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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults : Prevalence, Psychiatric Comorbidities and Long-term Outcome

Edvinsson, Dan January 2017 (has links)
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) was originally thought to occur only in children, but is increasingly recognised as causing functional impairment also in adulthood. The overall aim of this thesis was to achieve a comprehensive understanding of ADHD in adulthood. A questionnaire based on the DSM-IV criteria of ADHD, reported childhood symptoms, reading and spelling problems, difficulties and suffering and general assessment of functioning (GAF) was distributed to three samples: the general population (GP), outpatient psychiatry (OPP) and female prison inmates. Symptoms consistent with ADHD were more than three times higher in the OPP sample than in the GP sample (6.6 versus 2.1%). ADHD symptoms and related problems occurred in 50% of the prison inmates. A cohort of 168 patients diagnosed with ADHD in adulthood was interviewed about current ADHD symptoms and psychiatric comorbidity on axis I and II. The lifetime prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity on axis I was 92% and current comorbidity, including autism spectrum disorders and Tourette’s syndrome, was 47%. The sex-specific pattern of the comorbid disor-ders was similar to that in the general population. Forty-six per cent of the patients endorsed the specific criteria for at least one personality disorder. After a mean follow-up of six years, there was remission of adult ADHD in about 30% of the patients, regardless of whether there was ongoing medication or not. There were no differences in function and quality of life, except for global general improvement, which was better in patients currently on medication. The most prevalent long-term side effects of pharmacological treatment with mainly stimulants were decreased appetite, dry mouth, anxiousness/restlessness and an increase in pulse frequency. The discontinuation rate was about 50%: 29% discontinued because of a perceived lack of effect, followed by elevated mood or hypomania (11%). No detectable evidence of tolerance and increased need for dosage over time was observed. To conclude, Symptoms of ADHD is highly overrepresented in OPP and in female inmates compared with the GP. Furthermore, adults diagnosed with ADHD have a high lifetime prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity. Long-term pharmacological treatment with stimulants is safe with relatively mild and tolerable adverse effects. Continued medication, however, is not related to remission.

Konsiliarpsychiatrie im Allgemeinkrankenhaus

Diefenbacher, Albert 02 July 2002 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Tätigkeit konsiliarpsychiatrischer Dienste am Allgemeinkrankenhaus. In einem historischen Abriß wird zunächst die Integration des psychiatrischen Fachgebiets in die Allgemeinkrankenhäuser als wesentliche Bedingung für die Entwicklung der Konsiliarpsychiatrie am Beispiel der USA dargestellt, gefolgt von europäischen Perspektiven und der Entwicklung in Deutschland, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Psychiatrie-Enquête. Anschließend werden Aspekte somatopsychischer Komorbidät als Grundlage der Konsiliarpsychiatrie und ihre Implikationen für Diagnostik und Therapie skizziert. Vorschläge zur Bestimmung des Bedarfs der konsiliarpsychiatrischen Versorgung werden diskutiert. Das Spektrum konsiliar-liaisonpsych-iatrischer Versorgungsmöglichkeiten wird dargestellt, Interventionsmöglichkeiten mit ihren differentia specifica im Setting des Allgemeinkrankenhauses am Beispiel von supportiver Psychotherapie und Psychopharmakatherapie bei körperlich kranken Patienten werden verdeutlicht. Im empirischen Teil wird auf Grundlage einer Längsschnittstudie über einen 10jährigen Be-obachtungszeitraum eines amerikanischen, sowie einer Vergleichsstudie der Tätigkeit eines deutschen und eines amerikanischen Konsildienstes über einen einjährigen Beobachtungszeitraum versucht, einen Kernbereich konsiliarpsychiatrischer Tätigkeit am Allgemeinkrankenhaus zu definieren. In der Längsschnittuntersuchung wurde ein zeitüberdauernder Bereich konsiliarpsychiatrischer Tätigkeit identifiziert, der im Vergleich mit ähnlichen, allerdings weniger detaillierten Studien (Lipowski & Wolston 1981, Paddison et al. 1989) ebenfalls überwiegend Gemeinsamkeiten deutlich werden läßt. Auch die vergleichende Querschnittsuntersuchung zeigte, daß psychiatrische Konsiliartätigkeit über nationale Grenzen hinweg eine Reihe von Gemeinsamkeiten aufweist. Auch dies konnte im Vergleich mit anderen Studien bestätigt werden (vgl. Übersichten bei Hengeveld et al. 1984, Diefenbacher 1999, Huyse et al. 1997). Anschließend werden Veränderungen im Gefolge der Tätigkeit eines neu beginnenden psychiatrischen Konsiliars über einen einjährigen Beobachtungszeitraum untersucht und im Hinblick auf die Implementation eines Konsildiensten auf für die konsiliarpsychiatrische Praxis bzw. Interventionsforschung wichtige Parameter wie z.B. Zusammenarbeit mit den Stationsteams und Beeinflussung von Krankenhausverweildauer und Zeitintervall zwischen stationärer Aufnahme und Konsilanforderung diskutiert. Zusammenfassend wird ein Kernbereich konsiliarpsychiatrischer Tätigkeit beschrieben, von dem erwartet wird, daß er für die nahe Zukunft konstant bleibt und somit als Orientierungshilfe für administrative und evaluative Zwecke dienen kann. Abschließend werden Perspektiven weiterer Forschung in der Konsiliarpsychiatrie diskutiert und auf Aspekte der Fort- und Weiterbildung im psychiatrischen Konsiliar-Liaisondienst in der psychiatrischen Facharztweiterbildung, sowie auf Schnittstellen für eine mögliche Zusammenarbeit mit dem hausärztlichen Bereich eingegangen. / Psychiatric consultation-liaison (c-l) service delivery in the general hospital is the topic of this study. In the first part, an historical outline of the development of psychiatric c-l-services in the USA is presented, followed by recent developments in Europe and Germany, with special emphasis - for the latter - of the impact of the so-called "Psychiatrie-Enquête" (1975) on the implementation of psychiatric departments in general hospitals since the 1980s. The issue of somato-psychic comorbidity of general hospital inpatients, the very reason of existence of c-l-psychiatry, is discussed, as are its implications for diagnosis and treatment. Proposals for the evaluation of need for such services are presented, as is the scope of c-l-psychiatric interventions and their special nature with the example of supportive psychotherapy and psychopharmaco-therapy in the medically and psychiatrically ill inpatient. The second empirical part consists of a 10-year-longitudinal study of a c-l-psychiatric service in New York City, and a comparative cross-sectional study (over a 1-year-period) of a German and an American c-l-psychiatric service in order to delineate a common core of psychiatric c-l-service delivery in the general hospital. In both studies, a cross-national common core and a time stable course over time, respectively, are identified and then discussed in comparison to other less detailed studies (e.g. Lipowski & Wolston 1981, Hengeveld et al. 1984, Huyse et al. 1997). In addition, the implementation phase of a newly started psychiatric c-l-service is studied over a 1-year-period with regard to variables important for c-l-psychiatric intervention studies, such as influence on length of stay in hospital, lagtime between admission to hospital and day of consultation request, and cooperation with staff. In conclusion, a core field of psychiatric c-l-service delivery in the general hospital is identified, that is expected to remain stable in years to come and thus might help as an orientation for administrative and evaluative purposes. Finally, perspectives for further research in the field, for training and education, and for the cooperation with primary care doctors are discussed.

