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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les émotions dans les agirs violents : approche psychanalytique / Emotion and violent act

Favre, Claire 16 May 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche, en étroite relation avec notre pratique clinique en milieu carcéral, s'intéresse aux émotions dans les agirs violents. Les termes « émotions » et « agirs » sont à entendre dans une acception généraliste puisque nous partons de ce qui est visible pour remonter au fonctionnement psychique. Notre recherche s'intéresse ainsi à la clinique de l'agir et aux théories psychanalytiques de l'affect. Soulignant le fait que la prise en charge du sujet ne doit pas exclusivement se centrer sur l'agir violent, nous nous questionnons sur le fonctionnement des auteurs d'agirs violents et sur le lien qui existe entre un type d'agir (recours à l'acte et / ou passage à l'acte) et un fonctionnement particulier. Les fondements théoriques de la clinique des états-limites et de la clinique psychosomatique semblent pouvoir nous apporter des réponses intéressantes. Ainsi, à une analyse du fonctionnement en fonction de l'acte, nous préférons avoir une lecture qui part du fonctionnement pour éclairer la compréhension de l'acte. De manière générale, au-delà de vouloir préciser à quel fonctionnement appartient un type d'agir, nous souhaitons avant tout souligner la pluralité des fonctionnements dans la clinique des agirs. Enfin, nous chercherons à comprendre l'impact du milieu carcéral sur le fonctionnement de ces sujets. / This research, in conjunction with our clinical practice in prisons, focuses on emotions in violent act. The terms "emotion" and "act" must be understood in a general sense because we start from what is visible for up to psychic functioning. Our research interest in the theory of violent act and psychoanalytic theories of affect. It's important not only focus on the violent act and we questionned the functioning of the author of violent act and the relationship between one type of act (different type of acting out ) and psychic functioning. The theoretical foundations of limit states and psychosomatic seem to bring us interesting answers. Thus, an analysis of the operation according to the act, we prefer to have a reading that part of the psychic functioning to illuminate the understanding of the act. In general, beyond wanting to clarify what types of operation belongs act, we would first like to emphasize the plurality of functioning in the clinic act.

Sind psychische Störungen in den neuen Bundesländern häufiger?

Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Lachner, Gabriele, Perkonigg, Axel, Hoeltz, J. January 1994 (has links)
Im Rahmen einer Reanalyse von vier Erhebungen an jugendlichen und erwachsenen Probanden in den neuen und alten Bundesländern in den Jahren 1990 bis 1991/92 wurden Angaben zu Indikatoren für Depressivität, Angst/psychosomatische Beschwerden und Substanzgebrauch in Ost- und Westdeutschland verglichen. Zum Zeitpunkt der Untersuchungen gab es im Gegensatz zu der von einzelnen Autoren angeführten Erwartung keine eindeutigen Hinweise auf eine insgesamt erhöhte psychiatrische Morbidität in den neuen Bundesländern. Depressive Symptome und der Gebrauch von illegalen Drogen und Medikamenten sind durchgängig in den alten Bundesländern häufíger nachzuweisen als in den neuen Bundesländern. Allenfalls ergaben sich für die Stichproben Ost für einzelne depressionstypische sowie einzelne psychovegetative Symptome und für Alkoholgebrauch statistisch signifikant erhöhte Werte. Da keine Diagnosekriterien erhoben wurden, muβ die Aussagekraft der Daten dahingehend eingeschränkt werden, daβ lediglich Indikatoren für psychische Auffälligkeiten erhoben wurden.

Weight status and psychosomatic complaints in Swedish adolescent boys and girls: examining the buffering role of family support.

