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全球化下外資對台灣區域發展的影響分析 / The impacts of FDI toward Taiwan regional development under globalization陳榮煇 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果顯示,外國廠商來台投資,無論對整體的國內生產毛額和地方的產值及就業,都有正面的影響效果。顯示了台灣過去引進外資促進發展的策略相當成功,外資成為過去台灣經濟發展的ㄧ大主因,因而地方政府也應當積極去爭取外國廠商至當地投資。本研究亦發現,外資集中密集度越高其正面效果越強,而不同的外資產業進入不同的區域,其產生的效果也不一致,因此引進外資時,若地方政府考量本身特性利用相關優惠,加以中央政府的輔助引進適當的外資產業,並開發專區以集中發展,將會是比較有利的方式。 / With the telecommunication technology rapidly developed、the liberation of thought around the markets、and the need for enterprise to expand as well、globalization was formed. In order to decrease the production cost、International enterprises went abroad to engage in direct investment、which caused considerably different effects in host country. Foreign direct investment (FDI) always provides more employment opportunities in host country than domestic investment、it also increases regional taxation and wages paid to workers、and brings new technology and technique to host country. Therefore、FDI promotes the economic development of host country. Because of those advantages from FDI、now many countries are eager to attract foreign capital to come to invest.
As the globalization continue to boom、the new trend of globalization is that the competition for new investment by local governments seems to be ever increasing. Local governments want the FDI to help regional redevelopment.
This paper inspects the effects of FDI toward Taiwan regional development under globalization. In order to realize the effects of FDI in Taiwan and what kind of role FDI plays in the process of economy development in Taiwan、this paper use growth accounting equation to examine the effects of FDI toward regional output value and GDP of Taiwan.
This paper presents evidence that foreign investment not only have positive effects on GDP but also regional output value. It indicates that the strategy of using FDI to improve Taiwan economic development was successful in the past. FDI was one of those main factors to make Taiwan economy prosperous; therefore、local government should spare no efforts to attract FDI to local areas.
The results suggest that the higher the density of FDI in those areas、the stronger the positive effects might be .In addition、different industries of FDI in different areas would have different effects. In this way、the best way for central government to do is to help local government consider about their local characteristics and then provide specific incentives to attract appropriate industries into specially designated area.
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外國直接投資俄羅斯之研究 / A Study of Foreign Direct Investment in Russia張玹誠, Chang, Hsuan-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
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馬來西亞外資政策研究(1957-2000) / Study on Malaysian Foreign Investment Policy (1957-2000)蘇俊翔, So, Choon-Siang Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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全球生產網絡觀點下新竹工業區產業發展之研究黃昱中 Unknown Date (has links)
面對全球化浪潮的衝擊,外國直接投資(Foreign direct investment, FDI)對於國家經濟與區域發展所扮演的角色越來越重要,此些FDI跨國企業所採取全球生產網絡(Global production networks, GPNs)佈局的投資行為,影響國際間不同區域的產業發展與消長,同時也牽動著台灣地區的產業生態,特別是在中國崛起後對台商所產生磁吸效應的壓力下,如何吸引廠商植根或回流台灣,便成為相當重要的課題。
另外,工業區內廠商在全球佈局的投資策略下則是將新竹工業區視為第二鏈(2nd tier)的生產與代工者,以圖像化(mapping)分析的方式(Henderson et al., 2002)發現工業區內廠商(如錸德集團)在價值的創造、增強與獲取上雖然比較低,但在全球與跨界的生產網絡中,其決策的權力卻具有極高的地位,而在地方鑲嵌上則與地區機構與同異業廠商建立一定程度的關係。 / Facing the globalization trend, foreign direct investment (FDI) plays an important role in national economic and regional development. Global production networks (GPNs) of transnational corporations (TNCs) have influence over worldwide industry and the circumstances of Taiwan.
