Spelling suggestions: "subject:"proverbs"" "subject:"roverbs""
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Inhoud van die spreekwoord in TswanaDierks, Friedrich Adolf Johannes 22 December 1972 (has links)
African Languages / M.A. (Bantoetale)
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Přísloví, rčení a pořekadla v různých historických obdobích / Proverbs, adages and sayings in different historical periodsZELENKOVÁ, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to approach and to outline the development of proverbs, idioms, and sayings in our territory, since their appearance in the translation of the Bible up to the present day, when they have been updated and modified. In the theoretical part we try to define the terminology on the basis of literature we have perused. The thesis also mentions the most important collectors of Czech proverbs (M. Červenka, J. Blahoslav, J. Dobrovský, F. L. Čelakovský, V. Flajšhans) and their paremiological works. The practical part presents the practical use of paremies. We have been working here with collected language material of journalistic and artistic functional texts. The thesis is supplemented by the results of the questionnaire investigation focused on the knowledge/ignorance, the understanding, and the use of these phrases in the present. In the end of this thesis there are additional attachments to some chapters (including synoptic tables with results of the survey, a demonstration of homework with phraseologisms, and the graphic representation of phraseologisms).
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Måttliga korvar är bäst : Folkliga uttryck i Astrid Lindgrens böckerHanzén, Maria January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this project is to survey the presence of folk expressions, i.e. proverbs, proverbial expressions, wellerisms and familiar expressions, in some of the realistic children’s books by Astrid Lindgren. The purpose also includes the study of the contextual and pragmatic functions of the expressions as well as how the expressions are integrated into the text by the change of the formulaic standard structure. The contextual and pragmatic function concern when, how and why the expressions are used and who the users of the expressions are. The questions at issue are:</p><p>What kind of folk expressions occur in the children’s books by Astrid Lindgren?</p><p>What contextual and pragmatic functions do the expressions have?</p><p>How are the expressions integrated into the text?</p><p>To be able to answer the questions, folk expressions were excerpted from the books with the help of close reading. The contextual and pragmatic functions of the expressions were determined by analysing the communicative context, the senders and the receivers of the expressions, the senders’ purpose in using the expressions. Furthermore, the changes in the structure of the expressions were analysed in order to determine how the expressions were integrated into the text. The result shows that the 52 folk expressions found in general are used in dialogues between adults as senders and children as receivers. The senders use the expressions mainly to comment on anything or anyone with the purpose to explain, i.e. a didactic purpose. The majority of the expressions have not changed their formulaic standard structure, and the expressions that have changed are used as allusions, paraphrases or ellipses of folk expressions.</p>
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Archaizmy w przysłowiach polskich (na wybranych przykładach) / Archaizmai lenkų kalbos patarlėse / Archaisms in Polish proverbsLenkevič, Justina 29 June 2009 (has links)
Przysłowia podobnie jak i frazeologizmy, są skarbnicą mądrości ludowej. Stanowią one obiekt badań zarówno literaturoznawców, jak i językoznawców, można je badać uwzględniając różne aspekty. Należy zaznaczyć, że archaizmy we współczesnejpolszczyźnie występują na wszystkich płaszczyznach.
Zetknięcie się z tak zdumiewająco ciekawym, nasyconym artystycznością i zarazem potocznością, tworem językowo-literackim, jakim jest przysłowie, zachęca do głębszego zainteresowania się tego typu konstrukcjami nie tylko z punktu widzenia językowego, literackiego, ale również historycznego.
Celem niniejszej pracy jest próba zanalizowania archaizmów, które zachowały się w przysłowiach polskich do dziś. Materiał badawczy stanowi ponad dwieście przysłów polskich, jednakże nie wszystkie zostały wykorzystane w niniejszej pracy.
Słownik frazeologiczny języka polskiego pod redakcją St. Skorupki jest podstawowym źródłem materiałowym.
Praca magisterska składa się z 3 rozdziałów.
Rozdział I przybliża pojęcie gatunku literacko-językowego, jakim jest przysłowie, a także zawiera krótki zarys poświęcony dziejom przysłów polskich.
Rozdział II składa się z sześciu podrozdziałów. Zostaną tu omówione takie pojęcia, jak archaizm, archaizacja oraz opisane następujące grupy archaizmów: archaizmy rzeczowe i leksykalne, archaizmy fleksyjne, słowotwórcze, semantyczne, fonetyczne, frazeologiczne i składniowe.
