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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A strategic management framework for intragovernmental collaborations

Mphahlele-Ntsasa, Lebogang 05 1900 (has links)
Management tools and solutions are largely conceptualised through well-defined and well-understood problems. However, management often encounter problems that are neither well defined nor straightforward. These problems are labelled wicked problems and require a different management approach to solve. Many of these wicked problems fall within the public service delivery sector, of which the criminal justice system is part. The current study argues that crime in South Africa is a wicked problem because it portrays characteristics such as persistence and pervasiveness and does not have obvious causal relationships. Despite collaboration across several organisations and substantial resource investment, crime remains ‘untamed’ in South Africa. This study responded to calls in the literature for further research into collaborations that are mandated and directed. Given that wicked problems are unique and require unique solutions, this research proposed a framework that applies to South Africa and its historical context and is applicable in the governance context under which crime is addressed. This presented a compelling reason to undertake the current research and use the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster as a case to study intragovernmental collaboration. The objective of the research is threefold: first, to gain an in-depth explanation of intragovernmental collaboration within the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster from people who take part in the collaboration; second, to identify the dimensions of the collaboration and the interrelationships between them; and third, to develop a strategic framework for intragovernmental collaborations. Interactive Qualitative Analysis was used as a research method with ten Senior Managers participating in a focus group and semi-structured interviews and five Top Managers participating in semi-structured interviews. In-depth descriptions of the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security collaboration were captured through Interactive Qualitative Analysis in line with the qualitative research approach and eight key dimensions of the collaboration were identified. The research proposed a Strategic Framework for Intragovernmental Collaboration that takes into account the findings of the research and a literature-based conceptual framework underpinned by the Resource Dependency Theory, the Resource-Based View and the Complexity Theory. Findings from the study demonstrate that eight dimensions are key in the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security collaboration, and these dimensions are ranked in order of importance. The presented framework also highlights several differences from reported studies in this field. The contribution of this study not only extends the literature on intragovernmental collaborations but also sets clear guidelines for managers and policy makers to establish and direct intragovernmental collaborations. The chosen methodology and insider access to senior management ultimately produced rich descriptions not previously available. Two key recommendations are identified for the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster. Firstly, addressing the wicked problem of crime requires active participation of stakeholders beyond the Cluster and secondly, it must include active citizenship that is instrumental in contributing knowledge and learning as part of a feedback loop into the criminal justice system. Within the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster, the study identified three drivers of the collaboration that need to be addressed to enable the Cluster to work towards a goal consensus of addressing crime. These are leadership, culture and governance arrangements. Models of leadership and governance are included to guide the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster in this regard. / Business Management / D. B. L.

Analýza rizik veřejného investičního projektu / Analysis of Risks of Public Investment Projects

Maděránek, Dominik January 2022 (has links)
This diploma thesis is about an evaluation of risks of public investment projects. The first part of the thesis is focused on explanation of an essential terms relating to an economic evaluation and the evaluation of risks of public investment projects. The second part is defining a project and a practical elaboration of the analysis of project risks.

Förskollärares konstruktioner av vetenskaplig grund och beprövad erfarenhet / Preschool teachers' constructions of scientific basis and proven experience

