Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cualitative content 2analysis"" "subject:"cualitative content 3analysis""
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Den missbrukande/beroende patientens upplevelse av omvårdnadspersonalens bemötande inom vårdenAhlén Hansson, Yvonne January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna intervjustudie var att undersöka hur patienter med missbruks- och beroendeproblem upplever attityder och bemötande från omvårdnadspersonal.<strong> </strong>Begreppet missbruk/beroende innefattar alla former av missbruk/beroende av både narkotika, alkohol och läkemedel. Uppsatsen är en deskriptiv empirisk intervjustudie med kvalitativ ansats som bygger på 10 intervjuer med drogmissbrukare/drogberoende. Urvalskriterierna har varit 5 män och 5 kvinnor i åldrarna 25 - 60 år som haft minst 5 vårdtillfällen på en sluten missbruksenhet. Intervjuerna har analyserats utifrån metoden kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade att de intervjuade haft både negativa och positiva upplevelser av attityder och bemötande av omvårdnadspersonal. Slutsatsen är dock att det negativa, fördomsfulla bemötandet övervägde. De intervjuade upplevde också att det råder en stor brist på kunskap om missbruks- och beroendeproblematik inom sjukvården samt att yngre, nyutbildad omvårdnadspersonal uppvisar fler fördomsfulla attityder och bemöter på ett sämre sätt än äldre, erfaren omvårdnadspersonal gör.</p> / <p>The objective of this study was to gain insight into how patients with addiction or dependency problems feel that nursing staff behave towards them. The concepts of addiction and dependency cover all forms of addiction to and dependency on narcotics, alcohol and pharmaceuticals. The essay is a descriptive empirical study based on 10 interviews with people addicted to or dependent on drugs. The selection criteria has been 5 men and 5 women aged between 25 and 60 who have been treated at least 5 times at substance abuse inpatient units. The interviews have been analyzed based on the method qualitative content analysis and resulted in two main categories: Kind treatment and Not so kind treatment. The results showed that those people interviewed had both positive and negative experience of how nursing staff behaved towards them. The conclusion, however, is that negative, prejudiced behaviour was predominating. Those people interviewed also felt that there was a large lack of knowledge about the problems of substance abuse and dependency within healthcare and that the younger, recently qualified nursing staff behaved more badly towards them and were more prejudiced than the older and more experienced nursing staff.</p>
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Den personfixerade politiken : En innehållsanalys av Nagens Nyheters rapportering från det amerikanska presidentvalrörelsen 2008 / The personalized politics : A content analysis of Dagens Nyheters news coverage of the US presidential electionLundengård, Niklas January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this essay has been to describe and compare the personal qualities that the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter (DN) tried to associate Barack Obama and John McCain with during the American presidential election campaign 2008. The main question to be answered is: What social and physical characters as well as what personal experiences, interest and resources did DN tried to emphasize regarding John McCain and Barack Obama during the American presidential election campaign 2008. The theoretical starting-point has been John B Thompson’s theory of the mediated publicity and John Corner´s theory of political persona and spheres of action. Various DN news texts, in all 38 articles, have been examined by content analysis from 25th of august to the 4th of November. The main results show that the most frequent mentioned qualities about Barack Obamas was his skin colour, ethnicity and speech talents. The most frequent mentioned qualities about John McCain was his age and his military experiences from the Vietnam War. The conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that the qualities described in DN created a picture of two different politicians. Many of the qualities that was mentioned have no connection to politics and even if they was just mentioned one time can they play a significant role in trying to build confidence. Many of the qualities that was mentioned are qualities that necessary not have to be seen as positive.</p>
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Den postfeministiska reklamkvinnan : en kvalitativ studie om den postfeministiska kvinnoframställningen i kvinnotidskrifternas reklamannonser / The postfeministic advertising woman : a characterizing qualitative study about the postfeministic woman representation in women magazine's advertising adsPetrovic, Maria January 2006 (has links)
