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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study of craft, design and technology among 14 year olds : their attitudes, related views, associated personality traits and gender differences

Waller, J. January 1988 (has links)
This research is concerned with investigating the attitudes of 3rd year secondary pupils towards CDT; with establishing any differences, in both attitudes and personality in the way the two sexes regard CDT and why more girls do not continue with the subject after the 3rd year. The field study for this was completed in 1982. There was a follow up of the sample at the post 16+ stage in order to investigate the actual take-up of further study of CDT subjects to examination level at 16+ and to compare those who passed well ('high flyers') with those who only gained a low pass grade Clow achievers') and compare attitudes and examination performance in the sample schools. The research began with three questionnaires designed and administered in 1982 in several coeducational schools in Hertfordshire - two attitude questionnaires to 405 pupils (301 boys & 104 girls) in 7 schools and the 'engineer' questionnaire to 150 pupils (87 boys & 63 girls) in 3 schools. A total of four questionnaires were used - an attitude questionnaire with a five point Likert scale; an open-response attitude questionnaire and a questionnaire designed to find out how the pupils perceive the engineer. Cattell's HSPQ was also used. Across the whole of the five attitude scales, the two sexes presented completely different profiles. Both sexes expressed a desire for more practical work. Pro-CDT pupils were influenced by a family member with technical skills and tended to be tough-minded rather than tender-minded. Boys who are in favour of CDT are likely to be far more controlled and conscientious; introverts rather than extraverts; neurotic rather than stable and slightly more inclined to like working with things rather than people. In contrast, pro-CDT girls are likely to be stable extraverts, with a slight tendency to prefer working with people and to be lax and expedient. These terms are explained within the thesis. Girls were on the whole more concerned about the form of the lessons, claimed to be more relaxed in workshop sessions in CDT and enjoyed the lessons more than boys. The boys in their personality responses revealed some degree of concern and anxiety. However, there was an almost total rejection by the girls for continuing CDT - especially amongst the intelligent ones - although they found the subject enjoyable and within their capabilities. The girls' attitudinal responses showed that in CDT they lacked confidence with tools and machines even after three years in secondary education. This may be related to their previous lack of 'tinkering' experience. Boys seemed to have a far greater enjoyment and appreciation of the value and skills of practical technical work although they tended to be weak mathematically and less inclined than girls to continue with graphical work. They expressed a greater intention of continuing with CDT and taking up a technical career. Twice as many boys (80%) took up technical studies (CDT) as opposed to technical drawing (41%). Only one girl took any CDT subjects. In practically-based CDT examinations, the 'high flyers' demonstrated a greater pro-CDT stance and found the work more relaxing than the 'low achievers'. In graphical examinations, the 'high flyers' were more critical of the way the subject was taught; were more concerned about the effects of technology on society and were far more relaxed compared with the 'low achievers'. These findings are compared with other research that was going on at the same time. It is hypothesized from the findings that more girls may take up CDT if there was an increase in investigative work and a greater time allocation. Possible sources of further research are discussed in the concluding chapter.

Mokinių požiūris į papildomą ugdymą socializacijos kontekste / Pupils’ attitude towards extra – curricilar activities in socialisation context