Pella, Thörnberg, Henriksson, Cecilia January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskaper om vilka förståelser av vetenskaplig grund och beprövad erfarenhet som konstrueras i kommunikation mellan förskollärare. Studien styrs av två frågeställningar: Vilka språkliga kategorier konstrueras i förskollärares kommunikation om vetenskaplig grund? och Vilka språkliga kategorier konstrueras i förskollärares kommunikation om beprövad erfarenhet?. Studien har en kvalitativ metodansats, med en teoretisk utgångspunkt i kontextuell socialkonstruktionism. Studiens data samlas in genom två fokusgrupper med tio verksamma förskollärare i förskolan. Datan analyseras med hjälp av begreppen performativitet och fabrikationer. Performativiteten relateras till uppdraget i läroplanen och Skollag som förskollärare är ålagda att följa. I läroplanen för förskolan (Lpfö 18) står det att "undervisningen med innehåll och arbetsätt ska vila på vetenskaplig grund och beprövad erfarenhet". I studien synligörs fabrikationer som innebär att förskollärarna framställer eller rättfärdigar sin undervisning på ett bättre sätt än vad som överensstämmer med verkligheten. Studiens reslutat visar tre slutsatser: mångtydlighet, otydlighet i ansvar och brist på gemensam förståelse av begreppen vetenskaplig grund och beprövad erfarenhet. Begreppen har inte tidigare diskuterats av förskollärarna i studien, vilket innebär att egna tolkningar och förklaringar över begreppen uttalas. Förskollärarna saknar en tydligare definition av vetenskaplig grund och beprövad erfarnehet, vilket överensstämmer med vad tidigare forskning belyser. / The Purpose of the study is to contribute knowledge about which understandings of scientific basis and proven experience are constructed in communication between preschool teachers. The study is guided by two questions: What language categories are constructed in preschool teachers' communications about the scientific basis? and What language categories are constructed in preschool teachers' communication about proven experience?. The study has a qualitative methodological approach, with a theoretical starting point in contextual social constructionism. The study data is collected through two focus groups with ten active preschool teachers in the preschool. The data are analyzed to the concepts of performativity and fabrications. The performativity is related to the assignment in the curriculum for preschool (Lpfö 18) states that "teaching with content and working methods must be based on scientific grounds and proven experience". The study highlights fabrications that mean that preschool teachers present or justify their teaching in a better way than what corresponds to reality. The results of the study show three conclusions: ambiguity, ambiguity in responsibility and lack of common understanding of the concepts of scientific basis and proven experience. The concepts have not previously been discussed by the preschool teachers in the study, which means that their own interpretations and explanations of the concepts are pronounced. Preschool teachers lack a clearer definition of scientific basis and proven experience, which is in line with what previours research sheds light on.

The Invention of Access: Speech-to-Text Writing and the Emergent Methodologies of Disability Service Transcription

Iwertz, Chad Everett 02 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Carrières migratoires des jeunes Français·es au Québec : de la mobilité temporaire à l’établissement durable ?

Auger, Alexis 09 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche s’intéresse aux trajectoires migratoires des jeunes Français·es au Québec, et plus particulièrement à la transition d’un projet de mobilité temporaire (études universitaires, permis de travail, etc.) à une migration durable. Le mémoire cherche, d’une part, à décrire les temporalités de leur migration, de l’entrée en mobilité à la prolongation du séjour, et à comprendre les logiques décisionnelles sous-tendant leur établissement durable ou permanent. Située à la confluence de différents champs théoriques, l’enquête se base sur les théories des migrations, le paradigme des mobilités et une approche multidimensionnelle de l’intégration. 16 entretiens ont été effectués selon l’approche biographique des récits de vie avec des jeunes Français·es arrivés avant l’âge de 30 ans et installés au Québec depuis plus de deux ans, en détaillant les chocs, les seuils significatifs et les bifurcations dans leurs parcours. L’analyse qualitative des résultats montre que les grandes temporalités des carrières migratoires ne sont pas structurées par les mêmes logiques. D’abord, l’entrée en mobilité, soit la décision de partir de la France, se fonde dans le capital de mobilité, compris comme un ensemble de prédispositions à l’internationalisation, et l’attrait de l’expatriation précède généralement le choix du Québec, présenté comme relativement aléatoire. Ensuite, l’arrivée, la volonté de prolongation du séjour et le désir de rester au Québec constituent des étapes de la carrière migratoires marquées par des réussites en termes de développement personnel et professionnel, mais également de plusieurs épreuves à surmonter, notamment sur les plans relationnels et juridiques. Enfin, l’appartenance au Québec, opérationnalisée à partir des dimensions de l’intégration, permet de comprendre le passage d'une mobilité temporaire à un établissement durable. Les données suggèrent qu’une forte intégration sur les plans relationnels (liens personnels, conjugalité, etc.) et culturels (sentiment d’appartenance, adaptation, etc.) peut être associée à une logique d’établissement permanent. L’intégration structurelle (insertion professionnelle, statut juridique permanent, etc.) permet pour sa part la formulation de projets d’allers-retours entre la France et le Québec. Par ailleurs, les données mettent en lumière l'hétérogénéité de la population à l'étude : l’appartenance à différentes catégories sociales (genre, racisation, etc.) montre l'existence de logiques d’établissement différenciées. Cette enquête invite, en somme, à l’analyse simultanée des mobilités (partir), des migrations (rester) et de l’intégration (appartenir) dans l’étude de l’immigration au Québec, en l’occurrence de la communauté française. / This research focuses on the migration trajectories of young French people in Québec, and more specifically on the transition from a temporary mobility project (university degree, work permit, etc.) to a durable migration. The study seeks to describe the temporalities of their migration, from the beginning of their mobility to the extension of their stay, and to understand the decision-making logics underlying their durable or permanent installation. Situated at the confluence of different theoretical fields, the research is based on migration theories, the mobility paradigm and a multidimensional approach of integration. Sixteen interviews were conducted using a biographical life story approach with young French people who arrived before the age of 30 and have been living in Québec for more than two years, detailing the shocks, significant milestones and bifurcations in their lives. A qualitative analysis of the results shows that the main temporalities of migratory careers are not structured by the same logics. First, the beginning of mobility, i.e. the decision to leave France, is based on mobility capital, understood as a set of predispositions to internationalization, and the attraction of expatriation generally precedes choosing Québec as a destination, which is presented as relatively aleatory. Secondly, the arrival, the desire to extend one's stay, and wanting to remain in Québec are stages in the migratory career marked by successes in terms of personal and professional development, but also by several challenges to overcome, particularly in terms of relationships and visa issues. Finally, the notion of belonging in Québec, operationalized through the dimensions of integration, provides an understanding of the transition from temporary mobility to long-term settlement. The data suggests that strong integration in terms of relationships (personal ties, conjugality, etc.) and culture (sense of belonging, adaptation, etc.) can be associated with a logic of permanent installation. Structural integration (professional insertion, permanent resident status, etc.) allows for the elaboration of plans to move back and forth between France and Québec. Moreover, the analysis highlights the heterogeneity of the population under study, while differentiated migration logics were observed across those belonging to social categories that can be discriminated against (gender, race, etc.). Through focusing primarily on the French community, this study calls for a simultaneous analysis of mobility (leaving, migration (staying) and integration (belonging) in the broader study of immigration in Quebec.

