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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adapting to Water Scarcity: Effects of Irrigation Management

Provenzano, Andrew 01 January 2015 (has links)
In developing countries, farmers are dealing with climatic changes by adapting their agricultural practices. Little work has investigated the direct impact of structural variables (e.g., central vs. local management of irrigation water, location of village), psychological variables (e.g., risk perceptions, self-efficacy), and adaptation on crop yield. We tested a psychology-based model that focused on risk perceptions and efficacy beliefs by longitudinally surveying 278 Sri Lankan rice farmers. We assessed risk perceptions and efficacy beliefs before the major paddy-growing season and measured whether farmers performed adaptations as well as their paddy yield/acre after the season. The model significantly predicted more than 25% of the variance in crop yield, with increased yields associated with centrally managed irrigation resources and with farmers low in perceived climate risk at the start of the growing season. Findings support the notion that while psychological factors are important, structural variables are the most important predictors of farm productivity in times of uncertain water supply.

University Students, Knowledge of AIDS, Perceived Susceptibility to AIDS, and Their Sexual Behaviors

Winnubst, K. D. (Kimberly Dawn) 08 1900 (has links)
A random sample of 365 students attending a university in northern Texas returned a mailed questionnaire measuring the students' knowledge of Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), their perceived susceptibility to AIDS, and their sexual practices during the last year. The students had high knowledge levels about AIDS in general. However, 70% did not worry about getting AIDS. Collectively, there was a display of concern until it became a personal issue. The students (59%) saw themselves as less likely than most people to get AIDS. Although 70% of this sexually active group did not use condoms, they still did not perceive themselves as susceptible to AIDS.

Litet fokus på risker med covid-19 : Studenters upplevelse av lokal riskkommunikation / Minor Focus on Risks with Covid-19 : Students' Perception of Risk Communication

Kangöz, Sara-Gül, Hellman, Irma January 2020 (has links)
Studiens ämne handlar om förståelsen av risk under en hälsokris utifrån lokal riskkommunikation. Covid-19-pandemin utgör en stor hälsorisk för människor över hela världen. Tidigare forskning visar att riskkommunikation behöver nå och påverka människor så att de kan skydda sig själva mot de pågående riskerna. Därför är det viktigt att studera hur människor uppfattat riskerna med covid-19 från deras lokala kommunikatörer.  Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur studenter på eftergymnasial nivå i Jönköpings kommun förstod riskerna med covid-19 och avsåg att agera utifrån sin riskförståelse, utifrån Jönköpings kommuns riskkommunikation under våren 2020. Den specifika perioden som studeras är mellan 15 mars och 19 juni 2020. För att uppnå studiens syfte har fyra fokusgruppsintervjuer med studenter på eftergymnasial nivå i Jönköpings kommun genomförts och analyserats med en teoribaserad tematisk metod. Det teoretiska ramverket som använts för den tematiska analysen består av Uses and Gratifications Theory, Protection Motivation Theory och Theory of Planned Behavior.  Resultaten av studien visar att studenterna uppfattade riskerna med covid-19 som allvarliga, men att de inte haft avsikten att fullt ut ändra sina beteenden för att undvika riskerna. Deras riskförståelse berodde däremot inte på kommunikation från Jönköpings kommun, eftersom få av studenterna hade tagit del av deras kommunikation under våren 2020. Istället hade de använt källor som Folkhälsomyndigheten och nyhetssidor. Dessutom upplevde studenterna kommunikationen från kommunen som oseriös och bristfällig gällande viktig information. Resultaten visar att studenterna upplevde Jönköpings kommuns kommunikation om beteendeförändringar för att undvika risker som vag och svår att förstå, vilket inte bidrog till deras avsikt att ändra beteende / The subject matter of this study is risk perception during a health crisis based on local risk communication. The covid-19-pandemic is a mayor health crisis for citizens all over the world. Prior science has shown that risk communication needs to reach and affect citizens so they can protect themselves from the ongoing risks. Therefore, it is important to study how citizens have perceived the risks of covid-19 from their local communicators.    The purpose of this study is to examine how students on a post-gymnasium level in Jönköping municipality understood the risks of covid-19 and intended to act upon their perception of the risks based on the risk communication from Jönköping municipality, during the spring of 2020. The specific period examined is between the 15th of March and the 19th of June 2020. In order to achieve the aim, four focus group interviews with students on a post-gymnasium level in Jönköping have been conducted and analyzed through theoretically based thematic analysis. The theoretical framework used for the analysis of the focus group interviews consists of the Uses and Gratifications Theory, Protection Motivation Theory and Theory of Planned Behavior.  The results of the study show that the students perceived the risks of covid-19 as severe, but that they did not intend to fully change their behavior in order to avoid the risks. However, their risk perception was not based on the communication from Jönköping municipality since very few of them had seen their communication during the spring of 2020. Instead, they used sources like the national health authority and news channels. Additionally, the students found the communication from the municipality to be too lighthearted and lacking in vital information. The results show that the students found the municipality’s’ communication about behavioral change as vague and difficult to understand, which didn’t have an impact on their intention to behavioral change.

