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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeitos do desemprego prolongado na divisão sexual do trabalho: estudo de uma população masculina do ABC, SP / Effect of the unemployment drawn out in the sexual dwivision of the work: study of a masculine population of the ABC, São Paulo

Luciene Jimenez 23 August 2002 (has links)
Contextualização: Na última década, o expressivo aumento da taxa e do tempo de desemprego resultou no surgimento de grupos que há mais de um ano se encontram sem nenhum tipo de vínculo empregatício — desemprego prolongado. Os homens em idade produtiva e de baixa e média escolaridade; têm sido particularmente atingidos. Referencial Teórico: Os discursos normativos referentes à masculinidade e à feminilidade mantêm estreita relação com os lugares construídos para o homem, no mundo da produção; e para a mulher, no universo doméstico. As recentes mudanças nas formas de trabalho possivelmente estão promovendo aberturas para o surgimento de construções discursivas mais pluralizadas. Assim, a linguagem assume relevância enquanto uma instância possível de construção e transformação dos sentidos, em que estão implicados tanto os eventos sociais como os diferentes sujeitos. Objetivos: Investigar o lugar ocupado pelo trabalho e pela divisão sexual do trabalho nas subjetividades de homens atingidos pelo desemprego de longa duração. Método: Entrevistas semi-estruturadas e individuais, com quinze homens casados e desempregados há mais de um ano, residentes nos municípios de Diadema (SP) e São Bernardo do Campo (SP). Procedeu-se à Análise do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Considerações: Os homens entrevistados conhecem e realizam várias formas de trabalho; contudo apresentam como referencial de vida o trabalho assalariado — emprego. Quanto à divisão sexual do trabalho, foram encontrados discursos que atribuem papéis diferenciados ao homem e à mulher, justificando-os a partir das características biológicas. Porém, foram identificados outros discursos que revelam um processo de transformação: a mulher realizando trabalhos com conteúdos masculinos e sustentando a família e os homens exercendo o cuidado dos filhos como exercício da paternidade. / Contextualization: In the past decade the marked increase in rate and length of unemployment led to emergence of groups that have had no type of employment relationship for over one year, that is, prolonged unemployment. Men at working age, with low and medium schooling levels, have been the most affected individuals. Theoretical Reference: The normative discourse regarding masculinity and femininity keep close relation with spaces built for men - the production world, and for women - the domestic universe. The recent changes in labor relations are possibly promoting space for emergence of more pluralized discursive constructions. Therefore, language assumes importance as an eventual dimension for establishing and transforming meanings, in which both social events and different subjects are involved. Objectives: To investigate the place occupied by work and by sexual division of labor in male subjectivities affected by long-lasting unemployment. Method: Individual, semi-structured interviews with 15 men, married, unemployed for over one year, and residing in the cities of Diadema and São Bernardo do Campo (SP). A collective discourse analysis was performed. Considerations: The males interviewed know and perform several types of work; however their life reference is waged work - employment. As to sexual division of labor, there were discourses attributing different roles to man and woman based on biological characteristics. Nevertheless, other discourses were identified showing a transformation process: women performing jobs with male features and earning the living for the family, and men taking care of children as a paternity exercise.

Uso prolongado da voz em professoras universitárias: uma questão de saúde do trabalhador / Uso prolongado da voz em professoras universitárias: uma questão de saúde do trabalhador