Padegimaitė, Agnė 04 June 2012 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: išsiaiškinti mokinių požiūrį į papildomą ugdymą socializacijos kontekste. Hipotezės: 1. Merginų požiūris į papildomą ugdymą yra palankesnis nei vaikinų. 2. Vyresniųjų klasių mokinių požiūris į papildomą ugdymą yra palankesnis nei 10 klasės mokinių. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti mokinių požiūrį į papildomą ugdymą lyties aspektu. 2. Įvertinti 10 ir 12 klasių mokinių požiūrį į papildomą ugdymą pagal klases. Išvados: 1. Nustatyta, kad pusė apklaustųjų vaikinų teigia, jog mokytojai neskatina jų lankyti būrelių, tačiau 67 proc. merginų teigia, kad mokytojai skatina jas lankyti įvairius būrelius. Rasti statistiškai reikšmingi skirtumai tarp merginų ir vaikinų (p<0,05). Daugiau nei pusė apklaustų vaikinų teigė, kad tėvai neprisideda prie papildomo ugdymo veiklos organizavimo, o 57 proc. apklaustų merginų teigia, kad tėvai prisideda prie papildomo ugdymo veiklos organizavimo. Rasti statistiškai reikšmingi skirtumai (p<0,05). Todėl galime teigti, kad merginos mieliau renkasi popamokinę veiklą nei vaikinai. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad 38 proc. merginų mano, jog papildomas ugdymas yra labai svarbi mokyklos veiklos sritis, su šia nuomone sutinka ir 26 proc. vaikinų. Tačiau gautas statistinis skirtumas tarp merginų ir vaikinų nėra patikimas (p>0,05). 2. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, jog įvertinus mokinių nuomonę apie papildomo ugdymo svarbą paaiškėjo, kad 10 ir 12 klasių mokinių požiūriu papildomas ugdymas mokykloje yra labai svarbi mokyklos veiklos sritis (taip teigia 38... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of the research: Pupils’ attitude to extra – curricular activities in socialisation context. The aims of the research: To evaluate pupils’ attitude towards extra-curricular activities in socialisation context. The objectives of the research: 1. To evaluate the attitude of pupils towards extra – curricular activities in terms of sex. 2. To evaluate the attitude of pupils towards extra – curricular activities in terms age group. Hypothesis: 1. Girls show a more positive attitude towards the extra curricular activities than the boys. 2. Pupils at higher school are of a more positive attitude towards the extra curricular activities than those in the tenth form. Conclusions 1. The findings showed that half of boys said that the teachers did not encourage them to take up some extra curricular activities, while 67 percent of girls said they have been encouraged by their teachers to do so. The said finding showed significant differences between girls and boys (p<0,05). More than half of the surveyed boys said that parents are not active in helping to organise extra curricular activities. 57 percent of the girls had a completely opposite view. There were significant statistic differences between boys and girls (p<0,05). Thus, we can conclude that the girls are more willing to take up extra curricular activities. The findings established that 38 percent of girls thought that extra-curricular activities are a very important area of school’s education. This opinion was shared... [to full text]

Jonavos miesto ir rajono mokyklų 9-12 klasių moksleivių požiūris į fizinį aktyvumą / The attitude of pupils from 9-12 classes of secondary schools to physical activity in Jonava town and its district

Lukaševičius, Audrius 19 May 2005 (has links)
When developing positive attitude to the physical activity, the most important is to introduce it to the safe lifestyle mode from very childhood, to make it the tool not only for the physical state improvement, but also for the development of spirituality, creative activity and will as well. Such viewpoint somewhat determined that health of contemporary Lithuanian people (including pupils) is not good. We were trying to ascertain in this work the attitude of pupils from 9-12 classes of secondary schools to physical activity in Jonava town and its district. Hypothesis. We suppose that urban pupils are physically more active than pupils living in district, especially boys. Objective of the research – to identify and compare the attitude of secondary schools’ 9-12 classes’ pupils to physical activity in Jonava town and its district. Following research task was formulated after identifying research objective: 1. To identify attendance of the physical culture lessons, going in for sports in leisure time and got injuries for 9-12 classes’ pupils from Jonava town and district. 2. To identify the parent’s attitude to physical activity of 9-12 classes pupils from Jonava town and district. 3. To identify the attitude to active physical activity and knowledge of physical activity of 9-12 class’s pupils from Jonava town and district. 4. To identify forms of leisure time of 9-12 class’s pupils from Jonava town and district. Surveying pupils from 9-12 classes in Jonava town and its... [to full text]

Vyresniųjų klasių moksleivių požiūris į žalingus įpročius kaip žmogiškojo kapitalo ugdymo grėsmes: Maišiagalos vidurinės mokyklos moksleivių tyrimas / Senior pupils' attitude towards bad habits as the threats to the process of development of the human capital: research on pupils' of Maišiagala secondary school

