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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A intolerância à glicose que se instala precocemente em ratos retarda o desenvolvimento puberal e desregula o metabolismo lipídico e glicídico. / The glucose intolerance that is manifested early in the life in rats retards pubertal development and derranges carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.

Amanda Baron Campaña 21 May 2008 (has links)
A crescente prevalência de diabetes mellitus (DM) em nível mundial, a sua incidência cada vez maior em crianças e adolescentes e resultados prévios obtidos em nosso laboratório (piora do quadro diabético em ratos na puberdade) nos levaram a investigar o metabolismo de glicose em tecido adiposo branco na puberdade em ratos controle (CO) e intolerantes à glicose (STZ). Parâmetros de desenvolvimento corporal e maturação sexual foram estudados entre a 5ª e a 10ª semanas de vida dos animais, identificando-se a 6ª e 7ª semanas como importante fase da puberdade. Desta forma, os estudos metabólicos foram realizados neste período. Os animais CO apresentaram franca resistência à insulina no período da puberdade, com prejuízos no metabolismo de glicose em adipócitos isolados. A injeção de estreptozotocina no quinto dia de vida produziu um quadro de intolerância à glicose em nossos animais, resultando em atraso no início do estirão de crescimento e desenvolvimento sexual. A resistência fisiológica à insulina da puberdade não produziu piora da resposta à insulina no tecido adiposo branco. / The growth in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM), a larger incidence of type 1 and 2 DM in children and adolescents and the previous results of our laboratory (worsening of the metabolic picture in diabetic rats during puberty) motivate us to study the glucose metabolism in the puberty in order to assess the possible influence of the physiological insulin resistance characteristic of this period on the course of the diabetic status. Five-day old male Wistar rats were divided into two experimental groups: control group (CO) and streptozotocin group (STZ). Body development and sexual maturation were weekly evaluated between the 5th and 10th weeks of life. We identify the 6th and 7th weeks as an important early phase of the puberty. The insulin resistance and a slight degree of glucose intolerance were determined in non-diabetic rats. On the other hand, STZ group showed insulin resistance and it was impaired in the course of puberty suggesting that the developing of this resistance during the puberty presents a different characteristic of that seen in normal rats.

Mise en évidence des effets du génotype, de l’agressivité et de l’hygiène sur la teneur en composes odorants du gras dorsal de la viande de porc male entier / Effects of genotype, aggressiveness and hygiene on the concentration in odorous compounds of the meat of entire male pigs

Parois, Séverine 09 December 2016 (has links)
Les défauts d’odeurs, liés à l’accumulation d’androsténone et de scatol dans le tissu adipeux, sont le frein majeur à l’élevage des porcs mâles entiers. L’androsténone est produite par les testicules et le scatol dans le colon. En dehors de la génétique et de l’alimentation, les facteurs de variation ont été peu étudiés.La thèse aborde le problème des odeurs sexuelles sous quatre angles : 1) estimer l’héritabilité des composés odorants du tissu gras et leurs corrélations génétiques avec des indicateurs de santé, du développement sexuel et de l’agressivité ; 2) étudier l’effet de la dominance sur ces composés ; 3) déterminer l’impact d’un état inflammatoire chronique modéré sur le développement sexuel et la concentration en androsténone ; 4) rechercher les effets de conditions d’hygiène contrastées sur la teneur en scatol et analyser l’implication du microbiote intestinalNos résultats confirment l’héritabilité forte des teneurs en composés odorants mais les corrélations génétiques avec les paramètres de santé sont faibles. Une sélection pour réduire la concentration plasmatique en œstradiol et testostérone permettrait de réduire à la fois les teneurs en composés odorants et l’agressivité des porcs. Les porcs de rang de dominance élevé ont une teneur en androsténone supérieure dans le gras. Un état inflammatoire chronique modéré ne semble pas affecter la teneur en androsténone. Enfin, la dégradation de l’hygiène du logement augmente fortement la concentration en scatol, probablement via des changements de composition du microbiote intestinal. / Boar taint, due to the accumulation of androstenone and skatole in the fat tissue, is the major constraint to the production of entire male pigs. Androstenone is produced by the testes. Its synthesis increases during pubertal development. Skatole is produced in the hind gut. Its hepatic catabolism is inhibited by sexual steroids. Apart from genetics and feeding, the factors affecting boar taint have been little studied.The current thesis approaches four aspects of the boar taint problem: 1) the heritability of the fat content of odorous compounds in the fat tissue and their genetic correlations with indicators of health, sexual development and aggressiveness; 2) to study the effect of dominance on the fat content of boar taint compounds; 3) to determine the influence of a moderate chronic inflammatory status on the sexual development and the fat concentration in androstenone; 4) to evaluate the effect of contrasting hygiene conditions on the fat concentration in skatole and, to analyOur results confirm the high heritability of the fat concentrations of boar taint compounds but their genetic correlations with health indicators are low. A selection to decrease the plasma concentrations in estradiol and testosterone should decrease both boar taint compound concentrations and aggressiveness of boars. Boars with a high dominance rank have a higher fat concentration in androstenone. Lastly, the degradation of the housing hygiene conditions strongly increases the concentration in skatole, probably through modifications in gut microbiota composition