Alves, Liliana Amorim 22 December 2011 (has links)
Professores possuem predisposição a desenvolver alterações vocais em relação aos demais trabalhadores que utilizam a voz como instrumento de trabalho. Em geral, eles não apresentam preparo para utilizar a voz, o que pode acarretar o aparecimento de patologias associadas ao uso vocal prolongado e excessivo. O uso prolongado da voz, de modo inadequado, pode acarretar distúrbios da voz relacionados ao trabalho. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar o uso prolongado da voz em professoras universitárias em situações de repouso, 30 minutos, 60 minutos e 90 minutos e comparar a intensidade vocal, a análise acústica e a análise perceptivo-auditiva da voz. Trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa, com análise comparativa dos dados de delineamento transversal, descritivo. Participaram do estudo 17 docentes, do sexo feminino com idade mínima de 31 anos e máxima de 47 anos pertencentes a uma Instituição de Ensino Superior. Todos os participantes foram submetidos a captura da intensidade vocal habitual, mínima e máxima e gravação da emissão da vogal /a/ prolongada; também, realizaram a leitura de um texto padronizado de higiene vocal para posterior extração dos parâmetros perceptivo-auditivos e acústicos. Os registros foram capturados nas situações de repouso, 30, 60 e 90 minutos da prova de uso prolongado da voz, que foi realizada no tempo máximo de uma hora e meia. A análise acústica revelou elevação nas medidas de frequência fundamental (p= 0,01) e proporção harmônico ruído (p= 0,05). A análise perceptivo-auditiva da GIRBAS entre os experts fonoaudiólogos revelou concordância e disconcordância estatística durante as situações de uso prolongado da voz. Foram concordantes nas situações de repouso (instabilidade, rugosidade, soprosidade, astenia e tensão) e o parâmetro vocal loudness; 30 minutos (todos os parâmetros foram concordantes) 60 minutos (rugosidade, soprosidade, astenia e tensão); 90 minutos (soprosidade, astênia e tensão) e nos parâmetros vocais loudness e pitch. E os discordantes nas situações de repouso (Grau Geral) e o parâmetro vocal loudness, 60 minutos (Grau Geral e instabilidade), 90 minutos (Grau Geral, instabilidade e rugosidade). As medidas de extensão vocal e intensidade vocal habitual, mínima e máxima também não revelaram alterações significativas após o uso prolongado da voz. Deste modo, concluiu-se que o uso prolongado da voz em professoras universitárias não promoveu alterações significativas quanto a intensidade vocal e extensão dinâmica, havendo redução dos parâmetros perceptivo-auditivos ao longo do uso da voz. Entretanto, a análise acústica apresentou elevação dos parâmetros frequência fundamental e proporção harmônico ruído. / Teachers have a propensity to develop vocal changes when compared to other professionals who use their voice as a work tool. In general, they tend to exhibit no skills to use their voice professionally, which may trigger pathologies related to prolonged or excessive use. Prolonged, inadequate use may give rise to job-related disorders. The objective of the present study was to analyze prolonged use of voice among university professors under resting conditions at 30, 60, and 90 minutes and then compare voice pitch, acoustic analysis, and auditory-perceptive analysis of voice. It is a quantitative study that involved cross-sectional, descriptive analysis of comparative data. Seventeen female faculties aged 31 at least and 47 at most participated in the study. All subjects underwent habitual speech intensity- minimum and maximum- capture test and a test involving uttering the long vowel /ä/. They also read a standard text on vocal hygiene so that acoustic and auditory-perceptive parameters could be elicited later. Registers were captured under resting conditions at 30, 60, and 90 minutes of the test of prolonged use of voice, which was carried out within a maximum time frame of one and a half hours. Acoustic analysis revealed increased measures in fundamental frequency (p=o,o1) and harmoniousness/loudness ratio (p= 0,05). GIRBAS auditory-perceptive analysis among speech pathologists revealed statistical agreement and disagreement. Under resting conditions, instability, breathiness, vocal weakness, and strain, and the parameter loudness; at 30 minutes all parameters were concurrent; at 60 minutes roughness, breathiness, vocal weakness, and strain; at 90 minutes breathiness, vocal weakness, and strain and the parameters loudness and pitch were concurrent; however, under resting conditions, general level and the parameter loudness; at 60 minutes, general level and instability; at 90 minutes, general level, instability, and roughness were not concurrent. Vocal range and habitual vocal intensity measures, minimum and maximum, did not reveal significant changes after prolonged use of voice. Therefore, one may conclude that the prolonged use of voice among professors did not promote significant changes to their vocal range and vocal dynamics, with a decrease in auditory-perceptive parameters as the voice was being used. Nevertheless, acoustic analysis did reveal increased fundamental frequency and increased harmoniousness/loudness ratio.

