Spelling suggestions: "subject:"prolonged"" "subject:"aprolonged""
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Effect of Acute L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine (Sustamine) and Electrolyte Ingestion on Cognitive Function, Multiple Object Tracking and Reaction Time Following Prolonged ExercisePruna, Gabriel 01 January 2014 (has links)
Changes in physiological function occurring during a body water deficit may result in significant decrements in performance, cognitive function and fine motor control during exercise. This may be due to the magnitude of the body water deficit. Rehydration strategies are important to prevent these deleterious effects in performance. The purpose of this study was to examine the changes before and after prolonged exercise of an alanine-glutamine dipeptide (AG) on cognitive function and reaction time. Twelve male endurance-trained runners (age: 23.5 [plus or minus] 3.7 y; height: 175.5 [plus or minus] 5.4 cm; weight: 70.7 [plus or minus] 7.6 kg) participated in this study. Participants were asked to run on a treadmill at 70% of their predetermined VO2max for 1 h and then run at 90% of VO2max until volitional exhaustion on four separate days (T1-T4). T1 was a dehydration trial and T2-T4 were all different hydration modalities (electrolyte drink, electrolyte drink with a low dose of AG, electrolyte drink with a high dose of AG, respectively) where the participants drank 250 mL every 15 min. Before and after each hour run, cognitive function and reaction tests were administered. Hopkins Magnitude Based Inferences were used to analyze cognitive function and reaction time data. Results showed that physical reaction time was likely faster for the low dose trial than the high dose trial. Dehydration had a possible negative effect on the number of hits in 60-sec compared to both the low and high dose trials. Comparisons between only the electrolyte drink and the high dose ingestion appeared to be possibly negative. Analysis of lower body quickness indicates that performance in both the low and high dose trials were likely improved (decreased) in comparison to the dehydration trial. Multiple object tracking analysis indicated a possible greater performance for dehydration and low dose compared to only the electrolyte drink, while there was a likely greater performance in multiple object tracking for the high dose trial compared to consumption of the electrolyte drink only. The serial subtraction test was possibly greater in the electrolyte drink trial compared to dehydration. Rehydration with the alanine-glutamine dipeptide during an hour run at a submaximal intensity appears to maintain or enhance subsequent visual reaction time in both upper and lower body activities compared to a no hydration trial. The combination of the alanine-glutamine dipeptide may have enhanced fluid and electrolyte absorption from the gut and possibly into skeletal tissue to maintain neuromuscular performance.
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Symptom Burden and Its Relationship to Functional Status in the Chronically Critically IllWiencek, Clareen 04 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Effects of Prior Aerobic Exercise on Vascular Dysfunction Induced by Prolonged Sitting in Healthy MenDuguid, Robert M. 25 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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The Impact of the Magazine Representations of Women on Young Female Audiences’ Career InterestsGong, Yuan 28 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Mechanisms of social dysfunction and treatment-related change in Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)Winkeler, Kelsey Eva 19 December 2023 (has links)
Many Veterans with PTSD struggle with symptoms of social dysfunction, including isolation [1] and physical violence [2]. Current Veterans Affairs (VA) treatments effectively decrease posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) [3, 4, 5, 6], but do not directly target social dysfunction. In the current study, we investigate deficits in two potential mechanisms: trust and social responsiveness. We propose to use the iterated Trust Game [7, 8]– an economic exchange task that operationalizes trust and social responsiveness– to investigate differences due to PTSS severity. We will also investigate changes after treatment using the Trust Game in a dataset of Veterans undergoing residential treatment for PTSD at a VA Medical Center. We hypothesize that those with greater PTSS severity will show deficits in trust or social responsiveness, and these deficits will assuage with PTSS improvement after treatment.
We analyze a cross-sectional dataset of combat-exposed Veterans (n = 153) and a dataset undergoing residential treatment for PTSD (n = 36). PTSS are measured using the PTSD CheckList (PCL). Each Veteran plays a ten-round variant of the iterated Trust Game. Each round involves exchange between the Veteran (or “investor”) who is endowed $20 each round, and a “trustee”, in whom the investor may entrust any portion of the $20. The investment is tripled before being sent to the trustee, and the trustee may return any proportion. Trust is operationalized as investment, and social responsiveness is operationalized as the ability of the trustee’s changes in response to the investor—“trustee reciprocity”—to predict changes in the investor’s next round investment.
