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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A critical review of the treatment of dominant firms in competition law : a comparative study

Munyai, Phumudzo S. 10 1900 (has links)
In South Africa compliance with competition law has become a major concern for firms that achieve and maintain certain levels of success and growth in the market, as their actions are often a source of complaints and litigation by rivals and competition authorities. With substantial financial penalties often levied against them for a variety of conduct deemed to constitute an abuse of their market position, dominant firms must constantly be aware of the likely impact of their business strategies and actions on both rivals and consumers. What were once thought to be normal and economically sound business practices and decisions, such as cutting prices to attract customers, have now acquired new meanings, with devastating consequences for dominant firms. So, are dominant firms under attack from competition law? In this study I aim to determine this. I track the historical development of competition law in three jurisdictions: South Africa, America, and the EU, with the aim of identifying traces, if any, of hostility towards dominant firms in the origins of competition law. I further investigate whether the formulation and enforcement of certain aspects of existing abuse of dominance provisions manifest as hostility towards dominant firms. While acknowledging the important role that competition law enforcement plays in promoting competition and enhancing consumer welfare, I conclude that significant unjustified economic and legal prejudice is suffered by dominant firms as a result of the way in which certain abuse of dominance provisions have been formulated and applied. I also offer appropriate recommendations. / Mercantile Law / LL. D.

Adressing the impact of structural fragmentation on aspects of the management and conservation of cultural heritage

Sibayi, Dumisani 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (School of Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The birth of democracy in South Africa launched a paradigm shift in the public sector aligning it with the new political ideology. To meet this objective, state organs had to be radically transformed to embrace this new political ideology so as to extend and enhance service delivery to all South Africans. The democratisation of state organs led to the transformation of public institutions both statutory and non-statutory. The urgency to transform strategic state institutions whose mandate was to provide basic and primary needs like health, housing and social services, led to the neglect of other like sport, culture, and the natural environment. The transformation of some of the latter institutions was attended to only after a couple of years after the democratisation. This led to flaws in these legislative development processes which resulted in the creation of different institutions by various laws. This was the root cause of fragmentation. The provisions of these Acts are in some areas ambiguous and contradictory. The consequences are duplications and overlaps in the implementation processes. Heritage institutions have different regulatory frameworks and management systems – regulations, policies, guidelines and procedures. Furthermore, complex internal management systems expedite fragmentation of this sector. This institutional fragmentation has enormous impact on heritage conservation and management. There is limited cooperation and collaboration between heritage institutions. This study will outline how theories, strategies and instruments from the new public management approach, can be utilised to address these challenges. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met die totstandkoming van ‘n demokratiese Suid-Afrika het in paradigma verskuiwing in die openbare sektor gevolg wat dit in lyn gebring het met die nuwe politieke ideologie. Om hierdie doelwit te bereik staats instelling moes radikaal getransformeer word om hierdie nuwe politieke ideologie te ondersteun en diens lewering na alle Suid-Afrikaners uit te brei. Die demokratisering van staatsinstellings het tot die transformasie van beide statutere en -nie statutere instellings gelei. Die noodsaak om strategiese staatsinstellings wie se mandaat dit was om basiese en primere dienste soos gesondheid, behuising en maatskaplike dienste te verskaf en transformeer, het tot die verwaarlosing van sport, kultuur en omgewingsake gelei. Dit het ‘n paar jaar geduur na demokratisering voordat die transformasie van hierdie instellings aandag gekry het. Die gevolg was ‘n gebrekkige wetgewende ontwikkelingsproses wat tot die totstandkoming van verskillende instellings in terme van verskeie wette gelei het. Hierdie is die bron van fragmentasie. Die voorskrifte van hierdie wetgewing is in sekere areas dubbelsinnig en teenstrydig. Die gevolg is duplikasie en oorvleuling in die implementeringsprosesse. Erfenis oorvleueling instellings het verskillende regulatoriese raamwerke en bestuurstelsels- regulasies, beleide, riglyne en prosedures. Verder vererger die komplekse interne bestuurstelsels fragmentasie in die sektor. Die institusionele fragmentasie het groot impak op erfenisbewaring en-bestuur. Daar is beperkte samewerking tussen erfenis instellings. Hierdie studies sal aandui hoe teoriee, strategie en instrumente van die nuwe benadering tot openbare bestuur aangewend kan word om hierdie uitdagings die hoof te bied.


