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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adaptação transcultural e evidências de validação psicométricas do Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits (ICU) para avaliação de traços de insensibilidade e afetividade restrita de adolescentes no Brasil / Crosscultural adaptation and psychometric evidences of the Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits (ICU) in Brazilian adolescents / Adaptación transcultural y evidencias de validación psicométricas del Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits (ICU) para evaluación de trazos de insensibilidad y afetividad restricta de adolescentes en Brasil

Rigatti, Roberta January 2016 (has links)
Traços de insensibilidade (callous) e afetividade restrita (unemotional) estão associados à característica essencial de comportamento antissocial na infância e adolescência. O Inventory of callous-unemotional traits (ICU), traduzido como Inventário de traços de insensibilidade e afetividade restrita, é um instrumento de autorrelato, com 24 itens, que mensura esses traços. No entanto, o ICU ainda não foi adaptado para o português falado no Brasil. O presente estudo tem por objetivo realizar a adaptação transcultural do ICU e verificar as evidências de validação psicométricas para adolescentes brasileiros. O estudo foi dividido em duas etapas: a primeira, de tradução, retradução, avaliação por comitê de especialistas e avaliação da clareza, da versão pré-final traduzida; e a segunda, a avaliação das evidências das seguintes propriedades psicométricas da versão final: validade de constructo, por meio da análise fatorial confirmatória (AFC) e exploratória (AFE); consistência interna via confiabilidade intra e interavaliadores; e validade de convergência através da correlação com o Questionário de Capacidades e Dificuldades – versão criança (SDQ-C). A amostra foi composta por adolescentes, entre 10 a 17 anos, de ambos os sexos, matriculados em quatro escolas da rede pública de ensino fundamental. A AFC foi embasada em oito modelos de estrutura fatorial, conforme estudos prévios de validação do ICU. O instrumento foi aplicado novamente em 40 alunos sorteados, com intervalo de 15 dias, para verificar a confiabilidade intra-avaliadores (teste-reteste). A pesquisa foi aprovada em Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CAEE nº 19651113.5.0000.5338). Após as considerações do comitê de especialistas e a aprovação do autor do ICU, 40 alunos avaliaram a clareza da versão pré-final e os termos considerados de menor entendimento foram adequados, concluindo-se, então, a etapa de adaptação transcultural. A versão final do ICU foi aplicada em 1307 estudantes, sendo 673(51,5%) do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 12,7(DP=1,68) anos. Os modelos fatoriais com melhores ajustes foram: o bifatorial adaptado de dois fatores de Hawes et al. (2014), e o bifatorial de três fatores de Waller et al. (2015). Os resultados das cargas fatoriais após AFE foi aceitável para ambos os modelos, sendo a versão breve (ICU-B) com um fator geral de 12 itens e dois fatores definidos como: insensibilidade (callous – 7 itens) e indiferença (uncaring – 5 itens). A versão do ICU com 18 itens também permaneceu com um fator geral e os três fatores definidos como: insensibilidade (callous – 9 itens), indiferença (uncaring – 4 itens) e afetividade restrita (unemotional – 5 itens). A consistência interna intra-avaliadores foi satisfatória, com coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (ICC) >0,700, em ambos os modelos. A confiabiliadade interavaliadores foi considerada moderada, no fator geral, para o ICU com 12 itens (alfa Cronbach = 0,616) e o modelo ICU de 18 itens foi satisfatória (α= 0,700). Houve convergência do ICU com o SDQ-C, sendo as correlações significativas negativas (r >0,300) entre o domínio pró-social e correlação significativa positiva com o domínio conduta e hiperatividade. Após a realização da adaptação transcultural e a avaliação das evidências de validação psicométricas do ICU para adolescentes brasileiros, obteve-se dois modelos com bons ajustes: com 12 itens (ICU-B) e com 18 itens (ICU). O constructo, conforme foi determinado após as evidências de validação, poderá favorecer a detecção precoce de características psicopatológicas em adolescentes brasileiros e contribuir para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas no tema. / Callous and unemotional traits are associated with the essential characteristics of antisocial behavior in infancy and adolescence. The Inventory of Callous-unemotional traits (ICU) is a self-report instrument, with 24 items that measure those traits. However, ICU has not being adapted for brazilian portuguese yet. The aim of this study is to perform cross-cultural adaptation of the ICU and verify the psychometric evidences for Brazilian adolescents. This study was divided in two stages: the first part in translation, backtranslation, consideration of the committee of experts and clarity evaluation, of the prefinal translated version. The second stage is evidence evaluations of the following psychometric propriety of the final version: construct validity throughout confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and exploratory factor analysis (EFA); internal consistency via inter and intra-rater reliability; and convergence validation through the correlation with the Strengths and Difficulty Questionnaire– child version (SDQ-C). The sample was made up of teenagers between 10 and 17 years old, both sex, enrolled in four public primary schools. The CFA was based in eight factor structure models, according to previous studies of ICU validation. The instrument was applied again in 40 students randomly