We investigate the two potential mechanisms in the cross-sectional dataset. To determine the relationship between trust and PTSS, we regress investment onto PCL. To investigate the relationship between social responsiveness and PTSS, we regress round change in investment onto the interaction of PCL and trustee reciprocity. We next investigate the impact of treatment in the residential treatment dataset. To determine the impact of PTSS improvement on trust, we regress change in investment onto PCL score change (posttreatment–pretreatment). To determine the impact of treatment-related change on social responsiveness, we regress round change in investment onto the interaction of change in PCL (posttreatment–pretreatment), visit, and trustee reciprocity.
In the cross-sectional dataset, higher PTSS correlates with decrease in trust, operationalized as investment (β1 = −0.002, p = 0.003, n = 153). Increase in trustee reciprocity correlates with increase in round change in investment (β1 = −0.25, p < 0.001, n = 153), indicating Veterans were socially responsive. There was no PTSS-related variation in social responsive- ness (0 < β3 < 0.001,p = 0.5,n = 153). In the residential treatment dataset, less PTSS improvement correlated with decrease in trust after treatment (β1 = −0.006, p = 0.015, n = 36). Veterans were socially responsive (β1 = 0.39,p < 0.001,n = 36), with a decrease in responsiveness at posttreatment (β5 = −0.29,p = 0.001, n = 36) and a greater decrease posttreatment in those with less improvement in PTSS (β7 = −0.01, p = 0.02, n = 36).
In the cross-sectional dataset, trust decreased with higher PTSS, while social responsiveness did not change with PTSS severity. This suggests that Veterans with more severe PTSS show deficits in trust, but not social responsiveness, and supports deficit trust as a mechanism for the social dysfunction observed in Veterans with PTSD. In the residential treatment dataset, both trust and social responsiveness decreased with less improvement in PTSS after treatment. This suggests that Veterans whose PTSS do not improve with treatment experience further decline in mechanisms of social functioning after discharge. In the absence of a control group, it is hard to determine whether this decline is due to symptom-related order effect, or unsuccessful treatment itself.
These findings suggest decreased trust, but not social responsiveness, is a mechanism of social dysfunction observed in PTSD. Further investigation into mechanisms of social dysfunction and treatment-related change in Veterans with PTSD, the iatrogenic effects described, and the way these effects can be minimized is also necessary. These findings lend support to treatments that directly target social dysfunction in the context of treatment-resistant post- traumatic stress disorder. / National Institute of Health, 1I01RX000120, NIH-I01 2009-2010, 2013-2014, NIH-I01 2018-2019
National Institute of Health, 5I01RX002354, NIH-I01 2018-2019, 2020-2021 / Master of Science
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”Jag kan känna mig utmattad imorgon” : En enkätundersökning om prokrastinering i relation till självskattade symtom på utmattning / ”I can feel exhausted tomorrow" : A questionnaire survey on procrastination in relation to self-reported exhaustion symptomsStenberg, Frida, Wiklund, Cristel January 2024 (has links)
De flesta människor skjuter ibland fram saker som borde göras. Att prokrastinera är att medvetet fördröja något som var planerat, med vetskap om negativa påföljder. Tidigare forskning vittnar om olika definitioner av begreppet, där fokus varierar från att betrakta prokrastinering som ett enhetligt fenomen till att handla om olika aspekter av beteendet. Många faktorer relaterar till prokrastinering, däribland hälsa och stress. Stress är en normal respons som framkallar agerande, däremot kan långvarig stress leda till utmattningsrelaterade symtom och många vuxna svenskar uppger att stress påverkar deras psykiska hälsa. Eftersom det redan finns samband mellan prokrastinering och stress var undersökningens syfte att utröna huruvida det finns ett samband mellan prokrastinering och självskattade utmattningsrelaterade symtom, samt undersöka eventuella skillnader mellan åldersgrupper. I enkätundersökningen deltog 112 personer mellan 22–72 år (M= 35.54; SD=10.37) varav 76 kvinnor, 35 män och en identifierade sig som annat. Utifrån medelvärdet delades deltagarna in i åldersgrupper. Data samlades in under två veckor utifrån frågor baserade på två validerade självskattningsskalor. Resultatet visade ett signifikant samband mellan prokrastinering och utmattningsrelaterade symtom, däremot kunde inga signifikanta skillnader mellan åldersgrupperna påvisas varken för prokrastinering eller utmattningsrelaterade symtom. Utifrån kunskapsläget anser vi att undersökningen kan bidra med ökad förståelse kring prokrastinering och utmattningsrelaterade symtom. / Most people put off things that should be done at some point. To procrastinate is to deliberately delay something that was planned, knowing that it will lead to negative consequences. Thus, previous research highlights different definitions and approaches to the phenomenon, where the focal point varies from considering procrastination as a uniform phenomenon to treating different aspects of the behavior. Many factors relate to procrastination, including health and stress. Stress in humans is a normal response that causes us to act in different contexts. However, prolonged stress can lead to various exhaustion symptoms, and many Swedish adults report that stress affects their mental health. A questionnaire survey was conducted with 112 participants aged 22–72 years (M= 35.54; SD=10.37), including 76 women, 35 men and one identified as other. Data was collected over two weeks using questions based on two validated self-report scales. Pearson's correlation coefficient was estimated, and two independent t-tests were performed. The results showed a significant association between procrastination and exhaustion symptoms. However, no significant differences between the age groups could be detected for either procrastination or exhaustion-related symptoms. Based on the state of knowledge, we believe that the study can contribute to a better understanding of procrastination and exhaustion symptoms.