林華苑 Unknown Date (has links)
國內過往對於古蹟的保存手法,造成古蹟去生命化的後果,原因除了其忽視再利用面向之經營規劃外,純粹性的觀光政策也簡化了古蹟的社會文化功能。故 「再利用」一詞,於近幾年問被各界提出與熱烈討論,試圖去轉變「古蹟」的消極功能。但事實上,現今國內古蹟保存政策法令,在支援「再利用」此概念時,仍有不足之處。《文化資產保存法》自民國七十一年公佈施行以來,歷經四次之增訂修正,對古蹟保存之發展提供改善的空間。然而對於再利用工作,始終未能有突破性的規範,導致古蹟保存工作就在體制不全的情況下,未能積極發揮其角色所蘊含的意義。緣此,本研究旨在分析自四○年代以來,國內古蹟保存政策之歷程,隨著社經環境的變遷,瞭解現階段古蹟保存政策法令與經營管理上之不足,並擬議古蹟保存再利用之整體配套策略,提供當前古蹟保存政策之參考。 首先,本研究藉由整理分析文獻資料與論述古蹟再利用之意義,進而依據時間序列,探討各階段之古蹟保存政策重點;並分別就行政、立法與社會結構面向,說明古蹟保存的當前困境。此外,藉由問卷調查方式,以釐清再利用機制應參酌的相關面向;並輔以個案調查訪談,以瞭解現行古蹟保存再利用工作之執行情形,作為研訂古蹟保存再利用策略之參考。最後,規劃古蹟保存再利用策略機制,確認古蹟保存再利用之目標,並建立再利用階段性策略,以對國內古蹟保存困境提出改善之道。 本研究結果在現況課題解決方面,建議釐清再利用之定義、建立行政資源統籌部會與修正私有古蹟委託管理相關條文規定;在問卷調查與個案研究方面,發現私有古蹟衝突有待化解、保存誘因不足、欠缺公開透明的再利用經營管理審查機制與經營管理方式欠缺監督與彈性化之問題;另於再利用機制之配套法令方面,建議應提高再利用計畫之執行位階、釐清再利用、修復工程計畫與經營管理工作三者間的關係,並且規範管理再利用收益事項。本研究參酌問卷調查結果,研擬再利用策略之執行機制,在參與主體對象上,建議古蹟所有權人、政府機關與非營利組織之投入;在推動方式方面,建議以社區總體營造、公私合作與商圈再造方式進行;於再利用階段性策略上,共分為三階段:前置基礎階段建議進行古蹟調查研究,以建立完整的歷史資料庫;第二階段強調再利用計畫與修復工程建設的平行協調;第三階段進行古蹟經營管理維護計畫,建構古蹟經營管理機制。期以上述之建議與策略機制,對國內古蹟保存工作有所助益。 關鍵字:古蹟保存政策、再利用、古蹟經營管理、文化資產保存法 / As for the historical preservation in Taiwan, we overlook the fact that preservation is to "reuse" a historical monument by management and planning, and the tourism policy only focused on "one dimension@Tourism", which simplified the social and cultural functions of historical monuments. As a result, we fail to revitalize our historical monuments. The catchphrase "reuse", in an attempt to transform the passive function of historical monuments, has been the center of attention among communities in recent years. However, the laws regulating the protection of historical monuments are not fully supportive to the concept of "reuse". "Cultural Assets Protection Law" enacted in 1982, had undergone four revisions due to the need to improve the development of historical preservation. Even so, we hardly see any breakthrough of the laws for the works of "reuse". The current legal system fails to take an active role in terms of historical preservation. Concerning this, the thesis aims to analyze the development of historical preservation policies since 1951. With the changes of social and economic environments, we need to understand the insufficient respects of policies or regulations in terms of management in the current stage, and propose a set of compatible strategies as a reference to the policies of historical preservation. At the first stage, the thesis is to compile and analyze existing documents looking for the significance of reusing historical monuments. Furthermore, in a chronological order, it studies the measures and policies of historical preservation in different stages in order to draw a picture of the difficulties that have been encountered in administrative, legislative and, social structural levels. In addition, the supplement of questionnaires is to clarify different perspectives that should be considered in terms of "reuse". Also, this study provides with individual interviews of the execution of "reuse" mechanism, to further understand the current situation and to offer reference to the policy makers. In the end, the thesis offers a framework to achieve the "reuse" mechanism and to confirm the goals of both preservation and reuse. With the establishment of reuse policies in different stages, the thesis offers a solution to improve the current difficult situations. As to the solution of existing problems, the thesis suggests that we clarify the definition of "reuse", establish a department for the administrative management, and revise the articles as well as clauses regarding private historical monuments. From the questionnaires and case studies, we find problems like the conflicts of private historical monuments, the lack of incentive for preservation, the absence of a transparent mechanism for examining reuse management, the absence of the inflexibility and the supervision over the management. As to the laws related to reuse mechanism, we suggest to raise the priority of implementing reuse projects, clarify the relationship among reuse, monument-repair projects, and administrative works, as well as regulate and manage the profits from reuse projects. Based on the result of the questionnaires to frame the implementation mechanism of the reuse strategies, we suggest participation of reuse by the owner, government and the NPOs, and community empowerment, public-private partnership and commercial region reconstruction to set into action. There are three stages on reuse strategies. First, we recommend monuments investigation and studies to establish the complete database; second, strengthening the parallel relationship of reuse projects and monument-repair projects; third, executing monument management project and construct its mechanism Based on above strategies, we believe historical preservation would benefit. Keywords : Historical Preservation Policy Reuse Historical Monument Management Cultural Assets Protection Law