Långvarig sjukdom förändrar den levda kroppens tanke : Hur sjuksköterskan kan identifiera och förebygga depression hos människor som behandlas med dialys / Prolonged illness changes the mind of the lived body : How the nurse can identify and prevent depression for people with dialysis treatment

Larsson, Stefan, Östberg, Anna January 2009 (has links)
<p>Psykisk ohälsa ökar i samhället, 20 % av Sveriges befolkning riskerar att någon gång i livet drabbas av depression. 600 personer varje år drabbas av kronisk njursvikt vilket innebär att dialysbehandling kan bli aktuellt. Att leva med en livslång sjukdom, som det innebär när man behandlas med dialys, och samtidigt drabbas av psykisk ohälsa innebär ett stort lidande för den enskilda individen. Genom att sjuksköterskan bemöter patienterna med empati och medmänsklighet så skapar denne goda förutsättningar för att relationen ska präglas av tillit och ärlighet. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa hur sjuksköterskan kan identifiera och förebygga depression hos människor som behandlas med dialys. Resultatet visar att depression är vanligt förekommande bland dialyspatienter. Depression hos dessa människor kan leda till sömnproblem, nutritionsproblem, känsla av förlust och social isolering. Identifiering av depression kan ske genom användning av bedömningsformulär, detta kan även användas som en åtgärd för att förebygga depression. Mer kvalitativ forskning inom ämnet hade varit ett bra sätt för att öka förståelsen för denna patientgrupps situation. Genom att öka kunskapen ökar också förståelsen för depression och vad det innebär att leva med en livslång sjukdom och denna komplexa situation.</p> / <p>Mental illness is increasing in society, 20% of Sweden's population is at risk to suffer some from depression at some point in their lives. 600 people each year suffer from chronic kidney failure, which can lead to the need for dialysis treatment. To live with a lifelong disease and suffer from mental illness at the same time exposes the individual for a great suffering. By responding to the patients with empathy and compassion the nurse creates good conditions for the relationship, to be able to be characterized by trust and honesty. The purpose of this literature study was to elucidate how the nurse can identify and prevent depression for people treated with dialysis. The results show that depression is common among dialysis patients. For these people, depression can lead to sleeping problems, nutritional problems, feelings of loss, and social isolation. Identification of depression can be done through the use of evaluation forms; this can also be used as a measure to prevent depression. More qualitative research on the subject would be a good method to increase the understanding of the situation these patients are in. Raising awareness also increases the understanding of depression and what it means to live with a lifelong disease, and the complex situation it means.</p>

Långvarig sjukdom förändrar den levda kroppens tanke : Hur sjuksköterskan kan identifiera och förebygga depression hos människor som behandlas med dialys / Prolonged illness changes the mind of the lived body : How the nurse can identify and prevent depression for people with dialysis treatment

Larsson, Stefan, Östberg, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Psykisk ohälsa ökar i samhället, 20 % av Sveriges befolkning riskerar att någon gång i livet drabbas av depression. 600 personer varje år drabbas av kronisk njursvikt vilket innebär att dialysbehandling kan bli aktuellt. Att leva med en livslång sjukdom, som det innebär när man behandlas med dialys, och samtidigt drabbas av psykisk ohälsa innebär ett stort lidande för den enskilda individen. Genom att sjuksköterskan bemöter patienterna med empati och medmänsklighet så skapar denne goda förutsättningar för att relationen ska präglas av tillit och ärlighet. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa hur sjuksköterskan kan identifiera och förebygga depression hos människor som behandlas med dialys. Resultatet visar att depression är vanligt förekommande bland dialyspatienter. Depression hos dessa människor kan leda till sömnproblem, nutritionsproblem, känsla av förlust och social isolering. Identifiering av depression kan ske genom användning av bedömningsformulär, detta kan även användas som en åtgärd för att förebygga depression. Mer kvalitativ forskning inom ämnet hade varit ett bra sätt för att öka förståelsen för denna patientgrupps situation. Genom att öka kunskapen ökar också förståelsen för depression och vad det innebär att leva med en livslång sjukdom och denna komplexa situation. / Mental illness is increasing in society, 20% of Sweden's population is at risk to suffer some from depression at some point in their lives. 600 people each year suffer from chronic kidney failure, which can lead to the need for dialysis treatment. To live with a lifelong disease and suffer from mental illness at the same time exposes the individual for a great suffering. By responding to the patients with empathy and compassion the nurse creates good conditions for the relationship, to be able to be characterized by trust and honesty. The purpose of this literature study was to elucidate how the nurse can identify and prevent depression for people treated with dialysis. The results show that depression is common among dialysis patients. For these people, depression can lead to sleeping problems, nutritional problems, feelings of loss, and social isolation. Identification of depression can be done through the use of evaluation forms; this can also be used as a measure to prevent depression. More qualitative research on the subject would be a good method to increase the understanding of the situation these patients are in. Raising awareness also increases the understanding of depression and what it means to live with a lifelong disease, and the complex situation it means.