Kuzelis, Linas 30 June 2009 (has links)
Temos aktualumas. Jaunimo vertybių sistemoje derama vieta tenka pagrindinėms universalioms vertybėms – išsilavinimui, dorai, darbui, grožiui, sveikatai, verslumui, savitarpio pagalbai, kurios atsispindi žmogiškame, socialiniame ir dvasiniame kapitale. Jei moksleivis neišsiugdo šių vertybių, tai jų vietą užima „žemesniojo“ lygio asmeninės vertybės ir žalingi įpročiai– rūkymas, alkoholizmas ir net narkomanija. Žalingų įpročių plėtra – greičiausiai plintanti socialinė problema mokyklose. Jauni žmonės turėtų augti saugioje aplinkoje, auklėjami ir globojami šeimos bei mokyklos. Pedagogams pavyksta sumažinti pamokų nelankymo problemą, palaikyti klasėse draugiškus santykius tarp moksleivių ir pedagogų, sumažinti didėjančio nusikalstamumo statistinius rezultatus. Tačiau narkotinių ir psichotropinių medžiagų vartojimo atvejų kasmet didėja. Jauni žmonės - moksleiviai - eina pertraukų metu parūkyti, daugelis jų jau vartoja alkoholinius gėrimus, nes tokį pavyzdį mato savo aplinkoje. Nemaža dalis moksleivių jau yra ragavę ne tik „lengvais“ vadinamų narkotikų, bet bandę ir „stipresnių“ narkotikų. Kyla vis didesnis narkomanijos paplitimo pavojus tarp jaunų žmonių. Narkotikų platintojai išnaudoja kiekvieną galimybę išplėsti narkotikų tinklą ir tarp moksleivių. Tyrimo problema. Lietuvos mokyklose vis aktualesnė tampa žalingų įpročių – alkoholizmo, rūkymo ir narkotikų – plitimo tarp moksleivių problema. Daugelis moksleivių pirmą kartą gyvenime susiduria su šiomis blogybėmis. Situacija... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The first hypothesis was confirmed that bad habits of pupils pose a threat to the process of development of the human capital. Findings of the research conducted show how it is important to form the social skills, capacity and readiness to resist the social pressure to use narcotic substances, to smoke and to consume alcoholic beverages. Only after realization of that threat it is possible to timely break bad habits and to choose the adequate decision. The human capital – investment to education and health care, development of knowledge and life skills are becoming a priority trend of prevention. The second hypothesis that children at school and within its territory are safe from the threat of drug addiction has also been confirmed. Even though the school administration and pedagogues seek actively to prevent the spreading of drugs, the number of pupils with bad habits is still more increasing. Of the two thirds of the respondents they recognized of having bad habits (consume alcohol, smoke, and are dependent on drug addiction). Only half of the respondents spend less than 50 Litas per month for bad habits, one fifth of the pupils from 51 to 100 Litas, 15 percent of the pupils from 101 to 200 Litas and 12 percent or every eighth of the responding pupils spend even several times more for bad habits. The market economy contributed to the increase of bad habits and the growth of drug threat. The third hypothesis that drug addiction is further spreading at schools and the efforts... [to full text]

Om det ska vara roligt måste det vara utmanande : Attityder till matematik hos deltagare i Matteklubben för högstadiet / To be Fun, it has to be Challenging : Attitudes towards Mathematics among Participants in the Math Club for grade 7-9