La famille dans la jurisprudence du Conseil constitutionnel / Family in Conseil constitutionnel's jurisprudence

Daïmallah, Hakim 07 December 2013 (has links)
Comment le Conseil constitutionnel appréhende-t-il la famille ? Cette question conduit à s’intéresser aux relations entretenues par le droit constitutionnel et la famille, dont l’ignorance mutuelle semble acquise. Une approche positiviste du droit et analytique de la jurisprudence du Conseil montrent néanmoins que ce désintérêt réciproque n’est que de façade. La famille apparaît en effet comme une institution à la fois protégée et obligée par le droit constitutionnel : celui-ci prescrit de protéger la famille et prescrit à la famille de protéger. Le droit constitutionnel prescrit en définitive de construire la famille. La question conduit ensuite à s’intéresser à la concrétisation législative des normes constitutionnelles relatives à la famille. L’étude met ainsi en évidence les techniques contentieuses utilisées par le Conseil. Elle met aussi et surtout en évidence le fait que cette concrétisation tantôt protège, tantôt menace, la reconnaissance, le développement et l’unité de la famille. La réalisation du droit constitutionnel conduit en définitive à une construction législative de la famille. La question conduit enfin à constater que la famille consiste moins en la construction d’un objet juridique qu’en la construction juridique d’un objet. La concrétisation infra-législative des normes constitutionnelles témoigne en effet d’un pluralisme familial, qui contribue à révéler la dynamique de la construction juridique de la famille. / How does the Conseil constitutionnel apprehend the family? This question leads to study the relationship between constitutional law and family, whose mutual igorance seems acquired. A positivist and analytic approach of the jurisprudence of the Conseil constitutionnel however illustrates that this apparent mutual disinterest is not grounded. Family is an institution protected and protective according to positive constitutional law; the latter prescribes to protect the family and also prescribes to the family to protect. Constitutionnal law prescribed after all to build family. This question leads to study the legislative concretizations of the constitutional norms concerning family. This study illustrates the techniques used by the Conseil constitutional in its judicial review. The study also emphasizes the fact that this concretization protects, but also sometimes threatens, the recognition, the development and the unity of the family. The realization of the constitutional law leads after all to a legislative construction of the family. This question leads finally to observe that family consists more in the legal construction of an object than in the construction of a legal object. The concretization of constitutional norms concerning family illustrates in effect a “familial pluralism”, which contributes to reveal the dynamics of the legal construction of the family.