Venäläinen, Jasmin January 2023 (has links)
Introduction: Psychosomatic complaints have increased among adolescents in recent decades, as well as overweight and obesity rates, which have become a public health issue. The associations between weight status and psychosomatic complaints are not clear, therefore further research is needed. The aim of this study was to explore the associations between weight status and psychosomatic complaints among Swedish adolescents, and the possible buffering effect of family support. Methods: This study was based on cross-sectional data of the Swedish Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC) of 2017/18, that included 3,133 boys and girls aged 11, 13 and 15 years. Weight status was based on self-reported information on weight and height, which was used to calculate body mass index (BMI) and construct the categories “non-overweight”, “overweight” and “obese”. Psychosomatic complaints were based on information on the frequency of eight different complaints, that was summed to an index. Family support was measured by three items that described the received support. An index was constructed which was dichotomized into two categories, low and high family support. Gender, age and family affluence were included as covariates. Linear regression analyses were performed to investigate the associations between weight status and psychosomatic complaints. Interaction analyses were used to see whether family support moderates the main association. Additional family support- and sex-stratified analyses were conducted. Results: The results revealed that obesity is associated with higher levels of psychosomatic complaints. Being non-overweight or overweight did not show any significant associations with the outcome. Girls reported higher levels of psychosomatic complaints compared to boys. Family support could buffer against obese girls’ psychosomatic complaints. Conclusions: The findings of this study highlight the importance of public health actions to prevent childhood obesity and additionally the significant role of family support in decreasing obese adolescents’ psychosomatic complaints. Furthermore, more research is needed for better understanding of these associations.

Heart Rate Variability: A Measure of Cardiovascular Health and Possible Therapeutic Target in Dysautonomic Mental and Neurological Disorders

Siepmann, Martin, Weidner, Kerstin, Petrowski, Katja, Siepmann, Timo 05 April 2024 (has links)
Mental illness such as depression and anxiety as well as cerebrovascular disease are linked to impairment of neurocardiac function mediated by changes to the autonomic nervous system with increased sympathetic and decreased parasympathetic activity. Autonomic neurocardiac function can be evaluated by computing heart rate variability (HRV). Over the past decades, research has demonstrated the diagnostic value of HRV as independent predictor of cardiovascular mortality and as disease marker in progressive autonomic nervous system disorders such as Parkinson’s disease. Here we summarize our studies on HRV and its therapeutic modulation in the context of psychopharmacology as well as psychiatric and neurological disorders to honor the life of Professor Evgeny Vaschillo, the true pioneer of HRV research who sadly passed away on November 21st, 2020.

Psychometric properties and validation of the English version Giessen Subjective Complaints List (GBB-8)

Petrowski, Katja, Zenger, Markus, Schmalbach, Bjarne, Bastianon, Christina Diane, Strauss, Bernhard 04 June 2024 (has links)
Background The present study investigated the psychometric properties of the newly developed English version of the Giessen Subjective Complaint List-8 (GBB-8), a questionnaire assessing psychosomatic symptoms with regard to exhaustion, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular. Methods A U.S. sample of 638 participants (47.6% female) was recruited by MTurk to participate in this cross-sectional online survey. Validation instruments included the Patient Health Questionnaire-4, Perceived Stress Scale, short version of the Trier Inventory for Chronic Stress. Results Reliability was high with ω’s between .80 and .86 for all subscales. Confirmatory factor analyses yielded comparable good model fit for a four-dimensional model as well as a higher order model. Multi-group confirmatory factor analyses confirmed measurement invariance of the GBB-8 across sex and age. Regarding convergent validity, correlations with other instruments were highly significant and of large magnitude as expected. Conclusion The English version of the GBB-8 has shown excellent psychometric properties. Therefore, it can be recommended for the assessment of psychosomatic complaints in contexts where short screening instruments are necessary.

Die Qualität der stationären Versorgung von Menschen mit Demenz- eine Analyse auf Grundlage der VIPP- Datenbank / The Quality of Inpatient Treatment of People with Dementia - An Analysis based on a German Indicator Project in Psychiatric Hospitals (VIPP project)

Chehadeh, Ramadan 27 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.

照顧家中失能老人中年女性生命經驗之研究 / The Life Experience of Midlife Women Who Caring Disabled Elders at Home