Hsin-chu industrial park planned foreign zone at initial phase of development, and is now with the highest manufacture productivity than other industrial parks in Taiwan. Owing to its proximity to Hsin-chu Science Park, the industry cluster of Hsin-chu industrial park and their production networks shouldn’t be examined with traditional industrial parks. Therefore, this research based on the concept of FDI and GPNs to build a framework for analyzing firms’ changing, globalization decision making and the relocation behavior by using questionnaire and interview.
Research results find that the foreign firms can follow up the firms who had left Hsin-chu industrial park, and those who stayed changed their operation type from labor-intensive in1980s to knowledge-intensive at nowadays.
Besides, firms in Hsin-chu industrial park play key producers, OEM and ODM in global production networks (2nd tier). By mapping analysis, this research also finds that flag firms (ex: RITEK) have lower value added, enhancement and capture, but have higher power of decision in GPNs and cross-border production networks and embedded deeply in local.
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台灣與中國雙邊貿易之決定因素 / Determinants of bilateral trade across the Taiwan straits林冠丞, Lin, Kuan Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
總而言之,本文研究結果顯示,除了實質所得以及雙邊匯率之外,第三國匯率、雙向FDI以及研發在兩岸進出口貿易上也扮演相當重要角色。此結果有助於瞭解台灣對中國持續順差之背後原因。 / The objective of this study is to analyze the main determinants of bilateral trade across the Taiwan Straits with a view toward exploring the causes of the Taiwan’s persistent large trade surplus with China. Our empirical model differs from most previous studies in the following aspects: we construct a system of equations to examine the demand-supply relationship ; on the supply side, the effects of inward FDI, the cost of intermediate imports on Taiwan’s production and R&D innovation are considered ; on the demand side, in additional to bilateral real exchange rates and real income, this paper also considers the indirect effects of exchange rate of third countries and bilateral FDI.
The data covering January, 1996 to December, 2009 are used in our empirical analysis. The empirical evidence indicates that the bilateral real income, Taiwan’s real direct investment to China and R&D innovation have positive effects on Taiwan’s exports towards and imports from China, however, the inward FDI to Taiwan presents negative effects. As for real exchange rate, it appears that Taiwan’s export to China would increase along with the real depreciation of the NTD against the RMB. In addition, the rising relative price of the third country against the price of China would result in a negative effect of Taiwan’s export to China, representing that the goods of Taiwan and the third country are complements.
On the other hand, Taiwan’s import from China would decrease along with the real depreciation of the NTD against the RMB. In addition, the rising relative price of the third country against the price of Taiwan would bring about a positive effect of Taiwan’s import from China. This reveals that the goods of China and the third country are substitutes. Moreover, a negative effect on the import of Taiwan from China appears when the cost of intermediate imports of Taiwan increases.
In sum, this study illustrates that, in addition to real income and bilateral exchange rates, the exchange rates of third countries, FDI inflows and outflows and innovation have also played an important role in determining bilateral trade across the Taiwan Straits. It will help understand the driving forces behind Taiwan’s persistent trade surplus against China.
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天津銀行業開放對其經濟成長的影響 / Impact of banking industry liberalization on economic growth in Tianjin李美伶 Unknown Date (has links)
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租稅協定對我國跨國企業海外營運活動之效果分析 / The Effect of Tax Treaties on the Overseas Operations of Taiwanese Multinational Firms黃庭欣 Unknown Date (has links)
租稅協定不僅協調各國間稅收關係並妥善劃分課稅管轄權,進而降低企業全球化經營下所面臨的租稅課徵不確定性。然而國外文獻關於租稅協定對直接投資或海外關係企業活動之成效仍有諸多爭議,且國內仍未有利用長期性個體資料來檢視租稅協定效果的研究,因此本文以 2000 年至 2013年台灣上市公司之海外關係企業的財務資料進行分析。另外,因近年各國日益重視反避稅措施與跨國間稅收的徵管合作,故本文也進一步探討利益限制條款和資訊交換的嚴謹程度對於海外關係企業營運活動之影響。
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市場化地方統合主義-蘇州開發區個案研究 / Marketed Local State Corporatism: the case studies of Suzhou development zones呂爾浩, Lu, Erh-Hao Unknown Date (has links)
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