<p>Women magazines are like guides to women and girls, due to the fact that they consistently upgrade their women audience about different trends. Advertising ads that are directed toward women are enjoying being in the atmosphere of women magazines, based on their frequent presence in women magazine’s content. Postfeminism is regarded as being an escape from feminism or as the opposite of feminism because they don’t share feminism’s ideology about equality, gender, and feminism’s questions about power struggle. I therefore consider postfeminism having the tendency of being apprehended both as traditional and modern woman position, and not as radical as feminism. Therefore is postfeminism’s ideology a well fit to women magazine’s advertising ads which feminism criticizes of having a too traditional view on women.</p><p>The aim of this study is to analyze how ads reproduce and characterize postfeminism in women magazine’s advertising ads. To be able of answering this study’s question I have analyzed and characterized postfeminism’s different women representations that appears in advertising ads. After examining the advertising ads I divided them into postfeministic categories.</p><p>The results confirm that postfeminism does exist in women magazine’s advertising ads. This study can characterize seven postfeministic women representations that advertisers use. Postfeminism’s two main categories “chick” and “grrrl” is a previous theory which is also confirmed in this study, within the advertising market. The traditional “chick” women in advertising ads have a role to educate the female receivers. This by telling them how to take care of their appearance, how to be healthy, which products are good to use, what boys like etc. So to say, they educate the female receiver’s feminine things. Postfeministic “grrrl” women in advertising ads symbolize and embrace the individual, the uniqueness and the feminine, confident woman.</p> / <p>Kvinnotidskrifter är en guide för kvinnor och tjejer, då kvinnotidskrifterna ständigt uppdaterar sin kvinnliga publik om olika trender. Reklamannonser som är riktade till kvinnor trivs i denna miljö med tanke på dess frekventa närvaro i kvinnotidskrifternas innehåll. Postfeminismen anses vara en utflykt från feminismen eller är feminismens motsatts eftersom de inte delar feministernas ideologi om jämställdhet, kön och maktfrågor. Jag anser därför att postfeminismen tenderar att uppfattas som en både traditionell och modern kvinnoställning och inte lika radikal som feminismen. Därför passar postfeministernas ideologi bra in i kvinnotidskrifternas reklamannonser vilka feminismen kritiserar för sin traditionella kvinnosyn.</p><p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur reklam avbildar och karaktäriserar postfeminismen inom kvinnotidskrifternas reklamannonser. För att kunna besvarar denna studies frågeställning har jag utifrån reklamannonserna analyserat och karaktäriserat postfeminismens olika kvinnoframställningar. Efter granskning av reklamannonserna har jag delat in dessa i postfeministiska kategorier som jag har utvecklat efter att jag har granskat reklamannonserna.</p><p>Resultatet är att postfeminismen existerar i kvinnotidskrifternas reklamannonser. Denna studie kan karaktärisera sju stycken postfeministiska kvinnoframställningar som reklamannonserna använder sig av. De två postfeministiska huvudkategorierna ”chick” och ”grrrl” är en tidigare teori som i denna studie bekräftas även inom reklammarknaden. De kvinnliga traditionella ”chick” kvinnorna i reklamannonserna har en roll att utbilda de kvinnliga mottagarna. Detta genom att tala om hur att ta hand om sitt utseende, hur att vara hälsosam, vilka produkter som är bra att använda, vad killar tycker om etc. Med andra ord utbildar de kvinnliga mottagarna feminina saker. De postfeministiska ”grrrl” kvinnorna i reklamannonserna symboliserar och hyllar individen, unikheten och kvinnan som både är feminin och självsäker.</p>
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Genusperspektiv på rehabilitering för patienter med rygg- och nackbesvär i primärvård / A gender perspective on rehabilitation for patients with neck and back pain in primary health careStenberg, Gunilla January 2012 (has links)
Introduction Gender as a social and cultural construction has an impact on physiotherapist and patient beliefs, understanding, and behaviour and could affect physiotherapy encounters. Gender studies in early rehabilitation are scarce. The aim of this thesis was to study gender during different parts of the rehabilitation process for primary health care patients with neck and back pain. Method The analyses are based on data from three different samples. One sample is composed of physiotherapists and two samples consist of patients consulting primary health care providers because of neck and back pain. All data were gathered from primary health care provided in Västerbotten County. Baseline data on 73 physiotherapists and 586 of their patients with neck and back pain were collected by questionnaire during three consecutive days in 2006. Patient data included affected pain site and treatment procedures used by the physiotherapist (Study I). Differences in treatment procedures used by female and male physiotherapists