李德芬, Lee, Te Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採質性研究(qualitative research)之深度晤談法(indepth interview)進行資料收集,再以紮根理論方法進行文本分析,共訪12位中年女性,本研究結果如下: 一、照顧家中失能老人中年女性之照顧經驗與感受 個案因「角色認同、婚姻綁樁、反哺回饋及無法承受之罪」承接照顧責任,面臨「專業照護技能學習、人際關係緊張疏離、生活陷入窘迫、家人支援不足」等壓力;透過「修正照顧認知、尋找照顧意義、暫離照護情境」調適壓力;家庭照護政策未見具體效益。 二、照顧家中失能老人中年女性之生命經驗 (一)身心知覺 個案出現身心變化,關心「健康」;對身體變化未積極面對。視更年期為正常發展,對荷爾蒙等醫療處置態度保守;性生活漸入佳境,部分個案偏重心靈契合。 (二)家庭關係 夫妻角色清楚分工,情感依附互補隨時間而質變,婚姻風暴者多已迎刃而解,夫妻做到「獨留心靈空間、相近的價值觀及穩定的經濟基礎」婚姻狀態即非常滿意;先生參與家中特殊兒童的照顧,影響婚姻滿意度。個案親子關係頗佳,隨年齡增加而變化;角色功能多似朋友,成人期親子關係轉為「互惠」。 (三)自我發展 個案自我圖像偏重社會我、心理我的描述,人際互動呈現多元自我,生命經驗中的依序或脫序事件均為中年女性之人生轉捩點,但更年期或停經則非其人生重要里程碑。 三、照顧家中失能老人對中年女性生命經驗之影響 照顧工作影響身心變化;影響夫妻「親密互動」及「依附關係」;對親子關係產生「連累子女、身教典範、矛盾依附」三項結果;對自我發展的「自我實現」及「老年與死亡準備」產生影響。 關鍵字:中年女性照顧者;生命經驗;失能老人;身心知覺;家庭關係;自我發展。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the life experiences of midlife women who caring disabled elders at home. Twelve midlife women participated in this research. In this study, the semi-structure and in-depth interviews were used to collect data. Their answers were audio-taped as data collection. Ground theory analysis was used to analyze the data. The major findings were divided into three parts according the purposes of this study as follows: (1) The experience and perception of caring disabled elders which we found in this study: The reasons of midlife women caring disabled elders were the sense of responsibility, marriage connection, repay the kindness from disabled elders and didn’t want to be a guilty person. The stressors of caring disabled elders were short of homecare skills, the strain of interpersonal relationship, distress of daily life and deficiency of family support. The coping of the stressors were modifying the cognition of caring responsibility, finding the meanings of caring, and leaving the caring setting for a while. In this study, we didn’t find the efficacy of family care polity. (2)The life experience of mid-age women were divided into three parts: The first part result is psychosomatic perception, we found that women are going through psychosomatic change and more concerned about health. Climacteric is just a nature event for them, most mid-age women never minded that and refuse treatment by medicine. They also expressed the sexual relationship with their husbands are improving in the midlife. The second part is family relationship of the midlife women, we found the marital relations and parent-child relations were dynamic and changeable. The couples had the clear division of gender role, who had the conflicts and were handled finally. Free mind, independent, similar value and stable income were important key points of marriage satisfaction. The midlife women have good parent-child relationships who treat their children as friend. The relationship between midlife women and their adult children turn into mutual benefits. The third part is self development of the midlife women, we ask midlife women to descript themselves focusing on social self and psychological self. We found multiple dimensions of self when women interact with others . All of the twelve mid-age women thought that off time events or on time events are both the turn points in their life-cycle, but climacteric or menopause is not. It is just a nature event. (3)The influence of caring disabled elder for the life experience of midlife women: Caring disabled elder induced some psychosomatic symptoms, disturbing the intimate relations and emotion bond of couples. The influence of caring disabled elder for the parent-child relationships were children of midlife women need to help the caring work, mid-age women were the role model of their children and induced the contradiction between midlife women and their children. In the aspect of self development, caring disabled elder interrupted their plans of the future, reminded mid-age women to prepare their elder life and thinking about death issue. Key words:midlife women; caregiver; life experience; disabled elders; psychosomatic perception; family relationship; self development.

