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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Laços e entrelaços: o novelo dos comitês de bacia no Estado de São Paulo. Uma análise da governança no SIGRH São Paulo / Laços e entrelaços: o novelo dos comitês de bacia no Estado de São Paulo. Uma análise da governança no SIGRH São Paulo.

Alexandre do Nascimento Souza 06 May 2015 (has links)
Tendo como referência principal a discussão sobre governança, a pesquisa buscou identificar quais tipos de práticas são consideradas mais exitosas no contexto da gestão da água. O trabalho apresenta a crítica ao modelo da ciência normal e apresenta a ciência pós-normal como alternativa para um fazer científico que legitima outras formas de conhecimento, e não apenas o especialista. O trabalho toma como referência o cenário político, social, econômico, cultural e ambiental descrito pela a abordagem da sociedade de risco. Foram revisadas abordagens recentes sobre os temas da governança, da governança ambiental, governança da água, da aprendizagem social e da análise do desenvolvimento das instituições. Toda a discussão suscitada pela literatura revisada é feita à luz do Sistema Integrado de Gerenciamento dos Recursos Hídricos no Estado de São Paulo- SIGRH. Apresentamos o modelo de análise da gestão participativa MAGEP, desenvolvido como síntese da literatura revisada e uma reflexão sobre as políticas de participação social da terceira geração. O trabalho conclui que a gestão da água no Estado de São Paulo é feita em consonância com o que a literatura tem apresentado como formas adequadas de gestão do recurso hídrico. No entanto, o SIGRH em São Paulo carece de práticas inovadoras que tornem o ambiente da gestão da água mais dinâmico e com mais participação social. / The governance approach represents the main discussion in this research that tried to identify how water can be managed in a sustainable way. We criticize the normal science model, to show that the pos-normal science is an approach able to recognize different kinds of knowledge. We took the risk society approach as the political, economic, social, cultural and environmental setting where the water management becomes an important question. We reviewed works from Governance, Environmental Governance, Water Governance, Social Learning and Institutional Analysis Development to understand the Integrated Management State of São Paulo. We present the Participative Management Analysis Model built as a synthesis of the reviewed literature and the reflection about the third generation of social participation polices. We concluded that the water management in São Paulo has been done in according with what we found in the research; however it needs to have more creative practices and more social participation.

Demokratická legitimace politiky: volební právo a logika voleb / Democratic legitimacy of politics: competence to suffrage and logic of election

Vorlíček, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyze legitimacy of policy. Its fulfillment should emerge from detailed inquiry of the essential sense of social institutions. The work is divided into three chapters therefore. The first chapter deals with law as a basic system of order of social relations. It explains its fundamental social goal (reducing transaction costs of social action) and its influence on the development of civilization. It discusses in detail the property rights as a fundament of any real legal system - both at the legal level and economic level (i.e. how the system of property rights coordinates social activities and allocates scarce resources, how it creates the elite, and when there is a fault efficiency of this process). The second chapter deals with the social obligations which are necessary condition for preservation of law. These obligations are labeled as taxes (as opposed to tributes that basis is not in the obligation to maintain the legal system and are only ransom inherently). Particular attention is paid to the fair distribution of these obligations (tax justice) and also to the impact of taxation on the development of civilization. The last (third) chapter deals with institutional framework of society, i.e. the exercise of public power and public administration (government...