and differences in use for female or male patients were analysed using Chi square-test, Fisher’s exact tests, Mann-Whitney U tests and logistic regressions with cluster analysis. Thematised interviews with 12 patients were made before the patient’s first appointment with a physiotherapist or doctor and repeated after three months. Data were analysed according to grounded theory (Study II) and qualitative content analysis (Study III). A comprehensive questionnaire was answered at the first appointment when patients sought a physiotherapist in primary health care. The questionnaires included questions about pain intensity, self-rated health, function, psychological stress reactions, domestic work, work environment, self-efficacy and kinesiophobia. Response patterns were linked to the International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF) and analysed using principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares projections to latent structures (PLS). Result Patients were given the same treatment procedures irrespective of gender. The treatment procedures most often used were training of joint motion (48%), training of muscle functions and strength training (31%), massage (31%), physical treatment (28%), information about health/ill health (24%), and acupuncture (18%). Female and male physiotherapists used the same treatment procedures with a few exceptions. Female physiotherapists used treatment for mental functions and acupuncture more often than male physiotherapists. The women gave their patients a unique mixture of treatment procedures more frequently (43%) compared to their male colleagues (25%). Male physiotherapists used more training of joint motion. "To be confirmed" emerged as the core category when analysing interviews that considered expectations or experiences. Five categories were extracted: "To be taken seriously", "To get an explanation", "To be individually assessed and treated", "To be invited to participate", and "To be taken care of in a trustworthy environment". These were factors leading to confirmation. Two ideal types were identified: "confident" and "ambiguous". The "confident" did not doubt their right to health care and blamed their work for causing the pain. They related to a positive identity of strong or hard working. The "ambiguous" were afraid of being regarded as old, whining women and not being taken seriously. They were ashamed of having neck or back pain and blamed themselves; they thought they were not fit enough. The ideal types were not completely defined by gender, but more men were among the "confident" ideal type and more women were among the "ambiguous" type. Patients reacted differently to feelings of being confirmed or not, and this depended on whether they were the "confident" or "ambiguous" ideal type. The "confident" were satisfied and reacted with reorientation when they felt confirmed, even if they were not totally cured. When not confirmed, the "confident" reacted with anger, frustration, and feelings of shame or remained proud and blamed the health care personnel for being incompetent. The "ambiguous" also were satisfied and felt reoriented when they were confirmed. They then moved from being an "ambiguous" type to a more "confident" type. When the "ambiguous" were not confirmed in healthcare, they became dissatisfied and unhappy. They doubted the assessment, felt forlorn, and felt increased shame. Not being confirmed was experienced more negatively by women than by men irrespective of ideal type. Interesting information was found about how patients view their body in relation to pain during analysis of expectations and experiences in study II interviews. This led to Study III. In study III, "Fear of hurting the fragile body" emerged as an interview theme. Five categories supported or undermined beliefs about pain and physical activity: "The mechanical body", "Messages about activity", "Earlier experiences of pain and activity", "To be a good citizen", and "Support to be active". Patients thought their pain was due to tissue damage and viewed their bodies in a mechanical way. Clear messages from health care personnel about activity led to less fear of physical activity. Vague and contradictory messages led to more fear. Gender-stereotyped messages were given to patients. "The take it carefully" was such a message, and was more often to women when women were thought to be weak and in need of training. Another message was "Pain goes with heavy work". This message was more often given to men when men were thought to be strong and not in need of training. Earlier experiences of pain and activity could have been positive or negative. If positive, the experiences led to less fear of engaging in physical activity. A wish to be a good citizen, such as being a good parent, led to patients being more engaged in child care and playing more than they thought was good for their pain. Women, more than men, expressed avoidance of sick leave because they did not want to be a burden to society or to their work colleagues. Patients were anxious about how to do the "correct" exercises to avoid further injury. Practical support and a follow up to adjust the training program were important to reduce the fear of engaging in physical activity and to maintain motivation. One hundred and eighteen patients (84 women and 34 men) completed the questionnaire. PCA of all questions identified five significant components. The model explained 37% of the variance. The predictive power was 17%. PC1 explained 17% of the variance and the predictive power was 0.13%. PC1 was mainly explained by questions classified in ICF as Activity and Participation. These included questions about physical function and self-efficacy (classified as Content of Thought). Questions about support (classified as Environmental Factors) and stress reactions (classified as Body Function (Emotional Functions)) mainly explained PC2. PC3 was mainly explained by reported pain and symptoms from muscles (classified as Body Functions) and domestic work and leisure time activities (classified as Activity and Participation). There were differences in t-scores between women and men in PC2 (p=0.045) and PC3 (p=0.003). Variables that discriminated between women and men were questions about stress reactions and support at work in PC2, and questions about pain intensity and domestic work in PC3. Conclusion As a physiotherapist working with neck and back pain rehabilitation patients, it is important to be aware of both one’s own and the patient’s preconceptions about women and men. It is also important to be aware of the impact of gender on the professional role when choosing treatment procedures in order to ensure that choices will be based on evidence of effectiveness and not from stereotypes. Awareness of the patient’s individual needs and subsequent adaptation of treatments is also important. Some patients display a negative self-assessment and shame. They need more support to be able to reorient. Unless these patients are confirmed, they are at risk of prolonged disability. Gender stereotypes can hinder rehabilitation of neck and back pain if women are seen as weak and in need of protection and men are seen as strong and not in need of preventive muscle training. When assessing neck and back pain patients with questionnaires, gender has less significance than when asking questions about physical function and self-efficacy. Questions about emotions of stress reactions, support at work, and pain intensity contribute to gender differences for women. Questions on the level of domestic work contribute to gender differences for men.
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Den missbrukande/beroende patientens upplevelse av omvårdnadspersonalens bemötande inom vårdenAhlén Hansson, Yvonne January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med denna intervjustudie var att undersöka hur patienter med missbruks- och beroendeproblem upplever attityder och bemötande från omvårdnadspersonal. Begreppet missbruk/beroende innefattar alla former av missbruk/beroende av både narkotika, alkohol och läkemedel. Uppsatsen är en deskriptiv empirisk intervjustudie med kvalitativ ansats som bygger på 10 intervjuer med drogmissbrukare/drogberoende. Urvalskriterierna har varit 5 män och 5 kvinnor i åldrarna 25 - 60 år som haft minst 5 vårdtillfällen på en sluten missbruksenhet. Intervjuerna har analyserats utifrån metoden kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade att de intervjuade haft både negativa och positiva upplevelser av attityder och bemötande av omvårdnadspersonal. Slutsatsen är dock att det negativa, fördomsfulla bemötandet övervägde. De intervjuade upplevde också att det råder en stor brist på kunskap om missbruks- och beroendeproblematik inom sjukvården samt att yngre, nyutbildad omvårdnadspersonal uppvisar fler fördomsfulla attityder och bemöter på ett sämre sätt än äldre, erfaren omvårdnadspersonal gör. / The objective of this study was to gain insight into how patients with addiction or dependency problems feel that nursing staff behave towards them. The concepts of addiction and dependency cover all forms of addiction to and dependency on narcotics, alcohol and pharmaceuticals. The essay is a descriptive empirical study based on 10 interviews with people addicted to or dependent on drugs. The selection criteria has been 5 men and 5 women aged between 25 and 60 who have been treated at least 5 times at substance abuse inpatient units. The interviews have been analyzed based on the method qualitative content analysis and resulted in two main categories: Kind treatment and Not so kind treatment. The results showed that those people interviewed had both positive and negative experience of how nursing staff behaved towards them. The conclusion, however, is that negative, prejudiced behaviour was predominating. Those people interviewed also felt that there was a large lack of knowledge about the problems of substance abuse and dependency within healthcare and that the younger, recently qualified nursing staff behaved more badly towards them and were more prejudiced than the older and more experienced nursing staff.