Les problématiques identitaires chez les femmes atteintes d’endométriose / Identity problems in women affected by endometriosis

Audino, Palma 12 April 2011 (has links)
Étude I Le fonctionnement psychique chez les femmes atteintes d’endométrioseObjectif. Approfondir les articulations du rapport psyché-corps en référant au fonctionnement mental et au vécu psychologique des femmes atteintes d'endométriose.Hypothèse de travail. Chez les femmes atteintes d’endométriose, se déterminerait un déséquilibre du fonctionnement psychique dans lequel ils y ont des difficultés dans la gestion des émotions concertantes la propre représentation corporelle. La dimension somatique du féminin est négative et mortifère et menaçant.Présentation de la population. L’échantillon est constitué de vingt femmes rencontrées dans le période d’ avril-octobre 2010 chez le service de gynécologie de l’Hôpital ARNAS Civico de Palerme. Outils. Entretiens et Test du Rorschach. Conclusions. A partir de l'analyse des protocoles Rorschach il est possible de repérer des points communs :- un défaut du processus associatif et de symbolisation témoignent d’une difficulté dans la gestion des affects.- Des angoisses somatiques.- Humeur instable.étude IIla discrepance du soi chez les femmes atteintes d’endometrioseObjectif. approfondir les aspects représentationnels concernant l’image du soi maternel et séductif chez les femmes atteintes d'endométriose et souligner les possibles effets de modération de la Discordance du Soi sur le lien entre endométriose et dépression. Hypothèse. L'endométriose n'est pas nécessairement cause d'une souffrance psychologique manifeste; la relation entre ces deux variables pourrait être modérée par des facteurs relatifs à une réorganisation de la représentation de l’identité propre.Outils. - ISDI "integrated Self-Discrepancy Index" Hardin et Lakin 2009 - Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) Beck et au.1961Conclusiones. L'endométriose induit la dépression chez les femmes qui, en même temps présentent un sentiment d'inadéquation concernant la représentation maternelle du Soi, elles se perçoivent comme des mères, réelles ou fantasmatiques, mauvaises et inadaptées. / Study IThe psychological functioning in women affected by endometriosisObjective. To investigate the articulations of the relationship between psyche-body, the mental functioning and to the psychological experience of women affected by endometriosis.Hypothesis. Women affected by endometriosis, would be have an inequality of the psychic functioning and they have difficulties in the management of the feelings and of the own physical representation. The somatic dimension of the feminine is negative and threatening.Participants. Participants are twenty women, met in period of April-October, 2010 at the gynaecology service of the ARNAS Hospital Civico of Palermo. Tools. Psychological consult; and Test of Rorschach. Resulted. From the analysis of Rorschach protocols it is possible to stress some common points:- defect of associative and symbolization process,- difficulty in the affectivity management.- somatic fears.- unstable mood.Study IIThe self discrepancy in women affected by endometriosisObjective. To investigate the self discrepancy concerning the maternal and seductive representation in women affected by endometriosis. To underline the possible effects of moderation of the self discrepancy on the link between endometriosis and depression. Hypothesis. The endometriosis is not a direct cause of a psychological suffering; the relation between these two variables could be moderated by personality factors.Tools. - ISDI "integrated Self-Discrepancy Index" Hardin et Lakin 2009 - Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) Beck et al.1961Conclusions. The endometriosis leads to the depression only in women who, at the same time present discrepancy of the self maternal representation, only if they perceive themselves as bad and inappropriate, real or imaginary, mothers.

Beziehungen von positivem Affekt und Persönlichkeitsressourcen zu kardiologischen Untersuchungsergebnissen in einem kardiologischen Patientenkollektiv / Relations between positive affect, personality resources and the results of cardiologic examinations

Zech, Beke 25 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Indicadores de sobrecarga emocional em pacientes portadores de cefal?ia cr?nica di?ria.