selected, with an interval of 15 days to verify intra-rater reliability (test-retest). The research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee (CAEE nº 19651113.5.0000.5338). After the committee’s considerations and the approval of ICU’s author, 40 students evaluated the clarity of the pre-final version and adapted the terms that were less comprehensible, concluding then the cross-cultural adaptation step. The final version of ICU was applied in 1307 students, being 673(51,5%) male, with mean of 12,7(SD= 1,68) years old. The factorial models with best adjustments were bifactors adapted of two factors by Hawes et al. (2014), and bifactor of three factors by Waller et al. (2015). The factor loading results after EFA were acceptable for both models, being the brief version (ICU-B) with a general factor of 12 items and two factors defined as: callous (7 items) and uncaring (5 items). The ICU version with 18 items also remained with a general factor and three factors defined as: callous (9 items), uncaring (4 items) and unemotional (5 items). Intra-rater consistency was satisfactory, with intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) >0,700 in both models. Interrater reliability was considered moderated, in general factor, for the ICU with 12 items (alfa Cronbach = 0,616) and the ICU model of 18 items was satisfactory (α=0,700). There was convergence between ICU and SDQ-C, being the negative significant correlation (r >0,300) between pro-social dominance and positive significant correlation with conduct dominance and hyperactivity. After the ICU’s cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric validation evidences adapted for Brazilian adolescents, two models were obtained with good adjustments: ICU-B (12 items) and ICU (18 items). The construct as determined by validation evidences might help in earlier detection of psychopathologic characteristics in brazilian adolescents and contribute to the development of researches in this subject. / Rasgos de insensibilidad (callous) y afectividad restricta (unemotional) se asocian a la característica esencial del comportamiento antisocial en la niñez y adolescencia. El Inventory of callous-unemotional traits (ICU), traducido como inventario de trazos de insensibilidad y afectividad restricta, es un instrumento de auto-relato, con 24 ítems, que mensura estos trazos. Sin embargo, el ICU todavía no fue adaptado para el portugués hablado en Brasil. El presente estudio tiene por objetivo realizar la adaptación transcultural del ICU y verificar las evidencias de validación psicométricas para adolescentes brasileños. El estudio se divide en dos etapas: la primera, de traducción, re-traducción, evaluación por comité de expertos y evaluación de claridad, de la versión pre-final traducida; y la segunda, la evaluación de las evidencias de las siguientes propiedades psicométricas de la versión final: validad del constructo, por medio del análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC) y exploratorio (AFE); consistencia interna vía fiabilidad intra e inter-evaluadores; y validad de convergencia a través de la correlación con el cuestionario de capacidades y dificultades – versión para niños (SDQ-C). La muestra es compuesta por adolescentes, entre 10 a 17 años, de ambos los sexos, matriculados en cuatro escuelas públicas de enseñanza primaria. La AFC fue embazada en ocho modelos de estructura factorial, según estudios previos de evaluación del ICU. El instrumento se aplicó nuevamente en 40 alumnos sorteados, con intervalo de 15 días para verificar la fiabilidad intra-evaluadores (teste-reteste). La investigación fue aprobada en el Comité de Ética en Investigación (CAEE nº 19651113.5.0000.5338). Después de las consideraciones del comité de expertos y la aprobación del autor del ICU, 40 alumnos evaluaron la claridad de la versión pre-final y se adecuaron los términos considerados de menor entendimiento, concluyendo, de esa forma, la etapa de la adaptación transcultural. La versión final del ICU se aplicó en 1307 estudiantes, siendo 673(51,5%) del sexo masculino, con edad media de 12,7(DP= 1,68) años. Los modelos factoriales con mejores ajustes fueron: el bi-factorial adaptado de dos factores de Hawes et al. (2014), y el bi-factorial de tres factores de Waller et al. (2015). Los resultados de las cargas factoriales tras el AFE fue aceptable para ambos los modelos, siendo la versión breve (ICU-B) con un factor general de 12 ítems y dos factores definidos como: insensibilidad (callous - 7 ítems) y indiferencia (uncaring - 5 ítems). La versión del ICU con 18 ítems también se quedó con un factor general y tres factores definidos como: insensibilidad (callous – 9 ítems), indiferencia (uncaring – 4 ítems) y afectividad restricta (unemotional – 5 ítems). La consistencia interna intra-evaluadores fue satisfactoria, con coeficiente de correlación intraclase (ICC) >0,700 en ambos modelos, la fiabilidad inter-evaluadores se consideró moderada, el factor general para el ICU con 12 ítems (alfa Cronbach =0,616) e o modelo ICU de 18 ítems fue satisfactoria (=0,700). Hubo convergencia del ICU con el SDQ-C, siendo las correlaciones significativas negativas (r>0,300) entre el dominio pro-social y correlación significativa positiva con el dominio conducta e hiperactividad. Después de la realización de la adaptación transcultural y la evaluación de las evidencias de validación psicométricas del ICU para adolescentes brasileños, se obtuvo dos modelos con buenos ajustes: con 12 ítems (ICU-B) y con 18 ítems (ICU). El constructo conforme determinado tras las evidencias de validación podrá favorecer la detección precoz de características psicopatológicas en adolescentes brasileños y contribuir para el desarrollo de investigaciones en el tema.