Essays on Labor Economics and International Trade

Danyang Zhang (12437343) 20 April 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>My dissertation is composed of three independent chapters in the field of labor economics and international trade. </p> <p><br></p> <p>The first chapter studies marriage market signaling and women’s occupation choice. Despite the general closure of gender disparities in the labor market over the past half century, occupational segregation has been stubbornly persistent. I develop a new model that explains these occupational outcomes through marriage market signaling. Vertically differentiated men have preference over women’s unobservable caregiving ability. Heterogenous women choose caregiving occupations to signal their ability to be caregivers. My model generates unique predictions on the influence of marriage market conditions on women’s occupational choices. I find empirical support for these predictions using longitudinal data on marriage rates, policy shocks to divorce laws, and shocks to the marriage market sex ratio driven by waves of immigration. </p> <p><br></p> <p>The second chapter investigates Covid19 and consumer animus towards Chinese products. Covid19 has tremendously affected all areas of our lives and our online shopping behaviors have not been immune. China is the first country to report cases of Covid19 and suffers from rising animus in the U.S. In this paper, we study consumer animus towards Chinese products post Covid19 using Amazon data. We tracked all face masks sold on Amazon between Sep. 2019 to Sep. 2020, and collect product information that is available to a real consumer, including reviews. By analyzing both seller-generated (e.g., product name, description, features) and user-generated (e.g., reviews and customer Q&A) content, we collect information on the country-of-origin as well as consumer animus for the products. Under a fully-dynamic event study design, we find that the average rating drops significantly after a product is identified as made in China for the first time, while no such drop is found for products with other countries-of-origin. This negative impact is U-shaped, which quickly expands in the first five weeks, and then gradually fades out within six months. An informative-animus review affects the average rating of a Chinese product both directly (through its own rating) and indirectly (through other future ratings), with both mechanisms supported in data. We also provide strong evidence that the drop in average rating is driven by consumer animus instead of product quality. </p> <p><br></p> <p>The third chapter explores how cultural transmission through international trade affects gender discrimination. In this paper, I propose that international trade helps alleviate gender discrimination. With imperfect information on workers’ ability, there is statistical discrimination towards female workers. Through international trade, culture transmits asymmetrically between firms located in countries with different gender cultures. This cultural transmission benefits women because it transmits only in one direction from more gender-equal cultures to less gender-equal cultures. I prove this by linking the Customs data to the Industrial Firms data of China in 2004, and find that Chinese firms trading with more gender-equal cultures hire a higher fraction of female workers and enjoy higher profits. Similar patterns are not found in Chinese firms trading with less gender-equal cultures. The impact of cultural transmission goes beyond the firms engaged in international trade to have spillover effects onto purely domestic firms. Comparing across skill groups, cultural transmission benefits high-skill female workers more.</p>

Promote the General Welfare: A Political Economy Analysis of Medicare & Medicaid

Rosomoff, Sara Stephanie 21 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Fransk neo-kolonialism i Afrika : En hypotetisk deduktiv studie av CFA-francens inverkan påbeteende hos kapitalägare i Guinea-Bissauutifrån Public Choice-teorin

Sjöquist Wikström, Jesper January 2023 (has links)
This research paper addresses the compelling intersection of economic behavior and neo-colonial structures, specifically within the context of the CFA Franc currency union. The central issue under examination is the impact of the CFA Franc agreement on the behavior of capital owners in Guinea-Bissau. The purpose of this study is to understand the complex interplay between economic actions and neo-colonial mechanisms, tested via two hypotheses derived from Public Choice theory and the CFA agreement, and further relate the findings to the discourse on neo-colonialism. The study employs an Interrupted Time Series (ITS) design and Time Series Analysis (TSA) to systematically explore changes over time and assess the cause-effect relationships in a realistic manner. Findings partially confirm the hypothesis regarding foreign reserves, indicating that the CFA agreement indeed impacts capital owners' behavior. However, contrary to expectations, capital flight was found to decrease post-intervention, suggesting additional factors at play. The results illuminate the complex dynamics of the CFA union and broaden the understanding of potential neo-colonial structures, contributing to the ongoing debate on economic inequality and neo-colonialism.

Context Sensitive Civic Duty : An Experimental Study of how Corruption Affects both a Duty to Vote and a Duty to Abstain

Engström, Simon January 2021 (has links)
In this thesis I explore a novel context sensitive conceptualisation of civic duty according to which the conduct (or misconduct) of elected officials affects whether eligible voters feel either a duty to vote (DTV) or a duty to abstain (DTA). Specifically, I argue that under conditions of corruption the norm of electoral accountability may override peoples’ sense of DTV in which case they instead feel a DTA. This context sensitive account is contrasted with a Kantian account of civic duty according to which eligible voters feel a duty to always vote, regardless of contextual factors. The empirical results provides tentative support for the claim that corruption not only decreases eligible voters’ sense of DTV but also increases their sense of DTA. This thesis thus contributes not only to the advancement of the conceptualisation of civic duty in relation to voter turnout, but its results also has important implications for how the rational choice perspective approaches the cost/benefit analysis commonly associated with the voting decision. In the latter case these results indicate that abstainers too may act out of duty and can therefore be assumed to gain positive utility from their abstention. However, the possibility that abstention (just as voting) yields unique costs and benefits has to my knowledge never been acknowledged in the rational choice literature on voter turnout. I therefore conclude by presenting a novel suggestion of how the potential costs and benefits of abstention can be incorporated into the calculus of voting.