Timing pubertaire et adaptation psychosociale à l'adolescence : le rôle des relations interpersonnelles et des vulnérabilités individuelles

Benoit, Amélie 03 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse avait pour objectif d’examiner les liens longitudinaux entre le timing pubertaire et les problèmes de comportement intériorisés et extériorisés à l’adolescence, soit les problèmes de conduite et les symptômes dépressifs. Guidé par la perspective théorique biosociale et le modèle de vulnérabilité-stress, le rôle modérateur de l’environnement social et des vulnérabilités personnelles préexistantes était également évalué. Les hypothèses initiales étaient qu’un timing pubertaire précoce ou déviant de la norme (précoce et tardif) serait associé à des niveaux plus élevés de problèmes de conduite et de symptômes dépressifs, mais que ce lien serait accentué dans des contextes sociaux et interpersonnels plus à risque et en présence de vulnérabilités individuelles chez les adolescents. Pour vérifier ces hypothèses, des données provenant de l’Enquête Longitudinale Nationale sur les Enfants et les Jeunes (ELNEJ) ont été analysées. Gérée par Statistique Canada, l’ELNEJ est une enquête prospective biennale comportant différents échantillons représentatifs d’enfants et d’adolescents canadiens. Les mesures utilisées dans cette thèse ont été collectées à différents cycles de l’enquête, soit à 10–11 ans, 12–13 ans, 14–15 ans et 16–17 ans, directement auprès des adolescents et de leurs parents par le biais de questionnaires et d’entrevues. Le premier article de la thèse a vérifié si l’interaction entre le timing pubertaire et des caractéristiques du contexte social des pairs (c.-à-d. l’affiliation avec des pairs déviants et l’implication amoureuse en début d’adolescence) prédisait la présentation de problèmes de conduite avec et sans agressivité physique à l’adolescence. Les résultats ont montré que le contexte social des pairs modérait l’association entre le timing pubertaire et les problèmes de conduite. Une interaction significative entre le timing pubertaire et l’affiliation à des pairs déviants a indiqué qu’une puberté plus précoce était associée à des fréquences plus élevées de problèmes de conduite agressive seulement chez les filles et les garçons qui fréquentaient des pairs déviants. Autrement dit, parmi les adolescents s’affiliant à des pairs déviants en début d’adolescence, les adolescents pubères précoces tendaient à présenter plus de problèmes de conduite agressive deux ans plus tard, en comparaison à leurs pairs pubères dans les temps moyens ou tardifs. Une seconde interaction significative obtenue chez les filles a montré que la puberté plus précoce était prédictrice des problèmes de conduite non-agressive seulement en présence d’un engagement amoureux en début d’adolescence. En effet, dans un contexte d’implication amoureuse, les filles pubères précoces présentaient plus de problèmes de conduite non-agressive que leurs pairs. Le deuxième article de la thèse avait pour objectif d’évaluer le rôle modérateur des vulnérabilités individuelles à la dépression (présence de symptômes intériorisés à la fin de l’enfance), du contexte social des pairs (affiliation à des pairs déviants, expérience amoureuse précoce et perception de popularité auprès des pairs) et des relations parent-adolescent (perception de rejet de la part des parents) dans l’association longitudinale entre le timing pubertaire et les symptômes dépressifs en fin d’adolescence. Chez les filles, une interaction triple a révélé que la puberté plus précoce était liée à davantage de symptômes dépressifs, mais seulement chez celles qui présentaient des symptômes intériorisés à la fin de l’enfance et une implication amoureuse précoce. Chez les garçons, un effet curvilinéaire du timing pubertaire a été observé alors que la puberté précoce et tardive était associée à plus de symptômes dépressifs, mais seulement chez les garçons qui manifestaient des symptômes intériorisés à la fin de l’enfance. La puberté plus précoce était aussi liée à des niveaux plus élevés de symptômes dépressifs en présence d’affiliation à des pairs déviants (garçons) et de perceptions plus importantes de rejet parental (filles et garçons). En somme, la mise en évidence d’interactions significatives entre le timing pubertaire, les caractéristiques de l’environnement social et les