Salud mental en jóvenes consumidores de cocaína o heroína de Barcelona

Herrero Gascón, Mª Jesús 02 December 2011 (has links)
En nuestro país, los problemas derivados de la epidemia de consumo de heroína durante los años 80-90 se vieron desplazados por los derivados del consumo de cocaína. Actualmente, la cocaína es la segunda sustancia ilegal en cuanto a prevalencia de consumo y en estos últimos años el consumo de heroína ha empezado a incrementarse de nuevo. Uno de los principales problemas asociados al uso de estas sustancias son los trastornos psiquiátricos comórbidos. Este trabajo se diseñó para determinar la prevalencia e incidencia de los trastornos mentales en consumidores de cocaína o heroína y los factores asociados, así como describir el perfil de personalidad sólo en el grupo de consumidores de cocaína mediante una escala dimensional. El resultado de estos estudios debería servir para diseñar estrategias de prevención y tratamiento dirigidas a una población joven de consumidores que no suele acceder a los circuitos sanitarios habituales a pesar de la gravedad de su estado psicopatológico. / Al nostre país, els problemes derivats de l’epidèmia de consum d’heroïna durant els anys 80-90 es van veure desplaçats pels derivats del consum de cocaïna. Actualment, la cocaïna és la segona substància il•legal pel que fa a prevalença de consum i, aquests darrers anys, el consum d’heroïna ha començat a augmentar de nou. Un dels principals problemes associats a l’ús d’aquestes substàncies són els trastorns psiquiàtrics comòrbids. Aquest treball es va dissenyar per determinar la prevalença i la incidència dels trastorns mentals en consumidors de cocaïna o heroïna i els factors associats, i també per descriure el perfil de personalitat només en el grup de consumidors de cocaïna mitjançant una escala dimensional. El resultat d’aquests estudis hauria de servir per dissenyar estratègies de prevenció i tractament adreçades a una població jove de consumidors que habitualment no accedeix als circuits sanitaris regulars malgrat la gravetat del seu estat psicopatològic.