Le marché en droit des marchés publics : enjeux théoriques et perspectives analytiques / Economics and the public procurement law

Manenti, Olivier 25 January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse a un objet théorique et un objet pratique. L'objet théorique est double. Il s'agit de démontrer la possibilité d'une réception juridique de l'analyse économique du droit. Cela nécessite de se placer dans les postulats de la postmodernité tant dans l'approche du concept d'Etat que dans celle de la règle juridique. La recherche se place alors résolument dans la doctrine théorique de l'approche de la règle juridique à travers le paradigme du réseau. Dans cette perspective théorique, le droit des marchés publics n'est que le support de cette démonstration. Mais il en devient aussi l'objet pratique. Le marché public est ainsi un acte dans l'économique et un acte économique. En tant que contrat de l'achat public, le marché public place la personne publique ou assimilée dans une relation d'échange économique. La notion générale de contrat permet de percevoir le marché public comme le support juridique d'un échange économique. Mais le recours aux marchés publics est aussi un choix de gestion. Il est est alors l'une des options possibles dans la gestion administrative contemporaine axée sur la recherche de la rationalisation de l'action administrative. Le marché public est alors perçu comme un acte juridique ayant aussi une source économique. En tant qu'acte économique, le marché public entretient alors des rapports d'interaction avec les règles de droit de la concurrence. Or le droit des marchés publics est lui-même le droit d'une concurrence spécifique. Cette mutation de la réception de l'économique dans les marchés publics et les règles les encadrant permet l'avènement d'un juge administratif du contrat économiste. / This research deals with how the French and the European public procurement laws integrate the economic analysis of contract. The theoretical approach is based on Law taken under the network theory. In a first point, the public contract is taken under the relation between the general definition of contract and the economic notion of exchange. The second point deals with the new public management theories and the public procurement contracts. In this point, It is examined how the choice of buying influences the organization of public agencies. The third and the fourth points deal with consequences of taking the public procurement contract as an economic action. It is discussed the relation between the public procurement law and the competition law; especially how the public procurement law is, in itself, a specialized competition law. This new evolution offers to French administrative judge, taken as the judge of all the administrative contracts, a way to become an economic judge.

Epistémologie du processus de marché : l'entrepreneur politique réfuté / Epistemology of the market process : the political entrepreneur refuted

El Ghawi, Chadi 21 October 2016 (has links)
Dans le contexte du programme de recherche scientifique autrichien en économie, le processus de marché doit être appréhendé par le prisme du concept d'entrepreneur. La fonction créative d'entrepreneur se présente comme un processus individuel largement épistémique, lequel s'élucide en une action à effet catallactique. Elle contribue à l'émergence spontanée de l`ordre, concrétisant ainsi l'évolutionnisme individuel et institutionnel. Or son apparition dépend de déterminants institutionnels particuliers. Par conséquent, le processus de marché, qui émerge des actions catallactiques, requiert un fondement institutionnel spécifique comme une condition sine qua non. En outre, notre analyse s'étend au processus politique à travers le prisme de l'action politique, afin d'examiner l'adéquation de cette action à la nature catallactique. Cette analyse permet aussi de décrypter les institutions qui régissent l'ordre politique confectionné. Cependant, cette investigation relève au cours du processus politique, la déficience du fondement institutionnel indispensable à l'émergence de la fonction d'entrepreneur dans l'action politique. Cela constitue une barrière infranchissable pour l'analogie catallactique dans la pratique politique, et contribue à expliquer la défaillance de la conjecture de marché politique, en raison de l'impossibilité de l'émergence d'un échange politique légitime. Du point de vue de l'éthique, l'action politique s'avère nocive à l'ensemble des droits individuels, voire aux droits de propriété privée. Elle diverge de celle entrepreneuriale car elle dénie la coordination. Par conséquent, cette réalité nous amène à réfuter la conjecture d'entrepreneur politique. / In the context of the Austrian scientific research program in economics, our study deals with the market process through the prism of Entrepreneur`s concept. The creative entrepreneurial function emerges as an epistemic individual process, which contributes to a catallactic action. It strengthens the emergence of the spontaneous order, thus shaping individual and institutional evolutionism. The emergence of such action mainly depends on institutional determinants. Therefore, the market process, emerging from catallactic actions, requires a specific institutional foundation. Thereby, our analysis concerns the political process; this, through the prism of the political action, to match the adequacy of this action to the catallactic one. This analysis also decrypts the institutions which determine the political order. However, this introspection identifies the deficiency of the institutional foundation required for the emergence of the entrepreneurial function through the political action. This barrier of the catallactic analogy in the political practice contributes to the refutation of the political market conjecture. The main reason of this failure is the impossibility of a legitimate political exchange emergence. From the objective ethics perspective, the political action harms the individual rights in general and the private property rights in particular. By denying the coordination, this political action shows a divergent nature from the entrepreneurial one. Therefore, this reality leads to refute the political entrepreneur conjecture.