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Att leva med lokaliserad prostatacancer : "oss män emellan"Hedestig, Oliver January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to explore how men experience living with localized prostate cancer. It includes four substudies carried out between 1997 and 2005. To gather data, the men were interviewed at home and the interviews were recorded. The men (n=27; ages 60-70) who participated in the substudies had a PSA ≤10 ng/ml at the time of diagnosis, and had what is known as low-risk prostate cancer. Seven of the men chose to “wait and see” how the disease would progress after receiving the diagnosis. Twenty men chose curative treatment (10 men external radiation therapy, 10 men radical surgery). The interviews were analyzed using a phenomenological hermeneutical method inspired by the philosophy of Paul Ricoeur, and qualitative content analysis. Men who live with localized prostate cancer perceive the disease as life-threatening, unpredictable, and without early symptoms, which creates a sense of uncertainty, worry, anxiety, despair, and fear of death. Men primarily share perceptions of the disease and treatment with their wives and relatives, as well as with other men in the same situation. They avoid talking about their illness, and keep their innermost thoughts about their disease, prognosis, and the future to themselves. The choice to share their thoughts and feelings only sparingly with others is related in part to the perceived stigmatization of the diagnosis, as well as to consideration for friends and family. The men report that external radiation therapy and radical surgery have negative side effects such as erectile dysfunction, urinary incontinence, and intestinal leakage. They describe the side effects as socially isolating; for example, urinary leakage can require a change of incontinence pads and clothing, and they feel that they smell bad. Men with erectile dysfunction describe themselves as maimed, and their sex lives have changed or disappeared. They report a change in their self-esteem and identity as men and they long for life as it was before the diagnosis, when they felt they had control over their bodily functions. A few men describe a sense of being literally and figuratively “exposed” when they are undressed for examinations or participate in discussions with female doctors and nurses about their erectile dysfunction. They do not describe this perception in the same way with respect to contact with male personnel. In the new situation after treatment, men try to regain a perceived sense of control in their daily lives, over the disease and the effects of treatment. They experience a sense of control over the disease through regular PSA tests; the implications of regular PSA tests can be interpreted as a life preserver in an uncertain world, considering that at the time they were diagnosed they had no symptoms and only had a PSA elevation. The PSA is important for this sense of control, and each PSA test is preceded by tense expectation. The PSA level is described as a reliable expression of the medical condition. The men cannot trust that their own perception of feeling healthy means that the disease is under control. Low and stable PSA levels over a long period of time give a sense of safety, security, and control over the situation. If the PSA climbs, the men feel that despite everything, they have caught it in time for further treatment. Discussions with other men with prostate cancer are also described as a way of having control over the situation. The men's endeavor to reconcile themselves to the new situation can be understood as a process, where they describe various strategies which can be used to forget the “cancer perspective” and achieve a perception of safety and security. Reconciliation with a new situation can be interpreted as a reorientation after the trauma of the cancer diagnosis. The study results show that the men are restrained in communicating their needs to others, which can be interpreted as their having a greater need for support and information than indicated by their signals. Having an internal image of what a man should be like can be an obstacle to showing these needs.