Autism spectrum disorders:an epidemiological and clinical study

Mattila, M.-L. (Marja-Leena) 21 January 2014 (has links)
Abstract Background: Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), defined as pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs) in DSM-IV and ICD-10, become manifest in childhood, ranging from a severe form, autism, to milder forms, Asperger syndrome (AS) and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS)/atypical autism. AS is also specified in criteria by Gillberg and by Szatmari et al. Different diagnostic criteria sets, overlaps, inaccuracies and exclusion criteria of many comorbid psychiatric disorders in PDDs have caused confusion. In DSM-5, PDDs were replaced by one diagnosis called ASD. Aims and methods: This is an epidemiological study of 8-year-old children and a clinical study of 9- to 16-year-old high-functioning outpatients with AS/autism (HFA). The epidemiological target population (n = 4,422) was rated via the Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ) by parents and/or teachers and a screened sample was examined in order to estimate the prevalence of ASDs, to discover deficits in the diagnostic criteria of ASDs, to evaluate DSM-5 draft criteria for ASD, and to assess cut-off scores for the Finnish ASSQ. Comorbid psychiatric disorders were identified and overall level of functioning rated in 50 subjects with AS/HFA. Results: The prevalence of AS according to DSM-IV was 2.5, to ICD-10 2.9, to Gillberg 2.7, and to Szatmari et al. 1.6 per 1,000. The prevalence of autism was 4.1 and that of ASDs 8.4 per 1,000 (DSM-IV). DSM-5 draft criteria were less sensitive in detecting AS/HFA. For 7- to 12-year-old children (IQ ≥ 50), the optimal cut-off scores were 30 in clinical settings and 28 in total population screening using summed parent-rated and teacher-rated ASSQ scores. Comorbid psychiatric disorders were common (prevalence 74%) and often multiple; behavioral disorders in 44%, anxiety disorders in 42%, and tic disorders in 26%. Oppositional defiant disorder, depressive disorder and anxiety disorders as comorbidities indicated significantly lower levels of functioning. Conclusions: Our results indicate the need to standardize the diagnostic criteria. The ICD-11 criteria should be uniform and harmonize with DSM-5. Determining cut-off scores for ASD screening instruments in different languages and cultures is of utmost importance. Clinicians are reminded to investigate psychiatric comorbidity in ASDs in order to target treatment and rehabilitation precisely. / Tiivistelmä Lähtökohdat: Autismikirjon häiriöt, ICD-10:ssä ja DSM-IV:ssä nimellä laaja-alaiset kehityshäiriöt, ilmenevät lapsuudessa. Niihin luetaan autismi, Aspergerin oireyhtymä (AS) ja tarkemmin määrittelemätön laaja-alainen kehityshäiriö/epätyypillinen autismi. Gillberg sekä Szatmari työtovereineen ovat myös määritelleet AS:n kriteerit. Useat diagnostiset kriteerit, päällekkäisyydet, epätarkkuudet ja monien psykiatristen liitännäishäiriöiden poissulkeminen laaja-alaisissa kehityshäiriöissä ovat aiheuttaneet sekaannuksia. DSM-5:ssä laaja-alaiset kehityshäiriöt korvattiin yhdellä diagnoosilla: autismikirjon häiriö. Menelmät ja tavoitteet: Väitöstyö muodostui 8-vuotiaita lapsia koskeneesta epidemiologisesta tutkimuksesta sekä 9–16-vuotiaita AS- ja autistisia (HFA) lapsia ja nuoria koskeneesta kliinisestä tutkimuksesta. Vanhemmat ja/tai opettajat täyttivät epidemiologisen kohderyhmän lapsista (n = 4 422) suomennetun autismikirjon seulontalomakkeen (ASSQ), ja seuloutuneille tehtiin diagnostiset tutkimukset. Tämän jälkeen määritettiin autismikirjon esiintyvyys, kartoitettiin diagnostisten kriteerien puutteita, arvioitiin DSM-5-luonnoskriteerit autismikirjon häiriölle ja määritettiin ASSQ:n seulontarajat. Psykiatrinen komorbiditeetti ja sen merkitys toiminnalliseen tasoon tutkittiin AS-/HFA-lapsilla ja -nuorilla (n = 50). Tulokset: AS:n esiintyvyys oli 2,5/1000 DSM-IV:n, 2,9/1000 ICD-10:n, 2,7/1000 Gillbergin ja 1,6/1000 Szatmarin mukaan. Autismin esiintyvyys oli 4,1/1000 ja koko autismikirjon 8,4/1000 (DSM-IV). DSM-5-luonnoskriteerit olivat epäherkät tunnistamaan AS:ää ja HFA:ta. Parhaiten soveltuviksi ASSQ:n seulontarajoiksi alakouluikäisille (ÄO ≥ 50) osoittautuivat 30 kliinisiä tilanteita ja 28 väestöseulontoja varten laskemalla yhteen vanhempien arvioinnin ja opettajan arvioinnin pisteet. Psykiatrisia liitännäishäiriöitä oli 74 %:lla, ja monilla oli useita. Käytöshäiriöitä oli 44 %:lla, ahdistuneisuushäiriöitä 42 %:lla ja tic-häiriöitä 26 %:lla. Uhmakkuus- ja masennushäiriö sekä ahdistuneisuushäiriöt alensivat merkitsevästi toiminnallista tasoa. Päätelmät: Tulokset osoittivat diagnostisten kriteereiden yhtenäistämistarpeen. ICD-11:een on syytä laatia yhdenmukaiset kriteerit DSM-5:n kanssa. Autismikirjon seulontalomakkeille on tarpeen määrittää eri kieliin ja kulttuureihin soveltuvat pisterajat. Psykiatrisen komorbiditeetin selvittäminen autismikirjon häiriöissä on tärkeää, jotta hoito ja kuntoutus voidaan kohdentaa oikein.

Psychiatrická komorbidita uživatelů metamfetaminu / Psychiatric comorbidity of methamphetamine users

Táborská, Vilma January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe cooperation with clients / users of methamphetamine with a severe psychiatric disorder from the schizophrenic spectrum using case management methods. The theoretical part summarizes current knowledge of the negative consequences of using methamphetamine, focussing on serious psychiatric comorbidity from the schizophrenic spectrum. It includes research of current studies (both Czech and foreign), information on specific comorbid diagnoses and a description of the case management method, including its specific application within the SANANIM addictology ambulance. The practical part contains three case studies structured into six sections: (1) Initiation of the program entry, (2) The first contact and setting, (3) Entrance evaluation and indication, (4) Establishing a relationship and developing cooperation, (5) Cooperation with other experts and stakeholders (6) The results of cooperation focussed on changes in relation to: comorbid illness, severity and frequency of use of a primary drug and other addictive substances, social situation and relational healing. I chose AA SANANIM clients by a deliberate targeting method based on the following criteria: (1) 7-month co-operation with a minimum of 28 personal contacts (roughly equivalent to once a week), (2)...