Fluid ingestion, affective states and perceived exertion during prolonged exercise

Backhouse, Susan Helen January 2004 (has links)
The impact of nutritional intervention on affective states has largely been ignored in the exercise-affect literature. For decades the impact of such interventions on perceptions of exertion has been well documented. However, Hardy and Rejeski (1989) assert that `what' a person feels, as measured by the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) scale, may be very different from `how' they feel, and that on its own the RPE provides limited information about the subjective experiences of individuals during exercise. This thesis describes a series of studies that assess the influence of various fluid ingestion regimes on both `how' and `what' a person feels. Seven studies were undertaken, incorporating a variety of exercise modes, including prolonged running (Study 1,3 & 7), prolonged cycling (Study 2& 4) and prolonged intermittent, high intensity exercise (Study 5,6 & 7). The relationship between fluid ingestion during exercise and affective states during and following exercise proved to be a complex one. The initial investigation (Study 1) showed that the ingestion of water during prolonged running resulted in an overall improvement in valence during the recovery period. A significant increase in activation was also noted in the water trial only, from pre to post exercise. Furthermore, subjective ratings of energy post-exercise were higher in the water trial, compared to the no water trial. In study 2 the beneficial effects observed in study 1 were not so apparent. In this instance the only significant change of interest was in energetic arousal, which was found to be higher 5 min post exercise in the water trial compared to the no water trial. When the ingestion of a CHO solution during exercise was compared to a placebo or flavoured water solution (Studies 3-7) the findings also varied. However, the observation of an enhanced affective profile following CHO ingestion in Study 4 and Study 5 highlights the importance of considering nutritional status and intervention when investigating the exercise-affect relationship. These studies have highlighted some important aspects in our understanding of the exercise-affect relationship alone. Firstly, a robust finding across all the studies was the observation of an almost uniformly positive shift in valence from the final within-exercise assessment to the post exercise assessments. Thus emphasising the dynamic nature of affect and the importance of repeated within exercise assessments. Secondly, moderate intensity exercise of a fixed duration was marked by highly variable inter-individual differences in the response of participants to the valence and activation dimensions. However, exercise to fatigue elicited a homogenous valence response as participants came closer to reaching their exercise capacity.

Uso prolongado da voz em professoras universitárias: uma questão de saúde do trabalhador / Uso prolongado da voz em professoras universitárias: uma questão de saúde do trabalhador