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Experiences of diabetes care - patients' and nurses' perspectivesHörnsten, Åsa January 2004 (has links)
Background: In order to provide good diabetes care it is important for the health care professionals to share patients’ personal understanding of living with diabetes, which differs from a professional understanding of the illness. Patients’ beliefs about health, illness, control and cure are predictive of the outcome of lifestyle changes and pharmacological treatment. Narratives about illness could be used to elucidate what people believe to be central to their experience of an illness and its management. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate experiences of diabetes and diabetes care among people with type 2 diabetes and district nurses responsible for diabetes care within primary health care. Methods: Forty-four patients diagnosed with diabetes during the previous 2 years were interviewed about their personal understanding of illness and experiences of care. They also participated in an intervention study consisting of group sessions during 9 months. The intervention focused on the patients’ understanding of living with diabetes and was directed at the patients and their nurses (n = 5). The outcome variables haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), lipids, blood pressure (BP) and body mass index (BMI) as well as well-being, treatment satisfaction and diabetes symptoms of the intervention group were compared with those in a control group (n = 60). Another ten patients were interviewed about their views of their lives. Seventeen nurses in diabetes care were interviewed about their views of their work with patients. The narrative, thematic interviews and focus group interviews were analysed using qualitative content analysis. Findings: Patients’ personal understanding of illness included the categories “image of the disease”; “meaning of the diagnosis”; “integration of the illness”; “space for the illness”; “responsibility for care”; and “future prospects”. Patients’ narratives about their lives included views of knowledge, and capacity, motivation and courage, aspects important for effective self-management. Patients’ views on clinical encounters in diabetes care, interpreted as satisfying or not, included the themes “being in agreement v. in disagreement about the goals”; “being autonomous and equal v. being forced into adaptation and submission”; “feeling worthy as a person v. feeling worthless”; “being attended to and feeling welcome v. being ignored”; and “feeling safe and confident v. feeling unsafe and lacking confidence”. The results of the intervention study with group sessions showed improvements in metabolic balance and treatment satisfaction in the intervention group. At the 1-year follow-up the mean difference between groups in HbA1c was 0.94% (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.58–1.29). Nurses’ views of their work included the themes “Perspectives on illness and caring are not easily integrated into views of disease and its treatment”; “Nurses view their knowledge as more important than the patients’ knowledge”; Nurses’ conscience is challenged by some of their nursing decisions”; “The individuality of each patient is undermined when patients are regarded as a collective group”; and “Nurses are confirmed in their role of nurses by patients who assume a traditional patient role”. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that the understanding of illness and care differs between patients and nurses working in diabetes care; furthermore, that an intervention involving patients and their nurses based on patients’ personal understanding of illness is effective with regard to metabolic control and treatment satisfaction. The cost of the intervention is moderate. Also, we believe that it is possible to clinically implement this intervention within the existing resources for primary health care.
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Upplevelse av stöd från den psykiatriska vården till barn som har föräldrar med psykisk sjukdom : sett ur barns och vårdpersonals perspektivEnglund, Nina, Persson, Gunilla January 2009 (has links)
Barn påverkas av föräldrars psykiska sjukdom i form av oro, rädsla och skuld samt har en förhöjd risk att själva drabbas av psykisk sjukdom. En utmaning för den psykiatriska vården är det ökande antalet av vuxna med psykiatrisk sjukdom som även är föräldrar till minderåriga barn. Sjuksköterskor inom psykiatrin har en viktig roll när det gäller att uppmärksamma dessa barn samt se till att de får adekvat hjälp och stöd. Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur barn till föräldrar med psykisk sjukdom upplever det stöd de får ifrån den psykiatriska vården samt beskriva vårdpersonals upplevelser av stöd till dessa barn. Metoden som användes var kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer som genomfördes med sex barn som har föräldrar med psykisk sjukdom och fjorton vårdpersonal som arbetar inom den psykiatriska vården. Intervjuerna analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys och resultatet utmynnade i fyra kategorier. 