Substance use disorders in adolescence: comorbidity, temporality of onset and socio-demographic background:a study of adolescent psychiatric inpatients in Northern Finland

Ilomäki, R. (Risto) 02 October 2012 (has links)
Abstract Over 90% of addicts start substance use during adolescence. There are few studies focusing on the comorbidity and temporality of substance dependence among adolescents. The aim of this study was to investigate the comorbidity and temporality of substance use disorders, to identify the factors leading to intravenous drug dependence and to evaluate the psychotropic medication history among adolescents. The study population comprised a sample of 508 (300 girls) 12- to 17-year-old hospitalized inpatients during a defined 5-year period. Substance use and other psychiatric disorders were identified according to DSM-IV criteria and adolescents’ socio-demographic and substance use background was examined. The main findings of the present study include the following: The most common comorbidities of alcohol and drug dependence are behavioral, depressive and phobic disorders; Phobic and behavioral disorders develop generally prior to the onset of alcohol and drug dependence; Drug dependent boys are more likely to have depression than girls (IV); In adolescence, phobic disorders may influence the development of secondary substance dependence within a few years from the onset of phobia (I); Behavioral disorders are associated with earlier initiation of daily smoking, and earlier age of onset of daily smoking is associated with an increased risk for alcohol and drug dependence (III); Adolescents with intravenous drug dependence start experiment with drugs at young age, often before the age of 10 years, and present more commonly with parental absence and troubled school background (II); Prescribed benzodiazepine medication is associated with an increased risk of sedative dependence (V). These findings imply that psychiatric comorbidity plays a pivotal role in the development of substance use disorders in adolescence. Those adolescents who experiment with substances at a young age are at greatest risk of substance dependence and intravenous drug use before the age of 18. Family dynamics seem to play an important role in this development. The psychotropic medication history of substance-using adolescents often differs greatly from current evidence-based guidelines and is dominated by those medications that are frequently abused. / Tiivistelmä Yli 90 % päihdeongelmaisista aloittaa päihteidenkäytön nuoruusiällä. Silti päihdehäiriöiden ja niihin liittyvän psykiatrisen sairastavuuden – komorbiditeetin ja tämän ajallisen ilmenemisen – temporaliteetin - tutkimus nuorisoväestössä on suppeaa. Väitöskirjatutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa nuoruusiän päihdehäiriöiden komorbiditeetin ja temporaliteetin ominaispiirteitä, selventää taustalla olevia sosiodemografisia tekijöitä, sekä arvioida päihdehäiriöisten nuorten reseptilääkehistoriaa päihdehäiriöiden synnyn ymmärtämiseksi. Tutkimusaineisto koostui 508 (300 tyttöä) 12-17-vuotiaasta akuuttia psykiatrista sairaalahoitoa tarvitsevasta potilaista. Nuorten psykiatrinen- ja päihdesairastavuus selvitettiin DSM-IV diagnoosijärjestelmän mukaisesti, sekä sosiodemografinen tausta kartoitettiin kattavasti. Alkoholi- ja huumeriippuvaisilla nuorilla yleisimpiä komorbideja häiriöitä olivat käytös-, masennus- ja pelkohäiriöt. Pelko- ja käytöshäiriöt ilmenivät yleensä ajallisesti ennen alkoholi- ja huumeriippuvuutta. Huumeriippuvaisilla pojilla oli tyttöjä useammin masennusta (IV). Pelkohäiriöt vaikuttivat sekundaarisen päihderiippuvuuden kehittymiseen mahdollisesti jo muutamien vuosien kuluessa pelkohäiriöiden ilmenemisestä (I). Käytöshäiriöt liittyivät aikaisempaan päivittäisen tupakoinnin aloittamiseen joka liittyy edelleen sekä alkoholi- että huumeriippuvuuteen (III). Suonensisäisen huumeidenkäytön aloittaminen nuorella iällä liittyi selkeästi vanhemmattomaan kotiin, sekä jo ala-asteella alkaneisiin koulunkäyntiongelmiin. Vaikeimmin päihderiippuvaisten nuorten päihteidenkäyttökokeilut alkoivat merkittävän nuorena, jo onnen 10 ikävuotta ala-asteella (II). Bentsodiatsepiinien reseptilääkkekäyttö sairaalahoitoa aiemmin liittyi merkittävästi sedatiiviriippuvuuteen (V). Löydösten perusteella psykiatrisella sairastavuudella on merkittävää rooli päihdehäiriön kehittymisessä jo nuoruusiällä. Nuoret, joiden päihdekokeilut alkavat varhain, ovat suurimmassa riskissä riippuvuuteen ja ajautumiseen suonensisäiseen käyttöön. Päihderiippuvaisilla nuorilla on lisäksi taipumus sekä reseptilääkkeiden väärinkäyttöön, että kykyä näiden hankkimiseen - myös lääkärin määräämänä.

