures defended by Hans Jonas, Michel Serres and Fritjof Capra, methodologically it is proposed to approach the authors to systematize common keywords which turns to the divulgation of conceptual positions to be problematized and possible postures to be adopted under the observed circumstances. Therefore, it is concluded that, from an ecological perception of reality, it s imperative that mankind be elected as responsible for their own future and instructs itself by a acquaintanceship symbiosis with the environment, in connection with all strands of the web of life / No momento em que o percurso desenfreado da evolução e do progresso tecnológico encontra eco nas expectativas humanas em relação à busca pelo acesso ilimitado aos recursos da natureza e pela utopia de um saber científico que agencie a manutenção contínua de seus propósitos, direcionando a humanidade ao perigo de sua própria extinção, a presente pesquisa objetiva promover, dentro de suas limitações, a difusão de uma reflexão crítica em torno do desenvolvimento técnico-científico, da devida regulação dos seus meios de produção e da tentativa de uma prática de consumo sustentável, balizada pelos fundamentos de uma ecologia profunda. Apropriando-se das indagações e posturas defendidas por Hans Jonas, Michel Serres e Fritjof Capra, metodologicamente propõe-se a aproximação dos autores a fim de sistematizar conceitos em comum voltados para a divulgação de posições conceituais a serem problematizadas e possíveis posturas a serem adotadas ante as circunstâncias observadas. Considera-se que, a partir de uma percepção ecológica da realidade, faz-se imperativo que a humanidade se eleja como responsável pelo seu próprio futuro e se instrua num convívio simbiótico com o meio ambiente, em conexão com todos os fios da teia da vida
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