vulnérabilités individuelles suscite différentes réflexions au plan théorique et pratique. Tout d’abord, les résultats suggèrent que le timing pubertaire en lui-même ne paraît pas représenter un facteur de risque généralisé des problèmes de comportement intériorisés et extériorisés à l’adolescence. Plus particulièrement, ces résultats soulignent l’importance de considérer l’environnement social et les facteurs de risque individuels préexistants afin de mieux comprendre l’effet de la transition pubertaire sur l’adaptation psychosociale des adolescents. / The objective of this dissertation was to evaluate the longitudinal links between pubertal timing and internalizing and externalizing problems during adolescence. Within a theoretical framework of biosocial interactions and the vulnerability-stress model, the moderating effect of social environments and preexisting individual vulnerabilities was examined. Two empirical studies investigated the links between pubertal timing and conduct problems and between pubertal timing and depressive symptoms. It was expected that early or off-time puberty would be associated with conduct problems and depressive symptoms, but that this link would be intensified in risky social and interpersonal contexts and if paired with prepubertal individual vulnerabilities. These hypotheses were tested using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY), a representative biennial survey of Canadian children and adolescents managed by Statistics Canada. Measures analyzed in this dissertation were collected at 10–11 years old, 12–13 years old, 14–15 years old and 16–17 years old through questionnaires and interviews with adolescents and their parents. The goal of the first empirical article of this dissertation was to evaluate whether the interactions between pubertal timing and characteristics of peer context, namely deviant peer affiliation and romantic experience in early adolescence, predicted physically aggressive and non-physically aggressive conduct problems two years later. A significant interaction between pubertal timing and deviant peer affiliation was found, suggesting that early puberty was associated with higher frequencies of physically aggressive conduct problems only in the context of deviant peer affiliation. Therefore, among adolescents who affiliated with deviant peers in early adolescence, early maturing adolescents were more prone to report higher frequencies of physically aggressive conduct problems than on-time or late maturers. A significant interaction also emerged for girls’ non-physically aggressive conduct problems, as early pubertal timing was associated with non-physically aggressive conduct problems only in the context of romantic experience. Indeed, when adolescent girls reported romantic experience, early maturers showed more non-physically aggressive conduct problems than their peers. The second article of this dissertation investigated the moderating role of individual vulnerabilities to depression (emotional problems in late childhood), peer factors (deviant peer affiliation, early romantic dating and perceived peer popularity) and parental factors (perceived parental rejection) in the association between pubertal timing and depressive symptoms in adolescence. For adolescent girls, early puberty was associated with more depressive symptoms only in girls who combined emotional problems in late childhood and early dating experience. For adolescent boys, early and late pubertal timing was related to depressive symptoms, but only in those who had previously experienced emotional problems in late childhood. Early pubertal timing was also linked to depressive symptoms in the context of deviant peer affiliation (boys) and in the presence of higher levels of perceived parental rejection (boys and girls). In sum, the significant interactions found between pubertal timing, characteristics of social context, and individual vulnerabilities bring theoretical and practical considerations. Firstly, these results suggested that pubertal timing is not a risk factor per se of internalizing and externalizing problems in adolescence. These findings underscored the importance of taking into account the social environments and individual risk factors prior to puberty in order to better understand the impact of pubertal transition on adolescents’ psychosocial adjustment.