Psychotherapeutische Interventionen vor und nach Organtransplantation

Köllner, Volker, Archonti, Christina January 2003 (has links)
Die Organtransplantation hat sich in den letzten 20 Jahren zu einem Standardverfahren in der Therapie schwerer, anders nicht mehr behandelbarer Organerkrankungen entwickelt. In Deutschland werden jährlich etwa 3000 Transplantationen durchgeführt. Über 13 000 Menschen stehen auf der Warteliste für einen solchen Eingriff. Sowohl die Wartezeit als auch die verschiedenen Phasen nach dem Eingriff fordern erhebliche psychische Anpassungsleistungen von Patienten und Angehörigen, was häufig zu psychischen Störungen führt. Das Transplantationsgesetz von 1997 fordert daher ausdrücklich eine psychosomatische Mitbetreuung in den Transplantationszentren. Trotz dieses Therapiebedarfs fehlt es bisher an empirisch gesicherten therapeutischen Strategien. In der Transplantationsmedizin ist ein methodenübergreifender Betreuungsansatz sinnvoll. Kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutische Therapieelemente scheinen aufgrund ihres pragmatischen und lösungsorientierten Ansatzes für diese Patientengruppe besonders geeignet. Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, auf Basis klinischer Erfahrungen und der wissenschaftlichen Literatur eine Übersicht über die unterschiedlichen Phasen der Transplantation solider Organe, ihre spezifischen Belastungen und therapeutische Strategien für Patienten und ihre Angehörigen zu geben. Der Bedarf an empirischer Forschung auf diesem Gebiet, gerade was die Wirksamkeit verhaltensmedizinischer Interventionen angeht, wird deutlich. / About 3,000 patients per year receive a transplant in Germany and some 13,000 patients are on waiting lists. Waiting period and the different stages of recovery demand special coping strategies from patients and their families. Psychological disorders are frequent before and after the transplantation and psychological risk factors are relevant for the outcome of the transplantation. Therefore special psychosomatic care for patients and their families is necessary. However, evidence based knowledge on appropriate therapeutic interventions is still scarce. In transplantation medicine, an overall approach is reasonable. Cognitive-behavioral aspects seem to be especially promising. The article describes strategies and techniques for the psychosomatic assessment of patients before transplantation and psychotherapeutic interventions for patients and their families before and after solid organ transplantation. More research on the effects of psychotherapeutic interventions in this field is necessary. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Medial framställning av samsjuklighet : En diskursanalytisk studie om hur psykiatrisk samsjuklighet framställs i rikstäckande tidningsartiklar / Medial presentation of comorbidity : A discourse analytical study of the depiction of psychiatric comorbidity in nationwide newspapers

Fotsjö, Julia, Gadmar, Elinn January 2021 (has links)
Title: “Medial presentation of comorbidity - A discourse analytical study of the depiction of psychiatric comorbidity in nationwide newspapers. Tutor: Olov Aronson Examiner: Magnus Jegermalm   Aim: The aim of the study is to investigate how psychiatric comorbidity (comorbidity of addiction and mental illness) is portrayed in the Swedish media, and what effects the medial presentation may issue in. Method: Based on a qualitative social constructionist research design, Carol Bacchi's (2009) analysis method what´s the problem represented to be has been applied to analyze 15 newspaper articles from Swedish magazines: Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen and Svenska Dagbladet. Results: The result presents two problem representations identified in the analyzed material: too complex for healthcare and criminal but marginalized.  Discussion: In the study's discussion, emphasis is placed on the multifaceted connection that exists between the identified problem representations. The problem representations are derived from discourses about what is considered to be normal in society and what is deviant and needs to be adjusted to become normal. The effects of the problem representations are also discussed relative to earlier scientific studies. / Titel: ”Medial framställning av samsjuklighet – En diskursanalytisk studie om hur psykiatrisk samsjukighet framställs i rickstäckande tidningartiklar.  Handledare: Olov Aronson Examinator: Magnus Jegermalm   Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur psykiatrisk samsjuklighet (samsjuklighet i from av missbruk och psykisk ohälsa) porträtteras i svensk media, samt vilka effekter den mediala framställningen kan antas få.  Metod: Utifrån en kvalitativ socialkonstruktionistisk forskningsdesign har Carol Bacchis (2009) analysmetod What´s the problem represented to be använts för att analysera 15 tidningsartiklar från tidskrifterna Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen och Svenska Dagbladet. Resultat: I resultatet presenteras två problemrepresentationer som identifieras i det analyserade materialet: ”för komplext för vården” och ”kriminella men marginaliserade”. Diskussion: I studiens diskussion betonas det flerdelade samband som finns emellan de identifierade problemrepresentationerna. Problemrepresentationerna härleds till diskurser kring vad som anses vara det normala i samhället samt vad som är avvikande och behöver vårdas för att bli normalt. Även vilka effekter problemrepresentationerna bär med sig undersöks i förhållande till tidigare forskning.