Les caractéristiques de marche en simple et double tâche sont-elles des biomarqueurs d'une phase asymptomatique du déclin cognitif ? / Relevance of walking characteristics in simple and dual task as biomarkers of asymptomatic phase in cognitive decline ?

Perrochon, Anaïck 18 January 2013 (has links)
On admet aujourd'hui que les tests psychométriques traditionnels paraissent insuffisants pour détecter précocement des troubles cognitifs. Parallèlement, des cliniciens observent une perte de l'automaticité de la marche lors du vieillissement normal ou de pathologies neurodégénératives qui peut être directement imputée au déclin des fonctions exécutives (FE) et aggravé lors des situations de double-tâche (DT). Plusieurs auteurs ont montré que la présence prématurée d'une atteinte motrice pouvait prédire une évolution défavorable vers une démence de type Alzheimer. Dans ce contexte, il devient évident que l'évaluation de la marche doit faire l'objet d'une investigation spécifique lors d'un bilan cognitif. Les travaux de cette thèse s'articulent autour du concept de troubles cognitifs légers, des FE et de l'évaluation motrice lors de diverses situations de marche.L'objectif principal est de déterminer si l'évaluation de la marche spontanée et/ou en DT constitue un outil de détection précoce des troubles cognitifs. Un objectif secondaire est de préciser les FE qui affectent la performance motrice dans les situations de DT. L'originalité de ce travail de thèse réside dans le développement de nouveaux exercices de DT de navigation spatiale basés sur l'adaptation de tests neuropsychologiques (test de Corsi, de Stroop et Trail Making Test) à la marche. Finalement, nous avons aussi proposé un « stroop écologique » qui s'intéresse à la prise de décision de traverser de rue au feu piéton.Les résultats révèlent que les interférences provoquées par les situations de DT entrainent une modification spécifique du schéma de marche du sujet âgé ayant des troubles cognitifs même lorsqu'ils sont infracliniques. De plus, la résolution des tests de DT nécessite la participation commune de plusieurs FE.En conclusion, la batterie de test que nous proposons présente un intérêt potentiel dans la détection précoce des troubles cognitifs chez les sujets âgés, mais aussi dans la compréhension des mécanismes régulant les FE. / Traditional psychometric and/or neuropsychologic tests alone, are not powerful enough to detect cognitive disturbances in aging subjects and therefore new criteria and tests should be developed to get relevant screening tools. Since walking is not anymore considered as a pure automatic motor task but as a task depending both on cognitive and executive functions (EF), clinicians became interested in studying walking disturbances in the course of neurodegenerative pathology development. Walking tasks can be complex and could be assimilated as a double-task (DT) when individuals have to simultaneously proceed with cognitive and motor tasks. Several authors have suggested that disturbances in walking abilities could predict cognitive disorders (e.g. Alzheimer Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)). Therefore, walking abilities should specifically be evaluated during cognitive clinical investigation.The main goal of our work is to evaluate whether a walking task alone and/or walking tasks in the context of DT could be of interest in detecting early stages of cognitive disorders in the elderly. A secondary goal is to investigate what are the executive functions that can influence walking during a DT. The originality of our approach also stems from the new motor ability tests we have developed. They are based on validated neuropsychological tests (Corsi, Stroop and Trail Making Tests) and are adapted to the context of walking. Moreover, we also present an adaptation of the Stroop test in the situation of a pedestrian at the cross light intending to cross a street ("ecological Stroop test").Our results show that DT situations induce specific changes in walking scheme in the elderly with established cognitive disorders and also -and this is one of our most important result- with borderline patients. We also show that the DT we tested required the involment of several EF.In conclusion, the new tests we present could be of interest in detecting early stages of cognitive disorders in elderly subjects and moreover can give clues to the mechanisms involved in the regulation of executive functions.