土地價格對土地使用分區管制決策影響之研究 / Study of land price influence the descision making of zoning control

丁秀吟, Ding, Hsiu-Yin Unknown Date (has links)
過去有關土地使用分區管制與地價兩者間關係之研究,往往假設地價在實施規劃管制過程中呈中立性,且過去在探討土地使用分區管制與地價二者間關係之研究時,多著重在探討土地使用分區管制施行後對地價之影響上,對於土地使用分區管制決策是否受到土地市場中地價之影響,則僅在少數的研究中被探討。故本研究首先透過國內外相關文獻之回顧與分析,得知規劃管制決策者有時為求得最大之政治支持,有可能會以規劃管制為其尋求最大政治利益之工具,而扭曲規劃管制之原意,使得土地使用分區管制決策可能受到土地市場中地價之影響,然而地價於實際經濟社會中是否會影響土地使用分區管制決策,則有待進一步的探討與驗證。 是以本研究以公共選擇理論與消費者效用理論為基礎,透過台北縣市土地使用分區管制決策過程與內涵之探討,利用羅吉特(logit)迴歸分析模型,以台北市為實證範圍,並以其72至81年度之房地移轉買賣實際調查資料,進行分年橫斷面分析方式,求取選擇性偏誤訂正項後,再納入地價方程式中估計,以求地價函數一致性估計,據以逐年檢驗地價對土地使用分區管制決策之影響情形。再以台北市信義計畫區為個案分析之對象,檢視於現實社會中地價對土地使用分區管制決策之影響情形。 經由上述之實證與個案分析,得到以下之結論: 一、土地使用分區管制決策在執政者追求最大政治利益之假設下,將可能受到利益團體等相關者之壓力,而做出只利於少數人之土地使用分區管制決策。 二、土地使用分區管制決策可能會受土地市場中地價之影響。 三、地價對土地使用分區管制決策之影響不穩定。 四、對土地使用分區管制決策時應有制度性之建立以審慎考量規劃管制之旨意。 / In the literatures, the study on. the relationship between land price and zoning control was assumed that land price is neutral. Moreover, the studies of land price and zoning control are more on the impact of land use control upon land price. The issue that impact of land prices upon the decision making of zoning control is rarely investigated. Based upon the theories of public choice and consumer's utility, this study discusses the process and content of zoning control decision-making. Then, by Logit model, the transaction data of property in Taipei City from 1983 to 1992 are employed to test the impact of land price upon the decision making of zoning control. Furthermore, a case study of Shin-I Planning District in Taipei City is analyzed so as to examine the impact of land price upon zoning control decision-making in the real operation. The major findings of this study are that, land price may affect the decision making of zoning control in the long term. However, the impact of land price upon the zoning control decision-making is unstable. Finally, based upon the public choice theory, the empirical results are discussed so as to apply the findings to the land policy.


Robert Thomas Ryan (9669701) 16 December 2020 (has links)
<div>This research analyzes over 60,000 awarded highway contracts from 18 states throughout the United States. Analysis was performed on the state and aggregate level. The contracts were awarded from the years 2008 through 2018. Statistical analysis utilizing Pearson's Correlation and Ordinary Least Squares regression for each sample was performed to identify each variables relationship between the budget and awarded values.</div><div>The research examined effects of economic indicators, contractor descriptors and yearly/seasonal adjustments These variables included DBE Participation Goal, Number of Bidders, Project Dollar Value, Project Duration, Unemployment Rate, S&P 500 Index, Volatility Index, quarter, and year of project award. The results were examined by using a combination of simple statistical summaries and econometric coefficients called a cost vector. <br></div><div>Summary statistics observed Bid Difference at 8.5% below the Engineer's Estimate. The study observed DBE Participation Goals averaged 3.74% of the value of contracts, with an observed average of 4.5 bidders per contract. <br></div><div>The research determined that 55% of observed states had a positive significant correlation with DBE Participation Goal and Bid Difference. This correlation translated to nearly $80 million in additional cost. In addition, the research determined that all 19 groups in this study had a negative significant correlation with the Number of Bidders. The correlation translated to a savings of nearly $500 million. <br></div>

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