W Rozdziale III na podstawie zebranego materiału badawczego zostaną poddane analizie różne typy archaizmów... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Justina Lenkevič. Archaizmai lenkų kalbos patarlėse: lenkų filologijos magistro studijų baigiamasis darbas / mokslinis vadovas doc. dr. B. Dvilevič, Vilniaus Pedagoginis Universitetas, Filologijos fakultetas, Lenkų filologijos ir didaktikos katedra. – Vilnius, 2009 – p. 54.
Patarlėse atsispindi visos tautos praeitis, glūdi visos tautos išmintis, kuri per amžių amžius buvo perteikiama iš lūpų į lūpas.
Šio darbo tikslas, tai bandymas išanalizuoti archaizmus, kurie išliko lenkiškuose patarlėse iki šių dienų. Darbe neanalizuojama visų patarlių, kuriuose išliko archaizmai. Tai yra atranka, kuri turėjo parodyti archaizmų funkcionavimą ir išlikimą patarlėse. Pagrindinis šaltinis iš kurio buvo atrinkta medžiaga tyrimo, tai Lenkų kalbos frazeologinis žodynas (Słownik frazeologiczny języka polskiego, pod red. S. Skorupki). Prie to prisidėjo taip pat ir kiti šaltiniai.
Magistro darbas susideda iš trijų dalių.
Pirmoje dalyje pateikiama trumpa patarlių istorijos apžvalga.
Antroje dalyje pateikiama archaizmų tipų klasifikacija. Lenkų kalbos tyrinėtojai išskiria leksinius archaizmus, istorizmus, fleksinius archaizmus, žodžių darybos archaizmus, semantinius archaizmus, frazeologinius bei sintaksės archaizmus.
Trečioje, dalyje pateikiama išrinktų archaizmų analizė, kurie išliko lenkų kalbos patarlėse iki mūsų dienų.
Tyrimai parodė, kad iš atrinktos medžiagos daugiau išliko istorinių, leksinių, fleksinių bei semantinių archaizmų. Mažai atrinkta žodžių darybos. Atrinktuose patarlėse nerasta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Justina Lenkevich. Archaisms in Polish proverbs: Master Research project of Polish philology – supervisor docent doctor B. Dvilevich, Vilnius Pedagogical University. Polish Philology Faculty, Department of Polish Philology and Didactics, Vilnius, 2009. p. 54. The past of all nation reflects in proverbs. Wisdom of all nation, which was spread from one to another for centuries lies in proverbs. The goal of this research project is a try to analyse archaisms, which persisted in Polish proverbs till nowadays. All the proverbs with archaisms are not analysed in this research project. There is a selection, which had to show archaisms’ functions and survival in proverbs. The main sourse of research material is Polish Dictionary of Idioms. The other sourses were also used. Master research project consists of three parts. A short historical review of proverbs is given in the first part. The researchers of Polish language distinguish lexical, historical, inflectional, semantic, syntactic, phraseological and word-formational archaisms. The analysis of the chosen archaisms, which persisted in Polish proverbs till nowadays are given in the third part. Historical, lexical, inflectional and semantic archaisms were endured from the selected material. It was shown by the explorations. A few word-formational archaisms were found. Phonetic, phraseological and syntactic archaisms were not found in chosen proverbs.
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Reflexe obrazu světa mongolských nomádů ve vybraných příslovích / Reflexion of the worldview of the Mongolian nomads in selected proverbsChudá, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the Mongolian proverbs - zu'ir cecen u'g and their relation to the traditional world-view of the Mongolian nomads. Selected proverbs are translated, commented and set in the context of a nomadic life. Keywords: Proverbs Zu'ir cecen u'g World-view Mongols Nomads
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Frazeologie a její využitelnost při osvojování cizích jazyků / Phraseology and its Applicability in Foreign Languages Teaching and LearningŘíhová, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with phraseology and its intertwining with didactics of foreign languages. The practical part consists of the analysis of a contemporary situation in didactics of foreign languages, particularly the utilization of idioms. Further, the frequency of using proverbs and other set phrases in modern textbooks for teaching foreign languages (namely German and Russian) is analysed. The aim of this thesis is to suggest an effective way of including and handling idioms in modern education. KEYWORDS: phraseology, phrase, foreign language teaching, proverbs
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Quando os provérbios dão a manchete: a oralidade no texto escrito jornalístico - o caso do Jornal da Tarde / When the proverbs give the headline: orality in the written journalistic text - the case of the Jornal da TardeNobrega, Marlene Assunção de 18 February 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo pesquisar, demonstrar e analisar de que modo os aspectos da oralidade se manifestam no texto escrito jornalístico, mais precisamente em manchetes e títulos de notícias no Jornal da Tarde. Para tal proposta, buscamos verificar inicialmente o perfil do leitor de jornais e suas preferências de assuntos em uma época de informações rápidas e superficiais. Aliado a essa pesquisa, fizemos um estudo sobre a linguagem jornalística que, de forma recorrente, apresenta