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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelling 3D product visualisation for the online retailer

Algharabat, Raed S. January 2010 (has links)
This research aims to explain the process that previous researchers have discussed concerning the consumer virtual experience, using three-dimensional (3D) product visualisations, within online retailers. In addition, this research aims to identify the main advantages of using 3D product visualisation in comparison to two-dimensional (2D) static pictures within online retailers. Moreover, using the online Stimulus-Organism-Responses (S-O-R) paradigm, this research aims to model the effect of 3D product visualisation on consumers’ perception and responses towards the online retailer environment. Given that the appearance of the notion of telepresence or presence and their implications on the online retailer, many scholars attempt to build and develop models that can suit these notions online. However, this thesis argues that the notion of 3D telepresence is not the proper terminology to be used within the online retail context and therefore, this research raises the following question “how do consumers perceive 3D product virtualisation (telepresence) compared with 3D product authenticity on online retailers’ websites?” The effects of 3D product visualisation and 2D static pictures have been raised during the past decade to determine which is better for the online consumers. Marketers and information system scholars started wondering about the best device that can generate hedonic and utilitarian values for the consumers. To investigate the main impact of 3D product visualisation and 2D static pictures on hedonic and utilitarian values, this research raises the following questions: How do consumers perceive 3D hedonic values compared with 2D hedonic values on online retailers’ website? How do consumers perceive 3D product visualisation utilitarian values compared with 2D utilitarian values on online retailers’ website? This thesis, based on the previous literature in interactivity and vividness, narrowed down the 3D authenticity antecedents to the control and animated colour constructs. Moreover, to determine the effect of the progressive levels of control and animated colour constructs on the 3D authenticity construct, it raises the following research question: How do different levels of 3D control and animated colours influence 3D authenticity? To determine the effects of the progressive levels of 3D hedonic and utilitarian values on behavioural intention construct, this thesis raises the following research question: How do different levels of 3D hedonic and utilitarian levels influence behavioural intentions? Based on the online S-O-R framework, previous studies investigate the impact of the whole website e-retail environment (many stimuli) on consumers’ responses. Yet, this is the first study that is using one stimulus, namely 3D laptop product visualisation to investigate its impacts on consumers’ perceptions and responses using the online S-OR paradigm. Therefore, this thesis raises the following research question: How do control, animated colours, 3D authenticity, hedonic and utilitarian values affect consumers’ behavioural intention? The results reveal significant differences between 3D telepresence and 3D authenticity constructs. 3D telepresence involves an illusion or a sense of being transported to another place, whereas 3D authenticity refers to the ability to imagine a virtual object as real. The 3D authenticity construct is more significant in simulating an online retailer’s products. The proposed online S-O-R conceptual model achieves acceptable fit and the hypothesised paths are all valid. This research adds to the marketing literature the notion of 3D authenticity and contributes a valid scale to measure that new variable. Moreover, it is the first study that connects and uses the antecedents of 3D authenticity (S), control and animated colours, to investigate their impact on 3D authenticity, hedonic and utilitarian values (O), and the impact of the Organism constructs (O) on behavioural intention (R). Furthermore, the final framework considers the first framework that has studied the impact of one stimulus using the online S-O-R framework on an electronic retailer website environment. Indeed, to the best of the researcher’s knowledge, this is the first study that uses a UK sample to investigate the effects of an authentic 3D product visualisation in an electronic e-retailing industry (i.e., laptops).

CUSTOMER UNCERTAINTY : The relationship between psychic distance and consumer behavior towards purchasing from foreign online retailers

Bjram, Sara, Barzani, Solin January 2017 (has links)
This study provides an examination of the link between psychic distance and consumers’ behavior towards purchasing from foreign online retailers. A self-administered online survey, with an observation unit of 123 respondents is provided for data collection. The findings from the data imply that psychic distance is valid from a level of high uncertainty. The level of uncertainty decreases as customers gain knowledge externally, access of relevant knowledge builds trust for the customer with the foreign online retailer.