Timing pubertaire et adaptation psychosociale à l'adolescence : le rôle des relations interpersonnelles et des vulnérabilités individuelles

Benoit, Amélie 03 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse avait pour objectif d’examiner les liens longitudinaux entre le timing pubertaire et les problèmes de comportement intériorisés et extériorisés à l’adolescence, soit les problèmes de conduite et les symptômes dépressifs. Guidé par la perspective théorique biosociale et le modèle de vulnérabilité-stress, le rôle modérateur de l’environnement social et des vulnérabilités personnelles préexistantes était également évalué. Les hypothèses initiales étaient qu’un timing pubertaire précoce ou déviant de la norme (précoce et tardif) serait associé à des niveaux plus élevés de problèmes de conduite et de symptômes dépressifs, mais que ce lien serait accentué dans des contextes sociaux et interpersonnels plus à risque et en présence de vulnérabilités individuelles chez les adolescents. Pour vérifier ces hypothèses, des données provenant de l’Enquête Longitudinale Nationale sur les Enfants et les Jeunes (ELNEJ) ont été analysées. Gérée par Statistique Canada, l’ELNEJ est une enquête prospective biennale comportant différents échantillons représentatifs d’enfants et d’adolescents canadiens. Les mesures utilisées dans cette thèse ont été collectées à différents cycles de l’enquête, soit à 10–11 ans, 12–13 ans, 14–15 ans et 16–17 ans, directement auprès des adolescents et de leurs parents par le biais de questionnaires et d’entrevues. Le premier article de la thèse a vérifié si l’interaction entre le timing pubertaire et des caractéristiques du contexte social des pairs (c.-à-d. l’affiliation avec des pairs déviants et l’implication amoureuse en début d’adolescence) prédisait la présentation de problèmes de conduite avec et sans agressivité physique à l’adolescence. Les résultats ont montré que le contexte social des pairs modérait l’association entre le timing pubertaire et les problèmes de conduite. Une interaction significative entre le timing pubertaire et l’affiliation à des pairs déviants a indiqué qu’une puberté plus précoce était associée à des fréquences plus élevées de problèmes de conduite agressive seulement chez les filles et les garçons qui fréquentaient des pairs déviants. Autrement dit, parmi les adolescents s’affiliant à des pairs déviants en début d’adolescence, les adolescents pubères précoces tendaient à présenter plus de problèmes de conduite agressive deux ans plus tard, en comparaison à leurs pairs pubères dans les temps moyens ou tardifs. Une seconde interaction significative obtenue chez les filles a montré que la puberté plus précoce était prédictrice des problèmes de conduite non-agressive seulement en présence d’un engagement amoureux en début d’adolescence. En effet, dans un contexte d’implication amoureuse, les filles pubères précoces présentaient plus de problèmes de conduite non-agressive que leurs pairs. Le deuxième article de la thèse avait pour objectif d’évaluer le rôle modérateur des vulnérabilités individuelles à la dépression (présence de symptômes intériorisés à la fin de l’enfance), du contexte social des pairs (affiliation à des pairs déviants, expérience amoureuse précoce et perception de popularité auprès des pairs) et des relations parent-adolescent (perception de rejet de la part des parents) dans l’association longitudinale entre le timing pubertaire et les symptômes dépressifs en fin d’adolescence. Chez les filles, une interaction triple a révélé que la puberté plus précoce était liée à davantage de symptômes dépressifs, mais seulement chez celles qui présentaient des symptômes intériorisés à la fin de l’enfance et une implication amoureuse précoce. Chez les garçons, un effet curvilinéaire du timing pubertaire a été observé alors que la puberté précoce et tardive était associée à plus de symptômes dépressifs, mais seulement chez les garçons qui manifestaient des symptômes intériorisés à la fin de l’enfance. La puberté plus précoce était aussi liée à des niveaux plus élevés de symptômes dépressifs en présence d’affiliation à des pairs déviants (garçons) et de perceptions plus importantes de rejet parental (filles et garçons). En somme, la mise en évidence d’interactions significatives entre le timing pubertaire, les caractéristiques de l’environnement social et les