Liliana Amorim Alves 22 December 2011 (has links)
Professores possuem predisposição a desenvolver alterações vocais em relação aos demais trabalhadores que utilizam a voz como instrumento de trabalho. Em geral, eles não apresentam preparo para utilizar a voz, o que pode acarretar o aparecimento de patologias associadas ao uso vocal prolongado e excessivo. O uso prolongado da voz, de modo inadequado, pode acarretar distúrbios da voz relacionados ao trabalho. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar o uso prolongado da voz em professoras universitárias em situações de repouso, 30 minutos, 60 minutos e 90 minutos e comparar a intensidade vocal, a análise acústica e a análise perceptivo-auditiva da voz. Trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa, com análise comparativa dos dados de delineamento transversal, descritivo. Participaram do estudo 17 docentes, do sexo feminino com idade mínima de 31 anos e máxima de 47 anos pertencentes a uma Instituição de Ensino Superior. Todos os participantes foram submetidos a captura da intensidade vocal habitual, mínima e máxima e gravação da emissão da vogal /a/ prolongada; também, realizaram a leitura de um texto padronizado de higiene vocal para posterior extração dos parâmetros perceptivo-auditivos e acústicos. Os registros foram capturados nas situações de repouso, 30, 60 e 90 minutos da prova de uso prolongado da voz, que foi realizada no tempo máximo de uma hora e meia. A análise acústica revelou elevação nas medidas de frequência fundamental (p= 0,01) e proporção harmônico ruído (p= 0,05). A análise perceptivo-auditiva da GIRBAS entre os experts fonoaudiólogos revelou concordância e disconcordância estatística durante as situações de uso prolongado da voz. Foram concordantes nas situações de repouso (instabilidade, rugosidade, soprosidade, astenia e tensão) e o parâmetro vocal loudness; 30 minutos (todos os parâmetros foram concordantes) 60 minutos (rugosidade, soprosidade, astenia e tensão); 90 minutos (soprosidade, astênia e tensão) e nos parâmetros vocais loudness e pitch. E os discordantes nas situações de repouso (Grau Geral) e o parâmetro vocal loudness, 60 minutos (Grau Geral e instabilidade), 90 minutos (Grau Geral, instabilidade e rugosidade). As medidas de extensão vocal e intensidade vocal habitual, mínima e máxima também não revelaram alterações significativas após o uso prolongado da voz. Deste modo, concluiu-se que o uso prolongado da voz em professoras universitárias não promoveu alterações significativas quanto a intensidade vocal e extensão dinâmica, havendo redução dos parâmetros perceptivo-auditivos ao longo do uso da voz. Entretanto, a análise acústica apresentou elevação dos parâmetros frequência fundamental e proporção harmônico ruído. / Teachers have a propensity to develop vocal changes when compared to other professionals who use their voice as a work tool. In general, they tend to exhibit no skills to use their voice professionally, which may trigger pathologies related to prolonged or excessive use. Prolonged, inadequate use may give rise to job-related disorders. The objective of the present study was to analyze prolonged use of voice among university professors under resting conditions at 30, 60, and 90 minutes and then compare voice pitch, acoustic analysis, and auditory-perceptive analysis of voice. It is a quantitative study that involved cross-sectional, descriptive analysis of comparative data. Seventeen female faculties aged 31 at least and 47 at most participated in the study. All subjects underwent habitual speech intensity- minimum and maximum- capture test and a test involving uttering the long vowel /ä/. They also read a standard text on vocal hygiene so that acoustic and auditory-perceptive parameters could be elicited later. Registers were captured under resting conditions at 30, 60, and 90 minutes of the test of prolonged use of voice, which was carried out within a maximum time frame of one and a half hours. Acoustic analysis revealed increased measures in fundamental frequency (p=o,o1) and harmoniousness/loudness ratio (p= 0,05). GIRBAS auditory-perceptive analysis among speech pathologists revealed statistical agreement and disagreement. Under resting conditions, instability, breathiness, vocal weakness, and strain, and the parameter loudness; at 30 minutes all parameters were concurrent; at 60 minutes roughness, breathiness, vocal weakness, and strain; at 90 minutes breathiness, vocal weakness, and strain and the parameters loudness and pitch were concurrent; however, under resting conditions, general level and the parameter loudness; at 60 minutes, general level and instability; at 90 minutes, general level, instability, and roughness were not concurrent. Vocal range and habitual vocal intensity measures, minimum and maximum, did not reveal significant changes after prolonged use of voice. Therefore, one may conclude that the prolonged use of voice among professors did not promote significant changes to their vocal range and vocal dynamics, with a decrease in auditory-perceptive parameters as the voice was being used. Nevertheless, acoustic analysis did reveal increased fundamental frequency and increased harmoniousness/loudness ratio.

