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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aspects of money laundering in South African law

Van Jaarsveld, Izelde Louise 04 1900 (has links)
Money laundering involves activities which are aimed at concealing benefits that were acquired through criminal means for the purpose of making them appear legitimately acquired. Money laundering promotes criminal activities in South Africa because it allows criminals to keep the benefits that they acquired through their criminal activities. It takes place through a variety of schemes which include the use of banks. In this sense money laundering control is based on the premise that banks must be protected from providing criminals with the means to launder the benefits of their criminal activities. The Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001 (‘FICA’) in aggregate with the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (‘POCA’) form the backbone of South Africa’s anti-money laundering regime. Like its international counterparts FICA imposes onerous duties on banks seeing that they are most often used by criminals as conduits to launder the benefits of crime. In turn, POCA criminalises activities in relation to the benefits of crime and delineates civil proceedings aimed at forfeiting the benefits of crime to the state. This study identifies the idiosyncrasies of the South African anti-money laundering regime and forwards recommendations aimed at improving its structure. To this end nine issues in relation to money laundering control and banks are investigated. The investigation fundamentally reveals that money laundering control holds unforeseen consequences for banks. In particular, a bank that receives the benefits of crimes such as fraud or theft faces prosecution if it fails to heed FICA’s money laundering control duties, for example, the filing of a suspicious transaction report. However, if the bank files a suspicious transaction report, it may be sued in civil court by the customer for breach of contract. In addition, if the bank parted with the benefits of fraud or theft whilst suspecting that the account holder may not be entitled to payment thereof, it may be sued by the victim of fraud or theft who seeks to recover loss suffered at the hand of the fraudster or thief from the bank. Ultimately, this study illustrates that amendment of some of the provisions of South Africa’s anti-money laundering legislation should enable banks to manage the aforementioned and other unforeseen consequences of money laundering control whilst at the same time contribute to the South African anti-money laundering effort. / Criminal and Procedural Law / Mercantile Law / LL.D.

Strafregtelike beskerming van inligting

Nienaber, Catharina Wilhelmina 11 1900 (has links)
In hierdie proefskrif is die belangrike rol wat inligting tans en toenemend in die samelewing speel ondersoek, om te beklemtoon hoe noodsaaklik dit tans is om `n misdryf wat die wederregtelike en opsetlike verkryging van inligting strafbaar sal reël, te verorden. Die rol wat industriële spioenasie in die verband speel word uitgelig. As gevolg van die bepaalde onliggaamlike aard van inligting kan inligting nie soos liggaamlike eiendom `n persoon ontneem word nie. Inligting word gewoonlik bloot gekopieer en die oorspronklike houer van die inligting behou die inligting hoewel die dader ook die inligting verkry. Die gemeenregtelike misdaad van diefstal maak dus nie voorsiening vir die diefstal van inligting waar die inligting bloot gekopieer of gedupliseer is nie. Om te bepaal hoe hierdie bepaalde probleem in ander lande se regstelsels aangespreek word en om kennis op te doen oor hoe dit in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg aangespreek behoort te word, is die strafregtelike bepalings en selfs nie-strafregtelike bepalings in lande soos Engeland, Amerika, Kanada en Nederland ondersoek. Ten einde vas te stel welke inligting deur die strafreg beskerm behoort te word, is selfs sekere nie-strafregtelike bepalings van vermelde lande en van die Suid-Afrikaanse reg nagegaan. Insigte is verkry oor welke elemente sodanige inligting aan moet voldoen en `n definisie van beskermwaardige inligting word aanbeveel. Vir hierdie doel is `n nuwe begrip van beskermwaardige inligting geskep. Die redes waarom diefstal van inligting nie in Suid-Afrikaanse en die ander lande se regstelsels nie erken word nie, is bespreek. Die wyse waarop die gemeenregtelike misdaad van diefstal na die diefstal van onliggaamlike geld uitgebrei is, is ondersoek waarna `n aanbeveling gemaak word oor hoe die definisie van diefstal uitgebrei kan word om ook ander onliggaamlike objekte in te sluit. As gevolg van die bepaalde aard van inligting kan die gemeenregtelike definisie van diefstal nie uitgebrei word om inligting as `n objek in te sluit nie en word `n statutêre misdryf van diefstal van inligting voorgestel. / Jurisprudence / LL. D.