linguagem cotidiana vinculada aos fenômenos da língua falada e da língua escrita, que são bem explorados pelo jornal. Concentramos, assim, nosso trabalho em estudos específicos sobre a manchete e títulos de notícias que dão visibilidade às notícias veiculadas pelos jornais e têm o propósito de chamar a atenção do leitor. Selecionamos as manchetes e títulos de notícias que tiveram como base, frases proverbiais. Essas fórmulas fixas, entretanto, sofreram adaptações que chamamos de reenunciação e retextualização (détournement). Essa retextualização provoca efeito de humor, crítica ou ironia ao parodiar o provérbio original que é uma das formas de se empregar a linguagem mais distensa para chamar a atenção do leitor. Todo esse processo de pesquisa e análise baseou-se na Análise do Discurso, na Análise da Conversação, estudos sobre a linguagem jornalística e trabalhos sobre provérbios. Como os provérbios são perpetuados na memória coletiva, ao serem retextualizados evidenciam a criatividade do enunciador das manchetes e títulos de notícias que transforma o perene, o previsível no inusitado para surpreender o leitor como é o caso do Jornal da Tarde. / The aim of this paper is to research, demonstrate and analyze in which way the aspects of orality are expressed in the journalist written text, more precisely in headlines and news titles from Jornal da Tarde. For such proposal, we initially intend to verify the profile of newspaper readers and their subject preferences in a time of fast and superficial information. Within this research, a study about journalistic language has been made, which presents. The current language joined to the spoken and written language phenomena which are well explored by the newspaper. Our paper is concentrated in specific studies about the headline and news titles which give sight to the news printed by the newspaper and have the aim of calling the readers attention. The headlines and news titles, which were based on proverbial sentences, have been selected. However, these fixed formulas got adapted, which is called reenunciation and retextualization (détournement). This retextualization provokes humor, critic or ironic effect in parodying the original proverb which is a way of using the looser language to call the readers attention. All this research and analyze process was based in Discourse Analysis, Conversation Analysis, studies about journalistic language and papers about proverbs. As the proverbs are perpetuated in people memory, as soon as they are retextualized, they evidence the creativity of the headline and news titles announcer which changes the perennial, the predictable to the unexpected to surprise the reader, as seen in Jornal da Tarde.
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PROVÉRBIOS SOBRE JOVENS DA BÍBLIA E DE HOJE / Proverbs about young of the bible and to nowadaysBarros, Hébert Vieira 29 June 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-06-29 / This work has the objective to provoke a discussion about the young in the hebrem
bible and its proverbs, and from this reflection, the work criticizes its proverbs and
popular saying that we have about young in today s bible. It approaches the words
that were used to give meaning for the people that nowadays we call young on the
cultural hebrem bible. It contextualizes the words showing that the young, with the
development of the history were excluded from society. It redoes the way of the
constitution of the monarch system in Israel. Trying to show the dominant structures
that were formed by the ancients with the creation of this system. It talks about the
involvement in the perspective that this literature movement was incorporated by the
ancients to justify their own interests of social domination. It talks about the
generation conflicts that were in the hebrem culture and also today. And to finish it
approaches the proverbs about young nowadays, trying to see the dominant
structures implicit in it. It criticizes the proverbs, questioning how relations happen
forwards the freedom of the young. / Esta dissertação tem como objetivo fazer uma discussão sobre o (a) jovem na bíblia
hebraica e seus provérbios e, a partir desta reflexão, fazer uma crítica dos
provérbios e ditos populares sobre o (a) jovem na bíblia e hoje. Começa por uma
abordagem das palavras que davam significado para pessoas hoje chamadas de
jovens, na cultura bíblica hebraica. Contextualiza as palavras, percebendo que os
(as) jovens, com o desenvolvimento da história, foram sendo excluídos da
sociedade. Refaz o caminho da constituição do sistema monárquico em Israel, em
vista de perceber as estruturas de dominação que se formaram com o advento da
monarquia da parte dos anciãos. Aborda também o movimento sapiencial na
perspectiva de constatar que este movimento literário foi cooptado pelos anciãos
para justificar seus interesses próprios de dominação social. Discute, também, a
questão do conflito de gerações existente na cultura hebraica e hoje. E, por último,
faz uma abordagem dos provérbios sobre os (as) jovens hoje, percebendo as
estruturas de dominação implícitas nos mesmos. Faz uma crítica dos provérbios,
questionando como acontecem as relações em vista da libertação dos (as) jovens.