Tredjepartslogistik till e-handeln : Hur tredjepartslogistiker kan öka e-handelsföretagens upplevda värde / Third-party logistics for the e-commerce sector : How third-party logistic providers can increase the perceived value of online retailers

Österström, Erik, Ling, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Under de senaste fem åren har e-handlare börjat att outsourca sina lager och sin logistik till tredjepartslogistiker. E-handlarna vill kunna skräddarsy en lager och logistiklösning som uppfyller verksamhetens krav tillsammans med bolag som är experter på lager och logistik. Uppgiften är däremot komplicerad på grund av att e-handlare inte alltid vet vilken lösning som är bäst för deras verksamhet och har svårt att specificera vad som är deras behov. Dessutom har e-handlare ofta svårt att lära sig om tredjepartslogistikers roll i verksamheten och dra maximal nytta av samarbetet när tredjepartslogistiker väl har tagit över. E-handlares önskan om skräddarsydda lösningar ställer dock stora krav på tredjepartslogistiker på grund av att de måste anpassa sina verksamheter till många unika kunder, vilket kräver mycket kunskap och resurser. Uppgiften kompliceras ytterligare på grund av att tredjepartslogistiker, som är vana vid industrikunder, är osäkra på vad e-handelsföretag egentligen värdesätter och hur de skall arbeta värdeskapande från den initiala kontakten tills dess att någon part väljer att avsluta samarbetet. I dagsläget ställs det således stora krav på tredjepartslogistiker som arbetar mot e-handlare och författarna har därför valt att undersöka processen. Mer specifikt handlar examensarbetets syfte om att besvara med vilka aktiviteter som tredjepartslogistiker kan öka e-handelsföretagens upplevda värde, i försäljningsprocessens olika faser.   För att besvara syftet används först och främst teori kring värde, värdeskapande och försäljningsprocesser, vilket ligger till grund för en analysmodell och examensarbetets huvudstudie. Genom att konstruera en workshop där e-handlare får placera ut kort som representerar fördelar i en försäljningsprocess med fem faser, får författarna underlag för att kunna sluta sig till vilka fördelar e-handlare anser vara värdeskapande i de olika faserna. Varje fas analyseras sedan var för sig för att matcha fördelarna till aktiviteter hämtade från teorin om försäljningsprocesser. Genom att justera aktiviteterna med hänsyn till underlaget från huvudstudien resulterar varje analys i aktiviteter som en tredjepartslogistiker kan utföra för att öka e-handelskundernas upplevda värde. Analyserna har resulterat i ett ramverk av aktiviteter som strukturerar upp hur tredjepartslogistiker bör fokusera sina resurser och strukturera sina aktiviteter i försäljningsprocessens faser. Tillsammans med författarnas rekommendationer ger ramverket en struktur för hur tredjepartslogistiker bör arbeta om de vill öka e-handelskunders upplevda värde. / During the past five year online retailers have started to outsource their warehouse and logistics to third-party logistic providers. Online retailers’ reason for outsourcing are the possibility to develop a tailored solution, with regards to their businesses’ needs, as well as doing it together with a partner whom is an expert on warehouse management and logistics. However, outsourcing is a problematic and major decision for online retailers to make. Especially since they do not necessarily know how to specify their needs and select the best possible solution for their businesses. Additionally, online retailers find it challenging to incorporate third-party logistic providers and use their abilities and expertise optimally. Online retailers’ demand for tailored solutions stresses third-party logistic providers’ operations since they have to adapt their offering to multiple customers, which requires flexibility, resources, and knowledge. In addition, third-party logistic providers are accustomed to traditional industries. Therefore, they lack understanding of online retailers’ preferences and does not know how to create value in the process from an initial contact to an ongoing relationship.   In summary, there are huge demands on third-party logistic providers that have chosen to focus on online retailers. Therefore, the authors of this thesis have decided to investigate the process. More specifically the purpose of this thesis is to investigate by which activities third-party logistic providers can effectively increase online retailers perceived value in the sales process’ phases.   In order to achieve the purpose of this thesis the authors have applied theory of value, value-creation, and sales processes to design a model of analysis and develop the main study. With respect to the model of analysis a workshop was used, where online retailers got to place cards (representing benefits) in a sales process with five phases (representing the relation between online retailers and third-party logistic providers) to give the authors a basis for analysis. The online retailers had to select if they perceived a benefit to be of importance during different phases. Thereafter, each phase was analysed to pair benefits with activities that was found in theory about sales processes. By adjusting each activity with respect to data from the main study, each analysis resulted in activities that can be performed by third-party logistic providers in order to increase online retailers perceived value. Conclusions from the assays were then used to build a framework, structuring how third-party logistic providers should focus its resources and organize its activities in the phases of the sales process. Along with the authors’ recommendations the framework provides a structure for third-party logistics providers to be used in order to increase online retailers perceived value.

Impact of Customer Satisfaction and Trust in the Context of a Business Ecosystem on Customer Retention in Online Retailers.