Beletti, Claudia Thomé 30 October 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T12:51:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 claudiathomebeletti_dissert.pdf: 580160 bytes, checksum: 663a2cdc74524cec05b176a5c247317d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-10-30 / Chronic daily headache (CDH) can be studied according to the psychosomatic perspective. Considering that CDH is a heterogeneous group of headaches and that some comorbidity and emotional factors can trigger the pain such as stress, anxiety and depression; a study that takes into account the emotional overload and its impact on the affected people's lives is very important. Objective: This research aims to investigate the presence of emotional overload in patients with CDH, and the possible reasons which may impair the symptoms as well as to know which are the psychological, social and existential aspects developed by these people. Casuistic and Method: The subjects of this study were 40 patients of both genders, over 18 years of age, who attended the headache clinic of Hospital de Base, Medical School of S?o Jos? do Rio Preto. A semi-structured interview as reference to the Psychosomatic Psychoanalytic Investigation was used. Results: The sample comprised 10% of males and 90% of females, the ages ranging from 24 to 64 years old. Since the majority of interviews were made up of open questions, it was decided to divide the answers into categories. The most frequent categories when they knew the meaning of getting sick were: psychical suffering (35.53%); physical suffering (23.68%); damage at work (19.74%) and social damage (10.52%). Regarding the question about factors related with pain, the main categories were: nervousness (23.16%); preoccupation (15.79%) and tension (11.58%). The question on how the pain was developed, the most frequent categories were: the attempt at self-cure (27.36%), different kinds of pain (16.98%) and affected by emotions (13.2%). The question on the consequences of the pain, the majority reported the interruption of their activities. The length-time of the disease varied between 2 and 40 years with headaches. It was also observed, if the patients with CDH had diagnosis hypotheses regarding their pains or a "personal insight" on the disease. Among them, psychical factors could trigger the pain with 48.84%, and 34.88% of them did not have hypothesis regarding their headaches. Conclusions: In conclusion, there is some emotional overload in patients with CDH, and the typical performance of the psychosomatic disorders and the operating mind control is directly related with the patient?s complaints. It was also observed aspects of depression associated with the emotional functioning of these people. / A cefal?ia cr?nica di?ria (CCD) pode ser estudada de acordo com a perspectiva psicossom?tica. Considerando-se que a CCD ? um grupo heterog?neo de cefal?ias e que algumas comorbidades e fatores emocionais est?o associados como precipitantes da dor, tais como o estresse, a ansiedade e a depress?o; um estudo que leve em conta a sobrecarga emocional e qual o impacto na vida das pessoas afetadas reveste-se de import?ncia. Objetivo: A presente pesquisa visa investigar presen?a de sobrecarga emocional de pacientes portadores de CCD, e os poss?veis motivos agravadores de sintomas, bem como conhecer quais os percursos psicol?gicos, sociais e existenciais desenvolvidos por esses indiv?duos. Casu?stica e M?todo: S?o sujeitos deste estudo 40 pacientes de ambos os sexos, maiores de 18 anos, atendidos no ambulat?rio de cefal?ias do Hospital de Base de S?o Jos? do Rio Preto. Foi utilizado um roteiro de entrevista semi-estruturada, tendo como refer?ncia a Investiga??o Psicossom?tica Psicanal?tica. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 10% dos sujeitos do sexo masculino e 90% do sexo feminino, com idades variando entre 24 e 64 anos. Por se tratar de entrevistas compostas, em sua maioria por quest?es abertas, optou-se por distribuir as respostas em categorias. Ao conhecer o significado de adoecer, as categorias que mais apareceram foram: sofrimento ps?quico (35,53%); sofrimento f?sico (23,68%); preju?zo no trabalho (19,74%) e preju?zo social (10,52%). Quanto ao questionamento com os fatores que relacionavam a dor, as principais categorias foram: o nervosismo (23,16%); preocupa??o (15,79%) e tens?o (11,58%). Na investiga??o de como se desenvolvia a dor, o que mais se verificou foram: tentativas de auto-cura (27,36%); diferentes tipos de dor (16,98%) e provocadas pelas emo??es (13,2%). A quest?o referente ?s conseq??ncias acarretadas pela dor mostrou que a grande maioria descreveu interromper as atividades. O tempo de doen?a variou entre dois e mais de quarenta anos de dores de cabe?a. Foi observado, ainda, se os portadores de CCD t?m hip?teses diagn?sticas a respeito das suas dores ou ?insight? pessoal sobre a doen?a. Entre elas, fatores ps?quicos poderiam desencadear a dor com 48,84% e 34,88% n?o t?m hip?tese a respeito das suas dores de cabe?a. Conclus?es: Pode-se concluir que existe sobrecarga emocional em pacientes portadores de CCD, e que o funcionamento caracter?stico dos transtornos psicossom?ticos e do pensamento operat?rio est? diretamente relacionado com suas queixas. Tamb?m foram observados aspectos de depress?o relacionados ao funcionamento emocional desses indiv?duos.

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