Vliv bodovacího systému na léčbu závislých klientek s psychiatrickou komorbiditou / Effect of a scoring system for the treatment of addicted women with psychiatric comorbidity

Malá, Pavla January 2016 (has links)
The issue of psychiatric co-morbidity is a serious public health problem occurring more and more frequently in the treatment of addiction and bringing with it various complications and often premature termination of treatment. The scoring system with a fixed set regime is still being used as the main instrument for treatment of addicted clients on the most specialized departments of psychiatric hospitals, although the effectiveness of the scoring system has not yet been clinically verified. The aim of this pilot study is to demonstrate and verify of the individual cases of clients with different categories of dual diagnosis, how they perceive the balance of the sanctions and rewards and fair setting in the context of the scoring system. Other goals are to find out and verify what is the influence of the scoring system on the motivation to change the behavior and success of treatment, what weaknesses clients with dual diagnosis perceive in this system and how they represent the treatment system, which would make them more fit and motivated to change behavior. Further, this study seeks to establish whether difficulties and obstacles on the way to stand up and go through the scoring system are different for individual dual diagnoses. A qualitative approach is used in the research part of the thesis....

Envolvimento dos sistemas glutamatérgico, endocanabinoide e endovaniloide do córtex pré-frontal medial no modelo de dor neuropática e na comorbidade dor crônica e ansiedade/pânico / Involvement of the glutamatergic, endocannabinoid and endovanyloid systems of the medial prefrontal cortex in the neuropathic pain model and chronic pain and anxiety/panic comorbidities