Ausência prolongada dos alunos da EJA semipresencial: um desafio à gestão

Sousa, Roselda Aparecida de 10 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2018-02-01T17:10:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 roseldaaparecidadesousa.pdf: 2245588 bytes, checksum: ebd9c03ee7d7fba3ce7b9f18d38e927f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-03-21T14:14:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 roseldaaparecidadesousa.pdf: 2245588 bytes, checksum: ebd9c03ee7d7fba3ce7b9f18d38e927f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-21T14:14:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 roseldaaparecidadesousa.pdf: 2245588 bytes, checksum: ebd9c03ee7d7fba3ce7b9f18d38e927f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-10 / A presente dissertação é desenvolvida no âmbito do Mestrado Profissional em Gestão e Avaliação da Educação (PPGP) do Centro de Políticas Públicas e Avaliação da Educação da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (CAEd/UFJF). O caso de gestão diz respeito à ausência prolongada dos alunos matriculados no Ensino Médio, na modalidade Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA), semipresencial, oferecida pelo Centro Estadual de Educação Continuada, CESEC “Júlio Martins Ferreira”, da rede estadual de Minas Gerais, município de Unaí. A pesquisa traz a seguinte questão norteadora: Quais são os desafios colocados à equipe gestora no que se refere à ausência prolongada de alunos do Ensino Médio matriculados no CESEC “Júlio Martins Ferreira” no período de 2014-2105? Sua relevância reside no fato de que é necessário conhecer as causas desse problema para propor intervenções ligadas a políticas públicas e gestão escolar a fim de resolvê-lo no quanto for possível. Os objetivos definidos para este estudo foram: descrever os desafios colocados à equipe gestora no que se refere a minimizar o problema; analisar a cultura da escola no que se refere aos aspectos de integração dos alunos à comunidade escolar e os aspectos que contribuem para a não continuidade dos mesmos e, por fim, propor medidas que visem a integração desses alunos matriculados no referido CESEC visando ampliar o índice de conclusão de curso nesse nível de ensino. Assumiu-se hipoteticamente que os motivos que levam os alunos à ausência prolongada são de cunhos social, pessoal e institucional, de maneira que, para confirmação ou refutação dessas hipóteses, foram utilizados procedimentos metodológicos de dois tipos: a pesquisa exploratória e a descritiva, considerando como técnica de levantamento e análise de dados os aspectos quantitativo e qualitativo, numa abordagem observacional e estatística. A análise documental procedeu-se tomando como fontes de informação os registros nos livros da secretaria da instituição, diários dos professores, os registros no SIMADE – Sistema Mineiro de Administração Escolar e como ampliação de instrumentos de investigação, a realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas com a gestora e equipe pedagógica, e grupos focais com os alunos e professores da instituição. Dessa forma, foi possível chegar a três pontos específicos: a) aos fatores que contribuem para a ausência prolongada dos alunos, o que acaba por ocasionar a evasão e o abandono, b) à importância da atuação da equipe gestora a fim de facilitar a integração do aluno no ambiente escolar – criação de vínculo de pertencimento e, c) à possibilidade de aplicação de medidas no campo pedagógico e administrativo da instituição com o intuito de melhorar o atendimento, a qualidade do ensino ofertado e ampliar o índice de certificação dos alunos. / The present dissertation is developed under the Professional Master in Management and Evaluation of Education (PPGP) of the Center for Public Policies and Education Evaluation of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (CAEd / UFJF). The case of management refers to the prolonged absence of students registered in Secondary Education, in the form of Youth and Adult Education (EJA), semi-presential offered by the State Continuing Education Center, CESEC "Júlio Martins Ferreira", from the State of Minas Gerais , municipality of Unaí. The research has the following guiding question: What are the challenges posed to the management team regarding the prolonged absence of high school students registered in CESEC "Júlio Martins Ferreira" in the period 2014-2105? Its relevance lies in the fact that it is necessary to know the causes of this problem to propose interventions linked to public policies and school management in order to solve it as much as possible. The objectives defined for this study were: to describe the challenges posed to the management team in minimizing the problem; to analyze the culture of the school regarding the integration aspects of the students in the school community and the aspects that contribute to their non-continuity, and, finally, to propose measures aimed at the integration of students registered in said CESEC in order to expand the index of course at this level of education. It was assumed hypothetically that the reasons that lead students to prolong absence are social, personal and institutional, so that, to confirm or refute these hypotheses, methodological procedures of two types were used: exploratory and descriptive research, considering as a technique of data collection and analysis, quantitative and qualitative aspects, in an observational and statistical approach. The documentary analysis was done taking as sources of information the records in the books of the institution's secretariat, teachers' journals, the SIMADE - Mineiro System of School Administration records and as an extension of research instruments, the conduct of semi-structured interviews with the manager and pedagogical team, and focus groups with the students and teachers of the institution. In this way, it was possible to reach three specific points: a) the factors that contribute to the students' prolonged absence, which leads to evasion and abandonment, b) the importance of the management team's performance in order to facilitate the integration of the student in the school environment - creation of a bond of belonging and, c) the possibility of applying measures in the educational and administrative field of the institution with the purpose of improving the attendance, the quality of the offered education and to increase the student certification index.