Determining matrimonial property rights on divorce : an appraisal of the legal regimes in Botswana

Quansah, E. K. 06 1900 (has links)
The bulk of the matrimonial property regimes operating in Botswana were inherited from the country's colonial past. Since independence there ha'> not been any realistic attempt to reform them. The thesis set out to appraisal the legal regimes governing the determination of matrimonial property on divorce to ascertain their efficacy in realising the legitimate aspiration of married couples. Comparisons were made with similar countries to determine how these have tackled problems relating to determination of matrimonial property on divorce. The study found that where there is a dispute about matrimonial property in marriages out of community, the courts have no discretion to readjust the rights of the parties. This situation adversely affect nonworking wives who spent most of their time looking after their husbands and children without being able to acquire capital assets. Recognition is not given to such domestic contribution to the welfare of the family. It was also found that the exercise of the marital power by husbands of marriages in community of property deprives wives of those marriages the right to administer the joint estate. The patriarchal nature of customary law, which governs the majority of disputes about matrimonial property, discriminates against women. Consequently, the following, inter alia, are suggested as reform measures. (a) The courts should be g1ven a wide discretionary power, circumscribed by statutory guidelines, to reallocate matrimonial property on divorce irrespective of the matrimonial property regime that governs the marriage. TI1e underlying principle should be equality of sharing but this may be departed from where the circumstances of the particular case warrant it (b) A spouse's domestic contribution towards the welfare of the family should be recognised. (c) The marital power of husbands should be abolished. (d) The provisions of the Matrimonial Causes Act should be made applicable to customary marriages. / Private Law / LL.D.

Stumbling on the essential content of a right : an insurmountable hurdle for the state?

Bernstein, David Martin 01 1900 (has links)
Section 33(1)(b) is fraught with borrowed provisions. The end-product marries German and Canadian features. The failure of the German Constitutional Courts to interpret the "essential content of a right" precipitated the adopted infant's bumpy landing in South Africa. That the sibling still lacks identity is evidenced by our Constitutional Court's evasive and superficial treatment of the clause. Section 33(1)(a) - proportionality prong enables judges to justify their neglect of Section 33(1)(b). The opinion is expressed that Section 33(1){b) demands interpretation but to date it has been shrouded in vagueness. After all without demarcating boundaries with sufficient precision and highlighting where the State may not tread the State may trespass. Alternatively the limitable nature of human rights could become a myth as Section 33(1)(b) could be transformed into an insurmountable hurdle for the State, rendering every right absolute in practice. A workable conceptual framework proposes an inverted, porous and value imbibing solution. / Law / LL.M.

The impact of solvency assessment and management on the short-term insurance industry in South Africa

Van Huyssteen, Johan 11 1900 (has links)
The financial stability of the insurers is important to fulfil its role as a risk transfer mechanism and to protect the purchasers of their products. The European Union is introducing the Solvency II to modernise the current Solvency I regime and to harmonise the different insurance legislation of the members of the European Union. Solvency II introduces an architecture consisting of three pillars, with Pillar I setting the solvency capital requirements, Pillar II the governance and risk management requirements and Pillar III the reporting requirements. The South African Regulator initiated Solvency Assessment and Management for implementation in 2016 to align the South African prudential regulatory framework to meet the Solvency II requirements for third country equivalence. The problem that this study addressed is the possible effect that the introduction of Solvency Assessment and Management may have on the sustainability of short-term insurers in South Africa. The results of a empirical component of the study indicated that small and medium short-term insurers may be negatively impacted due to the costs incurred to implement and comply with the requirements of the new regulatory framework. The effect on the South African short-term industry can be that cover is concentrated among a few large short-term insurers. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

租稅協定對我國跨國企業海外營運活動之效果分析 / The Effect of Tax Treaties on the Overseas Operations of Taiwanese Multinational Firms

黃庭欣 Unknown Date (has links)
租稅協定不僅協調各國間稅收關係並妥善劃分課稅管轄權,進而降低企業全球化經營下所面臨的租稅課徵不確定性。然而國外文獻關於租稅協定對直接投資或海外關係企業活動之成效仍有諸多爭議,且國內仍未有利用長期性個體資料來檢視租稅協定效果的研究,因此本文以 2000 年至 2013年台灣上市公司之海外關係企業的財務資料進行分析。另外,因近年各國日益重視反避稅措施與跨國間稅收的徵管合作,故本文也進一步探討利益限制條款和資訊交換的嚴謹程度對於海外關係企業營運活動之影響。 本文建構三個固定效果模型來分析不平衡追蹤資料,其中模型一分析租稅協定對於海外關係企業營運活動的影響,而模型二檢視利益限制條款是否為其中的重要因素,模型三則分析資訊交換條款的嚴格程度是否影響海外關係企業的營運規模。實證結果顯示不論是租稅協定本身、利益限制或是資訊交換皆為影響台灣上市公司海外關係企業營運活動之重要關鍵。租稅協定的生效不僅造成海外關係企業的銷售額下降,並隨著資訊交換規範越嚴格,其下降的幅度越大。最後,在細分不同產業的條件下,得歸納出租稅協定帶來的效果並不一致之結論。