Studio Najbrt - historie a mediální obraz grafického studia / Studio Najbrt - History and Media Image of Graphic Design Studio

Daňová, Soňa January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the leading Czech graphic studio Najbrt, its history, art work and media image. Its aim is to provide a comprehensive overview of its development from its foundation to the present day, and then to examine the studio's representation in the most read Czech print media through quantitative and qualitative content analysis. In the theoretical part, in addition to a historical summary of Studio Najbrt, the value of visual communication and a brief outline of the history of graphic design are presented. Furthermore, the individual components of a complex visual style, on the preparation and processing of which Studio Najbrt primarily focuses, are described. The theoretical basis for media representation of reality and its effects on the recipient are also presented, approached from a social constructivist perspective. The practical part contains the results of the analysis and presents how the selected media report on Studio Najbrt, what topics are most frequently mentioned in its context and how much space and attention is given to selected aspects of the studio or its works.

Qualitative Analysis of Chlorinated Paraffins in Recycled Plastics

GAUDIN, Solal January 2023 (has links)
Described in many studies as dangerous for the environment and potentially carcinogenic for humans, Chlorinated Paraffins (CPs) are easily widespread due to their substantial production and use in different products. Previous studies reported the presence of CPs in different plastic polymers. However, the impact of recycled content in plastic materials on the CPs levels hasn’t particularly been considered. Recycling plastics is becoming essential but the accumulative potential of pollutants, such as CPs, need investigations. The presence of CPs in both virgin and mixed recycled and virgin plastics was studied. Plastic pellets and plastic pieces from products made of three polymer types:Poly(methyl 2-methylpropenoate) (PMMA), Thermoplastic Rubber (TPR) and Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) were analysed. A solid-liquid extraction assisted by ultrasonication was performed, followed by cleanup using silica. CPs in plastic extracts were analysed by Gas Chromatography Orbitrap High Resolution Mass Spectroscopy (GC-Orbitrap-HRMS). Because of the high volatility characteristic of long chain Chlorinated Paraffins (LCCPs), only short chain and medium chain Chlorinated Paraffins (SCCPs and MCCPs ) have been studied in this project. Interesting variations in the presence of SCCPs and MCCPs have been observed from one polymer type to another. In the results, we show that MCCPs were less frequently detected compared to SCCPs. A higher detection frequency of CPs was observed for samples containing recycled plastics. The results indicate that CPs are present in plastic polymers (TPU, PMMA and TPR) and that the content of recycled material has a direct impact on the levels of SCCPs and MCCPs.