Rutström, Lily January 2022 (has links)
Customer retention also referred to as Customer loyalty has been proven to be an important factor in the success of online retailers. However, recent research has shown that many online retailers are still unenlightened on the elements they need to focus on in order to retain their customers. On the contrary, Amazon which operates in a business ecosystem has been found to have high customer loyalty which means that the company must have been able to modify rightly the appropriate contributors to online customer loyalty compared to the many other online retailers. Studies have been conducted to investigate different variables including customer satisfaction and trust to find out if these variables can be applied to improve online customer loyalty. Still, there has been no research that has investigated how customer satisfaction together with trust in the context of a business ecosystem may influence customer loyalty. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate how online retailers create customer loyalty as a result of online customer satisfaction and trust in the context of the business ecosystem, by applying the case study of Amazon. The most suitable way of conducting this research was to collect quantitative data from Amazon customers who had shopped more than twice within the last two months from the time of participating in the self-completed survey. The questionnaire was distributed in different Facebook groups and was also shared with a number of participants via email. In order to answer the research questions and fulfill the study purpose, the data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences, and correlation and regression analyses were conducted. The findings indicated that customer satisfaction and trust in the context of a business ecosystem are the key factors in establishing customer loyalty. In addition, trust in the context of a business ecosystem contributed more to predicting customer loyalty in comparison to customer satisfaction.

Determinants and Impacts of Pinterest Consumer Experiences

Vasquez, Lauren 12 1900 (has links)
Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social networking sites and is attracting the interest of retailers as an effective way to interact with consumers. The purpose of this study was to examine: 1) determinants and impacts of Pinterest consumer experiences. Specifically, this study examined the impacts of retailer reputation, trust, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness on Pinterest consumer experiences on retailer SNS. 2) To identify the impacts of Pinterest consumer experiences on consumer satisfaction, behavioral intention, and online retailer relationship. The instrument used existing scales drawn from the literature. A consumer panel (n = 300) of Pinterest users that connect to apparel retailers was used to collect data through an online consumer panel. Reputation is positively related to trust and to perceived ease of use. Perceived ease of use and usefulness significantly affected retailer Pinterest consumer experiences. The impact of Pinterest consumer experiences on satisfaction and behavior intention was positive and significant. Satisfaction and behavior intention also are significantly related to online retailer relationship. Results and business implications are discussed, as well are limitations and future research.

The role of mobile devices in online retailing:empirical evidence from Finland and Nigeria