Woldegiorgis, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Mycket forskning har ägnats åt att kartlägga skolelevers (ofta negativa) attityder till matematik. Denna studie undersöker attityder till matematik hos nio deltagare och tidigare deltagare i Matteklubben för högstadiet i Stockholm. Matteklubben är en frivillig efter skolan-aktivitet för unga som gillar problemlösning, där fler med positiv attityd kan tänkas finnas. Studien har utgått från TMA-modellen - en tredimensionell modell för attityd till matematik, med de tre dimensionerna Syn på matematik - Känslomässig inställning till matematik - Upplevd egen förmåga, där varje dimension kan ha en positiv respektive negativ pol. Datainsamling skedde genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Därefter analyserades data med hjälp av tematisk analys. Sammantaget framträder en positiv attityd till matematik hos deltagarna. Deltagarnas syn på matematik framträder i hög grad som relationell, där de betonar matematikens strukturella och logiska uppbyggnad i sina beskrivningar av vad man uppfattar att matematik är. Alla respondenter uttrycker en positiv känslomässig inställning till matematik, även om de gör tydliga distinktioner mellan vad de gillar i matematik och vad de ogillar. Den matematiska aktivitet man tycker om handlar om ”problemlösning på riktigt”, där man vill möta utmanande problem av en passande svårighetsgrad, få tänka kreativt och gärna kunna finna lösningar med flera olika metoder. Ett undertema handlar om matematiska sammanhang och gemenskaper. Här framkommer flera erfarenheter av skolans matematik som ett mer ensamt sammanhang, där deltagarna ofta utövar matematik på egen hand, med liten lärarinteraktion och där man ger snarare än får hjälp. Vissa deltagare har dock kunnat samarbeta med klass- eller skolkamrater i sitt matematikutforskande, vilket har bidragit till en mer positiv upplevelse och inställning till ämnet. I Matteklubben beskriver deltagarna att man är mer en del av ett sammanhang, där man arbetar med samma matematiska problem och kan diskutera lösningar med andra deltagare och ledare i något högre utsträckning. Särskilt Matteklubbens tävlingar ses som sociala tillfällen, då man får diskutera problem och lösningar även med personer man inte kände innan. Vad gäller den egna upplevda förmågan så uttrycker deltagarna i stort en god tilltro till att kunna klara av skolans matematik, även om gymnasiestarten upplevts som mer utmanande. Att få yttre bekräftelse på sitt kunnande var inte oviktigt, även om flera betonade vikten av förståelse, snarare än ha många korrekt lösta uppgifter. Många deltagare har haft en stabil matematikbana, med tidigt intresse för och framgång i matematik, med uppmuntran och intresse i familjen. Några respondenter återger dock vändpunkter eller särskilda händelser, som har ändrat eller påverkat deras syn på matematik, på den egna förmågan och den känslomässiga inställningen till matematik. / A lot of research attention has been directed towards school pupils (often negative) attitudes towards mathematics. This study explores the attitude towards mathematics among nine participants and former participants in the Math club for grade 7-9 in Stockholm. The Math club is an after school activity for young people who enjoy mathematical problem solving, where possibly more positive attitudes can be found. The theoretical framework for the study is TMA - the three-dimensional model for attitude towards mathematics, with the three dimensions; Vision of mathematics – Percieved competence – Emotional disposition. Data was collected through semi structured interviews and analyzed by using thematic analysis. Overall the participants expressed positive attitudes towards mathematics. The participants express a mostly relational vision of mathematics, where they notice and appreciate the logical structure of the subject. Although all participants express their liking of mathematics, they make distinctions about what they like and dislike in mathematics, both regarding content, tasks and social context. In general there is an appreciation of creative problem solving. Many participants experienced mathematics in school as a mostly separate activity with limited help from teachers, although some have had friends with whom they shared the interest. The Math Club seemed to have offered a context in which participants worked on the same problems and could get help and discuss solutions among each other, especially during competitions. The participants were confident about their own mathematical competence, at least until the start of secondary school. Confirmation of competence were appreciated, but many participants stressed that understanding of concepts were more important than getting many right answers. Though most participants described a stable trajectory in their appreciation of math, with early interest, success and encouragement from families as common features, some incidents of turning points or special events, that led to a sudden change of vision of mathematics, the own perceived competence and liking of mathematics were described.

Postoje žáků a učitelů k ruštině jako dalšímu cizímu jazyku / Pupils' and Teachers'Attitudes towards Russian as the Second Foreign Language

Kulichová, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the attitude of pupils and teachers towards Russian as the second foreign language in the Czech school environment. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on the role of Russian in the contemporary world, the history and the current position of teaching the language at Czech schools. What is also described are the linguodidactic and psycholinguistic aspects of foreign language teaching. The practical part of the thesis analyzes the data gained via a questionnaire survey focusing primarily on the aspects of the pupils' motivation to studying Russian and their expectations. It also deals with the attitude of teachers towards teaching Russian as the second foreign language. The main aim of the thesis is to clearly prove or prove false statements about what types of pupils choose Russian and why. The thesis discovers that the most frequent reasons for the choice of Russian as the second foreign language are the simplicity of Russian (resemblance to Czech) and its euphoniousness and language attractiveness. The analysis of the gained data proves false the statement that Russian is chosen primarily by the pupils who dislike foreign languages. On the other hand, it proves the statement that it is often chosen by pupils with special educational needs. The survey also...

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