Datenschutz und Technikgestaltung

Pohle, Jörg 03 May 2018 (has links)
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, die historische Konstruktion des Datenschutzproblems, des Datenschutzes als seiner (abstrakten) Lösung sowie die Architektur seiner rechtlichen Implementation aufzudecken und einer kritischen Revision aus informatischer Sicht zu unterziehen, um daraus Folgerungen für die Technikgestaltung zu ziehen. Die Arbeit legt offen, welches Verständnis vom Menschen und von der Gesellschaft, von Organisationen, von der Informationstechnik und von der Informationsverarbeitung, welche informatischen, informationswissenschaftlichen, soziologischen und rechtswissenschaftlichen Konzepte, Denkschulen und Theoriegebäude und welche wissenschaftlichen und vorwissenschaftlichen Annahmen und Prämissen der Analyse des Datenschutzproblems zugrunde liegen und wie sie darüber hinaus die spezifische Lösung des Datenschutzproblems – den Datenschutz – gespeist haben. Auf der Basis einer informatisch fundierten Kritik zieht die Arbeit den Schluss, dass der Datenschutz als Lösung des durch die Industrialisierung der gesellschaftlichen Informationsverarbeitung erzeugten Datenmachtproblems neu abgeleitet werden muss, und legt dafür ein dem Stand der wissenschaftlichen Debatte entsprechendes, abstraktes – und damit jeweils noch anwendungsbereichsspezifisch zu konkretisierendes – Datenschutz-Angreifermodell, ein analytisches Raster für eine darauf aufbauende Bedrohungsanalyse sowie einen prozeduralen Operationalisierungsansatz, der die Vorgehensweise und die jeweils zu analysierenden oder zu prüfenden inhaltlichen Fragen deutlich werden lässt, vor. Abschließend zieht die Arbeit Folgerungen für die Gestaltung datenschutzfreundlicher – und dabei nicht notwendig nur datenschutzrechtskonformer – informationstechnischer Systeme. / The aim of this thesis is to uncover the historical construction of the data protection problem, of data protection as its (abstract) solution, as well as the architecture of its legal implementation, in order to critically assess this construction and to draw conclusions for the design of ICT systems. The thesis reveals which concepts of humankind and society, organizations, information technology and information processing, which informatics, information science, sociological and jurisprudential concepts, schools of thought and theories, and which scientific and pre-scientific assumptions and premises underlie the analysis of the data protection problem, and how they have influenced the specific solution of this problem. Based on a critical assessment of this construction the thesis concludes that data protection must be re-derived as a solution for the information power problem, which is generated by the industrialization of social information processing, and presents an abstract, state-of-the-art data protection attacker model, an analytical framework for a data protection impact assessment as well as a procedural operationalization approach illustrating the sequence as well as the substantive issues to be examined and addressed in this process. The thesis then draws conclusions for the design of data protection friendly—and not necessarily just legally compliant—ICT systems.

O código de defesa do consumidor e os eventos esportivos após o advento do estatuto do torcedor

Cardoso Filho, José Adriano de Souza 05 December 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:26:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose Adriano de Souza Cardoso Filho.pdf: 370370 bytes, checksum: ac287bc050be77b4f35c89f2278f5fb4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-12-05 / The theme of this dissertation is Brazilian Consumer-Protection Law and sports events since the institution of the Sports Fans Statute . Initially, the importance of sports events is considered from an historical perspective, in order to subsequently situate Sports within Brazilian Constitutional Law. In the following section, Brazilian sports scenery prior to the Sports Fans Statute is described. We examine, in particular, incidents in which consumers suffered injuries or damage, during sports events. Such facts were indication of the prevailing climate of negligence to principles relating to security and quality of the product offered to the consumer, during the period just before the establishment of the Sports Fans Statute (Law nº 10.671 on May 15th, 2003). This description introduces a general analysis of this particular legal peace, the Sports Fans Statute and its complementary character in relation to the Consumer Protection Code. Subsequently, incidents taking place at events unrelated to sports but held in sporting facilities are examined, together with the consequent application of the Consumer Protection Code. We also evaluate the necessity to bestow due importance to secondary disciplines, among which the Sports Fans Statute, in the face of Consumer Protection Code. To conclude, our final considerations are presented, summarizing arguments in favor of the compatibility between the Consumer Protection Code and the Sports Fans Statute / Trata-se de dissertação de mestrado cujo tema é O Código de Defesa do Consumidor e os eventos esportivos após o advento do Estatuto do Torcedor. Inicialmente, fizemos uma abordagem histórica acerca da importância dos eventos esportivos para, a seguir, situar o desporto no campo constitucional brasileiro. Segue abordagem histórica em que se relatou a ocorrência de fatos lesivos aos consumidores em arenas esportivas. Tais fatos denotam a desatenção a preceitos atinentes à segurança e a qualidade do produto oferecido ao consumidor, antes do advento do Estatuto do Torcedor (Lei nº 10.671 de 15 de maio de 2003). Na seqüência à referida narrativa, fizemos uma análise geral do Estatuto do Torcedor e de seu caráter complementar ao Código de Defesa do Consumidor. Posteriormente, analisamos a ocorrência de eventos não esportivos realizados em praça desportiva e a conseqüente aplicação do Código de Defesa do Consumidor. Avaliamos ainda a necessidade de conferir a devida importância às disciplinas secundárias, entre elas, o Estatuto do Torcedor, diante do Código de Defesa do Consumidor. Por fim, desenvolvemos em nossas considerações finais a correlata conclusão acerca da compatibilidade existente entre o Código de Defesa do Consumidor e o Estatuto do Torcedor