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Mischlei e Mediação Educacional: uma análise pedagógica de Provérbios de Salomão / Mischley and Educational Mediation: a pedagogical analysis of Proverbs of SalomonMiguel, Igor da Silva 05 June 2013 (has links)
A presente investigação tem por objetivo analisar a pedagogia do livro da Bíblia Hebraica conhecido por Provérbios de Salomão, que em hebraico é chamado de Mischlei. A investigação procura compreender o fenômeno da mediação educacional presente na obra valendo-se diversos autores e especialistas em literatura sapiencial bíblica, bem como de leituras diretas do texto hebraico. Para este fim, procurou-se analisar etimológica e semanticamente os termos sapienciais, bem como compreender a linguagem da sabedoria e o vocabulário utilizado pelos autores da obra. Houve uma preocupação em localizar Mischlei dentro da literatura sapiencial do Oriente Próximo e dentro da própria Bíblia Hebraica. Esta análise educacional foi feita a partir de uma reconstituição filosófica e teológica da visão de mundo de Mischlei que abrange: a dimensão religiosa, a cosmologia, a visão de ser humano, a ética e a epistemologia. Com as informações obtidas nesta reconstituição, foi possível levantar as características pedagógicas da obra como: aspectos que caracterizam sua pedagogia, sua intencionalidade formativa, objetivos educacionais e sua didática. E finalmente, foi considerada sua relevância educacional, seguida pelas considerações finais. / This investigation has the objective to analyze the pedagogy of the Hebrew Bible book called Proverbs of Salomon, whose name in Hebrew is Mischlei. The research seeks to understand the educational mediation phenomenon present in the work, drawing several authors and experts in Biblical Wisdom Literature, as direct readings of the original Hebrew text. To achieve this goal, seeks to analyze wisdom terms etymologically and semantically, as well, how to comprehend the wise language and vocabulary used by the authors of the book. There was a concern to locate Mischlei within the wisdom literature of the Near East and within the Hebrew Bible. This educational analysis was made from a reconstruction of the Mischlei philosophical and theological worldview covering: the religious dimension, the cosmology, the human being view, ethic and the epistemology. With the information obtained from this reconstruction, it was possible to raise the pedagogical features of the work as pedagogy, their formative intentionality, educational goals and its teaching art. And finally, it was considered their educational relevance, followed by concluding remarks.
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Israel's paradoxical king : the characterization of Solomon in 1 Kings 1-11, 2 Chronicles 1-9, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of SongsWisley, Lucas Glen January 2018 (has links)
This thesis explores the question of how the figure of Solomon is characterized in the Hebrew Bible. This question arises from the observation of divergent depictions of Solomon in the different books. In 1 Kings 1–11, Solomon is depicted in an ambivalent manner where his wisdom can be used positively for the benefit of all Israel and negatively through focusing on the royal court to the neglect of Israel at large. In contrast, Solomon is presented as a model king of cultic fidelity in 2 Chronicles 1–9 in spite of his failures in 1 Kings 1–11. In Proverbs, Solomon is remembered as the paragon of wisdom in Israel but is also presented in Ecclesiastes as a pessimistic king describing the limitations of his wisdom. Furthermore, Solomon is used as the picture of an ideal lover in the Song of Songs, but it is his romantic exploits that lead to him becoming an idolater turning away from YHWH. In light of these observations, the purpose of this thesis is to examine the characterization of Solomon in 1 Kings 1–11, 2 Chronicles 1–9, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs. In order to examine this, a communicative theory of interpretation that benefits from a theory of characterization from narrative-criticism will be utilized. This hermeneutical tool will help establish the integrity of individual books as acts of communication and demonstrate how characterization is a literary technique utilized by authors to depict a character to be imagined by readers. The finding of this thesis is that Solomon’s characterization is well beyond a single attribute as a wise king or even a two-fold attribute as wise king and temple builder. Instead, he is a paradoxical and ambiguous figure that integrates positive and negative features emerging both from the individual accounts and from the relation of these accounts to one another. The accounts associated with describing Solomon’s reign or those books that have a poetic association share significant themes, but these themes are reframed and re-interpreted as a part of an enduring legacy. By re-evaluating the depiction of Solomon in individual parts or wholes of books, as well as considering the unique contributions of the individual accounts in relation to one another, this thesis demonstrates that the figure of Solomon generates ever fresh elaborations.
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