Associations Between Sex and HIV Testing, HIV Risk, and HIV Risk Perception Among a National Sample of Adults Aged 65 Years and Older

Glasgow, Lashanda B. 01 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Offsetting Behavior and the Benefits of Food Safety Policies in Vegetable Preparation and Consumption

Ndembe, Elvis Mokake January 2007 (has links)
Foodbome disease outbreaks have a tremendous impact on society, including foodbome illnesses, hospitalizations, lost work time, and deaths. These food-safety events have a significant influence in shaping consumers' perception of risk. Outbreaks of foodbome illnesses also have an effect on the development of public health policy. Due to these safety-related uncertainties in the food supply chain, various regulatory, safety, and health policies are implemented to decrease harm to potential victims. The total effect of such food-safety policies looked at in terms of reduction of foodbome illness, mortality, and food-related diseases may possibly be smaller than the forecasted effect because of failure to consider offsetting behavior. Attenuation and possibly reversal of the direct policy effect on expected injuries may arise because of offsetting behavior. This study combines both theoretical and empirical models to test the presence of dominant or partial offsetting behavior (OB) in the preparation and consumption of vegetables if a food-safety policy such as the Pathogen Reduction/Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (PR/HACCP) is mandated in the vegetable sector. Our findings indicate that food-safety information that has an effect on outrage and locus of control, both factors which have an effect on consumers' perception of risk, will lead consumers to become lax in response to this food-safety policy.

Impacto del manejo de comunicación organizacional por supermercados en la percepción del consumidor durante el COVID-19

Viera Carrión, Favio Adolfo 04 December 2020 (has links)
Debido a la expansión del virus COVID-19 en el Perú, los supermercados sufrieron un gran impacto económico en sus operaciones, viéndose obligados a adaptarse a las nuevas medidas de salud y protección establecidas por la OMS y el Estado Peruano para continuar con sus operaciones. Supermercados como Wong, Metro, Tottus, entre otros más, tuvieron que implementar nuevas estrategias de comunicación organizacional con el fin de que sus propios colaboradores adopten los nuevos protocolos de seguridad y así evitar que sean contagiados o que expandan el virus. Es por esta razón que uno de los objetivos que busca resolver la comunicación organizacional es el de mitigar las percepciones y emociones negativas que la coyuntura pudo haber causado en el cliente y mejorar su experiencia de compra. El presente artículo tiene como propósito principal analizar la percepción final que tienen los clientes sobre el manejo de comunicación organizacional y las medidas de seguridad que fueron implementadas por diversos supermercados durante el periodo de aislamiento social y estado de emergencia en Perú. Para cumplir este objetivo, se usará la recolección de data por medio de 15 entrevistas para determinar si las percepciones y experiencias de compra de los consumidores sobre las acciones de los supermercados son positivas o negativas. / Due to the expansion of the COVID-19 in Peru, supermarkets suffered a great economic impact on their operations, being forced to adapt to the new health and protection measures established by the WHO and the Peruvian State to continue with their operations. Supermarkets such as Wong, Metro, Tottus and others, had to implement new organizational communication strategies in order for their own employees to adopt the new security protocols and thus prevent them from being infected or spreading the virus. Another objective that organizational communication seeks to resolve in these times is to mitigate negative perceptions and emotions that the situation may have caused in the customer and replace them with good shopping experiences. The main purpose of this article is to analyze the final perception that customers have about the management of organizational communication and the security measures that were implemented by various supermarkets during the period of social isolation and state of emergency in Peru. To meet this objective, data collection will be used through 15 interviews to determine whether consumers' perceptions and shopping experiences on the actions of supermarkets are positive or negative. / Trabajo de investigación

La influencia de la percepción del riesgo en la intención de compra de un seguro patrimonial para personas de 30 a 60 años de Lima Metropolitana / The influence of risk perception on the intention to purchase property insurance for people between 30 and 60 years old in Lima Metropolitana