Implication des parents immigrants originaires d’Afrique subsaharienne dans le cheminement scolaire d’un enfant présentant un trouble du spectre de l’autisme

Som, Eri Patricia 05 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à comprendre les raisons qui incitent les parents immigrants originaires d’Afrique subsaharienne à s’impliquer dans le cheminement scolaire d’un enfant présentant un trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA). Spécifiquement, nous décrivons leur rôle parental, leur sentiment de compétence parentale perçu et nous analysons les facilitateurs et les obstacles à leur implication. En nous référant au modèle d’implication parentale de Hoover-Dempsey et Sandler (1995; 1997; 2005; 2010) nuancé par la typologie d’Epstein (1995; 2002; 2018), nous avons pu cerner la réalité de ces parents subsahariens au regard de nos objectifs précités. L’utilisation de l’entretien semi-directif et l’analyse thématique de contenu nous ont menées à des résultats centrés sur le rôle de parent dans la prise en charge des besoins fondamentaux de l’enfant, la collaboration école-famille et l’investissement de temps et d’énergie. Les parents immigrants subsahariens ayant un enfant présentant un TSA perçoivent leur sentiment de compétence au regard de leur rôle parental. Par ailleurs, l’autonomie de l’enfant, la communication ouverte avec l’école, le soutien de la communauté et les stratégies d’investissement de temps et d’énergie facilitent leur implication parentale. Cependant, la spécificité des besoins fondamentaux de l’enfant, la communication école-famille fermée, les méthodes d’intervention divergentes entre l’école et la maison, la barrière linguistique et l’investissement limité de temps et d’énergie ne leur permettent pas de s’impliquer davantage. La discussion nous indique que ces parents subsahariens jouent un rôle parental que nous qualifions de traditionnel. Ainsi, aucune différence notable n’apparait entre les parents non-immigrants et eux. De plus, la perception positive du TSA les motive à s’impliquer dans le cheminement scolaire de leur enfant. Leur implication parentale en contexte scolaire se limite soit au niveau de la consultation et de l’information mutuelle (niveau 1) soit à la concertation et la coordination (niveau 2) du modèle de collaboration école-famille proposé par Larivée (2006; 2011). / This research aims to understand the reasons that encourage immigrant parents from sub-Saharan Africa to get involved in the schooling of a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Specifically, we describe their parenting role, their perceived sense of parental competence and analyze the facilitators and barriers to their involvement. By referring to the parental involvement model of Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler (1995; 1997; 2005; 2010) nuanced by Epstein's typology (1995; 2002; 2018), we were able to identify the reality of these sub-Saharan parents regarding our mentioned objectives. The use of the semi-structured interview and thematic content analysis led us to results centered on the parent's role in taking care of the basic needs of the child, the school-family collaboration and the investment of time and energy. Sub-Saharan immigrant parents with a child with ASD perceive their sense of competence regarding their parental role. In addition, child autonomy, open communication with the school, community support, and time and energy investment strategies facilitates parental involvement. However, the specificity of the basic needs of the child, the closed school-family communication, the divergent methods of intervention between school and home, the language barrier and the limited investment in time and energy do not allow them to be more involved. The discussion tells us that these sub-Saharan parents play a parental role that we qualify as traditional. Thus, no notable difference appears between non-immigrant parents and them. Furthermore, the positive perception of ASD motivates them to get involved in their child's educational progress. Their parental involvement in a school context is limited either to the level of mutual consultation and information (level 1) or to consultation and coordination (level 2) of the school-family collaboration model proposed by Larivée (2006; 2011).

Counter-Terrorism: When Do states Adopt New Anti-Terror Legislation?

Clesca, Princelee 01 August 2015 (has links)
The intent of this thesis is to research the anti-terror legislation of 15 countries and the history of terrorist incidents within those countries. Both the anti-terror legislation and the history of terrorist incidents will be researched within the time period of 1980 to 2009, a 30 year span. This thesis will seek to establish a relationship between the occurrence of terrorist events and when states change their anti-terror legislation. Legislation enacted can vary greatly. Common changes in legislation seek to undercut the financing of terrorist organizations, criminalize behaviors, or empower state surveillance capabilities. A quantitative analysis will be performed to establish a relationship between terrorist attacks and legislative changes. A qualitative discussion will follow to analyze specific anti-terror legislation passed by states in response to terrorist events.

A Case Study of Cross-ownership Waivers: Framing Newspaper Coverage of Rupert Murdoch’s Requests to Keep <i>The New York Post</i>

Seeman, Rachel 14 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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