The realisation of rights in terms of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008

Scott, Tshepiso 06 1900 (has links)
The thesis examines the enforcement of consumer rights in South Africa, and is set against the backdrop of the underlying principles and theories on the enforcement of consumer protection law. It then analyses the various forms of consumer protection law enforcement mechanisms that were in place prior to the implementation of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008, and sets out why there was a need for the enactment of the Consumer Protection Act. The thesis then critically discusses the consumer protection law enforcement mechanisms introduced and/or catered for by the Consumer Protection Act. The in-depth comparative analysis against the consumer protection law enforcement dispensations in both India and the United Kingdom culminates in a critical analysis of the successes and shortcomings of consumer protection law enforcement regime in present-day South Africa; as well as recommendations (in the form of legislative amendments and practical solutions) on how the South African consumer protection enforcement framework can be improved in order to facilitate the realisation of consumer rights. / Mercantile Law / LL. D.

Reflections about the right to choose freely among products and services: a brief case study1 / Reflexiones en torno al derecho a elegir libremente entre productos y servicios: un breve análisis casuístico

Fuentes Veliz, Juan Andrés, Sánchez Velásquez, David 10 April 2018 (has links)
In Peru, the right to choose freely among products and services has not been developed in extent, right contained in the Code of Protection and Defense of the Consumer. In that order of ideas, this right is not alleged in courts to be enforced due its content is not well known. Therefore, our research has the purpose of analyzing common situations, where the right to choose freely among products and services is discussed with the objective to limiting its scope clear and evenly, which would greatly contribute to its compliance. / En el Perú, no se han desarrollado en extenso los alcances del derecho a elegir, libremente, entre productos y servicios, consagrado, actualmente, en el artículo 1º, inciso 1, literal f ) del Código de Protección y Defensa del Consumidor. En ese sentido, podemos manifestar que este derecho no se hace respetar a plenitud por parte de los consumidores, en la medida que su real contenido no es conocido. Por ende, en este breve artículo queremos pasar revista a aquellas situaciones de la vida cotidiana, en las cuales el respeto al derecho a elegir está en discusión, con el fin de que aplicando, básicamente, el método deductivo se clarifiquen los alcances del mismo, y situaciones que hoy no son pasibles de cumplimiento por parte de los proveedores, lo sean.

O estabelecimento virtual na sociedade técnica : a necessária busca de segurança jurídica nas transações comerciais /

Balan Júnior, Osvaldo. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Jorge David Barrientos-Parra / Banca: Rui Décio Martins / Banca: Jorge Luis Mialhe / Resumo: O presente trabalho buscará trazer uma profunda reflexão sobre o avanço técnico na sociedade moderna do instituto denominado estabelecimento virtual, assim como seus reflexos nas mais variadas searas. Buscar-se-á compreender este fenômeno através do estudo da técnica, tudo com base nas obras do pensador Jacques Ellul, que trilhou sobre as mais diversas áreas do conhecimento no século passado, com extremo brilhantismo, podendo, além disso, ser considerado um visionário. Mostrar-se-ão os problemas que o avanço tecnológico vem trazendo, os quais complicam o ser humano em sua vida particular, criando neuroses, fruto da adaptação deste ao mundo moderno. Para tanto e de forma mais analítica estudar-se-ão as características da técnica moderna, as quais permitem entender como se dá o desenvolvimento da técnica. Buscar-se-á compreender também o que vem a ser a informação, a principal técnica da atualidade, e as diferentes concepções sobre a sociedade contemporânea. Além disso, analisar-se-á a influência da imagem na sociedade técnica e sua predominância em relação à palavra. Necessária também se mostrou a análise do que vem a ser o comércio eletrônico, o novo modelo de realizações negociais, que se apresenta em franco crescimento. Assim, o estabelecimento virtual surge dentro deste contexto, não permitindo a criação de obstáculos, se encontrando atualmente em todo o mundo, sem enxergar as diferenças culturais e as menosprezando, trazendo uma uniformidade ao mundo, tanto pela forma de comercializar, como pelos produtos que expõe. Mas não são todas as pessoas do globo que tem acesso a este, sendo este outro grande problema apresentado pelo estabelecimento virtual: a exclusão digital. Por conseguinte, demonstrar-se-á... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The present study will try to create a profound reflexion about the technical advance in the modern society of the institute known as virtual establishment, and also its reflexes in a variety of associations. One of the objectives, is to understand this phenomenon thought the study of the technique, all based on the publications of the philosopher Jacques Ellul, who disserted about the various parts of knowledge in the last century with extreme brilliance,making him a true visionary. The problems brought by technological advances will be shown, these can complicated one's private life, generating neurosis, a product of its adaptation to the modern world. To do so in an analytical form, the characteristics of the modern technique will be studied, permitting tounderstand the development of the technique. The meaning of information, the principal technique used in the actuality, and its different conceptions in contemporaneous society will be explained, and also, the influence of image in the technical society and its predominance in relation with words will be analyzed. The analyses of what is electronic marketing, a new model of business transactions that is in fast growth should also be done. The virtual market appears inside this context, without obstacles, spreading to the entire globe, with no eyes for cultural differences, bringing uniformity to the world, not just in the way to shop but also on the products available. But not everyone has access to it, being this a big problem presented by the virtual establishment: the digital exclusion. In this work, there will be shown the necessity of development of ways to advance in the virtual technique, ways that show be the result of a critical and reflexive posture of the man, which is rarely seen now a days. This work will be based on comparison of the traditional establishment... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