Cano Melendez, Maria Lourdes, Terrones Rodríguez, Rosa Vanessa Alondra 23 August 2020 (has links)
Los seguros patrimoniales forman parte del portafolio de productos de las empresas aseguradoras, estos se ofrecen para el mercado empresas y personas. La intención de compra de este servicio ha desencadenado una serie de cuestiones sobre los factores involucrados en dicha acción. Es por ello, que se ha realizado una investigación académica donde se analizan los factores influyentes en la intención de compra de un seguro patrimonial, donde de la importancia se centra en la definición e interpretación de la percepción del riesgo. Esta percepción es un factor muy importante de analizar, puesto que la incorporación de dichos factores definen a nuestro consumidor y su tendencia de compra. Se reconoce que la percepción del riesgo es parte fundamental de la intención de compra y es de ahí donde desencadenan otros factores como son los sociodemográficos, de comportamiento, entre otros. / Property insurance is part of the product portfolio of insurance companies, these are offered to the market for companies and individuals. The intention to purchase this service has triggered a series of questions about the factors involved in such action. That is why an academic investigation has been carried out where the influencing factors in the intention to purchase property insurance are analyzed, where the importance is focused on the definition and interpretation of the perception of risk. This perception is a very important factor to analyze, since the incorporation of these factors defines our consumer and their purchasing trend. It is recognized that the perception of risk is a fundamental part of the purchase intention and that is where other factors such as sociodemographic, behavioral, among others, trigger. / Trabajo de investigación

Våld i Sverige : Skadefrekvens & riskuppfattning i relation till bakgrundsfaktorer / Violence in Sweden : Injury frequency & risk perception in relation to background factors

Granängen, Christian January 2020 (has links)
Inledning: Varje dag drabbas i genomsnitt 250 personer av fysiskt- och sexuellt våld i Sverige, vilket leder till cirka 90 dödsfall och cirka 2000 allvarligt skadade per år. Våld är något som traditionellt studeras utifrån det kriminologiska forskningsområdet, men som i denna undersökning angrips tvärvetenskapligt med stöd i både den kriminologiska, men framförallt i de epidemiologiska- och riskperceptionella perspektiven. För att konstruera effektiva preventionsunderlag för skador (våld), krävs gedigen kunskap om den målgrupp som insatsen fokuserar. Genom att undersöka en målgrupp som oftast inte är föremål för kriminologisk forskning - studenter i åldern 20-34 år - kan detaljerad och fördjupad kunskap i någon form skapas, vilket utreder eventuella preventionsbehov samt bidrar till ett framtida preventionsunderlag.      Metod: Denna studie har en kvantitativ studiedesign där datainsamlingen utförts med hjälp av ett digitalt enkätformulär. Valet av ett kvantitativt angreppssätt baseras på studiens syfte, vilket är av tvärsnittsdesign och kräver kvantifierbara data. Datainsamlingen utfördes via studentgrupper på Facebook, där sammanlagt fem högskolor och universitet geografiskt fördelat över Sverige ingick. Enkätformuläret bestod av tre avsnitt med totalt 30 frågor. Frågorna gjordes om till variabler och strukturerades i programmet SPSS till ett dataset med diverse omkodningar. Analysen av datamaterialet utfördes dels rent deskriptivt, men även utifrån bivariata korstabellsanalyser med Pearson´s Chi2-test som metod för sambandstestning. De etiska aspekterna i studien har dels följt Karlstads Universitets riktlinjer gällande GDPR, men även Vetenskapsrådets fyra etiska krav. Resultat: Resultatet från de 486 respondenterna tyder på en relativt hög utsatthet för våld i den undersökta populationen studenter i åldern 20-34 år. Män utsätts i större utsträckning av fysiskt våld, medan kvinnor utsätts för sexuellt våld. Det fysiska våld som drabbar kvinnor inträffar oftast inomhus och utövas av en partner/ex-partner, medan männen utsätts utomhus av en okänd utövare. När det gäller riskuppfattning finns en utbredd oro för att drabbas av våld, vilket i många fall hänger samman med tryggheten i bostadsområdet. Otryggheten leder även till förändringar av rutiner och aktiviteter. Kopplat till bakgrundsfaktorer har förtroendet för rättssystemet, narkotika, tobak, egen våldsutövning samt kön och ålder visat sig vara faktorer som spelar in i utsattheten för våld samt i den angivna riskuppfattning rörande att utsättas för våld.   Diskussion: Utsattheten för våld i den undersökta populationen är hög, vilket i kombination med en påtaglig riskuppfattning och oro för att utsättas visar på behovet av ett välunderbyggt preventionsunderlag. Resultatet för den undersökta gruppen stämmer även till vis del väl överens med det som tidigare statistik och forskning har visat. Bakgrundsfaktorer så som narkotikaanvändning, våldsutövning och lågt förtroende är faktorer som ökar utsattheten och leder till större oro att utsättas igen. Analysen tyder på att de som utsätts för fysiskt våld, även tenderar att vara mer utsatta för även sexuellt våld. Det verkar även som om de som utövar våld, i större omfattning själva är utsatta för våld. Det finns också ett samband mellan större oro och utsatthet, samt mellan reell erfarenhet av sexuellt våld och den egna riskuppfattning rörande samma våldstyp. Detta samband finns dock inte för fysiskt våld, vilket eventuellt kan handla om en sorts avtrubbning. Det kan även bero på felkunskap via massmedias något skeva rapportering. / Introduction: Every day an average of 250 people are affected by physical- and sexual violence in Sweden, which leads to about 90 deaths and about 2000 seriously injured per year. Violence is something that is traditionally studied based on the criminological research area, but which in this study is interdisciplinary with support in both the criminological, but especially in the epidemiological and risk perceptual perspectives. To construct effective prevention bases for injuries (violence), solid knowledge of the target group that the intervention focuses on is required. By examining a target group that is not usually the subject of criminological research - students aged 20-34 - can be detailed and in-depth knowledge in some form be created, which investigates possible prevention needs and contributes to a future prevention basis.   Methods: This study has a quantitative study design in which data collection was carried out using a digital questionnaire. The choice of a quantitative approach is based on the purpose of the study, which is of cross-sectional design and requires quantifiable data. The data collection was conducted through student groups on Facebook, which included a total of five universities geographically distributed. The questionnaire consisted of three sections with a total of 30 questions. The questions were converted into variables and structured in the SPSS program into a dataset with various recodes. The analysis of the data material was performed partly purely descriptively but also based on bivariate cross-table analyzes using Pearson's Chi2-test as a method for correlation testing. The ethical aspects of the study have partly followed Karlstad University's guidelines on GDPR, but also the basis of the Swedish Research Council's four ethical requirements.   Results: The results from the 486 respondents indicate a relatively high risk of violence in the studied population of students aged 20-34 years. Men are more frequently subjected to physical violence, while women are subjected to sexual violence. The physical violence that affects women usually occurs indoors and is practised by a partner/ex-partner, while the men are exposed outdoors by an unknown practitioner. When it comes to risk perception, there is widespread concern about being affected by violence, which in many cases is related to the security of the housing area. The insecurity also leads to changes in routines and activities. In connection with background factors, confidence in the justice system, drugs, tobacco, own violence and gender and age are factors that play a role in the exposure to violence and in the stated risk perception of being subjected to violence.   Discussion: The exposure to violence in the population studied is high, which in combination with significant risk perception and concern about being exposed indicates the need for a well-founded prevention basis. The results for the investigated group are also, to a certain extent, well in line with previous statistics and research. Background factors such as drug use, violence, and trust are factors that increase vulnerability and lead to greater concern about being exposed again. The analysis suggests that those who are subjected to physical violence also tend to be more vulnerable to sexual violence as well. It also seems that those who practice violence are themselves subject to violence to a greater extent. There is also a connection between greater anxiety and vulnerability, as well as between real experience of sexual violence and one's risk perception regarding the same type of violence. This connection, however, does not exist for physical violence, which may involve a kind of psychic numbing. This may also be due to the lack of knowledge, via the somewhat skewed reporting of the media.