vulnérabilités individuelles suscite différentes réflexions au plan théorique et pratique. Tout d’abord, les résultats suggèrent que le timing pubertaire en lui-même ne paraît pas représenter un facteur de risque généralisé des problèmes de comportement intériorisés et extériorisés à l’adolescence. Plus particulièrement, ces résultats soulignent l’importance de considérer l’environnement social et les facteurs de risque individuels préexistants afin de mieux comprendre l’effet de la transition pubertaire sur l’adaptation psychosociale des adolescents. / The objective of this dissertation was to evaluate the longitudinal links between pubertal timing and internalizing and externalizing problems during adolescence. Within a theoretical framework of biosocial interactions and the vulnerability-stress model, the moderating effect of social environments and preexisting individual vulnerabilities was examined. Two empirical studies investigated the links between pubertal timing and conduct problems and between pubertal timing and depressive symptoms. It was expected that early or off-time puberty would be associated with conduct problems and depressive symptoms, but that this link would be intensified in risky social and interpersonal contexts and if paired with prepubertal individual vulnerabilities. These hypotheses were tested using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (NLSCY), a representative biennial survey of Canadian children and adolescents managed by Statistics Canada. Measures analyzed in this dissertation were collected at 10–11 years old, 12–13 years old, 14–15 years old and 16–17 years old through questionnaires and interviews with adolescents and their parents. The goal of the first empirical article of this dissertation was to evaluate whether the interactions between pubertal timing and characteristics of peer context, namely deviant peer affiliation and romantic experience in early adolescence, predicted physically aggressive and non-physically aggressive conduct problems two years later. A significant interaction between pubertal timing and deviant peer affiliation was found, suggesting that early puberty was associated with higher frequencies of physically aggressive conduct problems only in the context of deviant peer affiliation. Therefore, among adolescents who affiliated with deviant peers in early adolescence, early maturing adolescents were more prone to report higher frequencies of physically aggressive conduct problems than on-time or late maturers. A significant interaction also emerged for girls’ non-physically aggressive conduct problems, as early pubertal timing was associated with non-physically aggressive conduct problems only in the context of romantic experience. Indeed, when adolescent girls reported romantic experience, early maturers showed more non-physically aggressive conduct problems than their peers. The second article of this dissertation investigated the moderating role of individual vulnerabilities to depression (emotional problems in late childhood), peer factors (deviant peer affiliation, early romantic dating and perceived peer popularity) and parental factors (perceived parental rejection) in the association between pubertal timing and depressive symptoms in adolescence. For adolescent girls, early puberty was associated with more depressive symptoms only in girls who combined emotional problems in late childhood and early dating experience. For adolescent boys, early and late pubertal timing was related to depressive symptoms, but only in those who had previously experienced emotional problems in late childhood. Early pubertal timing was also linked to depressive symptoms in the context of deviant peer affiliation (boys) and in the presence of higher levels of perceived parental rejection (boys and girls). In sum, the significant interactions found between pubertal timing, characteristics of social context, and individual vulnerabilities bring theoretical and practical considerations. Firstly, these results suggested that pubertal timing is not a risk factor per se of internalizing and externalizing problems in adolescence. These findings underscored the importance of taking into account the social environments and individual risk factors prior to puberty in order to better understand the impact of pubertal transition on adolescents’ psychosocial adjustment.