Olaleye, S. (Sunday) 10 May 2019 (has links)
Abstract The affinity between mobile devices and electronic commerce is strong, and mobile commerce is a large potential market, as an offshoot of electronic commerce. The margin between electronic commerce and mobile commerce is becoming gradually thinner. The mobile device is more than a transaction tool; it plays a central role in the whole of online shopping as a connector between retailers, online platforms and online shoppers, with a rich experience of noticeable heterogeneity in online retailing. The study concentrates on the use of the tablet for online shopping, how it correlates to general online shopping and how it differs from other mobile devices regarding online shopping. The study utilised an integration of different research domains (marketing, psychology and a technological approach). This integration gives a broader perspective and deepens the understanding of the research topic. The study adopts a quantitative methodology and utilises survey research, because of the online specific behaviour of tablet users, with structural equation modelling techniques. The study contributes theoretically in four parts. First, the study is interdisciplinary and combines insights from marketing, psychology and information systems literature with an integrated model of tablet commerce to identify the antecedents of customer loyalty and contribute to marketing literature. Second, the study is a comparative study and discovers the impact of security, technology, utilitarian and eminent factors related to customer loyalty to the online retailer, which is a growing trend in two cultures. Third, the study reveals the mediating role of trust in explaining the interaction between reputation and loyalty across borders and the mediation between online shopping experience and reputation, trust, self-efficacy and privacy to predict customer loyalty to an online retailer in a developed nation. Fourth, the study discovered variation by gender in tablet commerce, based on the integrated model. The gender divergence is more significant on one antecedent of loyalty than the others. Managers should also target online customers with promotional offers based on gender differences. The study’s managerial implication has been recommended and future research opportunities have been expanded. / Tiivistelmä Yhteys mobiililaitteiden ja verkkokaupan välillä on voimakas, ja mobiilikaupankäynti on suuri potentiaalinen markkina verkkokaupan sivujuonteena. Marginaali verkkokaupan ja mobiilikaupankäynnin välillä pienenee koko ajan. Mobiililaite on enemmän kuin vain kaupanteossa käytetty väline; se näyttelee keskeistä roolia verkkokaupankäynnissä ja toimii myyjien, verkkoalustojen ja verkkoasiakkaiden yhdistäjänä, ja verkkokauppojen heterogeenisyydestä on kertynyt runsaasti kokemusta. Tutkimuksessa käytetään kvantitatiivista metodologiaa ja hyödynnetään survey-tutkimuksia sekä rakenneyhtälömalleja tablettitietokoneiden käyttäjien käyttäessä nimenomaan verkkopalveluja. Tutkimus lisää teoreettista tietämystä aihepiiristä. Ensinnäkin väitöstutkimus laajentaa olemassa olevaa tietämystä mobiilikaupankäynnistä ja tablettikaupankäynti-ilmiöstä ja selittää uutta suhdetta, joka vallitsee helppokäyttöisyyden, yksityisyyden, maineen ja omiin kykyihin luottamisen sekä väliin tulevien korrelaattien luottamus ja kokemus välillä yhdistelemällä niitä sukupuoli-moderaattorimuuttujan kanssa ja keskittymällä tablettitietokoneiden verkkokauppasegmenttiin, jossa tavaroita ja palveluja ostetaan, joten tutkimus tarjoaa yleisen kehikon verkkokauppakuluttajien päätöksenteolle ollen merkittävä panos alan markkinointikirjallisuuteen. Toiseksi, tutkimus on tärkeä lisä myös siksi, että se vahvistaa kuvatun kaltaisen integroidun mallin toimivuuden ja sen sovellukset eri maissa. Kolmanneksi, tutkimus paljastaa luottamuksen välittäjän roolin maineen ja lojaliteetin rajat ylittävän vuorovaikutuksen selittäjänä sekä yhdyssiteen verkkokauppakokemuksen ja maineen, luottamuksen, omiin kykyihin luottamisen ja yksityisyyden välillä, kun on tarve ennustaa verkkokauppoja koskevaa asiakasuskollisuutta kehittyneillä markkinoilla. Neljänneksi, tutkimus edistää ostouskollisuutta käsittelevää kirjallisuutta verratessaan tablettikaupankäyntiä koskevia kuluttajahavaintoja niin Suomen kuin Nigerian kansallisilla markkinoilla. Kahden maan konteksti tarjoaa ainutlaatuisen mahdollisuuden ymmärtää sitä, kuinka asiakkaat eroavat toisistaan kansalliset rajat ylittävillä markkinoilla käytetyn datan käsittäessä kuluttajia epäsuhtaisilla kansalliset rajat ylittävillä markkinoilla, jotka edustavat kehittyneitä ja kehittyviä markkinoita sekä väestömäärältään pieniä ja suuria markkinoita ja jotka ovat lisäksi kulttuurillisesti heterogeenisia. Tutkimus esittää paranneltua ja räätälöityä päätöksentekoa tukevaa järjestelmää johdon avuksi ja asiakkaiden päätöksenteko-ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi. Tutkimuksen liikkeenjohdolliset johtopäätökset ovat selviä, ja niihin liittyviä tulevaisuuden tutkimusmahdollisuuksia on korostettu.

Efectos de la experiencia web en la intención de compra en línea por millennials en sitios web de retailers minoristas