Verslo ciklo poveikis bankų rizikai / Business cycles influence on banks risk management

Aukūnas, Justinas 25 June 2014 (has links)
Vykdydami savo veiklą bankai susiduria su įvairia rizika, susijusia su lūkesčiais, kad gaunama grąža kompensuos prisiimtą riziką. Bankų veiklos rizikingumą sustiprina ne tik vidinės bankų valdymo klaidos, bet taip pat ekonomikos svyravimai arba verslo ciklai. Ekonomikos augimo laikotarpiu bankai optimistiškai vertina skolininkų ateities perspektyvas ir todėl vykdo liberalią kreditų teikimo politiką. Prasidėjus ekonomikos kritimui, sulėtėjus pinigų srautams, bankų rizikingumas išauga, tai reikalauja didesnių atidėjinių, rezervų ir aukštesnio kapitalo lygio. Problemos aktualumą patvirtina ir paskutinė finansų krizė, kuri yra didžiausia nuo Didžiosios depresijos laikų. Finansų sektoriuje kilusi krizė atsiliepė „tikrajai“ ekonomikai ir sukėlė ekonominiams sunkmečiams būdingus padarinius. Todėl yra ieškoma būdų kaip tinkamai vertinant bankų riziką, laiku užkirsti kelią finansinėms krizėms, o kartu išvengti bereikalingų suvaržymų, stabdančių finansų sektoriaus ir viso ūkio plėtrą. Dėl visų minėtų priežasčių bankų rizikos problemos pastaruoju metu susilaukia daug mokslinės visuomenės, bankų priežiūros ir pačių bankų dėmesio. Darbo objektas – pasirinktų, Lietuvoje veikiančių, komercinių bankų riziką atspindintys rodikliai ir jų ryšys su verslo ciklu. Darbo tikslas – ištirti verslo ciklo poveikį bankų rizikai. Darbo tikslui pasiekti, darbe numatoma išspręsti šiuos uždavinius: • Išskirti bankų rizikos šaltinius; • Išanalizuoti kaip bankų rizika pasikeičia, kintant ekonominėms sąlygoms... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Banks in the course of their work are confronted with various risks. That’s risks are associated with the expectation, that the return will compensate the risk assumed by bank. Risk in banking activities not only strengthens the internal management of a bank error, but also economic fluctuations or business cycles. In economic growth times, banks are optimistic about the future prospects of the borrowers and therefore banks acts a liberal supply of credit policies, reducing lending standards. When economy stat’s to fall, the cash flow of money will slow, bank risk profile increases, it requires larger provisions, reserves and a higher level of capital. The work issues confirms the relevance of the last financial crisis, which is the largest since the Great Depression. The financial sector crisis effected "the real" economy and financial crisis caused the specific effects of economic recessions. So it is looking for ways of properly assessing the risk of bank, and to prevent financial crises in time, to avoid unnecessary constraints hindering the financial sector and the economy development. For all these reasons, the banks' risk problems recently attracts many scientific societies, banking supervision, and most banks focus of attention. The object of work - the selection, the commercial banks, operating in Lithuania, risk-reflective indicators and indicators link to the business cycle. The aim of work - to explore the business cycle effects of bank risk. To achieve the aim of... [to full text]

Směrnice o odpovědnosti za životní prostředí v souvislosti s prevencí a nápravou škod na životním prostředí a její provedení v právním řádu České republiky / Directive on environmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage and transposition in the Czech legal system

Jelínková, Petra January 2010 (has links)
The subject of my master thesis is the EU directive 2004/35 on environmental responsibility, prevention and damage redress, its implementation into the legal order of the Czech Republic and the potential impact of undue transposition of the directive. The first part of my thesis deals with the harmonization need in this area and with the directive itself. Following a brief introduction of the directive, I'm presenting an overview of its basic institutes and their legal form. I'm also making an effort at identifying possible shortcomings of the directive. The basic institutes of the directive include: key principles, the environmental damage itself, operational activity, responsibility mechanisms, financial safeguards and the administrative procedure to impose a preventive or a remedial provisions. The second part of my thesis deals with the theoretical aspects of appropriate implementation, such as the interpretation of the directive, a timely adoption of the transposition provisions, proper projection of the content of the directive, due form of the transposition provisions, the application of EU norms, the equivalence and effectiveness imperative and the internal Czech rules for the implementation of EU norms that have been laid down by the governmental provision Nr. 1304 (methodological directions). The...