Adolescent Basic Facial Emotion Recognition Is Not Influenced by Puberty or Own-Age Bias

Vetter, Nora C., Drauschke, Mandy, Thieme, Juliane, Altgassen, Mareike 28 September 2018 (has links)
Basic facial emotion recognition is suggested to be negatively affected by puberty onset reflected in a “pubertal dip” in performance compared to pre- or post-puberty. However, findings remain inconclusive. Further, research points to an own-age bias, i.e., a superior emotion recognition for peer faces. We explored adolescents’ ability to recognize specific emotions. Ninety-five children and adolescents, aged 8–17 years, judged whether the emotions displayed by adolescent or adult faces were angry, sad, neutral, or happy. We assessed participants a priori by pubertal status while controlling for age. Results indicated no “pubertal dip”, but decreasing reaction times across adolescence. No own-age bias was found. Taken together, basic facial emotion recognition does not seem to be disrupted during puberty as compared to pre- and post-puberty.

Avaliação da estatura final e mineralização óssea de pacientes adultos portadores de síndrome nefrótica idiopática na infância e adolescência / Evaluation of final height and bone mineralization of adult patients with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (NS) in childhood and adolescence

Donatti, Teresinha Lermen 04 August 2009 (has links)
Objetivos: Avaliar a estatura final, mineralização e marcadores de mineralização óssea de adultos com síndrome nefrótica (SN) idiopática corticossensível na infância e adolescência e analisar a influência da doença, suas comorbidades e do alvo de estatura no crescimento e mineralização destes pacientes. Casuística: Avaliamos a estatura final de 60 pacientes (41 masculinos e 19 femininos) com idade mínima de dezenove anos ou desenvolvimento genital P4G4 nos masculinos e menarca nos femininos portadores de SN corticossensível na infância e adolescência. Realizamos a densitometria óssea (DMO=g/cm2) em 26 destes pacientes e em 35 controles, com análise concomitante dos níveis séricos de 25 OH vitamina D3 (25(OH)D), Paratormônio (PTH), telopéptido carboxiterminal do colágeno tipo 1( (CTx), Propeptídeo Aminoterminal do Colágeno Tipo I (P1NP) e Osteocalcina (OC) Resultados: A idade média inicial dos 60 pacientes foi de 5a3m e final de 20a5m, com acompanhamento médio de 15a2m. A dose média de prednisona utilizada foi de 1264 mg/kg. O Zscore médio da estatura inicial (-0,60; SD: 1,0) e final (0,64; SD: 0,92), não diferiu significativamente (Teste T: p=0,72) entre si. O Zscore estatura na idade adulta se correlacionou significativamente apenas com o Zscore estatura inicial e com o Zscore alvo de estatura. Seis pacientes atingiram Zscore estatura < -2 na idade adulta e este achado demonstrou forte correlação com o Zscore estatura inicial e com o Zscore alvo de estatura. A DMO e Zscore DMO de L1L4, Cabeça do fêmur e do Fêmur total dos pacientes e controles não diferiram significativamente. 6 pacientes e 2 controles apresentaram Zscore DMO < -2 (massa óssea reduzida) enquanto 2 pacientes e 1 controle demonstraram , Zscore DMO < -2,5 (osteoporose). Pacientes com massa óssea reduzida receberam 2189 mg/kg de prednisona durante 13 anos e aqueles com osteoporose, 2510 mg/kg durante 14 anos. Estes valores, comparados com aqueles de pacientes com massa óssea normal, mostraram significância estatística (p=0,01). Não houve correlação significativa entre as demais variáveis analisadas e a DMO. Os marcadores 25(OH)D, PTH, CTx, P1NP e OC dos pacientes e controles não diferiram significativamente. Quando analisados em relação à doença e suas comorbidades, DMO e estatura final não apresentaram significação estatística. Conclusões: 1. Os valores de Zscore estatura inicial e final se correlacionaram fortemente com o alvo de estatura. 2. Não houve associação entre as características clinicas da doença e a aquisição do alvo de estatura, neste grupo de pacientes. 3. A massa óssea e os marcadores de mineralização dos pacientes não diferiram quando comparados aos controles. 4. Os 6 pacientes com massa óssea reduzida (2 com osteoporose) utilizaram dose total e tempo de uso da prednisona significativamente maior que aqueles com massa óssea adequada 5. Não houve correlação entre os níveis séricos dos marcadores de mineralização óssea e a doença e suas comorbidades, a estatura final e a DMO dos pacientes adultos com SN na infância e adolescência / Objectives: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the final height, bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineralization markers of adults with steroid responsive Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome (NS) in childhood and adolescence and to examine the influence of the disease, its co-morbidities and the patients\' target height in the final height and mineralization results. Patients and Methods: We have analyzed initial and final anthropometric data of 60 patients (41 male and 19 females) and / or their records, with a minimum age of nineteen years or fully developed pubertal status (P4G4 in males and menarche in females). BMD (g/cm2) was evaluated in 26 patients and in 35 controls, with a concomitant analysis, of serum levels of 25-OH Vitamin D (25(OH)D), Parathyroid Hormone (PTH); C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (CTx) and aminoterminal propeptide of type 1 procollagen (P1NP) and Osteocalcin (OC) Results: Mean age at first consultation was 5.3 years (SD: 2.4 yrs) and at last consultation was 20.4 yrs (SD: 3.0 yrs). The mean cumulative dose of prednisone was 1254 mg/kg (SD: 831.39 mg/kg). The mean initial height SDS was -0.60; (SD: 1.0) the final height SDS was -0.64; (SD: 0.92), (t-test: p=0.72). The final height SDS showed correlated significantly only with the initial height SDS and the target height SDS. Six patients achieved a final height SDS <-2 and this finding showed a strong correlation to the initial height SDS and to the target height SDS in the male patients. The patients\' and control subjects L1L4 head of the femur and the total femur BMD and BMD SDS did not differ significantly. 6 patients and 2 control subjects showed a BMD SDS <-2 (low bone mass) while 2 patients and 1 control subjects showed a BMD SDS <-2.5 (osteoporosis). Patients with BMD SDS <-2 received 2189 mg / kg of prednisone over 13 years while those with a BMD SDS <-2.5 received 2510 mg / kg prednisone for 14 years (p = 0.01 vs BMD SDS -2 ). No other studied variable correlated significantly with BMD. The studied bone biomarkers showed similar results in patients and control subjects without a significant correlation with disease activity, co-morbidities, and BMD or height parameters. Conclusion: 1. the initial and final height SDS were strongly correlated to the height target. 2. INS and its co-morbidities did not prevent the patients to reach their target height 3. The patients\' BMD and bone mineralization markers did not differ when compared to controls. 4. The 6 patients with low bone mass (2 with osteoporosis) used a total dose of prednisone for a longer period of time in relation to those with an adequate BMD 5. There was no correlation between bone mineralization markers, disease activity and its co-morbidities, final height and BMD of adult patients with INS in childhood and adolescence

Avaliação da estatura final e mineralização óssea de pacientes adultos portadores de síndrome nefrótica idiopática na infância e adolescência / Evaluation of final height and bone mineralization of adult patients with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (NS) in childhood and adolescence