Adaptação transcultural, propriedades psicométricas e aplicação da versão brasileira do SOHO-5, instrumento de qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal para crianças de 5 anos de idade / Cross-cultural adaptation, psychometric properties and application of the Brazilian version of the SOHO-5, childrens oral health-related quality of life instrument for 5-year-old children

Alvarez, Jenny Haydeé Abanto 28 February 2013 (has links)
Os objetivos foram: 1) traduzir e adaptar transculturalmente ao idioma português do Brasil a Scale of Oral Health Outcomes for 5-year-old children (SOHO-5); 2) avaliar as propriedades psicométricas (confiabilidade, validade e responsividade) da versão de pais e versão de crianças do SOHO-5; 3) avaliar o impacto da cárie dentária e leões dentárias traumáticas (LDT) na qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal (QVRSB) da criança desde a percepção de pais e filhos; 4) avaliar a concordância entre relatos de pais e filhos sobre à QVRSB da criança. A adaptação transcultural do SOHO-5 foi testada em dois pilotos com 40 crianças de 5 e 6 anos de idade e seus pais. A validade e confiabilidade foram testadas em 193 crianças e pais. Das 193, 154 completaram o SOHO-5 de 7 a 14 dias após o tratamento odontológico da criança para analisar a responsividade. Para este fim eles também responderam julgamentos de transição global sobre a percepção de mudança na saúde bucal após tratamento. As medidas de responsividade incluíram tamanhos de efeito (TE) e médias de respostas padronizadas (MRP). Para avaliação do impacto, 335 pares de crianças e pais completaram o SOHO-5, e as crianças foram examinadas por três examinadores calibrados. A concordância entre relatos foi avaliada em 298 pares mãe-criança e 37 pares pai-criança. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a consistência interna pelo alfa de Cronbach foi de 0,90 e 0,77 para a versão da criança e dos pais, respectivamente. Para a confiabilidade teste-reteste, o Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse (CCI) do escore total da versão da criança foi 0,92 e dos pais 0,98. O SOHO-5 mostrou validade de construto e discriminante satisfatória. Em relação à responsividade, houve melhora na saúde bucal após o tratamento em ambas as versões (p<0,001). Houve diferença significativa entre os escores pré- e pós tratamento nos grupos que relataram ter melhorado um pouco e ter melhorado muito (p<0,05). Para ambas as versões, o TE e MRP das médias de escore de mudança para escores totais e para os julgamentos de transição global foram moderados a grandes. O modelo multivariado mostrou associação entre a cárie dentária e a pior QVRSB na criança, de acordo com as crianças e pais, RTR (Razão de Taxa Robusta) (IC 95%) = 6.37 (4,71; 8.62) e 10.81 (7,65; 15.27), respectivamente. A média da diferença direcional para escore total de -1,35 (IC 95% -2,330; -0,372) foi significativamente diferente entre os relatos de pares pai-criança. O CCI para escores totais foi de 0,84 (IC 95% 0,798; 0,867) e 0,67 (IC 95% 0,445; 0,814) entre pares mãe-criança e pai-criança, respectivamente. A versão brasileira do SOHO-5 é confiável, válida e responsiva para crianças de 5 e 6 anos de idade no Brasil. A cárie dentária na criança, mas não as LDT, está associada à pior QVRSB da criança de 5 e 6 anos de idade. As mães avaliaram a QVRSB dos seus filhos de forma similar às crianças, enquanto que os pais a subestimaram. / The aims were: 1) translate and cross-cultural adapt the Scale of Oral Health Outcomes for 5-year-old children (SOHO-5) to the Brazilian Portuguese language; 2) to assess the psychometric properties (reliability, validity and responsiveness) of self- and parental proxy-reports of the SOHO-5; 3) to assess the impact of dental caries and trauma dental injuries (TDI) on childrens oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) according to both self- and parental reports; 4) to assess the agreement among parents and children regarding the childs OHRQoL. We tested the cross-cultural adaptation in two pilots with 40 children aged 5- 6-years and their parents. Validity and reliability were tested on 193 children and parents. Of the 193, 154 completed the SOHO-5 7-14 days after the childs dental treatment to assess responsiveness. For this purpose, they also answered global transition judgments on subjects perceptions of change in their oral health following treatment. Measures of responsiveness included standardized effect sizes (ES) and standardized response mean (SRM). To assess the impact, 335 pairs of parents and children completed the SOHO-5 and three calibrated examiners performed the childrens oral examinations. Agreement among reports was assessed in 298 mother-child and 37 father-child pairs. The internal consistency by Cronbach\'s alpha coefficient was 0.90 and 0.77 for the children self- and for parental proxy- reports, respectively. For test-retest reliability, Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) for total score was 0.92 of of the child version and 0.98 of the parental version. The SOHO-5 showed satisfactory construct and discriminant validity. For responsiveness, there was an improvement of childrens oral health after treatment (p<0.001). There were significant differences in the pre- and post-treatment scores of those who reported improving a little and those who reported improving a lot (p<0.05). For both versions, the ES and SRM based on change scores mean for total scores and for categories of global transitions judgments were moderate to large. The multivariate model showed an association between dental caries and a worse childs OHRQoL, according to children and parents perceptions, (RR (Rate Ratio) (CI95%) = 6.37 (4.71; 8.62) e 10.81 (7.65; 15.27)), respectively. The mean directional difference of the total scores of -1.35 (CI95% -2.330; -0.372) was only significant for the father-child pairs. The ICC for total scores was 0.84 (CI 95% 0.798; 0.867) and 0.67 (CI 95% 0.445; 0.814) among mother-child and father-child pairs, respectively. The Brazilian version of the SOHO-5 is reliable, valid and responsive for 5-6 years-old children in Brazil. Dental caries, but not TDI, is associated with worse OHRQoL in children aged 5-6-years. Mothers do rate their young childrens OHRQoL similarly to childrens self-reports, while fathers tend to underreport.