Podnik, jeho prodej a nájem / Business, its sale and rent

Večeř, Igor January 2012 (has links)
The recent nature of the topic "Business, its sale and rent" clearly shows the social need that character of the enterprise as an object of business relationships and contracts for the sale of the business and the lease of the business is actively used. The company represents an important element which belongs to the business environment, and with the company as an object of legal relations may the businessman dispose - for example, a company can sell or hire. For the existence of the company and contract types associated with the enterprise is critical for a legal anchoring of these institutes. Enactment of these institutes is now primarily based on the Commercial Code, but in the ongoing recodification process of civil and commercial law will be the primary legislation under the New Civil Code, although it will modify the present time and the absolute business obligations. The law of contracts, which include a contract for sale of the business and the contract for the lease of the business will be "moved" by the rules of the New Civil Code. Company at a stage where is not a subject of the influence of contracts for the sale of the business, or the lease of the business, can be analyzed in terms of its "static" phase. The main subject of research in this phase of the business as such, is business...

Acesso à justiça e carência econômica / Acess to justice and poverty

Costa Neto, José Wellington Bezerra da 24 February 2012 (has links)
Inicialmente buscou-se traçar o arcabouço teórico sobre o qual seria analisado o objeto do trabalho, os reflexos da carência econômica sobre as potencialidades de acesso à justiça. Este alicerce consistiu em pontuar a linha evolutiva do caráter da função jurisdicional desde os lindes do Estado Liberal, passando ao Estado do Bem-Estar Social e culminando no Estado Pós-Social, com o principal enfoque no caráter que a garantia de acesso à justiça recebeu em cada um destes contextos. Foram tratados temas paralelos, como a questão do conhecimento acerca dos direitos, bem como a eliminação de custas, solução bastante alvitrada por alguns, intensamente rechaçada por outros. Depois passou-se à averiguação dos reflexos que a disparidade de condição econômica das partes causa sobre a igualdade destas no processo, e o instrumental conferido ao juiz para a correção das distorções, seguindo-se com o enquadramento da assistência jurídica no quadro de garantias processuais que constitui o que se denomina na doutrina processo justo e équo. Foram realizadas as distinções básicas ente assistência jurídica; assistência judiciária e justiça gratuita. Fez-se ainda uma breve análise de direito comparado, com alguns elementos históricos, concluindo-se com a indicação de pontos que poderiam ser eficazmente aplicados ao sistema brasileiro. Entra-se então pela segunda parte do trabalho, voltada para a práxis, e que se prende primordialmente na análise do direito positivo brasileiro naquilo que concerne à assistência ao carente no exercício da garantia constitucional de acesso à justiça. Ao final são apresentadas de forma pontuada as conclusões gerais. / Initially we tried to trace the theoretical framework on which the object of the work would be analyzed, the effects of poverty over the possibilities of access to justice. This foundation was to point the evolution of the character of judicial function from the Liberal State, to the Welfare State and ending in Pos Welfare State, focusing most on the character of access to justice guarantee in each context. Parallel subjects were explored, like the question of knowledge about rights, as also the elimination of judicial fees, solution indeed defended by some, and intensely rejected by others. Following we searched the effects of economic disparity of the parts over the equality of them in lawsuit, and the instruments given to the judge to correct this distortions, concluding with the contextualization of legal aid in face of procedural guarantees that form what doctrine calls fair and equal trial. There were made the basic distinctions between legal aid in consulting; providing counselors and gratuity from fees. There is a small analysis of comparative law, including some historical elements, concluding with the pointing out of some suggestions that could be profitable in Brazilian system. We enter the second half of the work, facing the praxis, specially analyzing Brazilian law system concerning legal aid in exercising the constitutional right of access to justice. At the end, the general conclusions are presented in topics.

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