Teresinha Lermen Donatti 04 August 2009 (has links)
Objetivos: Avaliar a estatura final, mineralização e marcadores de mineralização óssea de adultos com síndrome nefrótica (SN) idiopática corticossensível na infância e adolescência e analisar a influência da doença, suas comorbidades e do alvo de estatura no crescimento e mineralização destes pacientes. Casuística: Avaliamos a estatura final de 60 pacientes (41 masculinos e 19 femininos) com idade mínima de dezenove anos ou desenvolvimento genital P4G4 nos masculinos e menarca nos femininos portadores de SN corticossensível na infância e adolescência. Realizamos a densitometria óssea (DMO=g/cm2) em 26 destes pacientes e em 35 controles, com análise concomitante dos níveis séricos de 25 OH vitamina D3 (25(OH)D), Paratormônio (PTH), telopéptido carboxiterminal do colágeno tipo 1( (CTx), Propeptídeo Aminoterminal do Colágeno Tipo I (P1NP) e Osteocalcina (OC) Resultados: A idade média inicial dos 60 pacientes foi de 5a3m e final de 20a5m, com acompanhamento médio de 15a2m. A dose média de prednisona utilizada foi de 1264 mg/kg. O Zscore médio da estatura inicial (-0,60; SD: 1,0) e final (0,64; SD: 0,92), não diferiu significativamente (Teste T: p=0,72) entre si. O Zscore estatura na idade adulta se correlacionou significativamente apenas com o Zscore estatura inicial e com o Zscore alvo de estatura. Seis pacientes atingiram Zscore estatura < -2 na idade adulta e este achado demonstrou forte correlação com o Zscore estatura inicial e com o Zscore alvo de estatura. A DMO e Zscore DMO de L1L4, Cabeça do fêmur e do Fêmur total dos pacientes e controles não diferiram significativamente. 6 pacientes e 2 controles apresentaram Zscore DMO < -2 (massa óssea reduzida) enquanto 2 pacientes e 1 controle demonstraram , Zscore DMO < -2,5 (osteoporose). Pacientes com massa óssea reduzida receberam 2189 mg/kg de prednisona durante 13 anos e aqueles com osteoporose, 2510 mg/kg durante 14 anos. Estes valores, comparados com aqueles de pacientes com massa óssea normal, mostraram significância estatística (p=0,01). Não houve correlação significativa entre as demais variáveis analisadas e a DMO. Os marcadores 25(OH)D, PTH, CTx, P1NP e OC dos pacientes e controles não diferiram significativamente. Quando analisados em relação à doença e suas comorbidades, DMO e estatura final não apresentaram significação estatística. Conclusões: 1. Os valores de Zscore estatura inicial e final se correlacionaram fortemente com o alvo de estatura. 2. Não houve associação entre as características clinicas da doença e a aquisição do alvo de estatura, neste grupo de pacientes. 3. A massa óssea e os marcadores de mineralização dos pacientes não diferiram quando comparados aos controles. 4. Os 6 pacientes com massa óssea reduzida (2 com osteoporose) utilizaram dose total e tempo de uso da prednisona significativamente maior que aqueles com massa óssea adequada 5. Não houve correlação entre os níveis séricos dos marcadores de mineralização óssea e a doença e suas comorbidades, a estatura final e a DMO dos pacientes adultos com SN na infância e adolescência / Objectives: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the final height, bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineralization markers of adults with steroid responsive Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome (NS) in childhood and adolescence and to examine the influence of the disease, its co-morbidities and the patients\' target height in the final height and mineralization results. Patients and Methods: We have analyzed initial and final anthropometric data of 60 patients (41 male and 19 females) and / or their records, with a minimum age of nineteen years or fully developed pubertal status (P4G4 in males and menarche in females). BMD (g/cm2) was evaluated in 26 patients and in 35 controls, with a concomitant analysis, of serum levels of 25-OH Vitamin D (25(OH)D), Parathyroid Hormone (PTH); C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (CTx) and aminoterminal propeptide of type 1 procollagen (P1NP) and Osteocalcin (OC) Results: Mean age at first consultation was 5.3 years (SD: 2.4 yrs) and at last consultation was 20.4 yrs (SD: 3.0 yrs). The mean cumulative dose of prednisone was 1254 mg/kg (SD: 831.39 mg/kg). The mean initial height SDS was -0.60; (SD: 1.0) the final height SDS was -0.64; (SD: 0.92), (t-test: p=0.72). The final height SDS showed correlated significantly only with the initial height SDS and the target height SDS. Six patients achieved a final height SDS <-2 and this finding showed a strong correlation to the initial height SDS and to the target height SDS in the male patients. The patients\' and control subjects L1L4 head of the femur and the total femur BMD and BMD SDS did not differ significantly. 6 patients and 2 control subjects showed a BMD SDS <-2 (low bone mass) while 2 patients and 1 control subjects showed a BMD SDS <-2.5 (osteoporosis). Patients with BMD SDS <-2 received 2189 mg / kg of prednisone over 13 years while those with a BMD SDS <-2.5 received 2510 mg / kg prednisone for 14 years (p = 0.01 vs BMD SDS -2 ). No other studied variable correlated significantly with BMD. The studied bone biomarkers showed similar results in patients and control subjects without a significant correlation with disease activity, co-morbidities, and BMD or height parameters. Conclusion: 1. the initial and final height SDS were strongly correlated to the height target. 2. INS and its co-morbidities did not prevent the patients to reach their target height 3. The patients\' BMD and bone mineralization markers did not differ when compared to controls. 4. The 6 patients with low bone mass (2 with osteoporosis) used a total dose of prednisone for a longer period of time in relation to those with an adequate BMD 5. There was no correlation between bone mineralization markers, disease activity and its co-morbidities, final height and BMD of adult patients with INS in childhood and adolescence