Controle de qualidade em anestesia ambulatorial: avaliação dos serviços na visão dos pacientes / Quality control in ambulatory anesthesia: evaluation of service the patient's viewpoint

Lemos, Jeconias Neiva [UNESP] 10 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JECONIAS NEIVA LEMOS null (jeconias.lemos@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-03-07T08:45:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Jeconias Neiva Lemos - Tese de Doutorado (apos a defesa).pdf: 3149648 bytes, checksum: 6c17c23eb202344aa7609af4aaa4a0da (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO (luizamenezes@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-03-10T17:39:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 lemos_jn_dr_bot.pdf: 3149648 bytes, checksum: 6c17c23eb202344aa7609af4aaa4a0da (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-10T17:39:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 lemos_jn_dr_bot.pdf: 3149648 bytes, checksum: 6c17c23eb202344aa7609af4aaa4a0da (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-10 / Introdução. A qualidade dos serviços prestados em anestesiologia, que usualmente são medidos por índices de morbidade e mortalidade, passaram a levar em consideração a satisfação dos pacientes nas diversas etapas do atendimento. Como satisfação é o resultado dos cuidados prestados segundo a perspectiva do cliente, cabe ao anestesiologista ser capaz de construir relacionamentos com os pacientes, fornecendo informações compreensíveis, envolvendo-os nas decisões sobre sua anestesia, esclarecer suas dúvidas e ouvir suas queixas. Assim, esta medida proporciona uma base para que se possa melhorar os cuidados na anestesiologia. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o atendimento perianestésico em uma Unidade de Cirurgia Ambulatorial, com base nas medidas de satisfação dos pacientes. Método. Utilizou-se o “Heidelberg Peri-anaesthetic Questionnaire”, para avaliar as medidas de satisfação nas diversas etapas do atendimento perianestésico em pacientes que foram submetidos à cirurgia em regime ambulatorial. Respostas para cada questão foram ranqueadas como “1”, “2”, “3” e “4”, correspondendo a “totalmente insatisfeito”, “insatisfeito”, “satisfeito” e “totalmente satisfeito”. Questões com escore de insatisfação abaixo da média geral menos um desvio padrão (DP) e questões com um alto DP interno foram selecionadas para análise de correlação. Foi feita uma análise de regressão logística multivariada correlacionando o grau de insatisfação nas questões com os dados de caracterização dos pacientes (idade, gênero, escolaridade, estado físico ASA), da anestesia (tipo, tempo e experiência prévia) e da especialidade cirúrgica. Resultados. Foram avaliados 1.211 pacientes de ambos os sexos, com idades entre 18-65 anos. Questões relacionadas à insatisfação envolveram medo da anestesia e da cirurgia, sensação de frio, necessidade urgente de urinar e dor na região operada, assim como a preocupação e a brevidade da equipe em aliviar a dor do paciente. Ser jovem, do sexo feminino, com escolaridade de nível superior e anestesia geral foram variáveis relacionadas com maior nível de insatisfação. Cirurgias ginecológicas e urológicas, um longo tempo cirúrgico e experiência prévia de anestesia também estiveram relacionados com insatisfação. Discussão. A utilização do “Heidelberg Peri-anaesthetic Questionnaire”, demonstrou ser ferramenta útil na identificação dos pontos de insatisfação dos pacientes. Utilizou-se critério de aplicação do questionário diferente do utilizado no modelo original, que foi por meio de entrevista, obtendo com isso uma maior adesão à pesquisa. Essa ferramenta permitiu a identificação do perfil dos grupos de pacientes insatisfeitos dentro das diversas etapas do atendimento que envolvem a equipe de anestesia. Esses resultados tornam possível o estabelecimento de prioridades nos diferentes pontos de atenção, com o objetivo de buscar uma maior satisfação dos pacientes com os cuidados anestésicos. / Introduction. Quality in anesthesiology is usually measured by morbidity and mortality. Nonetheless, it has been assessed by the patients’ satisfaction at various stages of anesthetic care. As satisfaction is the result of care from the client's perspective, the anesthesiologist must be able to build relationships with patients, provide understandable information, involve them in decisions about their anesthesia, answer their questions and listen to their complaints. This measurement therefore provides a basis to improve care in anesthesiology. This study aimed to evaluate peri-anesthetic care in an ambulatory surgery center based on patient’s satisfaction measures. Methods. We used the “Heidelberg Peri-anesthetic Questionnaire” to evaluate satisfaction at various stages of peri-anesthetic care in patients undergoing ambulatory surgery. Responses to each question were ranked as “1, “2”, “3” or “4”, corresponding to totally unsatisfied, unsatisfied, satisfied and totally satisfied. Questions with score below pool average minus one standard deviation (SD) and those with a high internal SD were selected for correlation analysis (dissatisfaction). The correlation analysis using multivariate logistic regression considered the degree of dissatisfaction with patients’ characteristics (age, gender, education degree and ASA physical status), anesthesia (type, time and prior experience) and surgical specialty. Results. We evaluated 1,211 patients from both sexes, aged 18 to 65 years. Questions evaluated as dissatisfaction involved fear of anesthesia and surgery, feeling cold, the urgent need to urinate and pain at the surgical site, as well as the level of concern and response speed of the team in relieving the patients’ pain. Younger age, women, college education and general anesthesia were variables related to a greater level of dissatisfaction. Urological and gynecological surgeries, longer surgical duration and previous experience of anesthesia were also related to dissatisfaction. Discussion. The "Heidelberg Peri-anesthetic Questionnaire" proved to be a useful tool in identifying the reasons for patient’s dissatisfaction. The questionnaire application criterion we used was based on interviews, which differed from the one used in the original model, leading to a greater adhesion of patients to this research. This tool allowed the identification of dissatisfied patient groups at the various stages of anesthetic care. These results enable the establishment of priorities at the different points of attention, with the ultimate aim of improving patients’ satisfaction regarding anesthesia care.