Medeiros, Priscila de 05 December 2017 (has links)
A dor crônica (DC) é um problema global de saúde. A incidência da DC no mundo oscila entre 7 e 40% da população e, como consequência da mesma, cerca de 50 a 60% dos que sofrem dela ficam parcial ou totalmente incapacitados, de maneira transitória ou permanente, comprometendo de modo significativo a qualidade de vida. Sabe-se que a divisão pré-límbica (PrL) do córtex pré-frontal medial (CPFM) é uma região importante na elaboração da dor e de seus aspectos cognitivos e emocionais. Há evidências que a DC de origem neuropática (DN) é capaz de provocar mudanças morfológicas, resultando em uma reorganização nas redes neurais do CPFM, e existe alta relação de comorbidade entre ansiedade e DC. Sendo assim, necessita-se de estudos que forneçam aprimoramento dos modelos animais em DC para que, assim, investiguem-se as bases neuroanatômicas, neurofisiológicas e psicofarmacológicas da DN e a participação de áreas corticais na gênese e manutenção da dor. Para isso, o presente trabalho foi dividido em três etapas: 1) Avaliação dos aspectos nociceptivos, motores e afetivo-cognitivos de ratos submetidos a um modelo adaptado de injúria por constrição crônica do nervo isquiático (CCI: uma ligadura) comparando com o modelo clássico de Bennett e Xie (CCI: quatro ligaduras): nossos resultados mostraram que o modelo adaptado de CCI produziu hipersensibilidade ao frio (teste de acetona) e alodinia mecânica (teste de von Frey) semelhante ao causado pelo modelo de CCI com quatro ligaduras. Ambos os grupos CCI apresentaram comportamento do tipo ansioso, depressivo e déficits cognitivos, utilizando-se o modelo de campo aberto (open field), teste de nado forçado e teste de reconhecimento de objeto, respectivamente. Contudo, o modelo adaptado pode ser uma melhor opção, visto que uma simples ligadura não provoca prejuízos motores, nem tampouco o comportamento de autotomia, diferentemente dos animais com CCI em que foram realizadas 4 ligaduras. 2) A - Estudo do efeito da Indometacina (2mg/kg), um antiinflamatório não-esteroidal, administrada por via periférica (IP) sobre a DN: a indometacina diminuiu a alodinia mecânica no primeiro, segundo e quarto dias, mas não no décimo quarto, vigésimo primeiro e vigésimo oitavo dias após a CCI adaptada (1 ligadura). Esses dados sugerem que a COX-1 e a COX-2 estão envolvidas na mediação da indução, mas não na manutenção da DN. B - Envolvimento do córtex PrL sobre a geração, potencialização e manutenção da DN, através da microinjeção local de cloreto de cobalto (CoCl2: 1mM/200nL), um bloqueador do influxo de cálcio (causando bloqueio de sinapses). O CoCl2 atenuou a alodinia mecânica no vigésimo primeiro e vigésimo oitavo, mas não no sétimo e décimo quarto dias após a CCI com 1 ligadura. Nossos dados também indicam que córtex PrL participa na elaboração da fase tardia da alodinia mecânica em nosso modelo adaptado de DN. C - Investigação do papel do sistema glutamatérgico, endocanabinoide e endovaniloide do córtex PrL sobre a alodinia mecânica 21 dias após a CCI adaptada. Os presentes resultados mostraram que a microinjeção do agonista N-metil D-Aspartato (NMDA), nas concentrações de 1 e 4 nmol, foi capaz de aumentar a alodinia mecânica durante o teste de von Frey, enquanto que um antagonista de receptores de aminoácidos excitatórios do tipo NMDA, o LY235959, diminuiu a alodinia mecânica quando microinjetado na maior dose (8nmol) no córtex PrL. O AM251, um antagonista de receptores endocanabinoides do tipo CB1, aumentou a alodinia mecânica em todas as doses (50, 100 e 200pmol) quando microinjetado no PrL. O tratamento do PrL com a menor concentração de anandamida (AEA: 5pmol) não alterou a alodinia mecânica; contudo, a administração de AEA no PrL nas doses intermediárias (de 50 e de 100pmol) reduziu a alodinia mecânica, e este efeito foi bloqueado pelo pré-tratamento do PrL com AM251 (200pmol). Digno de nota, o tratamento do PrL com a maior dose de AEA (200pmol) aumentou a alodinia mecânica, no entanto, este efeito foi atenuado pelo bloqueio prévio de receptores de potencial transitório vaniloide do tipo 1 (TRPV1), com microinjeções de 6 Iodo-nor-di-hidrocapsaicina (6-I-CPS) na dose de 3pmol no PrL. Esses dados sugerem que o córtex PrL está envolvido na potenciação e manutenção da DN crônica (DNC), através da ativação dos receptores NMDA e dos receptores TRPV1. O efeito da atenuação da alodinia mecânica foi causado pela ativação dos receptores endocanabinoides do tipo CB1 em roedores com DNC após 21 dias da CCI. 3) Investigação da comorbidade entre a DNC com ansiedade/pânico e o efeito dos agonistas e antagonistas de receptores NMDA e CB1 no PrL em roedores confrontados com serpente após 21 dias da CCI pelo método adaptado: o confronto entre roedores e serpentes constrictoras induziu nos ratos respostas relacionadas ao medo, tais como avaliação de risco, imobilidade defensiva e fuga em animais com DNC e Sham. Além disso, após terem sido confrontados com a serpente, os animais com DNC tiveram a alodinia mecânica aumentada. O pré-tratamento do PrL com NMDA (4nmol) aumentou o índice e porcentagem de avaliação de risco e a porcentagem de fuga, e a dose intermediária de NMDA (1nmol) aumentou o índice de fuga em animais neuropáticos confrontados com uma serpente constrictora. Além disso, a alodinia mecânica foi intensificada após o confronto em animais que receberam NMDA (4nmol) no PrL. Adicionalmente, os animais tratados com LY235959 diminuíram os comportamentos defensivos apresentados por animais com DNC quando confrontados com a salamanta. Além disso, esses animais pré-tratados com o antagonista de receptores NMDA tiveram seus limiares de von Frey aumentados após o confronto. O bloqueio de receptores endocanabionoides do tipo CB1, com o antagonista AM251, aumentou o comportamento de avaliação de riscos dos animais com DN crônica durante a exposição com a serpente e tiveram seus limiares de retirada de pata no teste de von Frey diminuídos após o confronto. Contudo, o pré-tratamento do PrL com AEA (100pmol) diminuiu os comportamentos defensivos de avaliação de risco, imobilidade defensiva e de fuga dos animais com DNC confrontados com a serpente, e esses animais também apresentaram aumento do limiar de retirada de pata no teste de von Frey após o confronto. Interessantemente, a dose de AEA (200pmol) não alterou comportamento defensivo, mas agravou DNC, através da diminuição do limiar de alodinia mecânica, apresentando um clássico efeito em \"U invertido\", pois menor e a maior dose de AEA (50 e 200pmol) induziram valores de comportamentos defensivo elevados, semelhante ao controle (veículo). Concluindo, os presentes dados obtidos no nosso trabalho, sugerem que o modelo adaptado de CCI, através da realização de uma ligadura do nervo isquiático, é um modelo animal eficaz para se estudarem as comorbidades entre DC e alterações cognitivas e emocionais. A diminuição da atividade das enzimas COX-1 e COX-2 atenuou a alodinia mecânica apenas durante a gênese da DN. Além disso, evidenciou-se que o córtex PrL é recrutado para elaborar a DN durante sua manutenção e potencialização. A ativação dos receptores glutamatérgicos do tipo NMDA e vaniloides do tipo TRPV1 potencializam a DNC e o sistema endocanabinoide via receptor CB1 a diminui. Finalmente, roedores com DNC tiveram seus limiares de alodinia mecânica diminuídos após o confronto com a serpente. Os comportamentos defensivos foram intensificados em animais com DNC, mostrando, assim, o estabelecimento da comorbidade entre DC e ansiedade/pânico e a participação do neocórtex na elaboração da DNC, em um modelo de neuropatia periférica