Vincent, Maureen Anne, kimg@deakin.edu.au,jillj@deakin.edu.au,mikewood@deakin.edu.au,wildol@deakin.edu.au January 2000 (has links)
This thesis examined body dissatisfaction and body change behaviors among adolescent girls and boys from a biopsychosocial framework. The contribution of biological, psychological and sociocultural factors were examined in relation to body dissatisfaction, weight loss, weight gain and increased muscle tone behaviors among early adolescent girls and boys. In particular, pubertal maturation, body mass index (BMI), perception of body shape and size and psychological factors, such as depression, anxiety, ineffectiveness, self-esteem and perfectionism, were examined as possible factors that may precipitate or maintain body dissatisfaction and engagement in body change strategies. The sociocultural factors evaluated were the quality of family and peer relationships, as well as the influence of family and peers in predicting the adoption of specific body change strategies. The specific mechanisms by which these influences were transmitted were also examined. These included perceived discussion, encouragement and modelling of various body change strategies, as well as perceived teasing about body shape and size. A number of separate cross-sectional and longitudinal studies were conducted to examine the above relationships and identify the factors that contribute to weight loss, weight gain and increased muscle tone behaviors in adolescents. Study 1 examined the psychometric properties and principal components structure of the Bulimia Test Revised (BULIT-R; Thelen, Farmer, Wonderlich, & Smith, 1991) to assess its applicability to adolescent samples. Study 2 investigated the nature of body dissatisfaction and weight loss behaviors among 603 adolescents (306 girls and 297 boys) using a standardised questionnaire. This preliminary study was conducted to ascertain whether variables previously found to be relevant to adolescent girls, could also be related to the development of body dissatisfaction and weight loss behaviors among adolescent boys. Studies 3 and 4 described the development and validation of a body modification scale that measured weight loss, weight gain and increased muscle tone behaviors. Studies 5 and 6 were designed to modify an Excessive Exercise Scale developed by Long, Smith, Midgley, and Cassidy (1993) into a shorter form, and validate this scale with an adolescent sample. Study 7 investigated the factors that contribute to weight loss, weight gain and increased muscle among adolescent girls and boys both cross-sectionally and longitudinally (over one year). Structural equation modelling was used to examine associations among self-reported body dissatisfaction, body change strategies and a range of biological, psychological and sociocultural variables both cross-sectionally and longitudinally. Overall, the results suggested that both girls and boys experience body dissatisfaction and engage in a number of different body change strategies in order to achieve an ideal size. A number of gender similarities and differences were identified in the expression of body dissatisfaction and the adoption of body change strategies for both girls and boys. Girls were more likely than boys to report body dissatisfaction and engage in weight loss behaviors, while boys were more likely than girls to engage in weight gain and increased muscle tone behaviors. Generally, the same factors were found to contribute to weight loss, and more specifically, bulimic symptomatology, ad weight gain in both adolescent girls and boys. While a combination of biological, psychological and sociocultural factors contributed to bulimic symptomatology, only biological and psychological factors were found to contribute to weight gain in adolescents. The most notable gender differences were found in the model of increased muscle tone. Sociocultural and biological factors contributed to increased muscle tone behaviors in girls, while sociocultural and psychological factors were implicated in these behaviors in adolescent boys. With the exception of the model of increased muscle tone for boys, body dissatisfaction was a consistent factor in the adoption of body change behaviors. Consistent with previous investigations, the present thesis provides empirical support for the need to examine the etiology and maintenance of such concerns and behaviors from a multifaceted perspective.

Cambios en la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y uso de servicios sanitarios en niños y adolescentes españoles

Palacio Vieira, Jorge A. 18 October 2011 (has links)
El estudio KIDSCREEN Seguimiento analizó los cambios en la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) en una muestra representativa de niños y adolescentes españoles de 8 a 18 años de edad y sus padres, que contestaron un cuestionario inicial vía postal en 2003 y el de seguimiento en 2006. Además se estudiaron los cambios en salud mental y su impacto sobre la CVRS, así como los factores predictivos del uso de servicios sanitarios. La mayoría de dimensiones de la CVRS presentó un empeoramiento moderado y generalizado, sobre todo en las niñas y en la etapa puberal. El empeoramiento en la salud mental se asoció a un mayor deterioro de la CVRS. En general, la declaración de morbilidad fue el factor con mayor poder predictivo del uso de servicios sanitarios a los 3 años de seguimiento. Algunos factores socioeconómicos fueron determinantes del acceso al especialista y el dentista. / The KIDSCREEN Follow-up study analysed changes in health-related quality of life (HRQL) in a representative sample of Spanish children and adolescents from 8 to 18 years old and their parents and who answered a mail-posted questionnaire at the baseline (2003) and follow-up (2006). In addition changes in mental health and its impact on changes on HRQL and predictors of healthcare services use were analysed. Most of the dimensions of HRQL showed a generalized and moderate worsening, especially amongst girls at the pubertal phase. The worsening in mental health was associated with a higher deterioration in HRQL. In general, the strongest predictive factor on the use of healthcare services was reporting morbidity. Some socioeconomic factors determined the access to specialists and dentist.

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