Adaptação transcultural, propriedades psicométricas e aplicação da versão brasileira do SOHO-5, instrumento de qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal para crianças de 5 anos de idade / Cross-cultural adaptation, psychometric properties and application of the Brazilian version of the SOHO-5, childrens oral health-related quality of life instrument for 5-year-old children

Jenny Haydeé Abanto Alvarez 28 February 2013 (has links)
Os objetivos foram: 1) traduzir e adaptar transculturalmente ao idioma português do Brasil a Scale of Oral Health Outcomes for 5-year-old children (SOHO-5); 2) avaliar as propriedades psicométricas (confiabilidade, validade e responsividade) da versão de pais e versão de crianças do SOHO-5; 3) avaliar o impacto da cárie dentária e leões dentárias traumáticas (LDT) na qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal (QVRSB) da criança desde a percepção de pais e filhos; 4) avaliar a concordância entre relatos de pais e filhos sobre à QVRSB da criança. A adaptação transcultural do SOHO-5 foi testada em dois pilotos com 40 crianças de 5 e 6 anos de idade e seus pais. A validade e confiabilidade foram testadas em 193 crianças e pais. Das 193, 154 completaram o SOHO-5 de 7 a 14 dias após o tratamento odontológico da criança para analisar a responsividade. Para este fim eles também responderam julgamentos de transição global sobre a percepção de mudança na saúde bucal após tratamento. As medidas de responsividade incluíram tamanhos de efeito (TE) e médias de respostas padronizadas (MRP). Para avaliação do impacto, 335 pares de crianças e pais completaram o SOHO-5, e as crianças foram examinadas por três examinadores calibrados. A concordância entre relatos foi avaliada em 298 pares mãe-criança e 37 pares pai-criança. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a consistência interna pelo alfa de Cronbach foi de 0,90 e 0,77 para a versão da criança e dos pais, respectivamente. Para a confiabilidade teste-reteste, o Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse (CCI) do escore total da versão da criança foi 0,92 e dos pais 0,98. O SOHO-5 mostrou validade de construto e discriminante satisfatória. Em relação à responsividade, houve melhora na saúde bucal após o tratamento em ambas as versões (p<0,001). Houve diferença significativa entre os escores pré- e pós tratamento nos grupos que relataram ter melhorado um pouco e ter melhorado muito (p<0,05). Para ambas as versões, o TE e MRP das médias de escore de mudança para escores totais e para os julgamentos de transição global foram moderados a grandes. O modelo multivariado mostrou associação entre a cárie dentária e a pior QVRSB na criança, de acordo com as crianças e pais, RTR (Razão de Taxa Robusta) (IC 95%) = 6.37 (4,71; 8.62) e 10.81 (7,65; 15.27), respectivamente. A média da diferença direcional para escore total de -1,35 (IC 95% -2,330; -0,372) foi significativamente diferente entre os relatos de pares pai-criança. O CCI para escores totais foi de 0,84 (IC 95% 0,798; 0,867) e 0,67 (IC 95% 0,445; 0,814) entre pares mãe-criança e pai-criança, respectivamente. A versão brasileira do SOHO-5 é confiável, válida e responsiva para crianças de 5 e 6 anos de idade no Brasil. A cárie dentária na criança, mas não as LDT, está associada à pior QVRSB da criança de 5 e 6 anos de idade. As mães avaliaram a QVRSB dos seus filhos de forma similar às crianças, enquanto que os pais a subestimaram. / The aims were: 1) translate and cross-cultural adapt the Scale of Oral Health Outcomes for 5-year-old children (SOHO-5) to the Brazilian Portuguese language; 2) to assess the psychometric properties (reliability, validity and responsiveness) of self- and parental proxy-reports of the SOHO-5; 3) to assess the impact of dental caries and trauma dental injuries (TDI) on childrens oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) according to both self- and parental reports; 4) to assess the agreement among parents and children regarding the childs OHRQoL. We tested the cross-cultural adaptation in two pilots with 40 children aged 5- 6-years and their parents. Validity and reliability were tested on 193 children and parents. Of the 193, 154 completed the SOHO-5 7-14 days after the childs dental treatment to assess responsiveness. For this purpose, they also answered global transition judgments on subjects perceptions of change