Identification of quantitative trait loci control l ing the requirement for chilling in vegetative budbreak in apple (malus x domestica borkh.)

Van Dyk, Maria Magdalena January 2008 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The domesticated apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.) has been distributed into diverse climatic conditions worldwide for commercial production of fruit. Apple trees need exposure to cold temperatures, referred to as chill unit (CU) accumulation during winter, in order for budbreak to occur promptly and uniformly after winter. In warmer production areas the application of dormancy breaking chemicals has enabled successful production of high chilling requiring apple cultivars in suboptimal environmental conditions. In the Western Cape region of South Africa it is common orchard practice to apply dormancy breaking chemicals after winter in order to stimulate vegetative growth. If this is not done prolonged dormancy symptoms (PDS) are experienced which include extended rest, less synchronised breaking of buds and reduced branching. An increasing awareness of both global warming and the negative effects associated with the use of chemical sprays (for both pest and disease resistance and growth regulation) has resulted in the need to breed cultivars better adapted to current and future environmental conditions. The breeding of new cultivars using conventional breeding methods is a time consuming process, especially in perennial tree species with a long juvenile phase such as apple. The implementation of marker-assistedbreeding (MAB) and selection (MAS) will enable the selection of favourable genotypes at a very early seedling stage. Although markers linked to genes involved in disease resistance for a variety of known apple pathogens have been identified and are already in use in breeding programs, the genetic determinants of dormancy related characteristics residing within the bud itself iii (endodormancy) are poorly understood. This hampers the genetic improvement of such characters. Although this study focused on time of initial vegetative budbreak IVB, there are various other characteristics that can be associated with dormancy, such as position and number of budbreak and budbreak duration.

The Role of Pro-Inflammatory State as Marked by C-Reactive Protein in a Translational Study of PTSD Treatment

Rothbaum, Alex Olasov 01 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Sledování mozkové aktivity v prolongované zádrži dechu u freediverů / Prolonged apnea: monitoring brain activity in freedivers

Skopalová, Pavla January 2019 (has links)
Title: Prolonged apnea: monitoring brain activity in freedivers Objectives: The aim of this study is to monitor the brain electrical activity during the prolonged apnea in freedivers. Prolonged apnea in the water and prolonged dry apnea were compared to each other and also to a resting state before the apnea, all states with the eyes closed. Brain activity was obtained from the scalp EEG and evaluated using the sLORETA program. Methods: The research was conducted in 11 healthy men at the age of 23 - 51. The data was obtained from the scalp EEG. The record was first taken at a resting state before the apneas with eyes closed, then at maximum prolonged dry apnea with eyes closed and finally at maximum prolonged apnea in the water with eyes closed. The lenghts of the prolonged apneas ranged from 2:15 minutes to 5:30 minutes in idividual probands. There were pauses of at least three minutes between each apnea as by the proband's needs. The compared pair groups were following: prolonged apnea in the water against prolonged dry apnea, prolonged apnea in the water against resting state before the apnea and finally prolonged dry apnea against resting state before the apnea, all with the eyes closed. Selected sections of EEG record without artefacts were processed by sLORETA program. In the statistical...

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