induzida pela constrição crônica no nervo isquiático em ratos Wistar. A comorbidade entre ansiedade/pânico e DNC sensibiliza os animais, agravando o quadro de dor crônica. / Chronic pain (CP) is a global health problem. The incidence of CP in the world ranges from 7 to 40% of the population and, as a consequence, about 50% to 60% of those suffering from it are partially or totally incapacitated, in a transitory or permanent manner significantly compromising the quality of life. The prelimbic (PrL) division of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) is an important region for the elaboration of cognitive and emotional aspects of pain. In addition, chronic neuropathic pain (CNP) can induce morphological changes, resulting in a reorganisation in the mPFC neurons. Moreover, there is an intrinsic relation between CP and anxiety disorder. Our study aims to investigate the effects of a modification of an animal model of CP and evaluate the neuroanatomical and pharmacological bases of neuropathic pain (NP). The role played by PrL cortex in the modulation of CNP was also investigated. Thus, the present work was divided into three steps: 1) Ethological analysis of nociceptive, motor and affective-cognitive aspects of rats submitted to an adapted model of chronic constriction of the ischiadicus nervus (CCI: a simple ligature) compared with the classic CCI model performed by Bennett and Xie (CCI: four ligatures): our results showed that the adapted-CCI model produced cold hypersensitivity and mechanical allodynia similar to those described in laboratory animals submitted to the model with four ligatures of the ischiadicus nervus. Both CCI groups displayed anxiety- and depression-like responses, and cognitive deficits, in the the open field test, forced swim test and object recognition test, respectively. However, the adapted model of CCI used in the present work may be a better choice, since a simple ligature of the ischiadicus nervus cause neither motor deficits, nor autotomy behaviour, unlike the animals with CCI induced by four ligatures of spinal nerves. 2) A- Effect of Indomethacin (2mg/kg) a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug peripherally administered (IP) on NP: The peripheral treatment with indomethacin reduced mechanical allodynia on the first, second, and fourth days, but not on the fourteenth, twenty-first, and twenty-eighth days after adapted CCI. These findings suggest that COX-1 and COX-2 are involved in the mediation of NP induction, but not in the maintainance of NP. B- Involvement of the PrL cortex on the generation, potentiation and maintenance of DN, through the microinjection of cobalt chloride (CoCl2: 1mM/200nL), a calcium influx blocker (synapse blocker): CoCl2 attenuated mechanical allodynia at twenty-first and twenty-eighth, but not at seventh and fourteenth days after CCI. Our data also indicate that PrL cortex participates in the elaboration of the chronic phase of mechanical allodynia in our adapted NP model. C- The role of the glutamatergic, endocannabinoid and endovanniloid systems of the PrL cortex on mechanical allodynia 21 days after CCI: The present data showed that microinjection of the N-methyl D-Aspartate agonist (NMDA), in a dose of 1 and 4nmol, was able to increase the mechanical allodynia threshold during mechanical stimulation by von Frey test filaments, whereas the NMDA receptors antagonist LY235959 decreased mechanical allodynia when microinjected at the highest dose (8nmol) in the PrL. The PrL cortex pretreatment with the CB1-cannabinoid receptor antagonist AM251 increased mechanical allodynia at all doses (50, 100 and 200 pmol). Microinjections of anandamide (AEA) at the smaller dose (5pmol) in PrL did not cause influence in the mechanical allodynia. However, the PrL treatment with AEA at the intermediate doses (50 and 100pmol) reduced mechanical allodynia and that effect were blocked by the pretreatment of the PrL cortex with AM251 (200pmol). Interestingly, the higher dose of AEA (200pmol) increased mechanical allodynia. Furthermore, this effect was attenuated by the PrL pretreatment with the transient potential receptor antagonist type 1 (TRPV1) ion channel selective antagonist 6 Iodonordihidrocapsaicin (6-I-CPS) in a dose of 3 pmol. These findings suggest that the PrL cortex is involved in the potentiation and maintenance of CNP through the activation of NMDA receptors and TRPV1 receptors in PrL cortex. The effect of attenuation of mechanical allodynia was caused by the activation of CB1 endocannabinoid receptors in rodents with CNP after 21 days of CCI. 3) Investigation of the comorbidity between CNP with anxiety/panic and the effect of NMDA glutamatergic and CB1 endocannabinoid receptors on PrL cortex after 21 days of CCI in rodents. The confrontation between a constrictor snake and the rodent elicited innate fear-related responses in prey, such as risk assessment, defensive immobility, and escape behaviour that were enhanced in CNP rodents and Sham. Also, after a confrontation with a potential predator, the CNP animals increased their mechanical allodynia thresholds. In adition, the microinjection of NMDA (4nmol) PrL, increased innate fear-related responses, such as risk assessment, and the treatment of PrL with NMDA at 1nmol incresed escape behaviour in rodents with CNP. The treatment of the PrL with NMDA in a dose of 4nmol increased the mechanical allodynia threshold during mechanical stimulation by von Frey test filaments, after confrontantion, whereas PrL pretreatment with LY235959 decreased innate fear-related responses, such risk assessment, defensive immobility, and escape behavior and decreased mechanical allodynia when microinjected (4 and 8nmol). The PrL Pretreatment with the CB1-cannabinoid receptor antagonist AM251 (all doses) increased unconditioned fear-related responses, such as risk assessment. Moreover, AM251 (100 and 200pmol) microinjections in the PrL increased mechanical allodynia after prey versus predator confrontation. The microinjections of AEA (100pmol) in the PrL decreased risk assessment, defensive immobility, and escape behaviour and reduced mechanical allodynia. Interestingly, the pretreatment of the PrL with the higher dose of AEA (200pmol) did not change the fear-induced behaviour elicited by predators, but increased the CNP. There was a classical inverted U-shape curve from the lower to the higher dose of AEA. These data suggest that the anxiety/panic and pain comorbidity increases CNP symptoms. The present findings also indicate that the CCI-adapted model, by ischiadicus nervus ligation with a single ligature is an effective animal model for studying comorbidities between CP and cognitive/emotional disturbances. In conclusion, we observed that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are efficient to attenuate the mechanical allodynia only during NP genesis. The PrL cortex is recruited during the maintenance and potentiation of NP. The PrL glutamatergic system via NMDA activation and endovaniloid mechanisms related to TRPV1 ion channel activation potentiate CNP, and the endocannabinoid mechanisms via CB1 receptors recruitment decrease the CNP. Finally, rodents with CNP had their mechanical allodynia thresholds decreased after the confrontation with wild snakes. In addition, their defensive behaviours were itemised, thus showing the anxiety/panic and CNP potential comorbidity and the participation of the neocortex in the elaboration of CP in a model of peripheral neuropathy induced by injury of the ischiadicus nervus through its chronic constriction in Wistar rats.

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