in their oral health following treatment. Measures of responsiveness included standardized effect sizes (ES) and standardized response mean (SRM). To assess the impact, 335 pairs of parents and children completed the SOHO-5 and three calibrated examiners performed the childrens oral examinations. Agreement among reports was assessed in 298 mother-child and 37 father-child pairs. The internal consistency by Cronbach\'s alpha coefficient was 0.90 and 0.77 for the children self- and for parental proxy- reports, respectively. For test-retest reliability, Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) for total score was 0.92 of of the child version and 0.98 of the parental version. The SOHO-5 showed satisfactory construct and discriminant validity. For responsiveness, there was an improvement of childrens oral health after treatment (p<0.001). There were significant differences in the pre- and post-treatment scores of those who reported improving a little and those who reported improving a lot (p<0.05). For both versions, the ES and SRM based on change scores mean for total scores and for categories of global transitions judgments were moderate to large. The multivariate model showed an association between dental caries and a worse childs OHRQoL, according to children and parents perceptions, (RR (Rate Ratio) (CI95%) = 6.37 (4.71; 8.62) e 10.81 (7.65; 15.27)), respectively. The mean directional difference of the total scores of -1.35 (CI95% -2.330; -0.372) was only significant for the father-child pairs. The ICC for total scores was 0.84 (CI 95% 0.798; 0.867) and 0.67 (CI 95% 0.445; 0.814) among mother-child and father-child pairs, respectively. The Brazilian version of the SOHO-5 is reliable, valid and responsive for 5-6 years-old children in Brazil. Dental caries, but not TDI, is associated with worse OHRQoL in children aged 5-6-years. Mothers do rate their young childrens OHRQoL similarly to childrens self-reports, while fathers tend to underreport.

Preliminary Psychometric Results of a Tinnitus Self-Efficacy Questionnaire

Smith, Sherri, Fagelson, Marc A. 15 June 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Lysholm knee score vid bedömning av knäfunktion 20 år efter främre korsbandsskada : Analys av begreppsvaliditet, samtidig validitet, prediktiv validitet, och förändring över tid.

Karlsson, Clara, Spännargård, Mira January 2019 (has links)
Introduktion: Efter en korsbandsskada är det av vikt att utvärdera knäfunktionen och följa hur den förändras över tid. Det görs oftast med skattningsformulär, som Lysholm knee score, och fysiska tester. Idag saknas det forskning om validiteten för Lysholm knee score lång tid efter skada. Syftet med studien var att undersöka mätegenskaper för Lysholm knee score vid test av knäfunktion 20 år efter främre korsbandsskada. Metod: Undersökningen gjordes på insamlad data från 70 personer som drabbats av korsbandsskada för mer än 20 år sedan (23±2 år). Materialet var mätt vid tre olika tillfällen, vilket var 2 år, 6-10 år samt 20 år efter skada och bestod av Lysholm knee score, KOOS, KT1000, one leg hop, vertical jump och the side hop test. I studien analyserades begreppsvaliditet, samtidig validitet, prediktiv validitet samt förändring över tid. Pearson’s test användes för test av korrelation, en enkel linjär regression för att undersöka prediktiv validitet och reapeted ANOVA för förändring över tid. Resultat: Resultatet visade att begreppsvaliditeten hade obetydlig korrelation mellan Lysholm knee score och de funktionella knätesterna. Den samtidiga validiteten visade på en stark korrelation för KOOS-symtom och en svag korrelation för KOOS-smärta. Den prediktiva validiteten visade att variationen av Lysholm 20 år senare till viss del kan förklaras av skattningen av Lysholm 2 år efter skadan vilket visade på att den har en prediktiv förmåga. Vid undersökning av förändring över tid av Lysholm knee score visade resultatet att funktionen förändrades till det bättre mellan första och andra mättillfället (p=1.06), medan det försämrades fram till det tredje mättillfället (p&lt;0.001). Konklusion: Lysholm knee score är ett formulär som fångar upp förändring över tid och som till viss del kan predicera hur man skattar den upplevda knäfunktionen över en längre tid. I praktiken bör det användas med flera knäfunktionstester för det ska täcka flera dimensioner av knäfunktion.