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Adaptation cardiovasculaire de l'astronaute : en confinement et en microgravité réelle et simulée / Astronaut's cardiovascular adaptation : in confinement, and in real and simulated microgravityProvost, Romain 02 October 2015 (has links)
Le présent travail de Doctorat porte sur l’adaptation et le déconditionnement cardiovasculaire chez l’astronaute en microgravité réelle prolongée, en microgravité simulée de courte durée (avec et sans contremesures par hypergravité), et en confinement de longue durée. Afin de répondre à cette thématique, 3 études expérimentales sur l’humain ont été réalisées, et de fait, ce présent travail de Doctorat se divise en 3 parties distinctes. La première est la mission « Mars 500 » qui comprend un confinement de 520 jours de 6 sujets-volontaires. La seconde est le projet « Vessel Imaging » qui comprend un vol spatial respectif de 6 mois à bord de la « Station Spatiale Internationale (ISS) » de 10 sujets-astronautes. La troisième est l’étude «Short Time Bed-Rest (STBR)» (12 sujets) qui comprend une courte période de microgravité simulée par alitement prolongé à -6° (5 jours) avec et sans l’utilisation de deux contremesures cardiovasculaires par hypergravité (continue ou intermittente). / This PhD work focuses on astronaut cardiovascular adaptation and deconditioning in real prolonged microgravity, short simulated microgravity (with and without countermeasures) and long-term confinement. To answer to this topic 3 humans experimental studies have been performed, and thus the present PhD work is divided into 3 distinct parts . The first one is the mission « Mars 500 » which consists in 520-days confinement with 6 subjects-volunteers mission. The second is the project « Vessel Imaging » whitch consit in a 6-months spaceflight aboard the « International Space Station » with 10 subjects-astronauts. The third is the « Short Time Bed -Rest (STBR) » study (12 subjects) which consist in a short period of bedrest (-6°, 5 days) with and without the use of two cardiovascular countermeasures by hypergravity (continuous or intermittent).
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Subjective distress among homicidally bereaved siblings as measured by the Impact of Event Scale (IES-R): are event and loss related distress distinguishable among siblings bereaved by homicide?Slater, Stephanie S. 26 September 2016 (has links)
Trauma and grief often co-occur, however the degree to which these two constructs overlap or are distinguishable is still poorly understood. Homicidally bereaved individuals are exposed to both trauma and loss-related stressors. Previously collected data were used to explore the relationship between trauma and grief components in homicide bereavement distress, and whether homicide bereavement distress was distinguishable from that of other adverse life events. The overarching research question for this study was: Are event and loss related distress distinguishable among siblings bereaved by homicide,1 as measured on the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R)? Data from 67 individuals who lost a sibling to murder while growing up (Murder Group) were compared to data from 80 comparison individuals who grew up with a sibling (Comparison Group), but who had no experience of homicide bereavement. A cross-sectional, iterative survey design using group comparisons was used. Participants in the Murder Group reported significantly higher levels of current subjective distress compared with the Comparison Group. Among the siblings bereaved by the homicide loss of a sibling, event- and loss-related subjective distresses were highly and significantly correlated. In addition, both decreased significantly over time (years), and at similar rates. Preliminary findings from exploratory analyses of the IES-R provide insight into the avoidance, intrusion, and hyperarousal components of subjective distress following homicide loss. Findings will inform understanding of the overlap, and distinguishing features, of concurrent trauma and grief. Implications for theory and empirical research are noted, and recommendations for future research and counselling practice are discussed. / Graduate / 2017-09-13 / simpson9@uvic.ca
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Efeitos do desemprego prolongado na divisão sexual do trabalho: estudo de uma população masculina do ABC, SP / Effect of the unemployment drawn out in the sexual dwivision of the work: study of a masculine population of the ABC, São PauloJimenez, Luciene 23 August 2002 (has links)