O estabelecimento virtual na sociedade técnica: a necessária busca de segurança jurídica nas transações comerciais

Balan Júnior, Osvaldo [UNESP] 23 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:29:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-09-23Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:39:47Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 balanjunior_o_me_fran.pdf: 1517696 bytes, checksum: ab435b5e58869752ea0cd89ca36317b8 (MD5) / O presente trabalho buscará trazer uma profunda reflexão sobre o avanço técnico na sociedade moderna do instituto denominado estabelecimento virtual, assim como seus reflexos nas mais variadas searas. Buscar-se-á compreender este fenômeno através do estudo da técnica, tudo com base nas obras do pensador Jacques Ellul, que trilhou sobre as mais diversas áreas do conhecimento no século passado, com extremo brilhantismo, podendo, além disso, ser considerado um visionário. Mostrar-se-ão os problemas que o avanço tecnológico vem trazendo, os quais complicam o ser humano em sua vida particular, criando neuroses, fruto da adaptação deste ao mundo moderno. Para tanto e de forma mais analítica estudar-se-ão as características da técnica moderna, as quais permitem entender como se dá o desenvolvimento da técnica. Buscar-se-á compreender também o que vem a ser a informação, a principal técnica da atualidade, e as diferentes concepções sobre a sociedade contemporânea. Além disso, analisar-se-á a influência da imagem na sociedade técnica e sua predominância em relação à palavra. Necessária também se mostrou a análise do que vem a ser o comércio eletrônico, o novo modelo de realizações negociais, que se apresenta em franco crescimento. Assim, o estabelecimento virtual surge dentro deste contexto, não permitindo a criação de obstáculos, se encontrando atualmente em todo o mundo, sem enxergar as diferenças culturais e as menosprezando, trazendo uma uniformidade ao mundo, tanto pela forma de comercializar, como pelos produtos que expõe. Mas não são todas as pessoas do globo que tem acesso a este, sendo este outro grande problema apresentado pelo estabelecimento virtual: a exclusão digital. Por conseguinte, demonstrar-se-á... / The present study will try to create a profound reflexion about the technical advance in the modern society of the institute known as virtual establishment, and also its reflexes in a variety of associations. One of the objectives, is to understand this phenomenon thought the study of the technique, all based on the publications of the philosopher Jacques Ellul, who disserted about the various parts of knowledge in the last century with extreme brilliance,making him a true visionary. The problems brought by technological advances will be shown, these can complicated one´s private life, generating neurosis, a product of its adaptation to the modern world. To do so in an analytical form, the characteristics of the modern technique will be studied, permitting tounderstand the development of the technique. The meaning of information, the principal technique used in the actuality, and its different conceptions in contemporaneous society will be explained, and also, the influence of image in the technical society and its predominance in relation with words will be analyzed. The analyses of what is electronic marketing, a new model of business transactions that is in fast growth should also be done. The virtual market appears inside this context, without obstacles, spreading to the entire globe, with no eyes for cultural differences, bringing uniformity to the world, not just in the way to shop but also on the products available. But not everyone has access to it, being this a big problem presented by the virtual establishment: the digital exclusion. In this work, there will be shown the necessity of development of ways to advance in the virtual technique, ways that show be the result of a critical and reflexive posture of the man, which is rarely seen now a days. This work will be based on comparison of the traditional establishment... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

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