1. Barn till föräldrar med psykisk sjukdom upplever sig bli hjälpta av stödet från den psykiatriska vården även om det bör förbättras. 2. Vårdpersonal upplever att den psykiatriska vården erbjuder olika verksamheter som ger ett gott stöd till barn även om det bör förbättras. 3. Vårdpersonal upplever att barn behöver uppmärksammas, informeras och stödjas i kontakten med sina föräldrar. 4. Vårdpersonal upplever svårigheter i form av osäkerhet kring sin egen kunskap samt föräldrars ovilja att blanda in barn i den psykiatriska vården. En slutsats av studien är att barn till föräldrar med psykisk sjukdom får ett relativt gott stöd även om det behöver förbättras. För att göra detta krävs utbildning av vårdpersonal och att verksamheten har framtagna rutiner och användbara metoder för att kunna stödja barn. / Children get affected by parents mentally illness in form of anxiety, fear and guilt and also have an enhanced risk to suffer from mentally illness themselves. A challenge to the psychiatric care is the increasing number of adults with a mental illness who also are parents to under aged children. Nurses in the psychiatric care have an important role when it comes to notice these children and make sure that they receive adequate help and support. The purpose of the study was to describe how children of mentally ill parents experience the support they receive from the psychiatric care and describe psychiatric healthcare workers experiences of these children’s support. The method that was used in this study was qualitative interviews with six children of mentally ill parents and fourteen psychiatric healthcare workers. The interviews were analysed based on qualitative content analysis and gave four categories as result. 1. Children of mentally ill parents experience help due to the support from the psychiatric care even though it should be improved. 2. Psychiatric healthcare workers experience that the psychiatric care offers a variable of activities that give a good support to children even though it should be improved. 3. Psychiatric healthcare workers experience that children need attention, be informed and supported in their relationship to their parents. 4. Psychiatric healthcare workers experience difficulties like insecurity about their own knowledge and parents’ unwillingness to involve the children in the psychiatric care. A conclusion from this study is that children of mentally ill parents receive a relatively good support even though it needs to be improved. To do that it takes education of the psychiatric healthcare workers and that the psychiatric care is given routines and useful methods to support children.
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Den postfeministiska reklamkvinnan : en kvalitativ studie om den postfeministiska kvinnoframställningen i kvinnotidskrifternas reklamannonser / The postfeministic advertising woman : a characterizing qualitative study about the postfeministic woman representation in women magazine's advertising adsPetrovic, Maria January 2006 (has links)
Women magazines are like guides to women and girls, due to the fact that they consistently upgrade their women audience about different trends. Advertising ads that are directed toward women are enjoying being in the atmosphere of women magazines, based on their frequent presence in women magazine’s content. Postfeminism is regarded as being an escape from feminism or as the opposite of feminism because they don’t share feminism’s ideology about equality, gender, and feminism’s questions about power struggle. I therefore consider postfeminism having the tendency of being apprehended both as traditional and modern woman position, and not as radical as feminism. Therefore is postfeminism’s ideology a well fit to women magazine’s advertising ads which feminism criticizes of having a too traditional view on women. The aim of this study is to analyze how ads reproduce and characterize postfeminism in women magazine’s advertising ads. To be able of answering this study’s question I have analyzed and characterized postfeminism’s different women representations that appears in advertising ads. After examining the advertising ads I divided them into postfeministic categories. The results confirm that postfeminism does exist in women magazine’s advertising ads. This study can characterize seven postfeministic women representations that advertisers use. Postfeminism’s two main categories “chick” and “grrrl” is a previous theory which is also confirmed in this study, within the advertising market. The traditional “chick” women in advertising ads have a role to educate the female receivers. This by telling them how to take care of their appearance, how to be healthy, which products are good to use, what boys like etc. So to say, they educate the female receiver’s feminine things. Postfeministic “grrrl” women in advertising ads symbolize and embrace the individual, the uniqueness and the feminine, confident woman. / Kvinnotidskrifter är en guide för kvinnor och tjejer, då kvinnotidskrifterna ständigt uppdaterar sin kvinnliga publik om olika trender. Reklamannonser som är riktade till kvinnor trivs i denna miljö med tanke på dess frekventa närvaro i kvinnotidskrifternas innehåll. Postfeminismen anses vara en utflykt från feminismen eller är feminismens motsatts eftersom de inte delar feministernas ideologi om jämställdhet, kön och maktfrågor. Jag anser därför att postfeminismen tenderar att uppfattas som en både traditionell och modern kvinnoställning och inte lika radikal som feminismen. Därför passar postfeministernas ideologi bra in i kvinnotidskrifternas reklamannonser vilka feminismen kritiserar för sin traditionella kvinnosyn. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur reklam avbildar och karaktäriserar postfeminismen inom kvinnotidskrifternas reklamannonser. För att kunna besvarar denna studies frågeställning har jag utifrån reklamannonserna analyserat och karaktäriserat postfeminismens olika kvinnoframställningar. Efter granskning av reklamannonserna har jag delat in dessa i postfeministiska kategorier som jag har utvecklat efter att jag har granskat reklamannonserna. Resultatet är att postfeminismen existerar i kvinnotidskrifternas reklamannonser. Denna studie kan karaktärisera sju stycken postfeministiska kvinnoframställningar som reklamannonserna använder sig av. De två postfeministiska huvudkategorierna ”chick” och ”grrrl” är en tidigare teori som i denna studie bekräftas även inom reklammarknaden. De kvinnliga traditionella ”chick” kvinnorna i reklamannonserna har en roll att utbilda de kvinnliga mottagarna. Detta genom att tala om hur att ta hand om sitt utseende, hur att vara hälsosam, vilka produkter som är bra att använda, vad killar tycker om etc. Med andra ord utbildar de kvinnliga mottagarna feminina saker. De postfeministiska ”grrrl” kvinnorna i reklamannonserna symboliserar och hyllar individen, unikheten och kvinnan som både är feminin och självsäker.
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"In genom ena örat och ut genom det andra" : Patienters upplevelse av information i samband med debut av kronisk eller livshotande sjukdom - en litteraturstudieKalinsky, Alexandra January 2009 (has links)
Nydebuterad svår sjukdom kan ta tid att ta till sig och patienten kan till en början känna sorg och oro. En av flera sådana sjukdomar är Reumatoid artrit (RA) där vården på senare år insett vikten av tidiga insatser för att sjukdomen ska kunna bromsas upp. Ofta får nyinsjuknade patienter, oavsett vilken sjukdomsgrupp de tillhör, mycket information på kort tid och ska därefter klara av att ta sina mediciner och sköta sin hälsa själva hemma. När mycket information ges vid ett och samma tillfälle kan det vara svårt att minnas och uppfatta allt. Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur patienterna upplever informationen i ett tidigt och akut skede när de drabbas av kronisk eller livshotande sjukdom. En litteraturstudie har gjorts av elva kvalitativa artiklar som granskats och analyserats med hjälp av Evans (2003) modell för innehållsanalys. Tre teman och ett subtema utkristalliserades genom analysen: Tema 1: Avsaknad av dialog med subtema; Inte förmögen att ta emot information, upplevelse av opersonlig och generell information som var svår att identifiera sig med och krisreaktioner blockerade förmågan att ta in det som sades. Tema 2: Vetskap ger trygghet, upplevelser av att informationen gav styrka, kontroll och trygghet. Tema 3: Avsaknad av stöd, upplevelser av att behovet av emotionellt stöd inte tillgodosågs och informationen efterlämnade en känsla av isolering och ensamhet. / Diagnosis of a serious disease can be difficult to accept and patients can initially experience sadness and concern. One such disease is Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and recent evidence has proven the importance of early treatment in slowing down its progress. Newly diagnosed patients, despite which group they fall into, are often given a large amount of information in a short time and are expected to take medication and look after their own wellbeing at home. When lots of information is passed on at once it can be very difficult to understand and remember. The aim of this study is to describe how patients experience information in an early and acute stage when they are diagnosed with a life-threatening or chronic disease. A literature study was made of eleven qualitative articles which were explored and analysed using Evans (2003) model for content analysis. Three themes and a sub-theme crystallized through this analysis: Theme 1: Missing dialog, sub-theme: Non-ability to absorb information, experience of impersonal and generalized information which was difficult to identify with and crisis-reactions which blocked the ability to absorb the information. Theme 2: Knowledge is comfort, the feeling that information gave strength, control and comfort. Theme 3: Lack of Support, the requirement for emotional support was not fulfilled and the information left a feeling of isolation and loneliness.
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