Priyanka Tiwari (9187496) 30 July 2020 (has links)
<p>Security breaches nowadays are not limited to technological orientation. Research in the information security domain is gradually shifting towards human behavioral orientation toward breaches that target weaknesses arising from human behaviors (Workman et al., 2007). Currently, social engineering breaches are more effective than many technical attacks. In fact, the majority of cyber assaults have a social engineering component. Social Engineering is the art of manipulating human flaws towards a malicious objective (Breda et al., 2017). In the likely future, social engineering will be the most predominant attack vector within cyber security (Breda et al., 2017). Human failures, persuasion and social influences are key elements to understand when considering security behaviors. With the increasing concerns for social engineering and advancements in human factors-based technology, phishing emails are becoming more prevalent in exploiting human factors and external factors. Such factors have been researched upon in pairs, not overall. Till date, there is not much research done to identify the collaborative links between authority, urgency, risk perception and human factors such as personality traits, and knowledge. This study investigates about phishing email characters, external influences, human factors influences, and their collaborative effects. </p>

Gender, Risk, and Adoption of Industrial Hemp by Midwestern Growers

Elanur Azize Ural (11178396) 26 July 2021 (has links)
Risk, and how one proceeds with uncertainty, are key indicators of behavior. In particular, in observing farmers, risk perception is found to influence the decision to innovate and adopt new crops (Ghadim et al., 2005). Farmers who are more risk-averse tend to be later adopters of new crops, while risk-loving farmers tend to be first adopters (Barham et al., 2014). As such, the recent legal shifts in hemp production laws have prompted many growers eager to test out the crop to do so. A vast majority of current licensees planted less than 50 acres to start, despite being mostly corn and soy producers—implying large acreage access. The American ‘hemp rush’ provides us with a real-time display of adoption behavior and its gendered implications.

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