Contextualização: Na última década, o expressivo aumento da taxa e do tempo de desemprego resultou no surgimento de grupos que há mais de um ano se encontram sem nenhum tipo de vínculo empregatício desemprego prolongado. Os homens em idade produtiva e de baixa e média escolaridade; têm sido particularmente atingidos. Referencial Teórico: Os discursos normativos referentes à masculinidade e à feminilidade mantêm estreita relação com os lugares construídos para o homem, no mundo da produção; e para a mulher, no universo doméstico. As recentes mudanças nas formas de trabalho possivelmente estão promovendo aberturas para o surgimento de construções discursivas mais pluralizadas. Assim, a linguagem assume relevância enquanto uma instância possível de construção e transformação dos sentidos, em que estão implicados tanto os eventos sociais como os diferentes sujeitos. Objetivos: Investigar o lugar ocupado pelo trabalho e pela divisão sexual do trabalho nas subjetividades de homens atingidos pelo desemprego de longa duração. Método: Entrevistas semi-estruturadas e individuais, com quinze homens casados e desempregados há mais de um ano, residentes nos municípios de Diadema (SP) e São Bernardo do Campo (SP). Procedeu-se à Análise do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Considerações: Os homens entrevistados conhecem e realizam várias formas de trabalho; contudo apresentam como referencial de vida o trabalho assalariado emprego. Quanto à divisão sexual do trabalho, foram encontrados discursos que atribuem papéis diferenciados ao homem e à mulher, justificando-os a partir das características biológicas. Porém, foram identificados outros discursos que revelam um processo de transformação: a mulher realizando trabalhos com conteúdos masculinos e sustentando a família e os homens exercendo o cuidado dos filhos como exercício da paternidade. / Contextualization: In the past decade the marked increase in rate and length of unemployment led to emergence of groups that have had no type of employment relationship for over one year, that is, prolonged unemployment. Men at working age, with low and medium schooling levels, have been the most affected individuals. Theoretical Reference: The normative discourse regarding masculinity and femininity keep close relation with spaces built for men - the production world, and for women - the domestic universe. The recent changes in labor relations are possibly promoting space for emergence of more pluralized discursive constructions. Therefore, language assumes importance as an eventual dimension for establishing and transforming meanings, in which both social events and different subjects are involved. Objectives: To investigate the place occupied by work and by sexual division of labor in male subjectivities affected by long-lasting unemployment. Method: Individual, semi-structured interviews with 15 men, married, unemployed for over one year, and residing in the cities of Diadema and São Bernardo do Campo (SP). A collective discourse analysis was performed. Considerations: The males interviewed know and perform several types of work; however their life reference is waged work - employment. As to sexual division of labor, there were discourses attributing different roles to man and woman based on biological characteristics. Nevertheless, other discourses were identified showing a transformation process: women performing jobs with male features and earning the living for the family, and men taking care of children as a paternity exercise.
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Women's perceptions and experiences of post-operative physiotherapy management at an Obstetric Fistula Center in Eldoret, KenyaMuia, Catherine Mwikali January 2017 (has links)
Masters of Science - Msc (Physiotherapy) / Post-operative physiotherapy plays a vital role in the management of patients with
incontinence in order to optimise the outcome of obstetric fistula surgery. Women who
suffer residual urinary incontinence continue to experience shame, social isolation and
institutional rejection. Incontinence continues to impair them leading to lower levels of role
participation and restriction in most activities. Gynocare Fistula Center, Eldoret, receives a
number of referrals for women with obstetric fistula requiring surgical and physiotherapy
care. Many studies have focused on the determinants of surgical outcomes and social reintegration
but none have focused on woman's perceptions and experiences with postoperative
physiotherapy. While continence is not always achieved immediately after
surgery, this study was designed to explore women's perceptions and experience of postoperative
physiotherapy management at an obstetric fistula center in Eldoret,Kenya.
Participants were then asked about their experiences and related perceptions and perceived
challenges regarding the physiotherapy service following discharge from the Center. An
explorative qualitative method was used to explore the women's perceptions and
experiences of the post-operative physiotherapy management, as well as their perceived
challenges regarding access to physiotherapy post discharge.
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