Briceño Yañez, Stephanie Matilde, Cabezas Navarro, Alexandra 17 January 2022 (has links)
Propósito - El actual contexto evidencia un incremento en la atracción hacia las compras en línea en sitios web de retailers minoristas. Asimismo, se evidencia un cambio en el comportamiento de los usuarios millennials y los factores que afectan su intención de compra. Por ello, el objetivo del presente estudio es analizar el efecto de los factores de la EW (usabilidad, interactividad, confianza y estética) en la intención de compra en línea de los usuarios en sitios web retail, específicamente en la categoría ropa, en Lima Metropolitana. Los descubrimientos del estudio ayudarían a los retailers minoristas en el diseño de sitios web más efectivos. Diseño / metodología /enfoque - De 486 cuestionarios distribuidos a jóvenes millennials en Lima Metropolitana, se obtuvieron 400 respuestas efectivas. Asimismo, se empleó un muestreo no probabilístico con una técnica de muestreo por conveniencia. La data recolectada fue procesada mediante SPSS. Se utilizó el Alfa de Cronbach para comprobar la fiabilidad de las escalas. Un análisis factorial exploratorio fue ejecutado para la reducción de datos que permitió explorar las variables en estudio. Finalmente, se realizó una regresión lineal múltiple para determinar la estructura de relación entre las variables. Hallazgos - Los resultados muestran que la usabilidad, interactividad, confianza y estética son los factores de la EW que afectan positivamente y significativamente la intención de compra en línea en usuarios millennials en Lima Metropolitana. Se propusieron 4 hipótesis las cuales fueron aceptadas en su totalidad. Originalidad / valor - La presente investigación comparte información relevante acerca de los efectos de los factores de la EW en la intención de compra en línea. Además, amplía el conocimiento respecto a la importancia del diseño de sitios web efectivos integrando los factores más relevantes como usabilidad, interactividad, confianza y estética para mejorar la experiencia del usuario en línea. / Purpose - The current context shows an increase in the attraction to online purchases on retail websites. Hence, there is a change in the behavior of millennial users and the factors that seek their purchase intention. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the effect of EW factors (usability, interactivity, trust and aesthetics) on the online purchase intention of users on retail websites, specifically in the clothing category, in Lima Metropolitan. The study's findings would aid retail retailers in designing more effective websites. Design / methodology /approach - From 486 questionnaires distributed to millennials in Lima Metropolitana, 400 effective responses were obtained. Likewise, non-probability sampling was used with a convenience sampling technique. The collected data was processed using SPSS. Cronbach's Alpha was used to check the reliability of the scales. An exploratory factor analysis was performed for data reduction that allowed exploring the variables under study. Finally, a multiple linear regression was performed to determine the relationship structure between the variables. Findings - The results show that usability, interactivity, trust and aesthetics are the WE factors that positively and significantly affect online purchase intention in millennial users in Lima Metropolitana. 4 hypotheses were proposed which were fully accepted. Originality / value - This research shares relevant information about the effects of Web Experience factors on online purchase intention. In addition, it expands the knowledge regarding the importance of effective website design by integrating the most relevant factors such as usability, interactivity, trust and aesthetics to improve the online user experience. / Tesis / PE

Essays on Labor Economics and International Trade

Danyang Zhang (12437343) 20 April 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>My dissertation is composed of three independent chapters in the field of labor economics and international trade. </p> <p><br></p> <p>The first chapter studies marriage market signaling and women’s occupation choice. Despite the general closure of gender disparities in the labor market over the past half century, occupational segregation has been stubbornly persistent. I develop a new model that explains these occupational outcomes through marriage market signaling. Vertically differentiated men have preference over women’s unobservable caregiving ability. Heterogenous women choose caregiving occupations to signal their ability to be caregivers. My model generates unique predictions on the influence of marriage market conditions on women’s occupational choices. I find empirical support for these predictions using longitudinal data on marriage rates, policy shocks to divorce laws, and shocks to the marriage market sex ratio driven by waves of immigration. </p> <p><br></p> <p>The second chapter investigates Covid19 and consumer animus towards Chinese products. Covid19 has tremendously affected all areas of our lives and our online shopping behaviors have not been immune. China is the first country to report cases of Covid19 and suffers from rising animus in the U.S. In this paper, we study consumer animus towards Chinese products post Covid19 using Amazon data. We tracked all face masks sold on Amazon between Sep. 2019 to Sep. 2020, and collect product information that is available to a real consumer, including reviews. By analyzing both seller-generated (e.g., product name, description, features) and user-generated (e.g., reviews and customer Q&A) content, we collect information on the country-of-origin as well as consumer animus for the products. Under a fully-dynamic event study design, we find that the average rating drops significantly after a product is identified as made in China for the first time, while no such drop is found for products with other countries-of-origin. This negative impact is U-shaped, which quickly expands in the first five weeks, and then gradually fades out within six months. An informative-animus review affects the average rating of a Chinese product both directly (through its own rating) and indirectly (through other future ratings), with both mechanisms supported in data. We also provide strong evidence that the drop in average rating is driven by consumer animus instead of product quality. </p> <p><br></p> <p>The third chapter explores how cultural transmission through international trade affects gender discrimination. In this paper, I propose that international trade helps alleviate gender discrimination. With imperfect information on workers’ ability, there is statistical discrimination towards female workers. Through international trade, culture transmits asymmetrically between firms located in countries with different gender cultures. This cultural transmission benefits women because it transmits only in one direction from more gender-equal cultures to less gender-equal cultures. I prove this by linking the Customs data to the Industrial Firms data of China in 2004, and find that Chinese firms trading with more gender-equal cultures hire a higher fraction of female workers and enjoy higher profits. Similar patterns are not found in Chinese firms trading with less gender-equal cultures. The impact of cultural transmission goes beyond the firms engaged in international trade to have spillover effects onto purely domestic firms. Comparing across skill groups, cultural transmission benefits high-skill female workers more.</p>

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