The empirical validity of an assessment battery for apprentice electrician students / M.A. van Stelten

Van Stelten, Margaretha Aletta January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

Gerklų vėžiu sergančių pacientų slaugos poreikių vertinimas / Assessment the nursing needs of larynx cancer patients

Morkūnaitė, Snieguolė 16 June 2006 (has links)
The topic of the study is to asses the larynx cancer patients needs from the viewpoint of the patient, his or her family and nursing personnel, using quantitative and qualitative research methodology. The significance of the reseaarch. The needs and difficulties of larynx patients are very significant in clinical practice. It is important to evaluate if the nursing needs are equally and adequately understood by the patient, family and the nursing personnel. It is a common practice to use the worldly acknowledged instruments. The use of the quantative method in the research improves the quality of the research and allows to deepen the understanding of the needs of the patient. The hypothesis of the research. The needs of the larynx cancer patient can be disclosed using the adapted version of Needs Evaluation Questionnaire and by disclosing the attitude of the family, nursing personnel towards the needs of the patient by means of quantitative research. The aim of the study is to determine the larynx patient needs by using Needs Evaluation Questionnaire and to assess the attitude of the family and the nursing by means of quantitative research. The goals: 1. Determine the suitability and reliability of the Needs Evaluation Questionnaire by evalutaing the needs of the larynx patients. 2. Determine the attitude of the family towards the needs of the patient by using partially structured interview. 3. Determine the attitude of the nursing personnel towards the needs of the... [to full text]

The empirical validity of an assessment battery for apprentice electrician students / M.A. van Stelten

Van Stelten, Margaretha Aletta January 2008 (has links)
Selection and selection procedures play a key role in the ability of organisations to compete successfully in the complex global and local environment. South Africa is experiencing a serious artisinal and technical skill shortage. Given the unemployment issues and the quest for people to fill the skill shortage gap it is important for organizations to find possible solutions to ensure that they stay competitive and effective in the labour market. Research suggests that at least 12 500 artisans need to be produced each year from 2006 to 2010 to meet the demand for skilled workers. To address above mentioned challenge organizations have to develop strategies to assist them to select individuals with the best chance to succeed in training. Unfortunately, the solution is not simple as organisations have a multitude of influences and pressures which affect their decisions regarding selection procedures. Selection of individuals is becoming an increasingly complex science as organisations have to select a capable and representative workforce. They must thus select candidates that are most likely to benefit from what is offered educationally, meet the requirements stipulated in South Africa's Labour legislation, and will perform most successfully in the specific trade. Bad practice can lead to costly litigation. The objectives of this mini-dissertation were to assess the empirical validity of the Technical Test Battery (TTB), as ability test and the Learning Potential Computerised Adaptive Test (LPCAT) as learning potential test as predictors of academic success of first year apprentice electrician students at a South African technical college serving a mining community. The study explored the current local employment issues that affect selection for training in the technical fields. The difference between the measurement of cognitive ability and learning potential were examined and the nature of the constructs of cognitive ability and that of learning potential were discussed. In the empirical study one of the objectives was to determine whether there was a relationship between the TTB and the LPCAT as two different predictors of the academic success of first yar apprentice electrician students. The difference in the empirical (predictive) validity of the two psychometric selection instruments, if only one of the tests as opposed to if both were used in combination, were examined. Another objective was to determine if there were any differences regarding the scores on the TTB and LPCAT of students from the designated group as opposed to that of students from non-designated groups. Finally this study explored whether the TTB and LPCAT were valid predictors to be used as selection instruments for apprentice electrician students in the South African context The research method consisted of a literature review and an empirical study. The empirical validity of the two predictor tests was validated in terms of the accuracy with which the selection instruments predicted the students' future performance. This research can be categorized as descriptive quantitative research. The TTB and LPCAT scores of a sample of 89 selected apprentice electricians were compared with the number of attempts they used to pass a phase test. Data was analysed by means of descriptive statistics. Pearsons Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, t-tests, ANOVAs as well as discriminant analysis were also used to reach the research objective. Statistically significant relationships were found between the predictor and criterion variables. The results confirm that the TTB and LPCAT are indeed empirical valid tests that can be used in the selection of apprentice electricians. / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

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